NEWS OF RALPH "BUD" HARTER^ MISSIONARY ^ BIBLE BHAVAN, BOX 3, P.O. NAWABGAHJ, KAHPUR, U.P. 208-002, INDIA /Az THE SLOW DAYS The disaster-filied days of November and December ended in happy days when our youthful and handsome Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi won a massive victory at the polls. He has done very well in the first days of his administration. Rajiv's party is the "Congress-Indira" or "Congress-I" party, so In India when people talk about "the Congress," they are referring to a political party and not to a legislature. This would be a good time to visit India. The strong American dollar will also help you. January brought the "winter rains" and "cold waves." The temperatures went down to ^0 degrees fahrenhelt. This may not seem very cold but many died of it in north India. Snow falls only in the mountains. I have taken advantage of these slow days to hold some workshops for preachers on sermon preparation. Some of the brethren are encourageing me because, as they say, they don't know how much longer they will have me around. They don't know that I in tend to stick around for another twenty years in order to insure that they get a pro per burial. I have two groups, one on each side of the railway tracks. Kanpur is not divided by the Ganges River like some cities are divided by their rivers. The ground on the other side of the Ganges is low-lying and prone to flooding. Two road bridges and one' railway bridge carry traffic to the state capitol, Lucknow, and beyond that to the mountains and Nepal. 1 continue to make my regular month-end visits to Kulpahar and other places in Hamirpur District, and v;hen in Kanpur I preach three times on most Sundays. There is still "lots of fight" left in me. The sightless Deenanath and his sighted wife Ruth have most recently been teaching in an "International Children's World Village" 70 miles south of Madras. Sushil, whom we used to refer to as "the good boy" has a job in his home town of Hamirpur, hO miles —soath of Kanpur. The "bad boy," Sanjai, is doing well in in-job training in Punjab State. At the same place, Goodwin is taking more formal training but the next five months will be very crucial for him due to a bad attendance record. Two others whom we help, Arvind Azad and Anoop Jas, love the Lord and are a great help in the church, Kuku has yet to show any Improvement despite his marriage last summer. Harinam writes occasionally from Bombay but without telling his address. He keeps writing about the film which he has produced but others report that he is manufacturing soap. He should get both of his acts together and produce soap operas. There are some very nice girls whom we help. Anita Singh and Jessie Frances ore in nursing training. Salome Stephen studies in Jhansi, Edith Das in Agra and Lalita Masih in Buiandshahr. Miriyam Ellis, Violet David and Shiwani Das are in Kanpur schools. The schooling of Veena Layal Is financed by Tom Rash. Anita, Edith and Shiwani are fatherless while Lalita's father has abandoned the family. Lalita writes: "I am continually surprised at the way God is helping me. Please pray that I will pass in my studies and that I will be completely healed of tuberculosis. I am some times afraid when I remember how my younger brother died." Lalita Is among the poorest of the poor. There Is a problem in India of helping the poor because there are so many of them and most people consider themselves poor. Mother Theresa makes a point of helping the poorest of the poor. Jesus would refer to them as "the least of these my brethren." One of these, Robert Henery, died on January 19th. For several years we had been giv ing him small monthly amounts, and we also helped bury him. We have recently bought sewing machines for two persons. One is a young man whose tailoring training we had financed and now he va 11 earn his living by tailoring. The other is for a woman whose husband is a poor earner. They hod begun to live separate but we were helpful in getting them back together again. We had trained the husband in watch making but he was never able to make a go of it. One of the best ways in India to help disaster victims is to contribute to "The Prime Minister's National Relief Fund." Through this fund we have given $82.00 to the victims of the November riots, and $82. to the victims of the gas disaster in the city of Bhopal. V/e have many friends in Bhopal but they all escaped any serious ef fects from the leak. There were not many Christians living in the areas most seri ously affected. Bhopal Is 300 miles south of here on the v/ay to Madras and Bombay. OUR FORWARDING AGENT Miss Florence Douglas nn N. Main St. Joplln, Mo. 6^j801

Harter Ralph 1985 India

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missionary newsletters

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Page 1: Harter Ralph 1985 India





The disaster-filied days of November and December ended in happy days when ouryouthful and handsome Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi won a massive victory at the polls.He has done very well in the first days of his administration. Rajiv's party isthe "Congress-Indira" or "Congress-I" party, so In India when people talk about "theCongress," they are referring to a political party and not to a legislature. Thiswould be a good time to visit India. The strong American dollar will also help you.

January brought the "winter rains" and "cold waves." The temperatures went down to^0 degrees fahrenhelt. This may not seem very cold but many died of it in north India.Snow falls only in the mountains.

I have taken advantage of these slow days to hold some workshops for preachers onsermon preparation. Some of the brethren are encourageing me because, as they say,they don't know how much longer they will have me around. They don't know that I intend to stick around for another twenty years in order to insure that they get a proper burial. I have two groups, one on each side of the railway tracks. Kanpur is notdivided by the Ganges River like some cities are divided by their rivers. The groundon the other side of the Ganges is low-lying and prone to flooding. Two road bridgesand one' railway bridge carry traffic to the state capitol, Lucknow, and beyond that tothe mountains and Nepal. 1 continue to make my regular month-end visits to Kulpaharand other places in Hamirpur District, and v;hen in Kanpur I preach three times on mostSundays. There is still "lots of fight" left in me.

The sightless Deenanath and his sighted wife Ruth have most recently been teachingin an "International Children's World Village" 70 miles south of Madras. Sushil, whomwe used to refer to as "the good boy" has a job in his home town of Hamirpur, hO miles

—soath of Kanpur. The "bad boy," Sanjai, is doing well in in-job training in PunjabState. At the same place, Goodwin is taking more formal training but the next fivemonths will be very crucial for him due to a bad attendance record. Two others whomwe help, Arvind Azad and Anoop Jas, love the Lord and are a great help in the church,Kuku has yet to show any Improvement despite his marriage last summer. Harinam writesoccasionally from Bombay but without telling his address. He keeps writing about thefilm which he has produced but others report that he is manufacturing soap. He shouldget both of his acts together and produce soap operas.

There are some very nice girls whom we help. Anita Singh and Jessie Frances ore innursing training. Salome Stephen studies in Jhansi, Edith Das in Agra and LalitaMasih in Buiandshahr. Miriyam Ellis, Violet David and Shiwani Das are in Kanpurschools. The schooling of Veena Layal Is financed by Tom Rash. Anita, Edith andShiwani are fatherless while Lalita's father has abandoned the family. Lalita writes:"I am continually surprised at the way God is helping me. Please pray that I willpass in my studies and that I will be completely healed of tuberculosis. I am sometimes afraid when I remember how my younger brother died." Lalita Is among thepoorest of the poor.

There Is a problem in India of helping the poor because there are so many of themand most people consider themselves poor. Mother Theresa makes a point of helping thepoorest of the poor. Jesus would refer to them as "the least of these my brethren."One of these, Robert Henery, died on January 19th. For several years we had been giving him small monthly amounts, and we also helped bury him.

We have recently bought sewing machines for two persons. One is a young man whosetailoring training we had financed and now he va 11 earn his living by tailoring. Theother is for a woman whose husband is a poor earner. They hod begun to live separatebut we were helpful in getting them back together again. We had trained the husbandin watch making but he was never able to make a go of it.

One of the best ways in India to help disaster victims is to contribute to "ThePrime Minister's National Relief Fund." Through this fund we have given $82.00 tothe victims of the November riots, and $82. to the victims of the gas disaster in thecity of Bhopal. V/e have many friends in Bhopal but they all escaped any serious effects from the leak. There were not many Christians living in the areas most seriously affected. Bhopal Is 300 miles south of here on the v/ay to Madras and Bombay.


Miss Florence Douglasnn N. Main St.

Joplln, Mo. 6^j801

Page 2: Harter Ralph 1985 India




1984Flora Church $70.00Mrs, Robert Walker 50.00Eva Wood Missionary CircleIn memory of CHARLES SNYDER JR.

13.00Osgood Mission Circl-eKenneth Eade







Oh io

S. Vincent

H. ShellenbergerC. GruppB. GruppL. Balliet

Loretta HuntingtonDr. & Mrs. Thomas Omer

Mr. S Mrs. Lewis DomkeMinn. Mrs. 6. H. Cacharias

Meeper Church







81.10The Lord's Treasury Wymore


Capital City Church 387.07Clinton First Church 980.00Sebring ChurchMrs. Paul PorterfieldMadgalene BowenMrs. Lewis SmithMrs. Don Nickerson

In Memory of Miss DorothySchmale 100.00

Bladensburg Loyal Daughters20.00

Lucille Meade 5.00Rittman Missionary Circle


Clovernook Christian ChurchIn Memory of Miss Dorothy

Scbma-l-e— 100.00-Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Billings


Mrs. Ruth Handv/erk 100.00Stephen & Kathy Handwerk70.00(The Handwerks have also madedesignated offerings throughthe Clinton Church).Mr. & Mrs. A. B. SloughlOO.OOBranch Hill Church 100.00

Pa. Lucretia Nicholson 20.00Laverne Romesburg 40.00Oak Grove Church 50.00

Term. Embreeville Church 150.00Texas Dr. D. F. Peel 100.00

Mr. & Mrs. Aden McTeer 25-00Wash. Wapato Church 70.00

Nellie Copley 40.00W.Va. Hooverson Heights Church

180.00TOTAL C0NTRIBUTED3797.42


2545 V/. Comet RoadC1inton, Ohio kk2]6


I thank God for so many loving, caring andsharing friends.

EXPENDED FROM II-7-83 to 1-20-85Salary: Dec. & Jan. $450.00Audited expenses of Kanpur mission 4500.00Year's stipend to Lalita Maslh 70.00Year's stipend to Victor Walter forhis help 300.00American publications 20.00Help to two nurse trainees 41.15Other Benevolence 29-09Church Related projects 29.67



Balance on 11-7-84 $1732.43Contributions, in Nov. S Dec. 3797.42Total Receipts 5529.85Less Expended 5439.91Balance on 1-20-85 89.94


Receipts:Contributions Dec. '83 through Dec.'84

$21,219.631-1-84 (in addition to Dec.'83


Balance from

receipts)Total Receipts


Salary: 13 months, Jan. 84 through

Book Stores S PublishingNational Missionary ConventionHostel

Education & TrainingBenevolence

HousingTransportationPostage^??- Sta t i onery^Salaries of Indian V/orkers

Churches, Church Buildings S


Added to Fixed DepositDepos i t on new scooter


Receipts, $21,677-05Expendi tures$21,587-11Balance $39-94

Jan. 85$2,925.004,201.34




2,421.76^Para Church Groups




V^hen you think of us, pray for us: for ourprotectTcin, good health, wisdom, and theleading'^f the spirit of God.




SharlottQ ?w3y

tv5'sCv:v w 1ifja i'i*'

Page 3: Harter Ralph 1985 India




That master of verbiage (and champion of Scrabble), Dolly Chitvvood, says that I ama paripatetic. Well, maybe not exactly, but "Webster" says that the word Is appliedhumorously to persons who are always on the go. The folk at Kulpahar are partly responsible for this, invoking a monthly visit. The hospitality always makes the visitwell worth while. I am also trying to give more attention to the much neglectedchurches at Ragaul and Hamirpur, and I make occasional visits to the churches inthree other towns. During the middle of March, I attended the National Prayer Assembly at Hyderabad where I was spiritually refreshed. On the way down, I spent aday visiting old friends in the railway junction town of Jhansi. During "Easterweek," I preached twelve times in seven days at Fatehpur, 60 miles east of Kanpur.When you read this, I should be engaged in my usual summer work at the Sat TalChristian Ashram in the mountains. I expect to return to Kanpur at the end of June.

Sometimes people are interested in knowing how a missionary spends his days. Howabout the nights? Left Kulpahar by train at 11 p.m. Arrived Banda at 1:30 aum.Slept on station platform on top of two suitcases for three hours. Left Banda by busat 5:30 and got off at a small crossroads town named Bahua. From there, I road 15miles in a three-wheeler, reaching Fatehpur in time for an 8:30 breakfast. Totalcost of the night's trip was less than $2.00.

On April 13th, I was in Allahabad to baptize the husband of a lady whom we hadeducated many years ago. They have a teen-aged daughter. On April 21st, here in^npur, I baptized a young man in his twenties. Both of these are from an idolatrousbackground.

Serveral of our "old boys" have been around. Tommy, the champion liar, was in thearea to show his wife the Taj Mahal before they "get tied down with a family." Hegave me the impression that he is living a better life. Harinam, the film actor, was'u Spending big. I doubt if he earns his money honestly. Sanjai,the bad boy, ' has been at it again, stealing a bicycle. He has been exiled to hisgrandmother's village. Usevius (Kuku) has settled down a bit following a few daysin jail. One night I went to the railway station to meet some guests. I went bylocal transportation and two boys went by bicycle. Everyone going inside the railwaystation IS supposed to buy a "Platform ticket" which is surrendered on leaving thestation. The boys were to buy three Platform tickets and meet me inside the station.As It turned out, the boys met the guests outside the station and took them home.This left me inside the station without any legal way of getting out. I have sinceheard many h1larious tales about how to get out of the station without a ticket. Asfor me, I just told the ticket collector the truth. It was his pleasure to believeme and let me go; but I was not in a very sweet mood when I caught up with the boys,any years ago, Mrs. Rothermel absent-mindedly threw away her ticket while cleaning

out her Purse. On that day, the ticket collector was less obliging. He made her payheavily and cleaned out her purse more than she had intended.

One of our girls in nurses training, Jessie Francis, lost her father to cancer onMarch 9th. Her oldest brother, a retardee, had been missing for several months.Good for him, I found him attending all of the church services at Fatehpur when I wasthere. I offered to bring him back to Kanpur but he came several days later on hisown. Getting out of railway stations without a ticket is no problem to him.

Two articles have been accepted by the Christian Standard; 'The Unpopular Mis-sionary, and "Gaining the Great Inheritance." The printer has delivered the secondprinting of the Hindi translation of my books, "What Kind of a Person Should I Be,"and "Some Things that are Definitely Bad."

Kanpur is experiencing both electricity and water shortages. Like many of ourneighbors, we are using an electric pump to pull the water out of the pipe. Thissituation IS likely to continue until the rains begin at the end of June

OUR FORWARD IMG AGFMTMiss Florence Douglas1111 N. Main St.Joplin, Mo. 6^801


Page 4: Harter Ralph 1985 India

CONTRIBUTED Jan., Feb., March, 1985

The copying error in our last newsletterwas on a contribution from Mrs. Don

NIckerson who gave $50. instead of $30.

Gal .

Col .

II 1 .•




Oh io

Kenneth Stewart $25.00Jerilee Nickerson 300.00IN MEMORY OF HER FATHER


Grace E. Conner 100.00Mr. & Mrs. Glen Valbert 50.00Flora First Christ ^5-00S. Vincent AO.00

H. Shel1enberger 20.00B. Grupp A.00C. Grupp 7.00L. BalIiet 10.00

M/M Glen Morrical 30.00Pate Memorial Fund 500.00Portland Singles &Doubles 96.68M/M Robert Aikins I5.OOGarrett First Church A6.75Osgood Mission Circle A5.OOFrank Reas 60.00

Mrs. Loretta Huntington200.00Mt. Zion Church 50.00East Union Church 100.00

Neeper Church 67.60Liberty Sunday School 72.00Capital City Church 63O.A9Clinton Church 20A5.00Madgalen Bowen 60.00Mrs. Robert Meade 5.00Keith fi Kay Drollinger 100.00Linden Church 300.00Ruth Handwerk 280.00

Stephen Handwerk 250.00Bladensburg Loyal Daughters

80.00Linden Homebuilders 75.00Linden Women's Guild 150.00Sebring Church 15-00M/M Paul Winland 100.00Mrs. Minnie S. Smith 10.00

Branch Hill Church 100.00M/M Paul Blythe 50.00Mrs. Helen Stephens 20.00Mrs. Glenn Pipes 10.00Old Stone Missionary 8O.OOM/M Nathan Black 25.00

Pa. Oak Grove Church 75*00LaVern Romesburg 60.00

Tn. Embreeville Church 6OO.OO

Tx. Dr. D. F. Peel 150.00M/M Aden McTeer 25.00

Wa. Wapato Church 70.00NelIie Copley AO.00


25A5 W. Comet Rd.CLINTON, OHIO AA216

V/.Va. Hooverson Heights Church 270.00Women's Study Group 62.33


I am both overwhelmed and humbled bythe love and confidence shown in the generosity shown above. Continually pray forthe Lord's guidance in spending thesefunds in the most effective way.

The contribution shown under the Clinton church may contain gifts sent by individuals to the Clinton address.

Expended From 1-20-85 To A-I9-85Salary: Feb., March, April $675-00Books from USA for bookstore A73.19Directory of Ministry 13.50Students' Evangelistic Team 200.00Training S Work Projects 100.23Medical & other benevolence 26.19Audited expenses in Kanpur 5350.00Travel Fund (held at Clinton) 300.00


Balance on 1-20-85Recei ptsTota 1

Less ExpendituresBalance on A-I8-85


$89.9A7621.857711.797638.11$ 73.68

From time to time, India experiences ashortage of coins and small denominationalnotes, even in the banks. One day I endedup with a lot of hundred rupee notes in mydrawer and nothing much smaller, and Ididn't know whether to be glad or sad. Inthe middle of this predicament a brotherarrived with RS. 6OO ($60. worth ofchange. How happy I was! I felt that theLord had sent him in answer to a real need.

Coming out onto a street In Hyderabad,I almost bumped into an old friend, Bro.M. Prakasham. The next evening, I enjoyedsupper at his house where our conversationwas extended an hour due to a heavy downpour. This also seemed to be the doing ofthe Lord and details are being worked outfor future fellowship.

Copies of my various booklets are a-v^ilable free by contacting the ClintonFirst Church of Christ, Clinton, OhioAA216.

Our special thanks again to FlorenceDouglas who has been our forwarding agentfor thirty-two years. Her birthday is onHay 21st. May it be a very happy one!




P.O. Sox 2A27

i SOc TEHiV 379^«

Page 5: Harter Ralph 1985 India



f I • I • • I •• I •



THE MONTH OF BEGINNINGS AGAINJuZy ^ aZway/i the. month begtnntng agcUn lu tn noHth India, The. /talny ^ea^on

begln& In hoixth India In Jane, and ynjadimZty MOJtki Its voay noAth, This ye/vi the. Aolns at-Ayived In Kanpuh. ilke. a lamb be^oAe noon on Sunday, July 7th, then gave tu a big punch at10 p.m. on the ^oltoiclng Tuesday night.

Schools A.eopen du/Ung the ^lut haii o^ July, All o^ ouA ^ttudejnts oAe note at theln.desks. All OjJ them did teell In thel/i studies la.st yean.. We oJie AuppoAtlng one moAeglnl, SoAOjlnl Ve Sliva, In nuAslng training, making th/iee glnls that tee note nave tAoln-Ing at the ChAlstlan Hospital In ChatoApuA, AmoAjeet, the boy fAom KulpahoA teho hasbeen staying lelth us ^OA the past yeoA, Is diligently tAylng to get him^elA admitted to^ome tAalnlng 4^chool,

I AetuAned ^Aom the hills on June 20th to ^Ind all kinds ojj good things lealtlng ^oA me.The (^veAnment of India had granted its a AeglstAatlon numbeA undeA thelA new Ae-gaAdlng ^oAeign exchange. Without this numbeA tee teould have had pAoblem6 getting doltoASInto JiuUa. The new ^cocteA tehich I paid ^oA In September, 1984, had oAAlved and Is noteIn ase. The pnlnteA finally made deliveAy Ojj the Hindi edition o^ "The PoAable of thePlugs," Sam Stone has Invited me to contAlbute some "Reflections" to the ChAlstlanStandand In 1986, An Invitation to become Vice PAesldent of the National NlsslonoAyConvention had to be tuAned doten because I do not plan to visit the U,S, until the endof 1988, All of these things helped us to staAt the "new yeoA" In a big and excitingway.

As usual, the fifty days I spent woAklng at the Sat Tal ChAlstlan AshAom In themountain wene beneficial both physically and splAltually despite some pAoblems withelexUAlclty, wateA and long senmons, Ny shop. Book Tal, continued to do well, I havedecided to give Sat Tal a Aest duAli^ the summeA of 1986 although at pfiesent X have noalternative plans.

My next booklet, "The Loveliest Trip In the World" has been sent to the pnlnteA, Isuppose It will be about a yean, before you will have a chance to read It, Now I am working on "Claps of Thunder," which may take a long long time to produce.

Until about a year ago, I never felt the need of having a post-graduate degree butrecent developments have made me reconsider this. For tlvis reason, I am getting readyto take some extension work towards a B,V, degree. This Is not a common activity for60 year olds but then education Is forever. Most of this study will be done sitting hereIn Kanpur,

We are separated for a season from two more very good friends: Glen Morrical of Portland, Indiana, and Lillian Otto of the Clinton Church, Both had been living on "borrowedtime,"

Ten years ago, our church In Swarupnagar, Kanpur, bought a plot of land and built atemporary church building. The man who sold the land to us was particularly greedy andfor selfish reasons failed to register the sale with the authorities, Eveyitually, thechurch had to take legal action to get the land registered, and this case has beendragging on In the court for several years. Just when It seemed that the judge could nolonger delay his judgment, the old man up and died. That does not send us all the my"back to go," but we do have to go back several spaces. Across town, the building ofthe First Christian Church Is nearlng completion and they are planning some specialmeetings for October,

In the February newsletter, I listed four donors without giving the amounts of theircontributions: Sebrlng Church -$5, Mrs, Paul Porterfleld - $25, Madgalene Bowen -$60, and Mrs, Lewis Smith - $10, These amounts were correjctly added Into the total,.

We weep to loose the cheerful services o<j Debbie Schwendlman who has been producingand despatching our newsletters from Clinton, She and her family join a lot of otherwonderful people In the state of North Carolina where they will be members of a newcongregation at Brevard In the mountains not too far from AshevlXle, This lands thenewsletter back Into the lap of our old faithful Mabel Jeffries until she can find someone to help her.

If you care for any copies of Our Forwarding AgentRalph's books, just drop a . Miss Florence Douglasline to Clinton Church of 1111 No, Main St.,Christ, 2545 W, Comet Rd,, JopUn, Mo, 64801Clinton, 0, 44216 We willbe glad to mall them to you.

Page 6: Harter Ralph 1985 India

ourt VAILV FUNtveAi/ moA.yiLng out 6, we have, a content at

QUA hoiue.. O/e aJU xead ^tteMly the.chapteA ioA ^the. day, the.n we each choosea wo/Lcf to ^aX that chapteJi, mXtiyig it tnouA Bibles at the. head ojj the chapteA, ByAemembeAing ja&t one mAd a day, one can400n be ahte to Zocate atmo6t any poA-^age in the Bible,HeAe t6 a sample!

Galatiand 1, VuAlty2, UnciAcmcl&ion3, Taith4, Heifu5, VAeedom6, Wew CAeatixtn

€phe6ian6 1, BleSAina^2, But3, MyAteAy4, Walk5, Imitation6, StAength

Having cfio6en a mnd, it ecuiy to iit^eveAal point& undeA it to •6hoi/o why youcfioAe the woAd, PAesto, you have the out-line OfJ an expo^itoAy ^enmon, oa an idea£oa a devotional talk, {SeAmon pAepoAa-tion it&eZ^ l6 not all that ea&y becauseeven a^teA finding an outline, much studyand pnayeA Aemain to be done, ]

The woAd PuAity iits the iiASt chapteAoi Galatians because it tells o<5 the puA-ity oK the Gospel, the punity o^ oua call,and the puAity ojj ouA witness, and thcAeyou have youA thaee points.

This is an easy method ^oa people likemysell who lack a good memoAy, and it issomething that even teen-rageAS can^ da Iam continually amazed at how well oAdin-aAy peaple do at choosing fitting woAds,Tt is like woAking a cAosswoAd puzzle oasolving a fuddle. It multiplies inteAestin Bible Study, makes the students con-centAate, and is not easily foAgotten,

If you use this method, you will neveAfuin out of seAmon outlines oa thoughtsfoA devotional talks, and you will alwaysbe Aeady to speak without notice, Vouwill be like ChaAles SpuAgeon who saidthat theAe.was always a new sefunon on thenext page. You will have so many seAmonouttines that you won't know wimt to dowith them, TheAe will be no moAe need toboAAow OA go diaging in the bafiAel, andthe sheep will have fAesh gAoss to eat.

UkS1 CHURCH OF CHRIST2545 W, Comet Rd,,Clinton, Ohio 44216



III' Plofia FiASt ChfUstianInd, OaAAett FiASt ChuAch

(designated by individuals]New Ross ChuAchOsgood ChuAch Mission FundMas , Lena MoAAicalHowoAd and PeoAl BondMAS,LoAetta HuntingtonLibenty Sunday SclwolNeepeA ChuAchCapital City ChuAchClinton FiASt ChuAchBAanch Hill ChuAchSebfting ChuAchBladensbufig Loyal VaughteASStephen HandweAkMas,Ruth HandweAkLinden HomebuildeASLinden ChuAchMa, and Mas, Paul BlythePat MackMas, Madgalene Bowen

PO" Va, and Mas, YictoA C,RamboOak GAove ChuAch of ChfUstMAS,LucAetia NicholsonMas, LaYeAne RomesbuAgMas, Ethel C, BeoAdsley

Tx, 1h, Vonald F, PeeldiJa, (n/apato ChuAch

Miss Nellie Coptey(f}' Ya, Hooveftson Heights ChuAch

Women's MissionaAy CiAcleTOTAL RECEIYEV

EXPENVEV fAom 4-20-85 to 7-11-85SalaAyt Mayfi^une, July — —Final payment -scooteAAudited expenses of MissionSat Tal AshfiamWatches foA two student nuAses


SUMMARYBalance on 4-18-85ContfUbutedTotal AejceiptsLess ExpencUtuAesBalance on 7-11-85


We continue to be financially comfoAtablefoA which we aAe thankful to God and to ouafaithful ffiiends.













4 675-, 00350,00



$ 73,684955,875029,555006,35




Shnt'ioztti lay

't? •5 Gorvlcet- 2hrf


Page 7: Harter Ralph 1985 India





Tl^e last three months of the year are always busiest. There . areconventions and business in the book store greatly increases. I haveemployed a student, Neelu, to help part-time. He wants to go to BibleCollege next year. I have also begun my own home studies by which Ihope to get a B.D. degree after two years. Don't be surprised if myletter writing suffers.

On September 30th one of my "daughters" died of burns following adomestic quarrel and I performed the funeral on October 1st. following,the postmortem. I am told that her dying declaration to the police washer clothes accidently caught fire while she was cooking food.

Also on September 30th, but before I knew of the tragedy which hadalready taken place, I had to appear in court because of a parkingticket. With the help of my diary I convinced the judge that I was notguilty. It seems that a previous ticket had not been properly cancelled after I paid for it.

Amarjeet, the boy from Kulpahar that lived with us last year willcontinue to live with us for another two years while he trains as amachinist in Kanpur's Industrial Training Institute. He is a good boyand is improving all the time. He wanted to be a teacher but the waydid not open up for him. He could later become a machinist instructorif he is still interested after five years.

The blind boy, Deenanath, and the under-aged bridegroom, Kuku, areboth working is New Dehli. We have not had any recent word from the

—fi-'lm' -actor Harmamv ~ ^The rainy season (monsoon) was lambish for two months then roared

out like a lion at the end of September. Goodbye until next July.I have a new American passport, good for ten years. The number:,

Z5270046, is easy to remember. The Z means that the first shall belast and the last shall be first. There are 52 weeks in a year and 7days in a week, and '46 was the year I got my first passport. The twozeros indicate that time is running out. If you need something toworry about, several missionaries have been made to leave India becausethe Indian•Government has decided that their services are no longerneeded. Heavy, heavy hangs over your head. It may not be possiblefor me; to live out my life in India as I

The Lord willing, I will be going to thein January to participate in the third Allchurches.

On a recent

posed to leaveWhen I went to

another trainon the second

turned out that allof a freight train,an hour after the

would have to standMy last visit to

case going on andthat I was comingI had no objection to that and the uncle preached a good sermonnext visit there is scheduled for January 26th. Patience!

Paul Prakash was a Kulpahar boy who lived with us in Kanpur beforeI sent him to Bible College more than ten years ago. He later marriedthen with the help of theY®^i?^^&'h»aEC^!^olk he began to do pastoral workin the city of ^ucknow. Lucknow is 50 miles from Kanpur and the capital of our sta^'of'''LII am nowto Lucknow at his invitation. Paul hashim very

Layal Lai, a contemporary of Paul Prakash,trained two years to be a printer. He failednow living in a miserable hovel with his wife

trip to Allahabadon Platform No. 3the stationmaster

was hoping.southern state of Kerela

India convention of our

I missed a train because is was sup-but came and went on Platform No. 1.to make a complaint, he told me that

was leaving from Platform No. 4.. There was lots of roomtrain because the crowd had goneon the first train. It

of the trains were delayed due to a small accidentAs a result our train reached Allahabad only half

first train. If I had gone on the first train Ifour hours.Hamirpir was not very pleasant. There is a court

the head man (?) thought I was taking sides. Knowinghe paid for an uncle to come in and preach that day.


making occasional visitssome qualities that can make

successful irt^tH§' Lord's work.was one of our wards whoto make a go of it and isand two children.. recent-

Page 8: Harter Ralph 1985 India

ly he told us that he had really wanted to be a tailor, so we decidedto give it a second go and send him to tailoring school where his instructor says that he is a slow learner.


Miss Florence Douglas1111 No. Main St.

Joplin, Mo., 64801


JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, 1985(September accounts were closed early.)

111. Eva Wood Missionary CircleFlora First ChristianMr. and Mrs. Glen Valbert

Ind. Frank ReasOsgood Mission CircleH. ShellenbergerL. Balliet

S. Vincent

C. GruppG. GruppPortland Singles & Doubles

Iowa Loretta HuntingtonKy. East Union Bible SchoolMo. Liberty Sunday School

Neeper ChurchN.C. Capital City ChurchOhio Clinton Church

Bladensburg Loyal DaughtersStephen HandwerkRuth HandwerkSebring ChurchJo Lane BillingsPerry Christian ChurchMr. and Mrs. Paul BlytheBranch Hill Church

Linden HjomebulldersEdward Chamber1in

Magdalene BowenDoris Black

Old Stone MissionaryOnt. Rhonda L. Durham

Pa. Oak Grove Church

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. RombergLucretia Nicholson

Tx. Dr. D.F. Peel

Ruth Mc Teer

WVa. Hooverson Heights ChurchTOTAL CONTRIBUTED

$ 25.0060.00





































EXPENDED FROM 7-11-85 TO-10^4-85S^iary,, (t^e'e months) , ,. $ S75.00

'"'̂ 'HarjinderrNagar Church ^Iv ::^00.00'""-'--•'^ftbjjijgetiecPExpensesiV' • Lv7

^ 26.56Transportation & Trav^ 72.83Help to Poor 17.28Literature • 51.77


I must admit to having a feeling of


Balance on 7-11-85

Total ContributedTotal ReceiptsLess ExpendedBalance on 10-4-85

$ 23.204800.37




For the first time in 38 years, I amnot bringing the balance immediately intothe Kanpur account but for a short timewill leave it in the American account.This is just a matter of discretion andI hope of the Lord's leading. It is notdue to any displeasure with the waythings are going in Kanpur because thin^are going very well.

I was my honor and privilege on Oct.5to be invited to baptize Raymond Reuben,the younger son of a previous employee,E.S. Reuben. The latter died about 3

years ago.For many years we have been giving a

little monthly pocket money to several ofthe widows in our Kanpur Church. We havenow added three widows of Ragaul to ourlist. They have families and so they aienot completely dependent on us but thelittle we give them adds a little comfoitand independence to thier lives. We hadalso added a mentally disturbed young manto the list because he is incapable ofearning a living. I had earlier beenhelping him under "Unbudgeted Expenses".Five days after we added his name to thebudget he died from absent mindedly taking too much medicine. He was of no useto the world at large but he was of somehelp to his father who is blind.

Under the prime ministership of RajivGandhi, India appears to be in gobd shapeat the present time. Peace is returningto the trouble spots of Punjab, Assam,and Gujarat. Schools and industries aredoing well. There does seem to be a hi^placed clique that is jealous of themissionaries but they will only spreadthe church.

My most recent sermons have been fromI and II Timothy and Titus, and thesehave been good for the churches. It is amatter of coincidence thbt these epistlesare part uf the college course that I amsupposed- to be studying,

unworthiness when I see the love and

faithfulness of my friends, but I am extremely grateful to all of you.

Tmr CHUKCH or misrf54f> W. Comet Rd,,Ctinton, Ohio 44216


Mission Services 9o>: 2kZ7