Page 1: Holy Trinity Parish Stewarding Our Gifts · Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Food Pantry The primary purpose is to operate the Catholic Food Pantry at the Corpus Christi Center, which

Stewarding Our Gifts

2017-2018 Stewardship Renewal

Holy Trinity Parish

Page 2: Holy Trinity Parish Stewarding Our Gifts · Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Food Pantry The primary purpose is to operate the Catholic Food Pantry at the Corpus Christi Center, which

Christian stewardship begins with the understanding that everything we have has been given to us by God- our time, our talent, our treasure.

This calls us to...

Priority Giving- Giving to God the first fruits, not what is left over

Thoughtful Giving- Not impulse or occasional giving, but making an annual commitment and following through on a regular basis.

Proportionate Giving- Giving a percentage of annual income.

Celebrating Holy Trinity Stewardship Renewal 2018

We ask that you prayerfully consider giving in one of the above ways. If you have questions on setting up ACH payments, givng of grain or stock, or giving online, please give Bob a call at the Parish Office, 515-955-6077. He would be more than happy to walk through each process with you. We have also en-

closed a brochure for more information.


Holy Trinity Parish

Gift of Grain Substantial Tax ad-vantages for those who “give grain”

Online giving Flexible and conve-nient. Multiple ways to give

Gift of Stock Tax advantages on appreciated stocks

ACH Simple and reliable revenue for parish budget

IRA Charitable rollover Option for those 70.5 and older

EnvelopesTraditional means of giving

Page 3: Holy Trinity Parish Stewarding Our Gifts · Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Food Pantry The primary purpose is to operate the Catholic Food Pantry at the Corpus Christi Center, which

St. Edmond Opportunities Classroom Helper There are many opportunities available as a classroom helper, including tutoring in specific subjects, helping students study, reading assignments to students who need assistance, copying materials for teachers, mentoring students and listening to prayers.

Please note that all volunteers at St. Edmond must be Virtus trained and have background checks completed prior to working with students.

Greeter This is part of our welcoming ministry. Greeters create a welcoming environment by greeting parishioners and visitors with words of welcome and a smile as they enter the church for Mass. This ministry is open to individuals, couples and families.

Lector Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass in an inspiring and meaningful way. Individuals must be outgoing, friendly, good readers and communicators, with a strong voice. Training is provided. Lectors are also needed for funerals.

Usher Ushers are part of the welcoming ministry of the parish; they help with collections, seating and handing out bulletins at the end of Mass. Ushers sometimes participate in the Offertory procession, bringing forward our community’s financial offerings to God. This ministry is open to all adults of the Parish.

Psalmist/Cantor By leading the congregation in song, cantors will assist the assembly to express and strengthen their faith by communicating through music. Each worship site has various opportunities. The Parish Office has the necessary information. Please note this ministry does require preparation and practice time. Contact the Director of Music at the Parish Office or email Jason at [email protected].

Support Volunteer help is always needed in many different areas including lunchroom, outside cleaning, monitoring athletic contests, field trip volunteers, videotaping events, playground monitors, serving on governing QWT committees and much more. Contact the administrative office at 576-5182 to volunteer or obtain further information.

More information can be given by calling the Parish Office at (515) 955-6077 or by contacting the appropriate individual listed within the description of the ministry.

Liturgy & Worship Ministries

Pianist Pianists assist the assembly in the “full and active participation” of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass through music in a “corporate” style. Please note this ministry does require piano proficiency, preparation and rehearsal time. Contact the Director of Music at the parish office or at [email protected].

Holy Trinity Adult Choir This is an adult mixed chorus that sings monthly September-Easter. Please note this ministry requires preparation and rehearsal time. Interested parties should contact Curtiss Klein (515) 571-8917 Unity Signers This is a men’s ensemble that sings at various times from September-May. Rehearsal times are the Monday before the 4th Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Interested parties should contact Hal Hinds at (515) 571-7524

Trinity Singers This is an adult group for singers and instrumentalists which includes guitar, bass guitar, etc. Primarily fulfilling ministerial roles at Corpus Christi. This group participates in the 4:15 Mass at various times throughout the school year. Interested parties should contact Leslie Nagel at (515) 573-3497.

*Please note that all liturgical music ministries requires ample preparation, time and commitment.

Page 4: Holy Trinity Parish Stewarding Our Gifts · Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Food Pantry The primary purpose is to operate the Catholic Food Pantry at the Corpus Christi Center, which


praise band The Praise Band is a multi-instrumental and vocal ensemble extension of the Holy Trinity Music Ministry. Our purpose is to lead the music during one 7:30pm Mass a month throughout the year. Our goal is to inspire those who hear our music to raise their voices in prayer and praise to God. This ensemble does require preparation and practice time as instrumental parts and vocals are done in song arrangements dating from the 1980’s to present contemporary. All ages and level of musicians, including high school students, are invited. Contact Connie Gruver at (515) 73-7126 or [email protected].

Holy Trinity Schola Cantorum The Schola is a four-eight part choir charged with fostering of liturgical music, as outlined in the Sacrosanctum Concilium. Music by the Great Church Choral Masters will also be used: Bach, Byrd, Palestrina, etc. This is an auditioned ensemble that meets on a regular basis from September-May. Contact the Director of Music at the Parish Office or at [email protected].

Children’s Liturgy of the Word at Sacred Heart- 10:30 Mass Provides a setting for the celebration of the Liturgy of the Word in a separate space that is geared specifically for children. Facilitators are needed to read the scriptures and lead discussion on the readings. Help materials are given for each weekend. This can be a really great way to sharpen your skills in praying and reading the scriptures. This is an important ministry that attempts to bring the Gospel message to children in a way that can have a real meaning in their lives. Virtus training and background check required. Contact Hiedi Touney at the Parish Office.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Takes place in the St. Theresa Chapel every first Friday, beginning at 9:00 a.m., and closing with Benediction at noon on Saturday. Please indicate interest only if you wish to be regularly scheduled or a substitute. All parishioners are, of course, welcome to attend Adoration on any first Friday. Contact Jan Yocum at (515) 955-8688.

Catholic Daughters of the Americas Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. The Catholic Daughters of the Americas was founded over 100 years ago, in 1903 by the Knights of Columbus in Utica, NY. Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court of Our Lady of Good Counsel #216 meets the 2nd Thursday of each month. Contact Marie Sheeder at (515) 576-7747 or [email protected].

Knights of Columbus Fort Dodge Council #613 of the International Knights of Columbus was organized on November 10, 1901. The Council has established educational scholarships for high school seniors, supports pro-life efforts, assists in the work of foreign missions, encourages youth ministry activities. Contact Josh Bader at [email protected]

Legion of Mary This group gives Catholics of all ages an opportunity to do something positive for their church and community, while at the same time deepening their spiritual life. Members meet together once a week for prayer and discussion, and spend a couple hours doing a definite work, which is always done in pairs and geared to the capabilities of the individual. Contact Jan Yocum at (515) 955-8688.

Social Justice & Outreach BeFriendersBeFrienders expand the pastoral care of our faith community by developing lay people to respond to the emotional and spiritual needs of individuals, bringing a caring presence and a living reminder of God’s love. This is a listening rather than counseling ministry. Training is required and provided. Contact Wynn Touney at (515) 576-2296.

Prayer Line Prayer Line is a group of committed Christians who volunteer to lift up the intentions and needs of others in prayer. A calling tree alerts the members when a special request is received for prayer. An e-mail option is also available. Contact Rhonda Guldenpfennig at the Parish Office.

Page 5: Holy Trinity Parish Stewarding Our Gifts · Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Food Pantry The primary purpose is to operate the Catholic Food Pantry at the Corpus Christi Center, which

F.O.O.D Project (Fields of Opportunities and Dreams) Many farmers of Holy Trinity and Webster County commit a number of acres or bushels of grain to be planted, cared for and harvested. The monetary gain of this hard work is then directed to the Food Resource Bank and, as a partner in this program, Catholic Relief Service can withdraw money to support programs in Africa and South America to help their farmers become self-sufficient while learning to improve methods for farming from an agronomist. All farmers are welcome to participate. Contact Wayne McMannus at (515) 570-5377.

Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Food Pantry The primary purpose is to operate the Catholic Food Pantry at the Corpus Christi Center, which is open Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. A commitment of at least once per month is required. We accept cash donations, and containers are located in the worship sites to donate non-perishable food. Contact Deacon Joe Coleman at (515) 570-0162 or Deacon Rick Salocker at (515) 571-6734.

Prison Ministry Prison ministry meets on Tuesday evenings at the Correctional Facility. The volunteers gather at 6:15 p.m. to sign in, followed by a rosary at 6:30 p.m. and Mass at 7:00 p.m. Following Mass, additional studies are offered depending on the season. RCIA preparation occurs during the winter months for those interested in joining the church. Other times, we will do a bible study or say the rosary. Our participation reaches out to the prisoners to bring Christ to them, and show them they too can be part of the Christian family. Training at the prison is required. Contact Deacon Ed Albright at (515) 408-7403 or [email protected].

Widows Walking With Jesus Meets one evening each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Corpus Christi Library. The group’s focus is threefold (1) sharing social events together each month; (2) social- dining out and attending social events together each month; (3) spiritual- praying together, reading about the lives of widow saints, etc. Contact Carol Barber at (515) 573-5797.

Pro-Life Ministry As declared by the USCCB, the Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. The value of human life is being threatened by contraception, abortion, cloning, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia, the death penalty and more. The Pro-Life Committee attempts to address these important areas and meets monthly as announced in the parish bulletin. All Holy Trinity parishioners are welcome and encouraged to join the committee for any meeting. Contact Wynn Touney at (515) 576-2296.

St. Joseph the Worker Club This group is a means for younger members of our parish to give back to the elderly members as a form of thanks for everything they have done for our generation, and to assist them by doing small things they cannot do for themselves. “Club members” will do handyman type jobs such as fix door handles, change light bulbs, move furniture, etc. It will only involve a few hours a month of the volunteer’s time and is open to any man or woman of any age willing to help. Contact Joyce Lennon at the Parish Office.

Parish Formation

Rock Climbers Catechist What greater gift can we give and receive than knowing we passed our faith to the generations behind us? You can teach a grade level that you prefer (Gr 1-5) or share the teaching responsibilities with another Catechist. Either way will give you tremendous satisfaction in helping our children. All lesson plans are written, activities organized and supplies provided. Contact Mary Salocker at the Parish Office or [email protected].

Rock Climbers Support Volunteer These volunteers support and help the Rock Climber program in various ways: registration, classroom assistance, Mass participation, service projects, technical help, child care room, and photographer for the website, to name a few. Opportunities abound and this help is necessary and greatly appreciated. Contact Mary Salocker at the Parish Office or [email protected].

Page 6: Holy Trinity Parish Stewarding Our Gifts · Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Food Pantry The primary purpose is to operate the Catholic Food Pantry at the Corpus Christi Center, which

R.C.I.A Team These volunteers assist in the process of helping non-Catholics take the journey to becoming Catholic, so they can embrace the Catholic faith wholeheartedly and live by it. The team helps the priests and parish staff with the planning, administration, and all phases of the process. Contact Hiedi Touney at the Parish Office.

Life Teen (High School Youth Ministry) Youth Ministry volunteers can help by being a member of the planning team to assist with planning and administering events and activities, or they can be directly involved with carrying out the group events and activities and working with high school youth on a group or individual basis. Contact Aaron Pohlen at the Parish Office.

Edge (Middle School Youth Ministry) Youth Ministry volunteers can help by being a member of the planning team to assist with planning and administering events and activities, or they can be directly involved with carrying out the events and activities and working with middle schoolers. Contact Aaron Pohlen at the Parish Office.

Parish Communications & Office Business Office Volunteer This is a group of volunteers who assist the parish staff at various times with large mailings, assembling the bulletin, special worship aides, phone contacts, etc. This ministry would be on-call for those parishioners who are willing to come to the office to help out as needed and as their schedule allows. Training is minimal and is done on an individual basis. Contact Joyce Lennon at the Parish Office.

Parish Life

Welcome Team This ministry is a team of individuals who desire to greet and welcome new parishioners, assist them in learning about parish activities and events, and ensure they are engaged in parish life. Results of our Long Range Parish Planning showed that welcoming new parish members is one of the main concerns among all parishioners. Contact Roxie Flattery at (515) 227-8850.

Blankets for Baptisms A group of parishioners who make blankets- quilted, crocheted or knitted, for the parish to give to all the newly baptized. Contact Rhonda Guldenpfennig at the Parish Office

Childcare for Events/Classes There is a constant need in the parish for someone to provide childcare during various activities and events, for children of those parishioners who are themselves volunteering their talents such as Faith Formation catechists and helpers, and for the children of parishioners who are participating in events, such as the Divorce Program and Financial Program. This is normally a few hours during specific evenings. Contact Joyce Lennon at the Parish Office

Provide Food & Hospitality for Events/Classes Our parish has a need for dedicated individuals who will act as host/hostesses and/or provide food and refreshments for various activities and events. This would be for both regular events such as after-Mass socials, Life Teen, RCIA, etc. and specific planned activities and special gatherings. This would be on-call as you are available. Contact Joyce Lennon at the Parish Office.

Funeral Dinner Team This ministry is individuals who help parishioners who have suffered a loss by working with other team members to organize and host the funeral lunch. This is a continuous need in the parish, and much appreciated by the grieving families. Names of those willing to perform this ministry are put on a list and are called as needed. Contact Eileen Yung at (515) 573-2627 or [email protected].

Page 7: Holy Trinity Parish Stewarding Our Gifts · Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Food Pantry The primary purpose is to operate the Catholic Food Pantry at the Corpus Christi Center, which

Family Name:


Home Phone:

Instructions: Each adult is asked to fill out their own separate form located on pages 7 and 8 of this packet. Please write your name, cell phone and email in the appropriate blanks. Each adult is asked to check the squares next to each ministry they are currently involved in. Please check the circle for those additional activities or ministries you wish to become involved in. Return to Parish office by October 30, 2017 either by offertory, mail, drop off; or collection on commitment weekend,

October 28 & 29.

2018 Time and Talent Pledge Form

Adult (1) Name: Email: Cell Phone Liturgical Life (Circle 1 Mass time) CC- Sat. 4: 15, SUN. 7:30 am, 9:30, 7:30 pm SH- Sat. 5:00, SUn. 10:30 am, 12:00 noon- Spanish Mass Greeter Lector Usher Psalmist/CantorPianist Holy Trinity Adult Choir Unity Singers Trinity SingersPraise Band Holy Trinity Schola Cantorum Children’s Liturgy- SH 10:30 only Monthly Adoration (Regularly Scheduled)

Prayer Line- Email Prayer Line- Phone


St. Edmond Classroom Volunteer St. Edmond Support Volunteer Rock Climbers Catechist Rock Climbers Support Volunteer R.C.I.A Team Summer Youth Program Volunteer Life Teen Youth Ministry (HS) Edge Youth Ministry (MS)

Social justice & Outreach

HTP Catholic Food Pantry Befrinders Pro Life Ministry Widows Walking with Jesus St. Joseph the Worker Club Prision Ministry F.O.O.D Project

Parish Life Welcome Team Funeral Dinner Team Blankets for Baptism Chidcare for events/classes Food/Hospitality for events/classes

Parish communications & Office Business Office Volunteer

Catholic organizations

Legion of Mary Knights of Columbus Catholic Daughters AmericasOther- Please contact Hiedi Touneyto discuss

Page 8: Holy Trinity Parish Stewarding Our Gifts · Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Food Pantry The primary purpose is to operate the Catholic Food Pantry at the Corpus Christi Center, which

Adult (2) Name: Email: Cell Phone

2018 Treasure commitment form I/We have given prayerful consideration of our household needs, and in gratitude for our God-given gifts,

would like to speak with a Parish staff member about giving in the following ways.

Online giving at

Automatic debit (ACH) from bank account

Gift of grain- tax incentives available

Gift of stock

Thank You!

2018 Time and Talent Pledge Form

Liturgical Life (Circle 1 Mass time) CC- Sat. 4: 15, SUN. 7:30 am, 9:30, 7:30 pm SH- Sat. 5:00, SUn. 10:30 am, 12:00 noon- Spanish Mass Greeter Lector Usher Psalmist/CantorPianist Holy Trinity Adult Choir Unity Singers Trinity SingersPraise Band Holy Trinity Schola Cantorum Children’s Liturgy- SH 10:30 only Monthly Adoration (Regularly Scheduled)

Prayer Line- Email Prayer Line- Phone


St. Edmond Classroom Volunteer St. Edmond Support Volunteer Rock Climbers Catechist Rock Climbers Support Volunteer R.C.I.A Team Summer Youth Program Volunteer Life Teen Youth Ministry (HS) Edge Youth Ministry (MS)

Social justice & Outreach

HTP Catholic Food Pantry Befrinders Pro Life Ministry Widows Walking with Jesus St. Joseph the Worker Club Prision Ministry F.O.O.D Project

Parish Life Welcome Team Funeral Dinner Team Blankets for Baptism Chidcare for events/classes Food/Hospitality for events/classes

Parish communications & Office Business Office Volunteer

Catholic organizations

Legion of Mary Knights of Columbus Catholic Daughters AmericasOther- Please contact Hiedi Touneyto discuss

IRA Charitable Rollover Envelopes
