Page 1: How Native and Programmatic Advertising Can Come Together

How Native and Programmatic Advertising Can Come Together


It’s strange when you first think about it: The two hottest trends in online advertising in recent years

–- programmatic and native — seem almost like opposites. Programmatic advertising is about

automation and scale, using technology to make advertising as efficient as possible. Native

advertising, meanwhile, is about the human touch, about crafting content that blends so seamlessly

into a publisher’s site that it hardly feels like advertising at all.


Still, if it’s surprising that two very different approaches to online advertising have taken off at the

same time, what might be even more surprising is that native and programmatic now seem to be on

something of a collision course. A small but growing number of startups are now trying to bring the

efficiency and scale of programmatic to the world of native advertising.


The question of the moment is whether native and programmatic can truly come together as one. On

one side of the debate are the enthusiastic ad tech founders, who are touting their ability to combine

programmatic and native. On the other side are the purists who see native as diametrically opposed

to programmatic. As Andrew Gorenstein, chief revenue officer at Gawker Media, explained to Mullen, “A piece of content that is native to Gawker, by definition, cannot be native to another site,

even if it has a similar audience or editorial content.”


Page 2: How Native and Programmatic Advertising Can Come Together

It’s hard to argue with Gorenstein’s point if you abide by his strict definition of native advertising. But

many people in the industry have a much broader definition of native advertising. In this broader

view, native advertising can also come in the form of ad units that mimic the headlines, subheads,

and photo icons of a publisher’s site. This approach to native essentially takes the traditional display

ad and makes it look more like an engaging piece of content.


As you can see, as long as we accept this somewhat more nuanced definition of native, there’s no

reason why the power of programmatic can’t be combined with it. Because so many publishers use

similar templates and similar headline/photo formats, it’s now possible to create units that scale

while still maintaining the look and feel of publisher sites. At the very least, these “native” units are

much more integrated into a site than the traditional banner ad.


It’s this more nuanced definition of native that startups like AdsNative and TripleLift are referring to

when they promise to combine programmatic and native. It’s also this broader definition that makes

it possible to think of Facebook ads and sponsored Tweets as native advertising. As long as there

are clearly defined criteria for the ad units — headline length, image size, etc. — there’s no reason

why you can’t buy and sell them in a marketplace. And if you’re going to create such an exchange, it

only makes sense to make it a fully programmatic exchange that targets readers in real time based

on their online behavior.


So, strange though it might sound, native and programmatic advertising really are coming together

to form a new kind of advertising: programmatic native. And while it might not meet the strictest

definition of native advertising, that’s ultimately a semantic issue. These engaging new ad units can

take programmatic in a new direction. That’s an exciting development for online advertising no

matter what you call it.
