  • 8/3/2019 Haggadah 2011 Small Group - Christian-Messianic



    OPENING PRAYER: (Everyone reads together)

    LORD God of Israel Creator of the Universe here we are to celebrate the

    Passover, a Feast that You Personally established through Your servant Moses. We

    thank You that through Your Son Yeshua, those of us who were once cut off from

    Israel now have access to the covenants of Israel and the blessings of Abraham

    so that it is not a strange thing for us to celebrate this feast. We thank you for the

    freedom to meet together for this purpose, in a community where we are not

    persecuted for our faith.

    Heavenly Father, we ask for ears to hear the whisperings of Your Spirit wooing us

    beyond the safety of our own minds and imaginations; we need the mind ofChrist. Give us eyes to see the path to deeper intimacy with You, for only there

    will we find the strength and the love to face the days ahead. As the world

    staggers through cycles of disaster tempered by Your great mercy and

    longsuffering, all of which You have foretold, we want to be the Light and the

    blessing that You have called us to be.

    Holy One of Israel, as we recall Your deliverance of Israel from Egypt, teach us

    who we are to You, and how each of us may come into full agreement with YourWays. Let the Holy Fire of Heaven cleanse us for Your Glory, and for the glory of

    Your Kingdom.

    In Jesus Name we pray. Amen!

    1. Introduction

    Narrator: Hag Sameach!(HAHG sah-MEHY-ahkh) Thats Hebrew for Happy Holy-

    Day. This written teaching is called a Haggadah which means "telling". The

    commandments to observe, to teach and to rememberthe Passover(Exodus 12:42-

    13:3, Deut 4:9 & 11:19) were emphasized in the Bible to encourage the children of

    Israel to bring it out of the past and make it a present reality for every participant,

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    young or old, as if they personally were part of the story. We hope that this Haggadah

    brings the story to life for you tonight.

    To help you follow the order of service, our Hagaddah is color-coded.Black typeis for

    individual readers, Blue type is for the entire assembly to read, andGreen type is for

    the women only. You dont have to read the Red typeout loud;red is for notes and


    First Reader: Passover began as a celebration of the day that Israel was set free from

    slavery in Egypt, so that they could worship the God of their fathers Abraham, Isaac,

    and Jacob. The observance of Passover begins with a day of preparation, during which

    all unleavened bread is removed from the home and a special meal is prepared. As dusk

    approaches, Jews (and other believers like us!) around the world come together to

    recall the Hebrews exodus from Egypt and the meaning behind it. The onset of evening

    begins a special Sabbath day the first of seven days during which no leavened bread is

    to be eaten. These seven days are called the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The celebration

    goes back three thousand five hundred years.

    Second Reader: Over the centuries, the nation of Israel endured many things. After

    Solomons death, the nation was divided into two. A few centuries later, the entire

    Northern Kingdom of Israel was exiled from their Land; we now call them the ten lost

    tribes of Israel. Only a tiny remnant of those tribes ever returned to the Land, even to

    this day. Yet this exiled brother nation(Luke 15:11-32) to the Jews carried with them

    an abundance of ancient promises passed down from Abraham and reiterated by the

    prophets, that they should be as the sand of the sea, that cannot be measured

    (Hosea 1:10) After losing their younger brother, the Jews were destined to remain

    small in number and alone among the nations until the LORD restores all of the Kingdom

    to Israel, beginning in the last few years just before the Second Coming of the Messiah.

    Third Reader: Because the tiny Jewish nation was all that remained of Israel, they

    were the only people left who kept the Biblical feasts in the midst of the vast Roman

    Empire and beyond. In his gospel, the apostle John reflected this reality by referring to

    Passover as a feast of the Jews instead of using the original Biblical title, feast of the

    LORD, given by God. The Jews grew accustomed to being a single minority nation


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    among a fullness of nations, yet the calling of God remained sure, and they rebounded

    again and again in the midst of adversity, to keep their appointed feasts and pass down

    the Hebrew Scriptures for the sake of many generations to come. Because of their

    faithfulness to God we can celebrate Passover tonight.

    Fourth Reader: You could say that Passover is all about the Blood of the Lamb, and

    the Exodus of Gods people from bondage. The term Passover comes from the 10th and

    final plague God brought upon Egypt to convince Pharaoh to set the descendants of

    Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob totally free from forced slavery. During this plague, the lives

    of all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt were at stake. Those who trusted the LORDs

    instructions placed the blood of a Passover lamb on the door posts of their homes, so

    that Judgment would "pass over" those homes.

    Ever since that first Passover, this event has been retold in the homes of Hebrew

    descendants around the world, because God gave it as a sign to them and to us,

    forever.(Ex 12:14,17; 13:7-10)

    Everyone: And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the children of Israel,

    and say to them: The feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim

    to be holy convocations, these are My feasts.(Leviticus 23:1-2 NKJV)

    And you shall observe this thing as an ordinance for you and your sons forever And it shall

    be, when your children say to you, What do you mean by this service? that you shall say, It is

    the Passover sacrifice of the LORD, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in

    Egypt when He struck the Egyptians and delivered our households. So the people bowed their

    heads and worshiped. (Exodus 12:24,26-27 NKJV)

    Fifth Reader: For God to say that something is forever, it must have deep meaningto Him! Passover is a memorial to the God Who Delivers His people yesterday, today,

    and for ever. It was fulfilled by ancient Israel in Egypt, through the ministry of Moses.

    Then it was fulfilled in meticulous prophetic detail by Yeshua Messiah Jesus Christ

    during His first ministry on earth, when He became our Passover Lamb forever. And it

    will be fulfilled again in prophetic details not yet fully understood by tens if not


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    hundreds of millions of believers at the end of this age, during a time of great


    Sixth Reader: So Passover is MUCH MORE than a memorial of the past; it was a

    prophetic declaration of Messiah to come. As Jesus concluded His earthly ministry, He

    fulfilled the pattern of the Passover season, exactly to the day, as the Lamb of God. He

    was identified, slain, resurrected, and presented to His Father as the Firstborn from the

    dead all according to the same pattern that God gave the Israelites when they left


    Narrator: The first Passover was also a prophecy of the final exodus and deliverance

    of Gods people that will correspond with the season of Jesus Second Coming. A fina

    exodus in the face of a Pharaoh called the antichrist will far surpass the scope of the

    first exodus, both in distance and in the number of believers. (Jer. 16:15, Hos. 1:10-11,

    Rev. 12:6,14)Today, the prophetic patterns of the Feasts of the LORD are being woven

    into the fabric of the lives of all believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We

    hope tonight to encourage you to investigate further the present-day relevance of the

    exodus prophecy. It is a complex topic, but rich with insight into the end times.

    Everyone: And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places:

    thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations;

    and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.(Isaiah 58:12)

    Narrator: Before we review the ancient Exodus story in Egypt, we will explain what

    Jesus did to fulfill the LORDs Passover in Jerusalem. (Ex. 12:11)

    Seventh Reader: The background for this part of the story is first century Israel. This

    once-proud and wealthy nation was a shadow of its former glory. Their capital city of

    Jerusalem, including Solomons temple, had been destroyed and rebuilt. Despite the

    efforts of valiant Jewish believers like the Maccabees, Israel had failed to maintain its

    independence. When Jesus was born, they were being ruled by the Roman Empire.

    Corruption permeated the Jewish civil leadership as well as the priesthood. A beautifu

    new temple stood in Jerusalem, but the Holy of holies was empty. The Ark of the

    Covenant had been missing for over 500 years, and the Shekinah Glory of God was no


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    longer present with His people. Like today, a large number of professing believers added

    dead traditions, idolatry, and pagan culture to a tentative relationship with God.

    Narrator: But God always has a remnant of faithful saints who will do anything for Him,

    to the best of their understanding. In those days, the Holy Spirit didnt indwell believers

    as He does today. Yet the favor of God, assurance of Salvation, and the present-tense

    anointing of the Holy Spirit was always accessible to those who sought Him whole-

    heartedly. (Deut. 30:14/Rom. 10:8) In fact the promise of Redemption and of a daily

    walk with God, and the hope of Heaven can be found throughout the Old Testament;

    because ever since the Fall of Man, the Promises of God and His close Presence and

    watchfulness over us were always based on the Lamb slain from the foundation of the

    world.(Rev. 13:8) the predetermined work of the Cross. (Job 33:24-28)

    Eighth Reader: The blatant corruption of the Jewish leaders and many of the priests

    was no secret to anyone. Faithful Jews who wanted to follow the LORD and teach their

    children about Him learned to deal with it the best that they could. When John the

    Baptist appeared preaching repentance, the Holy Spirit moved among the people totally

    apart from the influence of the Pharisees. It happened so fast that it took the Jewish

    leaders completely by surprise. They were relieved when John was imprisoned by Herod,

    and then killed. But in the meantime the LORD Himself in the Person of His Son was

    emerging into public ministry.

    Ninth Reader: Jesus of Nazareth showed up just as suddenly as John did and not in

    the wilderness, but right in Jerusalem overturning tables in the Court of the Gentiles

    and directly confronting the temple priesthood right to their faces! After that, Jesus was

    a moving target, coming and going with the wind of the Holy Spirit. At His appointed

    times He would return to Jerusalem with forceful new confrontations and supernatura

    wisdom, striking right at the core of a heartless, profit-oriented temple system that was

    making merchandise of the holiness of God.

    Tenth Reader: During the last week of Jesus ministry the Jewish leaders panicked,

    broke their own laws and had Jesus killed at a very embarrassing, awkward time for

    them. But Jesus had forced their hand on every front, using the written Word of God

    the Torah (the Law of Moses), which they professed to live and believe. They had to

    either face up publicly to their own twisted religious system, or they had to eliminate


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    Jesus as Herod had eliminated John the Baptist. Their backs were up against a wall, and

    they did exactly as Jesus knew they would.

    Eleventh Reader: The true nature of the conflict was actually revealed the previous

    year, at the feast of Tabernacles. Every year on the last great day of that feast, a

    breathtaking ceremony took place at the Temple, with two priestly processions

    converging onto the Temple Mount amidst the swooshing of literally hundreds of willow

    branches. One procession was led by a flutist called the pierced one and the other was

    led by a priest called the sent one carrying living water from the pool of Siloam.

    The ceremony was passionate and deeply meaningful to the people, who would sing,

    "With joy we will draw water out of the wells of salvation. Toward the end, in a final

    crescendo of emotion,the people called out to the LORD for His Messiah (Anointed One),

    crying out seven times, HOSANNA! HOSANNA! HOSANNA!! (Meaning: SAVE US!)

    This cry for Messiah (Yasa Na!) comes from Psalm 118:25.

    First Reader: THAT was the day that Jesus stood up probably right after this

    emotional cry for Salvation, and announced to the gathered crowds, If anyone is

    thirsty, let him come to me and drink! He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said;

    out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. (John 7:37-38) These powerful words

    from the Son of God burned like fire in the hearts of the people. From that day forward,

    Jesus was a major topic of discussion in almost every Jewish household. The Jews

    anticipation of their Messiah had been growing for many years; the signs and wonders

    that Jesus worked convinced many people that He was a man of God, regardless of the

    begrudging disapproval of their religious leaders. Could He be the long-awaited Messiah?

    Second Reader: The chief priests and Pharisees were furious at Jesus for using the

    theme of their Tabernacles ceremony for His own message. They had been using the

    feasts of the LORD to promote themselves and the religious system theyhad builtaround Herods Temple. Now, as Jesus was asserting His rightful place in Gods

    appointed feasts, they saw themselves losing control of the people right there in

    Jerusalem. They took council about having Him killed, but His time had not yet come.

    They would not be successful until He intentionally gave Himself up.


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    Third Reader: The following spring, while on His way to Jerusalem as Passover drew

    near, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead after four days in the grave a dramatic,

    public resurrection and the news of Lazarus went forth throughout the Jewish leaders

    primary religious stronghold of Judea. Thus the peoples expectation of Jesus as

    Prophet or Messiah was reaching an all-time high just as the season of Passover

    (Unleavened Bread) began. He had boldly prophesied at the feast of Tabernacles: How

    would He follow that up during the Feast of Unleavened Bread?

    Fourth Reader: Now from the beginning, God had instructed the Israelites to select a

    one-year old male lamb without blemish, on the 10th day of the month of Aviv. (Exodus

    12:3-5) In the days of the first century temple, this was another day of passionate

    public celebration. Every year on this day the people would assemble thousands of palm

    branches and line the road from the Temple to the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem. The high

    priest would lead a procession of priests out of the Temple, across Jerusalem, and out

    the Eastern Gate to select a Passover lamb to represent all of Israel.

    Fifth Reader: The sheep were raised near Bethlehem, so the trip may have been

    several miles. Every year on cue, as that priestly procession was spotted returning to

    Jerusalem with the Passover lamb, the crowd would grab their palm branches and run to

    the side of the road to sing Psalm 118. Then, as the high priest passed with the

    Passover lamb, they would cry out the same words that they had shouted on the last

    day of Tabernacles: HOSANNA! HOSANNA! HOSANNA!

    Sixth Reader: That was the TRADITIONAL schedule. But THIS year, Jesus suddenly

    became the focus of the day just as He had at the feast of Tabernacles six months

    before! In a fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9, Jesus came down from the Mount of Olives,

    through the Eastern Gate riding on a colt. The multitudes quickly picked up on their cue,

    picked up their palm branches, and rushed from all over to see the Prophet/Messiah

    Who just a few days before had resurrected Lazarus of Bethany. Laying clothes out on

    the road, they cried out, Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He Who comes in the

    Name of the LORD!(Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-40, John 12:12-19)

    Seventh Reader: Of course, it didnt take long for the Pharisees to figure out that

    Jerusalems high priest was being outclassed by Jesus of Nazareth, and they protested


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    to Jesus. (Luke 19:39)But Jesus was asserting His place at His Fathers feasts.

    His reply was that if they stopped, the very stones would cry out instead. In other

    words, this was one of His appointed times, that the pattern prophesied by Moses should

    be fulfilled. Gods Word was going to be carried out as a sign to the people even if it

    took dead stones. But He had living stones instead! (1 Peter 2:5)

    Eighth Reader: And Jesus was just getting started. Over the next four days, during

    the time God had instructed the Israelites to examine the Passover lamb for any

    blemishes, Jesus made Himself available at the Temple (His Fathers House) for His final

    examination by the religious leaders. He started by cleansing the temple again

    overturning the tables of the money changers and businessmen who had corrupted

    Gods laws for profit. During this time, the Pharisees just knew that somehow they could

    trick Him, if they had to, to DO something or SAY something by which they could justify

    the death sentence that they had already agreed upon behind closed doors.

    Ninth Reader: The people listened attentively to His teachings. And every time the

    religious leaders challenged Him, He proved to them that their man-conceived religion

    was vain and contrary to the commandments of God. For they were examining the

    Author of the Word, the Living Torah Who had given Moses every word he ever wrote in

    the Name of the LORD! This was Jesus, the Lamb of God: NO FAULT was found in Him.

    Narrator: On the afternoon of the 13th of Aviv, as evening drew near to the 14th(in the

    Bible, each new day starts at evening), Jesus assembled His disciples into an upper

    room where He had arranged for them to stay during the holy days. They did not

    understand that Jesus would only be staying with them for one evening. That night,

    Jesus observed what we call the Last Supper. He gave the disciples some fina

    teachings for the feast, including the sacrament that we call Communion. We know that

    this was not a Passover Seder for three main reasons: 1) It was the day of

    preparation not the day that the LORD commanded through Moses for the Passover

    meal with unleavened bread, 2) Some disciples thought that Judas left to buy things for

    the Biblical Passover meal, because that was the nextevening, and 3) Above all, Jesus

    had a Divine Appointment the next day to bethe Passover Lamb for all of Israel, and

    all of the nations, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world! It was Gods

    Appointed Time, to fulfill the prophecies of Messiah written by Moses and the Prophets!


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    Tenth Reader: That night, Jesus allowed Himself to be taken into captivity, tried, and

    beaten. The next morning, while many Jews still slept in their beds, Jesus was being led

    in chains back and forth between Pontius Pilate and Herod. The crowds at Jesus trial

    did not represent the general public, as most Jews in Jerusalem were just starting their

    day. While Jesus was being whipped nearly to death, most Jews in Jerusalem and

    surrounding areas still had no idea what was happening; they were doing their list of

    last-minute chores, greeting family and friends, and making final preparations for

    Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread.

    Narrator: As the morning proceeded, word began to spread that this Prophet, whom

    they had hoped was the Messiah, had been arrested by the Romans, tried as a criminal,

    severely beaten, and was facing crucifixion. Their hearts sank as another Messianic hope

    seemed to fade right in front of their eyes. How could He do that to them?, they

    wondered. How could He have come across with such authority, boldly facing off

    against the Pharisees, doing signs and wonders, and then have no plan to deal with the

    Romans? Many disillusioned half-believers would come to mock Him in just a few more

    hours. They didnt understand that their Messiah was fulfilling the very meaning of the

    feast that they were preparing that day. Except to His disciples, who still didnt

    understand, Jesus had spoken about this only through parables and veiled

    speech, because they werent meant to get it until the power of the Holy

    Spirit came at His appointed feast, of Pentecost.

    Eleventh Reader: At 9:00 am, the ceremonial Passover lamb which had been picked

    out by the High Priest four days earlier was tied to the bronze altar for public display. At

    the same time Jesus was being led to Golgotha to be nailed to the Cross: the Lamb of

    God on public display. At noon, darkness covered the land, and a sober, God-fearing

    sense of awe settled in on everyone with the slightest bit of spiritual discernment

    Something terrible was happening; you could feel it. Much of the mocking quieted down.

    First Reader: In the dark, an army of priests gathered at the temple. They came from

    all over Israel. These were not all puppets of the Pharisees, and many must have felt an

    eerie sense of foreboding about all of this. But they came to worship God, and so they

    began preparing to slaughter the Passover lambs of thousands of Jews.

    First, the ceremonial Passover lamb had to be slaughtered; at the ninth hour (3


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    pm) the time of the evening sacrifice. As the light was just returning after three hours

    of darkness, the High Priest went to the bronze altar, killed the ceremonial lamb, and

    proclaimed, It is finished! At that same time, Jesus declared, It is finished, and He

    gave up His Spirit and died. Immediately a loud ripping sound echoed from the temple.

    And then an earthquake shook the city

    Second Reader: While it was still daylight, just before the High Sabbath began that

    evening, Jesus was buried in a tomb, in which He had prophesied He would spend three

    days and three nights: the sign of the prophet Jonah. Three days later, sometime after

    the dusk of the weekly Sabbath (Saturday), as the first day of the week began, Jesus

    was resurrected from the grave. Whether it was what we would call Saturday night, or

    Sunday morning we really cant be certain from the gospel accounts. But this day was

    the day of Firstfruits, or the first of the harvest.

    Third Reader: On this day, Sunday morning, a priest would dedicate the coming

    harvest to God by doing a wave offering of a small sample of green barley at the

    temple. (Lev. 23:9-12) Jesus fulfilled this prophetic offering that morning, presenting

    Himselfat His Fathers heavenly temple. The appointed time must have been coming

    up as He was speaking to Mary, which is why He told her, Do not cling to Me, for I have

    not yet ascended to My father. The Bible says that through His resurrection, Jesus is

    the first fruit(1 Cor. 15:20-23) of a great harvest to come.

    Fourth Reader: But the fulfillment of the Spring Feasts of the LORD wasnt complete

    yet. There was still a seven week countdown to the feast of weeks, which we call

    Pentecost. (Shavuot in Hebrew) During this time, Israel was commanded to do a

    counting of the omer until the latter firstfruits the last of the barley harvest. For

    the first forty days of that time, Jesus was appearing to His disciples and many others,

    teaching them things that they were now ready to understand. After those forty days,

    He ascended to the right hand of the Father, leaving instructions for His disciples to stay

    in Jerusalem until after Pentecost.

    Fifth Reader: On the fiftieth day, the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit visited those

    had waited in Jerusalem, and filled them to overflowing. A multitude of Jews from

    many places were in Jerusalem for the feast, because Pentecost was the second of three


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    feasts when they were supposed to be at the temple. These Jews witnessed the

    presence of God on the disciples. Peter publicly proclaimed the beginning of the

    fulfillment of Joels prophecies (Joel 2:28-32) and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    Sixth Reader: The pouring out of the Holy Spirit came on the same feast during which

    Israel had been given the Ten Commandments 1500 years earlier. That was when they

    had originally committed to God to become a kingdom of priests. (Exodus 19:6)

    Because of their idolatry over the golden calf, that privilege had been postponed. But

    now, fifteen centuries later, God was ready to anoint His people ISRAEL and

    whomsoever desired tojoin them! to become a nation of priests.

    Narrator: Now can you see the power of the prophetic anointing that the LORD

    placed in these annual rehearsals that He called HIS FEASTS? Prophetic events have

    been occurring on feast days and other prophetic dates of the Hebrew calendar for years

    now signs of the times most of which are probably obvious to many Orthodox

    Jewish rabbis. But the majority of Christians remain uninformed because we have lost

    touch with the Hebrew roots of Christianity and His prophetic calendar.

    Seventh Reader: As Christian believers in the Jewish Messiah, we have a rich

    inheritance of non-Jewish pioneers of the faith who left us timeless godly instruction.

    And we honor them, as the Scripture says, honor your father and mother. But when

    we weregraftedinto the tree called, Israel, we also received Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,

    Moses, David, and the Prophets yes, all of Israel as our ancestors!

    Narrator: The Apostle Paul wrote that the entry of the Gentiles into Gods Kingdom was

    a grafting. (Romans 11:17-24) Grafting automatically presumes an existingtree

    You dont call it a graft if you grow a new tree! Rather, we share the same tree as the

    Jews, and they share it with us, their younger brother the ones who fulfill Gods

    multitude of nations promise to Abraham. Together we share the inheritance

    promised, through Abraham, to Israel. (Gal. 3:16,29; Eph. 2:12-20; 1 Peter 2:9-10)

    So it is a privilege to observe the Passover as Christians and to have the freedom to

    borrow as much or as little of Jewish tradition as we choose.


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    Seventh Reader: Tonight we have chosen to present a mixture of Old and New

    Testament teachings straight out of the Bible, along with some meaningful Jewish

    Passover traditions. This celebration is called a PASSOVER SEDER (Say-der). The

    Jewish word Seder means "order." The basicelements and order of the Passover Seder

    has been present for many, many centuries; with other things being added over time.

    From the beginning, the Holy Spirit made sure that Jesus would be allegorically declaredin the telling of the exodus story. (John 13, 1 Cor 11:20-26)

    2. Preparation: Removal of Leaven

    Narrator: As we have begun to see, a Passover Seder is a prophetic declaration of

    Jesus as the Lamb of God, past, present, and future. There is yet a final deliverance that

    Gods people are still waiting for. Over just the last few decades a worldwide evangelical

    explosion has birthed millions of new believers into Gods Kingdom. Many of them liveunder oppressive circumstances not so different from those of the Hebrews in ancient

    Egypt. Many die because of their faith. Others escape with tales of the miraculous.

    Eighth Reader: Modern Pharaohs are holding many believers in bitter bondage;

    limiting their access to worship and to learn about God while in Western nations

    Christians are going through a cleansing fire that is challenging the true nature of their

    faith. In truth, many of the Pharaohs are working openly inside thousands of churches

    synagogues, mosques, and other religious institutions teaching as doctrine the

    traditions of men. As the saints cry out to God, their groans are reaching to heaven

    and God is raising up prophets who will increasingly and relentlessly declare to Pharaoh,

    Thus says the LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: Let My people go!

    Narrator: Before God raptures His people to meet their Messiah into the clouds, He

    intends by the Spirit to finish the work that He started in raising up a Bride worthy of her

    calling of Intimacy with the Son of God. He is meeting with us here in the earth, to teachus how to take governmental authority over the earth, through prayer, that our Husband

    may be glorified. The learning process is difficult, because we must learn how to

    cooperate with His Justice and His Judgments as a mature, holy Bride. But the world

    needs us desperately, and the LORD has promised to lead us to victory!


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    So imagine yourselves now as slaves in Egypt, preparing for redemption from bondage

    to a religious/ political/ economic system that treats you as inferior because it can never

    recognize the call of God on your life. Now your God has proven to everyone that He is

    unmatched in power and authority, and Hes calling you out of the land of your affliction.

    Ninth Reader: Before you go on your journey, the LORD has instructed you to

    eliminate all leaven from your household. He knows that if you bring it along, it will work

    its way into your food supplies and become a burden to carry. The excess baggage wil

    slow down your escape to freedom. To your human way of thinking, you consider this to

    be a little extreme. Surely a little leaven sealed up tightly in one of those new Seal-tite

    Baggies from the Egyptian Marketplace will be okay? But then you remember all those

    Egyptians who disobeyed your Gods commands and paid very serious consequences! So

    you decide to follow instructions

    Tenth Reader: Throughout the Bible, leaven represents sin and unholy influences. That

    is why Paul wrote:

    EVERYONE READS:Purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you

    truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us. Therefore let

    us keep the feast, not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with

    the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. (1 Corinthians 5:7-8)

    Tenth Reader (continues): Leaven (yeast) is an essential element in baking, but it

    also has the power to decay and destroy. As we strive for holiness, we are removing

    leaven from our spiritual lives. The natural world teaches us that even small amounts

    tend to grow and spread rapidly.

    Narrator: Tonight is Monday evening, April 18th, which is the eve (beginning) of the

    14th day of Aviv on the Hebrew calendar, and the first day of Unleavened Bread. Earlier

    today, Orthodox Jews across the world had already cleaned their homes thoroughly of all

    leavened foods in preparation for Passover; the opening ceremony of the seven-day

    Feast of Unleavened Bread. Some Christians, in homes like this one, did so as well

    Households with small children often leave traces of leavened products around in

    obvious places so that the children can participate in the search.


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    NOTE: Prior to the beginning of the service, ten pieces of leavened bread

    were placed inside the room for the children to find and remove.

    Eleventh Reader: In a moment we will have the children search the room to find any

    remaining traces of leaven. This symbolic removal reminds us of the Biblica

    commandments for each of us to remove all corrupting influences from our lives

    (PRAYER) Heavenly Father, true cleansing comes by Your Grace acting upon

    willing hearts. We thank You for Your faithfulness to cause us to be willing, and for the

    grace to cooperate with Your plans for our lives.

    Narrator: (PRAYER) LORD, You Alone are perfect; and as much as we want to please

    You, we cannot be holy in our own strength; it is You Who have set us apart. But we

    acknowledge that when we walk in the Spirit, we are cooperating with You and Your

    Strength keeps our hearts and minds focused on the pure and holy things of life in You.

    Help us to know and to yield to Your Voice, so that we may walk in the Spirit and not

    according to the ways of this world.

    EVERYONE READS: (Continued PRAYER) Heavenly Father This is our confession:

    that we do not walk consistently in the Spirit, because we still tend to harbor leaven in

    our hearts which restrains us from giving our whole selves to You. THIS is the leaven we

    bring to You, LORD. We need Your help to remove THIS leaven from our lives. So we ask

    for revelation and understanding to break every recognized or unrecognized agreement

    with darkness. Holy Spirit, move in us in these latter days as You promised in Your Word

    and through Your prophets. The times and the seasons belong to You, O LORD; we make

    ourselves available during these Your appointed feasts, to do Your work in our hearts,

    that we may be set apart as laborers in Your vineyard. YAHWEH Glorify Yourself in

    us, for the sake of YOUR HOLY NAME which is blasphemed among the nations. We ask

    this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Action: The children now search for and collect the leavened bread in the

    room. When all ten pieces are found, they are removed from the assembly


    3. Lighting the Passover Candles


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    First Reader: A Passover Seder formally begins when the Passover candles are lit.

    Traditionally, the mother of the home lights the candles. Moms have a special way of

    bringing Gods Light into the home! In Jewish tradition, the candles symbolize the

    presence of God and mark this as a holy (set apart) time.

    ALL the Women read: Blessed are You, LORD, King of the Universe, Who has

    preserved our life so that we may celebrate this feast of Passover. As we kindle these

    festival lights, we ask that the Light of Your Love would fill us all by the power of Your

    Holy Spirit.

    Action: The women light the Passover candles. After the candles are lit, the

    women read.

    ALL the Women read: Blessed are You, LORD, King of the Universe, Who gave us Your

    Son, the Light of the World. As Your Holy Presence is always with us, empower us to

    shine the Light of Your love on the unlovely, and to be a blessing to those in need!

    4. The First Cup: the Cup of Sanctification

    Second Reader: Perhaps the oldest Passover tradition, and the one most likely to have

    been used by Jesus to teach His disciples, is the four cups from the fruit of the vine.

    These represent Gods promises to Israel and they extend prophetically to us, also.

    Everyone: God gave His Word: I am the LORD;

    I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians,

    I will deliver you from bondage,

    I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments,

    I will take you as My Own people, and I will be your God. (Exodus 6:6-7)

    Third Reader: The LORD made these four distinct "I will" promises as a prophetic

    declaration of the process of working out our salvation in fear and trembling, as Pau

    put it. (Phil. 2:12) God brings us out of the spiritual cloud of Egypt and creates a new

    atmosphere from which we can see the Kingdom of Heaven. Next He breaks the chains

    of sin from our lives so we can receive the joy of our Salvation. Then, as the enemy of

    our souls comes to us to pull us back into our old lives, God reveals to us more and


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    more of the power of redemption through the Blood of the Lamb and we learn to

    appropriate His authority over sin and pain in our lives. In time, we learn to walk in

    Covenant Relationship on the deeper levels, as a Bride to the Son of God.

    Narrator: In the four cups that we drink tonight we celebrate the four "I will" promises

    of the LORD: The Setting Apart, Deliverance from Bondage, Redemption from the Past,

    and Marriage Covenant with God. Let us fill the first cup.

    Action: Fill the first cup at each table, but DO NOT DRINK YET. (First there will

    be a blessing.) When everyones cup has been filled, continue the reading.

    Fourth Reader: In every age tyrants and oppressors rise against us to crush our

    spirits and bring us low. In every age we wander away from the Truth in one way or

    another, placing our own selves in danger. But the LORD never ceases to rescue and

    restore His Covenant people. As we take the first cup, we proclaim to each other and to

    God, the holiness of being called and set apartunto God.

    Everyone: Blessed are You, O LORD our God for You have been faithful to us when

    we were unfaithful. You have been merciful and so patient with us, leading us again and

    again to Your Living Water no matter how far we have strayed away.

    Action: All drink the first cup.

    5. The Washing

    Fourth Reader: Orthodox Jews have been doing ritual washings as a matter of daily

    routine since the early days of their nation. This practice has minimized sickness and

    disease in Jewish homes when nobody really understood why. While Jesus made an

    example of the Pharisees rigid hand-washing rules to teach about the ultimate nature of

    unclean-ness, we can imagine that He and His disciples considered bodily cleanliness a

    valuable privilege, since they spent so much time away from the comforts of home.

    Fifth Reader: Today, because of modern science, we know that the tradition of hand-

    washing wasnt just a spiritual awareness tool, but it washed germs and bacteria that


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    cause infections. For many centuries, Jews followed this tradition withoutknowing why

    Clearly, traditions can have great value especially if they originate from the Bible.

    Tonight, before we eat, we may ceremonially wash our hands, not merely because of

    tradition, neither from fear of disease. Rather, it is symbolic of the "clean hands" with

    which we seek to come before our LORD (Psalm 24:3-4) the One Who loved us first,

    and Who died to make us free.

    Action: One at a time, each person washes & dries his/her hands as the bowl

    and towel are passed around the table. (***NOTE:Be careful not to mistake

    thesalt waterbowl for the washing bowl at the table.***)

    6. Karpas - The Green Vegetable (Parsley)

    Narrator: Passover is the opening of the Spring Feasts of the LORD, a season of new

    birth and renewal. As spring brings a renewal of vegetation from the earth, a green

    vegetable is used in this ceremony, called the Karpas.

    Action: Narrator takes a sprig of fresh Parsley and holds it up for the people to see.

    The Karpas could also represent the renewal of the LORDs covenant faithfulness to His

    people. For as His mercies are new every morning, so He renews His covenant promiseswith all who are willing, from season to season until the consummation of the Marriage.

    Everyone: Set me as a seal upon Your heart, God; as a seal upon Your arm; For Your

    love is as strong as death, and Your Jealousy is as cruel as the grave; Its flames are

    flames of fire, a most passionate flame. Many waters cannot quench Your love, nor can

    floods drown it.(Song 8:6,7)

    Sixth Reader: Until the LORD

    returns for His Bride, the joys in our lives are mixed withtears. Life in Egypt, that is, outside of our Promised Land, can be grievous and painful at

    times. Even those who have returned to the Land of Promise today are dependent daily

    on the LORDs protection to see them through until the Restoration is complete.

    Let us never forget that the struggle for freedom begins in suffering, and that for a

    little longer; for a few more years life will sometimes be immersed in tears. Each of


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    our tables has a bowl of salty water that represents tears, into which we will dip the

    Karpas before eating it.

    Everyone: We bless You, O LORD our God Creator of all good things. You wait

    patiently amidst our hesitations and mixed motives; You nurse us through the pain of

    misfortunes and disappointments; and You never divert from Your goal of bringing us

    Your people into the place of love, and joy, and maturity which Paul wrote about when

    he coupled together, the power of [Jesus] resurrection, and the fellowship of [Jesus]

    sufferings.(Phil. 3:10)

    Action: Everyone dips a sprig of parsley the salt water and eats it.

    7. The Breaking of Bread: The Matzah

    Narrator: Now we will perform a demonstration that has been done in traditiona

    Jewish Passover Seders for many centuries. We dont know if Jesus taught this to His

    disciples because it wasnt written down until the second century AD. That is when the

    Jewish Talmud (Tal-mood) began to be written, because the temple and much of

    Jerusalem was destroyed, the Jews were scattered abroad, and they needed a way to

    pass their teachings along. The traditional form of the Passover Seder became more

    defined and universalized through the Talmud. If you havent seen this before, you may

    be amazed at the Messianic symbolism of Jesus that is declared. We know that the

    ancient Jewish sages wrote about the triune nature of God, and some considered the

    Messiah to be divine. But we really dont know exactly what kind of Passover Seder they

    passed down between the time of Moses and the time of Jesus. Through whatever

    means, the Jewish Talmud writers passed on a powerful symbolic picture of God and of

    the death and resurrection of their Messiah Yeshua.

    Seventh Reader: Traditionally, three matzotare stored in either a linen napkin or amatzah bag. The napkin is opened up, and the middle piece of matzah is removed.

    (Action: Narrator removes the middle piece of matzah and holds it over the table.)

    Next, the middle piece of matzah is broken in half. One piece is set back in the bag, and

    the other is held up.


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    (Action: Narrator breaks the middle piece of matzah and holds up half of it, then

    reads the next part.)

    Narrator: This is the bread of affliction that our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt. If

    you are New Covenant believers, you can call the ancient Hebrews your ancestors

    regardless of your particular family lineage, because you have been adopted into the

    same family. We are ALL Abrahams seed: the children of promise(Gal 3:29, 4:28),

    because many nations(Gen. 17:5, 35:11, 48:19; Rom. 11:25), have been grafted in

    among those whose genetic lineage comes from Israel. (Rom 11:17)

    Eighth Reader: The three pieces of matzah are called a unity. They represent the

    triune nature of God, made into a pictorial teaching and ceremonially passed down

    through the centuries. The middle piece of matzah represents the Son of God. That is

    why the middle piece is broken because the body of Jesus was broken for us, cut

    off, but not for Himself. (1 Cor 11:24, Dan. 9:26) In a traditional Seder, the broken

    portion that is held up will be set apart. (The other pieces can become part of the meal.)

    Ninth Reader: The broken, set apart matzah came to be called the Afikomen, (Ah-

    fee-koh-men) apparently during the first century. The Talmud refers to the Afikomen

    as the dessert, and it is a Greek word. The strict Greek meaning may be given variously

    as, that which comes after, he who is coming, or last thing eaten (hence,

    dessert). This broken piece of matzah is wrapped in a linen napkin, just as our Savior

    was wrapped for burial. Then it is hidden, just as Jesus was hidden in a tomb.

    Action: The Afikomen is wrapped and placed it out of sight.

    Narrator: (Holding up another piece of matzah)Notice the appearance of the matzah.

    This little cracker has been made similarly for a very long time. It is pierced; Jesus

    was pierced in His side as He hung on the Cross after He died. It has stripes (from the

    heat); Jesus was whipped severely, and by His stripes we are healed. It has no

    leaven; Jesus was without sin. So during Passover celebrations every year, when

    Jewish rabbis around the world make statements like This is the bread of affliction that

    our ancestors ate in the wilderness, as the LORD commanded them isnt that a witty

    picture that God supplied to them, representing their Messiah? [Those of you who know

    me have heard me speak of our human pea brains not as an insult, but to put our


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    own intellect in perspective with Gods. I suspect that in the Kingdom, when we all laugh

    at ourselves concerning things God tried to tell us that we just didntor wouldntget,

    the Passover matzah and Afikomen will be one of those things Jewish rabbis will grin

    about in humble appreciation for the LORDs sense of humor!]

    Tenth Reader: Now we will taste this bread of affliction.

    Action: Pass a few matzah crackers around the table, so that each person can

    break a piece off for him/herself. It wont hurt to collect a little extra at your

    plate we will all be using more matzah for dipping in a few minutes. You may

    wait until each person at your table has a piece, before you eat.

    Tenth Reader (continues): Now it is time to refill our cups. If you want a sip, take it

    now because its cheating to drink from the second cup while the Passover story is being


    Action: Refill all cups. (DO NOT drinkfrom the cup once the Telling begins.)

    8. The Telling of the Passover Story

    Eleventh Reader: The Passover Story is the heart of the Seder, traditionally recounted

    as a parent telling the exodus story to his children. The Bible says, "When your children

    ask in time to come . . . then you shall tell them"(Ex 14:14; Deut 6:20-21).

    The Feasts of the LORD were meant by God to be a spiritual and cultural anchor by

    which the children of each new generation would understand His heart for them, and not

    forget His deliverance. It is both a duty and a privilege to teach our children, and to

    teach newborns into Gods Kingdom, the full meaning of who we are in Christ Jesus. If

    we have been grafted in to the Olive Tree of Israel, the Hebrews in this story are now

    OUR ancestors. So let us rehearse the story of the first Passover.

    Narrator: A traditional Jewish Seder plate contains a lamb shank bone. This tradition

    was begun in remembrance of the Passover lambs sacrificed in Jerusalem before the

    temple was destroyed. It remains to this day as the LORDs prophetic proclamation of

    Yeshua of Nazareth the eternal Passover Lamb for all of Israel.


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    Probably the most striking prophetic foreshadowing of the Lamb of God sacrifice in the

    Bible was represented in the lives of Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah. The words of

    Abraham God will provide himself(Himself!)a lamb for the burnt offering rang into

    the heavens as a prophecy of the Son of God to come. Two thousand years later Jesus

    was crucified at the same place that Abraham offered up Isaac to God. The Scripture

    says that Abraham believed God, and God accounted Abrahams faith as

    righteousness. The LORD promised Abraham, among other things, a threefold

    inheritance of:

    (1) Land, (2)Kings, and (3) a Multitude of Nations from his seed. God renewed these

    promises to Isaac, and then to Jacob. Eventually, Jacobs children came to live in the

    land of Egypt where his son Joseph was second in command beside the Pharaoh himself.

    First Reader: But after Joseph died, other Pharaohs came to power that did not honor

    Josephs family; nor did they acknowledge the God of Israel. They began forcing the

    Israelites to pay tribute to Egyptian gods. At some point the Hebrews resisted. We dont

    have many details about what happened, but some believe that a group of Hebrews fled

    in ships, while the majority remained and were forced deeper into slavery to build

    Egyptian cities, idols, and temples to false gods.

    Second Reader: The children of Israel cried out from their cruel oppression, to the God

    of their fathers. They knew He had made promises long ago. Many believed that He had

    promised a deliverer. The LORD heard their cry and remained mindful of the covenant He

    had made with Abraham. Through a wise mother and an obedient sister, God saved the

    life of the boy Moses from the hands of a ruthless Pharaoh. God raised Moses up to

    deliver the Israelites from the slavery of Egypt.

    Third Reader: The LORD sent Moses to tell Pharaoh to free the Hebrews so that they

    could worship the God of Israel. The LORD had Moses tell Pharaoh that Israel is His

    firstborn son. This was a deliberate challenge to Egyptian mythology, by which Pharaoh

    claimed to be a god himself, the son of Ra, the sun god. Pharaoh scoffed at Moses, and

    increased their labor instead. Then the LORD sent plagues upon Pharaoh and the land of

    Egypt, so that everyone would know that the LORD YAHWEH, the God of Israel is the

    True God above all other gods. The first three plagues made things hard on everyone,


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    including the Hebrews. But after that the LORD set apart the land of Goshen, where the

    Hebrews lived, and the plagues had little effect on Israel.

    Fourth Reader: Pharaoh was stubborn and deeply deceived, and refused to believe

    that the God of Israel was higher than his false gods. The entire political and religious

    system of Egypt was at stake. Throughout the course of the first nine plagues, Pharaoh

    refused to set the Hebrews free on Gods terms, even though the land was being

    destroyed right in front of everyones eyes.

    Narrator: This is the second cup, the cup of deliverance. (Hold up the second cup

    momentarily.) We arent going to drink from it yet, but we will use it to proclaim the

    Judgments of God on Pharaoh. Let us proclaim these Judgments with awe and wonder,

    for similar Judgments are coming again. The more martyrs blood is spilled across the

    world, the more certain the drama of deliverance will be for the harvest they died to

    bring forth. We should never forget those who give their lives they or their families

    to bring about the ultimate release of Gods people from slavery, forever.

    Fifth Reader: The pattern of ancient Egypt will play out again. Even today we can see

    the world ripening for the advent of a worldwide Pharaoh. Remember that while the

    Egyptians were blinded at first, many of them began to look beyond the empty conceit

    of Egyptian religion once they began to face the power of the Most High God. The LORD

    was merciful even in Judgment, knowing that a remnant of Egyptians would accompany

    the Hebrews out of the land, and come to seek Him.

    Narrator: As we recount the plagues that fell upon Egypt, we will spill three drops from

    our cups for each plague to recall the judgment, the cost of sin and lack of

    understanding, and the price of deliverance in a world filled with evil.

    Action: Recite each plague three times, while three drops are removed from

    the cup, either with a finger or spoon, and placed on a plate.

    (DO NOT drink from the second cup yet.)

    Everyone reads: Blood. Blood. Blood. Frogs. Frogs. Frogs.

    Lice. Lice. Lice. Swarms. Swarms. Swarms.

    Cattle Disease. Cattle Disease. Cattle Disease.


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    Boils. Boils. Boils. Hail. Hail. Hail.

    Locusts. Locusts. Locusts. Darkness. Darkness. Darkness.

    Death of the First Born. Death of the First Born. Death of the Firs


    Sixth Reader: Pharaoh finally yielded after the tenth plague the death of thefirstborn throughout the land of Egypt. The evidence of the LORDs power to judge and

    to deliver was fully established through this deadly plague. By following Gods

    instructions and putting the blood of a lamb on the door posts of the houses, the

    Israelites were spared this plague as death "Passed Over" their houses.

    Seventh Reader: As the plagues had progressed, the Israelites became a curse in the

    eyes of the Egyptians. According to instructions after the ninth plague, the Hebrews

    asked for and received gold and silver and precious things, which the Egyptians gave

    them probably hoping to avert the relentless succession of plagues. In the middle of that

    fateful tenth plague, Pharaoh did exactly as God had promised Moses before the plagues

    even started. Pharaoh drove the Hebrews out of his land.(Exodus 6:1)

    Eighth Reader: Immediately as morning came, these descendants of Abraham, Isaac,

    and Jacob left the land of their slavery, strong and healthy. Not a single one was sick or

    feeble. (Psalm 105:37; Ex. 8:22, 15:26)They were joined by a multitude of Egyptians

    who decided it was a good time for them to flee from Egypt, also. (Ex. 12:38)Whats

    more, they left with everything they needed to set up campsites in the wilderness and

    live independently. (Of course, they still needed water God always provides the next

    test of faith, and makes sure we dont forget how much we need Him!)

    Ninth Reader: After the Israelites left, Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army

    after them. The people cried out to the LORD, Who told Moses to lift his staff over the

    sea. The LORD parted the waters and Israel passed through the midst of the sea, on dry

    ground. Once God sealed His people for deliverance, the enemy was powerless. When

    the Egyptians tried to follow, the waters closed back over them. Today, we have

    archeological and geological evidence of where they crossed. We even have video-tapes

    and pictures of what are probably Pharaohs chariot wheels on the bottom of the sea.


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    Everyone: We Praise you, O LORD our God, Ruler over all nations. From ancient times,

    You hear the cries of the oppressed, You bring freedom to the captives, and You create

    for Yourself a holy people.

    Note: At each table, there is a bowl containing bitter herbs, called Maror.

    (Some form of horseradish is commonly used.)

    Narrator: Tonight we eat bitter herbs (hold up a bowl) to remind us of how bitter life

    was as slaves in Egypt. Take a piece of matzah, dip it into the bitter herbs, and eat.

    Action: Each person dips a piece of Matzah into the Maror, and eats it.

    (NOTE: At this point youre REALLY cheating if you drink out of the Second Cup!)

    Note: At each table, there should be a bowl containing Charoset (ka-ro-set).

    This is generally a sweetened mixture of apple and walnut.

    Tenth Reader: Tonight we dip twice. This time we will dip into both the Maror and the

    Charoset to remind us of the sweetness that God can bring into the most bitter of

    circumstances. In the days ahead of us, great tribulation shall come upon the earth. But

    God has promised to nurture His people and to shorten those days. Not only that, but

    in the midst of those days His Glory will shine brighter than ever before throughout the

    earth. Therefore we look with the eyes of faith toward our God, Whose Tenderness and

    Mercy are sweet to the taste of our souls.

    Action: Each person dips a piece of Matzah, first into the Maror as before, and

    then into the Charoset and then eats it.

    9. The Second Cup: the Cup of Deliverance

    Narrator: (Raising the second glass, for all to see)With the second cup we celebrate

    the deliverance that God has brought to us. He brings us from sorrow to joy, from

    darkness to light, from slavery to freedom.

    Everyone: We praise You, O LORD our God, for the Cup of Deliverance which You

    purchased with Your Own Blood. You drank the Cup of Judgment for us, and turned it

    into a Marriage Proposal! By Yourfaithfulness, You set us free. Hallelujah!


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    Action: We all drink the second cup.

    Narrator: Now it is time for our Passover Meal.

    10. The Meal

    Action: Say a blessing and EAT!

    11. Toward the end of the Meal:

    The Third Cup: the Cup of Redemption

    Narrator: (CALL TO ORDER. Everyone fill their cup.)It is time for the third cup. Now,

    as we learned earlier, the Last Supper that Yeshua had with His disciples was the night

    before the official Passover. So we arent celebrating the Last Supper here tonight. But it

    was His last chance to do a Passover teaching, and there were a few things He needed

    to cover. While we have everything laid out here, its the perfect time to explain the first

    Communion. This third cup of redemption in a Passover Seder occurs toward the end

    of the meal, while people are still eating. That night as they were eating Yeshua

    declared that the cup that they had in front of them was the Blood of the New

    Covenant. (Matt. 26:26, Rev. 5:9) So the Cup of Communion is rehearsed at every

    Passover Seder as the Cup of Redemption which is the third cup.

    Eleventh Reader: The disciples were sitting in a room, possibly around a table, where

    each member of the group had his own space like we have tonight. Scripture seems to

    indicate that they were still using leavened bread, which makes sense since the day of

    preparation was just beginning. Following Jewish tradition, Jesus (as their Teacher)took bread, gave thanks, and broke it. Then he passed it around so that each disciple

    could take some. This tradition of breaking bread together and sharing the fruit of the

    vine had been going on for many centuries. That night, Jesus more fully explained the

    teaching of John 6:32-58 that had been such a hard saying when He introduced it the

    first time. (The teaching about eating His flesh and drinking His blood)


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    Narrator: The bread was always meant to represent His Body, and the wine

    represented His Blood. How strange it must have felt to have Jesus telling them that this

    longstanding tradition in their culture was inspired by God and nobody ever realized

    the deeper meaning! But this kind of revelation was not uncommon when you spent time

    around Jesus!

    There is a Jewish blessing that has been passed down from ancient times to be repeated

    with the breaking of bread. I have no direct evidence, but it is likely that the blessing

    Jesus used that night with His disciples was the same or very similar. It goes like this:

    Baruch ata YHWH, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, ha-motse lechem min ha-eretz,

    Amain which means: Blessed be Yahweh, King of the Universe (literally:

    King of Forever), Who brings forth bread from the earth. Amen.

    (Note: Orthodox Jews substitute Adonai for Yahweh, as they will not

    attempt to speak the Holy Name of God.)

    After He gave thanks for the bread and gave it to the disciples, Jesus said, Take, eat;

    this is My Body.(Matt. 26:26)

    Action: Everyone take a piece of matzah and eat it.

    Narrator: After the bread, Jesus took a cup of wine (fruit of the vine), and gave thanks

    for it to God. Again, it is likely that Jesus used this traditional blessing, or something

    very similar, for the wine:

    Baruch ata YHWH, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, boray pri ha-gafen, which means:

    Blessed be Yahweh, King of the Universe, Who creates the fruit of the vine.

    He then passed the cup, and told them, This is My Blood of the New Covenant, which is

    shed for many for the remission of sins.(Matt. 26:28)

    This is how the sacrament began, which we do now in remembrance of Him.

    Action: Drink the Third Cup. Then finish the meal.

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____


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    (after the meal) Call to Order:

    12. The Fourth Cup: the Cup of Thanksgiving

    Narrator: Before we fill the fourth cup, the Afikomen must be retrieved.

    Action: Retrieve the Afikomen, hidden earlier in the Seder.

    Narrator unwraps it and holds it up.

    First Reader: The Afikomen was hidden, but now is revealed; just as the Son of God

    was hidden in a tomb, but rose again on the third day and revealed Himself for forty

    days until His Ascension. The secret of this Afikomen has been hidden for many

    centuries within the traditions of this Passover Seder. During almost that entire time, the

    wall between Christians and Jews has remained formidable. But in the last fifty years,each decade brings a new level of breakthrough in the long process of bringing Jews and

    Christians together to embrace their common destiny as One Body. After all, that is

    something Jesus paid for, at the Cross. (for He is our peace, Who has made both

    one... Eph. 2:12-19)

    Second Reader: For the time is drawing near, that the prophecy be fulfilled:

    I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem,

    the spirit of grace and supplications: and they shall look upon Me whom they

    have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for his only son

    (Zechariah 12:10)

    Third Reader: So it was prophesied of old, that many Jews will come to recognize

    Yeshua of Nazareth as their Savior, and they will come to honor Christians in return for

    preserving the Truth of His Deity and of His Atoning Blood. It was also prophesied that

    Christians, after drifting away from their Hebrew roots, would turn and honor the Jews

    again for the truths that they preserved.

    Fourth Reader: Therefore as we eat the Afikomen, let us celebrate the union of

    faithful Jews and faithful Christians, accomplished by the Blood of the New Covenant


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    The separation of these two olive trees was confusing and heart-rending but

    necessary. And now is the time of restoration into One Body.

    Fifth Reader: (PRAYER)We thank you, LORD God of Israel, Ruler of all Nations, that we

    have the privilege of living in a time when Jewish and non-Jewish believers regularly

    observe Your Feasts together, and break bread together. This truly is an example of

    divine redemption made possible by Your Resurrection Power.(Eph. 2:14-16)

    Narrator: Now we will share the Afikomen together.

    Action: Distribute pieces of the Afikomen and/or extra matzah, and eat.

    Narrator: We live in a time when the sons and daughters of God are about to be

    revealed in glory. We dont know Gods timing exactly, but we sense that nearness of

    His Return. While the secular culture around us is dramatizing signs and symptoms of

    the end of the world, we as New Covenant believers are called upon to rest in God. In

    truth, we are standing at the threshold of a New Beginning, which comes with

    opportunities to do greater works than Jesus did, according to His promise. (John 14:12)

    Sixth Reader: All creation is groaning and longing for the next step the return of the

    Creation to the form it was in, before sin entered the world. When Jesus left, He

    promised that He would come again and that all things would be restored. As we see the

    signs of His Return multiplying around us, we groan within ourselves, awaiting the day

    that He will come and bring His Kingdom in fullness.

    Narrator: Jesus said that He would not drink of the fruit of the vine again, until He drink

    it anew with us in the Kingdom of God. In anticipation of that Day, let us fill the fourth cup

    Action: Fill the fourth cup. When all are filled, everyone raise his/her cup.

    Everyone: Our Father, Who is in heaven, Your name is Holy! We are so thankful for

    Your love and grace and tenderness toward us! Teach us Your ways, and keep pride far

    from us. Purify our hearts with each cycle of Your Appointed Feasts, for You designed

    them with us in mind. Teach us how to walk in Covenant with You as a mature and holy

    Bride. We want to stand before You, clothed in Your Glory. All the Praise, and the Honor,

    and the Glory is Yours forever for You are YAHWEH, the One True God. Amen.


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    Action: All drink the fourth cup.

    Everyone: We praise You, O LORD, King of the Universe, Who Alone rules over the

    affairs of men, and to Whom all people will one day give account! May we be found

    worthy in that Day to hear these blessed words: Well done, good and faithful servant!

    Narrator: Can we join our Jewish brethren by concluding this Seder with the same

    words spoken by Jews throughout the world?

    Everyone together! : Next year in Jerusalem!

    Action: Extinguish the Passover candles.
