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Page 1: Harter Ralph 1976 India

— 3HAVAN,„3/83, VISHNUP-URI, KAWPUR, U. P.1 4 1976^ INDIA, 208-002; DECEMBER 25, 1975

Dear Brother Bourne^

Greetings again from the bank of the Ganges! I am sure that you will rejoice with me on my safe return to India after the successful completion of myten month ministry and sojourn in the United States.

And what a year that v;asl It was certainly one of the very best years ofmy life! It had its share of tears and concerns but the Lord poured out Hisblessings from heaven * ' so that there was not room to receive them. ' ' God protected me mightily on the highways and byways, and-my health was tip-top.Although I did not travel as much as on other furloughs, contributions werehigher than ever before.

And what a welcome I got from my friends in Kanpur.when I got back! I havenever received so many bear-hugs, kisses and garlands of flowers. It is allreally beyond my understanding.

The Lord has also given me a capable staff of c'o-workers who carried onthe work most admirably during my absence: Victor V/altsr.' as manager, LawrenceLazarus as editor and publisher, E. S. Reuben in the bo.okstore, Salim as houseboy,and Hari in the kitchen, not to mention Mangal Singh and Mahesh in the press.

You may also remember that we have a local committee to help with themanagement of the mission work. The lav/s require us to have a committee inIndia: it does not require that the committee members be Indian nationals. Inour case, however, we thought it best to form the committee of our churchmembers living, in Kanpur. Several of those chosen ,are not very well educatedand their words and attitudes sometimes show it. Keverthless they have donevery well, and they are improving.

At present there is only one boy in the dormitory, Harinam has been livinghere since he was converted to Christ more than four years ago. He is in hislast year ' as' a student at Christ Church College here in the city, and he is atthe top of his class. His comprehension of English has greatly increased buthe still has difficulty conversing in English. His loving nature and behaviorare perhaps more like that of a son than any of the other boys who have passedthrough here during the past twenty-five years.

"• Since we have'never gon'e_put looking for boys to fill our dormitory, wehave no idea when more" boys might apply. Prom now on we will probably have fewIf any, boys from Kulpahar. The last group of Kulpahar boys that was here 'retreated back to Kulpahar burning their bridges behind them. It was againstour advice that so many Kulpahar boys were sent to Kanpur in the first place.It was an unhappy experience for all of us, but we can be thankful for the valuablelessons we learned. Unfortunately, ' 'We are too soon old and too late smart. ' '

The rooms vacated by the Kulpahar boys have not lain vacant. The press flowedover into one, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lazarus have used another, and the thirdroom has been used by transients. In the most recentpast, we were able toprovide sleeping space for from six to twenty youths working with ' 'OperationMobilisation, '' a group that concentrates on literature'distribution.

The church in Kanpur has had two recent baptisms.. One of the elders,Victor Das, is reported to have worked very hard during the past year. Thetreasurer also has been very well spoken of. The church building fund has nowreached about S5000, and there are hopes that a piece of land will be purchasedin the near future.

Thus the prospects for the new year look very good.

My trip back to India went just about as it was expected to go. The flitefrom Kennedy airport to Delhi took exactly 24 hours to the minute. Stops weremade at London, Paris and Rome, and we had to change planes at Bombay. In asecond suitcase,- 1 shipped an adding machine by Air Cargo. This was a mistake.Not only was it very expensive but the machine was also broken enroute.

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My father was still in the hospital when I left but he was due to be discharged in two days . Later news is not yet available. A housekeeper will belooking after him in his own home.

Mrs. Gandhi's measures seem to have improved the lot of the common man inIndia. Perhaps we need to be reminded that There is no government anywherethat God has not placed in power;'' and'*If you don't want to be afraid, keepthe laws and you will get along well" Rom. 13:1-5. I am more concerned thatthe American government has been using missionaries and clergymen for espionage.Can you imagine the possible repurcussions of such shenanigans?

The weather here seems warmer this December than last December but Harinamsays no, it is colder. It must be because I have just come ont of the frigidnorth. I have not yet felt the need to use the electric heater but Harinamsays he has felt the need. So there you are!

For many years we enjoyed the loving services of a cook named Sanoo whom theboys nicknamed Narain. It is his son who is cooking for us now. Sanoo's bodyfinally wore out and he departed this life on Dec. 22nd at the age of 80. He wasan honest man and we never had a quarrel with him in the many years that heworked for us.

On Christmas Day, it, was my privilege to present a check for SIOOO to theSwarupnagar Church of Christ for their building fund. This represents acontribution from the Pate Memorial Fund of Smithville, Indiana.

The Lord has again and again proven to me His goodness, love and faithfulness, and I pray that you are also finding joy as you grow in His love and grace.

I appreciated Tory inuch -fer jwlvloving feliowMp daxlng my fUrlou^2Keep out of the cold*


Forever yours,


Page 3: Harter Ralph 1976 India


-•3 1 3 1976



3/83» Vishnuiniri, Kanpur, U.P., 208-002, India


The work in Kanpur is beginning•to hum again after the somnolenceof the past ten months. After Ireached Kanpur on Dec. 15th, thework moved along for a while in lowgear; but now it has shifted intosecond gear. By March_ 1st we hopeto be in high gear again.

When I got back to Kanpur, Hari-nam was the only boy left in theyouth hostel. All of the Kulpaharboys had returned to Kulpaharwhile Kalyan had married and moved!with his wife into a cubbyhole 1around the corner. ^

Harinam got a roomate on Jan,!15th when Amp Das moved into the Ihostel. Amp*s father will be paying his expenses so there will beno expense to us. Arup's parentshave moved from Kanpur to Delhibut they did not want to interrupttheir son*s studies. He is a fine

lad and we are happy to have him.,.^^istasian Magazine has not

'oeen published for the past fourmonths and it may be March beforewe can get it started again. Whenit is resurrected, we hope to publish it in a more attractive form.

We are not starting again onChristasian until we finish the . ^printing of the 109...^.ase_booklet,"The ABCs of the Christian Faith!VThe end is in sight.

The Swampnagar Church, seems tobe on the poiht ofLbuying, .a piece-of land on which to build a meet

ing hall. After returning to Kanpur, I have given them IJ2500, ofwhich 1^1000 is from the Pate Memorial Fund of Smithville, Indiana.After purchase, their next expensewill be to build a boundary wall toprotect the property from encroachment. No doubt the SwarupnagarChurch got a boost from my 1975furlough.

I have ordered both a scooter sind

an ai^to-riksha. The riksha cancarry up to ihree passengers andthe driver but we will still need a

scooter. The sale of the old

scooter will go a long way in payment for the new scooter.

Paul Prakash, our preacher-boy,is in his second year of Bible

,College. He did not come home forChristmas but we are expecting himto spend the siuiimer with us.

Page 4: Harter Ralph 1976 India

We also support one girl| Ladli€Lai I in the Kulpahar I^ds' Home,and three girls in a Kanpur boarding school# A fourth of the Kanpurgirls "got into trouble*^ and isnow with her family. It happenseverywhere, doesn't it? .

We no longer support Ladlie'sbrother Loyal because .he has finished his training# We may be ableto give him some work in the print,shop# We no .longer , support Tommybecause he has a job i^ Ki^pah^,and his time had run out anyway#He gets, quite a kick put of arguing with me and ^ is a prolificletter writer#• There have been many invitationsfor me to preach in. differentplaces around the city follov^gmy return, to Kanpur# Once a monthI preach to- the church in Si^arup-naghr.i 9nd once a month to thechurch;; in Gpvindnagar# ,.A.t the same•t.ime •we _are. trying" to get afT newij5hurch«in the Jvishnupuri side ofthe city.# April,religion is 'H,n, .in Kanpur^d I liiil5°bi^^^^cmng severalnights a week#

The elder ltoga.i..Sin^ is a simple old man whom the Lord uses inamazing ways# He has brou^t. .manypeople to the Lord and he. is.jgiv-ing us much help in the VishnupuriChurch# Kalyan Gangrade is also with this new congregation# When this church held its

, first ser^ce ^ -.yesirs ago, therewere only the three of us . presentThus when the attendance is down,we console ourselves with the

thou^t that it remains higher

than it was on that first Sunday.Friends and relatives have been

generous with person^ gifts# Withthese. I have bought'^iysSy^^^washing machine (mini-size), a

^tereO record player, a clock thatchimes, and an electronic gadgetthat supplies instant hot water#

Salim, tho-. ^ever-faithful houseboy, has planted some beautiful

•flowers and 12 papaya trees on thesliver of ground in front of ourhouse# He has not yet fulfilledhis vow to be baptized on my returnto India# "When reminded about it,he ^id, "I will,.;-. I will#" In the |very near future he will have his|eyes operated on for cataracts# }

Hari, the cook, is cooking much :better: meals than he did a year ago# jHis father, who cooked for us for jI'f ye.ars, .died a coupie of . daysbefol'e. Christmas# !

The. others around here are aliiVeil; Mr# Reuben in the., bookstore, jLawrence Lslzsltijs in. the e<^tor's'chair, I^es Prasad and the-younger jMangal Singh in the printshop# j

% father is doing wall under new Imanagement# He has a .bevy of ladies

.to.; look after him; "Helen, Mary,'Be.tty, Linda, Ethel and •a county jnurse# now getting daily shots|of insulin. I have promised to visit!

J.^-jfqrJh^^ ^ ;^e winter ih north India has ^

been wazmer and more pleasant thanusual# As I write this, the "winter!rains" have just begun# These bring:

' discomfort but they are .very much ineeded by the farmers#

Page 5: Harter Ralph 1976 India


Nov*De6«,1975The Home ChUrch:The Clinton ChurchClinton Mld(U.ers

Mrs. Ella M* HayesTwenty Mile Area;Mr. & Mrs. James RasbrMrs. Kathryn WaidelichSherman Church ;Mr. & Mrs. Walter Handwork I85*00Manchester ChurchRittman Missionary Guild"Mrs. Robert'MeadeOrrvdLlle Loyal- BereansPerry Cl^istianIvan Hertle

Florence WheatcraftOther Ohio Donors:







Greenford Christian Churph 150.00i\.North Madison Church -88.75-Mr. 8e Mrs-i Nathan Black lOVOCh .*Mr. S: Mrs. Lewis Holdren 90.00Blaidensburg Loyal Daughters40.00Miss Dorothy Schmale 20.00Sebring Church of Christ 10.00Linden Church of Christ 125.00Old -Stone Missionary '20.00Neighboring States: .Carnegie ChurchPa. 117•50Joy Trio of Bryn Mawr 15^00Sylvia Rosser, W.Va. ,20i'd0Follansbee First"Church l4l.96Follansbee "Mission Circle 10;00Pate Memorial, Indiana 'Frank Reas 30.00Garrett First Church 190.50Bright Christian Church . 100.00Mrs. Lewis Domke, Mich. 50.00Albert & Mary Simpson 25.00.Thomas Omer, Kentucky 20.00"Mrs. A.H. Simpson 25.00"Mt.Zion Christian Church 25.00.

Other Eastern States:

Capital City Church,N.C. I5O.OOEmbreeyille Church, Tenn. 100.00Letoy 51rd Graders, 111. 3O.OOFlo'ra Urst Christian 154.00West of the Mississippi:Wi-Ne-Ma Week of Missions 56.90Minnehaha Church, Wash. 25.00Wapato Christian Church 10.00Dr. Donald F, Peel, Texas 50.00Neeper Church, Mo. 18.OOLard's Treasury, Neb. 100.00Wymore Loyal Women 10.00Mr. & Mrs. Rajmor, Calif. 25.00Mr. 8c Mrs. Alan Stiles 20.00

Miss Edna Hunt, Canada 10.00TOTAL CONTRIBUTED 13934.36


from 11-20-75 to 1-15-76Salary, Dec. 8e Jan. S3OO.OOChurch Building Fund 2500.00Down payment on vehicles 707.00Travel (including 3 weeks

in U.S. 8c Customs duty) 509.76Postage 8c phone (U.S.) 27.69Equipment bought in U.S. 49.17To Kanpur Budget. 1100.00Extra to Students 390.12Extra to Press 57*45Extra to Committee 231.40



Balance on ll-19r-75Total contribiited

Total receiptsTotal ExpendedDeficit 1-15,-76-







flOrence Douglas. 1111 N. Main St.

Jpplih, Mo. 64801

Page 6: Harter Ralph 1976 India


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The financial report on page 3calls for a little explanation.

For newcomers I should explainthat our accounts usiially show adeficit. Strange to say, thisdoes not indicate a shortage offiinds or that we are undergoinghardship. What happens is thatmy own personal money gets spenton mission projects. Tj^e^ missiondoes not owe anyone except me.It^is'sort of "a bank-' account forme. It has been that way foryears.

Funds listed "To Kanpur Budget,"go into the accounts of the K^purcommittee. These

dited every yearAccountant. According to a pre-setbudget, expenditures are made fromthis,fund for rent, gas, electricity, bookstore, students, press,postage, travel, benevolence andother expenses. Decisions aremade by a committee of seven persons living in Kanpur. The committee is registered under thestate laws as Kalisiya SahayskSanstha (Association to help thechurch.) ^

Yet there are other expenditures ^which are not covered by the bud—gget and wlaich are not under the ^ ^control of the committee. We have•for example, de«ided on more direct ways of supporting Harinambecause there was some emotional

difficulty in having seven fathers*^instead of one. I also enjoy alittle bit of independence fromthe committee.











accounts are au- gby a Chartered







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Page 7: Harter Ralph 1976 India

APR. 91976

. APRIL, - 1976


Blbie Bhavan, 5/^3i Vishnupufl, Kanpur, U.P., 208-002, India


I The month of March, 1976j was aibusy month for preaching seimions _jthrou^out the length and breadth jjof the city of Kanpur» I preachedijl^ 'ni^ts and translated 3 nights ^lin Kanpur,' 'then ended the month•by !Ipreaching in .Bilasptir, 300 miles to |Ithe southeast of us* furing the !'week before Easter, I will preach j•at Kulpahar, 115 miles to the south-1;west./ ; ;

I - new book, "The ABGs of the j1Christian Faith," began selling onjMarch 12th* In time, many of youjwill receive free copies* |

. V/heh I last wrote, -Arup Das hadIjust arrived in our hostel* It was IImy joy to baptize this fine lad'on'jFriday the thirteenth of February* |iHis parents .came 270. miles down j!from.Delhi for the occasion* . ; j1 Athird boy, Raju Mashih, -has]'now joined our hostel from Mrs* ijRothermel's town of Ragaul* RajujIwill be here until Christmas leam- •!ing to repair'cycles* After

scooters and motor •

that we would like I[to buy him a few tools and set him'Iup in business in Ragaul* Raju has;Inot yet been baptized but we are;

working on him* !Our hostel,is full at the moment)

with six Kulpahar boys who have come Ito Kanpiir for three weeks of examana-|tions* "After they go, two more vdllllcome*;. From nes^ year the Kulpaharboys will take their exams in thetown.of Jhansi which is closer toKulpahair, cheaper, and, we hope, lessworldly*

Paul Prakash, our preacher boy, isarriving on April 8th for his summervacation* He has finished the second

year of a three year course* ' We arelanxious to see if his preaching has!imprbyed* '' ' !An Australian tourist arrived hsre jone day having received our addressjfrom a friend of otirs he had met in,Delhi* We invited him to preach on,Stinday with me as his interpreter*!After confusedly for. a few.minutes, he faiinted'and fell on 'topjof me. Later I found that he had a;liquor permit in his passpbrt* He!was probably on drugs as well* Even!the de'vil-knows how to preach* f

All of my friends will., be happy to!know, that my father continues injpretty good shape in his own home inj

Page 8: Harter Ralph 1976 India

Clinton* Dovm at the Mt. HealthyChristian Home in Cincinnati, Dr.Mrs. Rothermal, aged 92, has beenmoved from the third. to thefourth floor where ^e will receive extra attention. She stillgets aroimd well.I regret that I have not yetbeen restart CHEISTASIANMagazine. In fact there is thepossibility that it csinnot bestarted again. ^Hiere is a new lawwhich seems to prohibit any registered publication being subsidized with foreign funds. Thiswould also force the closing ofour Hindi language monthly JEEVAN-DEEP. I have written to New Delhijfor clarification. The law wouldInot prohibit us from publishing'books, tracts and correspondencecourses. The new law has been inthe pipe line- for several years-and so the move was not unexpected.

I took delivery of our three-wheeled auto-riksha on Jan. 30th.but it took another three weeks

to get.all of the necessary documents in order. Since then Ihave driven the vehicle more than500 miles within the city of Kan-pur but never more than ten milesfrom home base. We have named it

"The Bible Chariot," and it attracts a great deal of attentionand comment wherever it appears.

I have also deposited S.65O forA new scooter but so far the

government agency in charge hasnot granted me the necessary priority. If and when I get a new

scooter, the old one will be.purchased by T.G. Rash for the useof Mr. Victor Walter. Victor is a

great help to us in the Kanpur work.Meanwhile the old scooter is run

ning excellently.The Swarupnagar church is in the

process of buying a piece of land onwhich to build their church building.The site finally decided on is "inSwarupnagar itself, next door to7/131 where we lived several, years.Due to some new laws, permissionmust first be procured from the government and this may take severalmonths. The church is buying at agood time because the new laws havemade it "a buyer's market;"

The church in Vishnupuri, as yetunorganized, is showing some signsof life. One normal Sunday recentlythe attendance was 2^. Perhaps PaulPrakash can render some valuable

assistance here.

The hot summer months have now be

gun in north India with its hightemperatures (lip to II8), and hotdusty winds called"loo". The lobcan sometimes literally stop a mandead in his tracks. For the third

year we are enjoying our watercooler provided by the Pate MemorialFund, and the house contains someeleven electric fans. Since I96O, Ihave owned a small frig.. Otherwisewe have been able to manage withoutan air conditioner and other coolingequipment.

For the most part, conditions inIndia seem better than I have everknown them. Even God has blessed

with a good hsirvest and mostlyfavorable weather conditions.

Page 9: Harter Ralph 1976 India


JAN.FEB., 1976Home churchClinton, 0« First Church $6lO«COTwenty-Mile areaMeaichester Church 60.00Mrs.Robert Meade 10.00

M/M Walter Handwerk l80.00Mrs. Marion Steiner 5*00Orrville Loyal Bereans 20.00Sherman Church 25.00Perry Christian Church 27*50M/M H.L. Drollinger 200.00Other Ohio donors - .M/M Chidanand Stephens 5*00Branch Hill Church 6O.OOMiss Dorothy Schmale 60.00M/M Nathan Black 10.00Bladensburg Loyal Dgtrs. 60.00Linden Women's Guild 50.00Painesville First Church 50.OOM/M Lewis Holdren 6O.OOLinden Homebuilders 35*00Sebring Church of Christ 5*00Neighboring StatesCarnegie,Pa.-1st Christian 68.00Garrett,Ind.-lst Church 20.00Portland Singles & Doubles ^5*50Frank Reas 30.00East Union, Ky. 55*12My^ Alijert Simpson., Mich. 26*00Other Eastern States

Laura Hamilton, Fla. 2.00Capital City Church, N.C. 75*00Flora, 111.- 1st Christian , 2^.00Mrs. Robert Walker 50.00West of the MississippiLoretta Himtington, Iowa 10.00Neeper Church, Mo. 'l8.00|Liberty Bible Classes 65*101Wyraore, Neb.,Ladies Miss. 50.00jWymore Loyal Women 10.00,Dr. 8e Mrs. D.F. Peel, Tex. 25*00|

Grace Hardee, Col. S50.C0jWapato, Wash. Church 20.00'TOTAL CONTRIBUTED $2176.22i


from 1-16-76 to 3-18-76Salary, Feb. & Mar.Auto-riksha

Kanpur BudgetKanpur Committee ExpenseNat.Miss. Convention

Kirkbride Bible Co.






Deficit on 1-15-76Amount ExpendedTotal Debits

Less ReceiptsDeficit 3-18-76

The name of Mrs. Albert Simpson Iappears as a donor for the last jtime. She went to be with the Lord

on March 4th after a valiant fightwith cancer. Breathe a prayer forA1 and their two adopted boys.

Our sympathies also go out toMrs. Dorothy McCurry of the Clinton Church on the loss of her

mother, aged 79.

Please continue to send yourcontributions through our mostfaithful forwarding agent.

Miss Florence Douglasilll No. Main St.Joplin,Mu», 64801





10.00 i49*75'16.001





Page 10: Harter Ralph 1976 India



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The residents of Vishnupuri haveemployed a night watchmen, eachhome paying $1«25 a.month for theservice• Since I sleep in a frontroom of the house, I have had tosuffer quite a bit from the ministrations of this character. I am

anxious to find.out from where he

gets his orders and instructions. '. This fellow roams all over the .

neighborhood from 10 p.m.. until 6a.m. ,. blowing a wiiistle and shouting sounds that .make .you . . wonderwhether he is trying to shout inHindi or English.

If . that were not enough, he hastaken to banging out the hours onthe nearest lamp post. It is notso bad if it is only one or two'inthe morning, but woe unto you ifhe happens to be in front of yourhouse at twelve midni^t. It isenou^ to keep you awake, for theremainder of the night.

David, psalmist and king, wasalso accustomed to having hissleep disturbed.every hour on thehour, but he took adv^tage of therude awakenings to meditate ohGod's will: soul is feasted aswith marrow and fat, and my mouthpraises thee with Joyful lips when ..I think of thee upon . my bed andmeditate on thee in the watches of

the lidlght." Ps. 63:5f6.At some time or other, all of us

wake up in the middle of the ni^t.There is no better time in all ofthe 2k hours to talk with yourselfabout God. As someone else has

said, it is better to think of theshepherd than to count sheep.

Page 11: Harter Ralph 1976 India


JUNE, 1976.


Bible Bhavan, 3/83? Vishnupuri, Kanpar, U.P., 20S-002, India


There seems to be Jbn^ath^

r^vissi- ih these parts as evidenced by jreaent |ia^.April y^i "Tj. lazarus baiptized

Eajendra E» Layal and his cousinSarita C. Layal.- April 11th, I baptized Murli

Manohar Sahai,.. a school teacherwho comes to us daily for prayer.

April 25th, I baptized EdisonBhima, a young man who has beencrippled all his life. "Eddy" is

Inot the natural son of Sukhnandanjgind .Jasmin Bhima but he has'been[lovingly and patiently raised bythem from the very first,

i May 2nd, I • baptized Donald D.j"Raju" Masih, George Dani^ andParmeshwar 'Din. V. Das baptized

jMargaret Layal. Eaju has been a[resident in our dormitory sincejFebruary. He is learning the tradei of scooter repairman. Eaju is fromjEagaitL and George is one of hisi friends from Eagaul. Eagaul isI where Mrs. Eothermel worked• • foralmost fifty years. Pairmeshwar Dinis a good-hearted fellow whose-journey to the Lord was spread out

over many years.

May 9th, I baptized Shakuntala^John and her brother Goodwin, ^eyhave been fellowshipping with thiscongregation sinCe it was " firstbegun in Azadnagar. Their motheris a "sister of Mrs. Wa.shington ofwhom you ^ve heard much.

Our preacher boy, Paul Rrafeish,is "home" for his suipmer vacationand has been preaching in theVishnupuri church during May4 Heand the elder Mahgal to house with the f^tasticresult that the chijrch attend^ce


pie have/hiso become verj . active.Indeed, we have been faced mth avery serious seating problem. •;

The purchase of land by the. Swa-rupnagar Church is taking time-butit is not due to any.fault of thechurch, nor of . the man who ii^ .selling the land.. The difficulty :is with the new laws which requiregovernment permission r, for -suchsales within large cities.

Harinam fini^ed .his college,exams on may llth. It will take a

Page 12: Harter Ralph 1976 India

couple of months for the resultsof the exams to be: announcedj andthe degrees (in his case ^B,A«)will not be handed out until hextMarch. Harinam will probably . continue Ms studies for another yearand at the same time take civilservice exams whenever they appear.

The Kulpahar boys have all finished their exams and returned to,Kulpahar. Arup has left to spendthe summer with Ms parents.. Weare . tMnking of .goihg aWay too.Harinam, Paul, Babbu and I hope togo camping in the Mils from -June11th to 29th. ;

£^bu is a new boy on the scene.3?wenty-one years old, and a resident of Yi^hnupuri, he is wantin,to go to Bibile College this FMl

Buring the last week of April, Iwent up to New DelM and got a newpassport from the American Consulate. A passport is valid for fiveyears and mine was running out.

While in New DelM, 1 enquired^froin -the official concerned abouifthe future of our jpublications. Hedid not want to say definitely buthe was of the opinion that the newlaw would make our magazines illegal because they are subsidizedwith foreign (American) funds. Thelaw Ms been pa:ssed but it has notyet come into force. Until it isenforced, we will^coTitiPue-fQ-nub-lifih our Hindi paper^^ev^-Deep.Under fhe"^ clrciMstances, we havenot^ undertaken to restart Christ-asian Magazine.

. Another . thing I did in New Delhi, was^ to,was a e:

father.Thiserrlnci^^^'^o'fdi '%f'•

usi and the connection was goodand clear.

Returning from New DelM, I setabout to he ^ bookstore.TMs job ilT'jus^about finished,and I am veiy happy with the result. Mr. Reuben, who works in thebookstore, is a very honest ^ddependable employee, but he is oneof those who likes to save everyscrap of paper. When a rubber bandbreaks, he ties the ends together.In cleaning up the place, I had todispose of some of Ms clutter.TMs was very painful to b-im buthejaas suffered it all in silence.

h three-wMeled Bibls-Ghariot

^iielpful as the summer has gottenhotter and hotter. I can now ven-

rth at any hour of the daywithout fear of the hot sun orwind. Its next test will come whenthe rainy season begins in Jtily.

n^j| I JMye„:order^^o"Be delivered before

f was jgoing to tell you aboutour ^le]^^e _but it is too muchof an u^pfesT^ibt gripe, just don'tanyone ever try to phone me herein Kanpur because it is easier totelephone the man on the moon. Besides that, wis ..diMon—n^ted without waimi^^br" e^l^-atiohdh j^il. They are nowwanting me to pay a reconnectionfee, and I have balked.

It will isoon be^twgt^,y]gs^we moved into im!s house and .wehave yet to receive pur firstelectric .-b^i. when it comes, itis going to' be a whopper. •

Page 13: Harter Ralph 1976 India





Clinton First Church

Twenty-Mile Area;Sherman church

M/M Walter Handwerk^felnchester Church

Orrville Loyal BereansMrs. Marion S-J^einerMrs. Robert.Meade

Perry Christian ChurchOther Ohio Donors:

M/M L.Nathan BlackM/M. Lewis HbldrenA cousin

Branch Hill Chiirch:

Linden HomebuildersLinden Church of Christ

Old Stone MissionarySebring Church of ChristChidansind StephensNei^boring States:


. 60.00200.60^5.0030.005.005.00


Miss Dorothy Schmale ^0.00Bladensburg Loyal Daughters 20.00





Carnegie First Christian,Pa.76.56Carnegie Jimiors 20.00Mrs. Sylvia Ro6ser,W.Va. ."20.00Hooverson Heights Women, ^0.00Albert R.Simpson,Mich. 25-00Dr. & Mrs.Wm.J.Schulte 35.00Mt. Carmel Christian, Ky. 100.OOMrs. Newel Richey, Ind. 50*00Osgood Christian Circle. 100.00Portland Singles & Doubles 35.00Garrett First Church 10.00

M/M Cleo Blake 10.00other Eastern•States: .Capt. City;Church. N.C. 225.00M/M John Oglesby,111. 10.00Floia First Christian 40.00West of the Mississippi;

Mrs. Evelyn Hanksi Kan. 25.00Wapato Christian, Wash. . 20.00.

Minnehaha Church of Christ 25.00Dr. 8e Mrs. D.F. Peel, Tex. ,25.00•Mrs. Gary Moffit, N.Mex. 3.00Liberty Bible Classes, Mo. 58.30TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS $2106.55


from 3-19-76 to 5-20-76Salary - Apr. 8e May $300.00Audited expenses of Kali-

siya Sahayak Sanstha 1250.00Harinam & Paul 200.00

Travel 8e new passport 63.38Benevolence 29.12Book Store 166.23TOTAL EXPENDED $2008.83


Deficit on 3-18-76 $1344.57Amount Expended 2008.83Total Debits 3353.^0Less Receipts 2106.55Deficit on 5-20-76 1246.85

My good friend Jack Conder hasgone to be with the Lord. I enjoyed hearing him preach both in Columbus, Ohio, and Flora, 111.

In answer to a question: Yes, itis silri^t with us if you want tosend your contribution every twomonths instead of every month.Many.are doing just that•

Mss Florence Douglas is now inher 23rd. _,jtear as our most faithfulfontfarding agent. Please continueto send your contributions throui^her:

Mss Florence Douglasnil N. Main St.

Jopnn, Mo. 64891


Page 14: Harter Ralph 1976 India



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There is more to tell you aboutour nei^borhood* s ni^t -watchman.When I last wrote, I was not surewhat it was he kept yelling fromtime to time throughout the hi^t.I had an idea what he was yelling,but I did not .believe it#

One ni^t, though, after awakingme with his abominable whistle, heyelled his choice words into iqywindow so that I ooiild no longer..doubt his exact meaning.

What hQ. has been trying to tellme is, "Jagte Eaho, Jagte Rahol"Translated into English, it "means,"Stay awake, stay awake!"

Sonjehow I had had the false notion that a night watchman was tokeep an eye on things so that wecould enjoy a good night's sleep.Now. I have come to realize that hewants ' us to?stay awake and protectour own property..

The result .is that I have becomeinsens^ive to the noise. He cannow 'biaw hi^ whistle into- my earsfor hours at a time and I don't

hesir it.I "should be thankful to the

watchman for proclaiming a Bibletruth. "Let us not sleep as othersdo," the Apostle Paul wrote", "butle-t us keep awake and be sober."(I Thess. 526) This is, of coursein reference to the second comingof our Lord Jesus Christ. It isvery, easy for us to become insensitive to the possibilities of ourLord's coming. When He comes, willhe find us awake, or will He. findus asleep and unprepared? "

Page 15: Harter Ralph 1976 India











AUGUST, 1976

NEWS OF RALPH "BDD" BARTER •*ff7Bible Bhavan, 3/83» Vishnupuri, Kanpur 208-00^j India '

(or) Box 3» Nawabganj, Kanpur 208-002, India


The usu^ thing, is for adults to^Haork with the young people,** butin Kanpur this summer it was justthe opposite: the young peopleworked with the adults, and with agood measure of success*

; Our preacher boy, Paul Prakash,[surpassed our highest expectationsjin his ministry here this summer*iDue to his work, church attendancejin Vishnupuri has been good allIseason* On July 13th he left for a•month of studies at the BilaspurBible College* He is due to returnfor his third year of studies atthe North India Bible Institute in

Hardoi on August 15th*The big drawing card at Bilaspur

during these weeks is the visit ofDr* B.L* Doty, dean of Great LakesBible College* We were happy tohave him preach three sermons inKanpur on his way to Bilaspur. Theyoung people are clamoring to havehim come back for three days more*

Harinam has also emerged as ayouth leader of consequence* He.has now come to realize that being

a youth leader is more work thanhonor and he has adapted himselfnicely to this new understanding*Sanjai Gandhi, the son of IndiraGandhi, is doing much in India to

"day to inspire the young people tohi^ ideals and responsibilities*

We took advantage of the "visitof Dr* Doty to Kanpur to dedicatethe biiilding site of the Swarup-nagar Church of Christ. Unfortunately, the finalizatidn of the saleof the plot is still being held upby goveriimental redtape. The latest instruction is that'an application must be filed at the statecapital, Lucknow.

Back "to Harinam: Harinam passedhis exams for his B.A. degree. Thedegree itself will not be awarded"until next March. In the mean"timehe is beginning work towards anM.A. degree and at the same timeapplyijig ];i0re and there for a job.

The Bible Book Store is pi thebest shape that it has ever been,and it continues to improve* We^e hoping that sometime we will

Page 16: Harter Ralph 1976 India

be able to locate the bookstore

downtown where business would bemuch better#

There are only three boys atpresent in our dormitory: Harinam,"Baju," and Arup; but otherwise weare supporting quite a tribe ofkids. We support two girls in hi^school, six girls and three boysin grade school, one girl in nurses* training, and one boy (Paul)In Bible College. One girl, Bimla,is being helped with admission toMdwifery training. Two others arereceiving designated help: thatis Shakuntala Masih is supportedby Miss Grace Hardee of Colorado,while Vijai Sin^ is supported byChldanand. Stephens of Cleveland.This is a considerable big-familyespecially when you realize thatthis type of work is our sidelineand not our mainline. We are trying to get all of their picturestogether so that we can show themto you.

One of the boys whom we hadhelped for many years, Anil, is nolonger in Kanpur. He is the boywhose father died of bums at thesame time Pandit Nehru died. We

have been told that the boy iswith his mother in Lucknow, and wecan only hope the report is true.

In my last newsletter I mentioned Babbu. Because he had a bad police record, he was automaticallyjailed during a recent crime wavein our section of the city. Theyoung people believed that the boywas innocent and that he had trulyrepented of his past life. So, forbetter or for worse, we helped him

with his legal esqpenses. He is nowback home.

Our night watchman has been mentioned in the last two letters.After spending two nights at ourhouse. Dr. Doty has his own firsthand impressions of this character •s nocturnal activities.

We are also being plagued by amonkey who has taken a liking tothe white plastic letters on our"Bible Bhavan" signboard. Aftergluing them back on several times,Salim has now faced the sign witha wide-meshed screen.

Printing has begun of the Hindilanguage edition of "The ABCs ofthe Christian Faith.** An extra setof Hindi type was purchased sothat its printing need never delaythe printing of the Hindi monthly.The new law which prohibits usfmm publishing magazines has notyet been enforced.

Severe electrical storms were

world-wide this summer. Many inIndia were killed by the same.

Our proposed trip to the hillsdid not seem to be in the Lord's

will and so had to be cancelled.

I did, however, enjoy two **pio-nics" to New Delhi and two toKulpahar. A little later I mayhave the fun of showing Agra andDelhi to Mr. Doty and son.

Several good friends have recently left for their heavenly abode:

DAVID H. RSES, of MadrasHANS CHRISTENSEN, of IowaBOB CHAPMAN, a cousin from ClintoE

My father's condition continues tcbe encouraging.

Page 17: Harter Ralph 1976 India


MAY, JUNE. 1976Home ChurchsClinton First Church

Twenty"Mile AreaManchester Church

Mrs. Robert Meade

Sherman Church

Walter 8c Mrs. Handwerk

Orryille Loyal BereansCousin K. WaidelichPerry Christian.Other Ohio Donors;

Bladehsburg Loyal Dgtrs.Sebring Church of ChristNathan. 8c Mrs# BlackA city cousinMr• Lewis.Holdren

Linden Church

Miss Dorothy SchmaleLinden Women's Guild

Old Stone MissionaiyBordering States;Dr#.D.L. DotyGarrett First Christian

Portland Singles 8c DoublesFrank 8c Mrs# Reas

Bri^t Christian ChurchCarnegie First Christian

{L#A# NicholsonjAlbert SimpsonOther States;












50.00. lOiOO





150.00. 2^.00





East Orange Central ChurchCapital City ChurchFlora First ChristianAlan 8c Mrs# Stiles

Loretta HuntingtonBessie ChristensenNeeper ChurchWymorO Loyal WomenDonald 8c Mrs# PeelWapato Christian ChurchTOTAL CONTRIBUTED S2937.90


from 5-21-76 to 7-23-76

Salary, June 8c July $300.00Audited expenses of Kalisi-

ya Sahayak Sanstha I6OO.OONon-budgeted items;-

Book Store l85.MfEducation 8c Benevolence 82.35Telephone rental 17.65Transportation 5 . 00



Deficit on 5-201?^ $1246.85Amount Expended 2190.44Total Debits 3437.29Less Receipts 2937.90Deficit on 7-23-76 499*39

The 1975 accounts of the Kalisi-ya Sahayak Sanstha (our local managing committee) have been auditedby a Chartered Accountant and havebeen found correct. Montly average e:>q)enses last year were;-

Book Store (stock) $ 8.81Worker *s salaries 137•50Education, Benevolence 199.98Housing 90.71Press 60.79Transportation 31.34Postage 8c Stationery l4.60Sundries (including

Building Fund)Total ~


The extra $1000 from Clinton wasto reimburse the General Funds for

what was spent in purchasing thethree-wheeled "Bible Chariot."

Please remember that our forward

ing agent is Miss Florence Douglas1111 N. Main St., Joplin, 0.

Page 18: Harter Ralph 1976 India







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Delhi and New Delhi are really •two cities adjoining each other*

Delhi is an ancient and histori

cal city, site of the Red Fort,the Juma Masjid (holy to Muslims),and a temple holy to Sikhs* It'srailway station, *H)elhi Main,*! isstill the busiest in town althoU^the New Delhi railway station iscatching up*

New Delhi is modem with skyscrapers and luxury hotels. Theoffice buildings of the Governmentof India are veiy imposing whilethe foreign embassies (such as theAmerican) have "yded with- eachother . to biaild the most beautiful

e<^fices. The historical sites ofNew Delhi date from 19^7 and include the home of Pandit Nehru and

the site where Mahatma Gandhi was

assassinated* The places whereGandhi and Nehru were crematedhave become national shrines*

In the outskirts, two importantplaces to visit are the Qutub Mi-nar and the tomb of the second Mo-

gjhal emporer, Humayun* •The airport is more New Delhi's

than Delhi's but is called Del

hi for short* Much to India's annoyance, most international flitesreach and leave Delhi in the mid- .die of the ni^t* It stands toreason that if planes are to leavefrom and arrive at American, European and Japanese airports at convenient times, they are going tofly in and out of Delhi at inconvenient times* India is perhapsbetter able to tolerate this inconvenience than any other nation,but not without protest*

Page 19: Harter Ralph 1976 India

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Bible Bhavan, 3/83f -Vishimpuri, Kanpur 208-002, India

(or) Box 3» P.O. Nawabganj, Kanpnr 208-002, India


Due to government regulations,the Swarupnagar Church has notbeen able to finalise its purchase•f land. Neverthless, the churchhas t^en possession of a plot andhas erected a pavilion in the middle of it. This will be adequatefor the church's needs until some

thing more permanent can be built.Several, of the leaders of thechurch have worked hard and shown

great faith, and my heart was very£^d to see the day. On Sept. 3th,it was my very great privilege topreach the first sermon under thenew reef.

August 29th was another happyday when we saw two more youngpeople put on Christ through ba.p-tism. The first to request baptian |was MEirtha Singh, a girl whom we |supported in school -for several jyears. Alford Masih saw us filling ,the baptistry and decided that he jwould be baptized too. i

Alford is a recent arrival in;our hostel, and he had only been |here a couple of hours when he de-i

cided to be baptized. Alford, better known as Ford, has come toKanpur to leam typing and shorthand. He will also make anothertry at passing his high school examinations which he has failed

several times.

Another baptism was that of. Nelson Wishard on Sept• 19th. Nelsonis well-known ^ong the Christiansof Kanpur and we are expecting bigthings of him.

.The latest arrival in our hostel

is Sani Ramadhar, the youngestbrother of Stanley Ramadhar whomwe raised many years ago but whois now deceased. Sani and Alfordhappen to be cousins but it is only a coincidence that they happento be here at the same time. Saniis learning to be a tailor.

The activities of the otherthree hoys (Harinam, Arup and Ra-ju) remain about the same. Eveiy-one in the house managed to getthe flu during the recent epidemicincluding yours truly. As a youthleader, Harinam has had his ups

Page 20: Harter Ralph 1976 India

and downs1 and it has not beeneasy for me either.

A IHie new law forbidding financialcontributions to newspapers andmagazines came abruptly into effect on Friday August 6th. Sincewe were still hoping that the daywould never come, we were not asready as we ought to have been.Yet before the September issue waspublished, we were able to form anew committee and hand the Hindi

monthly JEEVAN-DEEP over to them.Under the new law, our employee

Lawrence Lazarus, can no longerserve as editor, publisher andprinter of Jeevan-Deep. The newcommittee has chosen Victor Das

an elder in the Swarupnagar Churchto hold the titles althou^ he may9ot do much of the work. Lawrence

will continue to do the work butwithout the titles. Eventually wehope to obey the spirit of the lawas well as the letter of the law

but that will take more time.

Olie enactment of the new law has

delivered the coup de grace toChristasian Magazine. In any caseits survival had become more and

more difficult following the exitfrom India of my good helpers BillGulick and Frank Rempel.

We had several refreshing visitswith tourists this summer. I havealready reported the visit of Dr.BiL* Doty and his son Timothy. OnAugust 30th and 31st, I was withthem in Agra just before they returned to Lansing. On August 3thand 6th, I enjoyed visiting inDelhi with Prof, and Mrs. SherwoodSmith of Cincinnati, and also with

Bro. Jay Henry of Damoh, India.The latter visit has led to an

invitation from Damoh to be themain speaker at the annual convention of the iTidian Disciples ofChrist, October 26th-28th. At thetime, I will be on my way homefrom our own convention where Iwill have four hours of Bibleclasses sind where Bro. BernelGetter will be the wnin speaker.

On -August 22nd, two delightfulchaps dropped in on us from thesky: David Roberts and Ken Starkeyof Indianapolis.

In the middle of the visit byRoberts and Starkey, our house boySalim had to undergo an emergencyappendectojoay in a nursing home.QlieAmerican visitors were shocked atthe primitive conditions in the"hospital j" and Salim came veiyclose to leaving us. He is now recovering nicely at home and willbe back at work before you readthis. We have certainly missed hisvaluable help. Ken Starkey made agenerous contribution for Salim'shospital expenses.

During the next twelve months, Iwill be serving as secretary ofthe United Christians Committee ofKanpur. This committee sponsors aUnited Christmas Service emd anEaster Dawn service. This year weare sponsoring a untied service ofThanksgiving and praise . althoughthere is no Thanksgiving holidayin India. A cell—type Bible studyhas also been started among themembers of the committee.

Dad Barter continues to getalong very well at home.

Page 21: Harter Ralph 1976 India


July and August< 1976The Home Church


Clinton First Church

From Mrs.Geneva Nettle in

memory of her husband,Mr. John Nettle

Akron-Canton Area;

Manchester Church 30.00Orrville Loyal Bereems 30.00M/M Walter Handwerk 310.00Mrs. Mary E.Barnet 25.00Perry Christian Church 11.50Leona B. Blythe 50.00Sherman Church of Christ 30.00Mrs.Robert Meade 10.00 •Other Ohio Donors;

Sebring Church of Christ 10.00M/M Nathan Black 10.00Branch Hill Church 60.00City Cousins 25.00Miss Dorothy Schm^e 1CK).00M/M Lewis Holi^en 60.00Bladensburg Loyal Daughters 40.00Linden Homebiiilders 35*00Nei^boring States;Garrett First Church 30.00New Ross Christian 105.00Portland Singles & Doubles 31*9^M/M Kelly Story ^0.00Mt. Zion Christian Church 25.00Mr. Albert Simpson 25.00Carnegie First Christian 68.00Oak Grove Church . 50.00Others East of Mississippi;Mr. Chidanand Stephens 22.00Flora First Christian ^9.00Leroy Ladies Group 20.00Capital City Church 150.00West of the Mississippi;Virginia Templeton 2.50Gene & Helen Bream 10.00

Minnehaha Church $25.00Wapato Christian Church 30.00Edith Hardee 100.00

Grace Hardee 100.00Liberty Bible Classes 52.00TOTAL CONTRIBUTED $2181.9^


from 7-23-76 to 9-21-76Salary, Aug. & Sept. $300.00Audited expenses of Kali-

siya Sahayak Sanstha 1350.00David Rees Memorial 120.00Harinam Singh Account 190.00Flora Bank charge 10.00Non-budgeted items:

Education 5^.56Benevolence 103.^1Transportation 3^.12Book Publishing 12.73Administration 8.52


SUMM^YDeficit on 7-23-76 $^99-39Amount Expended 2183.3^Total Debits $2682.73Less Contributed 2l8l.9^Deficit on 9-21-76 500.79

Our deepest sympathies to Mrs.Guy Van Winkle on the loss of herhusband, to Aden McTeer on theloss of his brother, and to RuthDoty on the loss of her mother.

Our forwarding agent continuesfaithfully in her good and sacrificial work.

Miss Florence Douglas1111 N.Main St.

Joplin, Mo. 64801

Page 22: Harter Ralph 1976 India

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In my last newsletter, I saidthat, more than any other nation,India is better able to tolerate

the inconvenience of having international flites arrive and departin the middle of the night* Thiscalls for some explanation*

One reason for this is that most

Indians are impervious to noise. Aclassic example of this was thatthe church building at Isagarh wasblown to bits one midnight severalyears ago and no one knew about ituntil the next morning* Neighbors"heard something," but they rolledover and quickly went back tosleep*

There has been some happy improv-ment in the situation, at leastin Kanpur* Loudspeakers are nolonger allowed to blare throughoutthe night as they once were# Yetwe still have that watchman I havebeen telling you about who roamsaround the nei^borhood all ni^tblowing his whistle*

Indians are also expert at falling asleep anywhere and eveiywhereand/or staying awake all ni^twithout thinking it unusual# Theythink nothing of sitting up allnight in a crowded train, or enjoying a concert until dawn, orattending a wedding at 3 a*m#, orlaying a foundation stone at exactly 4:17. Hundreds of Christianaof Ifempur do not have to worryabout waking up in time for theEaster Dawn Service (which startsat 4 a.m.), because they do not goto bed at all that night.

So, you see, that is why*

Page 23: Harter Ralph 1976 India

H"A R T E E T n n 0 ;b




(or) B0X,3f P.O. NAWABGANJ, KANPDR, 208-002, INDIA


- The members and friends- ©f the

Swarupnagar (Kanpur) Church ofChrist celebrated the 25th Andiver-sary of the. congregation fromNov. l8th to 21st.• Guest speakerfor the occasion was Dr. Vijai Lai®f Damoh who preached four of thefinest serao.ns ever preached in thecity of^Kanpur. The commemorationwas concluded with a fellowship dinner Sunday noon.

Cooperation between Kanpur ahdDamoh has improved thanks to effortsby Prof.Sherwood Smith ©f Cincinnatiand J. Henry of Damoh. Contacts inNew Delhi last summer led to an invitation- to preach in a convention atDamoh in October. This in turn led

to the invitation to Dr. Lai to

preach in Kanpur in November.Not only were the people of Kanpur

happy with Dr. Lal*s visit bpt thepeople, of Damoh were happy at my[Visit. Dr. Lai wrote: "We areigrateful to God that'you came" ourway. Your presence, your dedicationto the Lord, your preaching the word

! •

Of God in fluent Hin^ yourChristian understanding attitudeall contributed .to m^e the >conference a s^rdtually enrichingexperience for all who attended."Thank you, Vijai. , .

On my-way to Damoh, I went toSargiija District where I attendedthe 25th. annual convention of purHindi speaking churches. CeTAplGetter did the preaching and I didthe teaching. There were fiye bap-ti^is frpm within the host, cpngrega-tion with pur own L. Lazarus performing the. honors. Next year.*sconvention will be held in Kanpur.

The'latest, baptism , in Kanpur is ..that of Firoze , son .of Salim , who cwas baptized, by Harinam on Nov.2Qth.His father, Salim, .keeps saying.:^that he will be baptized but he ..continues to delay. .x4t the: sametime, he has raised this, youngest ..son of his,, now 15$ to be.,a Christian. Firoze has attended churchregularly for many years.^ As forHarinam, this was his. first baptismf

Page 24: Harter Ralph 1976 India

liloyd Pickering of Fullerton,Calif* I dropped in an ue most un- jexpectedly but it turned out ' justfiaei Some 25 agof the I^ck-erings wanted to come to India asmissionaries but the Indian 6ov-ezmnent did not permit them* NbwLloyd wanted to see the placeswhere he might have spent his life*Lloyd . is a bit uncanny ^d wasquick to size up our work* . He was,impressed to observe the influence,|that we have ^d on this city of j1)4 million p souls*' ' j

There is not much new to reportiabout- the ^j^lisatioh of the, pro-1perty pu^d^ise in Swa^pnagar ex-;cept that 'the itate 'goyernqient has'demanded some more documents* Also:

•there dsjciD progress in the piau!for 31s to leave Viidinupuri and to'take np residence again in SwsLrup-;nagar* There are many reasons whywe would like to reniain in Vid^u-!

•puid* • /• We are ve^y sor^ to announce thedekth of the iolier ' feigal ;aged 70* Mang^ was .a man of fewitalents but what he had he" used for Ithe Lord* He' left here on July 4th"on what he considered to be a^preaching toiir* ffi.s health worsened:and he never made it back to Kanpur*He died at the home of his sister ion Nov* i2th* Mangal had been agreat help .with the church, here inVishnupuii*

The Sviarupnagar Church also lost -one of its deacons, Albert Pawar* !

About the time you read in ,my 5last newsletter tiiht bad Harter was'getting aioing viery well at home,, hewas actually arri^^g ; for treat"^,ment at the .Ory^ll'e hospital* ^'

I spent a miserable night trying-to telephone Dad' on his Slst hii^E-day, Nov* ,13th*. After siXLhptirs* the

. operator announcedrthat he was notavailable*

Sani Kumar, who is lea!ming thetrade of tailoiing, is doing ve^well* He is a cheerful boy to havearound* His • cousin Alford thoughhad to be sent home until his leghealed from ah inj\i% incurred whenhis-sign painting shop was -raided bythe municipal authorities* Theymust have been painting signboeirdsout on the sidewalk*Harinam has appeared in two recentcompetitive.examinations .that couldnet him a good job in either theArmy or the State' Bank* He alsoatten<is. college classes*

Paju, the. scooter mechanic, isdue to leave here before Christmas*Having:tasted the pleasures of citylife, however, he is diainclined toreturn to his home town* . How oftenthis- has happenedi Read our nextnewsletter to find how this turnsout*-

Arup, who has been living here asa paying boarder, is taking hisfinal' exams and will have left hereby the time you read this* All ofns here at Bible Bhavan will breathea sigh of relief vwhen he is safelyback in, the custody of his parentsand their servants*(ABOpr DAD;HARTER)He has been in the hospital two timessince that stay* He was just admitted again . Dec* 7 for . furthertreatment, .hoping. to-be there but.a few days. (Over 4o friends & rela-rtiyes dropped- in fpr . a vrS^t &^piece of his olst birthday cake)

Page 25: Harter Ralph 1976 India


The Home Ghurob & AreatGlinton First Church S360,00Jmiior II Cl^ss,Clinton 25.00Primary II Class,Clinton lOi00Perry Christian Church 10.50Mrs. Robert Meade 5^00Manchester Church ^.00Orrville Church(and/or?) 10.00Orrville Loyal Bereans 10.00

• Mr. Mrs .Walter Handwerk 1^9.00: Sherman. Church 60.00Other Ohio Donors:

Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Black lO.i.00Old Stone Missionary 20.00-Linden Church 125^00Sebring Church 10.00Branch Hill Ch^cE 60.00Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Holdren 1^1,00Bladensburg Loyal Dtrs. 20.00.Nei^borihg-States; .Dr. Victor C. Rsmbo 11.50Carnegie First Christian 76.50Portland Singles 8e Doubles59.87Gdrrett'First Church 30.00Frank Reas 50.00Mrs. Lewisie Simpson - 25.00Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Omer 20.00-Other Eastern States;

Flora First Christian - 30.00;Leroy 3rd Grade -S.S. Clas^5»00Capital City Church ; 150.00Western States;Mason City .(Mrs.Mason) 15.00Mrs. Loretta Huntington 50.00Liberty Christian S.S. 63.60"Donald F. Peal . 25.00Virginia G. Templeton 2.50Mr. 8f:Mrsi R.E. Bream lOiOOWapato Christian Church 20.00Wympre-Loyal Women ^ lOiOOTOTAL CONTRIBUTED- $1729.4?

EXPENDITURESfrom 9-22-76 to 11«.24~76

Salary, Oct. Se Nov. $300.00Audited expenses of Kali-

siya Sahayak Sanstha $1900.00Harinam Sin^ 100.00College Press 4.1?

•Non-budgeted items:Benevolence 20.50

i Book Publishing 12.75Travel 5,70

TOTAL $2343.12

savmrnDeficit on 9-21-76 500,79,^ount Expended 2343.12Total Debits 2843.91Less Contributed 1729.4?Deficit on 11-24-76 $1114.44

We are actusilly in much betterfinsdcial condition than what thedeficit might suggest. All of ourneeds are wonderfully met, thanks-to each one of you who gives sogenerously and so faithfully.

We will wait until the nextnewsletter to sum up 1976 but itcould well have been the bestyear we ever had in India.

Victor fiund Louise Rambo passedthrough Kanpur at 5 a.m. on Nov.6th. Having been informed in advance, I was at the station togreet them. We were able to chatfor ten minutes before the trainmoved on to New Delhi. Dr. Rambooperated on both my eyes in 1955and 1956.

Cur h^d-working forwarder is.Miss ]^orence Douglas1111 N, Main St.Joplin, Mo. 64801

Page 26: Harter Ralph 1976 India




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Even the Indian newspapers. ^ tellus that a prisoner in Utah w^ts todie in preference to {^ending hislife ibi'JsdLl. There is' a . fact, oflife! which this man, and maybe someof you, has not yet come to under-stahdvtod this despite the emphasisthat im^t have been given to it during the Bicentenary#

Freedom does not depend upon your,envii;onment•, It depends d^stead onwhether or npt you .have„ Gpd'sspiidt dwelling in you. "Where theSpirit of the Lord is, there isfreedom." II Cor. 3Jl7b

A Christian believer, then filledwith God's Spirit, is the freestperson on earth even though he .m^

.^be in jail or live ' ih' China orEussia. Likewise, tlipse not possessing God's Spirit are in bondseven thoii^ they may live in.a luxurious American home. uv.

If ypu hs^v© been.. thinking thatyou idii be --Jfree when you get outof School or when you are earningyour own living or wheil your children are, .grown up or when you haveiretired to the . Florida fishinggrounds or when you are cured ofwhat ails you or even'^ when yOU arefreed of the flpsh altogether—ifithat is your idea, then you couldnot be'more mistaken. , /

You.will never find freedom, bylooking for freedom". ; On the otherhand, if,, you look for .the HolySpirit you will find freedom eventhou^ 'the idea of ^freedom had notcrossed your mind. Eemember thatGod gives His Holy Spirit andfreedom to those who obey Him.