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Hierarchical Predictive Control for Ground-Vehicle Maneuvering

Berntorp, Karl; Magnusson, Fredrik

Published in:Proceedings of the 2015 American Control Conference


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Citation for published version (APA):Berntorp, K., & Magnusson, F. (2015). Hierarchical Predictive Control for Ground-Vehicle Maneuvering. InProceedings of the 2015 American Control Conference (pp. 2771-2776)

Total number of authors:2

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Page 2: Hierarchical Predictive Control for Ground-Vehicle ... · Berntorp, Karl; Magnusson, Fredrik Published in: Proceedings of the 2015 American Control Conference 2015 Link to publication

Hierarchical Predictive Control for Ground-Vehicle Maneuvering

Karl Berntorp1 and Fredrik Magnusson2

Abstract— This paper presents a hierarchical approach tofeedback-based trajectory generation for improved vehicle au-tonomy. Hierarchical vehicle-control structures have been usedbefore—for example, in electronic stability control systems,where a low-level control loop tracks high-level references.Here, the control structure includes a nonlinear vehicle modelalready at the high level to generate optimization-based ref-erences. A nonlinear model-predictive control (MPC) formu-lation, combined with a linearized MPC acting as a backupcontroller, tracks these references by allocating torque and steercommands. With this structure the two control layers havea physical coupling, which makes it easier for the low-levelloop to track the references. Simulation results show improvedperformance over an approach based on linearized MPC, aswell as feasibility for online implementations.


Currently, one of the main trends in the automotive re-search is improving situation awareness, where, for example,(semi) autonomous lane-keeping systems are natural exten-sions to the Electronic Stability Program (ESP) [1]. Theenabler for improved situation awareness is the increasedsensing and computing capabilities in modern vehicles [2].

In this paper we propose a combined high- and low-level optimal-control approach to lane keeping and trajectorygeneration for road vehicles, which already at the highlevel accounts for nonlinear chassis and tire dynamics. Thework presented here builds on the conclusions from [3]–[5], which showed that single-track models can replicateexpert-driving behavior for high-level variables, such as yawrate and velocity. It was also shown that the vehicle statesare qualitatively similar for single- and double-track modelswhen using an appropriate tire model, but the input torquesand steer angles are significantly different. This conclusionis utilized here, where a high-level trajectory-generationproblem is cast as a dynamic optimization problem over aroad-curvature dependent horizon. The dynamics is alreadyat the high level based on a nonlinear vehicle model, unlikemost previous work on vehicle autonomy for lane keeping.We use the single-track model combined with the exper-imentally verified weighting-functions tire model, which

1 Karl Berntorp (corresponding author) was with the Department of Auto-matic Control, Lund University, Lund, Sweden at the time of this research.He is now with Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, 02139 Cam-bridge, MA, USA. Email: [email protected]. Thiswork was not supported by Mitsubishi Electric or any of its subsidiaries.

2 Fredrik Magnusson is with the Department of Au-tomatic Control, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. Email:[email protected]

This work was supported by the Swedish Foundation for StrategicResearch through the project ENGROSS, the LCCC Linnaeus Center, andthe ELLIIT Excellence Center at Lund University.

incorporates combined-slip behavior. The low-level control-input allocator is formulated as a nonlinear model-predictivecontrol (NMPC) problem [6] over a part of the high-levelreferences. Nonlinear optimization problems sometimes failto converge, or the convergence is slow. By combining theapproach with linearized MPC (LMPC), which results in aconvex optimization problem, a control solution is providedalso when the NMPC fails to converge in a timely manner.A simulation example shows that this combined approachyields improved reference tracking compared with LMPC,despite higher sampling rates in the LMPC.

Application of optimal control to automotive systems isa popular research topic. In [7], a hierarchical approachfor automated highway driving was introduced, where thehigh-level control uses a point-mass representation of thevehicle. This might work well for steady-state conditions.However, the reference trajectories that are generated maynot be feasible in more aggressive maneuvering, becausethere is little physical coupling between the high- and low-level controllers. An approach based on robust invariant setsis explored in [8]. Other work on MPC in vehicle-dynamicscontrol is [9]. MPC was also used in [10] for predictiveprevention of roadway departure, with operation restrictedto the linear region of the dynamics. Mitigation of collisionimpact has been explored in a series of papers, see [11] andreferences therein. Optimization of emergency maneuvershas also been treated—some examples are [12]–[14].

We assume that the vehicle’s position, velocity, and param-eters are known, and road-preview information is assumedavailable. See [2], [15]–[17] for some examples of how toachieve the desired information. Regarding actuation, theassumption is that individual wheel torques and steer anglecan be controlled. If this is not the case, it is straightforwardto reformulate the optimization problem [4], [18].


The high-level trajectory generator uses a nonlinear single-track model, see Fig. 1, where the two wheels on eachaxle are lumped together. The model has three degrees offreedom, two translational and one rotational:

vX − vY ψ =1

m(F xf cos(δ) + F xr − F

yf sin(δ)),

vY + vX ψ =1

m(F yf cos(δ) + F yr + F xf sin(δ)),

IZZ ψ = lfFyf cos(δ)− lrF yr + lfF

xf sin(δ),


where m is the vehicle mass, IZZ is the vehicle inertia aboutthe Z-axis, ψ is the yaw rate, δ is the steer angle, [vX , vY ]are the longitudinal and lateral velocities at the center of

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lf lr

Fxf F y








F yr





Fig. 1. The single-track model used in the high-level optimization problem.

gravity, [lf , lr] are the distances from the mass center to thefront and rear wheel base, and [F x, F y] are the longitudinaland lateral tire forces acting at the front and rear wheels.

Fig. 2 provides a schematic of the double-track model thatis used in the low-level formulation. It has five degrees offreedom: two translational (vX and vY ) and three rotational(the roll-pitch-yaw angles (φ, θ, ψ)). The suspension modelis a rotational spring-damper system, and longitudinal andlateral load transfer is included. The derivation and detailsof both models are found in [5], [19].

The nominal tire forces F x0 and F y0 for the longitudinaland lateral directions under pure slip conditions are computedwith the Magic formula [20], given by

F x0 = µxFz sin

(Cx arctan


− Ex(Bxλ− arctanBxλ))),

F y0 = µyFz sin

(Cy arctan


− Ey(Byα− arctanByα))),


with lateral slip αi and longitudinal slip λi defined as


vxi+ αi := − arctan


), (3a)

λi :=Rwωi − vxi

vxi, (3b)

where σ is the relaxation length, Rw is the wheelradius, ωi is the wheel angular velocity for wheeli ∈ {f, r} or {1, 2, 3, 4}, and [vyi , v

xi ] are the lateral and

longitudinal wheel velocities for wheel i. In the followingwe suppress the index i for brevity. In (2), µx and µy arefriction coefficients and B, C, and E are parameters. Thenominal normal force acting on each wheel axle is given by

F z0,f = mglrl, F z0,r = mg


where g is the gravitational acceleration and l = lf + lr.In the single-track model F z = F z0 in (2). This is nottrue for the double-track model, because of load transfer.An experimentally verified approach to tire modeling undercombined slip constraints is to scale the nominal forces(2) with a weighting function G for each direction, whichdepends on α and λ [20]. The relations are

F x,y = F x,y0 Gm,

Gm = cos(Cm arctan(Hmm)),

Hm = Bm1 cos(arctan(Bm2m)),







lf lr

w w




F y1


F y2


F y4


F y3

Fig. 2. The double-track model used in the low-level MPC formulations.

where m is either α or λ. Moreover, since it is the torquesthat can be controlled in a physical setup, we introduce amodel for the wheel dynamics, namely

τ = Iwω −RwF x,

where Iw is the wheel inertia and τ is the input torque.To account for that commanded steer angle and brake/drivetorques are not achieved instantenously, we incorporate first-order models from reference to achieved value according to

T δ = −δ + δref , (5)

and similarly for the torques, where T in (5) is the timeconstant of the control loop. The parameter values used herecorrespond to a medium-sized passenger car on dry asphalt.


Fig. 3 displays the control structure. It consists of a high-level optimizer that uses information about the road geometryand surrounding vehicles as inputs, in addition to estimatesof the position p, velocity v, yaw angle ψ, and yaw rate ψ.Based on this information, it computes reference trajectoriesfor the position, velocity, yaw angle, and yaw rate. Thesereferences are then fed to an NMPC, which computes desiredwheel torques τ and steer angle δ. If the NMPC fails toconverge, or if the convergence is deemed too slow, thereferences are instead sent to an LMPC. The LMPC usesa linearization of the double-track model, and computesdesired wheel torques and steer angle.

A. High-Level Trajectory Generation

The goal of the high-level optimizer is to find a path andcorresponding state trajectories that minimize a suitable costJ while staying in lane. In a lane-keeping scenario, it isnatural to include the deviation e from the middle of thelane in the cost. A common measure of vehicle stability isthe vehicle sideslip angle β, defined as

β := arctan




A large β indicates poor maneuverability for the averagedriver. It is traditionally used as a performance measurein electronic stability control systems [1]. In theory, an

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High-Level Optimizer

Nonlinear MPCLinear MPC

pref , vref , ψref , ψref


δref , τref

p, v, ψ, ψ

if failed

Road-Preview information

Fig. 3. The proposed control structure. The high-level optimizer findsreferences over the considered horizon. The inputs are measurements and/orestimates of the relevant vehicle states. Based on the high-level trajectories,the NMPC aims to find wheel torques and steer angle. If the NMPC fails toconverge in time, the references are instead sent to an LMPC. The LMPCuses a linearized version of the double-track model.

optimization-based safety system does not suffer from a largeβ, because it by definition finds the optimal solutions andcan thus operate in the unstable regions of the tire-groundinteraction. In practice, however, model errors will lead todeviations from the computed trajectories. Therefore, it isstill desired to keep the vehicle in the small-slip region, ifpossible. Furthermore, a large β is a measure of driver andpassenger discomfort. Thus, the cost depends on the mid-lanedeviation e and the body-slip angle β according to

J =

∫ tf


(κ1e2 + κ2β

2) dt,

where [κ1, κ2] are positive, scalar weights, t0 is the prede-termined start time, and tf is the free final time.

The prediction horizon (look-ahead) is dependent on theroad geometry and sampling periods. It must be chosen suchthat the reference trajectories span over the control horizon ofthe MPC, before a new high-level optimization is performed.However, the horizon cannot be made arbitrarily large. Alarger horizon implies longer optimization times, and if theroad curvature is steep, the available look-ahead informationprevents a large prediction horizon. In practice the horizon isdetermined by a terminal constraint ptf on the mass center’sposition, given by a higher-level planner.

Constraints on input torques τ and steer angle δ are alsointroduced. The single-track dynamics (1) in combinationwith the tire dynamics (3)–(4) can be written as an index-one system of differental-algebraic equations (DAEs):

F (x, x, w, δref , τf,ref , τr,ref) = 0, (6)

where x contains the differential (state) variables, w containsthe algebraic variables, and τf,ref , τr,ref are the desired wheeldrive/brake torques on the front and rear axle, respectively.The dynamic optimization problem is then formulated over

the time horizon t ∈ [t0, tf ], with free final time, as

minimizeδref ,τf,ref ,τr,ref

∫ tf


(κ1e2 + κ2β

2) dt

subject to |τi,ref | ≤ τi,max, ∀i ∈ {f, r},|δref | ≤ δmax,

‖p(tf )− ptf ‖ ≤ ε,Γ(p) ≤ 0, x(t0) = x0,

F (x, x, w, δref , τf,ref , τr,ref) = 0


where x0 is the initial state and Γ(p) is a mathematicaldescription of the road constraint for the vehicle’s masscenter and its endpoints. Note that it is possible to expresscollision avoidance tasks in Γ(p). We have introduced aslack ε in the terminal constraint for the position, sinceexact tracking is typically not crucial. Moreover, it improvesconvergence since exact terminal constraints are harder tofulfill. To generate an initial guess for the nonconvex problem(7), we simulate the system with a constant steer angle andzero input torques. When (7) has been solved, the optimaltrajectories for p, v, ψ, ψ, are sent to the low-level layer forallocation to the wheel and steer actuators. The optimizationproblem (7) is solved repeatedly, with a sampling periodof Ts,h s, and a new optimization is started directly aftersending the trajectory references to the low-level layer.

B. Low-Level Control-Input Allocation

The aim of the low-level controller is to track the refer-ences. This is done by allocating appropriate wheel-torqueand steer-angle references to the vehicle’s internal controllersusing an MPC. To this end, introduce the notation

r =[pT vT ψ ψ


for the references to the MPC. Let

u =[δref τ1,ref τ2,ref τ3,ref τ4,ref


denote the control input to the vehicle. Note that thereare four torque references in (9), since we use a double-track model for torque allocation, but only one steer-anglereference. The individual steer angles (Fig. 2) are determinedthrough the Ackermann geometry of the steering mechanism.

The chassis dynamics for the double-track model and thetire dynamics are formulated as the DAE system

F (x, x, w, u) = 0, (10)

where x is the state for the combined double-track and tiremodel and w are the corresponding algebraic variables. Thefunction and variables in (10) are not the same as in (6).

The references are tracked by introducing a quadraticcost on the deviations from (8). For better tracking, it istypically advantageous to include a specific cost term onthe terminal position. In addition, we include a terminalconstraint on the position. Tracking of references is not theonly objective, since driver comfort also needs attention. Thisis accommodated by introducing a penalty on the control

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signals as well. The low-level NMPC problem formulation isin each time step k stated as (with a slight abuse of notation)


∫ tf


(‖x− r‖2Q + ‖u‖2R) dt+ ‖p(tf )− ptf ‖2Qf

(11a)subject to F (x, x, w, u) = 0, (11b)

‖p(tf )− ptf ‖ ≤ ε, (11c)

− umax ≤ u ≤ umax, (11d)Γ(p) ≤ 0, (11e)x(t0) = x0, (11f)

where t0 = t0 + kTs,l and tf = t0 + (k +Hl)Ts,l ≤ tf arethe initial and final time, respectively, Ts,l is the samplingperiod of the MPC, and Hl is the prediction horizon of theMPC. Also, ‖x‖2Q = xTQx. Moreover, Q, R, and Qf in(11a) are the weight matrices, ptf in (11c) is the positionreference at time tf , umin and umax contain the input-reference bounds, and x0 in (11f) is the initial state vectorat time t0, given by estimates and/or measurements. Notethat the path constraints are also included at the low level,in (11e). In each time step, (11) is solved with the constraintthat the control-input vector is piecewise constant over thesampling periods. To generate an initial guess for (11), weuse the optimal control inputs from the previous time step.When (11) has been solved, the control inputs from the firstsampling period are sent to the internal vehicle controllers.

The highly nonlinear dynamics (11b) will sometimes causethe convergence of (11) to be too slow, or even fail. Wetherefore design an additional controller, an LMPC, which isbased on repeated linearizations of the dynamics. The result-ing LMPC can be written as a quadratic program, for whichthere exist very efficient and reliable solvers. To reduce theproblem size, note that (10) is a DAE system that can bereformulated as an ordinary differential equation (ODE). Thealgebraic variables w arise from the slip definition (3b) andthe tire-force equations (2)–(4). These can be solved for, seeSec. IV, and the result is an ODE of the form x = f(x, u).By introducing

Ak =∂f



, Bk =∂f



, (12)

where xk and uk are the measured and/or estimated quanti-ties at time t0 + kTs,l, the LMPC formulation becomes


∫ tf


(‖x− r‖2Q + ‖u‖2R) dt+ ‖p(tf )− ptf ‖2Qf

(13a)subject to x = fk +Ak(x− xk) +Bk(u− uk) (13b)

‖p(tf )− ptf ‖ ≤ ε (13c)

− umax ≤ u ≤ umax (13d)Γ(p) ≤ 0 (13e)x(t0) = x0, (13f)

where fk = f(xk, uk). Compared with (11), (13) involves alinearized version of the dynamics, (12) and (13b), which in-

troduces approximation errors. Hence, (13) is only executedwhen (11) fails to converge or when the convergence rate isslow. The path constraint Γ(p) in (13e) is an approximateversion of (11e) (e.g., ellipses or hyperplanes), to preserveconvexity. The endpoint constraint (13c) can be removed if aquadratic program is wanted, otherwise the problem becomesa second-order cone program [21]. One cycle of the completealgorithm is summarized in Algorithm 1, where conv is anindicator of whether the NMPC has converged or not.

Algorithm 1.1: Given state estimates x(t0) and road-preview informa-

tion, solve (7) and form

r =[pT vT ψ ψ

]Tfor the time period t ∈ [t0, tf ].

2: Set k = 0.3: while k ≤ bTs,h/Ts,lc do4: Acquire state estimates xk and solve (11).5: if conv 6= True then6: Compute (12) and solve (13).7: end if8: Apply the first control to the plant.9: Set k = k + 1.

10: end while

Algorithm 1 executes with the sampling period Ts,h s,and the while-loop executes with the sampling period Ts,l s.The convergence condition conv on line 5 in Algorithm 1is based on an analysis of mean convergence time of theLMPC: Assume that the mean solution time of the LMPC ish s. Then the NMPC is terminated and conv is set to falseif the execution time is larger than Ts,l−h+ ∆, where ∆ isa slack that is introduced to provide robustness with respectto variations in execution time.


The high-level trajectory generation and the MPC for-mulations are implemented using the open-source softwareplatform [22]. The DAE-constrained opti-mization problems (7) and (11) are first transformed intoODE-constrained optimization problems and then discretizedusing the procedures in [23], [24]. The resulting nonlinearprogram (NLP) is solved using IPOPT [25] and the linearsolver MA27 [26]. CasADi [27] is used to obtain the relevantfirst- and second-order derivatives of the NLP functions.

The symbolic transformations to ODE-constrained opti-mization problems lead to drastically reduced number ofsystem variables and hence improved convergence speed,as the algebraic variables are eliminated from the equationsystem. Moreover, it provides solution times that enableonline implementations. We have also noticed that the con-vergence is more robust, which is important for an onlineimplementation. A way to reduce the computation timefurther is to generate C code for evaluation of the NLPfunctions and their derivatives. We expect this to reduce thesolution time with approximately 30%.

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The simulation results are from a road segment with acurvature radius of 30 m, obtained by applying the proposedcontrol structure to the double-track model in Sec. II. Theinitial velocity is v0 = 70 km/h. The input constraints are

δmax = 0.5, τi,max = F zi µxRw, i ∈ {f, r} or {1, 2, 3, 4}.

The steer-angle constraint is based on the achievable wheel-steer angle for a standard passenger vehicle, and the torqueconstraints are based on the maximum attainable longitudinalforces. In reality the torque limits depend on several factors,such as transmission ratios and vehicle speed. Moreover, itis typically possible to generate much larger brake torquesthan acceleration torques. These factors are neglected here,but is not a restriction for the considered scenario (Fig. 4).

For the high-level optimization problem (7), κ1 = 1 andκ2 = 15. The sampling period is Ts,h = 0.4 s. The look-ahead in this example is between 10–20 m, resulting in0.5–1 m between the dicretization points for the high-levelcontrol problem. For the low-level MPCs, the predictionhorizons are Hl = 5 samples and Ts,l = 0.04 s. The choicefor when to terminate the NMPC is decided based onestimations of how long execution time the LMPC needs toconverge. With the settings used here, the LMPC typicallyconverges within 10 ms (15–20 iterations). Thus, when theNMPC has been executing more than approximately 30 mswithout converging, the LMPC is turned on. In the actualimplementation, however, to facilitate reproducibility thenumber of iterations are used as the termination criterion.

For comparison, we also show results from a setup wherean LMPC is responsible for allocating control inputs. TheLMPC uses Ts,l = 0.01 s, corresponding to its averagecomputation time. The same controller parameters are usedin both LMPC and NMPC, but the tuning is custom-tailoredto the LMPC to give a good tradeoff between tracking andcontrol aggressiveness. The weights Q and R are

Q = diag([50, 50, 30, 10, 10, 50]),

R = diag([1, 10−5, 10−5, 10−5, 10−5]),

where diag(·) is the diagonal matrix. The outer path con-straint is modeled as a circle for the considered segment inthe MPC. The inner path constraint is neglected, because itwill never be active in the considered scenario. The LMPCcan therefore be posed as a second-order cone programwithout imposing approximations on the path (13c).

A. Results

The control signals are shown in Fig. 4. The combinedNMPC/LMPC gives more aggressive steer angle than LMPC,but the torques do not differ much. An interpretation is thatthe LMPC overestimates the available lateral tire force, andtherefore does not turn as aggressively. Fig. 5 displays theposition references and actual positions. The NMPC/LMPCresults in much better position tracking. Fig. 6 contains someof the states that are often connected to vehicle stability, andthese are followed closely for most of the maneuver. There

0 1 2




Time [s]

δ [deg]

0 1 2




Time [s]

τ [Nm]τ1τ2τ3τ4

Fig. 4. Control inputs as computed from the low-level control architecture(black) and when using LMPC only (green). Using linearization seems tooverestimate the available tire forces, especially the lateral forces (the steerangle is smaller for the LMPC). The same tuning has been used for bothsetups, and can be considered conservative.

0 10 20 30





X [m]


Fig. 5. Position references (red) from the high-level optimizer and actualpositions (black). The results for LMPC only are black dashed. Clearly,using NMPC improves tracking performance. The mid-line segment isshown in blue dotted, and the road constraints are shown in blue dashed.

are three convergence failures in the NMPC out of the 77optimizations for this particular scenario, see Fig. 7.


This paper presented a hierarchical approach to optimalmotion planning for vehicles. It uses a nonlinear vehiclemodel with tire modeling in the optimization problem atthe high level, which provides for better coupling with thelow-layer control-input allocator, especially for aggressivemaneuvering. We designed a low-level control structure thatuses an NMPC for allocating the torques to the wheels, in-corporating a nonlinear double-track model with suspensiondynamics as well as rotations in space. We combined this

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0 1 2




Time [s]

β [deg]

0 1 2



Time [s]

vX [m/s]LMPCNMPC/LMPCReference

0 1 2




Time [s]

ψ [deg/s]

Fig. 6. State-trajectory references (red) and actual values from the differentcontrollers.

0 1 2 3 Time [s]


Fig. 7. The figure shows when the NMPC and LMPC are active. TheNMPC converges before the computation-time limit in 74 out of the 77optimizations.

with LMPC, to be used in those cases when the NMPC failsto find a solution within a prescribed time limit. Resultsshowed that viable computation times are achieved, evenwhen using a general framework for implementation. Wecompared with only using an LMPC for allocating controls.Despite that the tuning was custom-tailored to the LMPCand the higher sampling rate in the LMPC, the NMPC gavea clear performance increase.


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