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  • 8/13/2019 Health Benefits of Sesame


    Health Benefits of Sesame

    Sesame seeds (tilin Hindi and Elluin Tamil) are the oldest condiment known to man dating back to as early as 1600 BC. Sesame seeds are tiny, flat oval seeds which

    come in a host of different colors, depending upon the variety, including white, yellow, black and red. Sesame seeds are highly valued for their high content of sesame oil, Open sesame, the famous phrase from the Arabian Nights, reflects the distinguishing feature

    of the sesame seed pod, which bursts open when it reaches maturity. Sesame originated in India and was mentioned in early Hindu legends. From India, sesame seeds were introduced throughout the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Sesame seeds as well as oil are

    widely used in different cuisines. Following are the health benefits of Sesame.

    The rich Copper content in Sesame provides relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Sesame has a number of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant enzyme systems.

    It contains nutrients that provide structure, strength and elasticity in blood vessels, bones and joints.

    The magnesium content in Sesame supports vascular and respiratory health

    The calcium content in Sesame helps prevent colon cancer, osteoporosis, migraine and PMS

    The zinc content in Sesame prevents osteoporisis and increases bone density.

    Sesame seeds lower Cholesterol

    Sesame prevents the airway spasm in asthma

    It lowers high blood pressure, a contributing factor in heart attack, stroke, and diabetic heart disease

    It prevents the trigeminal blood vessel spasm that triggers migraine attacks

    It restores normal sleep patterns in women who are experiencing unpleasant symptoms associated with menopause

    It protects colon cells from cancer-causing chemicals

    It helps prevent the bone loss that can occur as a result of menopause or certain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis

    It prevents migraine headaches in those who suffer from them

    It reduce PMS symptoms during the luteal phase (the second half) of the menstrual cycle

    Ellu or the Sesame seeds is the one of the most versatile seeds that have a place in every other cuisine in the world. They are known for the nutritional benefits and are exceptionally rich in Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, alcium

    and also have !itamin "# and !itamin E.

    There is also a general belief that Sesame seeds have the property to regulate the menstrual disorders in $omen. Although I do not recommend taking it without any Professional advice, I myself have experienced it working

    like magic.

    The compounds present in sesame seeds help reduce rheumatic pains, prevent high

    blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol, protect the liver from oxidative damage,


  • 8/13/2019 Health Benefits of Sesame


    Sesame seeds have a nutty flavor. They come in a variety of colors ranging from

    cream-white to charcoal black. Oil extracted from this herb is known as sesame oil or


    Read more http!!!sesame-til-benefits.html

    "ear friends,

    #efore marriage $ used to have all kinds of pains % cramps &ust b' and during periods. (y mom used to wash and soak a tbsp of methi seeds overnight and add powdered sugar to the methi in water, the next morning. mix well and make me eat that fi rst thingin the morning. $nitially $ used to hate eating methi but it definitely helped in reducing the pain.over a period of time, $ started en&oying the sour % sugary taste of soaked methi.

    )owadays, $*ve severe pain only the first day and $ take care the methi way and $*m alright.

    $ do agree with +oo&itha about reducing salt, caffeine intake. $ do follow these things during those days.

    (aybe you could also try it.

    Irregular periods

    Commonly you would blend these herbs in with a green, white, or black tea, however some can be consumed by themselves too. It might take a few tries to get a blend more palatable, so the addition of lemon, honey, stevia or milk

    might help with taste.

    Culinary herbs that are quick and easy to toss into dishes include cilantro, coriander and ginger. You can easily use them in your everyday cooking, and fresh is best for the most potent herbs.

    Juices, vegetables and fruitsJuices are best freshly squeezed or in frozen concentrate form t o offer the best nutrition. egetable and fruit !uices have high amounts of vitamins and minerals the body needs to work properly. "eficiencies can quickly cause a woman#s

    cycle to become irregular and erratic, so getting proper nutrition is ideal. $resh fruit and fresh vegetables can give the same results, though it can be difficult to find some fresh produce when not in season.

    Seeds and culinary herbs%eeds make a wonderful snack or a great salad topper. %esame seeds are an e&cellent way to add more nutrition while helping to normalize your irregular periods, as are cumin seeds. 'oth can be served with warmed honey over toast,

    for a tasty treat.

    Papaya$or some women, eating unripe green papaya can normalize irregular periods associated with menopause. It might even work for other types of irregular periods too.

    ExerciseChoosing to e&ercise less, or by choosing less strenuous e&ercises can help to regulate periods. (ry and aim for no more than )* minutes of strenuous activity per day, and no more than +* minutes total. You could also change your

    routine to include more lowimpact total body e&ercises like yoga or swimming too. -emember that even though e&ercise is the backbone of a healthy lifestyle, like rich foods too much can be a bad thing, especially if you have a medical


    Final thoughts%ometimes a good diet isn#t enough to cure irregular periods, or the side effects that come with them. ftentimes supplements, teas, and other foods must be added to create the balance each body needs. -emember that no two bodies

    are alike, so while some remedies might work wonder for one woman, another woman might find her cure using a different natural remedy. (ake the time to listen to what your body needs, rela&, and en!oy life as you savor these yummy

    ways to reduce or possibly end your irregular periods.

    o /void eating spicy and hot foods, fast foods, packaged foods and such other !unk foods as they lack nutrients. 'alanced and nutritious diets must be planned and eaten. $ruits, cereals, pulses, vegetables, meat and dairy products must be

    equally included in your meals.

    o You must never follow any faddiet to lose weightquickly. $ollowing starvation diets or missing meals such as breakfast constantly can put the body on a survival mode. 0hen the body gets into such a mode then it will not have regular cycles.

    %o you must eat ) times every day.

    o "ecoction of Coriander or $ennels seeds must be consumed every day to regularize the cycle. (hese ingredients can be soaked in water overnight. In the morning, the water must be strained and consumed.

    o (he bark of 1eem tree 2Indian 3ilac4 can be soaked at night. (he ne&t morning, the water can be strained and this liquid, if consumed ) times a day, will regularize the menses.

    o You can prepare !uice of 'itter gourd and have it.

    o (o correct hormonal imbalance that are a cause of this condition, you must take herbs such as "ong 56I and Chase tree. (hese herbs help in reestablishing regular menstrual cycles.

    o You can also cure yourself by preparing and drinking Carrot and 'eetroot !uice. "rinking these !uices regularly every day for ) months will help.

    o You can prepare 3emon !uice and then add Cinnamon powder to it. (his !uice should be consumed regularly.

    o 7ating one teaspoon of %esame powder 8 times in a day, will also be helpful.

    o You can also eat salad in which 8 tablespoons of $enugreek sprouts are added.

    o 9repare a cup of 'uttermilk and have it daily by mi&ing it with water and ground -adish.

    o 5rape !uice is also found to be very effective in order to regularize the menses.

    o (o overcome the delay in menses, you can have the !uice of /loe era or unripe 9apaya to which some sugar is added.


    (aking enough rest and avoiding getting stressed is also very important to treat irregular periods. 9roper consultation of your doctor is essential before trying out any of the above homemade treatments.

    Home emedies for !rregular Periods
  • 8/13/2019 Health Benefits of Sesame


    ... (ake a small cup of coriander decotion three times a day and this will be helpful in curing irregular periods. 0omen who are anemic suffer a lot during menstruation. %esame seeds offer relief from ...

    Powerful Food Remedies:1. Cut a slice of Aloe Vera leaf. Peel off the greenskin, and collect the white gel. Add one teaspoon good quality honey. Mix and eat thisbefore breakfast. Doing this for three onths copletely restores regular enstruation.Many patients who failed to get enstruation using horonal pills responded well to this

    edication. !n "anskrit Aloe #era is called $Kumari$, which eans %young girl%. Aloe #eraakes a woen youthful by regulating her horones. &uari'aasa(a )Kumaryasava)is a

    (ery good rasyana a(ailable in Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala. !t helps regulate the onthly

    cycle and tones the feale organs. *f course, this preparation contains, besides Aloe #era,

    soe + other ingredients.

    -he abo(e %edicine% in addition to the one gi(en below restores regular enstruation,

    which is essential for fertility issues.

    . Cobine a handful of organically grown black sesae seeds with one teaspoon or

    tablespoon of Palm SugarorJaggery in a blender. Powder it well. !t is delicious to eat./ou can eat as a snack or at any tie of the day. Make it fresh e(eryday. !t takes less than

    a inute to ake it. Do not buy ready ade sesae'balls fro shops. -hey are heated andnutrients are lost.

    0ating this e(eryday, except on enstrual days, will autoatically regulate the enstrual

    cycle. -his is for woen who ha(e delayed enstruation. -his food cobination helps tobring forth enstrual bleeding. oen who had coplaints of delayed enstruation had

    their cycle regulated by this siple food recipe. "esae is also good for the uterus,

    hair and skin. !t pro(ides any nutrients especially (itain 0.


    $hat to do about irregular menstrual periods%

    :ome Cure for Irregular ;enses (here are many effective and useful home cures for irregular menses. %ome of the most common cures are as follows< 9repare syrup using unripe papaya and aloe and consume it. (his is beneficial for curing delayed periods.:ot infusion of margosa bark is a time tested cure for treating irregular menses and regulating the normal menstrual cycle. (ake the infusion at leats three times a day.'reathing e&ercises especially =apalabhati 9ranayam is one of the most effective and useful

    cures for delayed periods and irregular periods. Continue this e&ercise for about >?8* minutes daily. 7ven after you get your normal menstrual cycle, doing =apalbhati can help in improving over all health both physically and mentally.9arsley contains apiol that is a


    Coriander: Prepare a decoction with coriander seeds or leaves and have it thrice a day. This is an efficient remedy to regularize t he menstrual cycle.
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    Use Bitter Gourd To Get Regularity In Periods

    Bitter gourd, though bitter, can be very effective in the treatment of irregular periods. You can consume bitter gourd juice, or decoction, as you please. The bitter gourd juice should be taen twice a day and the

    decoction can be taen once or twice daily, for some wees, to get rid of irregular periods.

    Fruits And Vegetable Juices

    Juices grapes and carrotsare very effective in regulating your monthly periods. These juices should be consumed daily, to get visible effects. !long with these, you can also tae pulp ofAloe Vera plant or its

    juice, in case you are late for your periods, for immediate affect.

    Drinking a glass of sugarcane juicefor one or two wees, prior to the start of your periods, prevents chances of missing them and also helps in their regulation. You can also preparelemon juice cinnamon

    mixtureat home, by adding some cinnamon powder to the freshly prepared lemon juice and drin it daily.

    Cumin And Sesame Seeds Along Wit !oney

    This is also an e"tremely effective treatment for oligomenorrhea . You should tae powdered cumin seeds and sesame seeds in e#ual #uantities, add honey to it, and then consume one tablespoon of this

    mi"ture daily. You can even consume one small spoon of thesesame powder twice, daily, to get relief from irregular menses.

    Coriander "r Cilantro And Parsley

    Consumption of parsley juice, daily, is a very effective home remedy, for women having irregular periods. Cilantro is also very effective and can be consumed as juice or decoction , at least thrice a day.

    The decoction can be prepared either with cilantro leaves or seeds, as both are equally effective.
  • 8/13/2019 Health Benefits of Sesame



    apayais probably the most effective home remedy for irregular periods. You can have one unripe papaya daily, to get rid of this problem.

    Ginger And !oney

    !ake some raw ginger and consume it with honey. $aily consumption would definitely provide relief from irregularity of your periods