Page 1: H. N. GRIFFIN...energetic leadership. Particular ... devices. Patent electric ironers, Thoij washing machines and wringers are in evidence in the interior of the booth and are being

Prices of 1923 Models Delivered Here:

To the Motor Public:

Having: recently taken over the Buick agency for the territory covered by Torrance, Hawthorne, Lawndale, Inglewood, El Segundo, Gardena, and intervening- communities, I wish to say that construc­ tion of the most up-to-date garage and salesrooms will soon be under way in Gardena, and am arranging to establish branches in Inglewood and possibly Torrance. In these establishments I will carry a complete line of Buick parts and accessories and only the best Buick mechanics will be employed.

Hoping to receive the patronage of the residents of these dis­ tricts, and assuring them of my intention to uphold the reputation of the Buick and co-operate in the up-building of 'the community, I remain. Sincerely Yours,*



Roadster Touring Coupe Sedan .... New Model Touring Sedan..

6-CYLINDER MODELSNew Touring Sedan.. Roadster ____~_- 5-Passenger Touring —— 5-Passenger Sedan ——— 4-Passenger Coupe .........7-Passenger Touring __.. 7-Passenger Sedan ——— Sport Model Roadster _. Sport' Model Touring Car..


As it is impossible to display all Buiek models at one time, owing to limited space, frequent changes in models will be made, and that you may see the entire "Buick Family," you are invited to


414445474849 BO5455

Price ...|1050

1075 1380 1625 1540


, 1425227021801690249518901945




VISITS FAIRHugh R. Pomeroy As­

sembly Candidate, Boosts Fair

The candidacy of Hugh R, Pom­ eroy for Assemblyman from the 62nd District, is proceeding in a manner that practically assures his victory at the primaries. Leading) citizens of every city of the District have given their endorsement to the campaign and are doing active work for the enthusiastic secretary of the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce. These include H. M. Gorham, Ernest Pickering, G. M. Jones, F. E. Buudy, A. M. Mont­ gomery, and Carl F. Schrader of Santa Monica, Ocean Park; Donald Gray, C. Gordon Parkhurst, Hubert Hertel, Harry C. Lieber, Edward A. Gerety and Dr. Joseph Saylin of Venice; J. P. Lurford, J. Y. Bedell; J. H. Kibler, E. Casey Jones, and G. S. Thatcher of Hermosa Beach; Geo. M. Button, Sanford M. Ander- son, H. D. Mosely, Mayor Spafford, and H. M. Clarey of Inglewood; Wm. , V. McCoy of Westgate; R. R. Rey-i nolda, V. M. Scroggs and E. J. Whitney of Hawthorne, and scores I of other business men and civic | workers all over the district. Re­ dondo Beach is of course solid foy Pomeroy.

Pomeroy's record of solid achieve* ment in civic activity throughout the district, has won for him an enviable reputation for ability and energetic leadership. Particular study in city mid regional planning enable him to look after the inter­ ests of his constituents in the great work of laying the foundations for

the growth of the future. Legis­ lative action is necessary in these problems of- metropolitan control^ No subject of interest to the dis­ trict has been neglected in Pom- eroy's study and work. His re­ search in sewage disposal has cov­ ered the entire world, information; having been gathered from leading! cities of this and other countries^ A group of envelopes from corres­ pondents from foreign countries is an interesting part of the R. B.' C. of C. exhibit at the Torrance, Fair.

In highways, equal activity has been shown. This is indicated by one instance out of many. Mr.) Pomeroy originated the idea of the, extension of Highland Avenue from Hollywood to Inglewood, making- direct connection from the south­ west part of the district to Holly­ wood, and the San Fernando Valley. His activity in securing rights of way and interesting chambers of commerce and city officials in thr project has assured its final suc-> cess.

A broad grasp of inter-city unity and a steady vision of the greatness and future development of the great) Santa Monica Bay territory, fully fit Mr. Pomeroy to represent the District in the Legislature.

"MOD-MAN OB MONKEY-MAN"Did man evolve from the monkey or did God create man? The pastor of the First Baptist church of Tor­ rance will preach on Evolution at the Sunday evening service at the hour of 7:30. If the Bible account is true and that God made man in His image, does that refer to man's present physical form? Come and bring a friend.

We note a tendency on the part of several neighboring editors to grow poetic. For instance, we find in an exchange this truthful lit­ tle rhyme: "I can remember, my little son, when coal was selling for three dollars a ton."

Exhibits Under _ The "Big Top"

Prominently located in the mer­ chants' tent and decorated in a most artistic manner is the display of the Torrance Electric company, where everything in the electrical line from a bulb to a washing ma­ chine or ironing machinery may be seen. Hanging from the ceiling amid a profusion of greenery are a well selected assortment of elec­ tric fixtures, while on the walls and pillars are the latest lighting devices.

Patent electric ironers, Thoij washing machines and wringers are in evidence in the interior of the booth and are being demonstrated by the proprietor and his assistants. A complete radio set is another fea­ ture of the store's display that attracts the throng.

Word was received today that the chief of police of Pasadena had purchased a Chandler Dispatch for the purpose of a pursuit car and that the choice of this make was made after a trial test in which the chief made better than 74 miles an ho(ur. The test was made- with a stop watch and in the estimation of the city official was a complete success and demonstrated to the satisfaction of the chief that the; Chandler had the required speed foi) chasing bandits and hold-up men. A model of this car can be seen at the Chandler and Cleveland booth at the fair.

Among the interesting exhibits in the industrial tent is that of Sam Rappaport, one of the leading dry goods men of Torrance, whose well arranged display included the latest ready to wear apparel for men and women, as well as house­ hold necessities, Including the well konwn Direct Action Gas Range. His display of women's sport and dress skirts was particularly In-

teresting to hundreds of visitors, while the latest models in Walkover taea for -women, together witK hosiery and Angofleece yarns, com­

pleted an exhibit that drew about it both afternoon and evening an admiring throng. We regret to say, that n'o living models will take part in this exhibit, the Herald having been misinformed.

Perhaps no booth in the Indus­ trial section will attract more at­ tention for the balance of the week; than the H. & S. Electrical com­ pany's display due to the fact that the energetic manager installed to­ day one of the largest and most complete radiophones in the valley: The installation of the aerolons from the tops of the tent masts was "some job" according to this wekk known electrical firm and the services of several men was re­ quired to attach the wires to the top of the poles. This afternoon and for the balance of the week hourly concerts and other Interest­ ing entertainment broadcasted from Los Angeles and as far away as San Francisco, will be heard by fair visitors through an immense Magnavox.

An industrial display that baa attracted unusual attention, especial­ ly from those who are visiting the city for the first time and. are ig norant of the fact that Torrance is one of the moat up-to-date glass manufactures on the coast, is the exhibit in the Industrial tent of the Torrance Window Glass com­ pany.

Here is to be seen the ingredi­ ents in their raw state that enter into the making of window glass, as well as the finished and semi­ finished product. Backed by an immense pane, measuring six by ten feet, the display of the finished glass includes window glass in cylinder form as well as packed and crated In sizes from ten by twenty-eight inches to twenty-eight by thirty-four inches.
