Download pdf - HMFAMS2011VendorInfoApp



Sept 8 - 11, 2011

Vendor Application Thank you for your interest in the 1st Annual 2011 Heroes Music Festival.

Please read the following information carefully and complete the enclosed


Email: [email protected] for vendor pricing.

Check one: ( ) Premium Food ( ) Standard Food ( ) Premium Merchandise ( ) Standard Merchandise ( ) Art @Crafts

Vendor Name:

Primary Contract:

Secondary Contract:


City: State: Zip:

Phone: Fax: Cell :

Email Address:

Merchandise Items Please l ist a general description of the items you wish to sell .






Vendor Agreement Please initial al l statements below to insure the agreement. #

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P.O Box 892

Bonaire, GA 31005 1-855-7-HEROES

[email protected] Festival Vendor Contract

THIS FORM MUST ACCOMPANY THE SIGNED RULES AGREEMENT AND, PLEASE ATTACH A BUSINESS CARD IF POSSIBLE. DARKEN CIRCLES THAT APPLY Today’s Date: ______________ !Vendor Company Name: ____________________________________________________________ !

Contact Names:___________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________

Contact Info: Phone (______) __________________ Cellular: (______) ___________ Fax: (______) ____________________ email: ________________________________

Food/ Beverage Vendor Non-Food Vendor / Vendor category: ____________

How long in business: ____________ Do you need power? _____ How much ? ______________ Do you need lights? ______________________________ Staff size? _____________ Do you need a booth and canopy or do you have your own set-up? ________________

Do you need to park a vehicle in back of your booth? ______ Size: ________________

Do you have liability insurance coverage? ______ How much? ___________________

List of products and retail prices? For non-food, give overview. Use opposite side if needed. !


Booth size request: 10 x 10 10 x 15 10 x 20 15 x 20 10 x 30 other: ________ Price: _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Comments/ Questions: !



FESTIVAL VENDOR CONTRACT Food/Beverage Vendor Non-Food Vendor

Event Name

Address, Phone, Fax


This is to serve as a binding agreement between _____________________________________ located at ____________________________________________________________________

and ________________________ of ____________________ to be known as vendor.

It is agreed that vendor shall rent a concession space located on the grounds at _____.

The space size agreed to is _____’ x _____’ and shall be identified at the site by # ___.

In consideration of the space, ____ passes, ____ parking spaces, trash pickup, limited security,

a customer base and other provisions provided by ___________________, vendor agrees to

pay the amount of $ _________________ ( if flat fee, entire amount must be included in advance with the submission of this agreement ).

FREE camping is offered to vendor or vendor may choose to pay for nearby accommodations.

It is agreed that vendor shall abide by the rules and access policies set forth in the addendum Rules Agreement (which also must be signed and included with this agreement’s submission).

Vendor agrees to abide by all local, state and federal laws pertaining to their sales of goods at the event.

It is agreed that _________________ is responsible for presenting a ____ day music festival and for advertising aggressively to the public to create a flow of customers.

It is agreed that vendor is responsible for paying all local, state and federal taxes.

It is agreed that vendor is responsible for providing all insurance coverage needs required by the county.

It is agreed that there are no refunds under any circumstances.

___________________________ __________ _______________________________ _________ Agreed to by vendor date Agreed to by festival representative date

Company name address

___________________________________________________________________________ phone cell phone or fax email address