
Harnessing the Power of the Knowledge Base

The Moderator

• Amber Easton, Principal Solutions Architect at INSZoom

The Panelists

• Jake Lipman, Immigration Attorney at Visa Wolf

• Peter Clark, Operations Manager at Tafapolsky & Smith

• Deepika Singh, Immigration Manager at Chugh LLP

The Challenge:

Our knowledge base is a powerful tool to improve efficiency and ensure uniformity in case processing. Your clients are becoming more demanding in the information they want captured and insist that each case get processed the same way so expectations can be set with foreign nationals. Learn from power users who have

mastered the knowledge base and improved their case processing efficiency.

What is your favorite feature in the knowledge base? Email templates, letter templates, job description templates, case steps,

questionnaires, events, advanced case request, etc?

What one feature in the knowledge base do you think has saved you and your firm the most time by cutting out repetitive tasks?

What is a challenge that you faced internally with processing cases that you solved by utilizing the knowledge base? How did

you solve the problem?

What is a challenge that you faced with a client that you were able to solve by utilizing the knowledge base? How did you solve

the problem?

As your firm grew and became savvier in using the knowledge base how did you manage the requests from your internal team

with regards to updates and changes? For example, when a country process changes who notifies you and requests that the

knowledge base get updated?

Do you have one dedicated user who manages the knowledge base and the updates or do you allow anyone on your team to

make changes? Please explain.

Once the knowledge base was customized and processes put into place did you find it was difficult to make changes to one

area without it affecting another?

For users who are new to INSZoom and are getting started with customizing the knowledge base, what do you recommend they

do as they move forward? Create a project plan? Set dates with deliverables? Have one dedicated INSZoom Power User?

What is one aspect of the knowledge base that you could not live without? Why?

What tips and tricks do you have to share about using the knowledge base?