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ContentContentSec�on 1General School Informa�on

Principal’s Gree�ngs 4General School Informa�on 5Britannica’s Vision and Mission 6Britannica Students’ Charter of Rights 7Welcome to Secondary 8

Sec�on 2Curriculum &Assessment

Secondary Framework 10

Our Curriculum for Years 7,8,9 11

Art 11,12Media Studies 13English 14English as an Addi�onal Language (EAL) 15Geography 16History 17Mandarin 18Maths 19Music 20Physical Educa�on 21Science 22, 23World Languages 24Year 9 IGCSEs op�ons process 24Home work and Assessment 25

Library Leader 29Expedi�on Week 29Sports Teams 29Expressive Arts 30Student Council 31A�endance and Discipline 31Sports Leaders 32A�er School Ac�vi�es Leaders 32University Des�na�ons 33World Scholars Cup 34

Uniform 36Communica�on with Parents 37Behaviour 38Rewards 39Daily Rou�ne 39School Busses 40Timetable 41Use of ICT 42Library 42Bring Your Own Device 43Canvass 44

Absence Procedures 45Security cards 45Possible Infec�ous Diseases 46School Closure Due to Bad Weather or OtherEmergencies 46Air Quality 47Dealing with Concerns 48Friends of Britannica 48Mobile Phone and Camera Policy 48, 49

Sec�on 3Parental Involvement


General Informa�on

Our Year 10 & 11 Curriculum - IGCSE 25

Our Year 12 & 13 Programme - A-level 26

Assessment and examina�ons 26

A�er School Ac�vi�es (ASAs) 27Leadership 28

Extra-Curricular Programme

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Principal’s Gree�ngs

Welcome to Britannica Interna�onal School, Shanghai. I hope thatour partnership will be produc�ve and enjoyable and that yourchild se�les quickly with us. We are proud to be a happy andcaring school with a real sense of warmth and team spirit. Weendeavour to do all we can to ensure that your child enjoys their�me at Britannica Interna�onal School.

Britannica School Handbooks are designed to inform parents ofas many aspects of school life as possible. You will find on readingit that we understand that school is not the sole provider of achild’s educa�on, and guidelines as to how you can help supportyour child and encourage them to flourish throughout their �mein Secondary are to be found in many parts of the handbook. Werely on your support to be able to do our best for your child.

The sec�ons in this handbook will be reviewed regularly andupdated occasionally and you will be informed about the changesmade in your handbook by email. We hope you find ourhandbook clear and informa�ve. Please feel free to contact us forany further informa�on, or with any sugges�ons forimprovement.

Please note that whilst all informa�on within this booklet iscorrect at the �me of prin�ng, it is possible that some itemsmay change during the course of the year.

Mr David GoodwinPrincipal

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Britannica will be:

INSPIRING: An INSPIRING place of learningcrea�ng globally-minded LEADERS oftomorrow

INCLUSIVE: An INCLUSIVE community, whichVALUES the needs of ALL individuals


EMPOWERING: A school that EMPOWERS students todevelop their CONFIDENCE,INDEPENDENCE, to achieve theirACADEMIC POTENTIAL

INSPIRING: Provide outstanding learningexperiences for all students, focused ondelivering the best of Bri�sh educa�on

INCLUSIVE: Celebrate achievements and successesin all fields, recognising all students’individuality and range of skills andtalents

COLLABORATIVE: Foster a caring and close communitycharacterised by mutual respect andinterdependence, within aninterna�onal community

EMPOWERING: Promote independence and highacademic achievement throughsuppor�ve and dedicated mentoring;placing students at the heart of theirlearning journey

General SchoolInforma�onSchool Contact Details

Address: 1988 Gubei Road, Shanghai 201103, P. R.China 中华⼈民共和国上海市闵⾏区古北路1988号Email: [email protected]: + 86 21 6402 7889Fax: + 86 21 6402 8599Website:

The schools WeChat account can be accessed byscanning the QR Code below:

School Office Hours

The school office is open from 7.50 am – 4.45 pmduring the school days. During the school holidays, theschool office is open from 9.00 am – 4.00 pm.

The school has an answering machine so you will beable to leave messages. Where a response is required,we aim to do this within 24 hours (excluding theweekends). Your main points of contact in the schoolare your child’s Form Teacher and the Principal’sPersonal Assistant.


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Britannica Students’Charter of Rights

Welcome to SecondaryI hope this Secondary Handbook gives you a flavour of the schooland helps you to understand why I and the staff who work herefeel deeply privileged to do so.

Britannica Interna�onal School, Shanghai is a vibrant and exci�ngcommunity in which to learn, serving over 400 students, with over43 na�onali�es in our community. The Secondary phase of theschool offers the best of Bri�sh Educa�on adapted to suit theindividual needs of our learners. We are deeply commi�ed toensuring that all our students succeed and that they are fullyprepared for the challenges that the 21st century holds for them,whether that be in higher educa�on, or in the world of work.

We provide a dynamic learning environment that has at its core aculture of high expecta�ons for all students based around theschool principles of ‘Collabora�on, Inclusivity, Empowerment andInspiring’. These high expecta�ons have enabled the school toacademically thrive and we are very proud to have a track recordof excep�onal A level and IGCSE results which place the schoolfirmly above the UK na�onal average.

The school provides a wealth of opportuni�es for students.Whether it be joining one of the many sports teams, singing in thechoir, taking a part in school produc�ons, joining the STEM clubor taking part in some of the many trips, there really is somethingfor everybody.

As I indicated at the start of this introduc�on I am very proud tobe leading this phase of the school and know how commi�ed thestaff and students are to ensure that Britannica Interna�onalSchool, Shanghai remains an inspira�onal place to learn.

Mr Paul FarrellHead of Secondary and Vice Principal

The school has a charter of rights for all children in the school. Thischarter is prominently displayed in all teaching and form rooms. A copyof the charter can also be found in your child’s communica�on books.

Children have the right:To be treated with respect

To be treated kindly

To be listened toTo be helped

Not to be bulliedNot to be lonely

To join in games by agreement

To be happy

To feel wantedTo be safeTo be special

To be treated equally


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Secondary Framework

Secondary students at Britannica follow the Na�onal Curriculum of England and Wales.The na�onal curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by schools to ensurestudents learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standardsstudents should reach in each subject.

The na�onal curriculum is organised into blocks of years called ‘Key Stages’ (KS). At theend of each key stage, the teacher, or in senior year groups external examina�on boards,will formally assess your child’s performance.






Age Year Key Stage Assessment

11 to 12 Year 7 KS3 Internal

12 to 13 Year 8 KS3 Internal

13 to 14 Year 9 KS3 Internal

14 to 15 Year 10 KS4 Internal

15 to 16 Year 11 KS4 External IGCSE Examina�ons

16 to 17 Year 12 KS5 External A Level Examina�ons

17 to 18 Year 13 KS5 External A Level Examina�ons

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Curriculum and assessmentOur Curriculum for Year 7, 8 and 9 Students

Britannica Interna�onal School follows the English Na�onal Curriculum. Secondary studentsstudy a wide range of subjects. The subjects give students the founda�ons to prepare themto study IGCSE examina�ons and A-Level courses that will provide access to universi�esworldwide. Learners are given opportuni�es to develop skills for learning, skills for life andskills for work.


Art and Design plays a major role in developing the full variety of human intelligence and isincluded as an essen�al element of general educa�on. The prac�ce and understanding ofArt and Design are fundamental ways of organising our understanding of the world and itcalls upon profound quali�es of thought, observa�ons, discipline, percep�ons and insight.

Here at Britannica we aim:

• To develop the capacity for crea�ve thought and ac�on, the ability to innovate, ini�ateand make effec�ve personal responses.

• To develop the educa�on of imagina�on, feeling and sensibility. To establishappropriate rela�onships between emo�onal, intui�ve responses and those derivedfrom intellectual and analy�cal processes.

• To develop the educa�on of imagina�on, feeling and sensibility. To establishappropriate rela�onships between emo�onal, intui�ve responses and those derivedfrom intellectual and analy�cal processes.


Curriculum and assessment• To access social, moral, ethical and aesthe�c values through prac�ce and apprecia�on

of Art, Cra� and Design.

• To help develop an understanding of cultural changes and differences and theimportance in a mul�-cultural interna�onal wider society of the fundamental role of Artand Design plays in the evalua�on of personal experience and as an expression ofcultural prac�ces and tradi�ons.

• To develop physical and perceptual skills, to encourage the development of ideas andthe ability to act upon them.

• To develop the poten�al for further study of Art and Design through the use andunderstanding of visual and tac�le media.

• To develop an understanding of the ac�on of Art and Design in rela�on to humancommunica�on, the recording and transmi�ng of visual and spa�al informa�on, theuses and values of signs and symbols.

• To develop social skills and understanding through par�cipa�on in group projects andthrough shared experiences.

• To develop the ability to use Art and Design in the context of other aspects ofeduca�on and to develop the poten�al for learning through experience building,making and doing.

What Britannica students have to say about Art:

‘AWESOME! I learned to collage, paint and shade. It is hard when you first start drawing butwhen we finish and keep doing it, I am super proud of what I have achieved!'

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Curriculum and assessment


English gives us opportuni�es to enjoy all aspects of language and literature. It is central tolearning across the whole curriculum and will equip your child with a wide range of skills thatare relevant in many areas. Pupils have chances to develop their own ideas, explore ideas ofother people and delve into a wealth of literature and reading materials, to be�erunderstand their own thoughts and the world around them. We follow the English Na�onalCurriculum, with a personalised and interna�onal approach. This means that your child isge�ng the best delivery of English possible, as it puts them at the heart of our teaching.

In English, we cover a range of topics and skills across Key Stage 3, with regular assessmentsto monitor pupils’ progress and a�ainment. All three areas of English are covered throughoutthe year, meaning that your child will be constantly working on their reading, wri�ng andspeaking & listening skills.

Over the three years of Key Stage 3, we will explore a range of topics, including TravelWri�ng in Year 7, Non-Fic�on texts in Year 8 and Gothic Literature in Year 9. Also, in eachyear pupils will cover some of the works of Shakespeare and explore poetry. Alongside theseunits of work, each year will also be reading a class novel together and working ondeveloping their basic literacy skills.

We are passionate about English and your child’s enjoyment and achievement are central toour teaching. We are commi�ed to building pupils’ confidence in English and lessons arevery pupil-led, with lots of discussions, group work and engaging ac�vi�es to cater for alllearning styles and abili�es. Independent reading is also greatly promoted and it is expectedthat your child will always have a reading book of their own and that they are readingregularly at home.


Curriculum and assessmentMedia Studies

Media Studies gives our students an opportunity to express themselves in a crea�ve andsafe environment whilst becoming media literate. This enables students to safely immersethemselves in the world of media around them to iden�fy and understand the messagesthat they engage with. We study the three main pla�orms of print, digital and audio-visualmedia as students learn to make sense of the media in an ever increasing digital world.

The aim of our Media Studies curriculum is to develop confident, ar�culate, enthusias�c,and knowledgeable students who are engaged and aware of the messages that arepresented to them. Students study various contemporary and historical texts understandinghow an audience may interpret the media’s unique form of language. They then use theseskills to research, develop and create their own media ar�facts. They experiment withcolors, shapes, images and words and consider the impact of their work on an audience.Students are able to edit and evaluate their work and become cri�cal of media in modernlife.

Key skill areas of the curriculum are:

• Learning to think cri�cally.

• Becoming a smart consumer of products and informa�on.

• Recognising a point of view.

• Crea�ng media responsibly an safely.

• Iden�fying the role and impact of media in culture.

13 14

What Britannica students have to say about English:

‘English lessons are really fun! I really enjoy reading together as a class and when we’ve wri�enstories because I like to be crea�ve with my own ideas.’ ‘It is really important to learn Englishbecause it helps me in all of my other subjects. This year I think I’ve really improved myvocabulary and have learnt a lot of new words to use in my own wri�ng.’

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Curriculum and assessmentEnglish as an Addi�onal Language (EAL)

At Britannica, we recognise that many of our learners do not have English as their firstlanguage. Therefore we understand and differen�ate our teaching across all phases with thisin mind. All teachers at Britannica are experienced in teaching children with varying levels ofEnglish language proficiency and tailor their delivery of the curriculum to cater for this.Alongside this, we also offer a focused interven�on programme, aimed at providing furthersupport, outside of the mainstream classroom, for those learners who require extra help ora�en�on. These lessons are taught by dedicated EAL specialists and are an opportunity tosupport mainstream subjects via reviewing key vocabulary, grammar and language. The aimof EAL lessons is to help students improve their language skills, which are vital to theirsuccess at school, within an English curriculum.

EAL lessons incorporate the four key language skills of reading, wri�ng, speaking andlistening; in addi�on to focusing on improving students’ vocabulary and grammarknowledge. This gives our learners a holis�c language experience, with the appropriatebalance of skills required to best equip them for their achievements throughout theirlearning in school.

We have a flexible approach to EAL lessons, meaning we can tailor learning and teaching tobest suit our students’ changing needs. We communicate with the class and subjectteachers to gain an insight on how we can support their current topics, as well asimplemen�ng regular forma�ve and summa�ve assessments to ensure the highest qualityof learning. Such assessments provide us with informa�on on the language areas in whichlearners need extra assistance along with those areas in which they are developingcompetency.

Our aim is to ensure pupils involved with EAL support feel increasingly and consistentlycomfortable and confident in their use of English. Lessons are enjoyable and pitched at thelevel that is needed for the children involved, with flexibility, enthusiasm and commitment,to your child’s progression, being paramount to what we do. The teaching of EAL learners isa whole school commitment, central to our curriculum and teaching at Britannica.


Curriculum and assessmentWhat Britannica students have to say about EAL:

‘I enjoy learning a new set of words each week; this helps me remember them in my otherlessons.’

‘EAL lets me focus on my English; it’s good because I need to get better at it’


Geography is a subject that is relevant and dynamic, helping students to make sense of theworld. Geography gives students to be�er understand the world around them, making senseof space and place and the con�nuous interac�ons between man and environment.Geography is the most relevant topic a child studies at school; learning transferable skillsthat they can use across the broader curriculum as well as beginning to understand thecomplex processes that make up both the human and natural environment outside of theclassroom.

We follow an adapted version of the Bri�sh Na�onal Curriculum at key stage three. Thisensures that your child not only develops good knowledge and understanding across abroad range of topics, but we also include the Geography of local areas and what ishappening with global events, therefore increasing its relevance in today’s ever-changingworld.

In Key Stage 3, Geography students study a mul�tude of topics across both aspects of thesubject; physical and human geography as well as integra�ng the applica�on of graph andmap skills through these schemes of work also. Both knowledge and skills are regularlyassessed through the end-of-unit tests as well as the end-of-year tests.

During year Key Stage 3, students will study topics such as Popula�on and Rivers in Year 7,Rainforests and Globalisa�on in Year 8 and Development and Hazards in Year 9.Addi�onally, theywill be learning how to read an OS map, using an Atlas and reading variousthema�c maps and drawing and interpre�ng geographically relevant graphs.

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Curriculum and assessmentHistory

History is so much more than the study of the past. It gives us opportuni�es to interac�velyengage with a range of evidence and resources to gain coherent knowledge and a firmunderstanding of a variety of historical periods.

We follow the English Na�onal Curriculum, with a personalised and interna�onal approach.This means that students have the chance to apply ENC skills to prescribed topics in thiscurriculum and also to other topics in Asian History.

In History, we cover a range of topics and skills across Key Stage 3, with regular assessmentsto monitor pupils’ progress and a�ainment. Tasks are designed to ensure studentsunderstand chronology, change and con�nuity and the significance of par�cular events.They will become historical enquirers, interpre�ng a range of historical sources.

Over the three years of Key Stage 3, we will explore a range of topics, including TheMongolian Empire in Year 7, the Atlan�c Slave Trade in Year 8 and Terrorism in the ModernWorld in Year 9. Also in each year, pupils will work on their essay wri�ng skills to improvetheir formal communica�on. Source-based tasks will enable students to improve their basicliteracy skills.

The Key Stage 3 History curriculum will enable students to differen�ate on how historicalsources are used rigorously to make claims, and discern why and how contras�nginterpreta�ons of the past have emerged. These skills are obtained through class discussion,group work and engaging ac�vi�es to cater for all learning styles and abili�es.

What Britannica students have to say about History:


Curriculum and assessmentMandarin

Nowadays the ability to communicate effec�vely in Mandarin is increasingly valued globally.At Britannica, all Key Stage 3 students have Mandarin for 5 lessons per week. Students whoare learning Mandarin as a Foreign Language are placed in classes that best suit theirlearning experience and needs, from beginners to experienced learners. The curriculumenables students to develop their Mandarin proficiency in all four language skills: listening,speaking, reading and wri�ng. Students learn Mandarin in a communica�ve way whichenables them to use the language effec�vely for various purposes.

In the na�ve class, students study with an adapted version of the local textbooks of ChineseLanguage and Literature. This suits the needs and background of the Mandarin FirstLanguage learners at Britannica while ensuring that they are studying to a high standard.Students are encouraged to read extensively and will further develop their readingcomprehension and wri�ng skills in prepara�on for the Cambridge IGCSE 1st LanguageChinese course in Key Stage 4.

What Britannica students have to say about Mandarin:

‘I love studying Mandarin because of the culture and the beauty hidden inside of its reality. I amalso a�racted by those poe�c words and ar�ficial tradi�ons. Moreover, Mandarin is my mothertongue, for now, and for always.’

‘It is really important to learnMandarin because we are in China so we have to know how to speakChinese and in the future, a lot of people will know how to speak Chinese just like we know howto speak English. ’

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‘History is really interes�ng and I have learned a lot. The Civil Rights Movement is my favouritetopic because I’d never even heard about it before and now I have so much knowledge about.I like to learn more about it in my spare �me also.’

‘I am never bored in the History classroom! Some�mes we read and write, other �mes we discussand experiment with par�cular aspects of our topics. I can’t wait for History in Year 9.’

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Curriculum and assessmentMaths

Mathema�cs is a crea�ve and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developedover centuries, providing the solu�on to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It isessen�al to everyday life, cri�cal to science, technology and engineering, and necessary forfinancial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathema�cs educa�on,therefore, provides a founda�on for understanding the world, the ability to reasonmathema�cally, an apprecia�on of the beauty and power of mathema�cs, and a sense ofenjoyment and curiosity about the subject.

We follow the English Na�onal Curriculum which outlines the main aims for the course,these are ensuring all pupils:

• Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathema�cs, including through varied andfrequent prac�ce with increasingly complex problems over �me, so that pupils developconceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly andaccurately.

• Reason mathema�cally by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing rela�onships andgeneralisa�ons, and developing an argument, jus�fica�on or proof using mathema�callanguage

• Can solve problems by applying their mathema�cs to a variety of rou�ne and non-rou�ne problems with increasing sophis�ca�on, including breaking down problems intoa series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solu�ons.

The content can be divided into six main topics:

1. Number 4. Geometry and Measures2. Algebra 5. Probability3. Ra�o, propor�on and rates of change 6. Sta�s�cs


Curriculum and assessmentAt Britannica, we teach the curriculum in a personal, dynamic and crea�ve way. We willcombine different methods of teaching to suit the different needs of our students.Assessments will use a combina�on of topic tests, projects, inves�ga�ons, examina�onsand quizzes. In order to prepare for IGCSE, students are expected to know how to use theelectronic calculator as well as to perform calcula�ons without the calculator for certaintopics. We require that each student comes to class with the correct equipment, which is:


Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of crea�vity. A high-quality music educa�on should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music andtheir talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, crea�vity and sense ofachievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a cri�cal engagement with music,allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimina�on to the best in the musicalcanon.

We follow the English Na�onal Curriculum, with a personalised and interna�onal approach.This means that your child is ge�ng the best delivery of Music possible, as it puts them atthe heart of our teaching.

In Music, we cover a range of topics and skills across Key Stage 3, with regular assessmentsto monitor pupils’ progress and a�ainment. All three areas of Music are covered throughoutthe year, meaning that your child will be constantly working on their performing, composing,and listening and appraising skills.

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• Scien�fic Calculator • Protractor • Pen

• Compass • Ruler • Pencil

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Curriculum and assessmentOver the three years of Key Stage 3, we will explore a range of topics, including music fromdifferent �me periods and cultures, music produc�on techniques and the use of technology,performing as a member of an ensemble and as a soloist, instrumental technique andcrea�ng music in a range of styles. All students will have the opportunity to perform atpublic events, and they are ac�vely encouraged to get involved in the wide-ranging extra-curricular programme and seek advanced training through the 1:1 music programme.

Music and the Expressive Arts are a core part of your child’s experience at Britannica, andwe are proud of the commitment; determina�on; crea�vity and passion shown by ourstudents, who all recognise and value the importance of Music to their educa�on. Studentshave access to outstanding resources and facili�es, and they are welcome to u�lise theseoutside of lesson �me.

Physical Educa�on

Britannica’s physical educa�on curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel incompe��ve sport and other physically-demanding ac�vi�es. It provides opportuni�es forpupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness.Britannica sports also encompasses opportuni�es to compete in sport and other ac�vi�esbuild character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.

As a school, our physical educa�on curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:

• Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical ac�vi�es.

• Are physically ac�ve for sustained periods of �me.

• Engage in compe��ve sports and ac�vi�es.

• Lead healthy, ac�ve lives.


Curriculum and assessmentKey stage 3 students:

• Use a range of tac�cs and strategies to overcome opponents in direct compe��onthrough team sports and individual games, for example, badminton, basketball, cricket,football, hockey, netball, rounders, rugby and tennis.

• Develop their technique and improve their performance in other compe��ve sports forexample, athle�cs and gymnas�cs.

• Perform dances using advanced dance techniques within a range of dance styles andforms.

• Take part in outdoor and adventurous ac�vi�es which present intellectual and physicalchallenges and be encouraged to work in a team, building on trust and developing skillsto solve problems, either individually or as a group.

• Analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvementto achieve their personal best.

• Take part in compe��ve sports and ac�vi�es outside school through community links orsports clubs.


A high-quality science educa�on provides the founda�ons for understanding the worldthrough the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Science has changed ourlives, it is vital to the world’s future prosperity and all pupils are taught essen�al aspects ofthe knowledge, methods, processes and uses of Science. They are encouraged tounderstand how Science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things willbehave, and analyse different causes.

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Curriculum and assessmentWe follow the English Na�onal Curriculum with a personalised approach for our students.At this level, pupils begin to see the connec�ons between the different Science subjectareas and become aware of some of the big ideas underpinning scien�fic knowledge andunderstanding. Examples of these big ideas are the links between structure and func�on inliving organisms, the par�culate model as the key to understanding the proper�es andinterac�ons of ma�er in all its forms, and the resources and means of transfer of energy askey determinants of all of these interac�ons.

In Science, we cover a range of topics and skills across Key Stage 3, with regular assessmentsto monitor pupils’ progress and a�ainment. All three Sciences are covered throughout eachyear at Key Stage 3 and during this �me the pupils will explore a wide variety of topics

In Biology, pupils will explore topics such as; living organisms, the healthy body,reproduc�on and rela�onships within ecosystems. In Chemistry, we start by looking atpar�cle theory, chemical reac�ons and the periodic table. In Physics, we cover topics suchas; energy, waves, forces and mo�on. Alongside all these units ofwork each yearwe will alsobe developing their experimental and procedural skills so that pupils are able to make andrecord observa�ons and measurements using a range of methods for differentinves�ga�ons, and evaluate the reliability of methods and suggest possible improvements.

What Britannica students have to say about Science:

‘I like using all the different equipment in experiments and being able to find things out for myselfto see if my predic�ons are right’

‘I enjoy learning about how the Science we do in class relates to my daily life and this year I foundthe diges�on topic really interes�ng as it made me think about how my body works every day.’


Curriculum and assessment

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World Languages

Here at Britannica, we are serious about our World Languages provision, both to the na�vespeaker and the learner of foreign languages. The languages offered by the department arecurrently French, Korean, Spanish, Hebrew, Italian and Japanese and every week over 65World Languages lessons take place. We understand that our interna�onal students havevery diverse needs when it comes to the acquisi�on or maintenance of their second or thirdlanguages: we fully recognise that no one student is the same.

In today’s global society we believe it is vital that we set out to improve our learners’language abili�es from the point of their needs. Similarly, through the delivery of ourlanguage programmes, we believe in the importance of fostering interna�onal-mindednessin our students by nurturing their knowledge, understanding, sensi�vity and apprecia�on ofother cultures, values and tradi�ons. All our teachers are experienced and highly qualified,and, of course, all our na�ve languages are delivered by na�ve speakers. Every year ourprovision grows and develops, and we hope to con�nue to add more languages over �me,as our community grows.

Year 9 IGCSE Op�ons Process

Year 9 students will choose subjects to study at IGCSE level in Year 10 and 11. This is a veryimportant �me in a student school life. There are no easy subjects or hard subjects; weencourage students to choose a broad range of subjects include those they enjoy studyingand are mo�vated to learn more. Students will begin to have conversa�ons with their formtutors to help guide them to make the right choices. Parents of Year 9 students will beinvited to an Op�ons Evening to help them understand the process and support theirchildren when making these choices.

All students will study English, Maths and Mandarin. Students are encouraged to studybetween 6-8 subjects; the number of subjects studying will be different for each studentdepending on their needs and abili�es.

The process for students selec�ng their IGCSE op�ons will begin in the Spring Term.

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Curriculum and assessment


Curriculum and assessmentHomework and Assessment

In Year’s 7, 8 and 9 homework will be set by each subject teacher once per week with anes�mated �me for comple�on of 45 minutes per subject. Students are given one week tocomplete the work. Students will experience both forma�ve and summa�ve assessments.Forma�ve assessment is planned into lesson plans to ensure the teacher is aware of thelearning that is taking place, the progress being made and to help plan for students nextsteps. This ensures that high-quality lessons are always delivered.

Summa�ve assessments are linked directly to the curriculum content and take the form ofwri�en and oral tests. Tests are mainly completed at the end of a topic or scheme of work(usually between 6-12 weeks). Students also complete standardised online tests at the endof the academic year in English, Maths and Science; these are iden�fied on the schoolcalendar. These tests will include all curriculum content covered.

Our Year 10 and 11 Curriculum – IGCSE

In Year 10 and Year 11 students follow two year IGCSE courses in their chosen subjects.Students are encouraged to maintain breadth in their op�on choices to enable them topresent a balanced profile when considering their Higher Educa�on choices.

IGCSE Op�ons

Here are some of the subjects we can offer:

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Assessment and Examina�ons

At the end ofYear 11, students will sit formal external examina�ons in the subjects they havebeen studying. These will take place in May and June under exam condi�ons set out by theexamina�on board. These exams are externally marked and results are available in August ofthe same year.

Throughout the IGCSE course, regular internal assessments will take place in class. Studentprogress is tracked and monitored to ensure students are making the desired progress andare thoroughly prepared for their examina�ons. Year 11 students will partake in mockexamina�ons in January of their final year; this will give them the experience of si�ng formalexams and allow teachers to know exactly how students are performing and any possibleinterven�on strategies that can be put in place to support your child.

Our Year 12 and 13 Programme – A-level

OurA-Level programme is unique in Shanghai as we are the only interna�onal school offeringa wide range of A-level subjects. The qualifica�ons give students the best chance to gainentrance into UK and worldwide universi�es. Our A-Level programme is run in Year 12 and13. Students follow a personally tailored programme to suit their varying needs. Students aresupported by their teachers and form tutors in prepara�on for examina�ons and universityapplica�ons. Sixth Form students have access to study rooms, seminar rooms, ICTequipment, a university and careers library and a common room.

Here are some of the subjects we can offer:

• English Languageand Literature • Mathema�cs • Mandarin • Business

• Physics • Chemistry • Biology • Art

• Psychology • ICT • History • Geography

• Mathema�cs • English • Mandarin

• Combined Science; Physics,Chemistry and Biology • Art • Business

• ICT • History • Physical Educa�on

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Extra-curricular ProgrammeA�er School Ac�vites

Our A�er School Ac�vi�es (ASA) programme supports and expands the �metabledcurriculum. The programme has been one of which we have been incredibly proud since ourfirst year of opera�on and we are proud to further develop the programme to be an enviableblend of ac�vi�es, enviably designed to offer every child with an opportunity of severalchoices to select a combina�on of ac�vi�es suitable for their age, abili�es and interests.

We believe this programme is an integral part of the Britannica promise to create well-rounded individuals who will be ready for their next school, college or university when theyleave us.

For students in Year 7-13, there is a good blend of classes to support the academic side,par�cularly for Years 10-13 who will be studying for IGCSE and A-levels and also classes tohave fun.

ASA choices change on a termly basis and include, but are not limited to, the following:


LeadershipThere are many opportuni�es in our Secondary School for your children to develop theirleadership skills. Here are some of the examples:


At Britannica, each student becomes a member of a House; this House will stay with themthroughout their �me at school. The four houses are:

Our four School Houses allow for healthy compe��on in sports and other ac�vi�esthroughout the year. They also provide further opportuni�es for pupils to work co-opera�vely and suppor�ve of each other outside their form and year groups.

Each house has a House Captain chosen by the pupils. The House Captain leads their House,providing opportuni�es for leadership responsibility. Throughout the year pupils earn housepoints, for good behaviour, a�tude and achievements. These contribute to the sought-a�erHouse Trophy awarded at the end of each year.

If you have siblings in school they are given membership of the same House. Pupils takegreat pride in their House and House events are colourful, loud and always full ofexcitement.

Prefects and Head Boy and Girl, Posi�ve role model and support members of the Prefectteam by a�ending school organised events and undertaking in du�es around the schoolduring break/ lunch�mes

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• Dodge-ball • Netball • Basketball

• Business Studies • Economics • Physchology

• Football • Badminton • Swimming

• Mandarin Ac�vi�es • IGCSE Mandarin 1st Language Booster Club • Drum Line

• Britannica Voices • Britannica Chamber Orchestra • Subbeuto Club

• CNED • Secondary Art Club • Homework club

• Sport Leaders Award • Touch Rugby • Film Club

• Scrabble and Chess • Advanced Web Design • Japanese (non-na�ve speakers)

• Red Lions • Red Phoenix• Green Dragons • Yellow Tigers

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LeadershipLibrary Leader

Students will work in partnership with the Director of Libraries and Library Coordinatorswho will oversee their du�es and responsibili�es. Library Leaders help the LibraryCoordinators keep the libraries �dy and a�rac�ve, help process new books, help pupilslocate materials, supervise pupil use of the library and computers, teach students how toeffec�vely use the library. They are on hand to answer ques�ons about library services, helpplan and adver�se special library events, such as book sales or local outreach programs.


Expedi�ons play an important role in developing pupils’ independence, teamwork, ability toface challenges, work co-opera�vely, empathy for others and general leadership a�ributes.An ‘Expedi�ons Week’ takes place each year and provides an opportunity for form and yeargroups to bond and get to know each other, as well as giving teachers the opportunity toobserve pupils outside the classroom se�ng, and o�en see a ‘different side’ to theirpersonality. Fortunate to be in Shanghai, the school ensures that it makes the most of thelocal facili�es, venues, places of interest to visit as well as those further afield across Chinaand Asia.

Sports Teams

In addi�on to our inclusive PE schedule, we also have a strong emphasis on interschoolsports as we believe healthy compe��on is a great way to test and apply what we havelearnt in class whilst demonstra�ng our leadership and teamwork skills. We are part ofvarious spor�ng leagues and compe��ons in Shanghai. Our sports teams train weekly andeveryone is welcome to come along and get involved.


LeadershipOur sports teams include:

If your child is interested in ge�ng involved, please get in touch with our sports team whowill let you know when training and fixtures are taking place.

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• Football • Netball • Basketball

• Swimming • Badminton • Ul�mate Frisbee

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LeadershipSchool Council

Our Student School Council helps us to improve aspects of our school community byallowing students to exercise their rights and accept their responsibili�es as members of ourcommunity. The purpose of the Student School Council is to encourage students to workcollabora�vely and coopera�vely, to learn about the importance of democracy, and toencourage students to be involved in issues that concern them in and around the school.

How members are elected:

• The students in the class who would like to become a representa�ve on the StudentSchool Council will be asked to write down reasons why they would make a goodCouncillor.

• The students will have the opportunity to share their manifesto with their fellow classmembers.

• All class students will then democra�cally vote for a representa�ve, one from each class,in a secret ballot elec�on


LeadershipSports Leaders

Sports leaders are selected by the Physical Educa�on Department, they can be from anyyear group. These students work alongside the PE department to support school fixtures,inter-house compe��ons, swimming galas and sports days. They also act as role models tothe younger students in Primary and EYFS.

A�er School Ac�vity Leaders

If leadership is something your son or daughter wishes to develop; there is an opportunityto help the younger students during ASA �me. These leaders support the teacher andstudent in spor�ng ac�vi�es, art ac�vi�es, reading and much more.

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World Scholars Cup


University Des�na�onsThroughout the year students from Key Stages 4 and 5 give up their spare �me to a�endpresenta�ons from top �er universi�es from all around the world.

100% of our senior students receive offers of places subject to achieving good grades intheir final A-Level examina�ons.

University offers in recent years have included:

• University of Bristol

• University of Manchester

• University of Leeds

• University of Southampton

• University of Edinburgh

• University of Arts London

• Queen Mary University London

• University of Sheffield

Our students receive offers and ul�mately a�end universi�es which are consistently in thetop ranked universi�es in the UK and beyond. Over the last two years 100% of studentshave a�ended their first choice university.

This is an astounding feat and testament to the quality of students and the teachingreceived at Britannica Interna�onal Shanghai.

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Over the past few years Secondary students have had the opportunity to par�cipate in theWorld Scholars Cup compe��on.

World Scholars Cup is an interna�onal team academic compe��on with studentspar�cipa�ng from over 82 countries. The compe��on aims to a�ract a global community offuture scholars and leaders, and allows students to discover strengths and skills they neverknew they had. Students from different cultures come together to discuss issues and ideasrelevant to today.

The World Scholars Cup curriculum includes; Science, Literature, the Arts, Music, History andSocial Studies.

Britannica has had the privilege of hos�ng the Shanghai round of the World Scholars Cup, ahighlight in our school calendar!

Hundreds of students from local and interna�onal schools a�end and experience a fabulousopportunity to compete and develop skills such as collabora�ve wri�ng and deba�ng. Thisyear students discussed the civilisa�ons of ancient Greece, the Han dynasty and AncientIndia. They also explored the artwork of David Hockney and Marc Chagall as well as musicby Beethoven and Georges Bizet. In the literature sec�on, students studied poems byDickinson and Monet, as well as other literary greats.

What an incredible achievement for our students and we are already looking forward tostudying the new curriculum and compe�ng next year!

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General Informa�onSchool Uniform

At Britannica, all Secondary students wear a school uniform. This helps to ins�l a sense ofpride and team spirit within our school. School uniform can be purchased at the uniformshop on the school campus during school opening hours.

Students in Year 12 and 13 do not wear school uniform but must dress in appropriateand smart business a�re.

PE Kit Swimming Kit• White Britannica PE shirt • Swimming shorts or costume• Black Britannica shorts • Goggles• Dark socks • Swimming cap• Trainers • Towel• PE jacket (op�onal)• PE trousers (op�onal)• PE bag (op�onal)• Dark coloured swimsuit• House t-shirt

Secondary Uniform

• Navy school sweatshirt or a navy cardigan with school logo

• A white shirt

• Grey trousers or pleated skirt

• Britannica school �e

• Plain, black shoes (N trainers)

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General Informa�onCommunica�on with Parents

We are keen to maintain excellent and open communica�on links with parents and have anumber of ways in which we do this:

• A school newsle�er is sent home once a week, detailing informa�on about school eventsand ac�vi�es.

• Our preferred method of contact is by e-mail; if you have any ques�ons please do nothesitate to contact your child’s form tutor. Form tutors will also send regular e-mailcommunica�on to keep parents updated.

• Each student has a homework diary which acts as a homework record and also a formof communica�on between parents and class teachers.

• Regular parent-teacher mee�ngs.

• Wri�en reports are sent out on your child’s progress each term.

• Assemblies.

• The school website.

• Our WeChat account.


General Informa�onBehaviour

Secondary school students take responsibility for their own behaviour.They are expected to:

• To be on �me for lessons.

• Have all their equipment and be ready to learn.

• Listen to the teacher and other students when they are talking.

• Work hard and try their best.

• Respect other students who want to learn.

If students choose not to respect these expecta�ons in the classroom the following stepsare taken:

1. Students are spoken to verbally and given a chance to change their behaviour.

2. Students are spoken to verbally a second �me and given a chance to change theirbehaviour.

3. If students choose not to change their behaviour then consequences are put intoplace.

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General Informa�onRewards

Throughout the year all students in Secondary will be awarded house points which willlead to cer�ficates to recognise their progress. These cer�ficates are awarded duringassembly �me and are kept in a Record of Achievement folder.

50 House Points – Bronze Award 100 House Points - Silver Award150 House Points – Gold Award 200 House Points – Pla�num Award

In addi�on to House points, student success is acknowledged in the following ways:

• Posi�ve Postcards, Outstanding Academic Achievement and Outstanding Effortcer�ficates

Daily Rou�ne

A�er School Ac�vi�es (ASA’s) take place on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. OnWednesday school finishes at 3pm. Buses will leave at 3pm on Wednesday and parentswho collect their children must make sure they are collected at 3pm instead of 4pm.


General Informa�onSchool Buses

A School bus service is available to all children from the age of 3 to and from the school. Ourschool bus service is an op�onal service and charged separately. The bus service can beapplied for at any �me. Our aim is to arrange the pick-up from, and the drop-off to, housingcompound’s entrance gate. School transport routes are determined by the pick-up loca�ons.Pick-up at School At the end of the school day), students who do not use school transportshould be collected from the canteen at 4pm (3pm on Wednesdays).

Please ensure that your child knows who is going to collect them. Pupils who use schooltransport are escorted up to the bus park by the bus monitor.

Late Pick-Up Students who are collected by a parent or carer will wait in the canteen andare supervised un�l 3.10 pm (Wednesday) or 4.10 pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday andFriday). Children who are not picked-up by this �me will be taken to the school foyer. Ourschool recep�onist will contact parents to confirm the pick-up �me and the children willwait in the foyer un�l a parent or carer arrives.

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General Informa�onTime Table

Planned Mid-day pick up Parents are encouraged to arrange doctor’s appointments andany other appointments outside of school �me. If you do need to pick your child up duringthe school day, please inform your child’s form teacher as early as possible.


General Informa�onLibrary

The Secondary Learning Centre has a growing repertoire of English, Chinese and Na�veLanguage books and magazines. New �tles are added regularly. All Secondary studentshave a library card which the can use to borrow books whenever they like.

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8.20 am to 08.40 am Registra�on with Form Tutor

8.40 am to 09.20 am Period 1

9.20 am to 10.00 am Period 2

10:00 am to 10.20 am Break �me

10.20 am to 11 am Period 3

11 am to 11.40 am Period 4

11.40 am to 12.20 pm Period 5

12.20 am to 1 pm Period 6

1 pm to 1.50 pm Lunch�me

1.50 pm to 2.20 pm Period 8

2.20 pm to 3 pm Period 9

3 pm to 4 pm A�er School Ac�vi�es

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General Informa�on


General Informa�onBring Your Own Device

All Secondary students at Britannica are required to purchase and bring a laptop computerto school with them each day.

The focus of technology in and outside of school is to provide tools and resources to the21st Century Learner. Excellence in educa�on requires that technology is seamlesslyintegrated throughout the educa�onal program. Increasing access to technology is essen�alfor the future. One of the learning tools of the 21st Century student is the laptop computer.The individual use of laptops is a way to empower students to maximise their full poten�aland to prepare them for higher educa�on and the workplace.

Learning results from con�nuous dynamic interac�on among students, educators, parentsand the extended community. Technology immersion does not diminish the vital role of theteacher. To the contrary, it transforms the teacher from a director of learning to a facilitatorof learning. When technology is used effec�vely it can enhance the curriculum and lead toa more personalised and s�mula�ng learning experience.

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In line with our drive on improving the use of educa�onal technology, Secondary studentsand teachers have access to the Canvas Virtual Learning Environment, VLE.

This is an essen�al tool which is used on a daily basis, both in school and at home.Canvas offers several interac�ve features when it comes to both synchronous andasynchronous learning. Conferences, collabora�ons, discussions, and chat are a few of theways teachers can leverage the built-in interac�ve op�ons to deepen student learning andengagement.

Canvas provides a robust experience for designers, instructors, and learners. Whenteachers consider what they want their learners to do and how they want to teach, therereally is no debate, Canvas is the best fit.

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Parental InvolvementAbsence Procedures

Unplanned Absence

If your child is unable to a�end school due to illness or any other reason, please telephonethe school between 7:50 am and 8.20 am on the first day of their absence or send an emailto the Form Teacher.

Planned Absences

Should you wish to remove your child from school to a�end a family holiday during the term�me, permission must be requested from the Form Teacher. Parents are asked to limit thenumber of holidays taken during term �me to minimise disrup�on to their child’s educa�on.

For annual holiday dates for Britannica, please contact the school office or go to h�ps:// for school informa�on, term and holiday dates.

For medical or dental appointments, a teacher should be informed beforehand by e- mail.Children should always be collected and returned by an adult on these occasions. As far aspossible, such appointments should take place outside of the school day.

Security cards

Everyone, except children in uniform, coming on to school grounds are required to wear anofficial security card. These cards have photos of each individual and are issued to newfamilies as part of admissions. If someone else is arranged to pick up your child, they needto bring along this badge to prove they are authorised. If you lose your badge and need topurchase a new one, please do contact the recep�onist to help you.


General Informa�on



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Parental InvolvementPossible Infec�ous Diseases

If your child is off school because of sickness or diarrhoea, they are recommended not besent back to school un�l 48 hours a�er symptoms have passed. Pupils must be kept offschool for a period of �me where they have an infec�ous or contagious disease. Theseinclude common ailments such as impe�go, conjunc�vi�s and chicken pox.

Head lice

Please check your child’s head regularly and no�fy the school if you find head lice. Currentadvice on the treatment of head lice is available from your local pharmacist.

Asthma Inhalers

Parents of children who carry their own inhalers are responsible for supplying the school’snurse with a spare, named inhaler just in case your child’s inhaler is lost or misplaced.

School Closure Due to BadWeather or Other Emergencies

We want to work in partnership with you as parents and carers to ensure the safety of yourchild at all �mes.

Our school Principal and the Senior Leadership Team will decide if and when school shouldclose due to bad weather or another emergency. In bad weather, they will decide this a�erreceiving informa�on from the local government about local weather condi�ons. Thisdecision can be made at any �me, day or night.

If the school is to close early, the school will contact you by email. If this is not possible, theschool will contact your named ‘emergency contact.’ No child will be released from schoolwithout contact being made. It is important therefore that contact details are current andthe people named are available, par�cularly during bad weather.


Parental InvolvementAir Quality

Air Purifiers are installed in all classrooms, internal ac�vity areas and offices. These purifiersremain constantly on low except when the AQI goes above 150 when they should be set onmaximum load. The pollu�on level in school is measured regularly in classrooms and workareas and compared with the external pollu�on level to measure the effec�veness of the airpurifiers.

Real-�me readings of the air quality index will be taken from h�p://

The reading measured at Shanghai Normal University will be used, which is the nearestmonitoring sta�on on the website. The AQI reading at this website will be taken regularlyduring the school day by the Principal’s PA, but especially prior to the start of school,morning break, lunch�mes and before a�er school ac�vi�es to inform implementa�on ofpolicy. The Principal’s PA will send an email out prior to all outside play informing of thepollu�on levels so that teachers can respond appropriately.

We ask all parents to make sure that the school is fully informed of any physical or medicalcondi�ons of their children, so that precau�onary measures may be taken accordingly. Ifyour child is extra sensi�ve to air pollu�on or you wish to further protect your child, pleaseprovide them with an appropriate mask to wear when outside.

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AQILevel Student Ac�vi�es

0-125 Normal outdoor ac�vi�es may take place across the school with all age groups.


Students in EYFS and KS1 will remain inside school during designated outdoorac�vity �mes.

KS2 and Secondary students may be allowed to take part in ac�vi�es outside.

Masks are recommended for students with par�cular sensi�vity to air pollu�on.

175 -200Students in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 will remain inside the school.

Secondary students may be allowed to take part in ac�vi�es outside.


All students will remain inside the school.

Inter-school sports may s�ll take place for Secondary pupils, provided that permissionis received from their parents.

Outside events such as Pumpkin Palooza or Fairs will be moved indoors.

250+ All outdoor ac�vi�es cancelled – including matches and day trips.

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Parental InvolvementDealing with Concerns

We understand that parents may have concerns about your child from �me to �me. We areaccustomed to suppor�ng parental concerns regarding issues such as friendships, ea�nghabits, behaviour, health issues, homework, learning difficul�es etc. If you have a concernregarding your child, please contact their form teacher as they are the person in school whoknows your child best. Quite o�en your concern can be addressed quickly and easily viaemail or over a mee�ng.

You can contact your child’s class teacher either by pu�ng your concern in wri�ng by emailor telephoning the school and arranging an appointment to talk to them. Our home/schoolpartnership is essen�al to ensure that your child gains maximum benefit from his/her schoolexperiences.

Friends of Britannica

‘Friends of Britannica’ is a parent-led group supported by the school. ‘Friends of Britannica’recognises the vital role that parents play in suppor�ng their children’s learning. The basicprinciple of ‘Friends of Britannica’ is the desire to enrich childrens learning experience acrossthe whole school. These parents are ac�vely involved in event planning and organisa�onacross the whole school. Every parent is welcome to par�cipate. To get in contact with thegroup, please contact your child’s form teacher who will pass on the informa�on to ourCommunity Co-ordinator.

Mobile Phone and Camera Policy

Britannica Interna�onal School, Shanghai is commi�ed to ensuring the safety of children inits care. We recognise that mobile phones are part of everyday life for many children andthat they can play an important role in helping pupils to feel safe and secure. However, wealso recognise that that casual or inappropriate use of mobile phones in the School couldpose a risk to children.


Parental InvolvementThe school has displayed no�ces advising visitors that mobile phones or cameras may notbe used to take photos in the se�ng unless permi�ed to do so. If a visitor, parent orcontractor is seen using their mobile phone or camera to take photos, they will be asked tostop and to delete the photos.

Pupils are not permi�ed to use their mobile phones at school or on school trips. Duringschool �me the phone should be set on silent mode and be kept in the pupil’s bag. Mobilephones used during school �me will be confiscated and kept in the school’s safe andreturned only to a parent.

While we would prefer parents not to use their mobile phones while at school, we recognisethat this would be impossible to regulate and that many parents see their phones asessen�al means of communica�on at all �mes. We, therefore, ask that parents’ usage ofmobile phones, whilst on the school site, is courteous and appropriate to the schoolenvironment. Parents must not use the mobile phone or camera to take photos. We allowparents to photograph or video school events such as shows or sports day using their mobilephones – but insist that parents do not publish images (e.g. on social networking sites) thatinclude any children other than their own.


It is recognised that one of the key ways to support children’s development, and engageparents in children’s learning, is through photographs that record their children’s ac�vi�esand achievements. Therefore, as a school, we share photos of weekly ac�vi�es through aweekly Newsle�er and the school’s social media channels WeChat and Facebook. If you donot want the school to include photographs of your child or children for this purpose, pleasesend this request in wri�ng to your child’s Class Teacher.

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