Page 1: How Russ Ruffino Got to 2.4 Million in One Month: Step 5

Russ Ruffino $2.4 Million in One Month

5 Steps to Becoming your Own Traffic Expert Step 5

Page 2: How Russ Ruffino Got to 2.4 Million in One Month: Step 5

Step 5 Show them How to Find You

Page 3: How Russ Ruffino Got to 2.4 Million in One Month: Step 5

At the end of the webinar, invite your clients to a one-on-one phone call.

Page 4: How Russ Ruffino Got to 2.4 Million in One Month: Step 5

Only commit to working with the people who you feel that your service can deliver a huge value.

Page 5: How Russ Ruffino Got to 2.4 Million in One Month: Step 5

Entrepreneurship doesn’t have to be marked by stress, worry, and overwork.

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Let’s review the steps: 1. understand the problem 2. 2. Target the people who need the problem solved 3. 3. Build 100% of your communication around the problem 4. 4. Offer one free piece of content 5. 5. Make yourself approachable and available

Page 7: How Russ Ruffino Got to 2.4 Million in One Month: Step 5

These steps are fundamental to taking charge of your traffic and taking full control of your business.

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