Page 1: HARDEC 2015 - File List for the Department of the … · Web view[Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > RET Scheme Policy Support] REE Regulations Amendments 2015


Record Number Record Title

15/008615 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IWC - WG - Conservation Committee - 2015

15/008616[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6346 - Beach Nourishment Works on Coastline, Maroochydore, Qld

15/008617 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Convention on Biological Diversity] Synthetic Biology_Intersessional_Management

15/008619[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6390 - Offshore Power Boat Race, Cleveland Bay, Townsville, Qld

15/008622 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] General - Advice

15/008623 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IWC - STCW

15/008624 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Protecting National Historic Sites] PNHS_2014-15_Applications

15/008625 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Biodiversity Policy Development] Valuation and Natural Capital

15/008628 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2012.6380 - Goethe University Shark Bay Field Trip WA

15/008629 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2012.6250 - Waratah Coal Abbot Point Coal Terminal Project QLD

15/008631 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2011.5806 - Flinders University Robertson Cave Investigation SA

15/008636 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Coords] Advice-Coordination Requests-July 2015 to June 2016

15/008639 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Historic Shipwrecks Programme - AIMA Services Agreement 2014-2015

15/008641 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Invertebrates - Ogyris subterrestris petrina arid bronze azure - Listing

15/008642 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Program Implementation] ERF method suggestions

15/008645 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > RET Scheme Policy Support] REE Regulations Amendments 2015

15/008647 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Protecting National Historic Sites] PNHS_2014-15_Application Survey

15/008650 [Environment Standards Division > Business Systems Support] Reports-Administration-Government Gazette Notices-1516

15/008651 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Protecting National Historic Sites] PNHS_2014-15_Normalisation_Moderation

15/008654 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Division Administration > Adaptation and International Climate Change Policy Branch] IPFM-Communication - 2015

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15/008655 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Agriculture] Agriculture - Communication

15/008659 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Legislation] Subord leg - procurement

15/008661 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Commercial] 9726] Research Task - Implied Good Faith in gov't Contracts

15/008662 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC - Administration

15/008664 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Kokoda Initiative JU2 - Support Activities - Tourism

15/008665[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6396 - Beach Nourishment Works on Coastline, Maroochydore, Qld

15/008666 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Corunastylis sp. Charmhaven (NSW 896673)

15/008667 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AWHAC - Teleconference 9 July 2015

15/008668 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Convention on Biological Diversity] Nagoya Protocol_Ratification

15/008669 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Kokoda Initiative JU2 - Coms - Strategy

15/008673 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Littoral Rainforest - NESP Project 2015

15/008674 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Environmental Stewardship] Round 1_2008-09_NSW_M-094-08_AC4C0001318G

15/008675 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7460 - Bulgana Wind Farm Stawell VIC

15/008677 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Cumberland CC 20MT grant round May 2015

15/008678 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Invertebrates - Pommerhelix duralensis Dural land snail - research

15/008680 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] Cases - Appendix I Seizures - Referals to IS

15/008682 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] Australia Post - Heritage Strategy - 2015

15/008683 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Commercial Buildings method

15/008687 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > SA MRV] SA MRV - Liaison

15/008689 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Taxonomy - Census of Australian Vertebrate Species (CAVS) Numbers, changes to taxonomy

15/008693 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Risk] * ERF hazard assessment

15/008694 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Data - Submissions - 2009-10 - 8010 The NSW NPWS Seabird Project

15/008696 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - WH Committee -


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39th Session Briefing 2015

15/008697 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] * Procurement

15/008698 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Project Management - Project Reports 2014-15

15/008700[Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Community Heritage and Icons Grants] 2014-15_CHIG_Preparatory_Documents_for_Notifying_Applicants (Unsuccessful and Ineligible Applicants)

15/008701 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Policy] Safeguard - Review of audit requirements - Procurement - 2015

15/008702 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > Projections] 2014 projections - electricity

15/008707 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 9715 - Public lists

15/008708 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] LTSP Private and Philanthropic investment baseline contract

15/008709 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] NT - Mud Crab Fishery

15/008710 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Listing - Procedures - Ecological Communities

15/008711 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] SPREP - General Briefing

15/008712 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Transport Mode Shift Scoping

15/008718 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 9731 - ExCO Autumn 2016 bids

15/008721 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Projects] EIANZ Learning to Adapt funding bid

15/008723 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Risk] ERF Hazard Assessments - 2015-16

15/008726 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Recovery Planning - Threatened Species Managers Meeting 2015

15/008729 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Secretariat Support - Transition positions Apr 2015-Sept 2015

15/008731 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Divisional Coords] * - Communications on Climate Change

15/008732 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP Head Programme] Admin - Funding Agreement Variation - July 2015

15/008734[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6885 North Galilee Basin Rail Project, Abbot Point to Galilee Basin

15/008735 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Lighting - fact sheet

15/008736 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] IEFE Amendments - Tranche 1 (post-26 March 2015)

15/008739 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Recovery plans and conservation advices – reversals, revoking and sunsetting


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15/008743 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Bosistoa transversa - Nomination 2015

15/008744 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Commercial] 1652-Advice-on-Curiosity-Cat-Bait-licence-agreement-with-Island-Conservation

15/008745 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Cetacean - Fin and Sei Whale - Recovery Plan

15/008746 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Cetacean - Humpback Whale - Recovery Plan

15/008748 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] Communications_Materials_20MT_Grant_Projects

15/008750 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6573 Hornsdale Wind Farm

15/008751 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Site Records - NSW - Shipwreck - M-24 Midget Submarine

15/008752 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Elderslie Banksia Scrub Forest - Photos

15/008753 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Corybas dentatus - Nomination 2015

15/008754 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Prasophyllum fuscum - Nomination 2015

15/008755 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] WISTRA Project - 2015

15/008765 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > TSSC] Meetings - TSSC60 - Govdex

15/008766 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] SC - 1415-024 - Sloth - CLOSED

15/008769 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Illawarra Grassy Woodlands - Listing - Assessment

15/008771 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Canarium acutifolium

15/008772 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Eucalyptus rhodantha - nomination 2015

15/008775 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Forests] RFAs - Background Information

15/008776 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Compliance and Enforcement - documents

15/008777 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Swamp Oak Coastal Floodplain Forest - Listing - Consultancy

15/008781 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] SC - 1415-025 - Chimpanzee - CLOSED

15/008782 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Brief - Listing - Four species 2015

15/008783 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Super Trawler] Project Management - Second Expert Panel on a DCFA

15/008784 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Funding Programs] Community Heritage and Icons - Funding for ICOMOS Vice-President


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15/008785 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2010-11_TAS_OC11-01452_X0000001474G

15/008791 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7470 Kookaburra Gully Graphite Project, Tumby Bay, SA

15/008792[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6177 - Additional Cyclone Moorings, Bowen Harbour, Queensland

15/008794 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] OS - 1415-022 - USA - Wolf hybrids - CLOSED

15/008795[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6188 - Apache Balnaves Condensate Field Development, Boneparte, WA

15/008796 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Fish - Nannoperca obscura Yarra pygmy perch - Recovery planning

15/008797 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Funding Programs] Funding Programmes - administration

15/008800 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - WH Convention - Periodic Reporting

15/008804[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6149 - Construction of a private dwelling at 327 Edelsten Road, Jimboomba, QLD

15/008805 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Project Management] Project - Australian Heritage Strategy Implementation 2015-2020

15/008806 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Marine turtles - Multi - Recovery Plan - NGO consultation

15/008807 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - Senate Estimates and Questions on Notice

15/008808 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-CO2-1

15/008809 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-CO2-10

15/008810 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-CO2-2

15/008811 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-CO2-4

15/008812 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-CO2-8

15/008814 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-LAL-2

15/008815 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-LAL-8

15/008816 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] OS - 1415-023 - USA - Sugar glider - CLOSED

15/008817 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] GBR MinFo - Out of Session Papers


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15/008818 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] EPBC Act - Statutory Decisions - Commonwealth Heritage List

15/008819 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Environmental Stewardship] Round 1_2008-09_NSW_L-144-08_AC4C0001289G

15/008820 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Seizures] Templates - Court Statements

15/008822 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] EPBC Act - Legal Advice on NHL and CHL

15/008824 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Biodiversity Policy Development] Climate Change

15/008825 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] ACT Lake Burley Griffin and Adjacent Lands - Assessment - 2015

15/008826 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Seizures] Live Seizure 2015 - S123106 - NSW - tarantulas - surrendered to RSPCA NSW

15/008828 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > National Landcare] NLP Regional Program Health Check

15/008829 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > TSSC] Meetings - TSSC60 - Cleared Items

15/008832 [Environment Standards Division > Business Systems Support] Assets-SharePoint Tracking Sheets-FY15-16

15/008835 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Out of session - endorsement - standard operating procedures

15/008839 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Stakeholder Engagement] EIANZ

15/008840 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Agriculture] Herd Management * - Development of Calculator

15/008841 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Biofilters - Correspondence

15/008843 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - TE - Lord Howe - *

15/008846 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] Joint Management Futures

15/008847 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6145 - Oleander Drive Reserve, Yungaburra QLD

15/008849 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Dugong and Turtle Protection Plan - Australian Crime Commission Investigation

15/008850 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - TE - Lord Howe - *

15/008852 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Elderslie Banksia Scrub Forest - Listing - Contract

15/008853 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - Planning - Budget 2015 - 16

15/008854 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > States and Territories Government Engagement] Torres Strait Islands

15/008862 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - SE - Tas Fracture - *


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15/008863 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Source Separated Organic Waste - Regulator and National Inventory

15/008865 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > LULUCF] Savanna Correspondence

15/008866 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > User Engagement] MPA - Islands and Reefs

15/008867 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Division Administration > Renewables, Projections and Analysis Branch] AP – Recruitment – 2015

15/008868 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Multiple EC of the Cumberland Plain and surrounds - Recovery Plan - Photos

15/008873 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Support Activities - R1 Seascapes

15/008875 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] Consultation - Bilateral meetings

15/008877 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] EPBC Act - Finalised Priority Assessment Lists - Corro

15/008879 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Support Activities - PNG-New Britain project cluster

15/008887 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Community Heritage and Icons Grants] 2014-15_CHIG Successful Applicant - ABN Checks

15/008888 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Marine turtles and dugong - Green Island

15/008889 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Stachystemon nematophorus

15/008890 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > TSSC] Meetings - TSSC61

15/008892 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Site Records - NSW - Shipwreck - Dunbar

15/008900 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > National Landcare] NLP input to ABCS Review

15/008901 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6124 - Dudgeon Point Offshore Geotechnical Investigations

15/008902 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6102 - Waters at Ooralea Urban Development Project, Mackay

15/008906 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Parantechinus apicalis

15/008907 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Acacia ataxiphylla subsp. magna

15/008908 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Acacia volubilis

15/008909 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Acacia subflexuosa subsp. capillata

15/008910 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Birds - Anous tenuirostris melanops

15/008911 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species]


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Cetaceans - Balaenoptera borealis Sei Whale

15/008912 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Caladenia arenaria

15/008913 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Calytrix breviseta subsp. breviseta

15/008914 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Centrolepis caespitosa

15/008915 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Conospermum densiflorum subsp. unicephalatum

15/008916 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Daphnandra johnsonii

15/008917 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Daviesia bursarioides

15/008918 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Drummondita ericoides

15/008919 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Davidsonia jerseyana

15/008920 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Banksia squarrosa subsp. argillacea

15/008921 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Eidothea hardeniana

15/008922 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Migratory Birds] EPBC Act - Conservation Advice - 10 species of seabird

15/008923 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Eucalyptus crucis subsp. praecipua

15/008924 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Eucalyptus dolorosa

15/008925 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Eucalyptus impensa

15/008926 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Gentiana baeuerlenii

15/008928 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea beadleana

15/008929 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea caleyi

15/008930 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Irenepharsus trypherus

15/008931 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Lepidium ginninderrense

15/008935 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Myrsine richmondensis

15/008936 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Ornduffia calthifolia Mountain Villarsia

15/008937 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants -


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Patersonia spirifolia Spiral-leaved Patersonia

15/008938 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] QLD - East Coast Trochus Fishery

15/008940 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Philotheca basistyla

15/008941 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Pterostylis sinuata

15/008944 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Tectaria devexa

15/008945 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Verticordia hughanii

15/008946 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Zieria granulata

15/008948 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > Other ODA Programmes] DFAT-reporting-SDIS-REDD+-Law

15/008949 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Birds - Tyto novaehollandiae melvillensis

15/008950 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Isoodon auratus auratus

15/008952 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Notomys aquilo Northern hopping-mouse - Conservation advice

15/008953 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000344 *

15/008957 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Division Administration > Methodology Branch] EE and Transport Team - method timelines and issue register

15/008958 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - TE - Solitary Islands - *

15/008960 [Parks Home > Risk Management] Marine Protected Areas Branch Risk Plan 2015-16

15/008961 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - UTS - Booth - Comm waters

15/008963 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Fish - Maccullochella ikei eastern freshwater cod - recovery plan review

15/008964 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Cetaceans - Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback Whale

15/008965 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Birds - Papasula abbotti

15/008966 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Reptile - Pseudemydura umbrina

15/008968[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7405 Commercial Development, 2 Maquarie Street, Parramatta, NSW

15/008969 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Communications - Newsletter - Communities for Communities

15/008972 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Non-commercial trade - Liaison - General


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15/008973 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Occupational Dive Training and WHS requirements

15/008974 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] Policy - Rapid assessment - Decision support tool - DSTs sent to jurisdictions

15/008977 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub - Contracts

15/008978 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] SC - 1415-026 - African grey parrot - CLOSED

15/008981 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Protecting National Historic Sites] PNHS_2014-15_Documents_for_Notifying_Applicants_(Successful Applicants and MPs)

15/008984 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Reporting] Project Status Reports Meeting 19 - May 2015

15/008985 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Warkworth sands woodland - Listing - Consultation

15/008990 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Fuji Xerox

15/008991 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CITES - CoP17

15/008993 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] MPA - Management Plan Briefs 2015-2016

15/008994 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Human Resources] MPA STH - HR - RECRUITMENT

15/008997 [Ministerial Campaign Correspondence > Minister > 2015] MC15-025576 - Save Ballina's Koalas

15/009001 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] CMR-Annual Business Agreements-Procurement-2015-16

15/009002 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Protecting National Historic Sites] PNHS_2014-15_Personal Particulars Form

15/009004 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commercial and Property] BNP - Payment Terminals

15/009005 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commercial and Property] Bush Blitz - * - Catering Services

15/009007 [Environment Standards Division > Business Systems Support] Assets-*-FY2015-16

15/009009 [Parks Home > Strategic Policy] CMR - Foreign Fishing Vessel Disposal Policy

15/009010 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA compliance Presentations

15/009014 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] MPA-NW-Management Plan

15/009017 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] CMR-Notice of Intent Consultation 2015

15/009020 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Threatened Species] TS Projects - TSC - Reporting

15/009023 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Migratory Birds] Program - Birdlife Australia - Shorebird BIA-CVA

15/009024 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Environmental Stewardship] Round 5_2009-10_NSW_09_031_A0000011283G

15/009025 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Dugong and Turtle Protection Plan - Specialised Indigenous Ranger Programme (SIRP)


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15/009026 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Republica Coffee

15/009028 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Environmental Stewardship] Round 3_2008-09_NSW_NSW_043_A0000011270G

15/009030 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Swamp Oak Coastal Floodplain Forest - Listing - Photos

15/009031 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Threatened Species] TS Projects - TSC - Planning

15/009032 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Protecting National Historic Sites] PNHS_2014-15_Website

15/009034 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Illawarra Grassy Woodlands - Reference Material

15/009042 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] TAS Tasmanian Wilderness WH Area - FOI - 150504 - The Wilderness Society

15/009043 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Funding] 9753-BCD-Solar-Towns-Programme-Round-2

15/009045 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IWC - WG - ICG on Strengthening IWC Financing - 2015

15/009049 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Colour Marking - processing of leg flag sightings by Australiasian Wader Stduy Group (AWSG)

15/009050 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - FRWG - 2015

15/009051 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Recovery Plans - Tracking and Reporting

15/009053 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] NHL - Logo

15/009054[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6051 - Bureau of Meteorology Reconstruction Works on South Islet and Middle island, Coral Sea Territory

15/009056 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] International Seabed Authority_ISA

15/009057 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] Parliamentary - Ministerial meeting briefs

15/009058 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Funding Programs] National Trust Partnership Program - Funding Agreement - 2015-2016 Financial Year

15/009059 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] Commonwealth - FISHERY - Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop

15/009062 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] CLOSED - Case - 1415-149 - NT - Black Rhino - unknown

15/009063 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Birds - Geophaps smithii smithii

15/009064 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Muehlenbeckia tuggeranong

15/009065 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > National Heritage] ACT Parliament House - Assessment - 2014

15/009066 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Market Based Incentives (MBIs)] MBI Public Private Partnerships internal capacity building

15/009067 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals -


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Sminthopsis butleri Butler's dunnart

15/009069 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Birds - Tyto novaehollandiae kimberli

15/009070 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Amphibians - Litoria raniformis southern bell frog growling grass frog - Correspondance

15/009071 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] Heritage Protocol - State listing letters received

15/009072 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Pseudantechinus mimulus Carpentarian antechinus

15/009075 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Listing alignment - single operational list implementation - legacy and application

15/009076 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Environmental Indicators] Native Vegetation Workshop June 2015, Notes Scanned

15/009078 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] BNP Feral Control - Fox control

15/009084 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] CCP - African lion 2015

15/009087 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2012_13_QLD_OC13-00588_X0000003835

15/009088 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - NERP Projects

15/009089 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Historic Shipwrecks Act - Fact sheets

15/009090 [Parks Home > Strategic Policy] CMR - Unacceptable Impact Guidance

15/009094 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD-Enquiry-Apollo Bay-Colac Otway Shire

15/009095 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Convention on Biological Diversity] Synthetic Biology_FOI_091214

15/009096 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Artificial Propagation Programs - administration

15/009097 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Out of session - endorsement - Facilities - July 2015

15/009099 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP Permit application * 2015

15/009101 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] ERAC - Requests for advice

15/009103 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP Emerging Priorities] 2015-16_Ad hoc proposals

15/009104 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP Head Programme] Research Plan 2015 - Version 2

15/009105 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Grants Programs > Indigenous Carbon Farming fund Research and Development (ICFFRD)] ICCFRD Program - Tiwi Islands - Carbon Sequestration

15/009109 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] BNP Botanic Gardens Grounds Maintenance Contract Service Level


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15/009110 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Wildlife Trafficking - CAWT - 2015

15/009112 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA - Compliance Policies and Strategies

15/009128 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Kokoda Initiative JU2 - Admin - Ministerial Briefing 2015

15/009130 [Parks Home > Strategic Policy] CMR - Science Policy - background

15/009134 [Parks Home > Strategic Policy] CMR - Science Policy - Development

15/009137 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] Acts Interpretation Act

15/009156 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] Templates - Letters

15/009158 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-12_QLD_OC12-00376_X0000002714G

15/009159[Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Protecting National Historic Sites] PNHS_2014-15_Documents_for_Notifying_Applicants_(Unsuccessful and Ineligible Applicants)

15/009160 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] Cases - Appendix I Seizures - Siamese Crocodile

15/009161 [Ministerial Campaign Correspondence > Minister > 2015] MC15-018680 - Abbot Point Growth Gateway Project

15/009164 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] WA - Octopus Fishery

15/009165 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] CLOSED - Case - 1415-150 - Indonesia - Leopard - unknown

15/009166 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC Meeting 84 - Papers for GovDex

15/009169 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Convention on Biological Diversity] Synthetic Biology_FOI_091214_Document Schedule_COMPLETE

15/009171 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Environmental Stewardship] Round 3_2009-10_NSW_NSW_085_A0000011284G

15/009173 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 25ALGs] 25ALG_2014-15_NSW_25ALG-660_B0260000660G_Ag

15/009176 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5993 - Sippy Downs Trunk Sewer Pipeline

15/009178 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA Compliance and Enforcement - templates

15/009180 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Booderee] BNP Board of Management Sitting fee Payments

15/009182 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Coords] MEDIA - AD HOC

15/009183 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2014-15 - Permit Reports

15/009184 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Programme] Communications_Social Media


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15/009186 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Multilateral organisations] MEF - July 18-19

15/009187 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] MPA - TE - Lord Howe - VMS Trial - Establishment - Procurement - 2015-17

15/009190 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] MPA - TE - Lord Howe - VMS Trial - Implementation - 2015-17

15/009192 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Migratory Birds] Contract - Shorebird Population Estimates - 2015

15/009194 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > NLP Regional Delivery] 2014-18_SA_EP NRM

15/009197 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Commercial] 9760 - GST arrangements between goverment entities

15/009198 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > National Inventory] 2015_13 – Report – Annex 6 – Quality Controls Including Australian National Carbon Balance

15/009199 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Briefs - ERAC - 2015

15/009200 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] KNP-Management Plan Preparation

15/009202 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > National Inventory] National Inventory Systems documents

15/009203 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - GEF Dugong and Seagrass Project

15/009204 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2001-529 Green Point Wind Farm, Green Point, SA

15/009206 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-12_QLD_OC12-00103_X0000002653G

15/009208 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Waste to Energy - TWG

15/009209[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5944 - Dudgeon Point Offshore Seismic and Hydrographic Survey

15/009210 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CMS - 44th Standing Committee Meeting - 2015

15/009212 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] Cases - Appendix I Seizures - Rhino

15/009213 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] Cases - Appendix I Seizures - Miscellaneous

15/009215 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] ACT National Film and Sound Archive Residence - Management

15/009216 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Bands - Design - Red-tailed and Long-Billed Black Cockatoos (Baudins and Carnabys)

15/009217 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Funding Programs] Vic - Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens

15/009218 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Policy] Heritage Branch -


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Environment Assessment Branch - Heritage Values Project

15/009237 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 25ALGs] 25ALG_2014-15_QLD_25ALG-19_B0260000019G_Ag

15/009238 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 25ALGs] 25ALG_2014-15_QLD_25ALG-34_B0260000034G_Ag

15/009239 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 25ALGs] 25ALG_2014-15_QLD_25ALG-238_B0260000238G_Ag

15/009240 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 25ALGs] 25ALG_2014-15_NSW_25ALG-353_B0260000353G_Ag

15/009241 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 25ALGs] 25ALG_2014-15_NSW_25ALG-380_B0260000380G_Ag

15/009242 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 25ALGs] 25ALG_2014-15_VIC_25ALG-577_B0260000577G_Ag

15/009243 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 25ALGs] 25ALG_2014-15_NSW_25ALG-612_B0260000612G_Ag

15/009244 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 25ALGs] 25ALG_2014-15_VIC_25ALG-620_B0260000620G_Ag

15/009247 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Community Heritage and Icons Grants] 2014-15_CHIG_Feedback_to_Unsuccessful_Applicants

15/009248[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5908 - Upgrade of Automatic Weather Station adjacent Gannet Cay, GBRMPWHA

15/009249 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Community Heritage and Icons Grants] 2014-15_CHIG_Feedback_to_Ineligible_Applicants

15/009250 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Compliance and Enforcement - eBay liason

15/009251 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Migratory Birds] Program - University of Queensland - Dr Claire Runge

15/009252 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Executive Strategic Planning] Project Health Check May 2015

15/009253 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] WTMP - WA 2015 quota report

15/009254[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5905 - Geotechnical Investigations for Balaclava Island Coal Export Terminal, QLD

15/009255[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5936 - Apache Julimar Brunello Gas Field Development Project, Carnarvon Basin, WA

15/009257 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Biodiversity Policy Development] 2015 Fast Facts

15/009258 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > National Heritage] National Heritage Listing

15/009259 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5820 - BHP Mitsui Coal’s Wards Well Exploration Program


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15/009260 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2013-2503-Gorgon treated sewage and wastewater-short-term scenario

15/009261 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2013-2522-Gorgon treated sewage and wastewater-long-term scenario

15/009262 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5801 - Ebenezer Powerlink Training Facility, QLD

15/009263 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5775 - Dingo West Coast Mine Project

15/009264 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7480 - Telstra Corp Australia New Zealand Subsea Telecommunications Cable EXT

15/009265 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7408 CETO 6 Project

15/009266 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7280 Olympic Dam Heap Leach Trial Roxby Downs

15/009267 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] CITES 2015 species reviews

15/009268[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5735 - Curtis Island Water and Sewerage Facilities – Seismic Survey, QLD

15/009270 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Forests] RFAs - Legal advice

15/009271 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Landscape management] Protected Areas on Private Land (PAPL) program (ceased) - Conservation covenants in Tasmania

15/009272 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] National Service Provider_Comms

15/009289 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Grant-Round 2 - Project Management

15/009297 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Protecting National Historic Sites] PNHS_2014-15_Implementation

15/009300 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > End Use] Flammable Refrigerant Safety Guide Seminars - 2015

15/009301 [Environment Quality Division > OECD > Joint Meeting] 53rd Joint Meeting - emails

15/009304 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1276

15/009309 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-12_QLD_OC12-00694_X0000003062G

15/009311 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-12_QLD_OC12-00582_X0000002558G

15/009319 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] One Tree Per Child

15/009325 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2012-2243-Disposal of apprehended vessels

15/009338 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5730 - Waterway Downs Urban Estate Development QLD

15/009346 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Project Management] Closed Project - Review of Water Trigger Regualtions


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15/009349 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > Savannah] Paris COP Engagement

15/009350 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Biofilters - ERAC

15/009351 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP Permit application Break of * 2015

15/009355 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] CMR Management Plans

15/009357 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] BNP Training Park Care

15/009358 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP Permit application Jervis Bay *

15/009359 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] MPA Tropical Fire Ant Control Program

15/009362 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Biofilters - * - Procurement

15/009363 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] BNP Endangered species Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus

15/009366 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP Permit application * 2015

15/009368 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP Permit Application Ulladulla Dive and Adventure *

15/009372 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Legal coordination] 9771 - LSMUL Evaluations for 2014-15

15/009374 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EXPORT - LEAD WASTE AND SCRAP - 22 000 t

15/009376 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5727 - Greenacre Drive Residential Development, Arundel, QLD

15/009392 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5674 - Fence line clearing – Lot 210 Tessmans Road, QLD

15/009393 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7471 Ripley Town centre, Ipswich, QLD

15/009398 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-Referral Defence RAAF Base Townsville-Removal of Butler Hangar

15/009406 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Sensis

15/009407 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000345 *

15/009408 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - TE - Cod Grounds - *

15/009409 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1415-25 - MPA-Indigenous Engagement

15/009411 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LVC 1020 (with LTD 1844)

15/009413 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1844 (with LVC 1020)

15/009415 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] SAPLC 173

15/009417 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA -


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Compliance reporting

15/009419 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > RAC] Compliance 2015-2016

15/009421 [Environment Quality Division > Montreal > Bi-laterals] EU-EC

15/009422 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * TEMPLATES

15/009425 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA - Compliance Risk Assessments 2015-2016 FY

15/009427 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] MPA-Communications products

15/009428 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] MPA-Ashmore CMR moorings

15/009430 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > External Committees] SD-TACC-Port Hedland

15/009431 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] MPA-Invasive species control-tropical fire ants (TFA)

15/009432 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] MPA-Cod Grounds-Pimpernel Rock (Solitarys) marker buoys

15/009437 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Biofilters - consultation

15/009448 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1288

15/009461 [Environment Quality Division > Stockholm > Amendments] National Interest Analysis NIA

15/009467 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER59720757

15/009468 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER12666012

15/009470 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER96022005

15/009471[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5603 - Trial gambusia removal and red-finned blue-eye relocation

15/009481 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > National Inventory] National Inventory QA_QC program

15/009486 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] CINP - IS - YCA - Biocontrol - Approvals

15/009488 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > Projections] 2014 projections - technical working group

15/009490[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5596 - 2011 World Water Ski Championship and Ancillary Races, Moreton Bay, QLD

15/009492 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Stakeholder Engagement] Australian Climate Roundtable

15/009493 [Environment Quality Division > ESD Establishment] ESD Governance 2015

15/009496 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] BNP Moorings maintenance records

15/009503 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1205


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15/009504 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1747

15/009505 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] BNP Fire Action Plan

15/009509 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Biofilters - Regulator

15/009510 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Reserve Tourist and User activities] UKTNP - Visitor numbers - Raw data

15/009511 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] Product Stewardship (Oil)-Legislation

15/009512 [Environment Quality Division > National Waste Policy > Policy] International

15/009514 [Environment Quality Division > Product Stewardship > Communication] International

15/009515 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Paris agreement] Resources-International climate analyses

15/009519 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] Uluru-Mutitjulu-Uluru an Anangu Story

15/009523 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Divisional Coords] Divisional Coordinators Network

15/009524 [Ministerial Campaign Correspondence > Minister > 2015] MC15-026264 - Register of Environmental Organisations

15/009529 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1291

15/009530 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Reforms > COAG] Decision RIS - Papers and Briefs

15/009531 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Act and Regulation] 2014 Review - project management

15/009532 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] MPA - Tasking requests for Maritime Border Command

15/009534 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Co-regulatory Arrangements] Assessment of Material Recovery

15/009536 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] PAD - TSWG - Meeting papers 2015

15/009539 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - NERP Projects - Outputs

15/009540 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > MERI Reform (non programme specific)] CSIRO_Australian Ecosystem Models Framework

15/009547 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA - compliance - summaries

15/009548 [Parks Home > Strategic Policy] MPA-Indigenous

15/009551 [Parks - External Committees > Great Barrier Reef Authority - Tourism Reef Advisory Committee] GBRMPA TRAC 2 May 2015

15/009552 [Parks - External Committees > Great Barrier Reef Authority - Tourism Reef Advisory Committee] GBRMPA TRAC 1 October 2014

15/009553 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-GA-19


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15/009555 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-12_OC12-00563_X0000002848G

15/009556 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2010-11_QLD_OC11-00538_X0000001050G

15/009557 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Stakeholder Engagement] Department of Agriculture

15/009558[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Section Administration > Queensland and Sea Dumping Assessment Branch] Queensland and Sea Dumping Senate Estimates_ Back Pocket Briefs

15/009559 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1845

15/009563[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5497 - Moranbah South Seismic Exploration Program, Bowen Basin, QLD

15/009568 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - BASEL IM - CYTOTOXIC WASTE FROM NZ

15/009569 [Environment Quality Division > ESD Establishment] Project Board 4 - 2015

15/009570 [Environment Quality Division > ESD Establishment] Steering Committee Meeting 4 - May 2015

15/009577 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Reporting] 1511 Monthly Reporting

15/009578 [Environment Quality Division > Voluntary > Compliance] MobileMuster - Monitoring and Compliance

15/009580 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Meetings - Regional Secretariat visit June 2015

15/009583[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5480 - Isis Highway Upgrade between Coalstoun Lakes and Ban Ban Springs, QLD

15/009588[Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Funding Programs] Project Agreement - 2014-18 - Management of the World Heritage Values of the Tasmanian Wilderness

15/009589 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] Department of Finance - Management Advice - 2015

15/009592[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5474 - Wongaling Beach to Mission Beach Shared Bikeway-Walkway – Stage 2, QLD

15/009594 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Communications] General Enquiries on Ozone and SGG matters

15/009595 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > RAC] ARC Contract Review 2010

15/009603 [Environment Quality Division > ESD Establishment] Co-location of EACD and EQD

15/009604 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] Ad Hoc Advice Possible Secondary Notification LTD 213 and LTD 381

15/009605 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1293

15/009606 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC


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15/009607 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1295

15/009610 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Underwater Cultural Heritage – Regulatory performance framework

15/009612 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Project Management] Project - SPR 2016 TWWHA

15/009613 [Environment Quality Division > Product Stewardship Oil > Implementation] Knowledgehub

15/009616 [Environment Quality Division > NEPC > NPI NEPM] Ministerial meetings

15/009617 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER12751532

15/009620 [Environment Quality Division > Product Stewardship > Policy Development] Newspapers

15/009623 [Environment Quality Division > National Waste Policy > Packaging] Packaging Impacts Decision Regulation Impact Statement - 2014 - Supplement

15/009624 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Booderee] BNP 2015 Board Agendas

15/009625 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Booderee] BNP 2015 Board Action lists

15/009627 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] TAS Tasmanian Wilderness WH Area - Monitoring Mission - 2015

15/009628 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1290

15/009631 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - Team

15/009637 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Threatened Species] TS Projects - TSC - Media and Comms

15/009638 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] Hazardous Waste-OIL

15/009641 [Parks Home > International] MPA Agency Partnership Secretariat

15/009646 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] ESD-advice on RISs (proposed legislation policy)-Constitutional

15/009658 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] Orange-bellied parrot

15/009660 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Project Management] Project - Tasmanian Wilderness - Reactive Monitoring Mission 2015

15/009661 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA - Warden Nominations for Appointments

15/009662 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER41611692 - WITHDRAWN

15/009663 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA - Warden Resources - online toolbox

15/009664 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Application development - ABBBS Web Portal - Redevelopment of Mapping Layer for Public Web Portal

15/009665 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA - Warden Appointment Procedures

15/009670 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Solar Towns] 2015-16 Solar Towns (Round 2)

15/009674 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] MPA - Memorandum of Understanding - Contracts -


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15/009678 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1281

15/009681 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Compliance] Regulatory notices

15/009685 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Commercial] 9755 - Using and attributing images covered by Creative Commons licences

15/009697 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] SPREP - Meetings - Trilaterals - 2015

15/009700 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Protecting National Historic Sites] PNHS_2014-15_Programme Risk

15/009702 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] Bilateral - UNITED KINGDOM - 2015

15/009709 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] Case - 1415-191 - Native bird feathers

15/009711 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Economic Analysis and Advice] International - EVRI UNEP Green Growth

15/009718 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Biodiversity Fund] LSP_944860_114 * Protecting Riparian Swamplands in Dingwall.

15/009721 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord 2015-021 - Minister meeting with Glencore

15/009722 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord 2015-022 - Minister meeting ACCI Roundtable

15/009725 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - WAIGANI IMPORT - NON-HALOGENATED SOLVENTS FROM PAPUA NEW GUINEA

15/009732 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2010.5304 - East Arm

15/009734 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] CUP 5

15/009735 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1848

15/009747 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] Mekong river related

15/009755 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Forests and threatened species and ECs

15/009756 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EX - AUS15-039 (FORMERLY AUS15-031) - CRT glass to Germany

15/009764 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Fish - Maccullochella peelii Murray Cod - Literature

15/009766 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > NHB]* Project 2014-2015

15/009769 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Programme] Communications_Campaign

15/009771 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-GA-06

15/009774 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1286 and PLC 1287


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15/009775 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] TAS Tasmanian Wilderness WH Area - State Party Report - 2016

15/009776 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Compliance] Early Notification Letter 15-16

15/009777 [Environment Quality Division > Rotterdam > Conference Of Parties] Seventh meeting - 2015 - outcomes

15/009780 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-GA-01

15/009781 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-GA-02

15/009783 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-GA-04

15/009784 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-GA-07

15/009785 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-GA-08

15/009786 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-GA-09

15/009787 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-GA-11

15/009790 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-GA-13

15/009791 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Business Systems (non programme specific)] WHS for BCD Grant programmes

15/009792 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-GA-16

15/009793 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-GA-21

15/009796 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] 2015 - JUNE - MINISTER INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL - BONN GERMANY

15/009800 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Support Activities - PNG2 Sust devt pathways

15/009802 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Support Activities - PNG1 Marine values frameworks and mapping

15/009821 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Ocean Sanctuary Alliance

15/009822 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Environmental Stewardship] Round 3_2008-09_NSW_NSW_001_A0000011677G *

15/009823 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER21159933

15/009828 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Campaspe] Photos

15/009829 [Environment Quality Division > Fuel Quality Standards > Act and Regulation] References

15/009830 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] Thiamethoxam

15/009831 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Unregulated


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Catchments] Annual Water Use Option planning 2015-16

15/009832 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] Pyraflufen-ethyl

15/009835 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] Administration - Guidance Documents

15/009836 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Water Holdings > Water Accounting] National Water Account 2013-14

15/009840 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] NSW-Gwydir Wetlands Ramsar Site

15/009841 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Water Holdings > Information Provision and Advice] Water Division - information to WD - NOT including acquisitions advice

15/009842 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Water Holdings > Information Provision and Advice] Murray-Darling Basin Authority ad hoc advice and information

15/009847 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-GA-20

15/009848 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Project Rounds] Round 4 Green Army Applications and Guidelines

15/009849 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Forests] Forest Policy - Planning

15/009852 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1843

15/009853 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-GA-15

15/009854 [Environment Quality Division > Air Quality > Emission Reduction] NRSIEE - Legal Advice

15/009855 [Environment Quality Division > Air Quality > Emission Reduction] Wood Heaters - Legal Advice

15/009856 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] UNEP - Annual contribution to Environment Fund - 2015

15/009860 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Guidance] Operational Review - Communication Strategy - Work

15/009861[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5417 - Darling Downs Power Station 2 Project, Kogan, Queesnland

15/009862 [Environment Quality Division > Air Quality > Emission Reduction] NRSIEE - Wood Heaters - Joint Policy Authority

15/009866 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - WAIGANI IMPORT - HALOGENATED SOLVENTS FROM PAPUA NEW GUINEA

15/009873 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2012-13_QLD_OC13-00483_X0000003746

15/009878 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] 2015-16 MINISTERIAL INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL YR TRAVEL BID

15/009879 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Lower-Murray] 2015-16 - Hattah - Implementation

15/009880 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > RAC] Procurements 2014-2015


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15/009888 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Goulburn] Water Use Actions Development 2015-16

15/009891 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1292

15/009894 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] Administration - References

15/009897 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > CEWH Decisions] Water Use Decisions 2015-16

15/009898 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Policy] Australian Heritage Strategy - Expenses

15/009903 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Compliance and Enforcement] 20150522 - * - Export to Liberia

15/009904 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Mallee Wetlands] 2015 - Psyche Bend Lagoon - 2nd discharge event

15/009918 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IWC - Future of the IWC

15/009919 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] Divestment Fact Sheet

15/009925 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Monitoring and Evaluation Advisors] 1. Ecosystem Diversity

15/009926 [Environment Quality Division > ESD Establishment] Contract - Nous 2015

15/009927 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Monitoring and Evaluation Advisors] 3. Generic Diversity

15/009929 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Monitoring and Evaluation Advisors] 2. Stream Metabolism + Water Quality

15/009932 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Monitoring and Evaluation Advisors] 4. Vegetation

15/009943 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - SE - Macquarie Island - *

15/009946 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Macquarie-Castlereagh] Delivery Support Material and Issues

15/009947 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > International] Ramsar-Liaison with Secretariat to the Ramsar Convention

15/009949 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA - Warden Training

15/009953 [Environment Quality Division > Product Stewardship > Policy Development] Other Products

15/009954 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Meetings - Papers - 20150925

15/009955 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - NESP Research Plan v2

15/009956 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] RVF Combined

15/009957 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Division Administration > Safeguard Mechanism Branch] OPC drafting - *


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15/009961 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP ES] ESCC Steering Committee

15/009965 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] UKTNP-Mutitjulu-Access

15/009967 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Risk] ERF Programme Risk

15/009969 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Agriculture] Biochar - other

15/009972 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] MPA-Notice of Intent Consultation 2012

15/009975 [Parks Home > Strategic Policy] MPA - Oil and Gas - 2015

15/009978 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Programme] Communications_Images

15/009983 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > MRV] RoU and Activity Schedule Documents

15/009984 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] E-waste

15/009986 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Communications] 2015 - preparations for meeting between Ministers *

15/009990 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Reserve Tourist and User activities] KNP - Visitor numbers - Raw data

15/009995 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Policy] Electricity - Strategy - 2015

15/009997 [Environment Quality Division > National Waste Policy > Data and Reporting] NWDS - Implementation - Contract Management 1415-0698

15/010004 [Environment Quality Division > Montreal > Multilateral Fund] 2015 - Compliance Assistance Programme activities

15/010007 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] VIC-Western Port Ramsar Site

15/010016 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Section Administration] Corespondence

15/010020 [Environment Quality Division > Biotechnology > Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine] Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus 81178-102496

15/010024[Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Aquatic Ecosystems and Science Policy > Environmental Water Knowledge and Research Project] Queensland Floodplain Vegetation Watering Requirements

15/010041 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] Bilateral - PAKISTAN - 2015

15/010051 [Environment Quality Division > SAICM > ICCM] Fourth meeting - 2015 - pre-meeting prep

15/010059 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_SP_tranche1_20MT-LAL-1

15/010069 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > namoi] Water Use Action Development 2015-16

15/010071 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] Bilateral - EUROPEAN UNION 2015

15/010073 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD


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15/010075 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Communications] Liaison with NSW EPA regarding CRT glass

15/010076 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Renewals - 2015-16

15/010078[Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord 2015-024 - Minister Speech to the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council

15/010080 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Biodiversity Fund] Round 1_1112_QLD_LSP-942799-662_B0070000662G

15/010086 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Loddon] 2015-16 Loddon Watering Schedule - Implementation

15/010089 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] World Parks Congress 2014 - Issues Briefs

15/010091 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] World Parks Congress 2014 - Meeting Briefs

15/010096 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] World Parks Congress 2014 - Media

15/010097 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] World Parks Congress 2014 - Event Briefs

15/010100 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] World parks congress 2014 - Meeting Notes

15/010103 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] UNEA 2 - May 2016

15/010104 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP)

15/010105 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Coal Seam Gas] Project Management

15/010107 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2010-11_QLD_OC11-00973_X0000001217

15/010108 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1847

15/010109 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Audits] Internal Audit Review

15/010112 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management > Reporting] Basin Plan Reporting 2014-2015

15/010113 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Birds - Papasula abbotti Abbott's booby - recovery plan

15/010114 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] Audit and reviews

15/010115 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Northern Victorian Rivers and Wetlands] 2015-16 Delivery Partner Engagement and Relations

15/010117 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Admin - WHS

15/010119 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * Website report of apllications and permit decisions

15/010121 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Admin - Funding Agreement


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Templates and Guidance

15/010122 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > National Environment Protection Council (NEPC) > Meetings] Out of Session papers 2015 Projects *

15/010125 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] EXT Ambassador's Residence in Washington

15/010126 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1277

15/010127 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Ovens] 2015-16 Delivery Partner Engagement and Relations

15/010129 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2012-13_QLD_OC13-00269_X0000003792

15/010135 [Environment Quality Division > ESD Establishment] CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE EACD-EQD

15/010141 [Environment Quality Division > Montreal > Bi-laterals] Indonesia

15/010144 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] BNP Compliance Ranger and Warden

15/010146 [Parks - Legal Matters > Funding] BB - Kiwirrkurra 2015 filming

15/010147 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > National Inventory] NGA Factors workbook

15/010149 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] BNP Firearms Licence Holders

15/010154 [Parks Home > International] MPA - international - general advice

15/010155 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Division Administration > Renewables, Projections and Analysis Branch] EP – Non – records – 2015

15/010160 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] BNP Learning 4 Life

15/010162 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] BNP Training Audit

15/010165 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2010-11_QLD_OC11-00353_X0000000985G

15/010168 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > Consultancies] * - 2014 Review Carbon Offsets and Cobenefits - *

15/010169 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] PAD - TSWG - TS Strategy

15/010172 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT_OneTreePerChild_20MT-OTPC-1

15/010174 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] BNP Shorebirds monitoring program

15/010175 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] BNP - Threatened Species

15/010177 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Reporting] 1512 Monthly Reporting

15/010179 [Environment Standards Division > External Committees] NSW Senior Officers' Committee Meeting 2

15/010180 [Environment Standards Division > Executive Strategic Planning] Risk Planning - Divisional


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15/010182 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] MPA - CMR - CS - Marine Debris

15/010183 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - WA Museum - * - EEZ

15/010184 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] BNP Orientation and Induction

15/010185 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP Permit Application Lands Edge * 2015

15/010186 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Environmental Stewardship] Round 3_2009-10_NSW_NSW_141_A0000011716G (NEW GRANTEE)

15/010187[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5411 - Riversleigh Fossil Project, Boodjumulla National Park, Queensland

15/010189 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] PAD - Feral Cat Management

15/010193 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] OUt of session - public consultation release - IEFE variation

15/010196 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] PRE-Referral Martins Creek Quarry, Maitland, NSW

15/010197 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2003-1294 Gorgon, CMA and Barrow Is, WA

15/010199 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Cement Production Scoping

15/010200 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > End Use]* independent review of end use licensing administration

15/010206 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7490 - Commercial Redevelopment 60 Martin Place Sydney NSW

15/010207 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Reference Material] Articles

15/010211 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Lower-Murray] Banrock Station 2015-16

15/010212 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] NSW-Paroo River Wetlands Ramsar Site

15/010217 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - AUS15-040 - OECD EX - Ni-Cad batteries - Korea

15/010218 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Community Engagement and Communications > Products] News Clippings

15/010221 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2010-2011_QLD_OC11-01375_X0000001431

15/010228 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] IUCN - Regional Conservation Forum - 2015

15/010236 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] IPBES - IPBES-4 WEOG and JUSCANZ

15/010239 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Koondrook-Perricoota]


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2015-16 Water Use Planning and Records

15/010242 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] Payments to multilateral organisations

15/010244 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Wimmera] 2015-16 Planning

15/010246 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1282

15/010249 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub - Recovery Plan - Review

15/010250 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Lachlan] Stakeholder Feedback and Engagement

15/010251 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] Trade - ASEAN - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

15/010264 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Community Engagement and Communications > Policy and Analysis] Long Term Intervention Monitoring

15/010265 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Aquatic Ecosystems and Science Policy > Environmental Water Knowledge and Research Project] Finance

15/010267 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Shark - CMS - Policy

15/010269 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Community Engagement and Communications > Products] Briefs

15/010278 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] ASBESTOS

15/010281 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > International] Ramsar COP13, 2018

15/010282 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - International Engagement - TWWHA

15/010284[Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Community Engagement and Communications > Communications and Engagement] Letters- including Letters to the Editor

15/010285 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Community Engagement and Communications > Policy and Analysis] Consultations

15/010289 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Implementation and Governance > Annual Report 2014-15] Procurement

15/010291 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - WH Committee - 39th Session Comms Materials

15/010297 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5343 - Dably Expansion Project

15/010298 [Environment Quality Division > Biotechnology > OGTR DIR] DIR 138 GM canola *

15/010300 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Reporting] Registered Letters

15/010312 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] CEC 845

15/010314[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5321- Lake McKenzie Tourism Infrastructure Redevelopment, QLD

15/010316 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource


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Management (NRM)] PAD - SciNet - Meeting papers 2015

15/010319 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] DOMESTIC CAPACITY

15/010323[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-5199 - Gold Coast Rapid Transit Project - Griffith University to Broadbeach, QLD

15/010325 [Environment Quality Division > National Waste Policy > Policy] Food waste

15/010328[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-5096 - Construct residence and access road on Lot 5 on SP189975 Chisholm Trail, QLD

15/010330 [Environment Quality Division > Product Stewardship Oil > Implementation] Government response to the review

15/010336 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Projects] ANHAT_Technical

15/010342 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] BNP Vehicle Registration and Maintenance

15/010348 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > Quarterly Inventory Update] 2015 – March - Publication

15/010350 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] MPA - CMR - CS - Bureau of Meteorology - BoM

15/010353 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] MPA - SA - PIRSA MOU

15/010354 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] MPA-CS Management Plan

15/010355 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] MPA-N Management Plan

15/010356 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] MPA-SW Management Plan

15/010357 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] MPA-TE Management Plan

15/010361 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] PCBs

15/010362 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > COORDS] Annual Report - 2014-15

15/010363 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Environmental Indicators] Native vegetation community - correspondence post June 2015 workshop

15/010364 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > MRV] Project Planning - Thailand - July 2015

15/010368 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Implementation and Governance > Annual Report 2014-15] Working Group

15/010369 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Cumberland CC - NCT funding 2015

15/010373 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1821

15/010374 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > RET Scheme Policy Support] Analysis - possible RET reforms

15/010389 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] CITES Registered Captive Breeding Program - Double yellow headed Amazon


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15/010390 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Other Discretionary Grants] 2013-14 QLD_A0000010764G_Inaugural Traditional Owners' Turtle Training Camp

15/010391 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > TSSC] Meetings - Telecon - 2015 July

15/010392 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Recovery plans - State government liaison - ACT

15/010395 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] EPBC Advice Pre Referral - Brisbane General Post Office Proposed Works QLD

15/010397 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7502 - International Fibre Optic Submarine Cable Installation EXT

15/010398 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] Acepamiprid Pyriproxyfen

15/010400 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Implementation and Governance > Annual Report 2014-15] References

15/010401 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] Ad hoc Advice Possible Secondary Notification NA 735

15/010402 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Lachlan] Water Use Action Development 2015-16

15/010407 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Monitoring and Evaluation Advisors] Foundation Reports

15/010411 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Act and Regulation] 2014 Review - Cost Benefit Analysis

15/010413 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Long-Term Intervention Monitoring Project] Annual Forum

15/010416 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > NRM Planning for Climate Change] Program reporting - Stream 1 NRM Planning for CLimate Change

15/010418 [Environment Quality Division > Stockholm > Chemical Monitoring] Pilot monitoring programme - Long Term Passive Air - Deliverables

15/010425 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Implementation and Governance > Annual Report 2014-15] Executive

15/010430 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] EPBC 2015-7486-Ravenhall development- Victoria

15/010432 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1852

15/010433 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Implementation and Governance > Annual Report 2014-15] Design

15/010434 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Other Discretionary Grants] 2014-15_QLD_Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership

15/010443[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7296 - Roost Tree Removal for Spectacled Flying Fox, Novotel Oasis, Cairns, QLD

15/010444[Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > National Environment Protection Council (NEPC) > Financial Management] 132QLD002P000C8-Process Return Underspent Fund from New Zealand-

15/010461 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] NSW-Macquarie


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Marshes Ramsar Site

15/010463 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > International] Ramsar guidelines, resolutions, tutorials and resources

15/010472[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4984 - Extension to Existing Extractive Industry, Roseneath Quarry, Flinders Hwy, Brookhill, QLD

15/010474 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Marine > Domestic Marine] Policy_General

15/010477[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4925 - Gulf Energy Limited-Exploration (mineral, oil and gas - marine)150nm West N-W of Weipa, Gulf of Carpentaria

15/010480 [Environment Standards Division > Executive Strategic Planning] Delegations

15/010481 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > RAC] * Contract Review 2015

15/010483 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] PHOTOGRAPHIC AND X-RAY FILM

15/010484 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD 1559

15/010485 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] ESM

15/010486 [Environment Quality Division > Stockholm > Conference Of Parties] Seventh meeting - 2015 - outcomes

15/010487 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Safeguard Mechanisms - Electricity - *

15/010492 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Reference Material] Adaptation-Primary Industries

15/010495 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2015-16-Successful Applications-$10k RGs

15/010497 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > International] SPREP

15/010502 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Other Discretionary Grants] Round 2_2015-16_QLD_Nest to Ocean Turtle Protection Program

15/010508[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4924 - Residential Subdivision, Woodstock - Giru Road, Giru, QLD

15/010509 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Bilateral engagement] Combination

15/010517 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] PAD-ECO certification

15/010518 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] PAD - TSWG - TS lists

15/010525 [Environment Quality Division > ESD Establishment] Steering Committee Meeting 5 - July 2015

15/010531 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Reporting] Feedstock reporting

15/010536 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Site records - QLD - Shipwreck - Swiftsure

15/010537 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EXPORT - CRTs


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15/010539 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Environmental Water Scientific Advisory Panel] WAESC Administration - Membership

15/010540 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Environmental Water Scientific Advisory Panel] WAESC Administration - ToR and Workplan

15/010541 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Environmental Water Scientific Advisory Panel] WAESC Administration - Updates

15/010543 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Environmental Water Scientific Advisory Panel] WAESC Meeting - 22 September 2015

15/010544 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Licensing] Operational Compliance

15/010546 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Environmental Water Scientific Advisory Panel] WAESC Meeting_25 March 2015

15/010547 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] National Service Provider_Contract Managment Plan

15/010550 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Project Rounds] 20 Million Trees-Green Army Integrated Round

15/010551 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Environmental Water Scientific Advisory Panel] WAESC Meeting - 16 October 2014

15/010552 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_TSCDG_NSW_14

15/010555 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Environmental Water Scientific Advisory Panel] WAESC Meeting - 9 April 2014

15/010557 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] EPBC Advice Pre Referral - Charters Towers Post Office Proposed Conservation Works QLD

15/010558 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Environmental Water Scientific Advisory Panel] WAESC Meeting - 28 November 2013

15/010559 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Environmental Water Scientific Advisory Panel] WAESC Meeting - 17 October 2013

15/010561 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Compliance and Enforcement - Gumtree liason

15/010567 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1846

15/010569 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Policy] Regulatory Reform

15/010570 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] VIC-Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site

15/010577 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] CCP - Southern White Rhino

15/010583 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Grant Round 2 - Applicant Notification Unsuccessful feedback

15/010585 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Lower-Murray] 2015-16 Lindsay Mulcra Wallpolla

15/010586 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD - Waste pesticides from NZ


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15/010587 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] Draft Ramsar Advice Training module

15/010594 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > CEWH Decisions] Transfer Decisions - 2016

15/010595 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Implementation and Governance > Annual Report 2014-15] Annual reports – past years

15/010596 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] 2015 AUG - MINISTER INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL - PAPUA NEW GUINEA

15/010597 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2012-13_QLD_OC13-00640_X0000003612G

15/010598 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] EPA JURISDICTION

15/010602 [Environment Quality Division > Stockholm > Chemical Monitoring] Pilot monitoring programme - Antarctic Air - Finance

15/010604 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER18480886

15/010607[Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord 2015-023 - Minister speech Vic Civil Construction Industry Alliance

15/010608 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1850

15/010611 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Fish - Maccullochella ikei eastern freshwater cod - conservation advice

15/010614 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] Sarolaner

15/010615 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] ACT-Ginini Flate Wetlands Complex Ramsar Site

15/010616 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] QLD-Bowling Green Bay Ramsar Site

15/010617 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] Threatened Species Strategy_Prospectus

15/010619 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Operational Reporting and Active Management] Murrumbidgee water delivery 2015-16

15/010623 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > IT Systems] Application - *

15/010624 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_TSCDG_NSW_15

15/010627 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7503 - West Kimberley Feral Cat Baiting Efficacy Trial WA

15/010628 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_TSCDG_16

15/010629 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1299

15/010632 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_TSCDG_17

15/010637 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Research Library] Heritage - QLD MER Island - National Heritage Assessment


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15/010639 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Policy] Chemicals Advice to the Department

15/010647 [Environment Quality Division > Stockholm > Chemical Monitoring] Pilot monitoring programme - Long Term Passive Air - Finance

15/010649 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2012-13_QLD_OC13-00266_X0000003789

15/010651 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] Images for Threatened Species Strategy

15/010652 [Environment Quality Division > ESD Establishment] Project Board 5 - 2015

15/010654 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-12_QLD_OC12-00687_X0000002859

15/010663 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] Projects - transitional support - capacity building - RFQ evaluation

15/010668 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Communications] Annual Report

15/010671 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management > Acquisitions Advice] Acquisitions options - Lower Balonne strategic acquisition

15/010674[Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > National Environment Protection Council (NEPC) > Financial Management] 112QLD003P000C3 - Derivvation Toxicant Guideline Values-Revision the Aust and NZ Guideines for Fresh and Marine Water Qlty

15/010678 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > International] Ramsar-Standing Committee-2016-2018 triennium

15/010680 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord 2015-030 - Potential topics for Productivity Commission Review

15/010681 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > National Environment Protection Council (NEPC) > Financial Management] 112QLD003P000C2- Toxicant GVs Derivation Project

15/010683 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Data - Submissions - 2014-15 - 8031 THE DPIPWE ALBATROSS AND PETREL PROGRAM

15/010684[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4818 - Residential and Commercial Development at Deebing Heights, QLD

15/010686 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Policy] Australia's Biodiversity Conservation Strategy - Wetlands input

15/010688 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management > Trading Actions] Trading Action 2015-16 Goulburn allocation sale AMS 50003

15/010690 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Other Discretionary Grants] 2014-15_QLD_Integrated monitoring and reporting programme

15/010691 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC Meeting 85 - Policy Preparation

15/010694 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Macquarie-Castlereagh] Operational Monitoring 2015-16

15/010695 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2012_13_QLD_OC13-00563_X0000003682

15/010698 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] GBR - Gladstone Review

15/010699 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-


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15/010701 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Central Murray Wetlands] 2014-15 - Delivery Partner Engagement and Relations

15/010702 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Programme_Reef 2050 Plan

15/010703 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] TAS Tasmanian Wilderness WH Area - World Heritage Committee documents

15/010704 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210002801G

15/010705 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Operational Reporting and Active Management] VEWH water delivery updates 2015-16

15/010706 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Central Murray Wetlands] 2015-16 - Delivery Partner Engagement and Relations

15/010710 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord - 2014 Yale EPI

15/010711 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] NSW-Hunter Estuary Wetlands Ramsar Site

15/010716 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Policy] Chemicals Risk Assessment Departmental Internet Content

15/010718 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Water Holdings > Water Accounting] Forecast and Allocation Data - Water NSW

15/010719 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1854

15/010720 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Lower Broken Creek] Water Use Actions Development 2015-16

15/010721 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Forests] Forest Policy - Threatened Species

15/010722 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] TAS-East Coast Cape Barren Island Ramsar Site

15/010723 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] QLD-Moreton Bay Ramsar Site

15/010724[Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > National Environment Protection Council (NEPC) > Financial Management] 132QLD002P000C10-Development of Ecoregional Water Quality Guidelines for Australias Marine waters-Project 5C

15/010728 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Forests] Forest Policy - National Forest Policy Statement

15/010729 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] CEPA Wetlands Australia

15/010730 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Junction of the Warrego and Darling – Monitoring and Evaluation] Progress Reports

15/010735 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Environmental Water Scientific Advisory Panel] WAESC Information Sharing

15/010736 [Environment Quality Division > Coordination] 2014-15 Annual Report

15/010738 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] ACT Googong Foreshores Assessment


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15/010740 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > gwydir] Water Sharing Plan-Water Resource Plan

15/010741 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management > Acquisitions Advice] Shepherding issues and advice

15/010743 [Environment Quality Division > Product Stewardship Oil > Implementation] Customs

15/010744 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord 2015-027 - Finance Minister meeting with UDIA

15/010750 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] 2014-7512-sand extraction, Eudlo Road, Forest Glen, QLD-Moreton Bay-Draft Wetlands advice

15/010752 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Operational Reporting and Active Management] Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth 2015-16 operations

15/010753 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Free Trade issues

15/010755 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Workplace Health and Safety] General information re WHS

15/010756 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Act and Regulation] 2014 Review - Environmental Outcomes Analysis

15/010757 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Business Systems] SPRAT - Management - Administration

15/010758 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Regional Delivery] Regional Delivery 2013-18_2013-14_NSW_RGD14-038A_A0000010542G_SE_Ag

15/010764 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Regional Delivery] 2013_18_1314_ACT_RGD14-023A_A0000010463G_SA_Ag

15/010766 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > gwydir] 2015-16 Water Use action development

15/010768 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] VIC-Liaison-non site specific

15/010769 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Border Rivers] Holdings

15/010775 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] IPBES - IPBES-4 Admin documents

15/010776 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Northern Basin Advisory Committee (NBAC)] NBAC 15 - July 2015

15/010777 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Community Engagement and Communications > Policy and Analysis] Stakeholders - Advice, Issues, Analysis and Trends

15/010779 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] MULTI Australian Convict Sites - Management - Cockatoo Island

15/010782 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1853

15/010783[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4724 - Rural Residential Development, Lot 5, Chisholm Trail, Oak Valley, near Townsville, QLD

15/010784 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] UNEP - STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT POLICY - 2015

15/010785 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] Yale Environmental Performance Index 2014


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15/010788 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] UNEA - IMPLEMENTATION OF DECISIONS - 2015

15/010789 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Solar Towns] 2015-16 Solar Towns (Round 1)

15/010790 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Listing - figues and statistics and graphs

15/010793 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] CLOSED - Case - 1415-195 - QLD - Wolves, bears - Unknown

15/010795 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Business Systems] SPRAT - Management - profile maintenance 15-16

15/010799 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Meetings - Min Pundari visit Aug 2015

15/010807 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > Section Administration] Parliamentary reports 15-16

15/010808 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Convention on Biological Diversity] WG8(j)-9 SBSTTA-19_2015 Nov_Agendas and Briefing

15/010809 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Convention on Biological Diversity] SBSTTA-20 SBI-1_2016_Agendas and Briefing

15/010812 [Office of Water Science > Advice] 2015-068-Springvale longwall mine extension project

15/010814 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-003 Santos GLND GFD project

15/010815 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-004 South Galilee Coal Project - proposed groundwater conditions

15/010817 [Environment Quality Division > OECD > Joint Meeting] 53rd Joint Meeting - outcomes and post meeting

15/010820 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - Planning - Accruals 2014 - 2015

15/010821 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Migratory Birds] NESP - Marine Biodiversity Hub - Priorities

15/010823 [Office of Water Science > Independent Expert Scientific Committee] Meeting 29 - Papers CANCELLED

15/010838 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Kokoda Initiative JU2 - Planning - Transition activities 2015

15/010847 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds]* - OZER81850239

15/010859 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Basin EIS and Data Evaluation

15/010861 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2012-6250 Waratah Coal Abbot Point Coal Terminal Project

15/010864 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] Image Library

15/010874 [Office of Water Science > Research] Chem-Nat Chems Assess Proj P2-Project Steering Committee

15/010877 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] Independent Expert Panel - Reef 2050 Plan - Meeting 1

15/010880 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] ICAT New Screening Development


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15/010889 [Environment Quality Division > Air Quality > Policy] NCAA - Submissions on discussion paper - web ready

15/010898 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C002-01

15/010899 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C002-02

15/010900 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C002-03

15/010901 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C002-04

15/010910 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] NSW HMAS Platypus

15/010912 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C003-01

15/010913 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C003-02

15/010914 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C003-03

15/010915 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C003-04

15/010917 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C005-01

15/010919 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C005-02

15/010920 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C005-03

15/010921 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C005-04

15/010922 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C005-05

15/010923 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C005-06

15/010924 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C005-07

15/010925 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C005-08

15/010926 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C005-09

15/010928 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C004-01

15/010929 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C004-02

15/010930 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - PAINT WASTE FROM PNG


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15/010932 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] IAC_2015-16 Administration

15/010933 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees Projects] 20MT-CCC-C001

15/010935 [Environment Quality Division > NEPC > Used Packaging NEPM] Australian Packaging Covenant - Transition - 2015-16

15/010936 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Expert Elicitation Impacts Workshop

15/010937 [Office of Water Science > Advice] Project-Review of Bioregional Assessments

15/010946 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Assets and receptors - Steering Committee

15/010947 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC - Sharon Sullivan Award

15/010949 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > NLP Regional Delivery] NSW-ACT Bilateral Agreements and Correspondence

15/010953 [Environment Quality Division > Product Stewardship > Product List] 2015-16

15/010955 [Environment Quality Division > Basel and Related Agreements > Bi-laterals and Regional] SPREP Mtg 26

15/010959 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Birds - Lathamus discolor swift parrot - Recovery team

15/010961 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD TRANSIT - NZ To RoK - AUS15-044

15/010962 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - BASEL IM - CYTOTOXIC WASTE FROM NZ

15/010967 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2010-11_QLD_OC11-01169_X0000001330G

15/010974 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Site Records - WA - Shipwreck - Batavia

15/010981[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4870 - South Pines to Hays Inlet Power line Duplication and Substation Project, Brisbane, QLD

15/010982 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] East Asian Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) - Independent Review - 2015-16

15/010983 [Office of Water Science > Independent Expert Scientific Committee] Meeting 29 Papers

15/010984 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - WAIGANI IMPORT - BIOCIDES FROM PNG

15/010986 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1298

15/010988 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD IMPORT - E-WASTE FROM NEW CALEDONIA

15/010994 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1302

15/010996 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1301

15/010997 [Office of Water Science > Independent Expert Scientific Committee] Meeting 29 - Logistics


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15/010998 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_SHA_TSCDG_NT_19

15/011003 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_SHA_TSCDG_NT_21

15/011004 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_SHA_TSCDG_NT_20

15/011006 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] UHSA

15/011008 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Regional Delivery] Regional Delivery 2013-18 _2013-2014_NSW_RGD14-034A_A0000010535G_SE_Ag

15/011011 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD 1554

15/011014 [Office of Water Science > Research] Chem-Final NAC reports-disclosure drafts

15/011015 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2009.5120 - Anketell Point

15/011016 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_SHA_TSCDG_NT_22

15/011017 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * Permit application data

15/011019[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4702 - Calliope Ranges Deviation, Dawson Highway, Queensland

15/011022 [Environment Quality Division > Biotechnology > OGTR DIR] DIR 139 GM canola *

15/011032[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4662 - Jacobs Well Navigation Channel Dredging, Moreton Bay, QLD

15/011034 [Environment Quality Division > NEPC > Used Packaging NEPM] Product Stewardship Organisation

15/011036 [Environment Quality Division > OECD > Joint Meeting] WNT - EDC

15/011039 [Environment Quality Division > OECD > Joint Meeting] WNT - Nanomaterials

15/011042 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Licensing] Ozone customer enquiries

15/011044[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4438 - Port of Abbot Point X110 Expansion Apron and Berth Capital Dredging Project

15/011047 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EXPORT - Alkaline and manganese batteries to Korea

15/011050 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Other Discretionary Grants] Dandenong Ranges NLP Local Programme

15/011056[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4390 - High Voltage Transmission Line – Ross to Strathmore, Queensland

15/011057 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1855

15/011058 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Grant Round 2 - Communications and Webpages


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15/011062 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Comms-Website

15/011067 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Evaluation Branch Administration]* Sponsorship

15/011068 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2009-10_QLD_BP00507_A0000004086G

15/011069 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_SHA_TSCDG_SA_23

15/011070 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_SHA_TSCDG_SA_24

15/011072 [Environment Quality Division > SAICM > ICCM] Fourth meeting - 2015 - logistics

15/011073 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4289 - Abbot Point Offshore Sonar and Seismic Survey, QLD

15/011077 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD 1562

15/011079 [Corporate Strategies Division > Executive Support Section > Departmental Executive Support] ANAO Audit of Management of Machinery of Government Changes

15/011080 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Evaluation Branch Administration] Engagement - Imaging Services - signed licence agreement

15/011081 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > System Support] PDMS-Technical-15

15/011082 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-005 Boundary Hill South Project - Groundwater

15/011088 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Communications Content] Graphic design - 2015

15/011094 [Office of Water Science > Research] Research - agenda paper on revision of IESC research priorities

15/011096 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Comms-BA Animation

15/011100 [Office of Water Science > Advice] 2015-069 - Drayton South Coal Project

15/011102 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] BAIP Milestone 12

15/011103 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Evaluation Branch Administration] Annual report 2015

15/011110 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Co-regulatory Arrangements] Approving a new co-regulatory arrangement

15/011111 [Office of Water Science > Independent Expert Scientific Committee] Meeting 30 Papers

15/011112 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Communications Content] 2015 My Environment postcard

15/011120 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Evaluation Branch Administration] Engagement - Imaging Services - assets

15/011130 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-006 Stratford Extension Project

15/011147 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] Review for Simazine Guideline Values

15/011149 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4288 - Ray Group, Relocation of Spectacled Flying Foxes from


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Bale Resort, Port Douglas, QLD

15/011156 [Environment Quality Division > Product Stewardship Oil > Communications] Industry Associations

15/011161[Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] PRN 1516-0006 - Chemical assessment services for a new registration application

15/011176 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-12_QLD_OC12-00801_X0000002746G

15/011180 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Forests] RFAs - Tas - Joint Working Group

15/011183 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD 1561

15/011184 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Reporting] 1601 Monthly Reporting

15/011186 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] Reef WQP Plan 2013_MPAG mtgs

15/011198 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] ANBG - 1415-719 - Lake Pump Filtration Design

15/011203 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Collection Management > Seed] ANBG-Collection targets-2015-16

15/011204 [Environment Quality Division > Rotterdam > CRC] Tenth meeting - 2015 - intersessional work

15/011205 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Collection Management > Living] ANBG - LC - POMADERRIS management

15/011207 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Booderee] BNP Board of Management Correspondence Registers

15/011208 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Booderee] BNP 2015 August Board meeting papers

15/011209 [Parks - Legal Matters > Legal Coordination] Lands Acquisition Act

15/011210 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1306

15/011211 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CINP - Publications library

15/011218 [Environment Standards Division > Executive Strategic Planning] Business planning 2015-16

15/011221 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] AA – Templates for Staff Use

15/011234 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Collection Management > Living] ANBG - LC - projects - POMADERRIS Environment Trust - 2015- 2020

15/011238 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] KNP-1415-707 Bowali Complex Maintenance

15/011250 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] BNP - Eastern Quoll Relocation

15/011251 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > National Heritage] EXT Christmas Island - Assessment (natural areas) - 2015

15/011252 [Environment Quality Division > SAICM > ICCM] Fourth meeting - 2015 - agenda papers

15/011254 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Threatened Species] TS Projects - Plants - Coordination


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15/011259 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - WH Committee - 39th session outcomes

15/011266 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] METAL - DROSS

15/011271 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Projects] EIAS Spatial Integration Project

15/011272 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > National Inventory] 2015_13 – Report – ERT review

15/011273 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD - Solvent Waste from NZ

15/011276 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2012-13_QLD_OC13-00141_X0000003465G

15/011287 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] MPA-Draft Management Planning 2012-2013

15/011288 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP Head Programme] Cross-cutting issues

15/011291 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Products Working Group

15/011297 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA - EPBC Act and Regulation - Proposed changes

15/011300 [Environment Quality Division > Basel and Related Agreements > Bi-laterals and Regional] SPREP trilateral meeting - 2015

15/011304 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-007 Comet Ridge Project

15/011309 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > Projections] 2015 projections - technical working group

15/011310 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > Savannah] Extension

15/011326 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA - MBC - IntSum Monthly - 2015-2016

15/011332 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] Part 8A Regulatory review 2015

15/011333 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR - TE - Lord Howe - Authorisation delegation - NSWDPI

15/011335 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA - Surface Surveillance - WA Fisheries

15/011338 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 2015 Unproclaimed Legislation Report

15/011343 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Convention on Biological Diversity] COP13_Travel and Administration

15/011348 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4228 - Bramston Beach Water and Sewerage Project, QLD

15/011355 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-008 Ulan West Extension

15/011356 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Booderee National Park] BNP - Visitor Centre - General Information

15/011361 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > Energy Policy] Wind Farms and Community Concerns - Planning and Resources

15/011362 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > Energy Policy] Wind Farms and Community Concerns - Commissioner


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15/011365 [Office of Water Science > Research] Chem-P2-Technical editing

15/011366 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > Energy Policy] Wind Farms and Community Concerns - Independent Scientific Committee

15/011368 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7501 - Stockland Kawana Waters development

15/011377 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > MERI Reform (non programme specific)] CSIRO_Ecosystem Engineers

15/011380 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Monitoring and Evaluation] ERF Performance Reporting

15/011384 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4916 - Residential Subdivision, Kuranda, QLD

15/011385 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - ANU - * - Defence

15/011386 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Booderee National Park] BNP Vendor List

15/011389[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4186 - Sunshine Coast Regional Council, Bulcock Beach and Esplanade Redevelopment

15/011390 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Reference Material] Adaptation-Communication

15/011393 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] PAD - Ex situ position statement

15/011394 [Environment Standards Division > Executive Strategic Planning] Risk Planning - WHS

15/011395 [Environment Standards Division > Executive Strategic Planning] Risk Planning - Fraud

15/011400 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] MPA - Framework

15/011402 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Kakadu] KBoM-100-2015-06

15/011406 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - SE - Tasman Fracture - *

15/011409 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] ANBG-1415-024-Provision of Cleaning,Sanitary Services and Provision of Consumble at the ANBG Extension to 30 June 2016

15/011413 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] MPA - Ashmore - Maritime Border Command Thaiyak Reports

15/011415 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Kakadu] KBoM-101-2015-08

15/011421 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] MPA-Ashmore-Water pump

15/011422 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1314-5 - Kakadu Signage Project

15/011432 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > UNFCCC] Meeting-2015-08-Bonn-ADP2.10

15/011433 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Landscape management] National Reserve System_Legacy Governance

15/011436 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] MPA-North-Reserve management

15/011441 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] PAD-National


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15/011446 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > National Inventory] MRV Outreach - Domestic

15/011453 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > MERI Reform (non programme specific)] CSIRO_Recent climate driven ecological change

15/011455 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Parliamentary and Inquiries] Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines-2015

15/011458 [Office of Water Science > Advice] Project-ESD Interaction protocol

15/011460 [Environment Quality Division > Voluntary > Communications] Correspondence

15/011463 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LVC 1022

15/011466 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Comms-FAQ + Standard Words

15/011477 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1856

15/011481 [Office of Water Science > Research] Review of IESC research priorities 2015

15/011491 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] QLD Cape York - Administration

15/011492 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IWC - Countries - UK - 2015

15/011501 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CITES - Technical Committees - AC28

15/011504 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > SA MRV] Key meetings

15/011505 [Office of Water Science > Parliamentary] Senate and Budget Estimates 2015 - October 2015

15/011507 [Office of Water Science > Research] Chem-Nat Chems Assess Proj P2-Guidance manual

15/011508 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-009 CSG Taskforce Comments

15/011509 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1851

15/011510 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Biofilters - TWG

15/011513 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] SAPLC 177

15/011515 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-010 Lower Fitzroy Infrastructure project

15/011519 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD 1563

15/011523 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > RET Scheme Policy Support] Biomass

15/011524 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Live Import List] Enquiries - 2015 April

15/011525 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Live Import List] Enquiries - 2015 May

15/011527 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Live Import List] Enquiries - 2015 June

15/011528 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Project Agreement Milestone 13

15/011532 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Weeping Myall Woodlands - Listing - Consultation

15/011535 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-RK864-Verani-Research


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15/011536 [Environment Quality Division > Air Quality > Policy] NCAA - submissions - no cover sheet

15/011540 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > MRV] Briefing on MRV Cooperation

15/011541 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - Uni of Queensland - * - KNP

15/011542 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] PAD-WiFi-2015

15/011543 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Operations] Section planning - 2015-16

15/011549 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7510 - Ezion Offshore logistics hub (Tiwi Is)

15/011551 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-Permits-Bushwalking and Camping-Jarrangbarnmi-2015

15/011554 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Waste to Energy - Determination

15/011559 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Focus Press

15/011561 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] KNP-South Alligator Valley Rehabilitation

15/011562 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Austral Bricks

15/011563 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Allens

15/011564 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] ANZ

15/011565 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] CBRE

15/011566 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] GPT

15/011567 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Jardan

15/011569 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Leichhardt Municipal Council

15/011570 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] City of Melbourne

15/011571 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Moreland City Council

15/011572 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] National Australia Bank

15/011573 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Oak Flats Bowling and Recreation Club

15/011574 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC)

15/011575 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Appliances - Efficiency Factors

15/011576 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Westpac

15/011590 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Funding] 9821-TSC-Projects-TAFAs-SHA-funding

15/011591 [Environment Quality Division > Air Quality > Policy] NCAA - submissions - no cover sheet - web ready

15/011592 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > BCD Project Planning] Reef 2050 Plan Implementation Project Planning

15/011597 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Kakadu] KBoM-Management Plan-


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15/011598 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] Administration - Expert Areas

15/011602 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > MERI Reform (non programme specific)] CSIRO_Agricultural productivity benefits

15/011604 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Lower-Darling] Water Use Actions Development 2015-16

15/011606 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Mallee Wetlands] 2015-16 Monitoring including finances

15/011607 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] 2010-5747-Flying operations of the F-35A lighting II

15/011609 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > MRV] ECandV Requirements Report Thailand

15/011610 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Barwon-Darling] Holdings - NSW unregulated

15/011611 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > Energy Policy] Solar Energy

15/011613 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > MRV] ECandV Scoping Report Thailand 2014

15/011614[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7473 Warehouse construction and road widening 74-94 Centre Road, Hallam, VIC

15/011615 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Operational Reporting and Active Management] Edward-Wakool instream water delivery 2015-16

15/011617 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Admin - Finance

15/011618 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > Energy Policy] Wind Energy

15/011620 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] VIC-Port Phillip Bay Ramsar Site

15/011621 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] 2015-7515 Western Treatment Plant-Stage 2 Augmentation Project-Werribee-Victoria

15/011623 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] NSW-NSW Central Murray Forests Ramsar Site

15/011626 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] CEMs

15/011627 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] MPA - Presentations

15/011633 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Community Engagement and Communications > Communications and Engagement] Water Announcements

15/011635 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - SE - Tasman Fracture - *

15/011639 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Data - Public Recoveries - 2015-16

15/011641 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Meetings - Others 2015-16 - no GoA attendance

15/011645 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > National Environment Protection Council


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(NEPC) > Projects] Annual Report 2014-15

15/011650 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Policy] Advice - Review of Australia's Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010-2030

15/011651 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Community Engagement and Communications > Communications and Engagement] Fact Sheets

15/011653 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] OS - 1516-001 - Thailand - native animals - CLOSED

15/011654 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] IUCN - Biodiversity Offsets

15/011661 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] Audit Templates

15/011662 [Environment Quality Division > Minamata and Heavy Metals > Expert Group] Meeting 4 - September 2015

15/011663 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > NLP Regional Delivery] 2015_2018_VIC_Regional Investment_PPWP

15/011666 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Deregulation] Regulator Performance Framework programme of external reviews

15/011667 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7506 - Three Rivers Irrigation Project

15/011669 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Community Engagement and Communications > Products] Basin Maps and Graphics

15/011670 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] WTMP - NT Saltwater Crocodiles - 2016-2020

15/011671 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Communications - new listing and conservation document reports

15/011672 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Protecting National Historic Sites] PNHS_2014-15_Report templates

15/011675 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] East Asian Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) - Task Force - Yellow Sea

15/011677 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Mallee Wetlands] 2015-16 - Delivery Plans

15/011680 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Reporting] Monthly Reports - 2015-16

15/011682[Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Conospermum Densiflorum Subsp PENDING DELETION. Unicephalatum - Conservation Advice

15/011685 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Cumberland CC - OEH biomap

15/011686 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Cumberland CC - Greening Australia Information

15/011688 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] A progress sheet

15/011690 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > TSSC] Working Groups

15/011698 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2010-11_QLD_OC11-01504_X0000001496G


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15/011709 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Birds - Sterna vittata vittata

15/011710 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Birds - Sterna vittata bethunei

15/011711 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Birds - Halobaena caerulea

15/011712 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Birds - Pachyptila turtur subantarctica

15/011713 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Birds - Phalacrocorax nivalis

15/011714 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Birds - Pterodroma heraldica

15/011715 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Birds - Phalacrocorax purpurascens

15/011716 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Birds - Pterodroma arminjoniana

15/011717 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Birds - Pterodroma mollis

15/011719 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Landscape management] National Reserve System_Legacy Ad-hoc

15/011729 [Environment Quality Division > National Waste Policy > Packaging] Senate Enquiry - Marine Plastic Pollution

15/011732 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] EPBC Act - General Enquires

15/011734 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Kokoda Initiative JU2 - Planning - PNG KI Master Plan

15/011737 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Forests] * - Tasmanian Forests - 2015 Information Commissioner Review

15/011739 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef Rescue II] 2015 Reef Awards

15/011740 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Super Trawler] Internal Review of FOI

15/011743 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2011.6194 - Abbot Point Coal Terminal 0

15/011744 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > NHB] Communications 2015-16

15/011748 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > NHB] Finances 2015-2016

15/011751 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - LAB ANALYSIS

15/011752 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EX - ULABS TO KOREA

15/011753 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Compliance and Enforcement] 20150723 – * – EX TO IVORY COAST

15/011755 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1849

15/011758 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210006201G


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15/011767 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Pacific - Pacific Island Forum Secretariate

15/011768 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Project Management] Project Wildlife Trade Permitting and Compliance System Development 2015-16 and 2016-17

15/011769 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1289

15/011770 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Revenue] End Use RAC 2015-2016

15/011771 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Cetaceans - Balaenoptera physalus Fin Whale

15/011772 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > RAC] Reporting 2015-2016

15/011773 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Blue Economy - Blue Economy Conference - Mauritius 2015

15/011774 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests

15/011775 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Economic efficiency

15/011777 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Information Gathering Powers under the Act

15/011779 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210024401G

15/011780 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1304

15/011784 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1857 to 1862

15/011785 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > NHB] Reporting 2015-2016

15/011793 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IWC - Circulars

15/011795 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Zoos - Overseas Conditions for Transfer of Australian Mammals

15/011796 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] Reef 2050 Advisory Committee - Reef 2050 Plan - Meeting 1

15/011800 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > External Committees] SD-TACC-Pilbara Ports

15/011801 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Birds - Limosa lapponica baueri Bar-tailed Godwit (western Alaskan) - Listing

15/011802 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EXPORT - CATALYST TO UNITED STATES - AUH15-057

15/011803 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1868

15/011804 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210024001G

15/011805 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] Independent Expert Panel - Reef 2050 Plan - Establishment

15/011808 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef Rescue II] Case Studies - Reef Programme


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15/011809 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1296

15/011810 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Live Import List] Application - fish - aquatic vertebrate - Garra rufa (for research)

15/011815 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Fire Protection] * Additional Services Projects - 2015

15/011816 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > NHB] Contract Management 2015-2016

15/011817 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Fire Protection] Finances 2015-2016

15/011818 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > NHB] Permits 2015-2016

15/011824 [Environment Quality Division > Biotechnology > Nanotechnology] References

15/011825 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER25515994

15/011826 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER16448537

15/011827 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] Reef 2050 Advisory Committee - Reef 2050 Plan - Establishment

15/011828 [Environment Quality Division > Biotechnology > Nanotechnology] Project - Nanopesticides Part 1 - 2015

15/011829 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] ESBS - RP Review consultation

15/011830 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Marine Turtles - Raine Island Reference Group

15/011833 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Program Implementation] ERF Governance and SOPs - final documents

15/011835 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Metal Production Industrial Processes - Research, Data and Concepts

15/011836 [Environment Quality Division > Air Quality > Committees] NRSIEE Working Group

15/011845 [Environment Quality Division > Rotterdam > Conference Of Parties] Seventh meeting – 2015 – intersessional work

15/011847 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210002601G

15/011851 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Meetings - Regional Business Forum on Tourism Aug 2015

15/011852 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Birds - Calidris canutus Red Knot - Listing

15/011853 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Birds - Calidris tenuirostris Great Knot - Listing

15/011855 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Birds - Charadrius leschenaultii Greater Sand Plover - Listing

15/011856 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Birds - Charadrius mongolus Lesser Sand Plover - Listing

15/011857 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Birds - Limosa lapponica menzbieri Bar-tailed Godwit (northern Siberian) - Listing

15/011858 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Project Management] Project - Commonwealth Heritage Assessments


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15/011861 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Application development - ABBBS Database and Web Portal - Problems encountered requiring fixes

15/011862 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Site Records - Cwth - Christmas Island

15/011875 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub - consultation

15/011876 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2008.4469 - Chevron Wheatstone LNG Pilbara

15/011877 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Reporting] 1602 Monthly Reporting

15/011890 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Policy] Frameworks - Additionality - 2015

15/011894 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Booderee] BNP Board - decisions - resolutions

15/011896 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Product -Scoping Paper

15/011897 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Research Coordination] Environmental Change WG - National Science and Research Priorities

15/011902 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Grant Round 2 - Eligibility due diligence

15/011908 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Data - Submissions - 2014-15 - 8010 The NSW NPWS Seabird Project

15/011910 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Refrigeration and Ventilation Fans * Technical assessment

15/011911 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Reporting] Reporting on Programme Performance Plans 2015-16

15/011915 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Invertebrates - Astacopsis gouldi Tas giant freshwater lobster - new recovery plan 2015

15/011921 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7472 Proposed waste transfer station at Tuncurry, Darawank, NSW

15/011932 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2010-11_QLD_OC11-00972_X0000001216G

15/011937 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - Incoming Commissioner briefing

15/011940 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales – IWC – Meetings – IWC66

15/011946 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] MPA-South CMRs-Patrol reports-surface and aerial-2015-2016

15/011950 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] BNP Online Bookings

15/011952 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Projects] Public Data Project

15/011958 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Administration - 2015

15/011962 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_TSCDG_25 A0000011822G ACT

15/011963 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-


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15/011965 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] KNP - Jabiru - General

15/011970 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210028301G

15/011972 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Seizures] WTC Publication Lists

15/011976 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] Joint Management Futures - background papers

15/011978 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Taxonomy] ABRS - Fauna - books

15/011979 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Secretariat Support - Transition positions July 2015-Feb 2016

15/011981 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Landfill gas calculator - website

15/011982 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Policy] Electricity - Reference - 2015

15/011987 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commercial and Property] Christmas Island-Licence-Rocky Point-Telstra-2015

15/011992 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210001301G

15/011997 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP Emerging Priorities] Emerging Priorities establishment

15/011998 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Transport Mode Shift - Public Consultations

15/011999 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-Referral Visitor and Interpretation Centre at Sydney Opera House

15/012002 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP Communication and Knowledge Brokering] Science Engagement

15/012003 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Policy] Frameworks - Barriers - 2015

15/012006 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BBII-Agreements-EW-BHP

15/012007 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BBII-Agreements-BCD

15/012009 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Section Administration > Programme Support] Queensland Program Design 2015_16

15/012014 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > Commonwealth Environmental Research Facilities] Communications-Publications

15/012017 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210024801G

15/012022 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Section Administration > Programme Support] Small Grants_Strategic Management_2015-16

15/012030 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] SAPLC 178

15/012032 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Indigenous Engagement] RAP Outcomes Model

15/012035 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] International Agricultural Journalists North Queensland conference - Hot Tropics – Farming in far north Queensland


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15/012036 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] ACT CSIRO - Heritage Advice

15/012039 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Business Systems (non programme specific)] Grants Support and Assessment Processes

15/012040 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CITES Reporting 2015

15/012044 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > RAC] Finances 2015-2016

15/012045 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] CITES COP17 Preparation

15/012051 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Birds - 2015 - SPRAT profiles

15/012052 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210025401G

15/012054 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > RAC] Meetings 2015-2016

15/012056 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Permits] FOI Request 150401 - Lion RIS - 2015

15/012061 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Calochilus pulchellus

15/012073 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] WA Purnululu WH Area - Management - Advisory Committee

15/012074 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2015-2982-Port of Townsville-QLD-Maintenance Dredging

15/012076 [Office of Water Science > Research] Chem-Nat Chems Assess Proj P2-Deeper Groundwater

15/012082 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] OS - 1516-002 - Malaysia - Echidna and squirrel glider - CLOSED

15/012085 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210003001G - A0000011082G

15/012087 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Agriculture] Herd Management - Audit Assessment of Beef Cattle Herd Management

15/012088 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Implementation and Governance > Annual Report 2014-15] IPAA

15/012090 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Policy Capability] Integrated Governance - Capability Building

15/012091 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > National Landcare] NLP Performance Framework - Project Planning

15/012095 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] MPA-South and North ABAs Operations and Finance tracking reports-FY2015-2016

15/012096 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIQAS - State Capacity Implementation Hub

15/012097 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commercial and Property] KNP - Park Pass Agreement - Tourism Top End (TTE) - 2012

15/012099 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Projects] NVIS - Vegetation modelling

15/012101 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] IUCN - World Conservation Congress - 2016


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15/012104 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - Hall Institute - * - KNP

15/012105 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] UNEP - Annual Subcommittee Meeting - 2015

15/012107 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIEPS - Policy Implementation Resources

15/012109 [Parks Home > Knowledge Management] KM strategy - environmental information

15/012111 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] BNP - Compliance - Warning letters - 2015

15/012113 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > National Heritage] QLD Murray Island Group - Assessment - 2015

15/012114 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Research Library] Missions - 2004

15/012119 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Administration - Coords - 2015

15/012122 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Permits] Policy - wildlife trade - 2015

15/012123 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Permits] Policy - Streamlining regulation consultation - 2015

15/012128 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Paris agreement] Engagement-Comms materials for post-2020 target

15/012130 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000351- TE - SICMR *

15/012139 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Reference Material] OECD papers

15/012140 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] Litigation-Discovery and notice to produce obligations

15/012154 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] AAdmin_Briefs on miscellaneous items

15/012158 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Oceans - General or ad hoc issues

15/012160 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Meetings - NGO planning workshop Sept 2014

15/012165 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Facility Assessments - Zoos - Husbandry Manuals

15/012170 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4174 - Residential Subdivision Development, Mt Marlow, QLD

15/012173 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Policy] Development of Future Directions for the National Heritage List

15/012176 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Communications - media releases

15/012179 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > TSSC] Finance - 2015 -2016

15/012182 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Research Library] Heritage - World Heritage - Responsibilities and Policy

15/012188[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008 - 3974 - Establishment of Leucaena on ‘Borilla Creek’, Lochington, QLD


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15/012189 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Macquarie-Castlereagh] NSW Long-term Watering Plan

15/012190 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Data - Analysis of Mark-Recapture Data - Packages available free of charge

15/012191 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Policy] Liaison with states on wetlands policy

15/012192 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7527 - Project Sea Dragon Stage 1 Prawn Aquaculture project

15/012195 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Operational Reporting and Active Management] 2015-16 River Murray releases

15/012196 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Operational Reporting and Active Management] NFSA 2015-16

15/012197 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP Communication and Knowledge Brokering] Logos

15/012199 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Reference Material] Stakeholder Meeting Notes

15/012203 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] PKNP-Management Plan 2015

15/012204 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] Surveys 15-16 Kiwirrkurra

15/012206 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] SA-Riverland Ramsar Site

15/012209 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Illawarra Grassy Woodlands - Listing - Consultation

15/012210 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Lachlan] Water Use Action Operations 2015-16

15/012211 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > International] OECD papers

15/012213 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management > Trading via Tender] Smart form development

15/012214 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Research] Wetlands and Climate Change research

15/012215 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Projects - IKUWA6

15/012217 [Parks Home > Communications] UKTNP Tour Guide Newsletters 2015

15/012218 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA - Compliance Coordination Team Administration

15/012219 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] BNP-Management Plan 2015

15/012224 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > End Use] Degassing Project 2015-2016

15/012226 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management > Trading via Tender] allocation purchase - documentation

15/012227 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Broken River, Upper Broken Creek] Water Use Actions Development 2015-16

15/012228 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] CMR - Coral Sea - MOU -


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GBRMPA - Cooperative Management Arrangements

15/012229 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Administration] Briefing

15/012230 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > International] Ramsar - links and liaison with other multilateral environmental agreements

15/012231 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Nyctophilus corbeni South-eastern long-eared bat - Literature

15/012240 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] ANBG - Marketing Plan - 2015-17

15/012241 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] Surveys 2013-14-ACT-NSW

15/012243 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210002902G

15/012244 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > Projections] 2014 projections - summary report

15/012249 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] ANBG-Security-key and building code access

15/012256 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC Meeting 84 - Outcomes

15/012258 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Coords] Advice-Coordination-Harradine Reports

15/012259 [Environment Quality Division > Stockholm > POPRC] Eleventh meeting - 2015 - agenda papers

15/012260 [Environment Quality Division > Rotterdam > CRC] Eleventh meeting - 2015 - agenda papers

15/012262 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Sponsorship and Donations] ANBG - General Sponsors - 2015-2017

15/012263 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210007801G

15/012264 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Coal Seam Gas] Environmental Risk Assessment - Stage 2

15/012266 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1264

15/012269[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2007-3884 - Additional Dredging – Stage 3 Expansion Abbot Point Coal Terminal, QLD

15/012276 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Collection Management > Image Collection] ANBG-APII-2015-Licence Agreements

15/012278 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - VISITOR EXPERIENCE - Rangers

15/012281[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2007-3781 - Moreton Bay Eco Resort – Tanti Soldi Pty Ltd – Russel Island – Moreton Bay - QLD

15/012286 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210008901G

15/012290 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] 2010-5747 Flying Operations of the F-35A Lightning II


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15/012292 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 10249 - Legislation Circulars 2015

15/012293 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2007-3641 - Greenhill Residential Development, Ilbilbie Queensland

15/012295 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Agriculture] Measured Soil - Consultation

15/012297 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Divisional Coords] Departmental correspondence

15/012299 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2007-3547 - Jacobs Well Navigation Channel Dredging

15/012301 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] NSW Villawood - Management

15/012310 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5549 Lawson South Residential Development

15/012312 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2007-3512 – Mary River Navigational Channel

15/012316[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2007-3408 - Collection of vertebrate fossil bearing limestone from Riversleigh World Heritage Area, QLD

15/012324 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Data - Submission - 2014-15 - 8532 The Pelican Point Banding Cooperative

15/012325 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7524 - TECTA Marine Seismic Geophysical Survey, Tasman Sea EXT

15/012343 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2011.5947 - Villawood Immigration Detention Facility Redevelopment Project NSW

15/012344 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Environmental Biosecurity, KTP and Threat Abatement] Diseases - Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease - Documents

15/012357 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] MPA-Communication products-procurement

15/012359 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Booderee National Park] BNP BBG Monthly Hort reports 2015

15/012360 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Underwater Cultural Heritage - MOU - ARKENAS Indonesia

15/012363 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] SC - 1516-001 - Sloth - CLOSED

15/012366 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > Consultancies] Tender - Industry Partner

15/012370 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T2 - Review of Water Trigger Regulations

15/012371 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-Authorisation administration templates

15/012373 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Kokoda Initiative JU2 - Planning - Biannual Joint Meeting August 2015

15/012375 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Kokoda Initiative JU2 - Planning - Budget 2015-16

15/012384 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Committees] PIEPS Outcomes-based


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Conditions Community of Practice

15/012387[Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Out of session - public consultation release - human induced regeneration

15/012389 [Parks Home > Communications] PAD-Powerpoint Presentations

15/012391 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Booderee National Park] BNP BBG Weather and Lake report

15/012401 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - Visitor Experience - monthly and weekly reports 15-16

15/012402[Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - Visitor Experience - public programs and events calendar 2012 to present

15/012411 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Out of session - public consultation release - Source separated waste

15/012415 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Environmental Biosecurity Policy] Weeds website - migration of database to Atlas of Living Australia

15/012417 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Community Buildings - Determination Drafting

15/012418 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - WH Convention - Policy contributions and Internal policy

15/012419 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2012-13_QLD_OC13-00685_X0000003700G

15/012424 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Environmental Biosecurity Policy] Weeds website - online feedback

15/012428[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2006-3192 - To undertake mining and processing of tungsten ore, and associated activities (known as the ‘Watershed Project’

15/012433 [Environment Standards Division > Division Administration > Environment Standards Division] ESD Comms

15/012434 [Parks - Legal Matters > Litigation] NT Coroner - Scott Inquest - 2015

15/012435 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Reference Material] Energy-BREE-2013-2020

15/012437 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Stakeholder Engagement] Industry Opportunities

15/012441 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Commercial] 9828 - NCOS Licences - Non-Compliance Register

15/012442 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP Head Programme] NESP Portal

15/012446 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] CMR-Annual Business Agreements-Contracts-2015-16

15/012448 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Advertising - See Canberra

15/012453 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Committees] Business Systems Working Group

15/012454 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BBII-Reporting-Surveys

15/012455 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BBII-Communications-and-promotion


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15/012457 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] IEFE Amendments - Tranche 2

15/012458 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Press Clippings

15/012460 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Taxonomy] ABRS - eFlora platform development

15/012461[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4497 - Townsville Commercial Marine Precinct - Port of Townsville, QLD

15/012464 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] MPA - DNP - GBRMPA MOU

15/012466 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - 2015 - NSWk Prehistoric Trail

15/012467 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Media Releases - Eureka Awards

15/012468 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] MPA - SE - Implementation Schedules for Management Plan

15/012470 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] CMR - MOU - SA PIRSA - Cooperative Management Arrangements

15/012472 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] Ashmore CMR - MOU and Operations Manual - Australian Border Force - 2016

15/012488 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210011401G

15/012490 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Business Systems] PAD - User Support - Materials

15/012491 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Seascapes Working Group

15/012492 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] SC - 1516-002 - Spider Monkey - CLOSED

15/012493 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Booderee] BNP 2015 Board Minutes

15/012495 [Parks - External Committees > Heads of Parks Agencies] HoA November 2015 meeting

15/012498 [Parks - External Committees > Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH)] Mtg - teleconference - 20150821

15/012502 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5461 - Construction and Operation Quarry - Port of Townsville

15/012503 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5863 - Berth 12 Port of Townsville - Port of Townsville

15/012506 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] SD2011-1944 - Port of Townsville - 1,303,000 cubic metres

15/012509 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] SD2011-1943 - Port of Townsville - 96,000 cubic metres

15/012511 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] SD2011-2042 - Port of Townsville - 548,000 cubic metres

15/012513 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] Target Plans - strategy implementation

15/012514 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement >


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Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4616 - Community title residential development, Garners Beach, QLD

15/012519[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2005-2022 - Residential Sub-Division and Associated Infrastructure on Lot 2 Alexander Dr

15/012520 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Migratory Birds] Program - Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary

15/012522[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-3943 - Residential Development, Lot 1, Boyett Rd, Mission Beach

15/012524 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ESD PMO - TEMPLATES

15/012526 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AWHAC - Teleconference 3 September 2015

15/012528 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - 2015 - ACT Tree Week

15/012531 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BBII-BDRS-Mobile-applications

15/012532[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-3942 - Residential Subdivision, Lot 1 Campbell St, Mission Beach

15/012537 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2007-3815 - Liquid at Mission Beach, Residential Development

15/012539 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2007-3371 - Community Title Residential, Nonda St, Mission Beach

15/012541 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-3959 - Residential Development, Lot 2 Tully-Mission Beach Rd

15/012543[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-5109 - Subdivision of Lot 4, Tully-South Mission Beach Rd, Wongaling Beach

15/012544 [Environment Standards Division > Division Administration > Compliance and Enforcement Branch] Environmental Scan - CEB - 2015-2016

15/012545 [Environment Standards Division > Division Administration > Compliance and Enforcement Branch] Compliance and Enforcement Branch Department Efficiency Review 2015-2016

15/012551[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2005-2335 - Lilliponds Residential Resort, Your Resort Homes, Tully-Mission Beach Rd

15/012558 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000320 - TE - LHI - *

15/012559 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] QLD AFMS Riversleigh WHA - Management

15/012561 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG-Commercial Licence-Botanical Bookshop-2015-2020

15/012565 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5331 - Subdivision of Lot 11 Explorer Dr, South Mission Beach

15/012567 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Taxonomy] ABRS - Flora - Algae - Freshwater


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15/012571 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Listing - FPAL process - 2016

15/012573 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210023701G

15/012577 [Parks Home > Communications] PAD-Issues Management-2015

15/012578 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG-Commercial Licence-Jindii Eco Spa-2014 to 2019

15/012579 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG-Commercial Licence-Floresco Cafe-2012 to 2017

15/012580 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Booderee National Park] BNP Park Care

15/012581 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Collection Management > Living] ANBG - Threatened species project - 2015-16

15/012584 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Permits] FOI Request 150706 - Lion briefing documents

15/012585 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] Surveys 15-16 Olkola

15/012586 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] Surveys 15-16 Oxley Wild Rivers

15/012587 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] KNP - Publications library

15/012588 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] KNP - Grey literature library

15/012590 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7525 - Naracoorte Caves NP Bat Cave Chronology Palaeoenvironmental Context SA

15/012591 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Out of session - public consultation release - Biochar

15/012592 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] MPA-Mermaid-ABA WA DOF

15/012593 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] MPA-NW-Mermaid-ABA WA Department of Parks and Wildlife

15/012594 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] Reef Trust_Loans

15/012596 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CINP - Grey literature library

15/012597 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - NESP - Research Plan v1

15/012599 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Environmental Biosecurity, KTP and Threat Abatement] KTP - nomination - Off-road vehicles

15/012600 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Reporting] EPBC Act Referral Decisions since 18 September 2013

15/012602 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] MPA-Ningaloo-ABA-WA DOF

15/012603 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Project Rounds] Natural Disaster Recovery Round Green Army Moderation and Approval

15/012604 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] Administration - standard words

15/012605 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CITES - Technical Committees - PC22


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15/012606 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] BNP - Publications library

15/012608 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Taxonomy] ABRS - Flora - Publications and Databases

15/012609 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Taxonomy] ABRS - Flora of Australia Online - Publications

15/012610 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] EPBC Act - Emergency Listing - 2015-16

15/012612 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] Consultation - Public Submissions

15/012613 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] SC - 1516-003 - Capuchin monkey - CLOSED

15/012614 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Projects] Changes to Coastal NRM regions

15/012617 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_SHA_ TSCDG_NSW_29

15/012618 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ESD PMO - ADMIN

15/012619 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] CLOSED - End of life tyres product stewardship

15/012621 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] CLOSED - T3 - Voluntary Product Stewardship CRIS Review

15/012625 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] UNP-1415-018 Cleaning Services

15/012627 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Wholesale Product Development

15/012628 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Taxonomy] ABRS - SpeciesBank

15/012630[Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Advertising - Prospects and rate cards

15/012631 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - 2015 - Steve Parish events

15/012634 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] MPA - TE - Cod Grounds - BRUVs project - 2014-2015

15/012636 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_SHA_TSCDG_VIC_25

15/012637 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Facility Assessments - Zoos - Bukit Tigupuluh National Park Indonesia

15/012638 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] Auction House awareness

15/012639 [Environment Standards Division > External Committees] NSW Senior Officers' Committee Meeting 3

15/012642 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > National Heritage] National Heritage List - Future Directions - Natural Values

15/012644 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Programme] DRAFT Green Army Working Documents


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15/012646 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Floriade

15/012647 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] Surveys 14-15-QLD-Carnarvon

15/012649 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Reserve Tourist and User activities] UKTNP-Uluru Climb-Statistics

15/012650 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] ANBG - Publications library

15/012653 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > TSSC] Meetings - TSSC61 - Papers

15/012656 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Off Reserve Permits] ANBG - collection licences - NSW

15/012658 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] UKTNP-Management Plan 2020

15/012659 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] NINP-Management Plan 2018

15/012660 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Research - Referral advice marine and freshwater - General references

15/012663 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Correspondence - Bander Database seminars Adelaide - November 2015

15/012664 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Correspondence - Bander Database seminar Canberra - 28 October 2015

15/012667 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Policy] NCRAS

15/012668 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Coords] Advice-Coordination Requests-MoUs with Other Dept

15/012679 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] Surveys 14-15-NT-Judbarra

15/012682 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] Surveys 13-14-Tas-Central-Highlands

15/012684 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > Australian Climate Change Science Programme] Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC

15/012685 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0270009202G

15/012688 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Reporting] Workplace Health and Safety

15/012690 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Southern Highlands Shale Woodland - Reference Material

15/012701 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Colour Marking - reports of unauthorised colour marking

15/012704 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] NTG South Eastern Highlands - Listing - Contract

15/012707 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] Permit contacts

15/012711 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Collection Management > Living] ANBG - LC - projects - POMADERRIS Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife - 2015 - 2016

15/012714 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IWC - WG - Bureau meeting September 2015

15/012715 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - Incoming Commissioner appointment


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15/012716 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NERP LaP] Regional_Sustainability_Planning

15/012719[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2003-1005 Middlemount, Central Queensland, as an extension to the existing open cut mine

15/012720[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2006-3145 - Decommission existing power line towers; construct, operate and maintain new towers; and maintain access tracks

15/012721 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CMS - COP11 - Loggerhead SSAP - Implementation

15/012722 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] ANBG-Management Plan 2022

15/012723 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] CINP-Management Plan 2024

15/012725 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Cetaceans - Australian Snubfin Dolphin

15/012727 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] Green Army - TSC

15/012728[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2006-2967 - Upgrade and realign the Bruce Highway between Corduroy Creek and Tully in North Queensland

15/012729[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2006-2820 - Construction and Operation 275-330kV Transmission Line, QLD

15/012730[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7474 Trial dispersal of Kareela Flying-fox camp, Bates Drive, Kareela, NSW

15/012732 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] MPA-SA-DEWNR-MOU-2015

15/012733[Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Media Releases - Breakfast with Birds

15/012734 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Media Planning

15/012735 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Commercial] 9786 - Water - Commondity Market in Commonwealth Procurement Rules

15/012739 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Review of Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000

15/012742 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2006-2639 - Red Dome Polymetals Mine

15/012746 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] CLOSED - Business Systems Management

15/012747 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2007-3524 Aurora Residential Subdivision

15/012748 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Media Releases - Prehistoric Garden


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15/012749 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210002501G

15/012750[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2005-2301 - Undertake the ‘Mountain Bowers’ development, Lamington National Park, Queensland

15/012752 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Site Records - SA - Shipwreck - Hawthorn

15/012754 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Stakeholder Engagement] Indigenous Economic Development

15/012756[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2005-2254 - Construct and operate a 406 mm diameter high-pressure steel gas pipeline, QLD

15/012760[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7475 Caves Road widening project between Dunsborough and Yallingup, Wa

15/012761 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2009.5173 - The Lower Fitzroy River Infrastructure Project QLD

15/012764 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP Commercial Permit_BDC 15-00014 _Crest Diving_*

15/012765 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Cetaceans - Australian humpback dolphin

15/012766 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Research Library] Heritage - World Heritage - GBR News and Policies

15/012768 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP Commercial Permit _ BDC 15-00013 _ Northern Highland Travel _*

15/012775 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Artificial Propagation Program (APP) - WA - Botanic Gardens and Park Authority - 2015-20

15/012779 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP * Permit _ BDW15-0003 - *

15/012781 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP Commercial Permit _ BDC 15-00012 _ Nowra coaches _*

15/012782 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] PAD – SciNet – Science Forum 2015

15/012785 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] ACT Westridge House and Grounds

15/012786 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] Parliamentary - Question Time Briefs and Questions on Notice

15/012787 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP Commercial Permit _ BDC 15-00011 _ Lands Edge _ *

15/012789 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP Other Activities Permit _ BDO 15-00004 _ Jervis Bay Triathlon Club Inc _*

15/012791 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] SC - 1516-004 - Capuchin monkey - CLOSED


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15/012792 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] ANBG 15-16 Fleet Management-LeasePlan

15/012794 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > System Support] PDMS-Guidelines 15

15/012801 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Solar Towns] 2015-16 Solar Towns Programme (Round 2) - Communication

15/012805 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Advertising - Holiday Happenings

15/012806 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - 2015 - Surveys

15/012807[Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - Visitor Experience - Education Visitation Statistics - ongoing

15/012809 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BBII-Research-CSIRO-Gap analysis

15/012812 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6446 - Clarence Colliery Extension - Centennial Coal

15/012814 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - Bush Blitz - Biodiversity Detective and Bee Hotel Program - 2015

15/012815 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1864

15/012816 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Migratory Birds] Research - Reports - Seabirds

15/012817 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1305

15/012818 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Japan-Australia Migratory Bird Agreement (JAMBA) - Admin - Communications

15/012820 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Seascape Working Group

15/012821 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] JAMBA CAMBA ROKAMBA - Bilateral Meetings - Cairns, Australia 2016

15/012822 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2005-2193 New Perth Bunbury Highway

15/012823 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > SA MRV] SA MRV - COPs

15/012824 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210014001G

15/012825 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Environmental Biosecurity Policy] Marine Debris - Senate Inquiry into plastic pollution in the sea

15/012827 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - BASEL IM - * WASTE FROM NZ

15/012828 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CITES - Notifications

15/012829 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Hazardous Waste Permit System (phase 1)

15/012830 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Policy] Water Quality Guidelines Peer Review


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15/012831 [Parks Home > International] MPA-US Tuna Treaty

15/012835 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Advertising - Urban Walkabout

15/012836 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Collection Management > Living] ANBG Living Collections Procedures

15/012838 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - SPREP - Pacific Year of the Whale

15/012839 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] Parks WiFi

15/012841 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Artificial Propagation Programs (APP) - Reminder, revoke and expired programs 2015

15/012844 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Site Records - NT - Shipwreck - WW2 wrecks Darwin Harbour

15/012845 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Underwater Cultural Heritage - Library

15/012848 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] Assessment - Streamlining - Bulk 10 year assessments

15/012853 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Business Systems] PAWS and PAD - Management - Development of System Requirements 2014-15

15/012855 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1308

15/012856 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > Parliamentary and Cabinet] SENATE ESTIMATES - Supplementary Budget Estimates - October 2015

15/012857 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CITES - Scientific Authority - Communications

15/012858 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BBII-Planning

15/012859 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] UNP-1314-721 Mutujulu Essential Services Project (MES)

15/012860 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > National Heritage] WA AWAS Site Bibra Lake - Emergency listing nomination

15/012861 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - 2015 - Larry Brandy

15/012862 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - VISITOR EXPERIENCE - Action Plan 2015-16

15/012863 [Parks - External Committees > South East CMR Network Forum] South-east Commonwealth Marine Reserve Network Forum Indigenous representation

15/012864 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BBII-Agreements-ASTA-BBTeachLive

15/012865 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LVC 1025

15/012868 [Environment Quality Division > Montreal > Ozone Science activities] Environmental Effects Assessment Panel

15/012869 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] IAC_2015-16 Workplan Activities

15/012870 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP Commercial Permit _ BDC 15 - 00006 _ Jervis Bay Wild Pty Ltd _ *


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15/012871 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP commercial Permit _ BDC 15-00007 _ Ulludulla Dive and Adventure Centre _ *

15/012872 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP Commercial Permit _ BDC 15-00008 _ Dolphin Watch Cruises - Jervis Bay Pty Ltd _ *

15/012874 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] BNP Park Care Calendar 2015

15/012876 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Collection Management > Living] ANBG LC HOMORANTHUS management

15/012877 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > NHB] Stakeholder Management 2015-2016

15/012879 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] Consultation register - Acess to biological resources permits

15/012881 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - CS - Lihou Reef - *

15/012883 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > COORDS] Functional Review - 2015

15/012885 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Seizures] Wildlife Identification Expert Contacts

15/012886 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Paris agreement] Policy-Climate Finance

15/012889 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Community Buildings - Scoping

15/012891 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ESD PMO Quality Health Checks

15/012892 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Product codes and conversion factors for the NTCRS

15/012894 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - ODS and SGG Sampling and Testing Project

15/012895 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Australian Packaging Covenant extension and review of the UPM NEPM

15/012897 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Decision RIS for Emission Reduction Projects

15/012899 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T2 - Review of OPSGGM Programme

15/012903 [Parks Home > International] Noumea Convention

15/012910 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] BNP Potoroo translocation program

15/012911 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] BNP Permit Application Ocean Trek Diving Resort * 2015

15/012915 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] Administration - APVMA Agreement 2015-2016

15/012916 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Collection Management > Seed] KNP-Collection targets-2015-16

15/012917 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Seizures] Training - Schedule

15/012918 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - International Engagement - Planning and Logistics


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15/012920 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Seizures] WTC- Data requests

15/012921 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Developing a National Clean Air Agreement

15/012922 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T2 - Environmental Risk Management of Industrial Chemicals

15/012923 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Saccolaimus saccolaimus nudicluniatus Bare-rumped sheath-tailed bat - listing

15/012924 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Government response to the review of the Product Stewardship (Oil) Act 2000

15/012925 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Review of Cost Recovery Arrangements in the OPSGG Program

15/012928 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Operational review of the NTCRS

15/012931 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] DNP-1516-001 Cabcharge eTicket supply

15/012933 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] MPA - AFMA Intel Taskings

15/012934 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1314-10 - Kakadu Roads Project - KNP-1213-024

15/012937 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T2 - PFOS contamination

15/012938 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Seizures] Wildlife Identification Resources

15/012939 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Ratification of Stockholm Convention Amendments

15/012940 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Ratification of the Minamata Convention on Mercury

15/012942 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Environment Assessment Standard for Chemicals

15/012943 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Sound Management of Chemicals Framework Development

15/012945 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2001-497 Rolleston Coal Mine

15/012946 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - General Conference - 38th session 2015

15/012947 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - AfterDARK Lantern Tours

15/012950 [Environment Quality Division > Basel and Related Agreements > Bi-laterals and Regional] Noumea COP 13

15/012951 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] External Assessment - Azoxystrobin Tebuconazole

15/012953 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Section Administration > Programme Support] Small Grants_Personnel

15/012955 [Environment Quality Division > Montreal > Ozone Science activities] * 2015-2016 Research Project


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15/012956 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7540 - Shark Bay Accommodation Units Dirk Hartog Island WA

15/012959 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1871 to LTD 1872

15/012962 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP-Events-Templates

15/012963 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP-Events-30 Anniversary Handback-Program-2015

15/012964 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP-Events-30 Anniversary Handback-Planning-2015

15/012965 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP-Events-30 Anniversary Handback-Interps-2015

15/012966 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Photo consent forms

15/012967 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BBII-Procurement-Publishing

15/012972 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5968 Newlands Coal Extension - Cnd 10 to 14

15/012973 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5968 Newlands Coal Extension - Cnd 15 to 18

15/012974 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] QLD 2014-15_SHA_TSCDG_Astrebla Downs National Park

15/012975 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Policy] Management - update of heritage pages of Department website

15/012976 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] QLD 2014-15_SHA_TSCDG_Mt Lewis

15/012977 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5968 Newlands Coal Extension - Cnd 19 to 22

15/012979 [Parks Home > Communications] PAD-Science-Web Content-2015

15/012982 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] CMR-Notice of Intent Comms Package Final 2015

15/012986 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AWHAC - National Environmental Science Programme (NESP)

15/012987 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Commercial Activity Licences-AAT Kings

15/012988 [Parks Home > Communications] UKTNP-Stakeholders-Industry Updates-2015

15/012989 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Commercial Tour Operator Permits-Compliance-2015

15/012990 [Environment Quality Division > Basel and Related Agreements > Bi-laterals and Regional] Waigani COP 8

15/012992 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > One Stop Shop Policy Implementation] Senate estimates briefings - 2015

15/012993 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Divisional Committees] Project Control Board Meeting 20 - June 2015


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15/012995 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Solar Towns] 2015-16 Solar Towns Programme (Round 3)

15/012996 [Environment Quality Division > Basel and Related Agreements > Bi-laterals and Regional] SPREP - Cleaner Pacific 2025

15/012997 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Recovery plans - Commonwealth government liaison

15/012998 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Seizures] Training - Evaluations

15/012999 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5673 Beechmont Road Upgrade

15/013003 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2004-1447 Norwich Park East Pit

15/013005 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Commercial Tour Operator Permits-Templates

15/013006 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Commercial Activity Licences-Templates

15/013008 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Cetaceans - Balaenoptera musculus Blue Whale

15/013009 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] ANBG 15-16 Self Managed Fleet

15/013010 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] UKTNP-1415-708 - Uluru Roads and Car Parks

15/013018 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Parliamentary and Coords] 2015 Winter Budget Estimates, May 2015

15/013020 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > Parliamentary and Cabinet] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - PETITIONS COMMITTEE

15/013021 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Compliance] Compliance practice

15/013023 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Act and Regulation] Defence Environment Liaison 2015-16

15/013024 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - Uni of Western Sydney - *- CINP

15/013026 [Parks Home > Communications] UKTNP-Stakeholders-Publications and brochures

15/013027 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] Annual Procurement Plan

15/013031 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Compliance and Enforcement] 20150813 - * - EX TO SIERRA LEONE

15/013034 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] BNP - BBG - Sample collection on WOW land

15/013035 [Parks - Legal Matters > Litigation] Fed Ct - Civil - Tasman Fracture - *

15/013036 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Business Systems] PAWS and PAD - Contracting Out - Business Analyst 2015-16

15/013038 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] QLD - Shultz Fisheries Pty Ltd operation

15/013045 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Data - Submissions - 2014-15 - 8025 Norfolk Island NP

15/013048 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC


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2015.7541 - Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal Zone 4 Row 8 Completion Project QLD

15/013051 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] LTSP Investment Framework Phase 2- Prioritisation

15/013053 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2012-6568 Princes Highway Duplication, Winchelsea to Colac, VIC

15/013054 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CITES - Administration - 2015

15/013063 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1865

15/013064 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Bands - Design - Superb Lyrebird lock-on bands

15/013071 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Guidance] Co-regulatory arrangement - Health Check - Procurement

15/013073 [Environment Quality Division > Stockholm > Communications] General Enquiries

15/013075 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210019701G

15/013078 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EX - LEAD WASTE AND SCRAP - 6000 t

15/013079 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Product - Thematic

15/013080 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Littoral Rainforest - Background Report - BAAM Consultants

15/013081 [Environment Quality Division > Basel and Related Agreements > Bi-laterals and Regional] SPREP - ad hoc communications - 2015

15/013082 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > National Heritage] ACT - Aboriginal Tent Embassy - Assessment

15/013084 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Project Management] Project - Species Expert Assessment Plan SEAP

15/013085 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Landscape management] National Reserve System_Legacy Management Plans

15/013086 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Media-Image use permit-1508 *

15/013087 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Media-Film permit-1508-Network 10

15/013088[Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - Visitor Experience - Education - Day itinerarys for schools 2015

15/013090 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Seizures] Training - Agriculture

15/013091 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Seizures] Training - General Awareness CITES Training

15/013092 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Landscape management] National Reserve System_Legacy Financial Agreements

15/013093 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Contract Management] Aggregated Reporting and Forecasting Data

15/013094 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Kokoda Initiative JU2 - Coms -


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Annual Report 2014-15

15/013095 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Divisional Coords] Coords – Legal – 2015

15/013096 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0270020201G

15/013097 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IWC - Incoming Commissioner Science briefing

15/013098 [Environment Quality Division > Fuel Quality Standards > Act and Regulation] Legislative instruments

15/013100 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP-CC-Standard info responses

15/013101 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0270013401G

15/013105 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] GBR MinFo - 41st meeting - Papers

15/013106 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Reforms > COAG] National Standard Development - Consultancy

15/013107 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP-Cultural Centre-Weather and Track Updates-2015

15/013108 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Compliance and Enforcement] 20150817 - * - EX TO GHANA

15/013109 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Compliance and Enforcement] 20150814 - * - EX TO GHANA

15/013110 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Divisional Coords] Annual Report 2014-15

15/013112 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] ANBG 1314-011-Provision of Security Services-Wilson Security Contract for 2014-16

15/013113 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP-Presentations-Cultural Centre

15/013114 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7522 - Improving Rabbit Bio-control, Releasing Another Strain of RHDV AUS

15/013118 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0270000901G

15/013120 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] Qld WQ Taskforce

15/013123 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000352 Kimberley Birdwatching

15/013128 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EXPORT - CATALYST - REPUBLIC OF KOREA

15/013130 [Environment Quality Division > Fuel Quality Standards > Fuel Stakeholders] Community enquiries

15/013136 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] Commonwealth - FISHERY - Exploratory Fisheries in CCAMLR 58.4.1 and 58.4.2

15/013138 [Environment Quality Division > Montreal > Meetings of Parties] Legal advice on international obligations and negotiations

15/013141 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs]


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UKTNP-Maintenance requests-Cultural Centre and Entry Station-2015

15/013142 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] CMR - MOU - SA DEWNR - Cooperative Management Arrangements

15/013143 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Wildlife Trafficking - Media - 2015 and 2016

15/013144 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - NERP projects - Baseline survey Geographe Bay

15/013145 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] UNGA70 - World Ocean Assessment - Final Draft

15/013146 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] UNGA70 - Oceans – Resolution

15/013147 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] WA - South Coast Crustacean Fishery

15/013148 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Correspondence - Bander Database seminar Perth 2016

15/013149 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1312

15/013150 [Parks Home > Communications] UKTNP-Signage-Storyboards

15/013155 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Taxonomy] ABRS-Bush Blitz

15/013157 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER66072319

15/013159 [Environment Quality Division > Montreal > Ozone Science activities] 2015 - * weekly AOH reports

15/013160 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > National Landcare] NLP Media Tracking

15/013161 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Operations] ICT - Departmental online member portal and payment gateway

15/013167 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] KNP-Feral Animal-Safety Shoot

15/013168 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1311

15/013171 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] Kakadu National Park -BOWALI VISITOR CENTRE - Fee Exemptions 2015

15/013172 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] Citizen-Science

15/013175 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7544 - Lord Howe Island Solar Photovoltaic Project NSW

15/013176 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7547 - Adelaide GPO, Telephone Exchange and Office Block SA

15/013177 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] Independent Expert Panel - Reef 2050 Plan - Meeting 2

15/013178 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Commercial Activity Licences-Outback Cycles

15/013179 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] 1H. Templates cleared by Director

15/013183 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC Meeting 85 - Papers for Govdex


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15/013185 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] Assessment - Hammerhead WTO - 2015-2018

15/013188 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] BNP BBG Pests and Diseases

15/013191 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Threatened Species Strategy Action Plan 2015-16

15/013194 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7476 Residential subdivision, 196 Robertson Road, Mudgee, NSW

15/013197 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] ANBG 15-16-Security- * Response Summaries

15/013202 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Sponsorship and Donations] ANBG-General Sponsors-The Ian Potter Foundation-Application 2015

15/013209 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] ANBG 15-16-Security-* Wand Reports

15/013210 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Revenue] Customer Statements

15/013213 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Funding] 1702-Reef-Trust-Programme-Phase-Two-2015-16

15/013214 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Article 11 Arrangements

15/013215 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Reference Material] Adaptation - Health and vulnerable communities

15/013216 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds]* - OZER41236471

15/013217 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Bank Guarantees

15/013220 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA - Appointed Wardens

15/013221 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EXPORT - LEAD WASTE AND SCRAP (DANSUK)

15/013222 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Consents and Objections

15/013223 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > IPCC] Plenaries – 2015_Oct

15/013224 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Contracts

15/013225 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Domestic Capacity

15/013226 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] Hazardous Waste definition

15/013227 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Multiple Exit Ports

15/013228 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Insurance

15/013229 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - Laboratory Analysis

15/013230 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Transits

15/013231 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Permit Variations

15/013232 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] ASEU method

15/013233 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds]* - OZER24635342

15/013234 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Environmentally Sound


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Managment (ESM) Guidance

15/013236 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Communications] Web and other public communications

15/013240 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Compliance and Enforcement Guidance

15/013245 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Delegations

15/013246 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Communications] Requests for information - other Commonwealth agencies

15/013247 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord 2015-033 - National Stronger Regions Fund Assessment

15/013250 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T2 - Project Carpenter

15/013252 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Cost Recovery for Hazardous Waste Permits

15/013253 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] Alligator Rivers Regions Act

15/013254 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] FOI Act

15/013255 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > Energy Policy] Energy Storage

15/013256 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6486 Residential Development 305-315 Craigieburn Road

15/013260 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] UKTNP-Maint Generators Mutitjulu 855Cummins

15/013264[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2005-2159-develop and operate residential-tourism integrated community, including access to Flying fish Bay- Ella Bay,QLD

15/013267 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-RK862 *

15/013271 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Media - General Stories

15/013272[Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Media Releases - Bookshop Reopening

15/013277 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] UKTNP - Junior Rangers Program - Lesson Plans - 2015

15/013278 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP-Stakeholders-Dept of Business

15/013282 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Other Activity Permits 2016

15/013283[Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Media Releases - Eat Local Friday Markets

15/013286 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1313

15/013287[Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord 2015-034 - Parliamentary Secretary speech ADC Canberra Connection


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15/013288 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1866

15/013289 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Lower-Murray] SA NRM Board Wetlands 2015-16

15/013290 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] VIC-Glenelg Project

15/013291 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] 2015 SEPT - PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY -INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL - CHINA

15/013297 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] CEPA World Wetlands Day

15/013298 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] CEPA Partners and Stakeholders

15/013299 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] NSW-Little Llangothlin Ramsar Site

15/013300 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications]* - OECD TRANSIT - SOIL AND STONES NEW CALEDONIA TO GERMANY

15/013301 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] NSW-Myall Lakes Ramsar Site

15/013303 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] CEPA General

15/013305 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP-Events-Big Rock Run

15/013306 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] UKTNP - Employment Education and Training Committee - Meetings

15/013307 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] UKTNP - Employment Education and Training Committee - Reports and Papers

15/013308 [Office of Water Science > Independent Expert Scientific Committee] Meeting 30 - Logistics

15/013309 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] UKTNP - Policy and Guidelines

15/013310 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] Functional Effiency Review - Divisionals presentations

15/013314 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > International] Ramsar - International Assistance

15/013316 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Funding] 9198-PNHS-2015-2016-Round-2

15/013319 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] QLD-Liaison-Non site specific

15/013320 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Comms-Bioregional Assessment Information Platform

15/013321 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > Quarterly Inventory Update] 2015 – June - Publication

15/013323 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] Functional efficiency review input

15/013324 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Duty to Enquire

15/013325 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Domestic haz waste legislation

15/013326 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Loddon] 2015-16 -


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Delivery Partner Engagement and Relations

15/013329 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Ozone Act

15/013330 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Comms-Indigenous final reports

15/013333 [Office of Water Science > Research] Chem-Nat Chems Assess Proj P1 + P2-conditions and compliance

15/013335 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Water Holdings > Entitlement and Licence Management] Murrumbidgee Irrigation

15/013336 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LVC 1026

15/013337 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-011 Carmichael Coal Project

15/013338 [Office of Water Science > Research] Chem-Nat Chems Assess Proj P2-IMAP

15/013341 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] Kakadu Walking Project

15/013342 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2013-14 - Successful Applications-RGs

15/013343 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Multilateral organisations] Domestic climate mitigation policies

15/013344 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > PACCSAP] Regional Overview

15/013345 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2014-2015 - successful Applications - RGs

15/013347 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > Savannah] Kimberley Land Council

15/013349 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Communication] DoE Website

15/013351 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Funding] 9885-GAB Bore Monitoring Network Programme-final reporting

15/013354 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] Surveys 09-13

15/013356 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > Savannah] Regional assessments

15/013357 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2014-15-Successful Applications-Capacity

15/013358 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2014-15-Successful Applications-STGs

15/013359 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2012-13-Successful Applications-RGs

15/013361 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 12-13 - ATC212-13*

15/013362 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Projects] Ecological engineering and Backcasting

15/013364 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Divisional Guidelines and Procedures] Reconciliation Action Plan

15/013373 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Communication] AODN Technical Advisory Group


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15/013376 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Alternative Waste Treatment - Comms, publications, stewardship

15/013380 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Pre-consented Facilities

15/013381 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > International] Ramsar - General policy positions and coordination tasks

15/013383 [Parks Home > Communications] UKTNP-Media Projects-Guidelines Review

15/013384 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Guidance Material

15/013385 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP-Events-30th Anniversary Handback-Media

15/013387 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Review of Haz Waste Act 2012-13

15/013388 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Economic Analysis and Advice] International - OECD - EPOC Meeting Oct 15

15/013394 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commercial and Property] Bush Blitz - Kiwirrkurra Survey - Fieldwork Agreement - Tjamu Tjamu

15/013395 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Statement of Reasons Guidance

15/013401 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Industrial Wastes

15/013403 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Compliance] Importer Line Items - 2015-2016

15/013406 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] ODA - Resource Flows - 2014-15

15/013413 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Long-Term Intervention Monitoring Project] Progress Updates

15/013414 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Operational Reporting and Active Management] 2015-16 Lindsay-Mulcra and Weir Pool Manipulation

15/013415 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Water Holdings > Water Accounts] Murray Irrigation Limited

15/013416 [Environment Standards Division > Executive Strategic Planning] Business Continuity Plan

15/013418 [Environment Quality Division > NEPC > Used Packaging NEPM] Regulation Impact Statement - APC Refresh - 2015

15/013420 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP-Stakeholders-Voyages-Joint Marketing Committee

15/013421 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Environmental Water Policy > Business Frameworks] Departmental Risk Management Effectiveness Report

15/013423 [Environment Quality Division > Montreal > Meetings of Parties] 2015 - Dubai 27th meeting

15/013424 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] SAPLC 172

15/013425 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Water Holdings > Information Provision and Advice] ACCC Water Monitoring Report

15/013432 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] Acetamiprid Emamectin

15/013433 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Reference material] Northern Basin


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15/013434 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management > Market Data] Other Market Data

15/013435 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Reporting] Web Page WHS Reporting - 2015-16

15/013436 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Policy] Safeguard - Consultation - Release of Rules and Regulations

15/013437 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] RVF combined-Consultation

15/013439 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1314

15/013441 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] 2015-7519-Residential development, Lots 124 and 125 Wattleup Road, Hammond Park, WA

15/013444 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Water Holdings > Water Management Rules and Regulations] Condamine Balonne

15/013447 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Waste to Energy - Public Consultation

15/013448 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Compliance and Enforcement] 20150826 - * - Export to SIERRA LEONE

15/013466 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Policy] Wetlands input to policies and strategies

15/013467 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] EE and Transport team - Ministerials

15/013471 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1875

15/013473 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] NSW-Liaison-non site specific

15/013475 [Environment Quality Division > Administration > Environment Standards Branch] DomOps Reference Materials from Seminars and Training 2014-2018

15/013477 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Research] Wetland Disaster Risk Reduction Valuation Project

15/013478 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Operations] ICT - hazardous waste permit scheme business system

15/013483 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Operational Reporting and Active Management] Goulburn River delivery 2015-16

15/013487[Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > National Environment Protection Council (NEPC) > Financial Management] 132QLD0002P000C4-Revision of the Livestoc Drinking Water Quality-3 *

15/013488 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] QLD-Currawinya Lakes Ramsar Site

15/013492 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Long-Term Intervention Monitoring Project] Guidance Documents

15/013498 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Community Buildings - TWG

15/013504 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Funding] 9904-Mamu-Aboriginal-Corporation-


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15/013513 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Policy - Monitoring and Evaluation] Climate Change

15/013521 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Ships and Floating Vessels

15/013522 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Committees] Hazardous Waste Technical Group

15/013524 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Tyres

15/013551 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1310

15/013560 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] EAC Weekly Information - Applications - 2015

15/013574 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] External Assessment - Ethanedinitrile - Peer review

15/013575 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] External Assessment - Sodium fluoroacetate 1080 - Peer review

15/013578 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Policy] Consultations - Department Submissions

15/013583 [Environment Quality Division > NEPC > Acts] Annual Report - 2014-2015

15/013589 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2007-3297-Moolarben Coal Mine Project

15/013606 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Systems Support] Assets-Google Maps-FY15-16

15/013607 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Meetings - Papers - 20151029

15/013609 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] BA Programme reviews

15/013611 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP-Education-AAT Kings Family Shindig Tours

15/013612 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] FOI - Information requests - BA Team

15/013613[Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - Visitor Experience - Commercial Venue Hire and Weddings - Venue Booking Spreadsheet

15/013614 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Knowledge for Tour Guide Accreditation-Workshops

15/013615 [Office of Water Science > Advice] 2015-070-China Stone Coal Project

15/013616 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Comms-Senior Spokesperson

15/013619 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0270013203G

15/013620 [Office of Water Science > Research] Chem-Nat Chems Assess Proj P2-Milestone Reports-MSs

15/013623 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Bookshop Reopening

15/013629 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Division Administration > Renewables, Projections and Analysis Branch] AP – Staff development – 2015


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15/013634 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1309

15/013641 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Operations] ICT - compliance, enforcement, investigations and intelligence assessments

15/013645 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 12-13 ATC212-09 *

15/013649 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7549 - Melbourne Metro Rail Authority, Melbourne Metro Rail project VIC

15/013650 [Environment Quality Division > Stockholm > POPRC] Eleventh meeting - 2015 - brief

15/013661 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] KNP Capital Bids 2015-2016

15/013664 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Export Permits

15/013665 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LVC 1027

15/013666 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - What's On Promotion

15/013667 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Sharks - Multi species - Correspondence

15/013668 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > LULUCF] Method Development - HIR - *

15/013669 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] Reef WQP Plan 2013_Great Barrier Reef Report Card 2014

15/013670 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Administration] Participant Logos

15/013675 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Reference Material] Articles - 2015

15/013677 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] CCP - Orang-utan

15/013678 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Parliamentary] Supplementary Budget Estimates 2015

15/013679 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Gymnobelideus leadbeateri Leadbeater's possum - Action Plan

15/013680 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Policy] Safeguard - Consultation - Release of Rules and Regulations - Public Submissions

15/013681 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Nyctophilus corbeni South-eastern long-eared bat - Recovery Team

15/013683 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Caladenia colorata coloured spider-orchid - Recovery plan - Preparation

15/013684 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Kokoda Initiative JU2 - Planning - Budget JU1 and JU2

15/013685 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Oceans - Blue Economy - Blue Week 2015

15/013687 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7537 - Mobile Base Station Mt Blue Cow NSW

15/013689 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] SPREP26 - Year of the Whale in the Pacific Islands 2016-17

15/013691 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC


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15/013693 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > Energy Policy] Renewable Energy meetings and events

15/013694 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Reporting] 1603 Monthly Reporting

15/013697 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] External Assessment - Isoxaflutole - Peer Review

15/013698 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] External Assessment - Surfactant SL - Peer Review

15/013700 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] MPA - TE - Cod Grounds - BRUVs project - DNP-MPA-1516-009

15/013704 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > TSSC] Meetings - TSSC62

15/013706 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Research Coordination] Scientific Data Stewardship Working Group

15/013707 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > Climate Science Policy] Climate Change Science Policy Agenda

15/013708 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] PAD - Ecotourism Australia - Memorandum of Understanding

15/013719 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] HVAC - Scoping

15/013721 [Environment Quality Division > Voluntary > Communications] Meeting Notes

15/013722 [Environment Quality Division > NEPC > National Pollutant Inventory] Emission Estimation Technique Manual - Combustion in Boilers

15/013723 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Advice - Provision of advice related to EPBC Act permits and decisions

15/013724 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Parliamentary] Senate Estimates - 2015 October

15/013725 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IORA - Whale Watching Project

15/013731 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC - Business and Issues_Project Assessment Meetings

15/013733 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > Quarterly Inventory Update] CEDEX

15/013743 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > IPCC] Publications and Rules and Procedures

15/013745 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Reference Material] Reports - 2015

15/013748 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - RV Investigator sea time applications 2017-18

15/013749 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] BSKIM-ANBG-Agreements-AALC-Alpine seed persistence-2013-16

15/013751 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-RK863-Cremona-Research

15/013752 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Synthetic Refrigerants - Scoping

15/013762 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] Z PRE-PROJECT - T3 - Guidance to


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support implementation of SOC commitments

15/013764 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Reporting] Divisional Project Management reports - July - Sept 2015

15/013770 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-RK870-Florin-Research

15/013774 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-Exemptions

15/013775 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Regional Delivery] Regional Delivery 2013-18 _2013-2014_NSW_RGD14-048E_A0000010488G_SE_Ag

15/013777 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] ANBG 15-16-Security-Signed Approval for Key Access

15/013779 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Parliamentary and Inquiries] Senate Estimates 201510 - divisional briefs

15/013782 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Support Activities - Secretariat and SPREP

15/013786 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] Material Supply Agreements

15/013787 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] UKTNP - Publications library

15/013791 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] KNP-1415-017- Vehicle counting and calibration

15/013794 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] PKNP - Publications library

15/013796 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 1.3

15/013797 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 1.4

15/013798 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 3.1

15/013799 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 3.2

15/013800 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 5.1

15/013801 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 6.1

15/013802 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Marine Turtles - RFMO Advice

15/013803 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Parliamentary and Inquiries] Senate Estimates 201510 - issues briefs

15/013804 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] BBNJ - Meetings - Dom - 2015

15/013807 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Project Management] Project - Smart form upgrade to HTML 5

15/013812 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Blue Economy - Information and Articles - 2015

15/013813 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BBII-Satellite-Options


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15/013815 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 5.3

15/013816 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 1.2

15/013824 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 2.3

15/013825 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 4.1

15/013828 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] EPBC Act - Referral Statistics

15/013829 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Grant Round 2 - Normalisation Moderation

15/013831 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Business Systems] AHDB - Management - Maintenance and Enhancements 2015-16

15/013833 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Programme] IT Development

15/013835 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] External Assessment - Imazethapyr

15/013836 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - WH Convention - IUCN

15/013838 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0270003001G

15/013839 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub - Reference Materials

15/013842 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Waste Streams] WASTE STREAM - * - CRT GLASS

15/013844 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Fish - Milyeringa justitia Barrow cave gudgeon - Research

15/013854 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Briefs - Signed by Minister

15/013855 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Budget] Senate Estimates - 2015-Oct Supplementary Budget Estimates - PBPU Briefing

15/013859 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Aboriginal Cultural Values] Border Rivers

15/013861 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Deregulation] Regulator Performance Framework annual self-assessment and report

15/013863 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Aboriginal Cultural Values] Lower Balonne

15/013866 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Committees] PIEPS - Policy Implementation Working Group

15/013867 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Delivery Agreements] NFSA

15/013871 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Research] Wetlands threatened species research

15/013874 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Mallee Wetlands] 2015-16 - Seasonal Watering Statements


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15/013875 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] NSW-Fivebough and Tuckerbil Swamps Ramsar Site

15/013877 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Mid-Murray] 2015-16 - Central Murray Wetlands - excluding Gunbower

15/013878 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Community Engagement and Communications > Outcomes Report] 2014-15 Outcomes Report

15/013880 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] PAD-Digital-Statistics

15/013881 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] MPA-CMR Management Planning Comms Package-Draft 2015-2016

15/013884 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Community Engagement and Communications > Website] CEWO Web Portal Project- Phase 1

15/013897 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2004-1473 - MT MILSON GRAZING COMPANY-CLERMONT,QLD

15/013898 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Financial Management 2015-16

15/013900 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Cross-Cutting Approaches] ERF method prioritisation 2015

15/013908[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2004-1435 - Undertake Phases 2 – 8 of the Kerkins Levee Rehabilitation Project

15/013909 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6893 - Landslip Remediation Humphrey Binjour Road

15/013910[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2003-992 - Develop and operate an open-cut coal mining operation on ML 5657, including associated infrastructure QLD

15/013911[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2003-966 - Undertake an aerial and ground baiting control program for wild dog and fox populations in the Conondale Range

15/013912[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2003-962 - Operate the ‘Lowesby’ property for cattle grazing, Rolleston QLD

15/013913[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2003-924 - To plant Leucaena leucocephala for cattle fodder on the property Inderi, Springsure, Queensland

15/013922 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] Independent Expert Panel - Reef 2050 Plan - Other meetings

15/013930 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - International Engagement - GBR 2016-17

15/013933[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4170-Taxiway Bravo Extension, Canberra International Airport, ACT

15/013935 [Engagement and Evaluation > Evaluation Activities] Evaluation - Departmental Schedules of Evaluations

15/013936 [Engagement and Evaluation > Reference Material] Departmental Evaluation Documents


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15/013937 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Australian Territories and Maritime Issues

15/013938[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2003-1229 - Construct and operate a 275kV transmission line between Gladstone Power Station and Larcom Creek, QLD

15/013939 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Evaluation Branch Administration] 2015 cessation of warehousing arrangements - internal communications

15/013944 [Engagement and Evaluation > Outcome performance] Evaluation - 2015-16 Biannual Performance Report

15/013946 [Engagement and Evaluation > Evaluation Activities] Evaluation - Departmental evaluation maturity survey

15/013952 [Environment Quality Division > National Waste Policy > Data and Reporting] Data and Classifications - Implementation - 2015-2016

15/013953 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Evaluation Branch Administration] Engagement - Corp Comms and Production Team - Team planning

15/013958 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1316

15/013959 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] Thematic Review - Portfolio Legislation

15/013962 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Environmental Biosecurity, KTP and Threat Abatement] Vertebrates - Cat - Taskforce

15/013967 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - eNews

15/013970 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > Climate Science Policy] Australian Rainfall and Runoff Handbook (ARR)

15/013971 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER39101093

15/013975 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > End Use] Communications 2015-16

15/013977 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD 1565

15/013981 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] ANBG - Conservation Policy

15/013985 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 11-12 ATC and TTC Grants

15/013990 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] EXT Scott Reef and Seringapatam Reef

15/013992 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4418 Daunia Open Cut Coal Mine

15/013993 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2004-1331 Wyndham Harbour

15/013995 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4210 Flagstaff Quarry TAS

15/014008 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Knowledge for Tour Guide Accreditation-Supporting Documents

15/014010 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17]


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15/014011 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > User Engagement] KNP - community meetings

15/014012 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Project Rounds] Round 4 Moderation and Approval

15/014013 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Drivers

15/014014 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD 1566

15/014017 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD 1567

15/014019 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > NCOS Review 2014] 2015 Revision of Standard and Guidelines

15/014020 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD 1564

15/014021 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Knowledge for Tour Guide Accreditation-Complaince

15/014022 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] Part 8A web updates

15/014031 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-Tour Guide Accreditation-Database

15/014032 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-Commercial Tour Operators Permits-Compliance-2015

15/014038 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Stakeholder Engagement] Department of the Environment

15/014039 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > RET Scheme Policy Support] EITE-Regulatory Amendments for 2016 - Cement and EITE applications

15/014042 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0270006101G

15/014043 [Environment Quality Division > Air Quality > Policy] NCAA - Review of Other Pollutants under the AAQ NEPM

15/014044 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5498 Expansion of Charbon Colliery NSW

15/014045 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Reporting] Quarterly Reporting 2015-2016

15/014046 [Environment Quality Division > Air Quality > Committees] ATOG - Out-of-Session

15/014047 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Policy] Ministerial Correspondence - Agvet Chemicals - 2015

15/014049 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > NHB] Meetings 2015-2016

15/014051 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - Flora Explorer

15/014052 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Briefs FY 15-16

15/014055 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] EPBC Advice Pre Referral - Cascade Reserve Timber Walkway and Viewing Platform Norfolk Island EXT

15/014056 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Reporting] Divisional Project Management


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reports - 10 Sept - 5 Nov 2015

15/014057 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] MPA - TE - Cod Grounds - Acoustic Monitoring project

15/014059 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] Constitutional advice

15/014061 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Source Separated Organic Waste - Technical Assessment - *

15/014064 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] MULTI World Heritage Areas - Maps

15/014065 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] RVF - Tech Assessment

15/014069 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-RK871 *

15/014076 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Conservation Advices - briefs and approvals

15/014082 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > UNFCCC] Meeting-2015-10-Bonn-ADP2.11

15/014083 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2015-3002-Gladstone-Ports-QLD-Maintenance-Dredging

15/014087 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - Gallery Exhibitions

15/014095 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Kokoda Initiative JU2 - Admin - Imprest MOU Variation6b

15/014096 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Waste Streams] FACILITY - * - PORT PIRIE

15/014099 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0270002801G

15/014102 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] Reef 2050 Advisory Committee - Reef 2050 Plan - Meeting 2 - workshop

15/014103 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > RET Scheme Policy Support] PolicyAdvice-General

15/014104 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP - Education - Planning

15/014105 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP-Education-Templates

15/014106 [Environment Quality Division > Rotterdam > CRC] Eleventh meeting - 2015 - brief

15/014107 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Projects] Pacific risk transfer project

15/014110 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Stakeholder Engagement] ERF Videos

15/014111 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2016 - Snakes Alive

15/014112 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1646S

15/014113 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Meetings - Papers - 20151201


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15/014114 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - 45th Anniversary Program

15/014117 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER91429631

15/014118 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2016-17-Web updates

15/014120 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] Uluru Repairs and Maintenance Services Housing

15/014123 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Reporting] Scheme Annual Report - 2012-2013

15/014124 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0270011202G

15/014128 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] KNP procurement documents

15/014132 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] National Landcare Advisory Committee_Mtg 5_2015

15/014133 [Ministerial Campaign Correspondence > Minister > 2015] MC15-029015 - Do Not Re-Approve the Carmichael Mine

15/014134[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2003-1013 - To use “Birdfright” for the purpose of moving a small colony of spectacled flying-foxes Mossman QLD

15/014135 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Commercial Tour Operator Permits-Database

15/014136 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Commercial Tour Operator Permits-Applications-2016

15/014137 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER76492127

15/014140[Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Out of session - endorsement - Commercial Appliances - September 2015

15/014142 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] DNP-KNP-1516-005 Kakadu Fuel

15/014145 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Meetings - Papers - 20160204

15/014148 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-12_QLD_OC12-00658_X0000002954G

15/014149 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210002302G

15/014150 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] ANBG - 1516-703-01 - Masterplan Implementation Stage 1-TZG

15/014152 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Commercial Tour Operator Permits-signed permits-2015-16

15/014154 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] External Assessment - Amicarbazone - Peer Review

15/014155 [Environment Standards Division > Parliamentary] SPRING 2015 - SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES

15/014159 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Commercial] 9945 - NCOS Licences - General Licence Queries


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15/014162[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2002-896 - To establish eleven ‘sneaker’ ranges within the Defence Tully Training Area, Tully in North Queens

15/014165 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7477 Sly's sandstone quarry expansion, Mororo, NSW

15/014167 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] Maps

15/014168 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4444 Postapprovals Moolarben coal project Stage 2 NSW

15/014171 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] BAIP Board Papers 2015

15/014172 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-012 Western Sydney Airport

15/014174 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Senate Estimates] Senate Estimates - October 2015

15/014175 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] Pacific

15/014176 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] 2015 NOV - MINISTERIAL INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL - DUBAI AND PARIS

15/014177 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] Referral Statistics

15/014179 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Policy] Ramsar Implementation Plan-Development-2015-2016

15/014180 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] ANBG - 1415-FOG721- Growth Cabinet, Seedbank

15/014181 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] ANBG-1415-724-Bookshop Refurbishment

15/014182 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > International] Ramsar-Standing Committee-2016-2018 triennium-SC51-Nov15

15/014185 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Phascolarctos cinereus koala - internal coordination

15/014188 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] NINP - Grey literature library

15/014191 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] SA-The Coorong, and Lakes Alexandrina and Albert Wetland Ramsar Site

15/014192[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2002-885 - Caloundra-Maroochy Water Supply Board-Water management and use-Obi Obi Creek-QLD-Baroon Pocket Dam

15/014194[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2002-880 - Construct and operate a new substation at a site 20km west of Rolleston QLD

15/014195 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-5028-city of Wanaroo,WA-industrial site development

15/014196 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] NINP - Publications library

15/014197 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Sponsorship and Donations] ANBG-General Sponsors-Goodwin

15/014199 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2001-284 - Develop part of the land described as lot 6 on CWL3320,


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Parish of Tyson, Murray Upper Road, Murrigal, Queensland

15/014201 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Policy] Wetlands Policy Fact Sheets

15/014202 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Water Holdings > Water Management Rules and Regulations] Fact Sheets - Water Management Rules and Regulations

15/014203 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Policy - Monitoring and Evaluation] Outcomes Register Project

15/014205 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2001-287 - Upgrade the El Arish to Mission Beach Road, Queensland

15/014209 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 3.3

15/014211 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management > Market Data] NWC water market database

15/014213 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] WH Advice

15/014214 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AWHAC - Teleconference 3 December 2015

15/014215[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2000-33 - Mackay Port Authority-Land Transport Infrastructure-Port of Mackay-QLD-New Road

15/014216 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 2.2

15/014218 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2000-31 - Cairns Port Authority – Cairns Cityport Development

15/014219 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] UNP-1516-008-Printing Visitor Guides

15/014220 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 14-15 - ATC214-02 *

15/014221 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Policies and Guidelines] Spatial Systems Guidelines and Procedures

15/014222[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2000-21 - Bundaberg Port Authority-Marine Infrastructure-Bundaberg-QLD-Channel Dredging and Spoil Disposal

15/014226 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIQAS - Embedded Officer

15/014227 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7478 Referral Sandy Ridge Project

15/014228[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6591 - Refurbishment of National Film and Sound Archive Theatrette, ACT

15/014229[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6443 - ACTEW Distribution Ltd and Jemena Networks ACT Pty Ltd, Actew AGL upgrade to 132kV transmission line Theodore

15/014230[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6633 - Construction of two additional antennas at the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex, Tidbinbilla, ACT

15/014231 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement >


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Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6645 - Canberra Centenary Trail project

15/014232 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6431 - Royalla 1 Solar PV Generating Facility, ACT

15/014233[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6163 - North Weston Residential Development, Weston Creek, ACT

15/014235[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5764 - ANZSOG-NSC Building, Lennox Crossing Road, Acton Peninsula, ACT

15/014236[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010 - 5764 - ANZSOG-NSC Building, Lennox Crossing Road, Acton Peninsula, ACT

15/014239[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5582 - Construction of the Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre AITC – Stage 2 at Mt Stromlo Observatory ACT

15/014240 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5548 - Car Park Access Road, Block 12, Section 22 Barton ACT

15/014241[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5452 - Upgrades to Cotter Hut and Mount Franklin Road, Namadgi National Park, ACT and NSW

15/014242 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIQAS - State Offset Policies Implementation Hub

15/014244 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5439 Forde North Residential Estate

15/014245[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7479 Southern section of the Bonnie Doon Golf Course, Pagewood, NSW

15/014246[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5364 - Non-Potable Water and Internal Reticulation Upgrade at the Australian National Botanic Gardens, Acton ACT

15/014247 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-5253 - Compliance Monitoring - Status update

15/014248[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-5057 - Construction of a four lane due carriageway road from Monaro Hwy to Federal Hwy, Majura ACT

15/014249[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-5038 - Edmund Barton Building, Ground Level Works, Barton ACT

15/014251[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7480 Construction and operation of subsea telecommunications cable btwn Sydney and NZ

15/014252[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4895 - Construction of new antennas, Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex Tidbinbilla ACT

15/014254 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4871 - Construction of a new office building, 22 National


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Circuit, Barton, ACT

15/014255 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4850 - Fyshwick East Industrial Estate, ACT

15/014261[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4816 - Bonner Stage 4, Gungahlin, ACT Site Servicing and Land Release

15/014262[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4805 - New Electricity Substation and Access Road, Williamsdale, ACT

15/014263 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Commercial] 9876-Multi-jurisdictional-contracts-tranched-transfer

15/014264 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Sponsorship and Donations] ANBG - General Sponsors - Policies and Strategies

15/014265 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Sponsorship and Donations] ANBG-General Sponsors - MEJ

15/014266 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-Other Activities Permits-Database

15/014267 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] MD-1516-005-North-West Commonwealth Marine Reserves

15/014268[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4777 - Refurbishment of the Former Patent Office and Demolition of the Robert Garran Offices Link Building, Barton, AC

15/014269 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-Commercial Tour Operator Permits-Database

15/014272 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] Commonwealth - FISHERY - Torres Strait Trochus - 2015- 2020

15/014273 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4752 - North Weston Residential Development, Canberra, ACT

15/014274 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-RFA

15/014275 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Support Activities - PNG - Liaison positions

15/014278 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4547 - Kings Avenue-Parkes Way Roundabout ACT

15/014279 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4399-FOI-011014-Hammond-re-QCLNG-pipeline

15/014283 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7551 - Origin Energy Halladale Speculant Gas Pipeline Project VIC

15/014289 [Parks Home > Business Systems Support] PAD-Digital Technology-eCommerce-2015 to 2016

15/014290[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4175 - 2 Stage Development of Suburb of Crace, Barton Hwy and Gundaroo Drive, Gungahlin, ACT

15/014292 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > RAC] Licensing Admin 2015-2016

15/014295 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC


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15/014296 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1873

15/014300 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] E2015-0099 Hann Tableland Transportable Radar

15/014301 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7481 Urban development, Lot 805 Mandurah Road, Karnup, WA

15/014302 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210025301G

15/014303 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7483 Construction of a link road on Majura Parkway, Pialligo, ACT

15/014304 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER61102809

15/014306 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Grant Round 2 - Application Receipting

15/014308 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > RAC] Contract Mgt 2015-2016

15/014311 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] Neonicotinoids - Research papers and backgound info

15/014312 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > National Landcare] NLP Performance Framework - Validation of NRM Self Assessments

15/014313 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER56798325

15/014316 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1319

15/014319 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210016301G

15/014320 [Environment Quality Division > Air Quality > Policy] NCAA - Shipping emissions

15/014321 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Reporting] Scheme Annual Report - 2014-2015

15/014322 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER56774359

15/014323[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2003-1126 - Zilzie Pty Ltd-Coconut Point Residential Community-Yeppoon -Qld

15/014325 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER30321709

15/014326 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2002-808 - The Reservoir Ridge Subdivision, Palm Island

15/014327[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2002-795 - Powerlink Queensland-Energy generation and supply-Broadsound to Lilyvale-QLD-275kV transmission line QLD

15/014329 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1880 (was PLC 1239)

15/014330 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Contract Management] PRN 1314-0489-1 Campbell Page - Operations Manual

15/014340 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2002-672 Aquaculture Expansion, Crocodile Creek, Qld


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15/014341 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] Reef 2050 Advisory Committee - Reef 2050 Plan - Meeting 2

15/014342 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG 15-16-001-Licence-Exhibition-Sabbia Gallery

15/014345 [Environment Quality Division > Air Quality > Policy] NCAA - NAQDS

15/014346 [Environment Standards Division > Reference Material] EIAS Training Documentation

15/014347[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7485 Canungra Rise Estate residential development, Finch Road, Canungra, QLD

15/014349 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG 15-16-003-Licence-Exhibition-Mt Majura Ainslie Parkcare and Landcare

15/014350 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] MPA-Ashmore-Agreement-ABF-2015-2018

15/014353 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Operations] Section budget 2015-16

15/014354 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - MIRG Aust - Totterdell - variation

15/014355 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] ANBG-1516-701-Lake Burley Griffin Filtration System

15/014359 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210009901G

15/014363 [Environment Quality Division > Air Quality > Communications] FOI Requests

15/014365 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Environmental Stewardship] ESP SA 2015 reporting

15/014367 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] CMR-Notice of Intent Consultation 2015-Non-campaign Submissions

15/014371 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - ULABs EXPORT

15/014374 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1876

15/014379 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7446 Fivebough Tuckerbil Wetlands Project, NSW

15/014386 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > End Use] Training 2015-2016

15/014388 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD 1568

15/014389 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > External Committees] SD-TACC-Port of Newcastle

15/014390 [Environment Quality Division > Legislation and Policy > Sound Management of Chemicals] International Approaches to Sound Management of Chemicals

15/014392 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Environmental Stewardship] ANU Survey Annual Report 2015

15/014393 [Environment Quality Division > Legislation and Policy > Sound Management of Chemicals] Sound Management of Chemicals Framework Development

15/014394 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0270012301G

15/014398 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement >


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Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7442 EGS Survey Pty Ltd - Tasman Sea - NSW

15/014400 [Environment Standards Division > Executive Strategic Planning] RIsk Planning - Policy Implementation

15/014403 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR - SE-SW-TE - Authorisations - Tracking and reporting

15/014407 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LVC 1028

15/014409 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Protecting National Historic Sites] PNHS_2015-16_Implementation

15/014412 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2006-2761-Cairns Rainforest Resort, Douglas Track Road, QLD

15/014413 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Threatened Species] Threatened Species Management

15/014414 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Threatened Species] Threatened Species Management - Media

15/014415 [Environment Quality Division > OECD > Information Requests] OECD Medium Term Orientations Survey

15/014417 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1877

15/014420 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2008.4178 - Chevron Gorgon Gas Foundation Barrow Island

15/014422 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Section Administration > Queensland and Sea Dumping Assessment Branch] PIQAS - Tracking Sheet - Senior Officers' Committee

15/014424 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_SHA_TSCDG_WA_26

15/014425 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIQAS - Heritage advice

15/014426 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_SHA_TSCDG_WA_27

15/014428 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - research repository documents

15/014429 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210015401G

15/014430 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Section Administration > Compliance and Enforcement Branch] Audit Plan 2015-2016

15/014432 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > Climate Science Policy] Climate Adaptation

15/014433 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Policy] Safeguard - Consultation - Release of Rules and Regulations - Confidential Submissions and Cover Sheets

15/014434 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7486 Industrial Precinct Development, Ravenhall, Vic

15/014435 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7488 Mixed use development, Lot 138, 62 Finnegan Way, Coomera, Qld

15/014439 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > National Inventory] 2015_13 - Report - Chapter Executive Summary to Chapter 2


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15/014440 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP-ICIP-Copyright-Photo Permissions

15/014441 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] Enviro Snippets email newsletter

15/014443 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > Energy Policy] Wind Farms - Senate Select Committee

15/014447[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7489 S160 Commercial office development, within Skygate, Brisbane Airport, Qld

15/014448 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6635 Port Capacity Project - Webb Dock Development VIC

15/014449[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2000-87 - Bluefin Seafood’s Pty Ltd-Hervey Bay-Qld-Aquaculture Facility

15/014454 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Business Systems] SPRAT - ABRS Taxonomic Services

15/014455 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2011.5879 - Halladale Black Watch Gas Field Development Project VIC

15/014456[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-5050 - Urban Development in parts of the suburb of Coombs, ACT

15/014458 [Parks Home > International] MPA-Coral Sea-Declaration of Intentions New Caledonia

15/014459 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2012.6657 - Parramatta Westfield Shopping Centre Retail Commercial Development NSW

15/014460 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 6.4

15/014461 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2012.6538 - Cairns Shipping Development Project QLD

15/014462 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2013.6921 - Port Arthur Historic Site Fire Suppression System TAS

15/014463 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2012.6430 - Garden Island Hammerhead Crane Proposed Removal NSW

15/014464 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Social and Economic] PAD-Valuing Protected Areas-TTF project

15/014465 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > TSSC] Meetings - TSSC63

15/014466 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2012.6358 - Parramatta Mixed Use Residential Development 330 Church Street NSW

15/014467 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2010.5482 - Abbot Point Bogie River Rail Upgrade Project QLD

15/014468 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - BASEL EXPORT - ZINC SKIMMINGS TO THAILAND

15/014470 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] KNP-1213-024-5 - Jim Jim (4WD) access track and Gubara Road repairs

15/014471 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program


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(NTRGP)] 2013-14-Successful Applications-Capacity

15/014472 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Environmental Biosecurity, KTP and Threat Abatement] Vertebrates - Rabbit - RHDV 1996 approval

15/014473 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Petrogale concinna Nabarlek and subspecies - research

15/014474 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Boilers - scoping

15/014476 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] Reporting - Publications

15/014477 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > National Inventory] Supply of national inventory geospatial data to external users

15/014478 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2009.4837 - Abbot Point Multi Cargo Facility QLD

15/014479 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] CMR signage audit

15/014480 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - 2016 Heritage Festival

15/014481 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC - Strategic Plan

15/014482 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Coasts theme

15/014483 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Atmosphere theme

15/014486 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > Section Administration] Coord requests - 15

15/014489 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-013 Wiluna_Uranium_Project

15/014493 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > Section Administration] FOI Requests - 15

15/014499 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-Correction-Notices

15/014500 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Division Administration > Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division] Risk Assessment and Planning – 2015

15/014507 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] Z PRE-PROJECT - T3 - Strategic Approaches Project

15/014518 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Reporting] Project Status Reports - Meeting 20 June 2015

15/014523 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7491 Southern Highlands Irrigation Scheme, Tasmania

15/014524 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - SURVEYS - 2015 - Prehistoric Garden Trail

15/014526 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Steve Parish Photography

15/014529 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] EAS - Senior Officials Meeting - 2015

15/014534 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management Planning] Trade-off decisions - Project

15/014541 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > National Environment Protection Council


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(NEPC) > Financial Management] 145VIC084P001C2-EPA Funding Agreement-AAQ NEPM Review of other pollutants (ozone, NO2 and SO2)

15/014542 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-5141 Hazelmere Development

15/014543 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2002-569 The Bluff coal mine

15/014544 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] 2015-7553 Warralily East Precinct Sparrovale wetland-Vic-Port phillip

15/014545 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Environmental Water Policy > Projects - Hydrological modelling] 5. LTIM

15/014546 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] VIC-Kerang Wetlands Ramsar Site

15/014548 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Water Holdings > Information Provision and Advice] NSW DPI Water 2016-2020 Price Review (IPART)

15/014560 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Murrumbidgee - Monitoring and Evaluation] CEWO - LTIM Advice Feedback and Engagement

15/014570 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Part 5A - Arrangements by Minister

15/014572 [Environment Quality Division > Montreal > Multilateral Fund] 2015 - ExCom75 - Montreal

15/014574 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Taxonomy] ABRS - Flora - Flora of Australia - Enquiries 2015-16

15/014576 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EX - LI-ION BATTERIES TO BELGIUM

15/014577 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2003-1011 Townsville Port Access

15/014578 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7213 Essendon Airport

15/014580 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Marine environment theme

15/014582 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ESD PMO Seminar series

15/014583 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7492 S160 Forrestfield-Airport Rail Link Project, Perth Airport, Wa

15/014586 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7493 Premier Coal Mine Pit 3 North Extension, Collie, WA

15/014588 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP-Entry Station-New Boom Gates, POS and Bar-code Scanners

15/014590 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7494 Referral

15/014591 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Inland waters theme

15/014593 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Cold Climate Orchid Display

15/014594 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP-Education-Evaluation

15/014595 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Sponsorship and Donations] ANBG -


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General Sponsors - Icon Water

15/014596 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2007-3932 Subdivision Portion 91a, Flagstaff, Norfolk Island

15/014597 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIQAS - Assurance Framework Implementation Hub

15/014598 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - TE - Solitary Islands - *

15/014603 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Parliamentary and Coords] 2015 Spring Additional Estimates

15/014606 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIQAS - LEAP Summit

15/014613[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2003-1286 - Residential Subdivision at Lot 502, Wongaling Beach, QLD

15/014619 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] EPBC Advice Pre Referral - KAVHA Norfolk Island Public Safety Disability Upgrades EXT

15/014621 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC - Final Minutes

15/014622 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7495 Pilbara Iron Ore Project - Stage 2, WA

15/014623 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Protecting National Historic Sites] PNHS_2014-15_Documents for review by DoF

15/014624[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7496 Remediation and demolition of Hyro Aluminium Kurri Kurri Smelter, NSW

15/014625 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > National Landcare] Integration

15/014626 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2011-6176 Assessment

15/014630 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6328-Kings Forest Residential Development Kingscliff NSW

15/014631 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2009-5046 Binningup Beach Residential Development, WA

15/014633 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Section Administration > Compliance and Enforcement Branch] CEB Dashboard Reporting

15/014635 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7497 Referral

15/014636 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Volunteer Guide Recruitment

15/014637 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7498 Referral

15/014641 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2007-3506 Jetty or Breakwater at Ball Bay, Norfolk Island

15/014642 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Kyoto Protocol] LoA applications - Perenia


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15/014643 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Transport Mode Shift - Determination Drafting

15/014644 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7499 Referral

15/014646 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] MPA-Ningaloo-ABA WA DPAW

15/014648 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] MPA - Memorandum of Understanding - Procurement - 2015-16

15/014651 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > National Inventory] 2016 Second Biennial Report

15/014655 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - Ocean and Coast Research - * - Cwth waters

15/014658 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - Fact Sheets

15/014667 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] BNP- Septic data

15/014670 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2012-6489 East West Line Parks Ltd, Rail line, Abbot Point to Alpha

15/014672 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5798 - Winnaleah Irrigation Scheme Augmentation - TAS

15/014673 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] BNP-Roads DOSO 2015

15/014674 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] BNP-Roads SLA 2015

15/014675 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] BNP Waste - Waste management services

15/014678 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA - Media

15/014679 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] BNP-Roads SLA Spread Sheet

15/014680 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] VSDs - revised scoping

15/014681 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7490 Referral-Redevelopment of 60 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW

15/014682 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Hazard and Incident Management] MPA-CMR - Estate - Environmental Incident Action Plan

15/014683 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > EPBC Policy] Policy Development - Strategic Approaches Project

15/014687 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > International] London Protocol Input to Coord requests

15/014688 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > International] London Protocol Resolutions and Circulars

15/014691 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] ANBG-1516-Pump Filtration Construction

15/014692 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] ANBG-1516-WIFI Capital Works Project

15/014693 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 14-15 - TTC214-35 *


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15/014695 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - RV Investigator correspondance and liaison

15/014697 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000348 * LH CMR

15/014700 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > FOI] FOI 010115

15/014701 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] BNP-Building SLA

15/014702 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0280002901G

15/014704 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] QLD - East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery - 2015 - Extension Public comments

15/014705 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Policy] Reform planning

15/014706 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - 2015 - Sunset Cinema

15/014714 [Environment Quality Division > Basel and Related Agreements > OEWG] SIWG - legal clarity

15/014716 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Project Rounds] Round 4 Green Army Assessment Tools

15/014717 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > System Support] PWS-Meetings-Business Process Change Management-15

15/014718 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG 15-16-005-Licence-Venues-MMr Entertainment - Sunset Cinema

15/014724 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0270017301G

15/014726 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP-Education-Applications-2015

15/014729 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD 1569

15/014730 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > FOI] FOI 150506

15/014731 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Existing Industrial Chemicals] IMAP - Problem formulation

15/014732 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210010103G

15/014735 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] Target Plan - feral cats

15/014737 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LVC 1031

15/014738 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Operations] International payments

15/014739 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Divisional Coords] Co-ord Administration

15/014741 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - Snakes Alive 2016

15/014742[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] WA Mandurah_Encourage Pty Ltd - commercial development, 3 lots -Tuckey Cove - Mandurah EPBC2011-5928


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15/014744 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210020701G

15/014745 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Commercial] 9995 - NCOS Advice on Guidelines and Standards

15/014747 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Historic Shipwrecks Act - Website content

15/014748 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210022601G

15/014749 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Oceans - Kerry's Our Oceans Conference - 16 to 17 June 2014

15/014751 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Marine Turtles - Gorgon Meetings NWSFTCP September 2015

15/014755 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Oceans - DFAT Briefing Requests

15/014756 [Ministerial Campaign Correspondence > Minister > 2015] MC15-033172 - Not To Re-Approve the Carmichael Coal Mine

15/014757 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Oceans - Copies of Key Briefs

15/014758 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Ptilotus pyramidatus

15/014760 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Live Import List] Application - fish - Glossolepis spp. (Rainbowfish spp.)

15/014761 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP-Tickets and passes

15/014764 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2006-2734 Darwin Clean Fuels Condensate Processing Facility, East Arm NT

15/014765 [Environment Standards Division > Division Administration > NSW and ACT Assessments and Fuel Branch] NSW North - Government Relations

15/014767 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP-Education-Calendar

15/014771 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - NPI Improvement Programme 2015-16

15/014772 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] Surveys 15-16-TAS-Southwest NP

15/014773 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > LULUCF] * Technical Support and Explanatory Statements

15/014774 [Environment Standards Division > Legislation] sea installations - web information

15/014776 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5971 Extension of Mundijong Road

15/014780 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] Honeymoon Uranium Mine

15/014784 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7500 Referral sand extraction, Jackson Block, Warnoona, WA

15/014785[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2006-2927-Stockland-Residential-Subdivision-and-Town-Centre-Development-Vincentia-NSW


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15/014786 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6556 Diggers Rest Precinct Development

15/014787 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] PreReferral-Residential development, Coomera, Qld

15/014788 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG 15-16-006-Licence-Venues-Steve Parish 2015

15/014791 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] MPA-SE Network-Aerial Surveillance-Contracting and Tracking-2015-16

15/014792 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > Energy Policy] National Energy Productivity Plan

15/014794 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] MPA-SE Network Monitoring and Surveillance Programme

15/014798 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] KNP-1415-004-Cleaning Services Kakadu buildings

15/014801 [Environment Standards Division > Business Systems Support] I.T. Systems Governance and Procedures

15/014803 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Division Administration > National Inventory Systems and International Reporting Branch] GAU team budget 2015-16

15/014804[Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Division Administration > National Inventory Systems and International Reporting Branch] GAU NIR Satellite Data Processing 2015-16

15/014807 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2016 - Summer Sounds

15/014808 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Section Administration > Compliance and Enforcement Branch] RAP agendas and minutes

15/014810 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Biodiversity theme

15/014811 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] ANBG-1617-capital works 1617 and Outyear Asset Review

15/014813 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2015-16 Info and Linkage Funding

15/014815 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7501 Referral Bokarina Beach, Nicklin Way, QLD

15/014816 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 4.3

15/014819 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 6.3

15/014828 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Guidelines and Procedures] PIEPS - intranet templates and documents

15/014831 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] BSKIM-1516-001-Oracle Annual Software Support

15/014833 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2013-6895 Cooljarloo West, Cooljarloo, WA

15/014837 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - Visitor Experience - Commercial Venue Hire and Wedding


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Booking Forms 2015

15/014838 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - 2016 Summer Concert Series

15/014843 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Division Administration > National Inventory Systems and International Reporting Branch] GAU business plan

15/014848 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Grant Round 2 - Applications

15/014849[Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Division Administration > National Inventory Systems and International Reporting Branch] GAU ANU Climate Data Supply 2015-16

15/014854 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Live Import List] Application- biological control agent- Morosaphycita morsalis for Jatropha gossypiifolia

15/014857 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IWC - WG - 2015 ASW Expert Working Group

15/014858 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0270010501G

15/014859 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Testing Permits

15/014860 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > National Heritage] WA Eranondoo Hill - Assessment

15/014863 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Marine turtles - SPRAT profiles

15/014864 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Section Administration > Programme Delivery] QLD_Section_Media

15/014867 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Cetaceans - SPRAT profiles

15/014872 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] TAS - Abalone Fishery

15/014874 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Market Based Incentives (MBIs)] Project - Economic impacts NLP activities - NLAC - Communications Product

15/014875 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > Section Administration] Finance 15-16

15/014877 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership_2015_QLD

15/014881 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Reporting] ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15

15/014882 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] EPBC 2007-3441 Tutunup South Mineral Sands Project

15/014887 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210003002G - A0000011089G

15/014888 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Blue Economy - Media - emails

15/014889 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7502 Referral

15/014896 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Hemiandra gardneri Red Snakebush


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15/014898 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Myriophyllum lapidicola Chiddarcooping myriophyllum

15/014902 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] ACT State Circle Cutting - Management Plan 2015

15/014903 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Project Management] Audit and Health Check - 2015-16

15/014905 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210022201G

15/014908 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] Reef Trust_Investment Phase III

15/014910 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Management Advice - 2015

15/014911 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > National Heritage] SA Arkaroola

15/014912 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] TAS Macquarie Island WH Area - World Heritage Committee documents

15/014913 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] Target Plan - Birds

15/014914 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210019501G

15/014915 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210023201G

15/014916[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7502 Assessment fibre optic cable, Sydney and Honiara, Solomon Islands

15/014917 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7490 Assessment-Redevelopment of 60 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW

15/014918 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0210011901G

15/014920 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Community Heritage and Icons Grants] 2015-16 CHIG Policy and Round Preparation

15/014923 [Parks Home > Communications] UKTNP-Media-Astrophotography

15/014924 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Grant Round 2 - Assessment Spatial Data Reports

15/014927 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Independent Expert Technical Review - Groundwater Hydrology

15/014928 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Independent Expert Technical Review - Surface Water Hydrology

15/014929 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Independent Expert Technical Review - Impact and Risk Anaylsis

15/014930 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] Bilateral - Cambodia

15/014931 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6843 - South East Irrigation Scheme - Tasmanian Irrigation

15/014932 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement >


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Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6787 - Upper Ringarooma Irrigation Scheme - Tasmanian Irrigation

15/014933 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Environmental Stewardship] 1ESP templates and procedures

15/014934 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-Stakeholder Engagement and tracking

15/014935 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1671, LTD 1672, LTD 1673

15/014938 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] TARG- Procurement for monitoring

15/014940 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD IM - ACETYLENE GAS CYLINDERS FROM NZ - AUH15-063

15/014946 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Policy] Agvet Proposal for the APVMA 2015

15/014947 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1321

15/014948 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7503 Referral feral cat bait 1080 Kimberley region, WA

15/014949 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EX - SPENT CATALYST TO USA - AUH15-065

15/014951 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1322

15/014952 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Policy] Tracking

15/014954 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] UKTNP- 1415-018 Uluru Cleaning Project-Sept 2015-2018

15/014955 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP - Education - Compliance

15/014957 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] NSW-Narran Lake Ramsar Site

15/014958 [Environment Quality Division > SAICM > ICCM] Fourth meeting - 2015 - outcomes

15/014959 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management > Market Data] Allocation Price report and contract 2015-16

15/014960 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > CEWO Administration] Incoming Minister's Briefs (IMB) - 21 September 2015

15/014961 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] 2015-7550-Newcastle inner city bypass NSW-Hunter Estuary

15/014962 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > CEWO Administration] Functional and Effeciency Review

15/014963 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] 2015-7533-Karnup Sand Mining Project-Baldivis-WA

15/014964 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIQAS-EACD_Pulse_Survey

15/014966 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Communication] Climate Change Science

15/014972 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] KNP 1415-713 Power Generation Project


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15/014976 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-CKM034-ERA-12.58-2015-Miscellaneous

15/014977 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Commercial Opportunities] UKTNP-Uluru EOI-Submissions Received-Sept 2015

15/014985 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Verticordia spicata subsp. squamosa

15/014989 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Indigenous inclusion

15/014993 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > National Heritage] WA Abydos Woodstock Protected Area

15/014994 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Oceans - Our Oceans Conference - Chile 5 to 6 Oct 2015

15/014996 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Seizures] Freedom of Information Requests

15/014998 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BB-Equipment

15/015012 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Oceans - Sustainable Ocean Summit - Singapore 9-11 Nov 2015

15/015025 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] KNP-1415-009-Twin Falls Boat Shuttle Agreement

15/015026 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] CLOSED - Streamline assessment and approval processes

15/015031 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Policies and Guidelines] Spatial Strategy

15/015033 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] BNP-Vehicles and Maintenance

15/015041 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Built environment theme

15/015043 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > LULUCF] Plantation Forestry - *

15/015044 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-CTO-CK 1098-Outback Tour Services

15/015045 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1881

15/015047 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Communication] Presentations - by DoE staff

15/015048 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] MPA-Ashmore-Operations manual

15/015049 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] NSW Dorrigo_Bellingen Shire Council_Construction

15/015050 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - TE - Lord Howe - *

15/015051 [Environment Standards Division > External Committees] SOG4 – 11 November 2015 Meeting

15/015055 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7504 Referral Res Dev Furlong Road, Cairnlea, Vic

15/015057 [Environment Quality Division > Product Stewardship > Act and Regulation] Product


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Stewardship Act 2011

15/015058 [Environment Quality Division > Product Stewardship > Product List] 2016-17

15/015061 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6207 Residential subdivision, Nowra

15/015062 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIQAS - MERI Framework

15/015070 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] GBR SCO - 41st meeting - Papers

15/015077 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Policy] Australian Heritage Strategy - Implementation

15/015078 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] GRID database

15/015079 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Community Heritage and Icons Grants] 2014-15_CHIG_Implementation

15/015085 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - UTS - * - KNP

15/015086 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Birds - Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus glossy black cockatoo - CA

15/015087 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Policy] Safeguard - Info Disclosure - Portfolio

15/015089 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - UTS - * - KNP

15/015094 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - Smartphone Apps

15/015095 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP-Education-Communications

15/015101 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - University of Leeds - * - CINP

15/015103 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - JAMSTEC - * - EEZ and CMR

15/015107 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > Energy Policy] OCCRI

15/015111 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Landscape management] Biospheres - Fitzgerald renomination

15/015114 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Policy] Communication Strategy - Heritage

15/015116 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] EPBC 2011-5925 - Nine Year Research Porject at Riversleigh

15/015117 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Forests] Departmental Forests Working Group

15/015119 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Migratory Birds] Conference - Australasian Ornithological Conference - Adelaide 2015

15/015120 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Policy] Advice - CBD

15/015121 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Wurmbea tubulosa - Long-flowered nancy - Conservation advice

15/015123[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6691-Koppers Wood Processing Facility Expansion, Picton, Western Australia


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15/015125 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - DSITI - * - Defence

15/015126 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD-Internal Audit-Recommendations and outcomes-2015

15/015127 [Parks Home > Communications] UKTNP-Printing-Publications and Brochures

15/015128 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > Projections] 2015 projections - library

15/015129 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Acacia splendens

15/015130 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Eremophila denticulata subsp. trisulcata

15/015131 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Programme] Events_ Email Templates

15/015132 [Parks - Legal Matters > Compliance and Enforcement] BNP - Warning Letter - Rock Fishing - * - Oct 2015

15/015134 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Lasiorhinus krefftii northern hairy-nosed wombat - Recovery plan - Preparation

15/015135 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Potorous gilbertii Gilbert's Potoroo

15/015138 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Myoporum turbinatum salt myoporum - conservation advice

15/015140 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7505 Referral Res Dev North Lake Road, Kardinya, WA

15/015141 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Reptiles - Liopholis slateri slateri

15/015143 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Eucalyptus leprophloia

15/015144 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6095 - Translocation Burrowing Crayfish - Devonport Council

15/015145 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Conostylis micrantha

15/015146 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Conostylis dielsii subsp. teres

15/015149 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Marine turtles - administration

15/015152 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Sharks - policy

15/015162 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Project Rounds] Round 4 Assessment Spatial Data Reports

15/015165 [Parks Home > International] Nagoya Protocol-related issues

15/015167 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7507 Referral Comet Ridge Coal Mine, QLD

15/015168 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7506 Referral Three Rivers Irrigation Project, Gulf of Carpentaria, Qld


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15/015171 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG – VE – 45th ANNIVERSARY - REFLECTIONS EXHIBITION - 2015

15/015174[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6606 - Hotel and carpark development, 14-22, Barton, ACT – Stage 1

15/015176 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Systems Support] Projects - Dialog - Project Management and Business Analysis - FY201415

15/015177 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7506 Three Rivers Irrigation Project, Gulf of Carpentaria, Qld

15/015178 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6617 Eastern Creek Business Hub NSW

15/015179 [Office of Water Science > Parliamentary] Inquiry - Landholders Right to Refuse Gas and Coal Bill

15/015180 [Office of Water Science > Advice] 2015-071-Bylong

15/015181 [Environment Quality Division > Fuel Quality Standards > Act and Regulation] Thematic Review of Legislative Instruments 2016 – 2019 - Initial Planning and Procurement

15/015184 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] IUCN - Valuing nature

15/015186 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Parliamentary and Coords] 2015 SenateOrder-Lazarus-prospecting permits

15/015201[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7382 Post Approvals Hey Point bauxite mining project, south of Weipa, Qld

15/015203 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] 1I. Our Toolbox

15/015206 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] LAB TEST

15/015207 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-Camping-Administration-2015

15/015213 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Parliamentary and Inquiries] Senate Estimates 201510 - QTBs

15/015218 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2016 Churchill Fellowships

15/015219 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] SAPLC 179

15/015220 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD TRANSIT - SPENT POT LINER TO UK

15/015221 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2010-5736 New Decision-Carmichael Coal Mine and Rail Project,QLD

15/015226 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Act and Regulation] 2014 Review - Public Consultations

15/015229 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1323

15/015233 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - RLS Surveys North

15/015234 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner]


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15/015235 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > Quarterly Inventory Update] 2015 – June – SEASABS

15/015236 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - 2016 Enlighten

15/015238 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] PBC - Procurement and Contract Management -*

15/015240 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Community Buildings - ERAC

15/015242 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-Recovery-Plans-s139

15/015245 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2011-12 successful applications - RG

15/015246 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP Communication and Knowledge Brokering] Research Products

15/015247 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2001-232 Tully to Innisfail High Voltage electricity line

15/015249 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] BNP- SLA- Cleaning

15/015251 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 14-15 - TTC214-48 *

15/015252 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] MPA-Operations Room

15/015253 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Kyoto Protocol] LoA applications - WeAct

15/015254 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Reforms > COAG] National Standard Development - Diagrams

15/015255 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Reforms > COAG] National Standard Development - Papers

15/015256 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1883

15/015257 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BBII-Agreements-CHAH and CHAFC

15/015261 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7508 Referral

15/015266 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7509 Referral passing lanes between Lancelin and Jurien Bay, WA

15/015270[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5947 – Phase 2 of the Villawood Immigration Detention Facility Redevelopment Project, NSW

15/015274 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP - IPIC - consultations

15/015275 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIQAS - Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

15/015279 [Environment Quality Division > Voluntary > Voluntary Arrangements] MobileMuster - Accredited scheme

15/015280 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary


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Chemicals] Methiocarb

15/015281 [Environment Quality Division > National Waste Policy > Packaging] Marine Debris

15/015282 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7510 Referral Port Melville Marine Supply Base, Melville Island

15/015284 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6432 Alternative Waste Treatment Facility, Awaba NSW

15/015285 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Kyoto Protocol] CP1 - True-up

15/015287 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] IORA - 15th Council of Ministers Meeting - Indonesia 23 October 2015

15/015289 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6262 Taroborah Coal Project

15/015292 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7511 Referral Ulan West Extension, Near Mudgee, NSW

15/015296 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Policy] National Wetlands Policy Briefing

15/015297 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] Conservation Project 2015

15/015298 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] E2015-0100 Moorebank Bootland Remediation

15/015299 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord 2015-037 - Meeting with Council of Capital City Lord Mayors

15/015300 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Economic Analysis and Advice] International - OECD- Climate Change Issues

15/015301 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] WA-Vasse-Wonnerup System Ramsar Site

15/015302 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management Planning] Portfolio Management Statements

15/015304 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Coordinated Multisite Water Use] Large scale e-water delivery arrangements 2015-16

15/015310 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Operational Reporting and Active Management] NR SA MDB Wetlands 2015-16

15/015319 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Contract Management] Service Provider Workshops

15/015322 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] TAS-Lavinia Ramsar Site

15/015325[Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord 2015-038 - Meeting with Waste Management Association of Australia

15/015328 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] QLD-Liaison-Ramsar site documentation project

15/015330 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Grant Round 2 - Selection Documents

15/015333 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] Surveys 14-15-TAS-Tarkine


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15/015338 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Secretariat] National Landcare Advisory Committee Re-establishment

15/015340 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] ABRS-1516-006-Heli hire Oxley Wild Rivers

15/015341 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Media-Film permit-1510 TNT Poon Chi Hang Alfons

15/015356 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > External Committees] SD-TACC-Port of Townsville

15/015359 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2014-15_NLP_SHA_TSCDG_TAS_28

15/015364 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] CINP-NRM-1516-001-Investigate exposure of Compound 1080 to Robber Crab

15/015368 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > MRV] Travel - April 2015

15/015378 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Booderee National Park] BNP rental houses Village Road Jervis Bay

15/015381 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Taxonomy] ABRS - Fauna - CAVS and CAAB Codes

15/015382 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2016-17-Assessments-RGs

15/015384 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Taxonomy] ABRS - Flora - Algae - Micro

15/015385 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2011-6094 Teresa Coal Mine Project Bowen Basin Qld

15/015387[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2012-6260 Expansion of existing 7 North Dam at Peak Downs Mine, Moranbah Qld

15/015388 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Policy] Pacific

15/015389 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Multilateral organisations] Meeting of Environment Ministers

15/015391 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP MB] Correspondence and governance

15/015392 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG – VE – 45th ANNIVERSARY – COMMUNITY DAY – 2015

15/015396[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2007-3809 Koolanooka Blue Hills Direct Shipping Iron Ore Mining Project

15/015397 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Systems Support] Reports-Annual Report-Statistical Data-FY14-15

15/015398 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7494 Assessment

15/015400 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG – VE – 45th ANNIVERSARY – HORTICULTURAL CHATS - 2015

15/015401 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG – VE – 45th ANNIVERSARY – BIRTHDAY MORNING TEA – 2015

15/015409 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7512 Referral Sand Extraction, Eudlo Flats Road, Forest Glen, Qld


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15/015419 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Community Heritage and Icons Grants] CHIG_Report Templates

15/015424 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] 2, 4-D

15/015425 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7513 Referral ECCO Ripley Residential Development, Ipswich, QLD

15/015426[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4152 Collect vertebrate fossil bearing limestone in the Riversleigh world Heritage Area, Qld during the period 27 June

15/015427 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] External Assessment - d-Cloprostenol - Peer Review

15/015431 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2012-6301 Assessment

15/015436 [Environment Quality Division > Fuel Quality Standards > Act and Regulation] Briefings

15/015439 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > National Landcare] Communications - Ad-hoc

15/015440 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Compliance and Enforcement] 20151009 - * - EX TO SIERRA LEONE - TVs

15/015441 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1870

15/015442 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds]* - OZER52260623

15/015443 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] ANBG - 1516 - Capital Works Monthly Reports

15/015444 [Parks Home > International] IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016

15/015445 [Environment Quality Division > Stockholm > Chemical Monitoring] Testing of indoor environments, air, and articles for Persistent Organic Pollutants - 2015 Deliverables

15/015446 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] PAD - AEKOS SHaRED data publishing

15/015448 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds]*- OZER20918346

15/015449 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > ACT] Enhanced Assessment Bilateral Admin Arrangements

15/015451 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds]* - OZER42261020

15/015452 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Divisional Coords] *

15/015453 [Environment Standards Division > Executive Strategic Planning] ESD Strategic Conferences - Admin

15/015455 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds]* - OZER41885427

15/015457 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 10041 - Text approval for Government Bills

15/015459 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Communications] 2015 - * - workshop

15/015460 [Environment Quality Division > Stockholm > Chemical Monitoring] Testing of indoor environments, air, and articles for Persistent Organic Pollutants - 2015 Finance

15/015461 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7514 Referral Iron Hill mining Mt Gibson Ranges, WA


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15/015470 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Content review

15/015472 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Implementation and Governance > Annual Report 2014-15] Online version

15/015477 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2006-2602 Postapprovals - Expansion of Bowen Marina

15/015478 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-Commercial Tour Operator Licences-Licence Applications 2015

15/015479 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord 2015-039 - Minister meeting WWF Demot O'Gorman

15/015480 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Ambassador Agreements - Lord Howe Island Phasmid

15/015482 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] NSW Lord Howe Island WH Area - World Heritage Committee documents

15/015484 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] SC - 1516-005 - Capuchin monkey - CLOSED

15/015492 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] SC - 1516-006 - Pygmy monkey - CLOSED

15/015493 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7565 - Iron Bridge Port Facility Port Hedland WA

15/015495[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-7025 South Walker Creek open cut coal mine, Bowen Basin, QLD

15/015497 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] BBNJ - Policy Issues - Minister Briefs

15/015500 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IWC - Countries - Japan - 2015

15/015504 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Investigations] Intelligence_Historic shipwrecks

15/015506 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] PAD-External-Tourism-Meetings-2015

15/015508 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - Scientific Ecological Indicators workshop - 2015

15/015517 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Project Rounds] Round 4 Green Army Application Attachments

15/015519 [Environment Quality Division > OECD > Joint Meeting] 54th Joint Meeting - Agenda Papers

15/015523 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Independent Expert Technical Review - LEB Springs Assessment

15/015524 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds]* - OZER69264062

15/015525 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds]* - OZER40311037

15/015526 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds]* - OZER96716526

15/015527 [Ministerial Campaign Correspondence > Minister > 2015] MC15-036942 - Protection for Blue Whales

15/015528 [Environment Quality Division > Stockholm > Communications] FOI request 150501

15/015529 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds]* - OZER44023733


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15/015531 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-014 Gulungul Creek -SSB

15/015533 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] SA006-Fire Management Policy-SA

15/015541 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] UKTNP-Mutitjulu-Sublease-EDTL

15/015542 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > GVESHO] GVESHO_Programme Management Documents

15/015544 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Technical Resource] Information Papers

15/015552 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Reporting] ESD input into the State of the Environment report 2016

15/015561 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Landscape management] Assessing Representativeness - NRS

15/015563 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] MPA - AFMA VMS Monthly Reports

15/015566 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] MPA-Mermaid-Surveillance patrols

15/015569 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Reforms > COAG] National Standard Development - External Consultation

15/015570 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] MPA-Mermaid CMR moorings

15/015571 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Commonwealth Marine Reserves Reviews] BAP Consultation - Submissions (website)

15/015579 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Executive] NISIR - EA - Documents

15/015580 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Section Administration > Queensland and Sea Dumping Assessment Branch] Telecommunications act 1997

15/015581 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7510 Submissions Tiwi Island marine Supply base

15/015586 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T2 - NRSIEE Legislation

15/015588 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 10050 - AAOs - 19A and 19B Orders

15/015600 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Projects] RFA_Tasmania

15/015601 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Implementation and Governance > Annual Report 2014-15] Evaluation

15/015605 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG 15-16-004-Licence-Exhibition-Dirkwirks Wood work

15/015606 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7508 Curragh Extension Project, Blackwater, QLD

15/015607 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Commercial Opportunities] Tourism-EOI-2015-CINP

15/015615 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] Inquiry - Senate Inquiry into the National Landcare Programme

15/015619 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] MPA-1516-001-ASHMORE MOU-ABF ENVIROMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES

15/015623 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and


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Assessments] 2015-7515 Referral Western Treatment Plant Stage 2 Werribee, Vic

15/015625 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Agriculture] Measured Soil - Policy development

15/015626 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7497 Assessment

15/015630 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Strategic Approaches] Western Australian Offset Mechanisms

15/015636 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] ANBG - 1516-MASTERPLAN FINANCIAL

15/015638 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] KNP - Fire Management Operations

15/015639 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Regulatory Frameworks > Portfolio Agency Governance] ARENA and CEFC

15/015640 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] ANBG-1516-006-Provision of Electricity Supply-ERM-Contract Extension

15/015641[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4402-QCLNG-LNG-Plant-Curtis-Is-Offset-Joint-Long-Term-Turtle-Management-Plan

15/015642[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4057-GLNG-LNG-Facility-offset-conditions-34-39-LTTMP and Cond 26- 28 OEMP

15/015644[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4977-APLNG-LNG-+-Marine-facility-Curtis Island-Cond-52-57-LTTMP

15/015647 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP-Events-30 Anniversary Handback 2015-Operations

15/015649 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Torres Strait - Research

15/015652 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Communications - jurisdiction liaison

15/015655 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7516 Referral Lindum Vale Res Dev Mickleham, Vic

15/015657 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - TE - Cod Grounds - *

15/015658 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Torres Strait Treaty - EMC - 2016 Meeting

15/015659 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-Approval-conditions

15/015668 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7517 Referral Culvert Browns Creek, South Nowra, NSW

15/015682 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2009-5240 Washpool Coal Mine Project, near Blackwater, Qld

15/015687 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - TE - Cod Grounds - *

15/015689 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Other Activity Permits 2015

15/015690 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - TE - Cod


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Grounds - *

15/015691 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - TE - Cod Grounds - *

15/015694 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - TE - Cod Grounds - *

15/015697 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7445 Site 68, Sydney Olympic Park, Homebush, NSW

15/015698 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7518 Referral Jupiter Wind Farm, Tarago, NSW

15/015703[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7480 construction and operation of a subsea telecommunications cable

15/015704 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2014-7220 Melbourne Airport Runway Development Victoria

15/015705 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > Communications] Former Participant Email Archive

15/015706 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6475 Cultural Events Site, Yelgun, NSW

15/015707 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Paris agreement] Engagement-COP21

15/015710 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Division Administration > National Inventory Systems and International Reporting Branch] NI - Coord input - 2015

15/015712 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Policy] Safeguard - Double counting

15/015713[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4977-APLNG-LNG-Plant-Curtis-Is-Offset-Joint-Long-Term-Turtle-Management-Plan

15/015716 [Ministerial Campaign Correspondence > Minister > 2015] MC15-029479 - Carmichael Coal Mine - Funding

15/015718 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7123 Removal of Heritage Buildings at Amberley RAAF Base

15/015720 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7519 Referral Residential development Hammond Park, WA

15/015721 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7520 Referral

15/015726 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] Projects - Transitional Support - Final Training Material

15/015727[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2008-4313 Construction and operation of Nathan Dam and pipeline, Dawson River - Taroom, Qld

15/015728 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > One Stop Shop Policy Implementation] Evaluative material

15/015730[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7521 Referral-Marulan South Limestone Mine continued operation, NSW


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15/015731 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > One Stop Shop Policy Implementation] Cross border impacts and portable values

15/015732 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7522 Referral rabbit biocontrol -strain of RHDV

15/015733 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7523 Referral Muchea to Wubin - New Norcia Bypass, WA

15/015736 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD-SAP-Rio Tinto-Dampier Maintenance Dredging

15/015740 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6985 Abydos Stage 2

15/015741 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Section Administration > Environment Assessment and Compliance Division] Sea Dumping Gazette

15/015742 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7524 Referral Scientific seismic survey - Tasman Sea

15/015743 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7525 Referral Bat Cave, Naracoorte Caves, SA

15/015745 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BBII Media General

15/015746 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Compliance] Liable Party - Original and Revised Statements of Advice - 2015-2016

15/015747 [Environment Quality Division > Air Quality > Communications] Briefing input

15/015749 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Water Holdings > Information Provision and Advice] ABARES Australian Water Markets Report 2013-14

15/015750 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Policy] Reform briefing

15/015752 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Research] NESP Research Projects relating to wetlands

15/015754 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Operations] Behavioural insights

15/015755 [Environment Quality Division > National Waste Policy > Packaging] Ministerial Council - 2015

15/015757 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] 2015-7560-Swan Valley Irrigation Scheme-Tas-Moulting Lagoon and Apsley marshes

15/015758 [Environment Quality Division > National Waste Policy > Packaging] Senate Estimates - 2015

15/015759 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Operational Reporting and Active Management] Vic tribs and wetlands 2014-15

15/015761 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1360

15/015763 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Coords] SoE Report 2016

15/015764 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Water Holdings > Entitlement and Licence Management] WAL Consolidation Project

15/015769 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Condamine-Balonne] Lower Balonne Working Group

15/015770 [Parks - External Committees > South East CMR Network Forum] SE Forum-November-2015

15/015771 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Compliance and Enforcement] 20151015 - * - EX TO LIBERIA


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15/015772 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] Ad Hoc Advice Polyfluorinated Chemical in Cosmetics for LVC

15/015773 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > gwydir] Constraints

15/015774 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7526 Referral Hume Coal Project, Sutton Forest, NSW

15/015775 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7527-Referral-Project Sea Dragon Stage 1

15/015776 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Adaptive Management] 2015-16 Acquittal Reports

15/015781 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Barwon-Darling] Stakeholder Engagement and Correspondence

15/015782 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG 15-16-007-MoU-ACT Gov Easter Grey Kangaroo Fertility Control Research at the ANBG

15/015785 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] PAD-Interpretation-Publications

15/015787 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] Surveys 13-14-Tas-Flinders-Island

15/015792 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > User Engagement] MPA-SE-Communication Plans-2015

15/015796 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] QLD-Shoalwater and Corio Bays Ramsar Site

15/015797 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1415-710 Public Outdoor Furniture

15/015810 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > gwydir] Gwydir CSC

15/015811 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Border Rivers] Border Rivers CSC

15/015813 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2014-7187 Rockbank and Toolern Sewer, Rockank, VIC

15/015814 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Condamine-Balonne] Lower Balonne Water Quality project

15/015817 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1886

15/015819 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7528 Referral Epping Branch Sewer Stage 4B, Vic

15/015820 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000356-The Great Escape Charter Company Pty Ltd

15/015821 [Parks Home > Business Systems Support] PAD-eCommerce-UserFeedback

15/015831 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - Murdoch - * - CMR

15/015836 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] EE - Sampling Method - TWG

15/015837 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] SN 28

15/015838 [Parks Home > Risk Management] DNP Risk Management

15/015839 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000358 *


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15/015842 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] EE - Sampling Method - CER comments

15/015843 [Environment Standards Division > Executive Strategic Planning] Risk Management - Declarations of Interest

15/015845 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > EPBC Policy] Defence Assessment Streamlining

15/015846 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > EPBC Policy] Project - CA-RP-TAP register

15/015847 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Strategic Approaches] SA007-Mt Peter Cairns-QLD

15/015849 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1326

15/015850 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] SAPLC 180

15/015852 [Environment Standards Division > External Committees] HEPA - Mtgs 1 and 2

15/015853 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Projects] State of the Environment 2016

15/015854 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6201 Shenhua Watermark mine - Gunnedah NSW

15/015858 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - VISITOR EXPERIENCE - Visitor Centre Volunteers

15/015859 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > CEWO Administration] Division Plan 2015-16

15/015860 [Environment Quality Division > Stockholm > Amendments] Regulation Impact Statement - OBPR

15/015861 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Environmental Scanning Process

15/015862 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7520 Assessment-Westconnex New M5

15/015863[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2013-6885-New Decision-North Galilee Basin Rail Project-Abbot Point to Galilee Basin-Queensland

15/015864 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Compliance and Enforcement] 20151019 - *- EX TO LIBERIA

15/015865 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Compliance and Enforcement] 20151016 - * - EX TO SIERRA LEONE

15/015866 [Environment Quality Division > Biotechnology > OGTR DIR] DIR 142 GM Wheat *

15/015867 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EX - LEAD WASTE AND SCRAP - 12000 t

15/015870 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] UKTNP - Junior Rangers Program - Booderee Trip 2015

15/015872 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7530 Referral Greater Flagstone residential development, Undullah, Qld

15/015880 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7531 Referral - Australand Business Park industrial subdivision, Yatala,


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15/015885 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2005-2372_Astron_DonaldMineralSands

15/015888 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > Stakeholder Engagement] One Stop Shop - Correspondence Brief

15/015889 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7532 S160

15/015890 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7529 Referral Glenfield Waste Services recycling facility and rezoning

15/015893 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015_16 Planning

15/015894 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] ABCS 2015 - Correspondence and briefing

15/015901 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Enforcement] MPA - NW - Ashmore Reef - *

15/015902 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] BBC212-03

15/015903 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] Pre 2010 NTRGP grants

15/015904 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] PAD - Publications Library

15/015905 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7576 - Capital Metro Russell Extension Project Civic to Russell Drive ACT

15/015910 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Advertising-VisitCanberra

15/015912 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Investigations] Intelligence_Grants funding_RFIs

15/015916 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] Department of Defence - Management Advice - 2015

15/015917 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - 2016 NSWk - Seed Treasures

15/015927 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Convention on Biological Diversity] WG8(j)-9 SBSTTA-19_2015 Nov_CONSULTATION

15/015929 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > National Environment Protection Council (NEPC) > Meetings] Meeting of NEPCC (SOG) 11 November 2015

15/015933 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Listing - taxonomy

15/015934 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Reference Material] Adaptation-Asia Pacific

15/015938 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] SoE2016 - EC Correspondence

15/015939 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Implementation and Governance > Annual Report 2014-15] Launch of the Annual Report

15/015941 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] CLOSED - Case - 1516-072 - WA - live reptiles


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15/015951 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Forests] * - Tasmanian Forests - consolidated key documents

15/015953 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Phascolarctos cinereus Koala - MEM - translocation guidelines

15/015957 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD-Sea Dumping-Enquiries-General-2015

15/015960 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Solar Towns] 2015-16 Solar Towns (Round 2) - Applications

15/015963 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2009.4906 - Cameco Australia Yeelirrie Uranium Project WA

15/015966 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > TSSC] Meetings - TSSC62 - Papers

15/015968 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Policy Capability] Key Risk Reports 2011_2012

15/015977 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7274 HM Prison Barwon New High Security Unit, Lara, Victoria

15/015985 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Environmental Biosecurity, KTP and Threat Abatement] Vertebrates - Deer - General

15/015989 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] TAS Tasmanian Wilderness WH Area - FOI - 151010 - ABC News Hobart

15/015994 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Biodiversity Policy Development] State of the Environment 2016 - Biodiversity Conservation Division input

15/015996 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Environmental Biosecurity Policy] Committees - Plant Health Committee

15/015998 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] NSW - Estuary Prawn Trawl Fishery

15/015999 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Permits] Communications - Legislation

15/016000 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] ATSEA - GEF Regional and National Workplans Project

15/016001 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] E2015-0101 Removing Canberra Spider Orchid at Majura Training Area-ACT

15/016004 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Lagorchestes hirsutus Mala Rufous Hare-Wallaby - recovery planning

15/016006 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2010.5351 - Ridges Iron Ore Project East Kimberley WA

15/016007 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2010.5561 - Abbot Point Stormwater Return Dam QLD

15/016008 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2011.6030 - Weld Range Iron Ore Project WA

15/016013 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > TSSC] Administration - Ministerial Briefs

15/016030 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Project Management] Project - International and Remote Travel SOP 2015

15/016031 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Animal Welfare - Flying-Fox Neck Collar Injuries


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15/016032 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4398 QGC Gas Fields SSMP - conditions 7-8-9-10

15/016035 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Source Separated Organic Waste - Public Consultation

15/016038 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2002-903-Hazelwood West mine development- Victoria

15/016044 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] NDF - WA MAF - Aquaculture

15/016045 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Project Rounds] Round 5 Applications and Guidelines

15/016046 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7585 - Turtle Street Beach Resort Curtis Island QLD

15/016047 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7520 Referral-campaign submissions

15/016048 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2011-6029 Assessment

15/016049 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] CITES advice and replies to requests

15/016051 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Policy] Safeguard - Fact sheets

15/016055 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Policy] Safeguard - Strategic reserve

15/016067 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Appliances - Hazard Assessment

15/016069 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Ross Hill Wine Group

15/016073 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CITES - SC66

15/016074 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7533 Referral-Karnup Sand Mine, WA

15/016076 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Mammals - Remaining 8 TS Strategy mammals

15/016077 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Solar Towns] 2015-16 Solar Towns (Round 2) - Eligibility and Assessment

15/016079 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2012-13_WA_OC13-00566_X0000003683G

15/016080 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2012-13_WA_OC13-00439_X0000003664G

15/016081 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Parliamentary] Senate Estimates - 2015 October - QoNs

15/016092 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] EPBC 2011-6201 Shenhua Watermark project post approval

15/016094 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Community Heritage and Icons Grants] CHIG_Ad-Hoc_BRS

15/016096 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] LTSP North East Shipping Management


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15/016098 [Office of Water Science > Independent Expert Scientific Committee] 0 - Meeting 31 - Papers

15/016105 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] KNP-1415-006-Repairs and Maintenance - Fire Detection and Protective Systems

15/016106 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG-Cooperation Agreement-Royal Botanic Gardens and Domaine Trust (RBGDT)

15/016114 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] ANBG-1516-MasterPlan-Project Plan

15/016115 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-015 Yeelirrie

15/016120 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] BA Futures

15/016123 [Office of Water Science > Parliamentary] Senate and Budget Estimates 2016 - February

15/016124 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7534 Referral-Western Access Road, Julago, Qld

15/016126 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] MPA - CMR - Ashmore Reef - Proposed Dugong Survey

15/016127 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Taxonomy] ABRS - Fauna - AFD updates

15/016131 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-016 Santos Narrabri

15/016134 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG 15-16-002-Licence-Venues-Eat Friday Locals

15/016145 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] Governance - Administration

15/016147 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Division Administration > National Inventory Systems and International Reporting Branch] GAU ESRI Global Data Hosting

15/016153 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] Ad Hoc Advice on C6 perfluorinated or polyfluorinated chemicals

15/016157 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Communications] 2015 - World Summit on the *

15/016158 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Legislation] CFI - Sub leg - Prime ag land

15/016159 [Environment Quality Division > OECD > Joint Meeting] 54th Joint Meeting - logistics

15/016160 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Reforms > COAG] National Standard Development - State and Territory engagement

15/016161 [Environment Quality Division > OECD > Joint Meeting] 54th Joint Meeting - briefs

15/016163 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LVC 1034

15/016167 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LVC 1033

15/016170 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Commercial] 10091 - Water conveyancing - create new LSMUL panel to start 2016

15/016176 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] Cassowary

15/016178 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Technical Resource] E-waste - CRT glass

15/016179 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > Legislation] EPBC Amendments - Bilat Bill - water trigger and tech amendments 2015


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15/016180 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Cement method - procurement *

15/016181 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > End Use] Project Management 2015-16

15/016182 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7535 Referral-Big Sky stages 5-8 Res Dev, Qld

15/016183 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7536 Referral-York Merredin Rd upgrade, WA

15/016234 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - IMP - WASTE - ANTARCTICA

15/016242 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7537 Referral-Mobile Base Station Blue Cow, NSW

15/016243 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIEPS - Streamlining Assessment and Approvals Processes

15/016244 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T2 - Review of the Offsets Policy

15/016247 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7500 Assessment Sand extraction, Jackson Block, Waroona WA

15/016248 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7507 Assessment Comet Ridge Coal Mine, QLD

15/016249 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Booderee] BNP 2015 November Board meeting papers

15/016250 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] Monitoring and reporting - strategy implementation

15/016251 [Environment Quality Division > Minamata and Heavy Metals > Mercury Other] Research

15/016252 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIACW - Policy Implementation Scoping and Gap Analysis Project EQD programs

15/016253 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1324

15/016254 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2015-3022-NSW DPI-Port Macquarie-NSW-Artificial Reef

15/016263 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2010-1762-South of Embley-QLD-Capital Dredging

15/016264 [Environment Quality Division > Rotterdam > CRC] Eleventh meeting - 2015 - outcomes

15/016265 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1325

15/016266 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Technical Resource] Regulation

15/016267 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2002-730 Bald Hills Wind Farm

15/016269 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Agriculture] Plantation Forests - * - Technical Assessment - 2015

15/016270 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Licensing] Methyl Bromide 2016-2017

15/016279 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4057 Santos LNG Processing Facility Curtis Island


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15/016300 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2016-17-Assessments-CBGs

15/016301 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1516-45 - Implementation of Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP)

15/016303 [Parks Home > Communications] PAD-Media Releases-2015

15/016309 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5747 - Flying Operations of the F-35A Lightning II

15/016322 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > IPCC] Finance - voluntary contributions - 2015-16

15/016323[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > EPBC Policy] Stakeholder - Consultation on outcomes-based conditions policy - Administration and submissions

15/016324 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Parliamentary and Inquiries] Senate Estimates 201510 - QoNs

15/016327 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - WiSTRA

15/016328 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Trialling an Outcomes Based Approach - Post Approval

15/016330 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] WA Pilbara_Poondano Iron Ore - 2010-5759

15/016335 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Evaluation Branch Administration] Engagement- Corp Comms and Production Team - Planning 1516

15/016336 [Office of Water Science > Advice] 2015-072-Hail Creek Coal Mine Extension

15/016337 [Office of Water Science > Advice] 2015-073-New Acland Stage 3 Expansion

15/016340 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Evaluation Branch Administration] Engagement - Print Services Contract - Policy and guidelines

15/016343 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Evaluation Branch Administration] Engagement - ISBN form records

15/016344 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7538 Referral-Bauxite Hill Mine, Cape York, Qld

15/016345 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord 2015-040 - Minister meeting Senator John Williams

15/016348 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] 2015 NOV-DEC - MINISTERIAL TRAVEL - PARIS COP

15/016350 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6378 Continuation of Bengalla Mine, NSW

15/016352 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2016-17-Applications-CBGs

15/016353 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2016-17-Applications-RGs

15/016358 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP-CC-Visitor and tour operator feedback

15/016362 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Evaluation Branch Administration] Engagement - Production Team - ICT and equipment procurements


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15/016363 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Evaluation Branch Administration] Engagement - Copyright 2014-2020

15/016365 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Evaluation Branch Administration] Engagement - Copyright, Credits and Creative Commons - Legal advice and policies

15/016366 [Engagement and Evaluation > Engagement and Evaluation Branch Administration] Engagement - Print Services Management - MUL and Panels

15/016368 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7539 Referral-Dargues Gold Mine Modification, NSW

15/016371 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Eucalyptus ovata Woodland and Forest in Tasmania - Listing - Consultation

15/016373 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7540 Referral-Accommodation units, Dirk Hartog Island

15/016376 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Policy Capability] 2015-2016 September Enterprise Risk Report

15/016379 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-7123 Amberley RAAF Base, Heritage building removal

15/016381 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-RK873 * 2015

15/016382 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - Education - 2015 audience feedback

15/016383 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Live Import List] Application- biological control agent - Stomphastis thraustica for bellyache bush

15/016384 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Live Import List] Application- Biocontrol agent - Phycita sp., Dereodus denticollis and Anomalococcus indicus for of prickly acacia

15/016386 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-RK869-Zoar-Western Aquifer-2015

15/016387 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Seizures] CITES Brochures - If In Doubt

15/016389 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Lowland Native Grasslands of Tasmania - Recovery Plan

15/016392 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Zoos - Policy - International Standards Project

15/016394 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7582 - Eden Wharf Expansion NSW

15/016398 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Bands - Manufacturers - I.O. Mekaniska AB - band order 2015-16

15/016399 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Bands - Manufacturers - Porzana Ltd - band order for 2015-16

15/016402 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7143-Knox-Creek-Plain-Irrigation-Development

15/016404 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2007-3479-Meridian-Busniess-Park-Wanneroo

15/016409 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-World-Heritage

15/016410[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2010-5736 New Decision-Carmichael Coal Mine and Rail Project,QLD-Attachment M


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15/016411 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Seizures] Customs Disposals - NT

15/016415 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7541 Referral-DBCT Completion Project, Hay Pt, Qld

15/016418 [Parks Home > International] MPA - Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystems Action (ATSEA) Programs

15/016422 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Publications - refereeing of peer reviewed papers

15/016424 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] WH - Workshop - EO's - 2016

15/016427 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Historic Shipwrecks Programme - AIMA Liason

15/016430 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Meetings - SOM11 Dec 2015

15/016433 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000359

15/016443 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7542 S160-Alice Springs Airport

15/016444 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] VIC - PQ Aquatics

15/016446 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Heritage theme

15/016448 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7543 S160-Air Traffic Services Centre Modernisation, Brisbane Airport

15/016449 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] WTMP - Kangaroo Quota Reports - 2016

15/016450 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Out of session - facilities variation Nov 2015

15/016451 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Transport Mode Shift - Procurement *

15/016452 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T2 - Unconventional Gas Taskforce

15/016457 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Multilateral organisations] IMO

15/016463 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Chamelaucium sp. S coastal plain (R.D.Royce 4872)

15/016464 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7540 Assessment-Accommodation units, Dirk Hartog Island

15/016465 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Environmental Biosecurity, KTP and Threat Abatement] Invertebrates - tramp ants - general

15/016466 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Duma horrida subsp. abdita

15/016467 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Pteropus natalis

15/016469 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7544 Referral-Solar Project, Lord Howe Island

15/016470 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Kokoda Initiative JU3 - Planning - Third agreement program design


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15/016471 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Fish - Maccullochella peelii Murray cod - Recovery plan review

15/016472 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Miniopterus orianae bassanii

15/016473 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] E2015-0102 Tagging Fairy Terns-Garden Island-WA

15/016474 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7545 Referral-Pilbeam Drive Rockhampton, Qld

15/016475 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2003-1143-Toowoomba-Highway-bypass-Qld-TMR

15/016477 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] NSW Croppa Creek Imagery

15/016480 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] 2015-7522-Rabbit Biontrol-Strain of RHDV

15/016481 [Office of Water Science > Parliamentary] Briefs - Ministerial Submissions - 2013

15/016483 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] SAPLC 181

15/016484 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > CEWH Decisions] Trade Decisions - 2015-16

15/016486 [Environment Quality Division > Biotechnology > OGTR DIR] DIR 140 GM vaccinia virus *

15/016487 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Operational Reporting and Active Management] NSW water delivery updates 2015-16

15/016488 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Taxonomy] ABRS - Fauna - Contracts and Contractors

15/016489 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2013-2562-Newcastle-Mayfield 7-Stolthaven-Capital Permit

15/016491 [Office of Water Science > Independent Expert Scientific Committee] Meeting 31 - Logistics

15/016493 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > NLP Regional Delivery] 1. NLP Regional Approval OSS papers signed

15/016494 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] 2003-1144-Point Lonsdale Residential Development-Post Approval Corrospondence

15/016497 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] KNP - UKTNP - CDU Knowledge for Tour Guides Agreement - 2016

15/016499 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Commercial Activity Licenses-Mani Mani

15/016500 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] Management Planning - General Advice

15/016501 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] KNP - Iconic Walk

15/016502 [Parks - Legal Matters > Compliance and Enforcement] BNP - Warning Letter - Pipi Commercial Fishing - July 2015

15/016503 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] Commercial Activity Licences

15/016504 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] UKTNP - Image Capture

15/016505 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] 356 EPBC Act Park Use


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15/016506 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] KNP - Guratba (Coronation Hill) Rehabilitation Works

15/016508 [Parks Home > Communications] UKTNP-Media-Compliance

15/016509 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commercial and Property] Bush Blitz - Kiwirrkurra - Services Contract - Insurance Requirements

15/016510 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] ANBG - Privacy - Summer Concerts Visitor Survey

15/016511 [Parks - Legal Matters > Legal Coordination] Portfolio Audit Committee

15/016512 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Aquatic Ecosystems and Science Policy > Aquatic Ecosystem Policy] AUSRIVAS Future Arrangements

15/016516 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management > Trading Actions] Trading action 2015-16 Goulburn allocation sale 50003 - tender evaluation

15/016517 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD TRANSIT - NZ TO RoK

15/016519 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Policy] Boundary change and reduction-development of policy and guidelines

15/016520 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > RAC] Communications 2015-2016

15/016525 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia (DIWA)

15/016527 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Community Heritage and Icons Grants] 2015-16_CHIG_Implementation

15/016530 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] METAL - ALUMINIUM - CANS

15/016531 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > System Support] PDMS Training Feedback

15/016532[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4398 QCG QCLNG Coal Seam Gas field- CSG Water Management

15/016534 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Operations] International engagement

15/016536 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management > Trading Actions] trading action 2015-16 Goulburn allocation sale 50003 - tender unsuccessful

15/016541 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Reporting] 1604 Monthly Reporting

15/016545 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP Head Programme] Set - Up - Programme Documents

15/016546 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP Head Programme] Portfolio Agency Interactions

15/016547 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIEPS - QA Checklists

15/016548 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Policy] Safeguard - Benchmarks - Guidelines - 2015

15/016549[Environment Standards Division > Division Administration > QLD, VIC and TAS Assessments and Policy Implementation Branch] QLD Construction Planning and Property Red Tape Reduction


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15/016550 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Licensing] Feedstocks

15/016554 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Reporting] Annual Report - Co-regulatory arrangements - 2014-2015

15/016555 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7541 Assessment-DBCT Completion Project, Hay Pt, Qld

15/016556 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] BNP - Marketing Images Top 20

15/016557 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] Ecotourism Australia Membership

15/016558 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1884

15/016559 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6063 Burnside Development - The Point

15/016560 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Technical Resource] Electronic equipment - used

15/016561 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Transport Mode Shift - ERAC

15/016562 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7522 Assessment rabbit biocontrol- strain of RHDV

15/016563[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2006-3190 Residential Subdivision, Lot 2 on RP171875, Samarai Drive

15/016565 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] Surveys 15-16-TAS-Bruny Island

15/016566 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > MRV] 2016 Thai Visit to Australia

15/016568 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Project Rounds] Round 1 Green Army Assessment Tools

15/016570 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] UKTNP-Education-Applications-2016

15/016572 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP-Events-30 Anniversary Handback-Debrief Reports

15/016573 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP NAER] Project 3.1

15/016574 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Policy] APVMA Spray Drift Assessment Framework

15/016575 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7546 Referral-Lancelin Caravan Park Project, WA

15/016576 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Forests] FOI 020514 - AAT review

15/016577 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] Consultation - Interdepartmental - Review

15/016578 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] BASEL CONVENTION

15/016581 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Coal - Ventilated Air Methane - * - Technical Assessment - 2015


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15/016582 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Transport mode switch - * - Technical assessment - 2015

15/016583 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > LULUCF] Savanna Sequestration - * - Technical assessment - 2015

15/016584 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > LULUCF] Combined Forest Sequestration - * - Technical assessment - 2015

15/016585 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6741 Cascade Jetty Works, Norfolk Island

15/016586 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7547 Referral GPO, Telephone Exchange and Office Block, Adelaide, SA

15/016587 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] Consultation - Internal

15/016589 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6887 BC Iron Nullagine

15/016590 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Section Administration > Programme Delivery] Victoria and Tasmania Section_Joint Steering Committee_Tasmania Single Holding Account

15/016591 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIEPS - Revised Management Plan (RMP) Condition

15/016594 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] ANAO Audit

15/016595 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] WA Pilbara_Nullagine Iron Ore Extension Project - BC Iron - 2013-6887

15/016596 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] Consultation - Biodiversity Working Group

15/016597 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] Consultation - Expert advisors

15/016598 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Community Heritage and Icons Grants] 2014-15_CHIG_Website

15/016599 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] Governance - Senior Officials and Meeting of Environment Ministers

15/016600 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] Consultation - Survey responses

15/016601 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > FOI] FOI 150801

15/016602 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-RK874 * Research-Aboreal Mammals

15/016608 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] Communication - Media

15/016612 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Fire Protection] Contract Mgt 1 November 2015 - 31 October 2016

15/016616 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Project Management] Closed Project - WHA GBR Integrated Monitoring Mackay Region

15/016623 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6865 Red Hill Mining, QLD

15/016624 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > RAC] Procurements 2015-2016


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15/016628 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > National Landcare] Monitoring and Reporting - NHT midterm evaluation

15/016629 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] Reef 2050 Indigenous Implementation Plan

15/016631 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7282 - Karuah East Quarry

15/016632 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7549 Referral-Melbourne Metro Rail Project, Vic

15/016633 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7548 Referral-Residential development, Barfield Rd Hammond Park

15/016634 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Policy Implementation - Scoping Air, Chemicals and Waste

15/016637 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] External Assessment - Cuprous oxide Zineb - Peer Review

15/016639 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000309 *

15/016642 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Commonwealth Marine Reserves Reviews] BAP Consultation - Submissions

15/016643 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)] 2012-13-Successful Applications-Capacity

15/016645 [Environment Quality Division > Biotechnology > Live Imports] Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3) - 20150610

15/016647 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Coal Seam Gas] Spreadsheets work - Stage 2

15/016648 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-7088 3D Seismic Acquisiton Survey, WA

15/016651 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Media-Film permit-1510-True North_The Last Leg

15/016652 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-referral Residential development, Pacific View Estate, Worongary, Qld

15/016657 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-12_QLD_OC12-00150_X0000002599G

15/016658 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-referral Rehabilitation hospital, Shenton Park, WA

15/016659 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] SD2010-1642 - Port of Mackay

15/016662 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Funding] 10115-Reef Trust Phase Three Investment

15/016664 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD TRANSIT - ULABS - NZ to RoK

15/016665 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Macquarie-Castlereagh] Castlereagh Macquarie WRP Stakeholder Advisory Panel

15/016666 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] Australian Ramsar sites status

15/016669 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Macquarie-Castlereagh] Macquarie River North Marsh Bypass Channel


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15/016670 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7550 Referral Newcastle bypass Rankin to Jesmond NSW

15/016672 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Mallee Wetlands] Murray hardyhead

15/016673 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Marine Turtles - Raine Island Reference Group Meeting 1 - November 2015

15/016674 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7499 Assessment

15/016675 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Stakeholder Engagement] Torres Strait Regional Authority

15/016677 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] IPBES - IPBES-4 Briefing documents

15/016678 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] IPBES - IPBES-4 Working papers

15/016682 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] OS - 1516-003 - USA - Galapagos tortoise - CLOSED

15/016692 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Reporting] Annual Report - 2014-15

15/016696 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Marine Turtles - Multi - Recovery Plan - References

15/016697 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7551 Referral-Halladale and Speculant Gas Pipeline Project, Vic

15/016700 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] 2015 - NOV - DEC MINISTER BRIGGS INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL

15/016704 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > Communications] Contact lists and Tracking

15/016705 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] ANBG-1516-709-MasterPlan Elevated Gazebo FOG

15/016707 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 14-15 - TTC214-55 *

15/016713 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2007-3483 Tourist and Residential Development, Smiths Beach, WA

15/016714 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Environmental Asset Database] Portal project

15/016718 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] EPBC Act - Assessment Period 2016-17 - Rapid Appraisals

15/016720 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP New Entrants] Tracking

15/016723 [Environment Standards Division > Legislation] interaction EPBC Act and Telecommunications Act 1997

15/016725 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Birds - Eyre Peninsula Southern Emu-wren Recovery Plan 2015-2020

15/016729 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] SPREP - Admin - Aus Projects

15/016731 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7600 - United and Wambo Open Cut Coal Mine Project Singleton NSW

15/016733 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Research] Water Quality


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15/016736 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC Meeting 87 Policy preparation

15/016737 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] LOPHSA

15/016742 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > namoi] Namoi Supplementary Rule change Steering Committee

15/016743 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CMS Sharks MoU - Briefing

15/016745 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Administration] Greenhouse Friendly - Registry

15/016747 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Operational Reporting and Active Management] 2015-16 NSW Murray Wetlands

15/016752 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Templates] Templates

15/016754 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] UNGA70 - Sustainable Fisheries – Resolution

15/016756 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] All Participant Logos

15/016759 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > LULUCF] Avoided deforestation briefing and enquiries

15/016761 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2013.6755 - Woolmers Estate Visitor Centre Car Park Development TAS

15/016763 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2013.6848 - Groote Eylandt Mining Exploration Drilling Program NT

15/016765 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Historic Shipwrecks Programme - AIMA Services Agreement 2015-2016

15/016766 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] TAS - Australian Salmon - Small scale WTO

15/016768 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Travel - Adelaide Bander Training Seminar - 25-26 November 2015

15/016769 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2012-6652 Bunbury Outer Ring Road, WA

15/016770 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea althoferorum

15/016772 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea wilkinsonii

15/016773 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea obtusiflora

15/016774 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea montis-cole subsp. brevistyla

15/016776 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Recovery plans - Coords

15/016777 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea maccutcheonii

15/016778 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea kennedyana


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15/016779 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea infecunda

15/016780 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Mystique

15/016781 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea humifusa

15/016782 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea floripendula

15/016783 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea elongata

15/016784 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Corunastylis brachystachya

15/016785 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea dryandriodes subsp. dryandriodes

15/016786 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea curviloba subs. curviloba

15/016787 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Corunastylis firthii

15/016788 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea curviloba subs. incurva

15/016789 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Keytek

15/016790 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Prasophyllum amoenum

15/016791 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Prasophyllum apoxychilum

15/016792 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Prasophyllum castaneum

15/016793 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Prasophyllum diversiflorum

15/016794 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Prasophyllum favonium

15/016795 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Prasophyllum milfordense

15/016796 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Prasophyllum olidum

15/016797 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Prasophyllum perangustum

15/016798 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Prasophyllum pulchellum

15/016799 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Prasophyllum robustum

15/016800 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea celata

15/016801 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Prasophyllum secutum


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15/016802 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Prasophyllum stellatum

15/016803 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Prasophyllum tunbridgense

15/016806 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Grevillea bedggoodiana

15/016810 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Fronds

15/016814 [Office of Water Science > Advice] 2015-074-Curragh Coal Mine

15/016819 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0270011602G

15/016823 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7518 Assessment Jupiter Wind Farm, Tarago, NSW

15/016824 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-017 Wambo

15/016828 [Office of Water Science > Independent Expert Scientific Committee] Meeting 32 - Papers

15/016832[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5960 80 Lot Residential Subdivision 39 Ecclestone Road, Riverside

15/016834 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Knowledge for Tour Guide Accreditation-Correspondence

15/016835 [Parks - Legal Matters > Legal Coordination] Deregulation

15/016843 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] International Alignment

15/016847 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] KNP - Carbon Farming - Savanna Burning

15/016848 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commercial and Property] KNP - Artists Agreement - Cover Management Plan 2016

15/016853 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-12_QLD_OC12-00297_X0000002738G

15/016854 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Commonwealth Marine Reserves Reviews] ESP documents

15/016856 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] CMR - Mermaid - ABAs with WA Agencies

15/016857 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commercial and Property] CMR - Ashmore - Services Contract - Monash - Ant Surveys and Baiting

15/016858 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Section Administration > Programme Delivery] Victoria and Tasmania Section – Regional NLP Event Briefs

15/016862 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Review of Legislative Instruments under the Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000

15/016864 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] Vic Barunah Park 265 Eastern Access Road land use query

15/016866 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7552 Referral Eton Range Peak Downs Hwy, QLD


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15/016869 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7513 Assessment ECCO Ripley Residential Development, Ipswich, QLD

15/016870 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > SA MRV] SA MRV - Teleconferences

15/016871[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7553 Referral Warralily-Sparrovale Outfall, stormwater bypass channel, Armstrong Creek, Vic

15/016873 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7554 Referral UIL Energy 2D Seismic Survey, Perth Basin, WA

15/016878 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] Consultation - Interdepartmental - Revision

15/016881 [Parks - Legal Matters > Legislation] Omnibus Repeal Day (Autumn 2015) Bill

15/016882 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Product - Approach

15/016883 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7555 Referral-Northam Pithara realignment and Northam Bypass, WA

15/016884 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP-Major Events-Applications-2016

15/016885 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > States and Territories Government Engagement] Govt positions - NSW

15/016886 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4398 and 2008-4399 QGC offsets on 'Valkyrie'

15/016887 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7554 Assessment UIL Energy Seismic survey, Perth Basin, WA

15/016889 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > NCOS Implementation] Policy

15/016890 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Commonwealth Marine Reserves Reviews] Reports

15/016891 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP-Standard Events-Applications-2016

15/016893 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > APRRP] Project Proposals

15/016896 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD-SAP-Ashburton

15/016898 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7568 - Telstra Telecommunications Tower Construction Broken Hill NSW

15/016899 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > NCOS Review 2014] 2014-2015 Review

15/016900 [Environment Standards Division > Executive Strategic Planning] ESD Strategic Conferences

15/016901 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Funding Programs] Australian Heritage Week 2016 - Events

15/016903 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-Clearly-unacceptable

15/016904 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1796

15/016906 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC


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15/016913 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] Consultation - Internal - Revision

15/016920 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] EPBC Act - Referrals - Advice to AHC

15/016923 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Collection Management > Living] ANBG tree management

15/016926 [Parks - Legal Matters > Compliance and Enforcement] KNP - JJ Billabong-November 2015

15/016927 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] 2015-16 TSS Implementation Programme plan

15/016928 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7592 - Oceanic Victor Viewing Platform SA

15/016931 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] Governance - Project Management

15/016934 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] Case - 1516-100 - WA - Australian insects - Unknown

15/016937 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Marine > Domestic Marine] science - NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub - 2015-2016

15/016939 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Zoos - general resources

15/016944 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Migratory Birds] Committee - Threatened Species Strategy - Birds Advisory Group

15/016945 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Reporting] 1605 Monthly Reporting

15/016950 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LVC 1036

15/016953 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LVC 1037

15/016954 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] Commonwealth - FISHERY - Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery - 2015 - 2020

15/016956 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds]* - OZER13476858

15/016959 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-Referral Res Dev Jimboomba QLD

15/016960 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Communication] Graphics and photos

15/016964 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1329

15/016965 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7601 - O Bahn City Access Project Gilberton to Adelaide CBD SA

15/016966 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7591 - DHA Lee Point Master Planned Urban Development Darwin NT

15/016967 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Wildlife Trafficking - Rhinoceros - 2015

15/016969 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-


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15/016970 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC Meeting 86 - Papers for Govdex

15/016974 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > IPCC] Taskforce on National Inventories

15/016975 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Agriculture] Sheep consultation

15/016976 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] TSC 6 monthly report

15/016978 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2010.5542 - O Bahn City Access Bus Route Extending and Widening Adelaide SA

15/016979 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2011.5994 - Abbot Point Additional Offshore Geotechnical Investigation QLD

15/016983 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] SC - 1516-007 - Pygmy marmoset - CLOSED

15/016986 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Campaspe] 2015-16 Delivery Partner Engagement and Relations

15/016988 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] UKNTP - DNP-UNP-1516-007 - Uluru Climb Chain Inspections and Repairs

15/016989 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD-SAP-Onslow Salt Port Facility Maintenance Dredging

15/016991 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management Research] ARC Linkages project - Drought

15/016993 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > End Use] Legal advice 2015-2016

15/016994 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Cetaceans - whale watching - swimming with whales

15/016995 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 15-16 ATC TTC Assessment documents

15/016996 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Policy] Assessment of change in ecological character-domestic policy

15/017001 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Project Management] Secretariat - Division Project Board - 2016

15/017002 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Editing

15/017003 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1332

15/017004 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Salt Wedge Estuaries - Listing - Consultation

15/017006 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - PUBLIC PROGRAMS - 2015 - Bilby Bookstore Launch

15/017007 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Isoodon obesulus obesulus Southern Brown Bandicoot (eastern) - Policy development

15/017008 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] Surveys 15-16 WA Christmas Island

15/017010 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EX - ULABs to


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15/017011 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7544 Assessment-Solar Project, Lord Howe Island

15/017012 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1330

15/017014 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1331

15/017015 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 10132- Response to Standards Australia - Withdrawal of Aged Standards - Manufacturing (OPSGG Act and Regs)

15/017018 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] VIC-Western District Lakes Ramsar Site

15/017019 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 10246 - Sunsetting of legislative instruments

15/017020 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Operational Reporting and Active Management] Lower Broken Creek Delivery 2014-15

15/017021 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Environmental Water Policy > Business Frameworks] Crisis planning

15/017023 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Environmental Water Policy > Projects - Hydrological modelling] Task tracking

15/017024 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Bilateral engagement] New Zealand

15/017025 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > NCOS Review 2014] Additional Guidance Documents

15/017026 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Policy] Productivity Commission Inquiry-Environmental Evaluation-Wetland input

15/017027 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Delivery Agreements] Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority

15/017028 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7546 Assessment-Lancelin Caravan Park Project, WA

15/017029 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Bilateral engagement] Japan

15/017030 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7539 Assessment-Dargues Gold Mine modification, NSW

15/017033 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > EPBC Policy] Policy - EPBC cost recovery review 2016

15/017034 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Bilateral engagement] EU

15/017035 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Mitigation > Policy and Analysis] Domestic Policy

15/017036 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Bilateral engagement] Norway

15/017037 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] 2015-7600 United and Wambo Open Cut Coal Mine Singleton NSW-Hunter Estuary Wetlands

15/017039 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] MULTI World Heritage Sites - Periodic Reporting


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15/017040 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7527 Assessment Project Sea Dragon prawn aquaculture , NT

15/017042 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Bilateral engagement] ROK

15/017043 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Bilateral engagement] UK

15/017044 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Amphibians - Litoria olongburensis Wallum Sedge Frog - Policy development

15/017047 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] BSKIM-Agreement-CANBR-ATH-DSITI-DNP-JCU-2015-2025

15/017048 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - WA DPW - * - CINP

15/017049 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - NESP - MBH Steering Committee

15/017050 [Environment Quality Division > Stockholm > Policy] PFCs - PFOS PFOA SES IDM

15/017052 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > LULUCF] SavBAT 3 - Procurement and Contract Management

15/017053 [Office of Water Science > Policy] Policy - State of the Environment 2016

15/017054 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] UN Habitat

15/017055 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - Parking - List of Friends of the ANBG Volonteers 2015-16

15/017056 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BBII-Reporting-general

15/017059 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] Trade - WTO - 2015 Notification on import licensing questionnaire

15/017060 [Office of Water Science > Parliamentary] Inquiry - Senate Select Committee on Unconventional Gas Mining - Lazarus

15/017061 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-018-Advice on Western Sydney Airprort

15/017062 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] UKTNP - Junior Rangers Program - Yearly Plans

15/017066 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] ANBG-1516-MasterPlan Surveys

15/017069 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > System Support] PDMS-AC module pilot

15/017076 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7556 Referral Brisbane GPO and Office Blding Queen St QLD

15/017078 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Risk Management] Offset Identification and Mapping Project

15/017084 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7474 Kareela flying-fox camp, Bates Drive Kareela, NSW

15/017093 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7533 Assessment--Karnup Sand Mine, WA

15/017101 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-Referral NSW Inland restricted fishery August 2015

15/017105 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > Consultancies] Carbon Market


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Institute - NCOS and CNP Promotion - *

15/017109 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > NCOS Review 2014] Request for Tender - Promotional Services related to the CNP and NCOS - *

15/017114 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > APRRP] Brunei Summit 2016

15/017115 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Multilateral organisations] G20

15/017116 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2012-6442 Diversion of South Buderim Sewerage to Kawana STP, QLD

15/017117 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7467 Abbot Point Growth Gateway Project

15/017118 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Events] Agriculture-Strategy-2015

15/017119 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Investigations] Intelligence_Policy

15/017120 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7514 Assessment Iron Hill mining Mt Gibson Ranges, WA

15/017121 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7557 Referral Gunlake Extension Project, Brayton NSW

15/017122 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2013-7063 29 Hunter St, Parramatta, NSW

15/017123 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5867 Bonney Downs Rail Alignment (Roy Hill)

15/017124 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2014-7138 Assessment Extension to Wiluna Uranium Mine, Wiluna, WA

15/017127 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] FOI Requests

15/017131 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] CTI - Meetings - Senior Officials - 11th

15/017132 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Contract Management] PRN 1314-0489-4 Workskil - Operations Manual

15/017134 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Administration] Policy

15/017135 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] Post Approvals Templates Sept 2015

15/017136 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7587 - Dept of Finance Cox Peninsula Remediation Project NT

15/017137 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > EPBC Policy] Policy - Offsets Policy WA

15/017138 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > EPBC Policy] Policy - Offsets - Great Barrier Reef Offsets

15/017140 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-Cost-recovery

15/017142 [Environment Standards Division > Executive Strategic Planning] Regulatory Impact Statements (RIS) for ESD


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15/017145 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commercial and Property] CMR - Cod Grounds - Services Contract - SCU - Remote Underwater Video survey of Grey Nurse Sharks

15/017146 [Parks - Legal Matters > Compliance and Enforcement] KNP - Bringing dogs into the park by suspected piggers

15/017147 [Parks - Legal Matters > Litigation] Fed Ct - Civil - Elizabeth and Middleton Reefs - *

15/017148 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] National Service Provider_Project Assessment_tranche 2

15/017149 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2008-4480 Referral-Port Phillip Heads Tidal Energy Project, Queenscliffe, Vic

15/017150 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Cumberland CC - Peter Mobbs

15/017151 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2012-6696 Referral-SITA ARRT Facility Lucas Heights, NSW

15/017152[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2012-6367 Referral-Fencing part of TSR Reserve Golden Hway, Mitchell Creek, NSW

15/017153 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2013-7051 Referral-Riverside residential development, Tea Gardens, NSW

15/017154 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] WA Kwinana Residential Housing and mixed-use development

15/017156 [Parks - Legal Matters > Compliance and Enforcement] KNP - * - CDPP Investigation

15/017157 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7517 Assessment Culvert Browns Creek, South Nowra, NSW

15/017158 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2000-18 Portland Wind Farm

15/017159 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] KNP - Use of Drones

15/017160 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] UKTNP - Commercial Activity Licence - Uluru Cultural Centre - Inma Ground - Mani Mani Theatre

15/017161 [Parks - Legal Matters > Litigation] Fed Ct - Civil - Solitary Islands - *

15/017162 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] 12.19 EPBC Regs - Use of Guide Dogs or Assistance Animals

15/017163 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commercial and Property] CMR Review - Survey Analysis - Contract Dispute - * - October 2015

15/017164 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commercial and Property] ANBG - WiFi Agreement with ACT - October 2015

15/017165 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] UKNP - Commercial Activity Licence - Outback Cycling - Temporary Sublicence to Ininit

15/017166 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Ozone Monitoring] * Monitoring - Templates

15/017167 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Sponsorship and Donations] ANBG - Donations - Memorial Seats

15/017169 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Compliance] MPA - Court case summaries


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15/017170 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Advertising - Canberra Child

15/017172 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > Projections] 2015 Biennial Report

15/017175 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Creating a Learning and Development Guide for ESD

15/017176 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] EPBC Project Reports

15/017177 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IORA WWW project - procurement of facilitator

15/017179 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] DNP-KNP-1516-703 Spruce II

15/017183 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIEPS - General Issues Register

15/017184 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] EPBC Variation to Condition Info

15/017185 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IORA WWW project - briefing

15/017187 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7594 - Maroochy River dredging QLD

15/017189[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7558 Referral-Overtaking lane upgrade, Bruce Hway near Bauple-Woolooga intersection, Qld

15/017195 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] MPA - Memorandum of Understanding AFMA 2014-2019

15/017209[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7559 S160-Air Traffic Services Centre Modernisation and Equipment Room Project, Melbourne

15/017213 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] Tourism-and-Protected-Area-Forum-Nov-2015

15/017214 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > National Inventory] 2016_14 – Report – Annex 6 – Quality Controls Including Australian National Carbon Balance

15/017215 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7511 Assessment Ulan West Extension, Near Mudgee, NSW

15/017217 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4057 cond 24 and 2008-4058 cond 11 CEMP Rev 8 and 9

15/017218 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2015-3042-Puffin FPSO Decommissioning-Manifold PLEMS

15/017219 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2015-3043-Puffin FPSO Decommissioning-Anchors-Chains-Wires

15/017220 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2015-3044-Puffin FPSO Decommissioning-Concrete Mattresses

15/017221 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Investigations] Intelligence_Hazardous Waste_RFIs

15/017223 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC


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2015.7574 - Garfield North Rock Quarry Vic

15/017224 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Emissions > Projections] 2015 projections - publication

15/017225 [Environment Standards Division > External Committees] HEPA - Mtg 3

15/017226[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2005-2202 - Construct 330kV transmission line and switching station, NSW

15/017228 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7569 - Jemena NEGI pipeline NT and QLD

15/017229 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7538 - Metro Mining Bauxite Hill Mine Project

15/017230[Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG- Site Services - Business Continuity- Administration Handover

15/017231 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > Legislation] EPBC Amendments - Miscellaneous matters bill 2015

15/017234 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] UNEP - OECPR - FEB 2016

15/017235 [Parks - Legal Matters > Legal Coordination] Regulator Performance Framework

15/017237 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > Climate Science Policy] ACCESS Advisory Group

15/017240 [Environment Standards Division > External Committees] Meeting of Environment Ministers (MEM) - 15 December 2015

15/017241 [Environment Standards Division > Business Systems Support] Carpenter - Systems Improvements

15/017242 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] DANGEROUS GOODS

15/017243 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] MPA - AUDIT - GENERAL

15/017244 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD TRANSIT - ULABS TO RoK

15/017245[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7521 Assessment-Marulan South Limestone Mine continued operation, NSW

15/017246 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] IUCN - Membership 2016

15/017247 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD - IMPORT - ULABs FROM NEW CALEDONIA

15/017248 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Marine Turtles - Gorgon - MTEP Meetings

15/017249 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] Ad Hoc Advice Possible Secondary Notification LTD 1465 and LTD 1741

15/017251 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1333

15/017252 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Contacts - fauna flora other


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15/017253 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] CCP - Sri Lankan Leopard

15/017254 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Marine turtles and dugong - CTI

15/017258 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] EE - Sampling Method - Procurement [2] - *

15/017259 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] Commonwealth Green Finance Facility

15/017260 [Environment Quality Division > Stockholm > POPRC] Eleventh meeting – 2015 – intersessional work

15/017261 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD TRANSIT - SCRAP FROM ULABs - AUH15-073

15/017262 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - RLS Surveys Coral Sea

15/017265 [Environment Quality Division > Minamata and Heavy Metals > INC] INC 7 - 2016

15/017268 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > APRRP] Global Landscapes Forum 2015

15/017269 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Reporting] Divisional Project Management reports - Nov 2015 - Feb 2016

15/017271 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Investigations] Intelligence_Ozone_RFIs

15/017272 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > TAS] Evaluative material

15/017273 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] BATTERIES - AA AND AAA

15/017274[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7529 Assessment Glenfield Waste Services recycling facility and rezoning

15/017275 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Authorised officers audit and system improvements

15/017276 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Quarantine EPBC Inspectors

15/017277 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Paris agreement] Policy-Carbon Markets

15/017279[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] E2015-0103 Translocation of Southern Brown Bandicoots (Eastern) to Booderee National Park

15/017281 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2011-5990 Avenue Cassinia, Avenue, SA

15/017282 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2012-6424 Neerabup Industrial Estate, Neerabup, WA

15/017284 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] FLY ASH

15/017285[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2011-5945 Assessment-Donnybrook Subdivision and Redevelopment, Mickleham, VIC


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15/017287 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] NSB-GLO-Group 2 Products

15/017288 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] CMR - GAB - response to AWS query - BP

15/017289 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-019 Kestrel

15/017291 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] BA IESC Integration Project

15/017292[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7547 Assessment GPO, Telephone Exchange and Office Block, Adelaide, SA

15/017295 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIEPS - Assessment template review Sept 2015 - new assessment templates

15/017299 [Environment Standards Division > Business Systems Support] Resources-Education-Information Management

15/017300 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Guidelines and Procedures] Knowledge Management

15/017303 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5496 South Galilee Coal- AMCI (Alpha) Pty Ltd

15/017305 [Parks - Legal Matters > Compliance and Enforcement] CMR - Tasman Fracture - * - Investigation and BOE

15/017306 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] UKTNP - Commemorative Markers

15/017307 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Ozone Monitoring] Ozone Monitoring - General Administration

15/017308 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 14-15 - TTC214-51 *

15/017309 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - research repository - NW and N

15/017310 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Multilateral organisations] PMR

15/017313 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-12_QLD_OC12-00832_X0000002996G

15/017314 [Parks - External Committees > South East CMR Network Forum] SE Forum-March-2015

15/017317 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commercial and Property] ANBG - Frith Rd Culvert Issue

15/017322 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre- referral Country Club Drive, Helensvale, Queensland

15/017323 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6006 Dandaragan Wind Farms

15/017325 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] HVAC - TWG

15/017326 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] PreReferral Land Clearing for primary production, Ansons Bay Road, Tas

15/017327 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > National Heritage] WA Goldfields Water Supply Scheme - Management 2015

15/017328 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Paris agreement] Briefing-COP21-EM-Briefs


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15/017332 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - Marketing - 2015 - Advertising - Canberra's Child

15/017333 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] PAD - Invasive species

15/017334 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] QLD Cape York - Queensland Government File Transfer - 2015

15/017335 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] UNEP - PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS - UNEA 2 - 2015 16

15/017337 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TWQ] Correspondence

15/017338 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] Sharks

15/017339 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Hunter Valley Woodlands – Communication Products

15/017340 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Lasiorhinus krefftii northern hairy-nosed wombat - Listing

15/017342 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Burramys parvus Mountain pygmy-possum - Listing

15/017343 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Crocidura trichura Christmas Island shrew - Listing

15/017344 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Melomys rubicola Bramble Cay melomys - Listing

15/017345 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Zyzomys palatalis Carpentarian rock rat - Listing

15/017347 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Zyzomys pedunculatis Central rock rat - Listing

15/017348 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Myrmecobius fasciatus Numbat - Listing

15/017349 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] PAD-Branding

15/017350 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] BNP - BOM

15/017351 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 0000-Guidelines and Standards-General

15/017352 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC Meeting 86 - Pairs meetings

15/017356 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7560 Referral Swan Valley Irrigation Scheme (SWAN)- Tas

15/017357 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Booderee] BNP Board membership

15/017358 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Acacia caerulescens

15/017359 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Boronia galbraithiae

15/017360 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Daviesia laevis

15/017361 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants -


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Epilobium brunnescens subsp. beaugleholei

15/017363 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Eucalyptus cadens

15/017364 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Eucalyptus crenulata

15/017365 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Eucalyptus strzeleckii

15/017366 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Euphrasia collina subsp. muelleri

15/017367 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Euphrasia crassiuscula subsp. glandulifera

15/017368 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Euphrasia eichleri

15/017369 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Hibbertia humifusa subsp. debilis

15/017370 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Hibbertia humifusa subsp. erigens

15/017371 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Kelleria laxa

15/017372 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Leiocarpa gatesii

15/017373 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Lobelia gelida

15/017374 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Permits] Assessments - Personal Baggage Permits - 2015

15/017375 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Reporting] ESD Statistical Data Requests

15/017376 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Mammals - Bettongia penicillata Woylie - Listing

15/017377[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7561 Referral Alkimos city centre and central development Merimon Ave, WA

15/017378 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Ozone Monitoring] Ozone Monitoring - Trip Plans

15/017379 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIEPS - Communications

15/017380 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIEPS - OBCP - Review - 2015 Sept

15/017381[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5525 Muirhead subdivision, Lot 9737, 434 Lee Point Road, Muirhead, Darwin, NT

15/017383 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7562 S160 Hobart Airport runway extension

15/017384 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7563 Referral Kestrel Mine Extension No 4, Emerald, QLD


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15/017386 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Project Management] Closed Project - Strategic Assessment (SA031) - Lower Hunter

15/017395 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2011-6053 Assessment Southdown Magnetite Project

15/017396 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > Communications] Media Release, Talking Points and Q and A

15/017397 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7565 Referral Iron Bridge Port Facility, Port Headland, WA

15/017398 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Ozone Monitoring] * Monitoring - Templates

15/017399 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Ozone Monitoring] Imports Monitoring - Templates

15/017402 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIACW - Policy Implementation Scoping and Gap Analysis-Stock take Air, Chemicals and Waste

15/017407 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] Previous LPS advice database

15/017409 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > SA MRV] SA MRV - Progress Reports

15/017410 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7566 Referral Martagallup and Wongenellup Passing Lane, Albany Hway

15/017415 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] EE - Sampling Method - ERAC

15/017417 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Paris agreement] Briefing-COP21 briefing pack-Drafts for clearance

15/017418 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-Referral Racing Cart Facility, Woongoolba, QLD

15/017421 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > International] London Protocol and Convention-MoP10-Tenth Meeting of Contracting Parties-12-16 October 2015

15/017422 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] Post Approvals Templates Sept 2015 - Streamlining

15/017424 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2012-6450 Low Head Wind Farm, Tas

15/017426 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Site Records - QLD - HMS Pandora

15/017427 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] Vic Sunshine North Solomon heights Road network and 43B

15/017428 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Convention on Biological Diversity] Synergies among international agreements

15/017429 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Coordinated Multisite Water Use] 2015-16 - Blackbox health and groundwater manipulation

15/017430 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Monitoring Data Management System] Selected Area Shape files for MDFRC

15/017431 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Projects] Digital Spatial Strategy

15/017432 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Community Engagement and Communications > Communications and Engagement] Media Coverage and Contacts


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15/017433 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7567 Mooloolah River Interchange Project-upgrade and extension, QLD

15/017434[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7568 Referral Construction of a Telstra Telecommunications Tower- Broken Hill

15/017436 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7569 Referral Jemena NEGI Pipeline, NT-QLD

15/017439 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Commercial Tour Operator-Correspondence-General

15/017440 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Cumberland CC Land acquistion - Londonderry Min Launch images

15/017441 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commercial and Property] DNP Procurement Policy - Implementing Cth Indigenous Procurement Policy

15/017443 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - research repository - Coral Sea

15/017444 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Reforms > COAG] Chemicals Management and Standards Group

15/017445 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Cumberland CC Land acquistion - Londonderry Images Apr 2015

15/017446 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Reforms > COAG] National Standard Development - Briefs

15/017449 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] 2015-BHP Biliton-Pilbara Stategic Assessment

15/017450 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Audits 2014-15 to 2016-17] B0270006401G

15/017451 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Regional Delivery] 2013-18_1314_QLD_RGD14-017A_A0000010522G_TS_Ag

15/017452 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Policy - Monitoring and Evaluation] Basin Plan reporting obligations - M+E

15/017453 [Environment Standards Division > Business Systems Support] Environmental assessments templates

15/017455 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Water Holdings > Water Accounting] Environmental Water Accounting - Victoria

15/017458 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Permit conditions - additional

15/017459 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management > Trading via Tender] Allocation purchase - option - documentation

15/017460 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Northern Basin Advisory Committee (NBAC)] NBAC 16 - November

15/017462 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Reporting] Annual Report - Co-regulatory arrangements - 2013-2014

15/017465 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Sale of company

15/017466 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - research repository - National or Multiple networks

15/017467 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR -


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research repository - South-east

15/017468[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7449 Assessment Sand extraction project, Lot 1, South Western Highway, Boyanup, WA

15/017469 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Notification document - can it cover more than one waste type

15/017472 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Legal] Permit fees

15/017473 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Agriculture] Agriculture - Correspondence

15/017475 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * OZER56538858

15/017477 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Open Call funding] 2011-12_QLD_OC12-00148_X0000002595G

15/017478 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - research repository - South-west

15/017479 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7570 Referral Port Augusta Renewal Energy Park, SA

15/017480 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] QLD Trinity Bay_Cairns Regional Council_Dredging

15/017481 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * OZER65494071

15/017482 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7571 Referral Res Dev Garfield and Regent Sts Riverstone, NSW

15/017483 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - research repository - Temperate East

15/017484 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Policy] Section Management

15/017485 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * OZER74905535

15/017486 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7572 Referral Replace M9 water Main Essendon VIc

15/017487 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7552 Assessment Eton Range Peak Downs Hwy, QLD

15/017488[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7530 Assessment Greater Flagstone residential development, Undullah, Qld

15/017489 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1887

15/017490[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2013-6881 Springvale Mine Extension Project, Newnes State Forest Lithgow NSW - Approval

15/017492[Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - Visitor Experience - Volunteer Recognition Ceremony 2015

15/017494 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Advice to ESD on new listings, advices and plans relevant to EPBC approvals

15/017496 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Independent Expert Technical Review - Group 2 Products


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15/017499 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Booderee] BNP Board rules and procedures

15/017504 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Cultural Resource Management] UKTNP - Sorry Rocks - November 2015 to 2017

15/017505 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - research repository - Social research

15/017506 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] Advanced Offsets - Submissions and Stakeholder Engagement

15/017510 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Divisional Committees] PIEPS - Policy Implementation Working Group

15/017511 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Off Reserve Permits] ANBG - collection licences - ACT

15/017512 [Parks - Legal Matters > Litigation] Fed Ct - Jabiru - Native title claim

15/017513 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] Pacific Island Law Officers' Network (PILON)

15/017514 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - research repository - marine environment conservation

15/017516 [Office of Water Science > Advice] Project-Water Offsets Policy

15/017517[Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord 2015-041 - Minister meeting Michael Kennedy Humane Society International

15/017520 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] UKTNP – Climb – Chain Damage

15/017521[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7573 Referral Dugald River Zinc-Lead mine extension NW Cloncurry, QLD

15/017523 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Syzygium paniculatum Magenta Lilly Pilly

15/017526 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Cross-Cutting Approaches] Ministerial Forum on Vehicle Emissions

15/017528 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] Birds

15/017529 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1885

15/017530 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EXPORT - LEAD WASTE AND SCRAP (ENERGY) - 12 000 t

15/017538 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > End Use] End-use options implementation and evaluation detail for Act Review final report

15/017540 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] External Assessment - Oxytetracycline hydrochloride - Peer Review

15/017541 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] External Assessment - Spinetoram

15/017542 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1339

15/017544 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and


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Exemptions] SD2015-3082 Metropolitan Artificial Reef-WITHDRAWN

15/017545 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2015-3062-Recfishwest-Mandurah Artificial Reef-WA-WITHDRAWN

15/017546 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] Abamectin Chlorantraniliprole

15/017554 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Reforms > COAG] National Standard Development - Project Management

15/017557 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * OZER11219509

15/017560 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7574 Referral Garfield North Rock Quarry, Bunyip North, Vic

15/017562 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - SOSA - * - Cwth waters

15/017565 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Existing Industrial Chemicals] IMAP - Review

15/017567 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1338

15/017568 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1882

15/017569 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > WA] Accreditation of Processes

15/017570 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] Reef Trust Innovative Financial Mechanisms Panel

15/017571 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1337

15/017572 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Paris agreement] Briefing-COP21-Negotiation briefs

15/017573 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Paris agreement] Briefing-DFAT Briefing Pack

15/017574 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Grant Round 2 - Applicant Notification Successful letters

15/017575 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Regional Delivery] Regional Delivery 2013-18 _2013-2014_NSW_RGD14-010A_A0000010573G_SE_Ag

15/017576 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD IM - 400t ULABS FROM NZ - AUH15-076

15/017577 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Senate inquiry EPBC amendment bill on primate imports

15/017581 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Grant Round 2 - Contracting

15/017584 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] KNP-1516-703-Upgrade of key Tourism and Visitor sites

15/017585 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7612 - Toondah Harbour Project Moreton Bay Qld

15/017587 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7611 - Northern Connector road Adelaide SA


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15/017588 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD TRANSIT - ULABS to RoK

15/017589 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7575 Referral- Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 2, Qld

15/017590 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - Working Groups - Budget

15/017591 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] 1C. Stakeholders

15/017593 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] MULTI Australian Convict Sites - Management - Darlington Probation Station

15/017596 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Operations] Insurance - development of internal and external guidance

15/017597 [Environment Standards Division > Executive Strategic Planning] Evaluation planning

15/017599 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - Cardno - * - Cwth waters

15/017601 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 10166 Proposed Renewable Energy Target Regulation Amendment - Consultation

15/017602 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Policy] Management - Update of NHL place pages of Department's Internet site

15/017603 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Programme] Communications_Stakeholder Engagement

15/017604 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7576 Referral Russell Extension Project- Civic to Russell Drive ACT

15/017606 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - Art Advisory Committee

15/017609 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - WH Committee - 40th Session 2016 briefing

15/017610 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Contract Management] Participant Enquiry Correspondence

15/017613 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Seasonal Blocks

15/017614 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP Head Programme] Research Priorities 2016

15/017617 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > Communications] Presentations

15/017620 [Environment Standards Division > External Committees] SOC Meetings - Admin

15/017622 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] WH Focal Point - WH Convention - Pacific

15/017624 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Underwater Cultural Heritage] Underwater Cultural Heritage - Agreement - Old Admiralty wrecks

15/017627 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7578 Referral Subdivision- Warradale Road, Silverdale, NSW

15/017628 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Environmental Indicators] Native Vegetation - Working Group - Information Model

15/017632 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Funding] 10170-BCD-Solar-Towns-Programme-Round-3-


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15/017634 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2016 - Education

15/017636 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Meridian Energy

15/017643 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > National Landcare] NLP Review

15/017644[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7577 Referral Scrivener Road gravel mining and rehabilitation, Serpentine, WA

15/017645 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Forests] RFAs - IDC Meetings

15/017647 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7579 Referral-Residential development, college Grove, WA

15/017652 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] E2015-0104 Collection of Crocodile Eggs, Northern Territory

15/017654 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7580 Referral-Gas Transmission pipeline looping project, Vic

15/017655[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7581 Referral-Swanbank Waste Management Facility Stage 1B extension area, Qld

15/017656 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > APRRP] RAFT 3

15/017657 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-Referral Nangkita Road, Mount Compass, SA- Scott Mitchell 6-10-2015

15/017659 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-Referral Dixon Sand Hearses Rd Quarry, Maroota, NSW 7-10-2015

15/017662 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Collection Management > Living] ANBG- LC- Swedish Embassy Garden project

15/017666 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] Outcomes based conditions Submissions and Stakeholder Engagement

15/017667 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > Paris agreement] Engagement-COP-Media

15/017668 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] Indigenous Engagement Guidelines - Submissions and Stakeholder Engagement

15/017669 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Policy and Legislation > Policy] Safeguard - Media

15/017672 [Parks - Legal Matters > Commonwealth Reserve Management] CMR - 359B General Approval - Oil Pollution Incidents - Nov 2015

15/017674 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Committees] Project Carpenter Systems Improvement Group

15/017675 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > Legislation] EPBC Amendments - Bilateral Agreement Implementation Bill 2014 - Senate Briefing Folder

15/017676 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 14-15 - ATC214-12 *

15/017677 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] EE - Sampling Method - Drafting

15/017682 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > States and Territories


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Government Engagement] Govt positions - QLD

15/017683 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6439 Calder Park Stabling and maintenance yard, VIC

15/017684 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Surveillance and Monitoring] MPA - Compliance Risk Planning

15/017687 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IORA - WWW project - Steering Group

15/017688 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > Forests] Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA)

15/017691 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Conservation Advice - Legal advice

15/017696 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7583 Referral Kiata Wind Farm, Coker Dam Road, Vic

15/017698 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > River Recovery] Cleaning up the Yarra - Community Education

15/017700 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Kokoda Initiative JU2 - Admin - Imprest MOU Variation 7

15/017705 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Species and EC Policy] Advice to BCD - 20 million tree - project assessments

15/017707 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Fish - Brachionichthys hirsutus spotted handfish - image library

15/017708 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7582 Referral-Eden Harbour Breakwater Wharf extension, NSW

15/017715 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Agriculture] Soil carbon briefs

15/017716 [Office of Water Science > Independent Expert Scientific Committee] Meeting 32 - Logistics

15/017719 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Commercial] 10187 - Review of external Client Agreement for Work Health and Safety Branch (WHS)

15/017738 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - Stationary

15/017747 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD-SAP-Cape Lambert

15/017752[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4899 Sale of Airservices Australia Property, Sunshine Coast Airport, Qld

15/017758 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 14-15 - TTC214-54 *

15/017764 [Environment Standards Division > Business Systems Support] Contract Management

15/017767 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Guided tours

15/017769 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] ANBG-1516-704-MasterPlan Conservatory

15/017770 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] ANBG - VE - 2016 Visitor Survey

15/017772 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Blue Economy - Second Blue


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Economy Summit - Abu Dhabi 19 January 2016

15/017773 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > RET Scheme Policy Support] Commitments made to the cross-bench Senators

15/017777 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Policy - general

15/017779 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7602 - Parramatta Park Adaptive Reuse Queens Road Gatehouse NSW

15/017783 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] National Capital Authority - Management Advice

15/017785 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2015-3102 Eden Breakwater Wharf Extension

15/017791 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > National Heritage] ACT Lake Burley Griffin and Lake Foreshore Parklands

15/017792 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Cetaceans - state roundtable - 2016

15/017795 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC - IAC engagement

15/017797 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > IPCC] Media and IPCC communications material

15/017798 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] Poplar Bimble Box Woodland - Listing - Briefing and Correspondence

15/017799 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > Communications] Reports and Inputs to other documents

15/017800 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > Communications] Website

15/017806 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7613 - Arnot Creek Bridge Upgrade Bruce Highway Ingham QLD

15/017808[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2011-6029 Terminal 4 Coal Export Terminal Project, Kooragang Island - Approval

15/017809 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > NCOS CNP Key References] DoE Published Documents

15/017814 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Project Management] Project - ANAO Audit - Managing Compliance with the Wildlife Trade Provisions of the EPBC Act

15/017816 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] Post Border Compliance Policy

15/017820 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Permits] Administration - Rhinoceros Horn Radio Carbon Dating Reports

15/017823 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] BBNJ - Policy Support - World Heritage on the High Seas

15/017828 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] SPREP - Strategic Plan - Development

15/017830 [Environmental Resources Information Network > SoE] Land theme

15/017832 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC Meeting 87 - Agenda and Briefs


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15/017833 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Committees] ESD Policy Working Group from 2015Dec

15/017834 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Reserve Tourist and User activities] UKTNP-Visitor Surveys

15/017835 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > 20 Million Trees] Grant Round 2 - Announcement

15/017840 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP TSR] Project 1.1

15/017841 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] HVAC - drafting instructions

15/017849 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Cement - Determination Drafting

15/017852 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Coordinated Multisite Water Use] Murray hardyhead

15/017857 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7584 Referral-Muchea to Wubin upgrade stage 2, Miling Straight, WA

15/017861 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Policy Capability] Integrated Governance - CRO - Implementation

15/017865 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7585 Referral-Turtle Street Beach Resort, Curtis Island, Qld

15/017867[Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > National Environment Protection Council (NEPC) > Financial Management] 133AG_072P001C3-National Battery Product Stewardship Project-workshop- *

15/017868 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] Minimata

15/017869 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Compliance and Enforcement] 20151130 - EXPORT CONTAINING ULABS

15/017870 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Community Engagement and Communications > Products] Wetlands - Oragami files

15/017873 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] PAD - SciNet - Meeting papers 2016

15/017877 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] Cement - Technical Working Group

15/017879 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Policy] Misc Wetlands Policy Information Documents

15/017881 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Reference material] Birds

15/017882 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Operational Reporting and Active Management] Banrock Station - water delivery updates 2015-16

15/017884 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > gwydir] 2015-16 Gwydir Water Use

15/017885 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EX - LEAD WASTE AND SCRAP - 6000 t

15/017888 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LVC 1038


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15/017889 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Edward-Wakool] Commonwealth Environmental Water Reference Group

15/017891 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015 - Tree House Gazebo

15/017893 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Communications] Single trade window for Australian exporters and importers

15/017895 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] AAA Guides and Forms

15/017896 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] 2015-7593-Hanson Fine Sand Quarry Extension-Qld

15/017897 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] CEPA Planning

15/017899 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management Planning] Portfolio Management Planning 2016-17

15/017900 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000360-Conrad Speed Australian Institute of Marine Science

15/017901 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Coordinated Multisite Water Use] 2015-16 SCB Mid-year Review

15/017904 [Environment Quality Division > Basel and Related Agreements > OEWG] Mtg 10

15/017905 [Environment Quality Division > Basel and Related Agreements > Conference of Parties] COP 12 - OOS

15/017906 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Funding] 9606-20-Million-Trees-Round-2-Variation-DOSO

15/017910 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Energy and Industrial Processes] EE and Transport Team - references

15/017911 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] Commonwealth - Torres Strait Prawn Fishery

15/017913 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] PRODUCT NOT WASTE

15/017914 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] TRAINING COURSES

15/017916 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Reef 2050] Reef Trust_Investment Phase IV

15/017917 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC Meeting 87 - Administration

15/017918 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD IM - E-WASTE

15/017919 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Media-Image use permit-1512-Sprout Creative

15/017920 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Media-Film Permit-1512-ZDFDoco

15/017922 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Publications - revision of the Australian Bird Banders Manual (ABBM)

15/017923 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Enquiries] COMPLIANCE

15/017928 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Marine Turtles - NOTAP - Prep for Round 3

15/017929 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Media-


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Photography Permit-1512*

15/017931 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] BNP-Fire-Management

15/017932 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > MRV] China Cooperation

15/017934 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Marine Turtles - NTOP - funding reports

15/017938 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC - Secetariat Procedures

15/017939 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Marine and Freshwater Species] Sea snakes

15/017941 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Solar Towns] 2015-16 Solar Towns Programme (Round 3) - Communication

15/017942 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] CITES SC66

15/017944 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Environmental Biosecurity, KTP and Threat Abatement] Threat Abatement Advices

15/017945 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Funding Programs] Natural Heritage Trust Funding - WH - 2006-2008

15/017946 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > RAC]* Contract Review 2012

15/017949 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7586 Referral-West's gravel pit development, Cowaramup, WA

15/017950 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > FOI] FOI 150804

15/017952 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2011-1882-Port of Karumba-Qld-10 year permit-Maintenance Dredging

15/017953 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] Isoxaflutole Terbuthylazine

15/017954 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIEPS - Risk Plan Policy Implementation

15/017956 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Compliance and Enforcement] 20151202 - * - Illegal traffic notification from Malaysia

15/017961 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] Post Approvals - PAS Overflow project

15/017972 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7557 Assessment Gunlake Extension Project, Brayton NSW

15/017974 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > End Use] End use procurement options 2016

15/017979 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7526 Assessment Hume Coal Project, Sutton Forest, NSW

15/017980 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7587 Referral Cox Peninsular Remediation Project, NT

15/017981 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6524 - Hammond Park, WA

15/017982 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7589 Referral-Bannockburn gas pipeline project, Vic


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15/017983[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7588 Referral-Guanaba Experience ecotourism development, Mt Tambourine, Qld

15/017991 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2004-1566 Worsley Alumina Expansion, WA

15/017994 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7550 Assessment Newcastle bypass Rankin to Jesmond, NSW

15/017999 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Environmental Indicators] Climate - implementation

15/018001 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7590 Referral-Marong Business Park, Vic

15/018002 [Parks Home > Communications] UKTNP-Media-Administration-Templates

15/018003 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] KNP26-0910-02-Park Signage

15/018004 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2016 - afterDARK

15/018006 [Parks Home > Communications] UKTNP-Tour Guide-Resource Sheets

15/018007 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > Climate Science Policy] Climate Science communications

15/018008 [Parks Home > Strategic Policy] Fire Management Policy Project

15/018014 [Environmental Resources Information Network > Science Programmes > NESP ES] NCCC

15/018016 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] MULTI Australian Convict Sites - Hyde Park Barracks - Management

15/018018[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7591 Referral-Lee Point Master-planned Urban Development, Darwin, NT

15/018021 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park] Housing - Cleaning Contractors

15/018025 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park] Housing - Ayers Rock Resort Properties

15/018027 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-020 APLNG

15/018028 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Policy > National Biodiversity Strategy] Communication - Webpages

15/018030 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Knowledge for Tour Guide Accreditation-Working Group

15/018031 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] Kakadu National Park BOWALI VISITOR CENTRE Pedestrian Counter Folder

15/018032 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7592 Referral-Oceanic Victor Viewing Platform Proposal, SA

15/018034 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1415-38 - KNP Park Use Fee Project

15/018036 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Division Administration > Methodology Branch] EE and Transport Team - input for other areas and Deps

15/018038 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-021 Ranger 2015-2015 GW Review

15/018040 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] IESC Review of Group 2 and Group 3 BA


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15/018041 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Green Army Project Rounds] Round 4 Letters and Emails to Applicants

15/018044 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > Legislation] EPBC Amendments - Standing Bill 2015

15/018045 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > Parliamentary and Cabinet] Question Time Briefs - Autum Winter Spring Sitting 2016

15/018049 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] Target plan - Plants

15/018051 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2015-3122-Pilbara Iron Pty Ltd-Dampier-WA-Maintenance Dredged Material

15/018054 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7549 - Melbourne Metro Rail Project

15/018056 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7472 - Proposed Waste Transfer Station - Tuncurry

15/018057 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Commercial] 1262-BCD-Deed-of-standing-offer-probity-parcel

15/018063 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] Commonwealth - Norfolk Island - 2015 - 2020

15/018065[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7593 Referral Hanson Fine Sand Quarry Extension, Cape Cleveland, Cungulla, QLD

15/018069 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Participants] Uniting Communities

15/018070 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6881 - Springvale Coal Mine Extension

15/018071 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Oceans - Blue Economy Conferences - General

15/018072 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000361*

15/018076 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - Media and VisitCanberra Contacts

15/018079 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Projects] IPCC WGII AR6

15/018081 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] UKTNP - Facilitator Training Calanders

15/018083 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Projects] EIANZ Learning to Adapt-Canberra 2016

15/018084 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] UKTNP - 1516-009 - Refuse Collection Services March 2016 - March 2018

15/018086 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > Parliamentary and Cabinet] SENATE ESTIMATES - Additional Estimates - February 2016

15/018088 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Training and Development] UKTNP - Training Reports

15/018091 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Investigations] Intelligence_Presentations


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15/018097 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park] Powercards

15/018098[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7594 Referral Maroochy River Dredging Event 2016, Sunshine Coast, QLD

15/018103 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2015-3142-Port Macquarie Offshore Artificial Reef

15/018104 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-Referral Carnavon Petroleum WA exploration drilling activity

15/018108 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > System Support] Scanners

15/018109 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > Section Administration] Parliamentary News

15/018112 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7597 Landsdale Primary School Development, WA

15/018114 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] Plants - Olearia arckaringensis - Listing - Preparation

15/018115 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Policy] NCRAS - Ongoing consultation

15/018117 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Environmental Biosecurity, KTP and Threat Abatement] Vertebrates - Cat - National Best Practice Domestic Cats

15/018120[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7502 International fibre optic submarine cable installation, Sydney and Solomon Island

15/018121[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6603 Mary's Mount blue metal quarry expansion, Gunnedah NSW

15/018127[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7598 Referral-Coolum Ridges Southern Interchange, Sunshine Motorway, Qld

15/018133 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Sustainable Fisheries] NT - Liaison and general reports

15/018135 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7595 Cement Australia East End Mine Extension, Mt Larcom, QLD

15/018138 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] SPREP - Meetings - SM27 - 2016

15/018141 [Environment Quality Division > National Waste Policy > Policy] Paper

15/018142 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1893

15/018143 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > EPBC Act Advice and Guidance] Referral EPBC 2015.7614 - Port Augusta Renewable Energy Park SA

15/018147 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD IMPORT - EWASTE FROM NEW CALEDONIA

15/018156 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Policy] Used Electronic Equipment - domestic guidelines

15/018162 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement >


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Approvals Monitoring] SA010 - Perth and Peel Regional Strategic Assessment

15/018168 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - Website Analytics

15/018179 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park] Operations-EmergencyAlarms WaterTank

15/018180 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > End Use] Unregulated substances

15/018182 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Deregulation] Regulatory Reform Agenda

15/018184[Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Portfolio Policy Coordination] PBPU Coord 2015-042 - Consultation Draft - National Position on Prescribed Burning

15/018186 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Policy] * Reforms

15/018191 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1878

15/018192 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] UKTNP Maintenance Incidents

15/018193 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] KNP-CHBM-Fire-Fireplots-Planning

15/018194 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park] Operations-Works-Equipment

15/018198 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park] Operations-Works-Patrols

15/018203 [Environment Quality Division > Montreal > UNFCCC and SGG Activities] 2016 Pacific low GWP summit

15/018204 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > Regulatory Reform Project Management] Project - Offsets Review

15/018205 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD 1571

15/018206 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2004-1330 - Old Donga Line at Davis, AAT

15/018208 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1342

15/018209 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7599 Referral-Mt Gilead residential development, NSW

15/018211 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] Lake Hawdon - South Australia

15/018226 [Environment Quality Division > Rotterdam > Amendments] Chemical listing in Annex III 2015 - minor treaty action and regulation amendments

15/018228 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] External Assessment - Mandipropamid

15/018230 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals] External Assessment - Prosulfocarb

15/018232 [Environment Quality Division > Biotechnology > Nanotechnology] Project - Nanopesticides Part 1 Emails - 2015


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15/018233 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7600 Referral-United and Wambo open cut coal mine project, NSW

15/018236 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park] UKTNP - MCR Trackers

15/018245 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1328

15/018247 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Regulatory Frameworks > Carbon Price Legacy Matters] Waste Industry Protocol - Monitoring and Reporting (Restricted Access)

15/018248 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Parliamentary and Inquiries] Senate Estimates 2016 - planning

15/018249 [Environment Quality Division > Voluntary > Voluntary Arrangements] FluoroCycle - Accredited scheme

15/018250 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Policy] Used electronic equipment - procurement

15/018251[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2006-2819 - Point Cook Homestead Rd Residential Development, Point Cook

15/018252 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-Referral Perth Kalgoolie Water Main conduit- Water Corporation WA

15/018253 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] KNP Housing

15/018254 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > EPBC Policy] Projects - Offset policy review

15/018257 [Parks Home > Asset Management and Planning] KNP Communications

15/018261 [Environment Quality Division > Montreal > OEWG] 2016 - 37th meeting Geneva preparation-reports-follow up

15/018264 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG 15-16-009-Licence-Exhibition - Interface- Findi Flooshki

15/018265 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Act and Regulation] Minor amendments

15/018266 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG 15-16-010-Licence-Exhibition-Living Australia-BeAN

15/018267 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG 15-16-012-Licence-Exhibition-Friends of Black Mt

15/018268 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG 15-16-013-Licence-Exhibition-Friends BAG

15/018281 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] Kakadu National Park- Bowali Visistor Centre-Daily Operations Manual

15/018283 [Ministerial Campaign Correspondence > Minister > 2015] MC15-034155 - Support the BRINK Initiative to Protect Northern Hairy Nosed Wombats

15/018284 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7601 Referral-O-Bahn City Access Project, SA

15/018285 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-7079 Postapprovals Woodside Browse FLNG Development WA

15/018287 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7602 Referral Adaptive Reuse of the Queens Road Gatehouse,


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Parramatta Park, NSW

15/018289 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park] Maps

15/018291 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7603 Referral Res Dev Elizabeth Ave Rosebud West, Vic

15/018293 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2015-16 - Education

15/018294 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - Eco Tourism Accreditation

15/018301 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Project Agreement - Milestone 14

15/018302 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2010-5344 Surat Gas Expansion Project, Arrow Energy

15/018303 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 14-15 - TTC214-44 *

15/018306 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-CTO-CK 518-Venture North Australia

15/018308 [Office of Water Science > Advice] OWS-2015-022 Wuluna_Uranium_Project2

15/018310 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC - New appointments 2016

15/018311 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Data - requests for data - Plains-wanderer movement data corrections

15/018312 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-Commercial Tour Operator Licences-Revenue

15/018313 [Parks Home > Audit] ANAO - Corporate Plan Audit - 2015-16

15/018314 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000363 Wright LHI Elizabeth Middleton Reefs

15/018315 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1314-4 - Parks WHS Project

15/018317 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1314-8 - CMR Review Project

15/018319 [Parks - Research and Research Publications > Natural Resource Management] CMR - RLS Advisory Committee

15/018326 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] Exemptions - Maritime Environmental Emergencies

15/018327 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Marketing and Tourism] UKTNP-Events-Standard Events Policy

15/018328 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1415-22 - Knowledge Management Strategy Implementation Project

15/018329 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1415-24 - Christmas Island Cat Eradication and Rat Management Project

15/018330 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1415-28 - Vessel Monitoring System Pilot - Lord Howe Island

15/018334 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] Wildlife Trade Compliance - Media Enquiries

15/018335 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG 15-16-014-Licence-Venue-ACT Herpetological Assoc-Snakes Alive


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15/018337 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1415-29 - SE CMR Network Audit Program

15/018338 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1415-30 - Yellow Crazy Ants - Christmas Island

15/018340 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1415-32 - SE CMR Network - Commercial Fishing Industry Training Package

15/018341 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1415-35 - SE CMR Network Implementation Schedule

15/018346 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-Approval-reconsideration

15/018347 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Policy] Advice - TAS - Regional Forest Agreement 2017

15/018349 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Environmental Biosecurity, KTP and Threat Abatement] Vertebrates - Fox - Threat Abatement Plan Revision 2015

15/018351 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Business Systems] PAWS and PAD - Management - Compliance and Programmes Prototype Development Change Management

15/018352 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Visitor Engagement] BNP - Interps Program - 20152016

15/018362 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-Listed-threatened-species-and-communites

15/018363 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Ecological Communities] General - Advice - Divestment of Cwth land

15/018364 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-referral Manadamah Pipeline Scheme, Temora NSW

15/018367 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-5809 - Transfer of Land at Shane's Park - NSW

15/018379[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7437 - Transport of intermediate level radioactive waste from France to Lucas Heights NSW

15/018380 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2016 - Enlighten

15/018386 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park] Operations-Determinations

15/018398 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > NCCARF] Climate Adaptation Conference 2016

15/018404 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1415-37 - Uluru EOI

15/018405 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] ANBG-1516-028- WoG Provision of Electricity Supply in ACT - ACTEW AGL

15/018411 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Uluru-Kata Tjuta] UKTNP-BOM-201603-meeting

15/018412 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Uluru-Kata Tjuta] UKTNP-BOM-governance

15/018413 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 14-15 - ATC214-13 *

15/018414 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 14-15 - ATC214-08 *

15/018416 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > NCCARF] Synthesis products

15/018421 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1516-42 - Coral Sea Pilot Methods for


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Surveying Marine Plastics and Rapid Biological Appraisal of Cays

15/018422 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1516-43 - e-Commerce

15/018425 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1516-47 - CI Flying Fox Recovery and Conservation

15/018427 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Regional Delivery] 2013-18_1314_QLD_RGD14-017E_A0000010502G_TS_Env

15/018430 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Policy] Adaptation Inter-Departmental Committee

15/018431 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > FOI] FOI 150802

15/018433 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Bush Blitz] BB-Research funding-stygofauna

15/018436 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] WA Bramley NP_WADPW_proposed burn

15/018437 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Systems Support] Projects - CARPENTER

15/018438[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4059 Santos CSG Field-Cond 3-19 Constraints, Remediation and Species_TEC Management Plans

15/018441 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4059 Santos CSG Field-Cond 26-42 Offsets and Rehabilitation

15/018447 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 10235 - 2016 Winter Bids and Winter 2016 Legislation Programme

15/018450 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park] Rangerville Staff Key Allocations

15/018453 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 14-15 - TTC214-57 *

15/018454 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 9716 - Senate Standing Committee on Regs and Ordinances - SSCRO

15/018456 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Tour Guide Accreditation- Database

15/018458 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner Projects] 2015-16_SHA_TSCDG_VIC_29

15/018460 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] Supply of Electricity to Contestable Whole of Government Sites - ACT

15/018463 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] 2015-7612_Toondah Harbour Project-Moreton Bay-Queensland

15/018464 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Coordinated Multisite Water Use] 2016-17 multi-site planning

15/018465 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > National] VIC-Barmah Forest Ramsar Site

15/018466 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Edward-Wakool] Constraints

15/018467 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Goulburn] Operational Advisory Group 2015-16

15/018469 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Northern Delivery > Aboriginal Cultural


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Values] Kevin McLeod

15/018472 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] Statute Law Revision Bill (No.3) 2015

15/018473 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] Norfolk Island Reforms

15/018474 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Policy] Lottery

15/018475 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] UNGA70 - Sustainable Fisheries - UN Bottom Fishing Review 2016

15/018476 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Southern Delivery > Murrumbidgee] Annual Water Use Options Planning 2016-17

15/018480 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000362*

15/018481 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7538 Assessment-Bauxite Hill Mine, Cape York, Qld

15/018483 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Legislation] PFOS and PFOA in Ramsar wetlands

15/018484 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 10236 - Sunsetting - instruments due to sunset 1 April 2017

15/018488 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-referral HVO South Modification, Hunter Valley

15/018490 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Other Discretionary Grants] 2015-17 - TAS SHA - Tasmanian Carp Management Program - A0000011863G

15/018491 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Environmental Asset Database] Governance Committee

15/018492 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] KNP-CHBM-Fire-Planning-2016

15/018493 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Wetlands > Policy] Australia and New Zealand Guidelines For Fresh and Marine Water Quality

15/018496 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Junction of the Warrego and Darling – Monitoring and Evaluation] Presentations

15/018497 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Program Evaluation > Gwydir - Monitoring and Evaluation] Presentations

15/018498 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-referral Upgrades to Bruce Highway, Qld

15/018502 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Publications - Christmas card masters

15/018503 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 10237 - EPBC Act Standing Bill 2015

15/018504 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] EPBC Act - Rapid Appraisal Implementation 2016

15/018505 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2015-3162-Recfishwest-Mandurah Artificial Reef-WA

15/018506 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Aquatic Ecosystems and Science Policy > Environmental Water Knowledge and Research Project] Fish Theme

15/018507 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG 14-15-027- Threatened Species Commissionner Project

15/018508 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] ANBG -14-15- MoU-Dept


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of Environement NSW- Pomaderris Delicata

15/018509 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Live Import List] Amendment- listing sizes and sex- aquarium fish

15/018510 [Commonwealth Environmental Water Office > Portfolio Management Research] ARC Linkages Project - Platypus

15/018512 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] IOSEA - CITES SC Mtg Jan 2016

15/018513 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > ABBBS] Animal Welfare - Lyssavirus in Bats

15/018514 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > International Engagement > APRRP] Private Sector Roundtable

15/018515 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4638 - Proposed Urban Development of Lots 1005 and 1006

15/018517 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] Remediation Determination_WA_Glenvar Pty Ltd 2015

15/018518[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7324 Removal of Heritage Buildings from RAAF Base, Williamtown, NSW

15/018520 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > TSSC] Meetings - TSSC63 - Papers

15/018526 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7604 Referral-Establishment and operation of a refinery at Darwin, NT

15/018529 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Stakeholder Engagement] Blue Carbon 2015

15/018530 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 10240 - Omnibus Repeal Day (Spring 2015) Bill 2015

15/018531 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] Spring 2015 Bulk Repeal Regulation - Spent and Redundant Instruments

15/018532 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-Change-of-person-or-change-of-proponent

15/018533 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 10241 - Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Plan 2015-2020 Registration on FRLI

15/018534 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Grants > Bush Blitz] 2015-16 ATC and TTC applications

15/018535 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] KNP-Permits-Bushwalking and Camping-2016

15/018536 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000367 *

15/018538 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] 1516-48 Budget Allocation Methodology

15/018541 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6451 - Waterloo Wind Farm Stage 2 SA

15/018542 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] Indigenous Engagement Guidelines - Finalisation

15/018543 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIEPS - CSG chemicals assessment project

15/018545 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Natural Resource Management (NRM)] KNP-CHBM-Weeds-Strategy 2016

15/018546[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7605 Referral Donnybrook Kojanup Road (M013) widening and associated works, WA


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15/018547 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Media-Compliance-2015

15/018548 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7606 Referral Haughton Pipeline Duplication Project, QLD

15/018549 [Parks - External Committees > Joint Management Partnership Team - Uluru-Kata Tjuta] UKTNP-JMP-2016-meeting summaries

15/018551 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park] Accommodation Visitor Booking Sheet

15/018552 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Management Planning] KNP-Managment Plan 2016

15/018553[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7607 Referral-Urban development of Lots 9049 and 9063 - The Glades, Byford, WA

15/018554 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Strategic Approaches] SA010-Peth Peel-WA-Assessment Phase

15/018555 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] QLD Hervey Bay_Fraser Panorama - 2006-3190

15/018557 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T2 - Review of Cost Recovery EPBC Act

15/018558 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] SD 2012-2322 - Bunbury Artificial Reef

15/018559 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] SD 2012-2342 - Dunsborough Artificial Reef

15/018562 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7608 Referral-Haerses Road quarry extension, Maroota, NSW

15/018563 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6625 - Dubbo Zirconia Project - Toongi NSW

15/018564 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Energy > RET Scheme Policy Support] Battery Storage

15/018565 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Out of session - endorsement - SSOW - December 2015

15/018567 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER39527422

15/018569 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] 2016 - MINISTERIAL INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL PROPOSALS

15/018571 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] SYD - BA Products

15/018572 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Deregulation] Strategic regulatory reform

15/018573 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Reporting] 1606 Montly Reporting

15/018580 [Office of Water Science > Independent Expert Scientific Committee] Governance

15/018581 [Office of Water Science > Independent Expert Scientific Committee] 0 - Meeting 33 - Papers

15/018582 [Office of Water Science > Research] Chem-Nat Chems Assess Proj P2 - review comments - 16 Dec 2015

15/018584 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and


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Assessments] 2015-7609 Referral-Pacific View Estate Urban Development, Worongary, Qld

15/018585 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] ATSEA - Strategic Action Plan implementation from 14 December 2015

15/018586 [Office of Water Science > Bioregional Assessments] Governance - BAPIB 2016

15/018587[Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > National Environment Protection Council (NEPC) > Financial Management] 143AG_080P001C2-Development of Risk Management Conditions for the Australian Chemicals Environment Standard- *

15/018588 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Commonwealth Heritage] ACT Embassy of Sweden and Grounds - Correspondence

15/018590 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Business Systems] SPRAT - consultation - survey internal 2015

15/018593 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - BASEL IM - AUH15-080 - E-WASTE

15/018603 [Environment Quality Division > OECD > Joint Meeting] 54th Joint Meeting - emails

15/018604 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] UNEA 2 - Resolutions

15/018606 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > Economic Analysis and Advice] International- OECD- Environment Ministers Meeting September 2016

15/018608 [Policy Analysis and Implementation Division > Strategic Policy > International] UNCCD - Annual Contribution 2016

15/018610 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] PLC 1340

15/018611 [Environment Quality Division > TV and Computers > Compliance] One Laptop Per Child

15/018612 [Environment Quality Division > Sound Management of Chemicals] Microplastics

15/018613 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] KNP Mary River Precinct Plan

15/018614 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-Delegation-Instruments

15/018616 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-referral Anzac Park East - property sale, Parkes ACT

15/018617 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > PACCSAP] Programme Development

15/018618 [Environment Standards Division > Business Systems Support] EIAS Support

15/018621 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER74905535

15/018622 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 10244 - OPC General information and documentation (FORMERLY 9673)

15/018624 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1898

15/018625 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Statutory Processes, Council and Committees] AHC Meeting 87 - Papers

15/018626 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > NCOS and CNP > CNP Templates] Correspondence templates

15/018627 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > End Use] Automotive Code of Practice 2015-16

15/018628 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD


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15/018632 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] * - OZER65494071

15/018634 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1895

15/018636 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2015-3182-RecFishWest-Rottnest Island WA-Artificial Reef

15/018637 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2011-6092 Referral Wongai Underground Coal Mine Project, QLD

15/018639 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6830 - Busselton Foreshore Development, WA

15/018640 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Funding Programs] Community Heritage and Icons - Development of 2015-16 funding round

15/018641 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] OS - 1516-004 - USA - Reticulated python - CLOSED

15/018643 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] KNP 1415-704 East Alligator Bores project

15/018645 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] Remediation Determination_NSW_Princes Highway Basin View 2015

15/018646 [Environment Quality Division > Rotterdam > CRC] Eleventh meeting - 2015 - intersessional work

15/018647 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] KNP 1415- 709 Potable Water Jim Jim Ranger station and Mardugal Campground

15/018648 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > Export Refunds] Project-Review of the Export Refund Scheme-Lessons Learnt

15/018650[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7610 Referral-Coomera Woods master planned residential development, Qld

15/018652 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2009-4867 Palmers Road Corridor Duplication, Victoria

15/018653 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2011-6105 Clean Landfill at 350 Konagaderra Road, Oaklands Junction, VIC

15/018654 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7611 Referral-The Northern Connector transport Corridor project, SA

15/018655 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7573 Dugald River Zinc-Lead Mine Expansion, Cloncurry, QLD

15/018658 [Ministerial Campaign Correspondence > Minister > 2015] MC15-041579 - Reject The Carmichael Coal Mine

15/018660[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2014-7268 Approval Russell Vale Colliery Underground Expansion Project, NSW

15/018662 [Ministerial Campaign Correspondence > Minister > 2015] Mc15-030262 - Ditch Carmichael Coal Mine

15/018665 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] ERF (CFI) - AGS and external advices

15/018668 [General Counsel > Legislation Liaison] 10250 - Climate Change (emails FRLI)


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15/018675 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7528 Assessment Epping Branch Sewer Stage 4B, Vic

15/018679 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4832 Residential Development in Edmondson Park NSW

15/018681 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-Hawke-amendments

15/018682 [General Counsel > Legal Matters > Funding] 9736-National Reserve System-Funding-Agreement-Covenant clauses-Variation

15/018683 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-National-heritage

15/018684 [General Counsel > Precedent Advice] EPBC-Assessments

15/018685 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7612 Referral-Toondah Harbour Project, Moreton Bay, Qld

15/018686 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7613 Referral-Arnot Creek Bridge upgrade North of Ingham, Qld

15/018687 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] Target plan - mammals

15/018689 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Threatened Species Commissioner] Target plan - Recovery practices

15/018690 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2015 - DSITI - * - Defence - revised

15/018695 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Committees] Offsets Working Group

15/018699 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] KNP 1516 - 012 EA Septic Pumping

15/018737 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6663 - Vegetation Removal Kooloonbung Creek

15/018738 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Methodology Development > Waste] Source Separated Organic Waste - Guidance and Stewardship

15/018741 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6577 - Proposed Road Upgrade the Ruins Way

15/018743 [Emissions Reduction Fund Division > Governance > Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)] Meetings - Papers - 20160309

15/018744 [Environment Standards Division > Project Management] ACTIVE - T3 - Review of EAB Manual and templates

15/018746 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Committees] ESD BOARD 2016

15/018762 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6738 - Development of a retirement village and facilities

15/018770 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7614 Referral-Port Augusta Renewal Energy Park, SA

15/018771 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4057Postapprovals Santos LNG - Cond 15c

15/018772 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4977 Postapprovals APLNG cond 16c

15/018773[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] Pre-referral Cattle and Frances Creek bridge and road infrastructure upgrade, 10km sth Ingham, Qld


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15/018774 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4402 Postapprovals QGC variation Cond 15C

15/018775 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4402 Postapprovals QGC Condtion 15c

15/018776 [Parks Home > Strategic Partnerships] BSKIM-ANBG-Agreements-ACT Gov-Seed banking and germination research-2015-17

15/018781 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Compliance and Enforcement] ANAO Audit - Project Planning Documentation

15/018784 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Parliamentary] Senate Estimates - 2016 February

15/018785 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > Heritage Policy] Regulatory - Project Carpenter

15/018787 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Wildlife Trade Assessments] Wildlife Trade Programs - Database Development Project

15/018788 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Adaptation > Communication] Media - International

15/018791 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Access to Biological Resources] 2016 - WAFMRL - * - CMR

15/018793 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD-SAP-Woodside-Dampier maintenance

15/018795 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000372 *

15/018797 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Terrestrial Flora and Fauna] reptiles - threatened species strategy actions

15/018799 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Kokoda Initiative JU2 - Planning - Transition 2016

15/018802 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-4719 Stockyard Hill Wind Farm

15/018803 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2004-1711 Maribyrnong defence site

15/018804[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-7091 - Mitchell Freeway Extension Project (Burns Beach Road to Hester Avenue), WA

15/018805 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > National Heritage] NT Hermannsburg Heritage Precinct - Management

15/018809 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Heritage > World Heritage] TAS Tasmanian Wilderness WH Area – Management – Briefing – 2016

15/018814 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Commercial Activity Licence-Digital Storytellers

15/018815 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Commercial Activity Licence-Big Run Events

15/018816 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] UKTNP-Commercial Activity Licence-Uluru Chinese Tours

15/018818 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Commonwealth Marine Reserves Reviews] BAP Consultation - Meetings

15/018820 [Climate Change and Renewable Energy Division > Programmes > GFOI] Plenary and Open


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Forum 2016

15/018821 [Parks Home > Parks - Authorisations > Commonwealth Reserves] CMR-15-000371*

15/018823 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Operations > Maintenance and Repairs] UKTNP - DNP-UNP-1415 - Housing Curtain and Blind Refurbishment

15/018826 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Live Import List] Enquiries - 2015 July

15/018827 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7615 Referral-Albany Highway Gravel Pits, WA

15/018828 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] ANBG cleaning contract

15/018829 [Parks Home > Procurement Management] CEDP-1415-001-eTicketing System

15/018830 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > Wildlife > Live Import List] Enquiries - 2015 August

15/018831 [Parks - External Committees > Board of Management - Uluru-Kata Tjuta] UKTNP-BOM-201602-meeting

15/018833 [Parks Home > Strategic Policy] MPA - Management Plan Policy

15/018834 [Parks - Projects and Programmes > Projects] CMR - Authorisations System

15/018835 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD-Risk Management

15/018836 [Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division > International] Whales - IWC - Secretariat

15/018837 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6228 Postapprovals Mount Emerald wind farm

15/018838 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2011-5967 - Mt Todd Gold Mine Project, NT

15/018844 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > International] London Protocol and Convention-SG10-Tenth Scientific Group Meeting-7-11 March 2016

15/018847 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > International] London Protocol and Convention-CG8-Eighth Compliance Group meeting-8-9 October 2015

15/018851 [Parks - Commonwealth Reserve Management > Reserve Administration > Australian National Botanic Gardens] ANBG - MARKETING - 2016 - APUT Launch

15/018854 [Environment Standards Division > Divisional Guidelines and Procedures] ESD Intranet Management

15/018866 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > International] London Protocol templates

15/018891 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > System Support] PDMS-Reports and Views

15/018899 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4402 QGC Curtis Island LNG Plant

15/018900 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4401 Marine Facilities on Curtis Island

15/018901[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2008-4405 QCG Shipping Activity associated with Curtis Island LNG plant

15/018911 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2012-6566 Hillalong Mine and Infrastructure, Bowen Basin, QLD


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15/018912 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7364 Bells Line of Road

15/018913[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7293 The Glades residential and mixed use development Wondunna Hervey Bay QLD

15/018914 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIEPS - OWS Advice

15/018915 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > System Support] PWS-Meetings-Steering Committee

15/018916 [Corporate Strategies Division > Parliamentary Services Section > System Support] PWS-Meetings-National Archives Australia

15/018917 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2005-2084 Residential Development Lot 4 RP 35335 Doolong Road

15/018918 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Reform > EPBC Policy] Policy - Feedback on outcomes-based conditions policy and guidance - Stakeholders

15/018919[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6479 Watergardens Town Centre Site at 399 Melton HWY, Taylors Lakes, VIC

15/018920[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6771 Manzeene Village residential-commercial subdivision and associated infrastructure, Lara, VIC

15/018921 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7617 Residential subdivision 348-434 Cusack Lane, Jimboomba, Qld

15/018922 [Environment Quality Division > OPSGG > End Use] Issues and Complaints

15/018923 [Environment Quality Division > National Waste Policy > Policy] Web Contetnt updates

15/018925 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7616 Referral-Country Club Drive Urban Development, Helensvale, Qld

15/018930 [Biodiversity Conservation Division > Programmes > Regional Delivery] Regional Delivery 2013-18_2013-14_NSW_RGD14-018A_A0000010567G_SE_Ag

15/018931 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EX - BATTERIES TO KOREA - AUH15-083

15/018932 [Environment Quality Division > Hazardous Waste > Applications] * - OECD EX - BATTERIES to KOREA - AUH15-082

15/018935 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD 1573

15/018936 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] LTD 1897

15/018937 [Environment Quality Division > Chemical Assessments > New Industrial Chemicals] STD 1574

15/018939 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Policy and Guidelines] PIEPS - Offset Standard Condition Project

15/018940 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6865 Red Hill Mining, QLD, Preclearance + Offset

15/018941 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement >


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Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7580 - Gas Tranmission pipeline looping Project, VIC

15/018943[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7619 Referral-WTP Effluent Discharge Improvement Works - Multiple Works, Werribee, Vic

15/018945 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2010-5401 Referral-Proposed Residential Development, Botanic Ridge, Vic

15/018946 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-5255 Altona North Res Development, VIC

15/018947 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7620 Referral Western Distributor Project Melbourne, Vic

15/018949 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7625 Referral-Belmont Sands extractive industry, Etna Creek, Qld

15/018950 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7622 Referral-Shenton Park Rehabilitation Hospital redevelopment, WA

15/018951 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7621 Referral-Gingin regional landfill, Fernview Farms, WA

15/018952 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7623 Referral-Lord Howe Rise marine seismic survey

15/018953 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2012-6458 Iron Valley Iron Ore Project WA

15/018955 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7624 Referral-Bayonet Head residential development, Albany, WA

15/018956 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6663 Kooloonbung Creek Nature Park

15/018957 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2015-3202-Bethany Funeral Home-J. A Laarhoven-Sea Burial

15/018959[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7627 Referral-Residential subdivision Lot 400 Strathyre Road, Prestons, NSW

15/018960 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD2015-3222-Onslow Salt-WA-Maintenance Dredging

15/018961 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Permits and Exemptions] SD-Not Received-Innovative Reefs Pty Ltd-Artificial Reef-Gold Coast

15/018963[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7628 Referral-Grampian Drive Deebing Heights Residential development, Qld

15/018964 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7626 Referral-Bussell Highway - Capel to Hutton Section, WA

15/018971 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7629 Referral-Pelican Waters Golf Club-Lakes Edge redevelopment, Qld

15/018972 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2010-5712 Western Plains windfarm, TAS - Assessment

15/018974 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-7123 Amberley RAAF Base Heritage Building removal


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15/018977 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] Remediation Determination_VIC_Trewin_Dumosa_2015

15/018981 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7630 Referral-Burpengary Creek flood mitigation works, Qld

15/018983[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7631 Referral-Residential development, Lot 9501 Muzzlewood St, Baldivis, WA

15/018985 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2012-6643 Pacificus Tourism Project, Hummock Hill, QLD

15/018986[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7266 Gold Coast Airport Southern Development Area Expansion, Gold Coast, QLD

15/018987[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-5031 Roe Highway extension, Kwinana Freeway to Stock Road, WA

15/018988 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6967 Hartley Austen Quarry StageTtwo, Hartley, NSW

15/018989 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7208 Industrial Subdivision of Lot H, Ajax, Altona, VIC

15/018991 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7346 Safety works, Bells Line of Road, Mount Tomah, NSW

15/018992 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7435 Goondicum East Access Road Project, QLD

15/018993[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2009-5063 Williamtown Areospace Park and Industrial subdivision, NSW

15/018994 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6836 Yellow Crazy Ant biological control on Christmas Island

15/018996 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6999 Emerald Hills residential development, Leppington NSW

15/018998 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7309 Tunney Passing Lanes, 30km South of Kojonup, WA

15/018999 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7605 Donnybrook – Kojonup Road, WA

15/019000 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Compliance] WA Midland_Strategen_subdivision

15/019001 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7497 Bruce Road water mains extension, Mudgee NSW

15/019004 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7510 Port Melville Marine Supply Base, Melville Island, NT

15/019006 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2011-6176 - Stratford Extension Project, NSW

15/019007[Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2013-6713 - Ecological Thinning Trialin NSW River Red Gum Forests, NSW


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15/019008 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] SD2015-3142 - Port Macquarie Artificial Reef

15/019010 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7582 Eden Breakwall Wharf Extension, NSW

15/019011 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2014-7202 Esso Pipeline Replcement Project, VIC

15/019012 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7593 Hanson Fine Sand Quarry, Cape Cleveland, Congulla, QLD

15/019013 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Assessments > Referrals and Assessments] 2015-7632 Referral-Wanneroo Road Duplication, WA

15/019014 [Environment Assessment and Compliance Division > Compliance and Enforcement > Approvals Monitoring] 2015-7524 Scientific seismic survey - Tectonic Event

15/1001 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - Reporting - Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands - emergency access reports

15/1032 PROCUREMENT - Authorisation - Specialist biopile construction, decommissioning, maintenance & testing

15/1041 ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Agreements - Collaborative agreement - Quid Pro Quo (QPQ)* 2015-2016

15/1055 PROCUREMENT - Acquisition - Procurement Plan - Limited Tender Procurement Plan - Sea Ice Forecasting and Interpretation Support

15/1059 PROCUREMENT - Contracting Out - Service agreements - Short Form Agreement fof the provision of Basler BT-67 Air Transprot Services

15/1068 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - Remediation of EPH Fuel spill at Casey station (Biopile) - Queens University - 2015/2016

15/1069 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Agreements - Agreements - Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels - Resolution 4.8 Intersessional Committee

15/1070 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Agreements - Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels - Resolution 5.8 Intersessional Committee

15/1071 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - Management plans - Advice - seabird bycatch mitigation - using lasers

15/1078 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Agreements - Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels - Taxonomy Working Group

15/1080 ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Projects - Operations planning 2015-2016 - Mawson Hut's Foundation – 5082*

15/1081 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Agreements - Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels - Population and Conservation Status Working Group

15/1082 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Agreements - Agreement of the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels - Seabird Bycatch Working Group

15/1083 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Agreements - Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species

15/1084 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - Recovery and threat abatement plans - Threat Abatement Plan - for the impacts of marine debris on vertebrate marine life

15/1087 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH & SUPPORT - Joint ventures - Contracts - ARC Linkage Project - An Australian Consortium for Eddy-Resolving Global Ocean-Sea Ice Modelling


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15/1091ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - Permits, licences and authorities - - Project 5049 - Antarctic Building and Infrastructure Fund (Removal of Asbestos from Old Carpenter's Building)

15/1092 PROCUREMENT - Contracting Out - Icebreaker Project - Subject Matter Expert - *

15/1093 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - Permits, licences and authorities - Project 5032 - Observatory of East Antarctic Near Surface Atmosphere and Cryosphere

15/1102 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - Permits, licences and authorities - - Project 5024 - Enhanced Ice Reconnaissance Capability - Use of Drone (Unmanned)

15/1103ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - Permits, licences and authorities - - Project 5049 - Antarctic Building and Infrastructure Fund - Constuction and Operation of Seismic Monitoring Equipment Facility

15/1105 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Inter_government committees - Joint Commonwealth and Tasmanian Economic Council (JCTEC) 2015

15/1106 ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Agreements - Contracts - Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) - AntNZ Flight Services Agreement (Basler) 2015-2016

15/1115 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - Supply of Plant Registration and remote Plant Inspection Services

15/1119 ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Agreements - Deed of Agreement - Human Resources placement and research opportunities - 2015-

15/1121 ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Joint ventures - Proposal for sponsorship - *

15/1122 ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Advice - RAAF C-17A Globemaster flights - 2015

15/1128 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - Deed of Access & Indemnity - * Media activities in the Australian Antarctic Territory 2015

15/1130 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - International meeting - Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) - CCAMLR XXXIV – 2015

15/1131 ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Emergency Management (Crisis Management) - East Antarctic Emergency Coordination Information - 2015-2016

15/1134 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - Assessment of Special Antarctic Blend (SAB) Distillate (Fuel) risks to Casey station construction works

15/1135 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Advice - Antarctic Foundation

15/1275 PERSONNEL - Evaluation - Surveys - Australian Antarctic Program Participant Feedback Survey

15/1291 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Reviewing - Projects - Station Review Project 2015-2017

15/1297 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Claims - Insurance claims - Comcover -*15/1300INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Policy - 2015-2016 whaling season

15/1302 ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Committees - Agenda & Minutes - AAD Antarctic Medal Committee - 2016

15/1308 PROCUREMENT - Acquisition - Cast Resin Transformers

15/1326 PROCUREMENT - Acquisition - Request for Quote (RFQ) - Mawson and Macquarie Island Engineering Consultancy

15/344 PROCUREMENT - Tendering - Request for tender (RFT) - Articulating Boom Lift - RFT 15/344

15/477 PLANT, EQUIPMENT & STORES - Disposal - Auctions - Asset disposals - 2015-2016

15/503 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Budgeting - Expenditure - *- *aircraft contract - Charter


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Expenditure - 2015/2016

15/504 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Budgeting - Expenditure - *contract - 2015/2016

15/538 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Agreements - Proposed Australia-* Exchange on Antarctic Environment Management Processes (EMS) - 2014

15/600 LEGAL SERVICES - Advice - Establishment of an external private foundation - 2015

15/650SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH & SUPPORT - Joint ventures - Contracts - Collaboration Deed in relation to Australia's Heard Island and the McDonald Islands Fisheries - Austral Fisheries Pty Ltd

15/651SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH & SUPPORT - Joint ventures - Contracts - Collaboration Deed in relation to Australia's Heard Island and the McDonald Islands Fisheries and CCAMLR exploratory fisheries

15/656 PROCUREMENT - Tendering

15/657 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - Provision of General Hardware including Electrical, Plumbing and Building - RFT 15/656

15/667 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - FYB Pty Ltd - HP Records Manager 8 (RM8) Deployment to stations and HP RM8 8.1 software upgrade

15/667 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - FYB Pty Ltd - HP Records Manager 8 (RM8) Deployment to

15/685 PROCUREMENT - Tendering

15/686 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - Provision of bedroom furniture replacement for Casey Red Shed bedrooms - Request for Tender (RFT) 15/685

15/695 ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Project Management - Shipping Project

15/696 PROCUREMENT - Tendering

15/697 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - Provision of Construction Sand and Crushed Rock for Casey

15/748 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Submissions - Proposals - The Hobart Antarctic Week (THAW) 2016

15/776 COLLECTION MANAGEMENT - Lending - Artefacts - Loans and Condition Reports - 201-

15/778 ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Agreements - Memorandum of Understanding - (MOU) Revised (2015) MOU with Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) - 2015-

15/794 ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Agreements - Collaborative agreement - Quid Pro Quo (QPQ) * 2015

15/795 ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Agreements - Collaborative agreement - Quid Pro Quo (QPQ) *2015-2016

15/796 PROCUREMENT - Tendering

15/797 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - Electrically Operated Compactus Unit for Casey - RFT 15/796

15/81-2 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - Management plans - National Recovery Plan for threatened albatrosses and giant petrels 2011-2016 - s 279(2) review of recovery plan

15/840ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Agreements - Memorandum of Understanding - 2015 review of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Australian (Antarctic Division) and Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)

15/841 PROCUREMENT - Acquisition - Procurement Plan - Replacement Waste Incinerator for Casey station

15/842 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - Standing Offer Number 2615371 - antFOCE sorting and


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15/854 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Visits - Dignitaries - Chinese President Hobart visit 2014

15/857 PERSONNEL - Agreements - Contracts - Contracting out - Psychological (Adaptability) assessments 2015

15/858 ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Evaluation - Australian Antarctic Program participant feedback survey 2015

15/859 ANTARCTIC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Evaluation - Australian Antarctic Program Participant feedback survey - Data and report 2015

15/864 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Audit - Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) - performance audit - supporting Australia's Antarctic Program - 2015

15/87 PROCUREMENT - Tendering - Request for tender (RFT) - Provision of Security Guarding Services - RFT 15/87

15/897 PROCUREMENT - Tendering

15/898 PROCUREMENT - Tendering

15/912 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - Agenda & Minutes - Reconciliation Action Plan Committee - 2014-2015

15/913 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Policy - Reconciliation Action Plan - 2016-2018

15/917 LEGAL SERVICES - Advice - Department of the Environment - Australian Antarctic Science grant funding agreement templates - 2014-2015 round

15/927 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Agreements - Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels - Advisory Committee - Ninth Meeting (2016)

15/932 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH & SUPPORT - Grant funding - *- AMMC SOE27 - Mitigation of catch depredation by toothed whales on longlines in the Australian and Indo-Pacific regions

15/937 SEA OPERATIONS - Acquisition - Shipping - 2015-

15/941 SEA OPERATIONS - Agreements - Contracts - Shipping - 2015-

15/953 PROCUREMENT - Planning - Self-Levelling Elevating Work Platform (EWP) for Mawson station

15/954 PROCUREMENT - Contracting Out - Self-Levelling Elevating Work Platform (EWP) for Mawson station

15/956 SEA OPERATIONS - Construction - Specifications - Shipping - 2015-

15/958 SEA OPERATIONS - Agreements - Contracts - Shipping - 2015-

15/96 PROCUREMENT - Tendering - Request for tender (RFT) - Provision of building management systems and security maintenance - RFT 15/96

15/980 PROCUREMENT - Contracting Out - Service agreements - Specialised Technical SME Icebreaker procurement - *

15/983 PROCUREMENT - Contracting Out - Consultants - Editing services for Australian Antarctic Science Strategic Plan 2011-12 to 2020-21

15/984 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - Provision of editing services for Australian Antarctic Science Strategic Plan 2011-12 to 2020-21

15/985 PROCUREMENT - Tendering

15/986 PROCUREMENT - Acquisition - Request for Quote (RFQ) - Research Supply Icebreaker Project - Auditing


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15/994 PROCUREMENT - Agreements - Airservices Australia Procedures Design for Wilkins Aerodrome

15/999 PROCUREMENT - Leasing - Licences - TasPorts Arrival and Departure Event Licence for the 2015/2016 Antarctic Season





















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IMPORTS) ACT 1982 - PERMITS TO EXPORT / IMPORT WILDLIFE - 93-1400 TO 93-1500 AND 93-1507 TO 93-1600 AND 93-1701 TO 93-1800



















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