  • 8/3/2019 Harrow - Dec 2006 Set Your Affections on Things Above


    Harrow & Wealdstone Set Your Affection on Things Above 31st Dec, 2006

    1. Intro:

    - As one year ends another begins just the turning of the calendar

    but an opportunity to think ahead to the coming year.

    - May be like beginning another lap of the track (athletics) and another

    year may seem a long way ahead. Need to recharge spiritual batteries

    - Paul speaks much about priorities here speaks of ordering our minds

    and feelings will look at few verses in Col 3 and a number of others

    2. Verse 1.

    - If you are His then seek those things above Christ is in Heaven,

    victorious, on the right hand of God the Father. Calvary is past He

    is victorious. Much of our thinking will be to look towards Heaven

    our Home, our destination this is a great motivation for the believer.

    Should be one of the chief things that inspires and drives us through

    course of this life. Come what may, we have a home above will

    look at a number of scriptures that touch on this these things very

    common and recurrent theme in Scripture trip over scriptures on this


    - But first will look at some of the exhortations here. Seek those things

    which are above: Seek a command, instruction, something for us

    to do will not happen automatically. Though we should beoverwhelmed by our blessings in Christ, because of the weakness and

    dull ness of the flesh we have to stir ourselves up. Look for apply

    the mind, and the heart will follow. Locate those truths relating to

    spiritual riches, to our Heavenly hope, and dwell on them, reflect on

    them, value them.

    3. Verse 2.

    - Set Your Affection another command something for us to do. Having

    identified spiritual truths, precious truths relating to Christ, in particular reigningin Heaven, and our home then fix these in your heart and mind. SET:

    steadfastly hold onto these things.. With you heart, affection, feeling our

    hopes, desires, plans, aspirations, inspiration, motivation will be energised by this


    - Not on things on the earth will be one or the other either or here. Love

    of earthly things is folly short lived, will disappoint and entangle us. Raise

    hopes and expectations and then let us down, lead us away from Christ, cause hurt

    to our souls and to the work of the Lord

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    4. Heavenly Verses

    - Hebs 11.9 Abraham sojourned (live as a foreigner temporary dwelling place)

    .. as in a strange country V10 for he looked for a city which hath foundations,

    whose Builder and Maker is God we are to live as those passing through we

    are on a journey homewards. There may be hard times, and rest on the way,but we do not settle down here.

    READ V13 16 we do not have our citizenship here other scriptures speak of


    Ephesians 2.19: And therefore your are no more strangers and foreigners, but

    fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God - We do not have

    rights here we may claim civil rights as Paul did, but we cannot insist on the

    moral standards we would like (though should be like salt and light) we are

    governed by Heavens standards and rules. Jesus said to Pilate My Kingdom is

    not of this world (John 18.36) We belong in Heaven that is our home we are

    Ambassadors for Christ here (2 Cor 5.20)

    1 Cor 2.9 (Isaiah 64.4) But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,

    neither have entered into the heart of man, the things that God hath prepared for

    them that love Him Stop and think on this verse the best moments ever

    experienced, most pleasurable in pure way cannot ouch those things laid up for

    us what discouragement we face now, or hardships, or labour must pale into

    insignificance in light of this promise.

    2 Peter 3.13: Nevertheless we, according to His promise look for new

    heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness

    John 14. 1 - 3 READ Esp: If it were not so I would have told you

    personal assurance dont worry be not troubled, not only am I preparing a

    home for you, but I will come again to receive you that you may dwell with

    Me with Christ, to drink in His glory and beauty

    John 14. 1 - 3 READ Esp: If it were not so I would have told you

    personal assurance dont worry be not troubled, not only am I preparing a

    home for you, but I will come again to receive you that you may dwell with

    Me with Christ, to drink in His glory and beauty

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    Labour On Verses:

    Psalm 126: 5,6 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth

    and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,

    bringing his sheaves with him

    Further assurance that the Word will prosper as we witness, preach and share the

    gospel, or work to support the gospel:

    Isaiah 55.11 So shall My word be that goeth fourth out of My mouth: it

    shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it

    shall prosper in the thing whereunto I sent it there is a divine hand and guiding

    Spirit behind all gospel proclamation wherever, and however we share the

    Word, God has a specific purpose, as well as a general purpose.

    1Cor15.58 Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable,

    always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labouris not in vain in the Lord Therefore in light of teaching in 1Cor 15 on the

    resurrection ye know we can be sure that we are not wasting out time or

    energies if they are in the Lord. Finally:-

    Roms 8.16 18 READ

    5. Conclusion:

    - Apologies for so many verses makes the point that the Scriptureabounds with assurances and promises relating to our Heavenly home

    and our labours now

    - There may be reasons to be discouraged, the task may seem great, but

    this path has been trodden by countless saints before we will see the

    Spirit of God bless the work. As Paul, and Christ Himself, and many

    others have laboured and been spent for Him but the blessings and

    glory to come and tokens now, should be a great encouragement

    - READ Col 3.3,4 We have died to the world we are absolutely

    secure in Him and we shall appear with Him in Glory at the last.

  • 8/3/2019 Harrow - Dec 2006 Set Your Affections on Things Above
