Page 1: How to Get a Bigger Penis – 10 Penis Enlargement Techniques

How To Get a Bigger Penis – 10 Penis Enlargement Techniques | Rodny C. Morgan

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How to Get a Bigger Penis – 10 Penis

Enlargement Techniques Many hypothetical techniques of enlarging the size of the penis are not only risky but have significant downsides. These are penis enlargement surgery, male enhancement pills, and jelqing. Both pornography and popular culture have led many men to have unrealistic expectations of desiring a larger penis.

Many men are living in fear that their penises suffer from Wizard of Oz syndrome—when it's time to remove the veil, they'll be exposed as one to be not impressive. Many men are concerned about their "small" penis size. But, they are actually within the normal range—the average penis when erect is

Source: 5.17 inches. But if you think that your penis isn't big enough, check out these ten penis enlargement techniques: 1. Penis enlargement surgery to lengthen its shafts The suspensory ligament, which attaches the penis to the pubic bone, is severed, thereby, increases the perceived penis length. It needs to be made known that the suspensory ligament suspends the penis akin to the suspension on a bridge. If the suspensory posts on a bridge are severed, the bridge will naturally lag lower due to gravity. The downside is the erection won't be pointing north anymore. 2. Penis enlargement surgery to increase its girth It is done by injecting the patient's fat into his penis or a substance called Alloderm. It's a tissue harvested from cadavers wrapped under the penis skin, something akin to seaweed in a sushi roll, causing the girth to increase. However, this is considered as "off-label use." Alloderm is only approved for reconstructive surgery and burns therapy, Certainly, not for penis enlargement. There are case reports in the National Library of Medicine of complications like infection and skin necrosis (Bruno, 2007).

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How To Get a Bigger Penis – 10 Penis Enlargement Techniques | Rodny C. Morgan

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3. Penis injection The girth of the penis can be increased by injecting temporary cosmetic fillers into it. It's similar to the fillers to plump up the lips, eyebrows, and smile lines. For instance, Restylane and Juvederm are tried-and-tested substances used as fillers, chins, cheeks, and different body areas. They usually last about six months before getting absorbed into the body. But they're not tried-and-tested on the penis. As such, there isn't any data to show that it works long-term. There is a potentially significant downside to injecting fillers into a penis. The penis is predominantly a vascular organ with plenty of smooth muscle and areas that hold blood. If one area is filled, it may look blotchy in another area. So, it'll give rise to some lumpy, bumpy effect that is indeed not what people would want. 4. Penis implant Permanent implants inserted under the penis skin have been available for decades to treat men with intractable erectile dysfunction or ED in short. However, in 2004, the FDA had approved a silicone sleeve named Penuma for cosmetic enhancement. The Journal of Sexual Medicine had conducted a study on 400 men who had received Penuma implants. They experienced a 56.7% increase in girth, on average. Two years down the road, 81% of them reported "high" or "very high" satisfaction (Elist, 2018). But it's unlikely that you could find some urologists who would recommend penis enlargement using an implant. According to Dr Landon Trost, Urologist at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, a penile implant is necessary for any man with ED that hardly responds to more conventional therapies. Moreover, the issue with penis implants or fillers is that they come with side effects. As such, Penuma and fillers are generally not recommended by a majority of sexual therapy specialists. 5. Penis extender A penis extender is a traction device that straps to his flaccid penis and leaves it for an extended duration, usually a couple of hours a day. It'll cause the penis to lengthen over a couple of months. Trost said that you could stretch any part of your body, including the penis. And people have been doing this for centuries. Trost had developed a traction device aptly named RestoreX to help men afflicted with Peyronie's Disease, a condition whereby the penis is unnaturally curved.

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How To Get a Bigger Penis – 10 Penis Enlargement Techniques | Rodny C. Morgan

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In three arbitrary controlled experiments, almost all men who used RestoreX experienced penis lengthening to some extend says, Trost. However, with regards to penis enlargement of its girth, that is less well established," he added. Based on his conjecture, no therapy can consistently show an ability to increase penis girth other than the penis injections (fillers) or surgery." 6. Jelqing

What is Jelqing? You may ask. There is a lot of information on the Internet on jelqing. It's a stretching exercise of the flaccid penis, where it's pulled and massaged using your fingers or some device. But the results aren't long-lasting, and jelqing is not without a certain risk of injury. "I've had lots of patients coming to see me, post-jelqing, who had sustained neurological tears, resulting in a numb penis, or overstretching and tearing of the arteries and veins, so they have irreversible ED," says Cohen. "If you tear the microneurological or microvasculature input to the penis, no surgeon can fix that." 7. Penis pump A penis pump is a vacuuming device that coaxes blood flow into the penis, causing an erection, but it won't make your penis any bigger permanently. In a study published in the BJU International Journal, 37 men used penis pumps for 20 minutes, three times a week, for six months. Researchers found that the average penis length of the participants increased by only 30 mm (which was not significant statistically), the treatment was just 10% effective, and a mere 30% of the patients were satisfied (Aghamir, 2006). Trost doesn't recommend the pump for ED treatment because they may cause the disorder they're being used to fix. "There is a question as to whether the use of a penis pump in younger men, who are trying to increase their penis girth, may result in a certain extend of ED," says Trost. "In general, men who tried penis pumps for ED treatment use them a couple of times and then discontinued using them altogether." 8. Male enhancement pills No matter how enticing the jingling song of those male enhancement pills behind the grocery store counter or Facebook ads, they won't make your penis bigger, science says. "There are no supplements in the market that are going to increase the size of your penis," says Cohen. So, don't waste your hard-earned money on those so-called magic pills.

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How To Get a Bigger Penis – 10 Penis Enlargement Techniques | Rodny C. Morgan

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9. Lose weight A simple way to make your penis look bigger is to lose weight. In obese men, fat accumulated around the pubic area will surmount over the penis and make it look smaller. In extreme cases, it's called the "buried penis syndrome." If you're in this situation, please see your family doctor and discuss how losing weight, improving diet, and exercising can boost your sexual health. The good news is, all three can contribute to an improvement in erection quality and reduces the risk of ED. 10. Manscaping to get a bigger penis An even simpler way to make the penis look bigger is to trim the pubic hair. Trimming the pubic hair slightly closer to the base of the penis can make it look longer. But, you've to be careful in this area. There are body grooming trimmers on the market that come with guards and attachments. These can help you achieve desirable results and avoid any accidental nicks and cuts in those sensitive areas. Do you have a penile dysmorphic disorder?

The penis enlargement industry has sprung up and will continue to grow by leaps and bounces. It's primarily due to pornography and popular culture, which cause many men to have unrealistic expectations of desiring a bigger penis. Psychologists called this small penis anxiety or penile dysmorphic disorder (PDD) — the irrational, ingrained belief that my penis size isn't satisfactory (Veale, 2015). "This often gets stuck in our brain due to watching too much porn, that featured porn stars with large penises. But they are often augmented or injected with certain substances to give them an artificial erection," says Cohen. "So don't believe any of those you watch online." There you've it, the ten penis enlargement techniques to get a bigger penis. But before attempting any, please consult a qualified sexual health professional. Nevertheless, there is an easier way to increase penis size naturally without surgery, pills, suction pumps or devices, or crazy contraptions. Over 15,600 men have used a 2-step system to get HUGE growth - leading better sex life, more confidence & be the envy of other men & women! To learn more, check out the link here:
