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  • 8/8/2019 HMT - Chap 12 - Edit (2)


    ReadIn the Name of

    Almighty Allahwho is the most

    Beneficial &Merciful

  • 8/8/2019 HMT - Chap 12 - Edit (2)


    HMT Machine Tools Division

    For the course of

    Strategic Marketing Management

    Group Members:

    Noman Jehangir (8151)

    Muhammad Kashif Parvez (8072)

    Muhammad Shafique Ahmad (8073)

    Sohaib Ali Khan (6307)

    Submitted To:

    Sir Samir S. Amir

    Date Submitted: July 16, 2010

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    HMT Machine Tool Division

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    Related Environment & Marketing Strategy

    Related Environment: HMT want to all manufacturing goods to be manufactured and delivered

    through one roof.

    Like when all textures are join together to create one single design, similarlyHMT wanted to manufacture and deliver all goods through one roof

    Diversification and expertise in all machine related manufacturing Competitive advantages are low cost and skilled engineering base

    Corporate Strategy:

    HMT has adopted a strategy of Diversification.

    Expertise and skill acquired by building machine tools. Diversify into other product line such as tractors, lamps, dairy machinery,

    watches, bearings etc.

    Separate Business Groups for product line.

    Introduction of better and new products.

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    1. Innovation is not happening as fastas it should.

    2. Domestic market is too small.

    3. Information about market is poor.

    4. Lack of training including the

    concept of 5s.5. Lack of professionalism.

    6. Manufacturers sell differentdesigns of machine variety istoo large.

    7. Manufacturers sell machines not

    solutions.8. Information sharing is poor.

    9. Absence of a Center of ExcellenceforR&D.

    10. Low volume operations and notable to reap benefits of scale.

    11. Country is not industrializing atfast pace.

    12. Exports are low.

    13. After sales service is poor.

    14. Poor product design and image.

    15. Prices of machines are highcompared to China /Province of

    Taiwan.16. Small units cannot spend on R&D.

    17. Absence of large number ofservice providers.

    18. High cost of consultants.

    19. High cost of production.

    20. Input costs are high.21. Small units have uneconomical

    procurement costs.

    22. No formal channels ofcommunication exit.

    Indian Machine Tool Industrial Problems:

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    Environmental changes

    Environmental changes critical to machine tool industries are;

    Technology Obsolescence:

    Technology obsolescence in the machine tool business is extremelyrapid

    Higher Resource Requirement:

    The restricted availability and the inability to raise resources arecommon to all types of small businesses.

    Vendor Linkages:

    No other business requires such complex level of vendor linkages asthe machine tools. For materials, electrical, electronics, hydraulics


    HMT is very largely diversified.

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    Base Technology or take-up Key

    TechnologyIt should be Base + Key technology but main emphasis should

    be on Key technology reasons why

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    Technological Choices

    1. Production of CNC machines.

    2. Sourcing of components including electronic and electrical.

    3. Improvements in production lines.

    4. Verification of designs.

    5. Import of machine tool technology.

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    Growth Rate of Machine Tool Industry

    50% increase in 2005

    Demand from three sectors: automotive, auto ancillaries, and consumer


    Much of the gain from lathes, machining centers, grinders, and sheet metal


    the Indian machine tool industry caters to other sectors such as electronics,

    consumer durables, IT products, telecom and packaging, accounting for 50

    percent of the total consumption

    Global machine tool industry - $15-billion

    Indian Machine tool industry - $2.5 billion

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