Page 1: How CA Technologies enabled employee advocates to attract talent



CA Technologies

CA Technologies expanded their employer brand reach and impact through employee advocated content marketing on social media.


CA Technologies expanded the reach of our culture and careers content through an employee advocacy program. We understand that 92 percent of consumers say they trust recommendations from a person more than the same content delivered by a brand. CA’s employees and recruiters are therefore our most influential advocates to potential job candidates, and are likely already connected to them through various social media networks, such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. We learned that: Employee Advocacy success in talent acquisition efforts may be

even more evident than those in consumer goods Employee Advocacy creates multi-cultural access to your brand Employee Advocacy is low-cost, high-impact employer branding


Implemented an

Employee Advocacy Platform

for Talent Acquisition

You have something

your competitors don’t –

Your employees.

Page 2: How CA Technologies enabled employee advocates to attract talent



CA Technologies


After the employer brand at CA Technologies was fully implemented through our careers and culture-focused social

media channels, we experienced slow growth in our audiences. We were essentially publishing world-class content to

a relatively small population – a tiny fraction of the annual new visitors to our careers site. To more effectively reach

our goals to be a top-of-mind employer in the technology industry, we resolved to quickly accelerate our social media

content reach and engagement through an employee advocacy program.


Implementation of the talent acquisition employee advocacy strategy, along with the accompanying technology

solution from QUEsocial, began with a pilot test to assess best practices at a low cost. We implemented in October

2015, following four steps:

STEP 1: Evaluate the Need

We chose QUEsocial as our solution provider due to their expertise in employer brand marketing and their standard

functionality meeting our requirements:

We started with 80 seats on the platform, which is a little less than one percent of our global headcount, but allowed

a wide range in advocates. Seats were divided amongst a mix of recruiters, HR leaders, executives, marketers and

externally influential tech leaders at CA.

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CA Technologies

STEP 2: Optimize Adoption and Engagement

After the list was finalized and approved by key stakeholders and an email distribution list was set up, a “coming

soon” announcement, crafted with a compelling impact message, was sent to all identified participants. Securing

executive advocacy of the program between the first announcements and launch was key to building interest and

buy-in among participants as we prepared and executed key implementation processes.

STEP 3: Create Operational Standards and Content Strategy

Our content strategy consisted of posting one piece of content per region, per workday. A section for QUEsocial was

added to our content calendar to ensure platform-optimized scheduling and copy. Timing for push notifications was

considered to maximize prime time awareness for each region: Americas 12pm EST/9am PT, EMEA 10am GMT/UTC

(5am EST), India 10:30am/Australia 4pm (12am EST).

The content mix considered business objectives for

CA’s employer brand, using a 5“Gives”: 1“Ask” ratio.

- 40% Interview/Resume/Career tips - 20% Diversity in tech - 25% Tech industry news/ highlights - 15% Job posting or CA news

STEP 4: Implement and Train

With our content loaded and strategy in place, we scheduled and prepared for the program launch, which included

three online training sessions (one for each region), which were recorded and loaded into the QUEsocial application

for future reference.


Throughout the pilot test, we sent periodic emails to the user base, giving them an update on the user scoreboard

results and hiring wins and asking them for feedback on the program. Between this feedback and a post-pilot survey,

we were able to identify some opportunities to improve and implemented solutions quickly. The most impactful of

these improvements was the effort to diversify content source by region, rather than using the same global content

for each region. Overall, users loved the advocacy program and gave high ratings of satisfaction for all categories.

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CA Technologies


Five months after the launch of QUEsocial, we collected all program data launch-to-date, and the quantitative

results were as impressive as the qualitative feedback from users.

The audience added from 80 seats on QUEsocial gave us an increase of over 1,000 percent to the growth over the

same time period on our owned CA Careers social media channels. This boost in audience for our content resulted in

a 33 percent increase in its total reach. In theory, we can extrapolate this growth each time we add seats to the


With this augmented reach, our employer brand content was undoubtedly more trusted when shared by our

employees, as we saw in comparative engagement data. Articles shared through QUEsocial had 68 percent more

clicks on average than those shared by our careers accounts on social media. As our accounts share an average of 10

pieces of content per day, compared to one per day on QUEsocial, they did receive more total clicks. However,

QUEsocial came close to two-thirds that number, giving our content a 70 percent boost in total clicks.

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CA Technologies

To tie these incredible results into a return-on-investment, we compared paid media market rates to the value of

added content marketing through employees’ networks, via the program. We learned that it nearly matched the

market value for CPC (cost-per-click) and CPM (cost-per-impression). When comparing the market value to

QUEsocial costs, we saw a 344 percent ROI in CPC and a 2329 percent ROI in CPM. We estimate that we have saved

in the region of $300,000 over five months, when compared to traditional advertising costs.


Employee Advocacy for an employer brand builds trust among current and potential candidates

A program can be implemented without cost, but an employee advocacy technology application

is a cost-effective solution for user adoption of and engagement in the program

ROI can be measured when comparing costs as well as qualitative results, such as self-reported

hiring wins

Prioritize a winning content and audience segmentation strategy

Ask for feedback, then improve and optimize before expanding the program to the enterprise
