
Our opening sequence uses different representation of male and female characters We used two male characters, one was a young male protagonist named Michael and an older antagonist named Sebastian. Straight away this conforms to dominant ideology as the younger male is represented as more of a casual type of person whereas Sebastian, sounding more sophisticated and is clearly represented as more forceful as they are a murderer. This challenges the dominant ideology as the typical conventions of age show younger male as more delinquents and antagonists, which we contrasted by using a young male as a protagonist. As shown in this image males are shown to be powerful as a low angle is looking up at the antagonist from the movie 'Gangs of New York', the conventions that males are shown to be more of the dominant gender and are shown as more important than female characters wether the male is the protagonist or the antagonist. As the antagonist is older the dominant ideology and hegemony of capitalism as older individuals would be better paid and have more wealth and would generally be seen as more useful to society in comparison to younger males. As shown in the image, the camera uses a high angle looking down on the antagonist which again goes challenges convention as referenced by the low angle from the film 'Gangs of New York', the antagonist is shown to be more powerful and more of a challenge for the protagonist to overcome. We used one female victim named Judy. This supports dominant ideology and patriarchy as women are typically shown to be the weaker gender and as such are common victims for crimes such as murder. This is shown by theorist Molly Haskell, author of the book from reverence to rape that presents the idea of how movies also represent females as inferior and generally weak. They are also shown as less important as even our media product begins with the only female character being murdered and their roles being more passive characters than main characters as the protagonist and antagonist are both male. Also the camera appears to look down on the female character reinforcing the dominant ideology