
Holy Redeemer Council 9544 December 2017

The Knight-LiteVolume 17, No. 2 September 2017 - December 2017

Knights of Columbus - Holy Redeemer Council 9544, 44 Rothesay Drive, Kanata, ON K2L 2X1

Important Liturgical Dates

The Knight-Lite - The Council 9544 Newsletter

The Holy Nativity

December 3 First Sunday in Advent December 8 Immaculate Conception December 25 The Nativity of Our Lord December 31 The Holy Family January 1 Solemnity of Mary January 7 Epiphany January 8 Baptism of Our Lord

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Table of Contents

Keep Christ In Christmas

The Cover: The holy nativity by Jesn-Baptiste Marie Pierre. 18th century French artist and director of the French Academy of arts and was the first painter of the King (Paris 6 March 1714 - Paris 15 May 1789.)

Editor’s Note: January is our Council’s Recruitment & Retention month so in this issue you will find contributions aimed at telling the reader who we are, what we do, and why the men of our parish should seriously consider becoming Knights. In this way they too can put their “Faith into Action” along with a strong group of likeminded Catholic men. This issue is also aimed at demonstrating the sense of accomplishment of our existing members in our mission to serve the parish and our community to fortify us for the journey ahead. The Knight-Lite is the official newsletter of the Holy Redeemer Knights of Columbus Council #9544. We are honoured to be able to capture on these pages the “service to others”, the “works of mercy” and the “spirituality” of our Brother Knights that bring to life our guiding principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism and the words of Our Lord, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matt 25:40


About This Issue

About This Issue Editor 1 A Message from Our Chaplain Rev. Paul Nwaeze 2 Christ The King Rev. Rick Lorenz 3 A Message From Our Grand Knight Peter Fortier 4 A Message From Your Deputy Grand Knight SK Abdallah Abi-Aad 5 A Message From Our District Deputy SK Finley Kavanagh 6 Why the Knights? Bob Near 7 A Short History SK Joe LeBlanc 9 Fraternal Benefits of Being a Knight SK David Gallagher FIC 12

OUR SPIRITUALITY “Building the Domestic Church” Ed Olszewski 13 October - Month of the Holy Rosary SK Stephen Dulude 14 Praying the Rosary with Elementary School Students SK Harold Buccino 15

KNIGHTS IN ACTION Supporting Holy Redeemer’s Christian Refugee Family Bob Near 16 Our Incredible Golf Tournament Needs Your Help! SK Bryon Milliere 18 Christmas Cards SK Abdallah Abi-Aad 18 Blood Donor Clinic SK Brian Bastien 19 Christmas Trees SK Clarence Maheral 19

2017-2018 COUNCIL 9544 EXECUTIVE 20



THE KNIGHTLY NEWS 28 New Honour to a Long Standing Knight Brady Hodge 28 Permanent Diaconate SK Stephen Dulude 29 Happy Birthdays 29

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A Message From Our Chaplain By Rev. Paul Nwaeze

Is Holy Redeemer your parish? Are you a Catholic man, 18 years of age or older? Would you like to be a man of faith and/or deepen your faith in Jesus Christ? Are you looking for a place to share your faith in a deeper and more practical way? Do you really want to become the man God created you to be? Is your dream family one that is fully alive and one which mirrors the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph? Are you pro-life? Are you concerned about our government and some of its draconian legislations that are anti-God and an assault on our Christian family system? Are you concerned about the harmful effects of environmental degradation? Do you want to build a solid financial base for yourself, your spouse and children to ensure that you are prepared for the unexpected?

Now, if your answer to any of these questions is “yes”, then you may want to consider joining the Knights of Columbus. Why? This is because, this organization which started nearly 135 years ago has all that any Catholic man needs to achieve the above set of goals and desires and even much more. With approximately 2 million members worldwide, the Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic men’s service organization.

When Fr. McGivney founded th i s organization, his vision for member Knights, among others, was to aid one another, to strengthen one another’s faith, to strengthen family life, to support priests and bishops, promote vocations to the priesthood and to aid the Church and the community. In the words of the great St. John Paul II, the Knights are the “strong right arm of the Church”.

Here in Holy Redeemer, we see this vision of the founder come alive in the various activities that support the mission being carried out by our Knights. To say that the Knights are involved in the life of our parish family is an understatement. They not only initiate worthy causes which positively impact the lives of our parishioners, both the young

and the old, but they also spearhead and promote such causes. For example, they promote vocations by providing financial support to our seminarians and pos tu lants . Thei r annual gol f tournament raises more than $20, 000 for various community needs such as the Kanata hospice and the Youville Centre. With their blood-donor clinic program, they help hospitals to ensure an adequate supply to those in need of blood. Their pancake breakfast, annual St. Patrick’s dinner and their children’s Christmas party, to mention only a few, are all geared towards

forging a close-knit parish family, united in the service of our brothers and sisters especially those in need.

To the glory of God, I have been a fourth-degree member of this noble organisation for 12 years. As pastor and chaplain of various parishes and now of Holy Redeemer, I have experienced firsthand all these and other amazing works that these gentlemen do in parishes across the archdiocese. What would we do without them?

As pastor and chaplain, I invite our Catholic men, especially if you are 18 years or older to consider joining this wonderful group of Catholic men. You will be glad you did! All you need to do is to speak to any brother Knight and leave the rest to them. May God bless you as you pray over this invitation and together we can make a huge difference!

I wish you all a Holy and a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Vivat Jesus! Fr. Paul Nwaeze

The Knights Make a Difference

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The final week of ordinary time begins with the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe: the Feast of Christ the King. The title of "king" might surprise us. The word reminds us of a form of government from which we're progressing. And this progress is wrapped in cynicism, mired with distrust, weighed by profound disagreement. If democracy is an improvement that dissatisfies, how crummy would it be to have a king? But Jesus is the messianic king: the Son of Man who came from heaven, and the Suffering Servant who gave himself for us. He is the anointed Son of God, and we call him Lord. "All things are under his feet," so he has power over nature and illness, demons and death; he has the authority to forgive sin. Jesus is Lord over the world and history: "The Church believes that the key, the centre and the purpose of the whole of man's history is to be found in its Lord and Master (GS 10)." He is the beginning and the end. Jesus is priest, prophet and king and we participate in these offices. Like Jesus, we exercise o u r k i n g s h i p b y s e r v i n g t h e p o o r a n d suffering...beginning with ourselves. According to St. Leo the Great, "What, indeed, is as royal for a soul as to govern the body in obedience to God." With a body become a loyal subject, with passions ruled by a virtuous will, a Christian is made a king. Beginning with ourselves? Maybe ending with ourselves. Jesus reminds us that we will be judged: "When the Son of Man comes in his glory...he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left." The judgement will be based on how we treat the other. Our actions count. What we do in this world determines our destination in the next. "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink." We're called to give alms, to share our fortune with the poor. "I was a stranger and you welcomed me." The word "welcomed" is a translation of συνηγάγετέ (synygogete); which sounds like synagogue - the Jewish word for temple. We're called to welcome others to our church, even when they take our seats

on Christmas Eve. "I was naked and you clothed me." We put old clothes in the drop box, but do we strive for modesty and purity? "I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me." Christ heals body and soul, freeing us from ailments with love, and breaking the chains of addiction with mercy.

In the first reading, Ezekiel tells us the word of God: "I myself will search for my sheep, and will seek them out...I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak." The good we do is comes from God. Jesus within us does his work and we cooperate as his body. We do not do it alone, but are strengthened by his sacraments. "He leads me beside still waters," so our virtues are born in baptism. "You anoint my head with oil," so t h e y ' r e s t r e n g t h e n e d b y confirmation. "You prepare a table before me," so our virtues are nourished by the Eucharist. Jesus within us does the work, and he lets

us serve Jesus within others. "Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me." Advent season is now upon us, and it's a time of preparation and waiting, yearning and praying. Daily Advent devotions can help us get ready for Christmas by meditating on the word of God. In our last church bulletin you will find a book of Advent devotions by Henri Nouwen to help us prepare. And it's Mary who helps brings us to Jesus, so that we can do his will and accept him as king. Words known by the Legion of Mary are Ad Jesum Per Mariam: To Jesus Through Mary. The Legion is helping us to provide copies of "Thirty-Three Days to Morning Glory." It guides our consecration to Mary. We will start on Nov 29th, and finish up on January 1, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. May we be transformed through her intercession to serve others as Jesus serves us. To Jesus through Mary, Fr. Rick

Editors Note: This article along with many other Homilies can be found on the Holy Redeemer Website

Christ The King By Rev. Rick Lorenz

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Message from the Grand Knight By GK Peter Fortier

Well its been almost 6 months since the start of my position as Grand Knight and I am must report with enthusiasm that our council has been extremely active. The council has continued with the tradit ional parish breakfast held in Sept and Oct and was well appreciated by the parish families. On the

27 Sept the council hosted a farewell dinner at Pocopazzo restaurant for our departing (SK) Deacon Paul and his wife Nancy Coderre after 11 years with our council and Parish. A great time and delicious food was had by all, a fitting departure for such a caring, hard working couple who together definitely left their mark with our Council and Parish. Deacon Paul and Nancy have returned to Strathmore, Alberta where they will be closer to their children and especially the grandchildren.

In November, the council presented (SK) Brother Stephen Dulude with his Honorary Life membership as well as certificate of achievement for 25 years of consecutive service in our order. I was truly humbled to present these awards to such a distinguished role model of a fellow Knight of the order. At our General meeting in November, (SK) Fr Paul Nwaeze, Pastor was officially named as our council Chaplain and was presented with a certificate of appreciation for his dedication and devotion to our council and parish.

Recently the council assisted our parish Youth group with a fund raiser held on the 18 November, “Panama Palooza” featuring great speciality foods, fantastic desserts along with traditional music and line dancing lessons. The event was attended by at least 80 guests and the

youth group set up the hall and did a great job of serving and of course cleaning up afterwards. This event was to raise money for the world youth day to be held in 2020.

On a sad note, our beloved Dores Maria Oliveira, wife of our (SK) PGK Carlos Oliveira passed away on the 10 November at the age of 61. Funeral services were held at Holy Redeemer Parish accompanied by a full honor guard from the Knights. Our thoughts and prayers will continue for Dores and Carlos and his family. Those who knew Dores remembered her love of cooking and caring for the elderly, she will be sorely missed by our parish family.

In closing I want to thank the council for their continued prayers and support for Marie and I over the past several months while Marie has been recovering from cancer treatment. On behalf of Marie and I, we want to wish you a Christmas filled with the wonder of the birth of Christ, the warmth of the Holiday spirit and the love of family and friends.

Yours sincerely in Christ,

Peter Fortier, GK

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A Message From Your Deputy Grand Knight SK Abdallah Abi-Aad

During the 30 years o f i t s ex i s t ence , Council 9544 has s i g n i f i c a n t l y demons t ra ted the Knights of Columbus principles of charity, unity, fraternity and p a t r i o t i s m . T h i s unselfish work has p r o v e n t o b e remarkably beneficial t o o u r H o l y

Redeemer Church, parish and community. Activities ranging from special donations and service to the Church in support of its renovations, to the Syrian refugee families hosted by our parish, to Sunday breakfasts for our parishioners, to the youth programs of our parish, to charitable community organizations, and much more. To demonstrate part of our “Knights in Action”, the charitable disbursements made by our Council 9544 from its revenue-generation program activities during the past 5 years, amounted to a total of over $118,000!

Our success is directly attributed to the effort and dedication that YOU, Brother Knights, have given towards building and nurturing our Council and responding so unselfishly to the needs of our Church, parish and community – services that have indeed been recognized through several awards over the years by both Supreme and State Councils. The exemplary achievements in the program activities described in the Short History of our Council by our brother S/K Joe Leblanc (please see page 9) of this issue of the Knight Lite truly reflects the unity and teamwork of our fraternity.

Looking forward, we cannot ease up in our charitable effort. We must continue the “good fight” through our Order’s principles of “unity” and “fraternity” in order to achieve greater success. To accomplish our goal, I encourage those of you who are capable in supporting our activities to step forward and volunteer your time and energy.

Finally, bearing in mind that it is largely through unity and teamwork that we have been able to achieve our goals, I would recommend that you

read and ponder on the following noteworthy quotations:

•“A boat doesn’t go forward if each one is rowing his own way” (Swahili Proverb) •“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it” (H.E. Luccock) •It’s amazing how much people get done if they do not worry about who gets the credit” (Swahili Proverb) •“Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but look at what they can do when they stick together” (Anonymous) •“There’s a big difference between hard work and teamwork” (Jim Lundy) •“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is success” (Henry Ford) •“Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success” (Unknown)

“May Jesus always be your joy, your hope, your song.

And may this Christmasand each day of the new year

be directed by His guiding hand of love.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

to you and your families.”

Vivat Jesus, Abdallah Abi-Aad, Deputy Grand Knight

Knight in Action: Unity & Teamwork

2012 - 2017 Support Programs Totalling $118,000 !

Church: $29,000 Parish Kitchen Renovation, Altar Server Robes, Priest Vocations etc. Community: $77,000 Royal Ottawa Mental Health, Hospice Ottawa, Youville Centre, Refugee Family, Multi-Faith Housing Youth: $9,000 Student Scholarships, Bursaries, World Youth Day, NET and Catholic Christian Outreach Pro-Life: $3,500

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A Message From Our District Deputy

SK Finley Kavanagh (District Deputy)

Greetings Brother Knights, I would l ike to take this opportunity to wish you and your Family a Merry and Holy Christmas.

Christmas season is a time to contemplate and like begin again. Advent is your preparation time.

F r a t e r n i t y i s o n e o f t h e cornerstone of the Knights. Fraternity can be spiritual and as well as tangible. This Christmas season and this coming new year let your Fraternity shine like a guiding star.

There are many ways to show Fraternity here are some examples: • Help with an event or activity. • Make it your mission to get to know three brother Knights who are at present to more of an acquaintance. • Visit activities at neighbouring councils that are of interest to you or your family, if your Council isn’t offering this activity. To assist please see the list of activities for your convenience of the Four Councils in our District in this Knight lite edition. • Offer to Chair or Co-chair an event of interest to you. • Look at an executive position.

Your talents and experience are God given, do not waste or horde them. When God asks you have how have you used your talents and opportunities, let him know it was to better your family and community and promote his ideas.

Evangelization should be a Knight’s goal. Your leadership can shine and help members of our family, neighbours, and community back into Gods light. Ask a Knight for example whom may be hurting if you could have a coffee with him or offer to bring him to church or a meeting or activity. You may find you have the same or similar interests with your Brother Knights and this can bring you closer than you think.

Consider being a mentor or being mentored. If you would like information on chairing activities, please contact your Deputy Grand Knight Abdallah, or someone on your executive. Talk to your Grand Knight, Peter. There is no obligation if you talk about an event or position.

It is every ones responsibility to recruit and or at least ask potential candidates, so they can not say, no one ever asked me to become a Knight. Remember some one thought enough to

ask you. Can’t you do the same. Show someone you care enough to ask. Give a fellow Catholic an opportunity to join.

Again I would like to wish You and your family a

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.

(Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee)

(Feliz Navidad y Feliz Ano Nuevo)

DD for District 79 S/K Finley Kavanagh

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Why the Knights? To join with men who put their Faith into Action! By Br. Bob Near

So, why should you b e a K n i g h t o f Columbus, when there a re so many o ther demands made on your time? The answer is easy – It’s enjoying quality of being. By this, I mean enhancing y o u r p e r s o n a l a n d spiritual life through actions that make a difference in the world, and which provide you opportunities to become

a better Catholic and a better man. In short, becoming a Knight gives you the chance to join with other committed men in putting your faith into action! No other organization offers Catholic men the opportunity to do what Knights do. Our core operating principles of Charity, Fraternity, Unity and Patriotism encourage us to go out into the world boldly, as Columbus did, to be exemplars of our Faith while making our parish, our community, our country, and indeed our world, a better place. The Knights of Columbus with its more than 1.9 million members is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal organization, with 15,000 Councils across the USA and Canada, and which is now expanding into more than a dozen other countries. The Knights charitable giving last year alone amounted to more than $200 million Canadian dollars, while more than 75 million man hours were given to volunteer service of every kind. Among the Knights’ most important projects is providing some $20 million in financial and humanitarian aid for Christians in the Middle East, who are victims of ethnic cleansing and genocide. The Knights are also fearless champions of the unborn and expectant mothers. Did you know that we fund a pro-life program that is providing a thousand ultra-sound machines for local health clinics and mounting in mobile vans, while offering living assistance and support to single mothers? Our “Coats for Kids” program keeps thousands of children warm in winter, while our work with Habitat for Humanity provides housing for the poor. The Knights of Columbus Global Wheelchair

Mission purchases wheelchairs in bulk and delivers them by sea containers around the world. To date we have given mobility to more than 64,000 disabled people, mostly children in developing countries. We further provide a wide range of help to people caught up in natural disasters, such as the earthquake in Haiti and Hurricane Matthew. We recognize the importance of sports and physical fitness, having a supporting partnership with the Special Olympics dating back to 1968, while also working to support people with intellectual disabilities.

In our own Holy Redeemer parish here in Kanata, our charitable fundraising through our golf tournament and Christmas tree sales has allowed us over the past five years to donate more than $41,000 to the Royal Ottawa Hospital and $16,000 for Hospice Ottawa, while also giving financial assistance to the Youville Centre for single mothers. Financial and practical support to Holy Redeemer’s Syrian Christian refugee family is also a major activity, while our twice a year blood donor clinics and support to the Kanata food cupboard further demonstrate our service to our community and people in need. We are especially committed to supporting our future faith leaders by giving financial help to local seminarians, religious sisters, and our parish youth ministry. We also take our faith into the community with our “Keep Christ in Christmas” campaign, including a float in the Kanata Santa Clause parade depicting the Nativity.We further provide parishioners with the opportunity to buy religious themed Christmas cards and calendars, along with Advent candles. Associated with the above is our “Building the Domestic Church while Strengthening Our Parish” program. The purpose of this program is to enable husbands, wives, parents and children to grow in their knowledge and practise of the Catholic faith. This is done in a variety of ways, including Pro-LifeMasses,EucharisticAdorations, Stations of the Cross, and Praying the Rosary. In addition, at the entrance to the church, we have installed an attractive documents rack containing 15 slots, each containing booklets on a specific aspect of our “Building & Strengthening” program. I encourage you to check it out and take those booklets which interest you or are relevant to your own situation!

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As a final point, when you become a Knight, you are not only responding to Jesus’ call to be of service to others, but you are helping protect your family. The Knights offer the most top-rated life insurance program on the market along with trustworthy financial products that can secure your retirement. In summary, our Catholic faith gives us a transcendent purpose for living; we are called to be like saints. Being a Knight of Columbus helps

discern that calling, while providing us a way to join with like-minded men in putting our faith into action. What better reason to become a Knight of Columbus!

Vivat Jesus and Merry Christmas! Br. Bob Near

Put your Faith into Action!

Syrian Refugee Fund and Integration SupportPro-Life

Over the past 5 years: $41,000 to Royal Ottawa$16,000 to Hospice Care$7,500 Youville Centre

from Our Christmas Tree and

Golf Tournament Projects

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A Short History Of

Holy Redeemer Council 9544 By S/K Joe LeBlanc


H o l y R e d e e m e r Counci l 9544 is a fraternity of dedicated Ca tho l i c men tha t b e l o n g s t o t h e renowned Order of the Knights of Columbus – a n e a r w o r l d w i d e o r g a n i s a t i o n t h a t o p e r a t e s u n d e r a constitutional structure which requires each of

its councils to conduct its program activities in accordance with the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Comprising over 15,000 councils mainly in North America, Mexico, the Caribbean’s, the Philippines, Poland and South Korea, the Order functions under a hierarchical structure whereby a council reports to a District Deputy who reports to a State Council which turn reports to a Supreme Council located at New Haven, Connecticut, USA, which overseas the entire organization.

OUR BIRTH – 1987

The birth of Council 9544 arose when a few men in our parish recognized the need to establish a KofC council to serve the needs of our Holy Redeemer church, parishioners and local community. Prior to 1981, some of the Catholic families in Kanata and adjacent communities belonged to St Martin-de-Porres parish in Bells Corners and several of the men in these families were members of Canon Burke Council 6217 of that parish. After Holy Redeemer church was built in 1985, prominent KofC parishioners approached Fr. Peter Shonenback (our first pastor) to consider forming a KofC council in his new parish. After several meetings, he acceded to their request, saying: “If you can find enough men in the parish, go ahead”. On 9 April 1987, after the needed quota of 30 members were identified (all

from Council 6217), our Council received its official Charter from Supreme Council.

THE FLEDGING YEARS – 1987 to 1990

Other than SK Ray Kerrigan who had gained experience as a former Grand Knight, the first slate of elected officers were mostly novices on the administration, procedures and protocol of the new council. Having freed themselves from the Canon Burke culture, they were now faced with a long and difficult learning curve in building the new council’s infrastructure, integrating it to the organization and activities of the parish, and devising a new program of activities and recruitment. Council 9544 held its first general meeting on 14th September 1987.

During these early years, the Council was busy supporting a fairly heavy program that included some of our current activities, such as: the Children’s Christmas Party (first held in 1987), Bingo games at seniors’ residences, the parish Christmas tree sales, sales of Shamrocks, the KofC Refund Support Vocation Program (RSVP), and support to the Kanata Food Cupboard. On the fraternal side, several social events became part of the Council’s life, including an end-of-year banquet/Ladies Night, and regular Charter nights. From its basic 30 members in 1987, the Council membership increased to 43 by 30th June 1990.

THE TURBULENT YEARS – 1990 to 1999

This period saw the young Council transition from its euphoric beginning to developing and implementing new methods for conducting business, using as guide its Service Program’s terms of reference. Under these new guidelines, program activities kept growing and seldom diminished. The Columbian awards recorded in the early 1990s showed that the Council was actively involved in about 20 major and minor activities. On the policy and administrative side, much effort was given to revising and strengthening the Service Program, budgeting of revenues and expenditures, and establishing committees.

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Because several members of the Council belonged to adjacent parishes, new Knights were recruited to establish Round Tables in Corkery (1993) and St Philips, Richmond (1994). Shortly thereafter our Council spawned two new councils: St Philips Council 11285 in 1996 and Holy Spirit Council 12249 in1998. From these transitions, our Council incurred the loss of almost 30 of its members, thereby losing much of the expertise and experience it had created in the early years.

The highlight of this period was the excellent gala dinner held in the church hall in 1997 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Council. The event was a colourful affair with fine speeches and a display of memorabilia in reminiscence of the dedication and accomplishments over the first 10 years.

THE MATURING YEARS – 1999 to 2007

Throughout this period the Council engaged in a well-balanced Service Program under the five headings of Church, Community, Council, Family and Youth. The Columbian awards received during this time-frame recorded more than 20 activities each year, including new initiatives such as: the sale of Christmas cards, support to the community Blood Services, formation of a 1st Degree Team, a Knight Lite newsletter, Stations of the Cross, Founder’s Day Mass and the Memorial Mass for the deceased members of the Council. As well, an annual parish-sponsored golf tournament was taken over by the Council and became its largest fund raiser.

The highlight of this period was a spiritual awakening in the life of the Council which was initiated by a distinguished and remarkable Brother Knight, David Farrell (deceased in 2004). Prayers at the beginning and end of meetings became more regular, and inspirational addresses were the focus of several meetings. As well, an annual retreat became an important part of the Council’s Church program. In 2001, our Council suffered another loss of several members by spawning yet another council - Council 12898 at St Isidore parish. Following this date however, our Council experienced uninterrupted growth in membership.

THE SURGE YEARS - 2007 to 2012

This period is designated the “surge years” because of the infectious energy and drive poured into every aspect of the Council. Of note were (a) the standard-bearer Christmas Tree Sales campaign which brought record profits, (b) the Car Raffle Lottery, (c) the Golf Tournament whose net revenue grew exponentially each year, and (d) the Sunday Breakfasts that, while placing a heavy demand on our membership, brought about camaraderie and unity among parishioners. Also worthy of note during this period were our Council’s $10,000 contribution towards the church’s stain-glass windows, the erection of a $6,000 memorial monument for the protection of life from womb to tomb, and the construction of two display cabinets in the church hall.

Our pastor, Fr. Pierre Champoux, participated in several meetings and became a fan of the Council, calling regularly on its members to render service to the parish. Perhaps the greatest “surge” was the aggressive and sustained recruitment effort undertaken primarily by SK Clarence Maheral that resulted in a dramatic increase in membership from 116 on 1st July 2007 to 148 on 1st April 2012.

The highlight of this period marked the 25th anniversary of our Council which was celebrated in a special and most memorable dinner in our Church hall. Organized under the leadership of SK Jamie Jamieson, the event featured speeches, a colourful video (produced by Brother Ed Olszewski), and other displays of memorabilia that reminisced on the Council’s activities over its 25 years of existence.

MOVING ON - 2012 to the Present

During this latter five years of our Council’s 30 years existence, we experienced an appreciable growth in membership, from 148 to 184, due in large measure to a very successful membership drive that led to our receiving the prestigious Star Award from Supreme Council. While our program of activities continued unabated, a number of events took place during this period that should not go unnoticed, including the following:

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• Completion of our $25,000 contribution towards the Church’s kitchen renovation; • Parish’s stained glass windows. • Our $6,000 donation to the parish’s Syrian refugee relief program; • Inauguration of annual spiritual retreats to promote the devotion to Divine Mercy; • Our contribution to the live presentation at Holy Redeemer church of the play -Fatima: Messenger of

Divine Mercy; • Our contribution to the Vatican International exhibit of 100 Eucharistic miracles throughout the world; • Inauguration of an annual New Years breakfast for KofC members and their families; and • Our Council receiving the Ontario State Awards for: “Best Newsletter - The Knight-Lite”, The “Best

Council Project - Christmas Tree sales”, and the “Best Church Project - Faustina Divine Mercy Play”

Vivat Jesus & Merry Christmas SK Joe LeBlanc

Making A Difference:

Spiritual RetreatsMiracles of the Eucharist

ExhibitionChildren’s Christmas Parties

Kanata Food CupboardBlood Donor ClinicsKitchen Renovations

Promotion Divine MercyStain Glass Windows

Support Key Charities:• Royal Ottawa•Hospice Care•Ottawa Hospital•Youville Centre

Syrian Refugee FundParish BreakfastsSpaghetti Diners

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A Message From Your Fraternal Counselor SK David Gallagher FICFraternal Benefits of Being a Knight

My worthy brother Knights: I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Catholic men (and their families) at Holy Redeemer Parish for taking a closer look at the Knights of Columbus and hopefully deciding to join our ranks. Our council here at Holy Redeemer is successful much in part by the passion and actions of our member’s efforts in giving back to the Church and community. I have the privilege of being your assigned Fraternal Counselor and as such am here to ensure you (and your family) are aware of all the fraternal benefits available through your KofC membership. This includes but is not limited to: scholarships for children, life insurance, juvenile insurance, estate planning, disability income protection, mortgage insurance, long-term care insurance and annuities (RRSP’s, TFSA’s and non-registered savings accounts). What makes the Knights of Columbus different for insurance and investments….well, first and foremost we are Catholic! We abide by the principles of our Catholic faith, and when we invest we have strict guidelines as to not engage in any business or market category that does not follow the values of the Catholic Church. Also, we are not a commercial insurer – we are a Fraternal insurer and as such are considered a not for profit organization. The primary reason that our Venerable founder, Father Michael J. McGivney, formed the Knights of Columbus was to protect Catholics; specifically widows and orphans when the bread winner passed away. Fast forward to today the Knights of Columbus have the distinction of being the highest ranked insurer in North America with a rating from A.M. Best of A++ Superior.

As a fellow Brother Knight I act as an additional resource to assist members and their s p o u s e s i n navigating through their insurance, investments, and estate planning. I also help to ensure adequate protection is in place and that t h e i r f a m i l y ’ s financial futures a r e s e c u r e f o r generations…and…if anything were to ever happen to a Brother Knight or his spouse I will personally take care of all insurance claims and be there to support and advise the widow and family. So Catholic men, put your faith into action and become a member of the Knights of Columbus. Once you are a member be sure you and your family take advantage of all of these Fraternal Benefits, which include exclusive access to our top rated financial and insurance benefit programs. I look forward to welcoming you into the KofC family.

Respectfully and fraternally yours,

S/K David Gallagher FIC Office: (613) 422-3117 Email: [email protected] Website: &

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“Building The Domestic Church” By Br. Edward Olszewski

Our Faith is demonstrated through good works. Strengthening the faith of our members, our families and our parish builds up the body of Christ. Our Council strives to encourage our membership to greater leadership as well as active participation in all the parish’s spiritual activities. By responding to the initiatives of our Pastor and our parish we fulfil one of our Council’s precious missions “Building the Domestic Church”!

During the years we have conducted an annual Council Spiritual Retreat. These retreats have since been opened to our parish and the Ottawa community at large. On 14th February 2015 we were amazed to have over 230 participants at our first retreat devoted to spreading the message of Divine Mercy - “A Message for Our Time”.

During the Special Jubilee of Mercy year which began December 2015 a Lenten Mission challenging us to a closer “Encounter with Christ” and our sponsorship of a world renowned Exhibit of the “Miracles of the Eucharist” and a retreat devoted to “Mary the Mother of Mercy” were organized and implemented.

For the past three years we have celebrated “Divine Mercy Sunday” ,preceded by the “Divine Mercy Novena” that starts on Good Friday, with increased ceremony and participation to promote the message about the grace of mercy offered by our Lord. God Our Father loves us, He wants us to trust in His Mercy, and be merciful to others. As a Highlight to the Jubilee Year of Mercy we were extremely blessed in succeeding in our quest to bring FAUSTINA: Messenger of Divine Mercy to the Ottawa area. This was a riveting 90 minute live multimedia play by Saint Luke Productions. Through teamwork with neighbouring dioceses we were able to secure what St. Luke Productions called their “Ontario Tour 2016”. It presented in Cornwall, Kanata, Orleans, Pembroke, Belleville and Kingston! This activity received the

Knights of Columbus Ontario State Award for best Church program!

The Council encourages active participation or our members and their families in the parish’s Marian Hour, praying the rosary before daily morning Masses and particularly coming to Mass the 3rd Wednesday of each month for the intention of pro-life. Members are encouraged to attend all the Stations of the Cross during Lent and to participate in the Knights sponsored Stations of the Cross.

Our Council members also participate in the parish’s Healing Masses, the Founders Day Mass and the Council’s Memorial Mass, as well as Renewal of Wedding Vows on Father’s day and participation in Pro-Life events such as the 40 Day Vigil, March for Life, Life Chain and Hike for Life.

Members eagerly respond to the call of Ministries within the church by serving as Lectors, Ushers, Altar Guild, Liturgy celebrations, RCIA, Music ministry, Pastoral Care, Adult Faith, Bible Study, Extra Ordinary Ministers of Communion and Parish Council.

“Jesus I Trust in You” Br. Ed Olszewski

Our Spirituality

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Our SpiritualityOctober - Month of the Holy Rosary S/K Stephen Dulude

How did we responded to Our Lady’s request to pray the Rosary, especially this October? Why pray Our Lady’s Rosary? Why ask for her intercession?

Between May 1917 and Oct 13, 1917 our Lady of the Rosary appeared to three children in Portugal exhorting them to pray the rosary. On October 13, 2017, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of our Lady’s appearance and her messages to these three children and to the world. The Church has designated October as the “Month of the Holy Rosary”.

The National Catholic Register has an article entitled, “We can no longer afford to ignore our Lady of Fatima’s requests”. It states that we are in the midst of a spiritual disease that has grown in our culture which replaces God with “the autonomous self”, creating our own reality that displaces God’s Son, Jesus Christ, as the ultimate truth and perfect icon of love.

Mary, who journeyed through all the joys and sufferings of Son’s life, and who at the foot of the cross was given to the Church as our Advocate by her Son’s words: ‘Woman, behold your son!’; Behold, your mother’. The Register says it very well: “we do not need Mary to point the way to Jesus for us. Rather, what we need is someone to pick us up and carry us to him, because we are too weak to get there on our own.” Mary who knows the joys and sufferings of this world will gentle lead us to her Son and to his eternal Kingdom if we but pray to her for help.

Mary’s message is always: Prayer, Penance and Adoration. Pray the rosary daily. Praying the rosary as a family strengthens the union of the family. Praying the rosary helps us gain in virtue and deepens our love for Jesus. Penance is a powerful weapon in our spiritual life. Fridays are still days of penance. You should abstain from meat, or some other greater sacrifice you may chose. Adoration of God helps us to combat our inclinations to worldly temptations. Pray to the Lord before the tabernacle, before or after Mass. Attend the Adoration of the

Blessed Sacrament. We are fortunate here at Holy Redeemer Parish to have Adoration take place before every morning weekday Mass from 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and before the Wednesday, evening Mass from 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. and on Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Have you driven by the Church and not given a thought to drop in to speak to the Lord? Saint John Paul II never passed a tabernacle without stopping to pray.

Remember your commitment as a Knight to endeavour to pray the Rosary of Our Lady and Patron Saint and to carry the rosary with you always. Bring your Rosary to our Council’s General meetings. We have committed, as a Council, to say one decade of the Rosary or one decade of the Divine Mercy Chaplet at the end of each meeting.

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to thee do I come; before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy, hear and answer me. Amen.

Merry Christmas S/K Stephen Dulude

Photo by Jessie Yanchus

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Our SpiritualityPraying The Rosary

withElementary School Students

S/K Harold Buccino

T h e K n i g h t s o f Columbus of Holy Redeemer Council 9 5 4 4 h a v e b e e n praying the Rosary w i t h E l e m e n t a r y students for over 10 years. It is estimated that 5000 students have been introduced to and prayed the Rosa ry ove r t ha t period of time.

A l l s t u d e n t s a r e provided with Rosaries and a “How to Pray the Rosary Pamphlet” for home use. The cost is less than $200/year.

Each week the students gather in the library or other suitable place. An attempt is made to pray with all grades meeting together i.e. all grade ones etc. The prayer session begins with a review of the structure and meaning of the Rosary. This is followed by an explanation of the particular mystery to be prayed. Students are encouraged to offer up their special intentions before each prayer session

Students then pray the Scriptural Rosary. Where students are taught to focus on the various mysteries, Joyous, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious by using scriptural passages before each Hail Mary. The selected mystery was dependant on Liturgical season, Joyous mystery for advent etc. One decade was prayed each week for 5 weeks completing a full Rosary.

The Rosary Program has proven to be a most rewarding project. Students fully embrace the opportunity to pray the rosary. Classroom teachers and Principals and parents are to be commended for the full support and encouragement in allowing the Knights of Columbus to lead and participate in this instructive and beneficial Catholic school activity.

In 2016-2017

Three members of Knights of Columbus and the Parish Youth Coordinator were involved. The number of hours expend is estimated at 80 and 100 hours.

Three Holy Redeemer feeder elementary schools and one special request participated in this year’s Rosary Program.

Holy Redeemer Catholic School Grades 1-3 120 students St. James Catholic School Grades 1-3 120 Students St Martin De Porres Catholic School Grades 1-3 60 students St Steven’s Catholic School Grades 1-3, 4 80 students ------- 380 students

Merry Christmas, SK Harold Buccino

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Knights In Action Supporting Holy Redeemer’s Syrian Christian Refugee Family

By Br. Bob Near

Brother Knights will r e c a l l t h a t H o l y Redeemer Council 9544 h a s r e c e i v e d international attention regarding our support of S y r i a n C h r i s t i a n refugees. Indeed, the article in the June 2016 edition of Columbia magazine, titled “From Warfare to Welcome” se rved no t on ly to enlighten Knights of

Columbus members about the horrific conditions afflicting our Christian brethren in Syria, but demonstrated how we Knights can render vital assistance to these suffering people, including saving of lives. Of course, this has not been a Knights-alone project, but rather we have been the strong right arm of our parish refugee committee, which has undertaken sponsoring the Al Dakhil Family to Canada.

The Al Dakhils are an extended family of 15 members, comprising eight children and seven adults of various ages, and since their arrival they have been active participants in our parish life. Our Holy Redeemer Knights can take satisfaction in having helped the family successfully adapt to what is a completely new environment and way of living for them. Our assistance has ranged from monetary donations to physically helping with moves to engaging directly with family members with a view to enabling them to become good Canadian citizens and contributing members of society. Indeed, they are well on their way in this regard, with all the men now working, the women attending language training and academic courses, while the children are involved in Guides, Air Cadets, and the parish youth group. They also help out at our monthly parish breakfasts.

Sponsoring our Syrian refugee family, however, has been a major undertaking both administratively and financially. Up to this point

approximately $75,000 has been generated by Holy Redeemer parish and its supporting contributors, including St. Paul’s Anglican Church, who raised sufficient funds to bring over one of our refugee ladies with her two children. Our own Knights council has been financially generous as well, providing a $2000 grant from our charitable account and helping raise another $1200 with our parish’s “Taste of Syria” dinner. This latter event, which took place in June, was an outstanding success, and saw our Knights working closely with our Syrian extended family to provide parishioners with an exquisite dinner of Syrian delicacies, along with Arabic music and folk dancing.

Probably the most remarkable aspect of our council’s efforts in helping bring Christian Syrian refugees to Canada has been the inspiration we have given to two American Knights of Columbus councils. Thanks to the Columbia story, St. Gabriel’s council in Fayetteville, Georgia and St. Matthews in Tyrone, Georgia, have together raised and donated US $4150 to our Holy Redeemer Council for the purpose of helping us bring Christian Syrian refugees to Canada. This cross-border collaboration between Canadian and American councils is an outstanding example of putting into action our Knights principles of Charity, Fraternity, Unity and Patriotism. This money from our American brother knights will go directly to helping bring to Canada the three remaining members of the Al Dakhil family who are still in Syria.

Certainly, it has been a significant accomplishment for our parish to have helped 15 Syrian Christians escape a devastating civil war in which Christians have been especially targeted for attack by Islamic jihadists. The Al Dakhils, however, are a hardy resilient family. Their strong Catholic faith has sustained them throughout their travails and sufferings as refugees, and has now helped them adapt quickly to their new circumstances in Canada. I have enjoyed very much getting to know them, and representing our Knights of Columbus council to them

Continued on next page

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In summary, our Holy Redeemer Knights of Columbus work in support of Syrian refugees has been and continues to be a true corporal work of mercy. Inspired by our founder Father McGivney, we have followed his example in a global way, demonstrating that we are committed Catholic men who have put our Faith into action!

Vivat Jesus Br. Bob Near

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This year Council 9544’s Co-chairs are S/K Bryon Milliere and S/K Stephen Dulude

Our annual golf tournament has raised over $200,000 in twelve years, with almost no rain! We have supported s u c h c o m m u n i t y programming as the Royal Ottawa Foundation f o r M e n t a l H e a l t h ,

Hospice Care Ottawa and the Youville Centre, plus projects particularly important to the council such as the kitchen renovations and the stained-glass windows.

This incredible success each year can be attributed in large part to the leadership and entrepreneurial skills of S/K Clarence Maheral and the work of a small, but dedicated group of committee members. The tourney is named after Clarence’s late wife Rita who passed just prior to the event in May 2009.

The tourney has strong participation, sometimes even exceeding the maximum of 144 golfers. Thanks to donations from members and local businesses, golfers have won a wide variety of prizes and auction items. For the more competitive golfers, we have had some decent prizes; for the majority, the

tourney has been a great day with friends and family raising money for worthwhile causes. The day ends

with a delicious dinner, silent and live auctions and brief presentations from our recipient organisations.

There are several ways that you can get involved depending on your availability and talents: - Golf, - Recruit golfers, - Sign-up sponsors, - Join the committee, - Donate or solicit live, silent auction or raffle board prizes, - Help with the administration, and - Volunteer the day of the tournament.

No experience required. If you want to be part of a great event, contact one of the co-chairs or Clarence to get involved. The committee starts to meet weekly to coordinate the details as early as February. We are looking forward to another very successful event. While we can’t guarantee a day without rain, we can assure a rewarding experience.

As Clarence is understandably taking a lighter role this year, we are in particular need for many more members to help in any way they can. Thank you for your continued support.

Keep Christ in Christmas! Bryon & Stephen

By SK Bryon Milliere Knights In Action

Our Incredible Golf Tournament Needs your Help !

Christmas cards sale were excellent. Sunday November. 26, 2017 was the last day and we had only one box left for sale. Thank you to all who helped make this activity a success!

Merry Christmas, S/K Abdallah Abi-Aad

S/K Abdallah Abi-Aad

Christmas Cards

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Knights In Action Blood Donor Clinic SK Brian Bastien

Dear Brother Knights, Usually twice a year our Council 9544 co-sponsors Blood Donor Clinics with the Canadian Blood Services and each year I am very pleased and proud to say they have been extremely successful. The majority of the time we have either met or exceeded the quota that CBS has set. The Kanata Blood Donor Clinic is the Largest off-site clinic location for Canada Blood Services (CBS) in the Ottawa Region. Our most recent Clinic was held on October 24-25th and CBS anticipated 86 units but collected 109 and were extremely happy with these numbers. Bravo and kudos to our community of Kanata for supporting our Council each and every time that we send out the call for their help. If you are able to assist, please contact me, Brother Brian Bastien and volunteer your time to this worthwhile event. A message via our TeamSnap is sent out listing all the shifts that need to be covered plus how you can contact me if you are able to participate. In putting together an effective clinic there

are so many people that are unsung heroes. The volunteers that help year after year, clinic after clinic, are vital in the continuous success of our clinics. This Clinic we had 13 council members volunteer over 72 hours of service. I would like to name them individually, but I fear I would miss one of these important people, but let it be known, their help is priceless and selfless. But the most important giver, of course, is our donors. Without them there is no clinic and no help to the many from their gift. To them we are eternally grateful. Remember it’s in you to give. Vivat Jesus, SK Brian Bastien

Christmas Trees SK Clarence Maheral It takes a full team of volunteers led by S/K Clarence Maheral to set up the Tree corral, unload the trees, set them all up and manage the sales for the next few weeks. Support your council get a fresh, fragrant Christmas Tree before they sell out !! Also thanks to three young men who also helped: Eshander Wahass,  Joshawa Locke and Richard Hillsdon.

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2017-2018 Council 9544 Executive

Back Row Left to Right: SK Dcn. Paul Codere: Spiritual Director Br. Fernando Lourenco: Recorder SK Finley Kavanagh: District Deputy Br. Vince Viau: Inside Guard Br.Mark McKenna: Outside Guard SK Jean Populus: Trustee for One Year SK Brian Bastien: Trustee for Two Years SK Bryon Milliere: Trustee for Three Years SK Brian Sutherland: Treasurer

Your New Executive was elected and invested at the June 5th, 2017 Council 9544 General Meeting. Here they all are with their associated responsibilities:

Front Row Left to Right: SK Joe LeBlanc: Financial Secretary SK Abdallah Abi-Aad: Deputy Grand Knight Br. Peter Fortier: Grand Knight Br. Bob Near: Chancellor SK Carlos Oliveira: Advocate Br. Ed McParland: Warden

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50 Years of Consecutive Service!!!

Congratulations “in absentia” to SIR KNIGHT Art Bohnen for having achieved the most prestigious Award for 50 years of consecutive service.

“Congratulations Art” !

Congratulations to S/K. Stephen Dulude for having achieved 25 years of consecutive service and by virtue of this long service has also achieved the distinction of “Honourary Life Status" Membership in our Order. The 25-year certificate from State Council, an honorary Member certificate, and a 25-year Honourary lapel pin were given.

“Congratulations Stephen” !

25 Years of Consecutive Service/ Honourary Life Status!

Congratulations “in absentia” to S/K Harold Buccino for having achieved 25 years of consecutive service and by virtue of this long service has also achieved the distinction of “Honourary Life Status" Membership in our Order. The 25-year certificate from State Council, an Honourary Member certificate, and a 25-year Honorary lapel pin were given.

“Congratulations Harold” !

Awards & Recognition & Presentations

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Council 9544 Directory of Hon0urary Members

Awards & Recognition & Presentations

Hon0urary Life Members:

Ehman AguinagaSK Conrad BakerRev Jose BettencourtRichard deSouzaFrancis (Mike) DowneySK Harold BuccinoSK Stephen DuludeAlfred KillmartinHugh KillpatrickGeorge Langlois

Hon0urary Members:

SK Brian BastienStephen McAlearDan MullinSK Jean Populus

SK Jozef MarincakFernando MartinezRev Gerard PlantRoger ProvostRev Oliver RichSK James RiordanSK John SheaRev Paul ShepherdPaul ZiebarthRev Paul NwaezeRev Richard Lorenz

Support our Seminarians with Companions of the Cross

Council 9544 Grand Knight Peter Fortier, presenting a cheque for $1000 to J. Dan Potvin, Director Mission Advancement with the Companions of the Cross in support of 2 seminarians who are presently studying and who are from Holy Redeemer Parish.

The Companions of the Cross Order was founded in 1985 by Rev. Robert Bedard, CC. In 2003 we were established as a Society of Apostolic Life.

They are a Roman Catholic community of priests committed to living and ministering together as brothers in the Lord. God has called them to labour boldly for the renewal of the Church through a dynamic evangelization centred upon Christ crucified, who is God’s power and wisdom. Spurred on by the love of God, they desire all people to come into the fullness of life through a personal and ongoing encounter with Jesus Christ.

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Awards & Recognition & Presentations Ontario State “Best” Awards

Ontario State Award for

“Best Council Project” 2016 Awarded to Council 9544 in recognition of the Council’s Christmas Tree Sales Project .Photo shows S/K Clarence Maheral accepting the award presented by Grand Knight Peter Fortier on behalf of the 9544 team.

Congratulations Clarence and the Team !

Certificates of Appreciation

Ontario State Award for

“Best Church Project” 2016 Awarded to Council 9544 in recognition of the Council’s management, organization and implementation of the performance of the professional live play FAUSTINA: Messenger of Divine Mercy by Saint Luke Productions. Photo shows Br. Ed Olszewski accepting the award presented by Grand Knight Peter Fortier on behalf of the 9544 team.

Congratulations Ed and the Team !

Awarded to S/K Rev. Paul Nwaeze, our new Chaplain, in appreciation for his dedicated and devouted service to our Council and Parish of Holy Redeemer.

Congratulations and Thank You Fr. Paul !

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Awards & Recognition & Presentations Degree Exemplifications

On May 27th 2017 the District 79 Degree Team held both Admission and Formation Degrees at Holy Redeemer church hall. During this ceremony, Br. Jeremy Eckert of our Council was exemplified to both first and second sections of our Order, and received his Admission and Formation degree certificates from Grand Knight S/K Peter Fortier.

Certificates of Perfect Attendance

Brothers SK Carlos Oliveira and Ed McParland both received certificates of Perfect Attendance for their dedication and commitment to Council 9544.

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Awards & Recognition & Presentations

In Canada, each November we remember the sacrifice and service of our military members.

This year our Council profiles the military service of one of our Knights, Rev. Deacon Paul C. Coderre, (Colonel Ret.) OMM, CD. He is married to Nancy (nee Cowley). They have three children and three grandchildren. Deacon Paul and Nancy have spent the last 11 years in Ottawa as parishioners of Holy Redeemer.

Deacon Paul was born into a military family, the third child of ten, to Major John E. Coderre and Anita Fowler. Deacon Paul joined the Army as a Reservist with the Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa in May 1960. He then transferred to the Regular Force in September 1962 and was commissioned in the rank of Second Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals in August 1963. He rose through the officer ranks ultimately reaching the rank of Colonel. Deacon Paul’s service took him to England twice, Germany twice and to Brussels and Belgium. Deacon Paul has a Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Royal Military College and is a graduate of the Canadian Forces Command and Staff College of Defense Studies in London, England. His military service was highlighted his command positions as Commanding Officer of 4 CMBG Headquarters and Signal Squadron in Germany and as Commander of 74 Communications Group based in Vancouver, covering all of BC, Alberta, Yukon and the NWT.

He was also Program Manager of the multi-billion dollar Tactical Command and Control

Communications Systems Project replacing all the tactical communications systems of the Canadian Forces.

After 33 years of military service he retired. Deacon Paul ordination as deacon was on June 23, 2002 after which after which he served the diocese of Calgary before moving to Kanata in 2006.

Thank you ever so much, Vivat Jesus, SK Stephen Dulude

Council 9544 Certificate of Appreciation and Our Recognition of

Sacrifice & Military Service

By SK Stephen Dulude

Certificate of Appreciation for 11 years of dedicated service to Holy Redeemer Parish and to KofC Council 9544 Awarded to SK Decon Paul Codere by DD SK Finley Kavanagh.

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In Remembrance of Our Departed Brothers and Family

We Remember

During the month of November our Council, faithful to the vision of Fr. McGivney, recognizes those Knights who have passed away. Father McGivney’s vision for the establishment of Knights of Columbus was to support the families of widowed members. We are reminded that there is no greater duty of a Knight than to support the family of a deceased brother.

Each year our widows are personally invited to attend a Mass and liturgy for deceased members. Each widow is escorted by a Sir Knight to light a candle of remembrance.

Grief can bring about isolation due to a change in social circumstance. The Memorial Liturgy and reception provide an opportunity to maintain and renew relationships. Our Council’s Fraternal Family Care Committee has a mandate and an ongoing commitment to stay in contact with deceased member’s families as well as to identify and support members who are ill and in distress.

Patrick O’Kane: Mar. 1st 1991 James Gallagher: Apr. 2nd 1991 Kevin McCarthy: Aug. 1st 1994 Edward Fortier: Oct. 3rd 1995 Bill Orban: Oct. 18th 2003 David Farrell: Mar. 29th 2004 Anthony DaCosta: Jan. 10th 2005 Michal Roy: Aug. 14th 2005 Joe McAuley April 14, 2007 Andre Champoux Dec. 1 2007 Peter Whelan: Dec. 26th 2007 Michael Heney: Aug. 21st 2008 Ernie Miller: Jun. 11th 2010 Alfred McDonald: Feb. 5th 2011 Raymond Marshall: Oct. 3rd 2011 Donat Lamarre: Mar. 18th 2012 Donald Moore: Nov. 15th 2014 David Marcotte: Feb. 19th 2015 George Dunn: Jan. 1st 2016 Melville Thompson: Oct. 24, 2016 Ray Kerrigan June 7, 2017

Mrs. Jovanka Marinca Mrs. Doris Kyswaty May 4, 2007 Mrs. Rita Maheral May 25, 2009 Mrs. Carmen Moribito: March 22, 2012 Mrs. Inez Fortier October 16, 2012 Mrs. Phyllis Maheral June 24, 2013 Mrs. Madeleine Riordan December 21, 2016 Mrs. Dores Oliveira November 10, 2017

Vivat Jesus ! Br Mike O’Leary S/K Stephen Dulude

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We Remember In Remembrance of Our Departed Brothers and Family

In Special Remembrance of Dores Oliveira, Beloved wife of Former Grand Knight, SK Carlos Oliveira.

Dores Oliveira passed away on Friday November 10, 2017 at the age of 61. She was born in Lindoso, Portugal to Maria and Manuel Goncalves. She moved to Canada in January 1973. It took moving to Canada, volunteering at the Centro do Espirito Santo and some well-timed miscommunications to meet a nice Portuguese man who would argue over logistics of a church function to later become her husband. Carlos and Dores were married in Ottawa at Notre Dame Cathedral on June 23, 1984. Dores worked at various senior residences including Stonehaven Manor where she loved caring for, talking with, and occasionally cooking some of her famous recipes for the residents in her care. Dores was an incredible cook, a trait likely passed down to her from her father who himself was a chef in Portugal. She enjoyed entertaining, sharing stories, “browsing” the stores

for hours on end, and was the life of the party wherever she went. She was predeceased by her father Manuel and her beloved furbabies DJ, Peanut, Cruz, and Tommy. She is survived by her husband of 33 years, Carlos, mother Maria Goncalves, children Cory, Christopher (wife Ashley), sisters Ana Rosa (husband Manuel and son Kenny) R i b e i r o a n d I s a u r a ( h u s b a n d Agostinho) Cerqueira.

As members of Council 9544 we especially remember Dores for her

many treats that she had Carlos bring to nourish us during our General and Executive meetings.

Dores will surely be missed.

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The Knightly News

Being a cornerstone of our organization, one would think that fraternity helps us to know our neighbours. Despite our tight-knit-community; however, many aspects of a member’s life are often left unnoticed and unrecognized. Especially when the person doesn’t realize the positive impact of their life. Such is the case with one of our members: Brother Gil Bois.

Brother Bois is well known for his service in our council, but few members know about his service to the Canadian Army. In his younger days, Bois served with the Canadian Army in Europe. Knowing his civilian occupations, you may think he drove tractor trailers or worked with the ordinance corps. This couldn’t be further from the truth. It turns out that Bois was a photographer. In addition, although Bois was dressed in his usual Canadian uniform, Bois served under Canada’s contributions to NATO operations.

When Bois’ experience came to light, it was clear that he should have received a medal to commemorate his contribution. It was shocking that he didn’t have this medal, and even more shocking that he didn’t know he was entitled to this award. To obtain the Special Service Medal, with NATO Bar, he only required 180 days of honourable service in a NATO location of responsibility. Bois’ service well exceeded these requirements, but he still needed to apply to have his military service records reviewed. At first, he was extremely humble and gave hesitation, but his confidence grew after some prodding and a call with DND. A month later came the anticipated reply: Brother Gill Bois was the proud recipient of the Special Service Medal with NATO Bar. His medal, his letter of thanks, and his younger face is captured in the beautiful frame shown above.

Bois exhibited his frame proudly, and his story was soon shared with the Facebook Society of Military Artifact Preservation. The members were quite pleased, and have been even more thankful for his service. To date he has received 64 Likes and 5 comments. One member from the United States wrote, “Well done sir! Please let him know that a Former soldier in the U.S. thanks him for his service to his country!” Another member from Canada wrote, “Well done Gil and thank you for your service.”

This goes to show that no matter how well you know your friends, or yourself, there are always new surprises waiting to be discovered. On behalf of all the Knights, Council 9544, and many other Canadian’s, we thank you Gil for your service and say that this award is truly well deserved!

Authored by Mr. Brady Hodge

17 September 2017

New Honour to a Long-Standing Knight

By Mr. Brady Hodge A Knight’s Profile

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by S/K Stephen Dulude

The Diaconate is an ordained fraternity of service-minded men who are dedicated to the needs of others, including one another. The Diaconate Formation Program seeks to find men who already exhibit a vocation to service and are serving others, to provide an appropriate period of discernment and instruction for candidates, one that fosters a love for the needy, true humility and growth, all in the context of a program of formation that is consistent with Cannon Law and diocesan norms. One of our Holy Redeemer Council Knight’s, Tom Sudsbear, was received into the candidacy in the permanent diaconate formation programme, along with five other candidates, in a celebration at St. Patrick Parish, Fallowfield on Thursday, October 5, 2017. Tom and his wife Sharon attended the celebration presided by the Archbishop of Ottawa, Terrence Prendergast and attended by the Auxiliary Bishop, Christian Riesbeck Episcopal Vicar, Geoffrey Kerkslake and many of the Permanent Diaconate. Tom and Sharon will now continue on a programme of discernment and formation for the next several years. Please keep Tom and Sharon in your prayers as they continue on their journey.

Is the Lord calling you to the Permanent Diaconate?

Permanent Diaconate

Left to right:Tom Sudsbear, Sharon Sudsbear, Theresa Sudsbear and Annette McIllwrath

The Knightly News S/K Stephen Dulude

The following Council Members will celebrate their milestone birthdays in the next

few months. Congratulations!

Birthday Name

40 Rev. Gerard Plant 50 Br. Sean Lake Br. Bob Maheral 55 Br. Mario Ferrante 60 Br. Michael McDonald Br. John Kuzniarz 70 Br. Melvin Avery 80 Br. Russ Graham 83 S/K James Riordan 85 S/K Claude Larue 89 S/K Art Bohnen 91 S/K Jozef Marincak

Happy Birthday
