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My Birthdayin Auckland atButterfly Creek


1. Front page2. Contents page3. White Hat – The facts and information about

my holiday.4. Red Hat – The emotions and feelings about

my holiday.5. Yellow Hat – The positives and advantages of

the holiday.6. Black Hat – The negatives, disadvantages and

the dangers of my holiday.7. Green Hat – The new ideas for my next


On my birthday we were visiting our cousins in Auckland, for 4 days from the 5th of July to the 8th of July.

With my whole family ( for a birthday treat) we went to Butterfly creek after that we caught a shuttle to our cousins place we settled in there then opened the present they gave me.

I played with the cousins for a while then we went to a restaurant for tea after we went home and had cake.


Butterfly creek had 4 sections. In the butterfly section I was amazed, happy and

hot because they had about 8 heaters in quite a small room.

In the crocodile section I was kind of scared and thinking wow.

In the bug section I was creeped out and disgusted. The whole day I was feeling really tied but happy. When the holiday was over I was like ohh school

again why do the holidays have to be over. I loved the things we did. Having a holiday was

awesome it was a cool as holiday it was soooo fun.


The advantages of the holiday were that I got to spend time with my family and got to have heaps of fun.

More advantages were that we got to see our cousins who we haven’t seen in quit a long time also we got to see things in Auckland that we’d never seen before.

Some more good points about the holiday were having ice creams because they have really good ice creams in Auckland and going to the beach.


One of the most dangerous things were at the beach because it was high tide so we had to walk on the rocks so one little slip could cause serious damage.

The dangers of Butterfly creek were in the crocodile section because there were 2 men doing a show with the croc’s they were feeding them so if any of them fell in the water with the croc nobody could save him.

The worst problem on my birthday was that I was really tied because we had to get up at 15 minutes to 6.00.


An idea for the next holidays could be for them to be longer or next holidays we could got to our other cousins place in Australia.

Also a really good idea could be to get tickets for the flight which are at a later time!!!

