  • 8/8/2019 Himanshu1 Project Report on Bonanza






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  • 8/8/2019 Himanshu1 Project Report on Bonanza





    CHAPTER-2 6






    CHAPTER-5 60






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    Dematerialization is the process of converting the physical form of shares into electronicform. Prior to dematerialization the Indian stock markets have faced several problems likedelay in the transfer of certificates, forgery of certificates etc. Dematerialization helps toovercome these problems as well as reduces the transaction time as compared to the

    physical segment. The article discusses the procedures, advantages and problems ofdematerialization.

    The Indian Stock markets have seen a major change with the introduction of depositorysystem and scrip less trading mechanism. There were various problems like inordinatedelays in the transfer of share certificates, delay in receipt of securities and inadequateinfrastructure in banking and postal segments to handle a large volume of application andstorage of share certificates .To overcome these problems physical dealing in securitiesshould be eliminated . The Indian stock market introduced the system of dematerializationrecognizing the need for scrip less trading.

    According to the Depositories Act, 1996, an investor has the option to hold shares either in

    physical or electronic form .The process of converting the physical form of shares intoelectronic form is called dematerialization or in short demats. The converted electronic datais stored with the depository from where they can be traded. It is similar to a bank wherean investor opens an account with any of the depository participants. Depository participantis a representative of the depository .The DP maintains the investors securities accountbalances and intimates him about the status of holdings.


    Online Trading is an easy way to buy and sell shares from the comfort of ones place instead oftrading through individual stockbroker and broking firms, the customer can transact with the helpof mouse click and his visits to the neighborhood broker will become a thing of the past. Even

    the older generation is adapting the online trading route.Find the right depository to provide with an online trading account can be difficult, but manybanks and companies offer excellent services for online trading. Our needs will determine whichonline broker is best for us. Online trading brings in total transparency between broker aninvestor in case of secondary market operation.Whether we are buying a mutual fund, investing in commodities market or any other transactioncan be performed with minimal fuss. In India presently online trading can take place throughorder routing system, which will route client orders to exchanges trading system for execution oftrade on stock exchange (NSE and BSE).One of the measure attractions of online trading is the wealth of free commentary and analysisabout stock market and global economy. Any investor with an ounce of market saviness can

    extract all the data needed to make trading decisions and complete the trades. An importantcatalyst behind the emergence of thriving online brokerage system has been the buoyant stockmarket. One can trade online with e-brokerage such as ICICI Direct, HDFC Securities, IndiaBulls, Kotakstreet and India Info lines

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    With the emergence of the internet in everyday business, the significance of the onlinestock market trading broker has gone up.

    y It can be done from home at any desired fixed hours of the investor.

    y The processing of the order is executed at proper timings as the servers of the onlinetrading portal are linked to the selected banks and stock exchanges though out twentyfour hours.

    y The investments made are safe and secured and profit is earned at proper time withoutany dispute.

    y Online trading updates are also provided to the investors and also about the present gradeof their orders either through the interface or e-mail.

    y The investors increase shares and make development to the company..


    y To Study & understood the concept of Online trading.

    y To know the time information & importance & the role played by the stock exchanges inthe process of online trading.

    y To know the reasons for the introduction of online trading and their Benefits.

    y To review the changes that Online trading brought when compared with the previous




    The data collection methods include both the primary and secondary collection methods

    Primary collection methods: This method includes the data collection from the personaldiscussion with the authorized clerks and members of the Net worth.

    Secondary collection methods: The secondary collection methods includes the lectures of

    the superintend of the department of market operations and so on. Also the data collected

    from the news, magazines of the Net worth and different books issues of this study.

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    The study is limited to Demat and Online Trading.

    And since the year 2000, a big boom has been witnessed in the Indian stock Market when the

    market showed the coming up of Online Trading System. Many Online stock trading

    companies came but initially due to lack of Online Trading some Companies Vanished and

    some survived. The Companies which are survived are getting the handsome returns also

    attracting the foreign Investment Companies. Now a days this sector is facing cut-throat

    Competition. And also provides huge growth prospects.


    A good report tells us the results of the study. But every project has its own Limitations. These

    Limitations can be in terms of:

    y There is lack awareness among people about investing in stock market. So people whoare aware of such things were found in specific areas for survey purposes.

    y Most people are comfortable with traditional system in small towns and like to tradefrom their respective brokers, hence not providing their true opinions.

    y Most of people are not using technology and Internet is growing still it is not at therequired level.

    y Some of the respondents who did not do Online trading were able to respond only to

    some questions.

    y Limitations towards Demat and online trading confined to keep the study inmanageable limits.

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    India Financial Market the India Financial market comprise of talks about the primary

    market, FDIs, alternative investment options, banking and insurance and the pension

    sectors, asset management segment as well. With all these elements in the India Financial

    market, it happens to be one of the oldest across the globe and is definitely the fastest

    growing and best among all the financial markets of the emerging economies. The history

    of Indian capital markets spans back 200 years, around the end of the 18th century. It was

    at this time that India was under the rule of the East India Company. The capital market of

    India initially developed around Mumbai; with around 200 to 250 securities brokers

    participating in active trade during the second half of the 19th century.

    Scope of the India Financial Market The financial market in India at present is more

    advanced than many other sectors as it became organized as early as the 19th century with

    the securities exchanges in Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Kolkata. In the early 1960s, thenumber of securities exchanges in India became eight including Mumbai, Ahmedabad and

    Kolkata. Apart from these three exchanges, there was the Madras, Kanpur, Delhi, Bangalore

    and Pune exchanges as well. Today there are 23 regional securities exchanges in India.

    The financial market used to give financial services to the Industries

    The NSE provides exposure to investors into two types of financial Markets:

    1. Capital market.

    2. Money market.

    Capital market: Refers to all the facilities and Institutional arrangements forborrowing and lending of term funds. It does not deal in capital goods but isconcerned with the raising of money capital. It consists of term lending institutions

    and investing Institutions which mainly provide long term funds.

    Capital market has its growth includes:

    1) Gilt-edged Securities Market

    2) Industrial Securities Market

    3) Development Banks and

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    4) Financial Services.

    Industrial Securities Market has been further divided into two markets they are:

    A. Primary Market.

    B.Secondary Market.

    Primary Market: Refers to the raising of new capital in the form of shares anddebentures, while Secondary Market deals with securities already issued bycompanies. Both the markets are important, but the new issues market is much moreimportant from the point of view of economic growth.

    Secondary Market: The market where securities are traded after they are initially offered inthe primary market. Most trading is done in the secondary market. To explain further, it is

    trading in previously issued financial instruments. An organized market for used securities.Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), National Stock Exchange NSE, bond markets, over-the-counter

    markets, residential mortgage loans, governmental guaranteed loans etc

    Secondary Market refers to a market where securities are traded after being initially offered to

    the public in the primary market and/or listed on the Stock Exchange. Majority of the trading is

    done in the secondary market. Secondary market comprises of equity markets and the debt

    markets. For the general investor, the secondary market provides an efficient platform for

    trading of his securities. For the management of the company, Secondary equity markets serve

    as a monitoring and control conduitby facilitating value-enhancing control activities, enabling

    implementation of incentive-based management contracts, and aggregating information (via

    price discovery) that guides management decisions.

    Money market: Money Market is a market for short-term funds, which can be used forovernights to one year duration. It also deals with the financial assets that constitutenear money which means that the assets can be converted into cash quickly withminimum transaction cost and without a loss in value. It consists of commercial

    banks, co-operative banks and other agencies which supply only short term funds. It

    consists of

    y Organized Money Markets. And Un Organized money markets

    y The Call Money Market, Treasury Bill Market, Collateral Money market,Commercial paper and Certificate of deposits.

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    1908 Formulation of Calcutta stock exchange

    1939 Formulation of Lahore and madras stock exchange

    1940 Formulation of U.P and Delhi stock exchange

    1956 Securities contract and regulation act enacted

    1957 Scam of Haridas Mundhra

    1988 Securities and exchange board of India set up

    1991 Scam of MSShoes

    1992 SEBI given power Under SEBI act,1992

    1993 Formation of National stock exchange

    1995 HARSHAD MEHTA Scam

    1995 SESA GOA Scam

    1997 CRB scam

    1998 BPL And Videocon Scam

    1800 Trading of shares of east India company in Kolkata And


    1850 Joint stock company came into existence

    1860 Speculation and feverish dealing in securities

    1875 Formulation of stock exchange of Mumbai

    1894 Formulation of Ahmadabad stock exchange

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    21st century

    2000 Depositories came into existence (electronic form of


    2001 KetanP

    arekh scam

    2002 Start of rolling settlement and banning of Badla trading

    2002 Introduction of T+3 settlement in April

    2003 Introduction of T+2 settlement in April

    2005 BSE Sensex touches all time high 6954 in January

    2006 BSE Sensex touches all time high 12500,the highest

    intraday fall of 1100

    2007 BSE reaches the level of

    2008 BSE touches all time high in January 2008

    2008 Sensex saw its highest ever loss of 1,408 points at the end

    of the session.

    2008 Sexsex saw its 15 month low,from its all time high

    2009 Sexsex saw its down trend &highest ever loss because of

    Satyam case.


    A stock market is a marketplace where organized exchange (buying and selling) of stocks or

    equities takes place. Indian stock markets are one of the most dynamic and efficient stock

    markets in Asia. In terms of the make up and overall dynamics, the Indian stock markets are

    at par with international standards. The two national exchanges operating in India are the

    National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). These exchanges arewell equipped with electronic trading platforms and handle large volume of transactions on a

    daily basis.

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    Stock exchange is an organized market place where securities are traded. These

    securities are issued by the government, semi-government bodies, public sector

    undertakings and companies for borrowing funds and raising resources. Securities are

    defined as any monetary claims (promissory notes or I.O.U) and also include shares,

    debentures, bonds and etc., if these securities are marketable as in the case of the

    government stock, they are transferable by endorsement and alike movable property.

    They are tradable on the stock exchange. So are the case shares of companies.

    Under the Securities Contract Regulation Act of 1956, securities trading isregulated by the Central Government and such trading can take place only in stockexchanges recognized by the government under this Act. As referred to earlier thereare at present 23 such recognized stock exchanges in India. Of these, major stock

    exchanges, like Bombay Stock Exchange National Stock Exchange,Inter-ConnectedStock Exchange, Calcutta, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore etc. are

    permanently recognized while a few are temporarily recognized. The above act hasalso laid down that trading in approved contract should be done through registeredmembers of the exchange. As per the rules made under the above act, trading insecurities permitted to be traded would be in the normal trading hours (09:15 A.M to3.30 P.M) on working days in the trading ring, as specified for trading purpose.Contracts approved to be traded are the following:

    A. Spot delivery deals are for deliveries of shares on the same day or the next day

    as the payment is made.B. Hand deliveries deals for delivering shares within a period of 7 to 14 days from

    the date of contract.C. Delivery through clearing for delivering shares with in a period of two months

    from the date of the contract, which is now reduce to 15 days.(Reduced to 2days in demat trading)

    D. Special Delivery deals for delivering of shares for specified longer periods as

    may be approved by the governing board of the stock exchange.

    Except in those deals meant for delivery on spot basis, all the rest areto be put through by the registered brokers of a stock exchange. The securities

    contracts (Regulation) rules of 1957 laid down the condition for such trading, thetrading hours, rules of trading, settlement of disputes, etc. as between the members

    and of the members with reference to their clients.

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    The origin of the Stock Exchanges in India can be traced back to the later half of

    19th century. After the American Civil War (1860-61) due to the share mania of thepublic, the number of brokers dealing in shares increased. The brokers organized aninformal association in Mumbai named The Native Stock and Share Brokers

    Association in 1875.later evolved as Bombay stock exchange.

    Increased activity in trade and commerce during the First WorldWar and Second World War resulted in an increase in the stock trading. The Growth ofStock Exchanges suffered a set after the end of World War. World wide depressionaffected them most of the Stock Exchanges in the early stages had a speculative natureof working without technical strength. After independence, government took keen

    interest to regulate the speculative nature of stock exchange working. In thatdirection, securities and Contract Regulation Act 1956 was passed, this gave powersto Central Government to regulate the stock exchanges. Further to develop secondarymarkets in the country, stock exchanges established at Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi,Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Indore. The Bangalore Stock Exchange was recognizedin 1963. At present there are 23 Stock Exchanges.

    Till recent past, floor trading took place in all Stock Exchanges. In the floortrading system, the trade takes place through open outcry system during the officialtrading hours. Trading posts are assigned for different securities where by and sell

    activities of securities took place. This system needs a face to face contact amongthe traders and restricts the trading volume. The speed of the new information

    reflected on the prices was rather than the investors.

    The Setting up of NSE and OTCEI (Over the counter exchange of India with thescreen based trading facility resulted in more and more Sock exchanges turningtowards the computer based trading. BSE introduced the screen based trading systemin 1995, which known as BOLT (Bombay on line Trading. System).

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    Maintain Active Trading: Sharesare traded on the stock exchanges, enabling theinvestors to buy and sell securities. The prices may vary from transaction totransaction. A continuous trading increases the liquidity or marketability of the shares

    traded on the stock exchanges.

    Fixation of Prices: Price is determined by the transactions that flow from investorsdemand and the suppliers preferences. Usually the traded prices are made known tothe public. This helps the investors to make the better decision.

    Ensures safe and fair dealings: The rules, regulations and bylaws of the StockExchanges provide a measure of safety to the investors. Transactions are conducted

    under competitive conditions enabling the investors to get a fair deal.

    Aids in financing the Industry: A continuous market for shares provides afavourable climate for raising capital. The negotiability and transferability of thesecurities, investors are willing to subscribe to the initial public offering (IPO). This

    stimulates the capital formation.

    Dissemination of Information: Stock Exchanges provide information throughtheir various publications. They publish the share prices traded on their basis alongwith the volume traded. Directory of Corporate Information is useful for theinvestors assessment regarding the corporate. Handouts, handbooks and pamphlets

    provide information regarding the functioning of the Stock Exchanges.

    Performance Inducer: The prices of stocks reflect the performance of the tradedcompanies. This makes the corporate more concerned with its public image and tries

    to maintain good performance.

    Self-regulating organization: The Stock Exchanges monitor the integrity of themembers, brokers, listed companies and clients. Continuous internal audit safeguardsthe investors against unfair trade practices. It settles the disputes between member

    brokers, investors and brokers.

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    This Securities Contract Regulation Act, 1956 and Securities and Exchange board of

    India (SEB1) Act, 1992, provides a comprehensive legal framework. A 3-tier

    regulatory structure comprising the ministry of finance, SEB1 and the Governing

    Boards of the Stock Exchanges regulates the functioning of Stock Exchanges.

    Ministry of finance: The Stock Exchangedivision of the Ministry of Finance has

    powers related to the application of the provision of the SCR Act and licensing of

    dealers in the other area. According to SEBI Act, The Ministry of Finance has the

    appellate and the supervisory power over the SEBI. It has powered to grant recognition

    to the Stock Exchange and regulation of their operations. Ministry of Finance has the

    power to approve the appointments of executives chiefs and the nominations of the

    public representatives in the government Boards of the Stock Exchanges. It has the

    responsibility of preventing undesirable speculation.

    The Securities and Exchange Board of India

    The Securities and Exchange Board of India even though established in the

    year 1988. Received statutory powers only on 30th January 1992. Under the SEBI Act,a wide variety of powers are vested in the hands of SEBI. SEBI has the powers to

    regulate the business of Stock Exchanges, other security and mutual funds. Registration

    and regulation of market intermediaries are also carried out by SEBI. It has

    responsibility to prohibit the fraudulent unfair trade practices and insider dealings.

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    Takeovers are also monitored by the SEBI has the multi pronged duty to promote the

    healthy growth of the capital market and protect the investors.The Governing Board of

    stockexchanges: The Governing Board of the Stock Exchange consists of elected

    members of directors, government nominees and public representatives. Rules, by laws

    and regulations of the Stock Exchange substantial powers to the executive director for

    maintaining efficient and smooth day-to day functioning of Stock Exchange. The

    Governing Board has the responsibility to maintain and orderly and well-regulated


    The Governing body of the Stock Exchange consists of 13 members of which

    A.Six members of the Stock Exchange are elected by the members of the Stock


    B.Central Government nominates not more than three members.

    C.The board nominates three public representatives.

    D.SEBI nominates persona not exceeding three and

    E. The Stock Exchange appoints one Executive Director.

    One third of the elected members retire at annual general meeting (AGM).

    The retired member can offer himself for election if he is not elected for two

    consecutive years. If a member serves in the governing body for two years

    consecutively, he should refrain offering himself for another two years.

    The members of the governing body elect the president and vice-president. It

    needs to approval from the Central Government or the Board. The office tenure for the

    president and vice-president is on year. They can offer themselves for re-election, if

    they have not held for two consecutive years. In that case they can offer themselves for

    re-election after a gap of one-year period.

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    List of Stock Exchanges in India

    Bombay Stock Exchange

    National Stock Exchange

    Regional Stock Exchanges






    Coimbatore Delhi





    Madhya Pradesh




    Meerut OTC Exchange Of India


    Saurashtra Kutch




    1) NSE2) BSE


    The National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) situated in Mumbai - is the largest and mostadvanced exchange with 1016 companies listed and 726 trading members. Capital marketreforms in India and the launch of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

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    accelerated the incorporation of the second Indian stock exchange called the National StockExchange (NSE) in 1992. After a few years of operations, the NSE has become the largest stockexchange in India.

    Three segments of the NSE trading platform were established one after another. The Wholesale

    Debt Market (WDM) commenced operations in June 1994

    and the Capital Market (CM) segmentwas opened at the end of 1994. Finally, the Futures and Options segment began operating in2000. Today the NSE takes the 14th position in the top 40 futures exchanges in the world.

    In 1996, the National Stock Exchange of India launched S&P CNX Nifty and CNX JuniorIndices that make up 100 most liquid stocks in India. CNX Nifty is a diversified index of 50stocks from 25 different economy sectors. The Indices are owned and managed by India IndexServices and Products Ltd (IISL) that has a consulting and licensing agreement with Standard &Poor's.

    In 1998, the National Stock Exchange of India launched its web-site and was the first exchange

    in India that started trading stock on the Internet in 2000. The NSE has also proved its leadershipin the Indian financial market by gaining many awards such as 'Best IT Usage Award' byComputer Society in India (in 1996 and 1997) and CHIP Web Award by CHIP magazine(1999).

    The NSE is owned by the group of leading financial institutions such as Indian Bank or LifeInsurance Corporation of India. However, in the totally de-mutualized Exchange, the ownershipas well as the management does not have a right to trade on the Exchange. Only qualified traderscan be involved in the securities trading.

    The NSE is one of the few exchanges in the world trading all types of securities on a single

    platform, which is divided into three segments: Wholesale Debt Market (WDM), Capital Market(CM), and Futures & Options (F&O) Market.

    The main objectives of NSE are as follows

    1). To establish a nation wide trading facility for equities, debt and hybrid instruments

    2). To ensure equal access investors all over the country through appropriate

    communication network.

    3). To provide a fair, efficient and transparent securities market to investors using an

    electronic communication network.

    4). To enable shorter settlement cycle and book entry settlement system.

    5). To meet current international standards of securities market.

    Promoters of NSE: IDBI, ICICI, IFCI, LIC, GIC, SBI, Bank of Baroda. Canara Bank,

    Corporation Bank, Indian Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce. Union Bank of India, Punjab

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    National Bank, Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services, Stock Holding Corporation fo India

    and SBE capital market are the promoters of NSE.

    NSE Nifty:

    The S&P CNX Nifty (nicknamed Nifty 50 or simply Nifty), is the leading index for largecompanies on the National Stock Exchange of India. S&P CNX Nifty is a well diversified 50stock index accounting for 22 sectors of the economy. It is used for a variety of purposes such asbenchmarking fund portfolios, index based derivatives and index funds.

    Nifty was developed by the economists Ajay Shah and Susan Thomas, then at IGIDR. Later on,it came to be owned and managed by India Index Services and Products Ltd. (IISL), which is ajoint venture between NSE and CRISIL. IISL is India's first specialized company focused upon

    the index as a core product. IISL have a consulting and licensing agreement with Standard &Poor's (S&P), who are world leaders in index services.

    CNX stands for CRISIL NSE Indices. CNX ensures common branding of indices, to reflect theidentities of both the promoters, i.e. NSE and CRISIL. Thus, 'C' stands for CRISIL, 'N' stands forNSE and X stands for Exchange or Index. The S&P prefix belongs to the US-based Standard &Poor's Financial Information Services.

    NSE other indices:


    S&P CNX Niftyy CNX Nifty Juniory CNX 100y S&P CNX 500y CNX Midcapy S&P CNX Deftyy CNX Midcap 200


    The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (formerly, The Stock Exchange, Mumbai; popularly

    called The Bombay Stock Exchange, or BSE) is the oldest stock exchange in Asia. It is locatedat Dalal Street, Mumbai, India.

    Bombay Stock Exchange was established in 1875. There are around 5,600 Indian companieslisted with the stock exchange, and has a significant trading volume. As of October2006, themarket capitalization of the BSE was about Rs. 33.4 trillion (US $ 730 billion). The BSESENSEX (Sensitive index), also called the BSE 30, is a widely used market index in India and

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    Asia. As of 2005, it is among the 5 biggest stock exchanges in the world in terms of transactionsvolume.


    An informal group of 22 stockbrokers began trading under a banyan tree opposite the Town Hallof Bombay from the mid-1850s, 1875, was formally organized as the Bombay Stock Exchange(BSE).In January 1899, the stock exchange moved into the Brokers Hall after it was inauguratedby James M MacLean. After the First World War, the BSE was shifted to an old building nearthe Town Hall. In 1956, the Government of India recognized the Bombay Stock Exchange as thefirst stock exchange in the country under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act.1995, when itwas replaced by an electronic (eTrading) system named BOLT,or the BSE Online Tradingsystem. In 2005, the status of the exchange changed from an Association of Persons (AoP) to afull fledged corporation under the BSE (Corporatization and Demutualization) Scheme , 2005(and its name was changed to The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited).

    BSE Sensex:

    The BSE SENSEX (also known as the BSE 30) is a value-weighted index composed of 30scrips, with the base April 1979= 100. The set of companies which make up the index has beenchanged only a few times in the last 20 years. These companies account for around one-fifth ofthe market capitalization of the BSE.

    SENSEX, first compiled in 1986 was calculated on a "Market Capitalization-Weighted"methodology of 30 component stocks representing a sample of large, well-established andfinancially sound companies. The base year of SENSEX is 1978-79. The index is widelyreported in both domestic and international markets through print as well as electronic media.

    SENSEXis not only scientifically designed but also based on globally accepted construction andreview methodology. From September 2003, the SENSEX is calculated on a free-float market

    capitalization methodology. The "free-float MarketCapitalization-Weighted"methodology is awidely followed index construction methodology on which majority of global equity benchmarksare based.

    The growth of equity markets in India has been phenomenal in the decade gone by. Right fromearly nineties the stock market witnessed heightened activity in terms of various bull and bearruns. More recently, the bourses in India witnessed a similar frenzy in the 'TMT' sectors. TheSENSEX captured all these happenings in the most judicial manner. One can identify the boomsand bust of the Indian equity market through SENSEX.

    The values of all BSE indices are updated every 15 seconds during the market hours anddisplayed through the BOLT system, BSE website and news wire agencies.

    SENSEX calculation:SENSEX is calculated using a "Market Capitalization-Weighted" methodology.

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    As per this methodology, the level of index at any point of time reflects the total market value of30 component stocks relative to a base period. (The market capitalization of a company isdetermined by multiplying the price of its stock by the number of shares issued by the company).An index of a set of combined variables (such as price and number of shares) is commonlyreferred as a 'Composite Index' by statisticians. A single indexed number is used to represent the

    results of this calculation in order to make the value easier to work with and track over time. It ismuch easier to graph a chart based on indexed values than one based on actual values. .

    BSE - other Indices:

    Apart from BSE SENSEX, which is the most popular stock index in India, BSE uses other stockindices as well:

    y BSE 500

    y BSE PSU



    y BSE BANK

    The Securities and Exchange Board of India

    The Securities and Exchange Board of India even though established in the year 1988. Received

    statutory powers only on 30th January 1992. Under the SEBI Act, a wide variety of powers are

    vested in the hands ofSEBI. SEBI has the powers to regulate the business ofStock Exchanges,

    other security and mutual funds. Registration and regulation of market intermediaries are also

    carried out by SEBI. It has responsibility to prohibit the fraudulent unfair trade practices and

    insider dealings. Takeovers are also monitored by the SEBI has the multi pronged duty to

    promote the healthy growth of the capital market and protect the investors.

    The Governing Board of stock exchanges:

    The Governing Board of the Stock Exchange consists of elected members of directors,

    government nominees and public representatives. Rules, by laws and regulations of the

    Stock Exchange substantial powers to the executive director for maintaining efficient

    and smooth day-to day functioning ofStock Exchange. The Governing Board has the

    responsibility to maintain and orderly and well-regulated market

    The Governing body of the Stock Exchange consists of 13 members of which Six

    members of the Stock Exchange are elected by the members of the Stock Exchange.

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    F. Central Government nominates not more than three members.

    G.The board nominates three public representatives.

    H.SEBI nominates persona not exceeding three and

    I. The Stock Exchange appoints one Executive Director.

    One third of the elected members retire at annual general meeting (AGM).

    The retired member can offer himself for election if he is not elected for two

    consecutive years. If a member serves in the governing body for two years

    consecutively, he should refrain offering himself for another two years.

    The members of the governing body elect the president and vice-president. It

    needs to approval from the Central Government or the Board. The office tenure for the

    president and vice-president is on year. They can offer themselves for re-election, if

    they have not held for two consecutive years. In that case they can offer themselves for

    re-election after a gap of one-year period.


    The Securities and Exchange Board of India even though established in the

    year 1988. Received statutory powers only on 30th January 1992. Under the

    SEBI Act, a wide variety of powers are vested in the hands ofSEBI. SEBI has the

    powers to regulate the business ofStock Exchanges, other security and mutual

    funds. Registration and regulation of market intermediaries are also carried

    out by SEBI. It has responsibility to prohibit the fraudulent unfair trade

    practices and insider dealings. Takeovers are also monitored by the SEBI has

    the multi pronged duty to promote the healthy growth of the capital marketand protect the investors

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    Trading on stock exchanges is officially done in the ring for a few hours from

    11.00 A.M to 2.30P.M. Trading before or after official hour is called KERB TRADING.

    In the trading ring space is provided for specified and non-specified sections. The

    members of their authorized assistants have to wear a badge or carry with them identify

    cards given by the exchange to enter the trading ring. They carry a Sauda book or

    confirmation memos duly authorized by exchange. The stock exchanges operations at

    floor level are highly technical in nature. Non-members are not permitted to enter into

    stock market. Hence, various stages have to be completed in executing a transaction at a

    stock exchange. The steps involved in the methods of trading have been given below:


    The prospective investor who wants to buy shares or the investor who wants to sell

    his shares cannot enter into hall of the exchange and transact business. They have to act

    through only member brokers. They can also appoint their bankers for this purpose.Since, bankers can become members of stock exchange as per the present regulations.

    So, the first task in transacting business on stock exchanges is to choose a broker of

    repute or banker. Such peoples can ensure prompt and quick execution of a transaction

    at the possible price.

    At present there are 4500 authorized brokers in ISE.


    The next step in planning of order for the purchase or sale of Securities with

    the broker. The order is usually by telegram, telephone, letter, fax etc., or in person. To

    avoid delay it is placed generally over the phone. The orders may take any one of the

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    forms such as at best order, limit order, immediate or cancel order, discretionary order,

    limited discretionary order, open order and stop loss order.


    After receiving the order, the member enters them in his books and the

    purchase and sale orders are distributed among his assistants to handle them separately

    in non-specified and odd-lots.


    Big brokers transact their business through their authorized clerk. Small ones

    out their business personally. Orders are executed in the trading ring of the

    ISE.Thisworks from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m discretionary order on all working days

    from Monday to Friday and a special hour session on Saturday.

    The floor of the stock exchange is divided into number of markets (pits)

    according to the nature of security deal in. The authorized clerk/broker goes to the pit

    and jobbers offer two way quotes for the scrips they deal in. they act as market makers

    and provide liquidity to the market. The system has been designed to get the bet lids and

    offers from the jobbers book as well as the best buy and sell orders from the book. If

    the quotation is not acceptable to the brokers, he may make a counter bid/offer.

    Ultimately the bargains may be closed at a price mutually acceptable to both

    the parties. In case the quotation is not acceptable to him, the broker may go to another

    dealer and make a bargain. All bargains on the stock exchanges are settled by word of

    mouth and there is no written contract signed immediately by the parties concerned.

    Once the transaction is finalized, the deals are recorded in a Chaupri Rough notebook or

    transaction note or confirmation memos. Soudha block books or confirmation memos

    are provided by the stock exchange. The details are recorded in these books also. The

    prices at which different scrips are traded on a particular day published on the next day

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    in the newspapers. An authorized representative of the stock exchange is also present in

    the hall to supervise the trading.


    Usually, the authorized clerks enter the particulars of the business transacted

    during a particular day in Kacha Sauda Book they are transferred to Pucca Sauda

    Book, which are maintained separately for the ready delivery contracts. Then the

    broker/authorized clerk prepares a contract note. A contract note is a written agreement

    between the broker and his client for the transaction executed. It contains the details of

    the contract made for the purchase/sale of Securities, the brokerage chargeable, name of

    the company, number of shares bought/sold, net rate, etc., it is prepared in a prescribed

    from and a copy of it is also sent to the client.


    The next step is placing an order for the purchase/sale of securities with the

    broker. The order is usually placed over telephone, fax. It can also take the

    form of telegram or letter or in person. The order placed may be any of the

    following varieties (largely classified on the basis of price limits that it



    Buy 1000 XYZ ltd., it does not specify any price. It means buy XYZ Ltd. Securities at

    the prevailing market price. These are executed very fast as there is no price limits.

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    Buy 100 XYZ Ltd. At Rs 100, it is an order for the purchase of shares at a specified

    price by the client.(Rs 100)


    Buy 1000 XYZ Ltd., around Rs.100. it gives discretion to the broker. The price can be

    a little above Rs 100. How much discretion is implied depends on how the broker and

    client define around.


    It is an order to buy or sell without fixing any time or price limit on the execution of the



    Buy 100 XYZ Ltd. @ Rs 12 to stop Rs 10. It means buy 100 XYZ Ltd securities at

    the market rate of Rs. 12 but if on the same day the price falls to Rs. 10 immediately sell

    of the securities /shares. Thus an attempt is made to limit the loss of sudden unfavorable

    shift in the market.


    Buy 1000 XYZ Ltd. @Rs.30 net would mean that the client is willing to buy 1000

    XYZ Ltd. For no more than Rs.30 per security inclusive of brokerage payable to the

    broker. Net rate is purchase or sale rate minus brokerage.


    Market rate is net rate plus brokerage for purchase and net minus brokerage for sale. So,

    Buy 1000 XYZ Ltd. @Rs.30 market would mean that the client is willing to pay

    Rs.30 plus brokerage for each security of XYZ Ltd.

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    1) Manual records are very difficult to be maintained safe2) Manual records are subject to greater human error3) Business can see itself in fines and penalties if records are lost4) Manual records are easier to be falsified, modified, altered or vanished, as comparedto computerized records which become very safe when using passwords, firewalls,and back-ups.


    A "Depository" is a facility for holding securities, which enables securities transactions to be processed

    by book entry. To achieve this purpose, the depository may immobilize the securities or dematerialise

    them (so that they exist only as electronic records).India has chosen the dematerialisation route. In

    India, a depository is an organisation, which holds the beneficial owner's securities in electronic form,

    through a registered Depository Participant (DP). A depository functions somewhat similar to a

    commercial bank. To avail of the services offered by a depository, the investor has to open an account

    with a registered DP.


    In the depository system, the ownership and transfer ofSecurities takes place by means of electronic

    book entries. At the outset, this system rids the capital market of the danger related to handling of

    paper. NSDL provides numerous direct and indirect benefits, like:

    Elimination of bad deliveries-in the depository environment, once holding of an investor are

    Dematerialized, the question of bad delivery does not arise i.e. they cannot be hold under


    Elimination of all risks associated with physical certificates-dealing in physical Securities have

    associates security risks of stocks, mutilation of certificates, loss of certificates during movements

    through and from the registrars, thus exposing the investor to the cost of obtaining duplicate

    certificates and advertisement, etc.., This problem does not arise in the depository environment.

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    Although India had a vibrant capital market which is more than a century old, the paper-

    based settlement of trades caused substantial problems like bad delivery and delayed

    transfer of title till recently. The enactment of Depositories Act in August 1996 paved the

    way for establishment of NSDL, the first depository in India. This depository promoted by

    institutions of national stature responsible for economic development of the country has

    since established a national infrastructure of international standards that handles most of

    the securities held and settled in dematerialized form in the Indian capital market.

    Using innovative and flexible technology systems, NSDL works to support the investors and

    brokers in the capital market of the country. NSDL aims at ensuring the safety and

    soundness of Indian marketplaces by developing settlement solutions that increase

    efficiency, minimize risk and reduce costs. At NSDL, we play a quiet but central role in

    developing products and services that will continue to nurture the growing needs of the

    financial services industry.

    In the depository system, securities are held in depository accounts, which is more or less

    similar to holding funds in bank accounts. Transfer of ownership of securities is done

    through simple account transfers. This method does away with all the risks and hassles

    normally associated with paperwork. Consequently, the cost of transacting in a depository

    environment is considerably lower as compared to transacting in certificates.

    Promoters / Shareholders

    NSDL is promoted by Industrial Development Bank of India Limited (IDBI) - the largestdevelopment bank of India, Unit Trust of India (UTI) - the largest mutual fund in India andNational Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) - the largest stock exchange in India. Some ofthe prominent banks in the country have taken a stake in NSDL.


    y Industrial Development Bank of India Limited (Now, IDBI Bank Limited)y Unit Trust of India (Now, Adminstrator of the Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of

    India)y National Stock Exchange of India Limited

    Other Shareholders

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    y State Bank of Indiay Oriental Bank of Commercey Citibank NAy Standard Chartered Banky HDFC Bank Limitedy

    The Honkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limitedy Deutsche Banky Dena Banky Canara Banky Union Bank of India


    A Depository facilitates holding of securities in the electronic form and enables securitiestransactions to be processed by book entry by a Depository Participant (DP), who as an agent ofthe depository, offers depository services to investors. According to SEBI guidelines, financial

    institutions, banks, custodians, stockbrokers, etc. are eligible to act as DPs. The investor who isknown as beneficial owner (BO) has to open a demat account through any DP fordematerialization of his holdings and transferring securities.

    The balances in the investors account recorded and maintained with CDSL can be obtainedthrough the DP. The DP is required to provide the investor, at regular intervals, a statement ofaccount which gives the details of the securities holdings and transactions. The depositorysystem has effectively eliminated paper-based certificates which were prone to be fake, forged,counterfeit resulting in bad deliveries. CDSL offers an efficient and instantaneous transfer ofsecurities.CDSL was promoted by Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE) jointly with leadingbanks such as State Bank of India, Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, HDFC Bank, Standard

    Chartered Bank, Union Bank of India and Centurion Bank.

    Promoters &shareholders

    CDSL was promoted by Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE) in association with Bank ofIndia, Bank of Baroda, State Bank of India and HDFC Bank. BSE has been involved with thisventure right from the inception and has contributed overwhelmingly to the fruition of theproject. The initial capital of the company is Rs.104.50 crores. The list of shareholders witheffect from 11th December, 2008 is as under.

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    No.Name of shareholders Value of

    holding (in

    Rupees Lacs)

    % terms

    to total


    1 Bombay Stock Exchange Limited 3,825.46 36.61

    2 Bank of India 1,000.00 9.57

    3 Bank of Baroda 1,000.00 9.57

    4 State Bank of India 1,000.00 9.57

    5 HDFC Bank Limited 1,500.00 14.36

    6 Standard Chartered Bank 750.00 7.18

    7 Canara Bank 674.46 6.45

    8 Union Bank of India 200.00 1.91

    9 Bank of Maharashtra 200.00 1.91

    10 The Jammu and Kashmir BankLimited

    200.00 1.91

    11 The Calcutta Stock ExchangeAssociation Limited

    100.00 0.96

    12 Others 0.08 --

    TOTAL 10,450.00 100.00

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    Dematerialization is a process by which physical shares of investors are converted to an

    equivalent number of Securities in electronic form and credited in the investors account with his

    Depository Participant.

    Dematerialized trading is now compulsory for all investors. Beginning of first week of

    January 1999, investor can trade in specific scripts in the Demoralization form. They can provide and

    receive delivery only in a Dematerialized form and share certificate will not be changed for these


    A depository is an organization where Securities of shareholder are held in the electronic form at the

    request of the shareholder through Depository Participant (DPs). The system is comparable to that in

    a bank. If an investor wants services offered by a depository, he would have to open an account with

    it through a DP- similar to opening an account with any other branches of the bank in order to avail of

    its services.

    Dematerialization is a process by which physical certificates of an investor are taken back by the

    company/registrar and actually destroyed and an equivalent number ofSecurities are credited in the

    depository account of those investors. A Depository Participant is investors agent in the system. He

    maintains investors Securities account and intimates the status of holdings from time to time to the



    y In case you want to convert your existing shares into Demat format, you can view

    securities available for Dematy You can view the details of your transactions including settlement date, pay in date, pay

    out date using the View Settlement calendar option

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    All the trades executed at the exchanges are settled by the clearing member

    (CM), as in the case of Securities in the physical form. To settle trades in Demat

    segment each CM should open one clearing account with any of the DP.

    The procedure for opening clearing accounts is:

    Approach a DP.

    Fill up an account opening form.

    Sign on an agreement with the DP.

    Application is forwarded to NSDL by DP.

    NSDL allots a number identified as CM-BP-ID.

    DP opens account and an account number is providing along with CM-BP-ID to the

    clearing member.

    y After opening an account with the DP the investor should surrender the physicalcertificates held in his name to a depository participant. These certificates will besent to the respective companies where they will be cancelled after dematerialization

    and will credit the investors account with the DP. The securities on dematerialisationwill appear as balances in the depository account. These balances can be transferredlike the shares held in physical form. Dematerialised shares are in the fungible formand do not have any distinctive or certificate numbers .The securities in the dematcan again be converted into physical form which is called as rematerialisation.

    Safety to the investor* Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has laid down certain rules and regulations forgetting registered as a depository participant. With the recommendation of the Depositoryand SEBI's own independent evaluation a DP will be registered under SEBI.

    * The investors account will be credited/debited by the DP only on the basis of validinstruction from the client.

    * The system driven mandatory reconciliation is done between the DP and NSDL.

    * Periodic inspections of both DP and R&T agent are conducted by NSDL

    * The data interchange between NSDL and its business partners is protected by standardprotection measures such as encryption.

    * No direct communication links exist between two business partners and all

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    communications are routed through NSDL.

    * A statement of account is received periodically by the investors. NSDL sends statement ofaccount to a random sample of investors a s a counter check.

    * The investor has the right to approach NSDL if the grievances of the investors are not

    resolved by the concerned DP.

    Advantages of dematerialization:

    y There is no risk due to loss on account of fire, theft or mutilation.y There is no chance of bad delivery at the time of selling shares as there is no

    signature mismatch.y Transaction costs are usually lower than that in the physical segment.y The bonus /rights shares allotted to the investor will be immediately credited into

    his account.y Share transactions like sale or purchase and transfer/transmission etc. can be

    effected in a much simpler and faster way.


    A safe and convenient way to hold securitiesy ; Immediate transfer of securities;

    y No stamp duty on transfer of securities;

    y Elimination of risks associated with physical certificates such as bad delivery, fakesecurities, delays, thefts etc.;

    y - Reduction in paperwork involved in transfer of securities;

    y - Reduction in transaction cost;- No odd lot problem, even one share can be sold;

    y - Nomination facility;

    y - Change in address recorded with DP gets registered with all companies in which

    investor holds securities electronically eliminating the need to correspond with each ofthem separately;

    y - Transmission of securities is done by DP eliminating correspondence with companies;

    y - Automatic credit into demat account of shares, arising out ofbonus/split/consolidation/merger etc.

    y - Holding investments in equity and debt instruments in a single account.

    y Disadvantages of Demat account -

    y There is no as such disadvantage of Demat account. And even if there is anydisadvantage of Demat account than by law, In India we Must have to use Demataccounts to do share transactions.

    A. Procedure for purchasing dematerialized securities

    The procedure for purchasing dematerialized securities is also similar to the procedure for

    buying physical securities.

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    1. Investor instructs DP to receive credits into his account in the prescribed form. There may be

    one time standing instruction or separate instruction each time to receive credits.

    2. Investor purchases securities in any of the stock exchanges linked to depository through a


    3. Broker receives payment from investor and arranges payment to clearing corporation.

    4. Broker receives credit to securities in clearing account on the payout day.

    5. Broker gives instructions to DP to debit clearing account and credit clients account. Investor

    receives shares into his account by way of book entry.

    B. Procedure of selling dematerialized securities

    The procedure for selling dematerialized securities in stock exchanges is similar as selling physical

    securities. The only major difference is that instead of delivering physical securities to the broker, the

    investor instructs his DP to debit his demat account with the number of securities sold by him and credit

    the brokers clearing account. The procedure for selling dematerialized securities is given below:

    1. Investor sells securities in any of the stock exchange linked to depository through a


    2. Investor instructs his DP to debit his demat account with the number of securities sold

    and credit the brokers clearing account.

    3. Before the pay-in-day, broker of the investor transfers the securities to clearing


    4. The broker receives payment from the stock exchange.

    5. The investor receives payment from the broker for sale of securities in the same manner

    as received in case of sale of physical securities.

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    The Evolution of Stock Brokers with Online Trading

    An online stock broker is an investors means of buying and selling shares via the Internet, justlike a regular stock broker, wherein an individual or a brokerage firm acts as ones link to thestock exchange. Are such services necessary? Is it, after all, not true that anyone can engage in

    online trading today, and that it is possible to invest in stocks with ones own computer?

    The fact is, only a registered (SEBI)stock broker can buy and sell shares in the stock market. Such anindividual is registered on one or many stock exchanges and is authorized to transact on behalf of others.

    Apart from that, an online stock broker isvery valuable to investors who are not technicallyinclined and have no or little prior knowledge of stock trading. Such investors can use their ownonline stock trading accounts to obtain necessary information and place online trades at any timeof the day. Others, however, still require a human interface - a real person who will place tradeson their behalf.


    The Internet revolution has been changing the fundamentals of our society. It shapes the way wecommunicate and the way we do business. It brings us closer and closer to vital sources ofinformation. It provides us with means to directly interact with service-oriented computersystems tailored to our specific needs; therefore, we can serve ourselves better by making ourown decisions. This prevailing shift of the business paradigm is reshaping the financial industryand transforming the way people invest.

    In the old days, because of the limitations of communications technology, Wall Street was thecenter for most of the Stock Exchange and Brokerage firms. Today, at this millennial transition,investors can use revolutionary Internet Client-Server technology to trade stocks nearly

    anywhere, anytime, independent of brokers' fees and service limitations.

    Definition: Online Trading

    The act or practice of buying and selling securities over the Internet. Generally speaking, online

    trading occurs when an investor makes an order to a broker online; the broker then executes

    the order through the ordinary means. Online trading became more common in the 1990s as

    more brokerages offered their services online, often for a small fee rather than a commission

    on the trade.

    Online trading should be distinguished from electronic trading, which occurs on an exchange.

    See also: Discount brokerage. Online trading in India is the internet based investment activity

    that involves no direct involvement of the broker. There are many leading online trading portals

    in India along with the online trading platforms of the biggest stock houses like the National

    stock exchange and the Bombay stock exchange. The total portion of online share trading India

    has been found to have grown from just 3 per cent of the total turnover in 2003-04 to 16 per cent

    in 2006-07

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    Facilities of the online trading in India:

    The investor has to register with an online trading portal and get into an agreement with the firmto trade in different securities following the terms and conditions listed down on the agreement.

    The order processing is done in correct timings as the servers of the online trading portal areconnected to the stock exchanges and designated banks all round the clock. They can also getupdates on the trading and check the current status of their orders either through e-mail orthrough the interface. Brokerage also provides research content on their websites, such that theclients can take their own decisions on stocks before investing.

    Products and services of the online trading in India:

    Varieties of financial products and services of the online trading are available in India such as:

    y Life insurance

    y Equities,y Portfolio management

    y Mutual funds

    y Loans

    y General insurance

    y Share trading

    y Commodities trading

    y Financial planning.

    National stock exchange and Bombay stock exchange: In spite of many private stock

    houses at present involved in online trading in India, the NSE and BSE are among the largestexchanges. They handle huge daily trading volumes, supporting large amounts of data traffic,and possessing a countrywide network. The automated online systems used for trading by thenational stock exchange and the Bombay stock exchange are the NIBIS or NSE's Internet BasedInformation System and NEAT for the national stock exchange and the BSE Online Tradingsystem or BOLT for the Bombay stock exchange.

    y .Online trading is termed as selling products or good services through Internet.

    y Customers willing to purchase the product should provide the credit card details andpersonal contact information online and once the payment is being made the product isshipped to the address of the customer as provided earlier generally after two business


    y The product is shipped to the customer from the retailer only.y Online trading is treated as the most effective process to make money with the help of

    Internet by sitting at home only.y But is not easy and simple as it requires constant supervision and once people attains the

    appropriate skill can gain profit in huge amount.

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    y In order to make a business successful a plan need to be prepared first then multiplesources of income policy should be opened so that the plan at later time should beincorporated in to the business.

    Companies provide Online Trading in India:-

    Online Trading in India

    :: India Stock

    :: A1 Technology Online Trading

    :: Best online trading

    :: Bonanza Online Trading

    :: Online Trading

    :: Express Computer Online Trading

    :: Geojit Securities Online

    :: ICICI Online Trading

    :: Indiabulls Online

    :: India Insurance

    :: BSEIndia

    :: JV Financial Online

    :: Kotak Securities Online Trading

    :: Mansukh Securities Online Trading

    :: Online Trading

    :: SHCLOnline Trading

    :: STC Online Trading

    :: Technical Analysis Trading

    :: Union Bank of India Online Trading

    :: Best Online Trading

    FEATURES OF ONLINE TRADING:The Online Trading is having many features which make it

    most suitable for the investors to go for. Some of these features are as follows:

    Features of information.

    The Internet can provide a new sense of control over your financial future. The amount of investment

    information available online is truly astounding. It's one of the best aspects of being a wired investor.

    For the first time in history, any individual with an Internet connection can:

    y Know the price of any stock at any time

    y Review the price history of any stock in chart format

    y Follow market events in-depth

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    y Receive a wealth of free commentary and analysis about stock markets and the

    global economy

    y Conduct extensive financial research on any company

    Control of your money:

    One of the great appeals of using an online trading account is the fact that the account belongs to you,

    and is under your direct control. When you want to buy or sell stock, you no longer need to call your

    broker on the phone; hope that he is in the office to place your order; possibly argue with the broker

    about the order; and hope that the transaction is executed instantly.

    Access to Market:

    At the most basic level, an online trading account gives you more agility in buying and selling stocks. This

    is through sophisticated information streams, dedicated trading platforms and sophisticated tools for

    accessing the markets.

    Ensures the best price for Investor:

    Every broker house aims at providing the investor with the best price available. Also due to the high

    level of transparency with regard to display of information relating to the specific stocks

    and company profiles, you will be able to get the best quote for your orders.

    Offers grater transperancy:

    Online trading offers you greater transparency by providing you with an audit trail. This involves a

    complete integrated electronic chain starting from order placement, to clearing and settlement and

    finally ending with a credit into your depository account. All these stages are subject to inspection, thus

    bringing in transparency into the system.

    Enables hassle free trading:

    Online trading integrates your bank account, your trading account and your demat accounts, which

    leads to easy and paperless trading for you.

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    You as an Investment online customer will be able to execute the entire trading transaction, right from

    logging on to our site, to the execution and settlement of your bank account, in a very short period of


    Trading on the net, gives even the smallest retail investor access to information that earlier was

    available only to the big traders. This provides a level playing field for all investors in the securities


    This method of trading reduces the settlement risk for the investor, as in this case all short sell orders

    are squared off at the specified cut-off time and not allowed to be carried forward.

    In the case of a demat account your demat account is checked by us before executing your sell

    transaction. This reduces the settlement risk for the buyer, who is assured of the delivery of the

    securities and for you as a seller of the securities

    Every trade is confirmed immediately and you will receive an on-screen confirmation following every

    trade with full details for your records. This avoids costly errors that would have been discovered when

    it is too late.

    Your Bank, Depository and online account are integrated for your convenience. Various broking houses

    provide access to many of the popular banks.

    Broking houses work hard to keep our account and personal information secure. From updated security

    technology to advanced fraud prevention measures, they have the people and tools in place to provide

    a strong defense against electronic scams and fraud.

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    1) Less Costly:

    The most significant advantage of the Online broking is the cost reduction in the brokerage. Due to the

    power of the Internet one has the privilege of becoming the clients of really large brokerages with the

    benefits of enjoying the low charges hithelio before enjoyed only by the big players. As the DP account

    has got linked to the trading account most players do not charge a minimum transaction cost thus truly

    allowing one to buy a single share and achieve meaningful rupee price averaging whatever be yourbuying power.

    2) Peace of Mind:

    One can never have complete peace of mind but online investing does away with the hassles of filling up

    instruction slips, visits to the broker for handing over these slips and consequent costs.

    3) Keeping Records:

    The site one trades on keeps a record of all transactions down to unexecuted orders and cancelled

    orders thus keeping one abreast of all your transactions 24 hours a day. No paperwork means more time

    at ones disposal for research and analysis.

    4) Access to Information and investment Tools:

    Most online investing sites have a wealth of information for their registered members. This includes

    research reports, results, analysis and even gossip and the buzz in the market.

    5.) Unparalleled Liquidity:

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    The. bank account linked with the trading account invariably has an A TM free. Most partner banks offer

    Internet banking as well. This results in ones money becoming available to him whenever he like from

    his trading account. Conversely in case he spot an opportunity in the market he can immediately

    allocate money from his savings account to his trading account and make profits.

    6.) Unparalleled Safety:

    Most sites are secure using 128-bit algorithms -highest available commercially anywhere in the world.

    Moreover even if somebody broke in and tampered with ones account the money from the stocks he

    sold or the stock bought from the money in his account is in his account only.

    7.) Reduces the settlement risk:

    This method of trading reduces the settlement risk for the investor, as in this case no Short sale is

    possible i.e. the seller will not be able to sell the securities unless he has their actual possession. In the

    case of a demat account (required for an online transaction), when a seller wants to sell the securities,

    his demat account is checked by the Depository Participant before executing the sale transaction. This

    reduces the settlement risk for the buyer, who is assured of the delivery of the securities.

    8.) Offers greater transparency:

    Online trading gives greater transparency to the investors by providing them an audit trail. This involves

    a complete integrated electronic chain starting from order placement, to clearing and settlement and

    finally ending with a credit to the depository account of the investor. All these stages are subject to

    inspection, thus bringing in transparency into the system.

    9.) Ease of trade:

    It is the ease of doing the trade through net, with a click of mouse, one can buy or sell any share that is


    Other than the above-mentioned advantages, Internet trading provides some additional advantages to

    the investors, brokers and also helps the nation to channelize the resources. Net trading would increase

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    competition in the market hence increase in the bargaining power of the investors. The entire

    communication between the investor, broker and exchange would take place within milliseconds.

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    There is a flip side to everything and online trading is no exception.



    27% Loyality is of traditional broker

    23% people says that online trading is more costly than manual trading.

    21% people not prefer online trading because of lack of knowledge.

    So, the main problems of online trading are as follows:

    1.) "Server not found":

    This may appear on ones screens when he is desperately trying to get out of an unprofitable position.

    Some of the online sites are providing a telephone number for use in case their sites are overloaded or

    their server down.

    2.) Connectivity of the Broker with NSE:







    More Costly

    Lack Of Knowledge

    Loyaltyto Traditional Broker

    Lack of Trust

    Slow Speed


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    Recently ICICI Direct had a connectivity problem with the NSE for two and halfhours during trading

    hours. This problem is rare but be alive to its possibility.

    3.) Cyber attack:

    In the event of a malicious attack on the systems of ones broker he is protected only if the company is

    taking proper precautions against such attacks and if proper backup is regularly been taken. He may like

    to choose a brokerage that has a stated security policy and contingency plan in place.

    4.) Non-availability of a seamless interface:

    As a client one will access the NSE through a server of the online brokerage and this may involve

    queuing delays. If a number of client access the server the server takes its own time sending the orders

    to the NSE server. He must check out the seamlessness of this interface before selecting an online

    brokerage. The faster the orders are processed the more seamless is the interface.

    5.) Non- availability of personalized advice:

    If one like to ask his broker "Aaj kya achcha lag raha hai" he may not be able to do so. If he want advice

    on a particular stock in his portfolio he may not even be able to get that.

    6.) Margin:

    If Internet trading alone is not fast and furious enough; many people are trading on margin. That is

    where the brokerage firm lends you money by leveraging his account, allowing him to buy a large

    amount of securities by putting up only a small amount of money. He may have forgotten what he read

    in the small print of his agreement, but the brokerage firm has the right to change the maintenance

    margin requirements without any warning or notice to him. In fact, the firm has the right to liquidate his

    securities holdings (and it can pick and choose which ones) without any notice to one if he fail to meet

    the margin call. And there he was leveraged to the hilt, hoping to hit a home run when he discovered

    that he is required to make a large deposit that he cannot make. The next thing one know, the firm is

    selling off his securities at a point in time that is not the best for him. These are the perils of trading on


    7.) Little use of advisory services:

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    The advisory services being promised by the brokers would be of little use to investors looking for an

    insight into the market. Many would not like to rely on research reports, which are there for all. So, net

    investors will have to do their own research and take their own decision, whether wild or wise.

    8.) Increased charges:

    Some of the brokers are of the view that they would have to provide advisory services to the customers.

    But with increased volumes, they will have to follow the international practice of charging a little more

    than the normal charges from a customer looking for personal advice.


    Several broking houses now offer online trading facilities. You can trade online with e-brokerages such

    as ICICI Direct, Kotakstreet, India bulls, India info lines and HDFC securities.

    If you are already comfortable trading with your regular broker, here are few reasons why you may

    consider switching to trading online, or at least another avenue of trading. an obvious advantage of

    online trading is that your transaction would be virtually paperless. Your trading account would be

    linked to your demat and bank account, ensuring a smooth transaction process. This is especially helpful

    in the extent T+2 settlement system, where you have just two days to settle your transaction.

    The normal process of issuing of delivery note, in case of a sale, or arranging for a payment in case of

    purchaser of shares, is all taken care of the minute your order is executed online. The absence of manual

    intervention ensures that you are completely in control of all transaction.

    There is also little room for error, as your order is always confirmed before it is executed. You can also

    make better decision as you have a clear record of all your previous transaction. When you trade offline,

    a demat statement is normally sent to you only on a quarterly basis .keeping track of your portfolio can

    be a hassle in such a case. The inter net can provide a new sense of control over your financial future.

    The amount of investment information available online is truly astounding. Its one of the best aspect of

    being a wired investor for the first time in history, any individual with an internet connection can:

    y Know the price of any stock at any time

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    y Review the price history of any stock in chart format

    y Follow market events in-depth

    y Receive a wealth of free commentary and analysis about stock markets and globe economy.

    y Conduct extensive financial research on any company

    y Talk with other investors around the world

    At investsmart you can get real-time stock quotes, daily roundups of the stock market, experts

    commentary, and a deep community of fellow investors.

    Convenience is probably the greatest advantage online trading offers investors. if dont have time to

    trade during market hours ,perhaps you are at work, you can log on the web-trading site and place your

    order offline, during off market hours. Your order would join the queue and be expected the next day.

    You would need to enjoy a good relationship with your broker, for you to be able to reach him inthe

    late hours. For non-resident Indians (NRI), trading online is perhaps their easiest option to invest in the

    Indian stock markets.

    What is more, the time difference, in some cases, can work to their advantage .Antony, an NRI-based in

    New York, places his order in the evening after work, when it is day time India and the markets are

    open. We also have access to considerable information online. By just logging on to ICICI direct online,

    for instance, we can get the latest news, market information and company research.

    Moreover, if our connection is maddeningly slow and we want to get your order executed immediately,

    most e-brokerages also provide a facility to trade offline by placing our order via the phone.

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    An Investor interesting in trading through Internet shall such as filling the account opening

    form of -broker, copies of identity proof have to, firstly register himself with an Internet

    brokerage firm. Some formalities, copy of residence proof are made to register himself withthe e-trader. Secondly, the investor would be required to open a bank account with a

    scheduled bank and sufficient balance should be kept in the account. Thirdly he would be

    required to open account with a depository participant because only dematerialized shares

    can be traded on Internet.

    The client places order via the net by logging on to his

    The broker accepts and executes the order and places it with

    the exchange

    The exchange accepts the order after checking the share limit for the day.

    The broker makes the payment either directly via the client bank account

    or pays through its own account and recovers it later from the client.

    The exchange receives money and completes the settlement.

    The client is intimated about the settlement either through

    the demat or via e-mail.

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    So, generally following steps are followed while doing the trading through the Internet:


    Those investors interested in doing the trading over Internet system, that is,NEAT - ISX (NSE),

    should approach the brokers and register with the Stock Broker.


    After registration, the broker will provide to them a login name, password and a personal

    identification number (PIN).


    Actual placement of an order, Using the place order window as under can then place an order:

    (a) First by entering the symbol and series of stock and other parameters such as quantity and

    price of the scrip on the place order window.

    (b) Second, fill in the symbol, series and the default quantity.


    It is the process of review. Thus, the investor has to review the order placed by clicking the

    review option. He may also re-set to clear the values.


    After the review has been satisfactory; the order has to be sent by clicking on the send option.


    The investor will receive an "Order Confirmation" 'message along with the order number and

    the value of the order.

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    Places an order on the

    net on the brokers

    website through the

    distinctive I.D. code

    Accepts the order,

    Checks the clients

    Identity and places

    the order with the

    stock exchange

    Accepts the order after

    checking the scrip limit

    of the broker for the


    The settlement of the

    deal (buy/sell order)

    gets reflected in his

    Demat account.

    The client is intimated

    about the execution of

    the deal by e-mail.

    Pays the broker

    Pays the


    though his owns

    account and

    receives it from

    the client account.

    Receives the

    money and

    completes the


    Step- 7:In case the order is rejected by the Broker or the Stock Exchange for certain reasons

    such as invalid price limit, an appropriate message will appear at the bottom of the screen. At

    present, a time lag of about ten seconds is there in executing the trade.


    It is regarding charging payment, for which there are different modes. Some brokers will take

    some advance payment from the, investors and will fix their trading limits. When the trade is

    executed, the broker will ask the investor for transfer of funds by the investor to his account.

    When was online trading introduced in INDIA?

    Online trading started in India in February 2000 when a couple of brokers started offering an online

    trading platform for their customers.


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    The benefits ofinvestor due to Online Investing:

    a) Independence and freedom due to enjoyed by an individualaccess to the markets: This isconceivably the greatest advantage of online brokerages. A novice investor with an Internetconnection can know there all time stock quotes, historical stock price trends, have a handle

    on market events, access vast amounts of economic and market analysis, do research on firms,and interact with other investors via forums or chat rooms. This, in combination with time, cantransform even the most novice investor with an active interest in investments into aknowledgeable and powerful investor.

    b) Elimination of the middle man:Investing online gives the investor a sense of control over their wealth. Buying and selling ofstock no longer requires another individual to carry it out. It saves the investor the added worriesthat come with busy phone lines; broker not being in, etc. when wanting to do an important trade.It can be done whenever and wherever by the Investor themselves.c) Elimination ofLosses on accountof Brokers: Most brokers live on commissions, hence the

    tactics used by them are in the favor of the broker first, the brokerage house next and finally theclient. Online brokerages pay financial advisors a fixed salary, thus eliminating the chance for aninvestor doing unnecessary trades for the benefit of the brokerage firm and the broker.d) Inexpensive and affordable commission charges: Commissions per trade online are muchlower than when compared to that charged by traditional brokerage houses like Merrill Lynch,etc. This is the fulcrum on which online brokerages leverage. Cheap transaction costs along withthe immense amount accessible online are the biggest reasons for the clients to move online.Traditional brokerage housese) Internet as an InformationSuperhighway: Information related to stocks, companyFundamentals, etc., which were once only available to licensed brokers, are now at the finger tipsof anyone and everyone. Online brokerages are inconstant endeavor to bridge the gap between

    the investor and the market.f) Diverse range of investment products and choices: Online brokerages are offering moreProducts to the consumer, so as to give the consumer a wider choice and also to accommodateconsumers that have niche tastes. Investors can invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, mortgages.

    g) Speed of trade execution: Keeping time in mind, online trading is much quicker as far asaccessibility and availability to investment information and execution of trades areconcerned.Online have decreased the time for total completion of a trade from the regular T+3 days to amatter of minutes.

    The costs borne by an Individual Investor from Online Investing

    a) Technical Reliability: The greatest disadvantage of online trading is the inability of anetwork to be fail-safe. Computers in spite of the technological