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How Do You Open Your Third Eye & Activate Your Pineal Gland?

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Have you ever fumbled with your radio button for a long period of time?

Sometimes it can be impossible to find a good station or even a good song. This same concept can be applied to life. We are constantly fumbling with our own

radio buttons.

Only in real life, our radio buttons are our pineal glands. This is the teeny tiny little

pine shape thingy in the center of the brain that sends and receives signals, much like a

radio station. Once we’re able to activate the pineal gland, we are then able to open

our third eye.

This enables us to send and receive messages from all over the world. Sadly, most people don’t understand that they

have this power. People watch television, listen to the radio, and search the Internet,

without even understanding how these things work.

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Contrary to popular belief, these signals work much like radio waves. They have different channels, frequencies, and levels of communication.

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It is important to understand that the Sanskrit deities, the Roman Gods and the Orishas are all archetypes or personifications of different elements of nature. The chakras system is said to have derived from ancient

Vedic text that identified seven rishis, or sages of insights that instructed people on how to climb up the

spiritual ladder.

Today, that spiritual ladder is known as the chakra system. It is a system that resides within the human body and operates as spinning wheels

of light. Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency and operates on different continuums

or mediums.

I wrote in earlier articles that energy, which is often referred to as ashé in Yoruba traditions, chi in Chinese medicine, and prana in Sanskrit falls into two categories. Energy can be both subtle and physical. Physical energy of course is solid matter, while subtle energy is invisible matter.

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The chakras fall into the subtle energy category. However, if these chakras are activated, they can

turn subtle energy into physical energy. Activating energies in the first chakra will allow

you to feel more secure and grounded. Activating energies in the second chakra will enable you to

have a stronger grasp on your emotions.

Third chakra activation will give you power and motivation. Fourth chakra activation will connect you with the highest form of power known to man,

love. The fifth chakra actually begins to organize these signals to create actionable plans. The sixth

chakra enables you to see the end before the beginning. It opens your eyes and allows you to have access to parallel realities and anti-worlds.

All of the chakras exist on different levels of consciousness or planes of existence. Just think about a ladder that has seven rungs.

Each rung can take you a step further and a step higher. When you reach the top, you can see all the other rungs that you climbed to get

there. They work, much like a hierarchy, where a person becomes more powerful with

every step

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The higher you climb up the ladder, the more you can see.

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We can take this concept a step further. The chakra system doesn’t only exist as a powerful hierarchy. But the system also rules over different domains of energy. A great way to think about this is to watch


CNN is all about the news so you receive messages about news. MTV is all about

music, or now reality television shows, so you receive messages about music and reality television shows. However, you

can also tap into the power of the chakras by tuning into their channels

The swadhisthana chakra has its own channel, it sends out messages of fertility,

love and creation. The manipura chakra has its own channel, it sends out messages of

strength and power. All seven chakras have their own channels, sending out different

messages for different purposes.

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Some of the chakra’s channels might come in blurry, with lots of fog or static. These are

the channels that you need to work on. Others might come in crisp in clear. Of

course, there may be some people who may decide to turn their signals completely off.

These are the people who decide to not activate their pineal gland or to open their

third eye. While other people may decide to tap into this power and began to broadcast

their own information amongst multiple networks.

So they are not just sending information but receiving it too. It is great to remember that

all modern day technologies are modeled after the laws of nature. So once we’re able

to master the forces of nature. We can master ourselves.

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