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LOCATION Hong Kong is a city on the southern coast of China at the Pearl

River Estuary and the South China Sea.

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It is well known for its expansive skyline, deep natural harbour and extreme population density (some 70,00,000 inhabitants over a land mass of 1,104 km2).

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After the British defeated China in the First Opium War (1839–42) over their conflicts on diplomatic relations, trade, and the administration of justice for foreign nationals., Hong Kong became a British colony with the perpetual cession of Hong Kong Island.

The formation of Kowloon Peninsula in 1860 and a 99-year lease of the New Territories in 1898 followed.

Japan occupied Hong Kong during the Second World War (1941–45) The British resumed control until 30 June 1997. Hong Kong was transferred to the  People's Republic of China  under the

1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration. The city became China's first  Special Administrative Region on 1 July

1997 under the principle of "one country, two systems“.

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These figures suggest that Hong Kong has been catching up fast.

Starting from 1979, two important events that have had vital impacts on the growth of the economy, both of them are related to China: 1. The opening up of the

Chinese economy to foreign trade and investment 1979, and

2. The reversion of Hong Kong to China on July 1, 1997.

-Source: HK Census and Statistics Department

Growth Rate of Hong Kong during the years 1960-2000

For more than three decades, Hong Kong has been experiencing some of the highest growth rates in the world. In 1961, its per capita income was US$410, about 13.8 percent of that of the United States in the same year. In 1996, its per capita income rose to US$24,490, which was 85.1 percent of that of the United States.

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NOW Towards the late 1970s, Hong Kong became established as a

major entrepôt between the world and China. The city has developed into a major global trade hub and has

become the third most important  financial centre. It is regarded as a world city and one of the eight Alpha+ cities.   It is ranked highly in the Global Competitiveness Report.  The Hong Kong dollar, is the 13th most traded currency in the


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PRESENT IDENTITY Hong Kong is identified by its world famous Disneyland Resort where

carnivals take place every year in which participants in the costumes of all Disney characters present a show.

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Victoria Peak is a mountain in the western half of Hong Kong Island. It is also known as Mount Austin, and locally as The Peak. With an altitude of 552 m, it is the highest mountain on the island.

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Hong Kong is also known as a shopper's paradise, with its many malls, stores and street markets offering bargains on everything from designer jeans to jade necklaces.

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Hong Kong is justifiably famous for its restaurants and its cuisine, but it's the variety of food that is mind-boggling from snake soup to whole roast suckling pig.

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We shall adopt the CE's vision to guide the preparation of HK 2030, as follows : "Hong Kong should not only be a major Chinese city but the most cosmopolitan city in Asia, enjoying a status comparable to that of New York in North America and London in Europe."

This vision reflects the goals set for Hong Kong in CSD's consultancy study, which have been formulated with regard to our current achievements, our own strengths and potential as well as the major trends and driving forces that may affect Hong Kong in the next 30 years.

Through the public consultation process, we hope to share with the public their ideas and views on how to achieve this vision. The ideas and views raised by the public would also help define more specific planning objectives to guide the generation and evaluation of planning strategies.


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After studying the growth rate of Hong Kong, I feel Hong Kong will soon

be somewhere at the top on the list of most cosmopolitan cities in the

world. The city has shown commendable growth in the last five decades by

increasing the trade internationally as well as nationally.It is already an important trade hub and a financial centre

for the world andI feel it can reach to the level of the U.S.A in the years to

come in terms oftrade and national income.


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ception/ HK Census and Statistics Department