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{fs.~uedw~t/~rm~,Ord~r.~or April,   924 

[Urow~Copyright Itr~er~ed

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18~Fou l lUer O F .   u n M a r k I V ,




FUHLI~flEDflT Wa MAJEST~ 8TtT~ON1I1lrO P F 1 C 1 ~ .

To1,. pr i rchoura dtrrcUy from R.M,~TATION~IVt oFi’fCJ~gtbo following jn,,ls

imporiol hone X i swoy, Løndon. W,t~.~ ~8,A bir~pdou~trnet.Loi~doo~W.


kyork S~ro ~ionohp rerI S i Abdrew’ Orn n ~;C rdUf;

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Price 3 d . Nets

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[Issued with  rmy Orders for April,   924.

40 [Urowii CopyrighRe,wrreil,

1 8 1


1 8 = P o u n d e r Q . F . G u n M a r k I VCARRIAGE, MARK V

  9 2 4






To he ,,orrl,n,rd r1IrortI~from ElM. STATTONE1IY oFFICE .t the folinrelog .~Llrei~ei,n


rrlnl Hnrr,r, Kiopowny. London, W.C. 2 28, Abingd000trrnt, Londoo,S.W. I,

York SLrrrt S I anebrotor; I St. JtndrewaCre,oent, Cardiff120, (Jeorge Stnret. Edinburgh;

orthroughany XiookoeUer.


l~i’t•cc3 1 . L V ’ C t

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By Command of 1 / s e Army Conn ,

Thu WAn Omcu,

April, 1924.


General Instructions ... ... ... ... ... 3

Chapter 1.—General duties ... ... ... ... 5

  1 1 .—Gun dri l l ... ... ... ... ... 24111.—Laying and fuze setting tests ... ... 52

IV.—Sight tests ... .. ... O S

V.—Care of equipment ... ... ... 05

~ppendix—Carriago of stores ... ... ... ... 7 1


A.0.I. ... ... ... Army Council Instructions.

B .C . ~. ... Battery Commander.G.P.o ... ... Gun Position Office;.

0.5 ... General Service (Stores).

14.E. ... ... ... High Explosive.

M V ... ... ... Muzzle Velocity.O.P   .‘  jb~ervatjon Poet.

Q.F. ... ... ... Quick 0.0 .. . . . . Boyal Army Ordn~nrc Corps.

S.C. ... .. .. Section Conuiiander.

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Practical instruction in the equipment should be given to

c each recruit before any attempt is made to instruct him ingun drill. In teaching the duties of each man at the gun, the

“ instructor should try to do so by reasoning rather than by a~ long explanation in words. By means ofquestion and answer

he should try to draw from the recruit the correct solution as

to his duties, being careful to lead the man’s mind into the~ desired channel of thought. Should this attempt fail, the

instructor should givea demonstration emphasizing the points

r~he recruit has not grasped. Such demonstrations should ~(teal with tho work of each man in the detachment; and all

;nen under instruction should, in turn, carry out the work of~ each particular man.

Instruction in gun drill should be given as soon as the men

are conversant with all parts of the equipment, and call limuidle

ill the best and quickest manner each of the working parts ofthe gun. Ozice the work of each mall has been thoroughly

mastered, it should not take long for the recruit to learn the

actual drill.

It is most important that a marked distinction should bedrawn between instruct-ion and drill.

During the former tile language used should be assimple a-s

possible, and the meaning of all technical terms which areImecessary must ho carefully explained. A conversational tone

should beadopted amid under no circumstances whatever should

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anything in tile nature of lomig quotations from (Irill books be

allowed. The men should be permitted to assume an easy

attitude and their interest should not be allowed to flag.

They should bo encouraged to ask questions.

At drill, on the contrary, rigid discipline must be main-tairied; ordersmust be clear and decisive, and the detachments

made to work steadily, smartly and rapidly. At tile same

time the utmost accuracy is essential and Lily deviatioiis from

the methods laid down m m n i s t atonce be checked.

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Tlmis chapter summarizes t h m o duties of time gun position

officer (G.P.O.), the section commander (S.C.) and oaclm man

in tho detachment. It is only intended as a guide for the

inst-rooter, who should use his own words in explaining time

various duties to the men.

Time detachmuent is composed of term men. TIme service ofthe gun is divided between them as follows

I ... ...   In command.

2 .. . ... ... Time h r 0 0 0 h m .

2 and 3 ... ... ... The sights.

4 ... ... ... ... The loading.

5 and 6 ... ... ... The ammunition.

7, 8 and 9 ... ... ... The reserves and assist

with ammunition.

10 ... ... ... ... The coverer and second

iii command.

The duties of the G.P.O., the S.C. and each man are as



1. Under instructions from the Battery Commander (B.C.)

he selects and marks the gun position.

He is responsiblo that the position selected is such that any

tasks likely to be allotted to the battery can ho carried outfront it. He therefore obtains from the B.C. before leaving

him, details regarding:—  

i. The nature of position.  

ii. The zero line.

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iii. The extent of tho zone.iv. The shortest range at which the battery is likely to


2. He selectsand establishes the command post.This should be so situated—1 . That th~G.P.O. can see and control all guns from it.

ii. That  as far as possible) his orders can beheardby allS.Cs. and Nos. 1. (It will usually be best situatedon the windwardflank.)

iii. That guns andwagonsdriving on to theposition shallnot drive over the telephone line to the observa-tion post O.P. .

3. He is responsiblei. For the selection of the aiming point  when required)

and for pointing this out to the S.Cs. over hisdirectoror a dial sight.

ii. That the line of fire of the pivot gun is laid out asordered by the B.C.

iii. That the lines of the remaining guns are laid out

parallel to that of thepivotgun.4. When the map co-ordinate method (Artillery Training,Vol. II, 1923, See. 50, 4 (iii) and 6 of giving his initial ordersis employed by the B.C., the G.P.O. will make the necessarycalculations and correctionsand report theresult to the O.P.

~. Ho is responsible for the recording of zero lines in thebattery. After giving the original line of fire to the guns hewill order “Record as Zero Lines.”

These records will then stand unless a subsequent order to“Record as Zero Lines” is received.6 . When for any special reason, such as

i. restricted position,ii. close country, oriii, the tactical situation,

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 it is necessary for any of the following means of laying fromround to round to be recorded at, or employed by, the guns;howiU:—

 a arrange for planting t i m e battery picket, whichhe willsubsequently indicate to the S.Cs.,

or  b) order theplantingof aiming posts,or (a) order paralleloscopcs to ho set up.

7 . When ordered by the B.C. to do so, or when from thenature of the position or the tactical situation it appearsnecessary, he will calculate and report the lowest quadrantelevation at which the guns can clear the crest, not onlyimmediately in front but also as far to each flank as ho hasreason to believe that the guns will have to fire. lie willbase his calculation of this quadrant elevation on the largest

crest angle reported from theguns, to whichangle ho will addthe elevation duo to the range to t i m e crest plus the safetyallowance requirod when firing over our own troops.  SeeSec. 49, p. 2, ArtilleryTraining, Vol. II, 1923).

8 . When necessary, owing toi. the irregularplacingof t i m e guns,

or ii. a large switchbeingordered,

lie will:—

 a report thegun intervals to the O.P. b) calculate and orderany position corrections.(a) construct a concentration table.~

9.—i. Ho is responsible for passing to the battery theorders received from the 0.1’.

ii. He will issue, in theircorrect position in thesequence,any orders which may have been omitted by theB.C. , owing to the use of standard orders.

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iii. He will query any- order which appears to him to  contain any  verbal slip, error or unintentional


10. Ho will control tho battery in action, ensuring that itsfire discipline is maintained. lie will only report suchinformation to the O.P. as may be necessary to enable theB.C. to observeand correct the fire of individual guns.  SeeSee. 49, 2, also ArtilleryTraining, Vol . II, 1923).

11. When the order “parallel lines” to a imamed gun isreceived ho will pass thisorder to t i m e battery, adding the drillinetimod by whichit is to be carried out.  The method selectedshould be the most convenient and ~ceurate, having regard

to t i m e reliability of the laying out and recording of the zerolines.

12. When elinometerlaying is ordered, or becomes necessaryowingto acasualty to t i m e sights, I m e will calculatethequadrantelevations and order them to thegun or guns concerned.

13. Ho will maintaiui at the command post any records ofregistrations that may ho ordered by the B.C. (For t i m e

purposes of this record information received from section

commanderswill be reduced to normalconditions.)14. Whenever the B.C. is himself commanding from in or

near t i m e battery position  i.e., by voice control), ho will assistthe B.C. by passing orders, watching for acknowledgmentsand otherwiseas may be ordered at the time.


No~na—Onservice i~ma~jnot always be possible for section

commanders to be with their sections in action, and it rmioy lieinadvisable to withdraw a No. 1 from his gun to act as seclien

commander. In this case such of the following duties as effect

both guns will be performed by the G.P.O., and such as effect

individual guns by the Non 1.

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1. He COMMANDS his section and is responsible for tiioserviceability of its EQUIPMENT and the correctness of its


2. On coming into action lie will ascertain from the G.P.O.the aiming point and indicate it to his Nos. 1. This is best

done by calling them to a gun of the sectioim and turning t i m e

dial sight on to theaiming point, lie places himself whereliecan best see and hear the B.C. or G.P.O. and will only moveabout whoa necessary for the supervision of his section, Inordinary circumstances he should be on the flank of hi~

section nearest the commandpost.  

3. He will acknowledge orders from t i m e command post bysaluting with the hand nearest t i m e G.P.O., finishing with t i m e

hand vertically above the head.Ho oniy passes ORDERS when he sees that his Nos. 1 or

  the neighbouring S.C. have failed to acknowledge .

4. lie keeps a permanent record of such of t i m e following asare necessary for the guns of his section. MUZZLEVELOCITY, DROOP, JtJMI’, GUN CORRECTIONS and

FUZE CORRECTIONS.He supervises the TESTING and ADJUSTMENT of t i m e

sights of his section.  See Chap. IV.

5 . When in action he takes a note of the ZERO LINERECORDS of his guns but will not keepany record of ordersduringa shoot.

6 . He reports the CREST ANGLES t.o the G.P.O. whenordered to do so.

7. Ho is RESPONSIBLE that, before fire is opened onanytarget,his guns arelaycd in theDIRECTIONORDERED.

Linesmay be checked by any of the following means

i. Comparing the line of I m i s guns with the flank gun ofthe neighbouring section by looking along eachgun with reference to sonme distant object in front.

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ii. Measuring the switch of each gun from its aiming

posts or some known point in front.iii. Taking bearings of the axis of each gun with a pius.

matie compass.

8. He CONTROLS his section in action.This control is best carried out by watching and listening

rather than by personal inspection of sights, etc., e.g., asregards deflection corrections, observation of which hand isused by 3 will provide a check that deflections arebeingputon in the correctdirection; as regardsfuzosetting, comparison

of the fuze lengths called outwill exposeany considerable error.9. When his section is RANGING, if for any reason one

gun is not ready, ho will fire BOTHELEVATIONS from t i m eother gun, thehigher elevation first, reporting the fact to the

G.P.O.10. At BATTERY FIRE ho will report to the G.P.O. when ‘  

one of his guns MISSES ITS TURN.  

11. Ho will REPORT to the G.P.O. when either of his gunsgoes OUT OF ACTION or when lie finds that an ERROR  

has been made which is likely to have AFFECTED THE

SHOOTING.12. If PARALLELLINES to a gun ofhis section is ordered,  

he will calculateandgive the line of firo to theremaining gunsof the battery, using the drill method ordered by the G.P.O.

DUTIES OF 1.1. He COMMANDS and is responsiblefor theentire service

of his gun.  

2. Ho gives the WORDS OF COMMAND detailed for himin Chapter II, and repeats all ORDERS affectinghis detach.

ment which imave not been heardby the men concerned. Hisorders must be given clearly, but no louder than is necessaryto enable hij~detachment to hear.

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1 1

• lie assists in passing orders down the battery when neces-sary.

He acknowledges all orders by saluting. Ho will salute

with the hand nearest the G.P.O., finishing with tho hand• vertically above the head.3. He is responsible for ensuring:—

i. That the BUFFER is properly filled. He sees thatthero is oil in t i m e tankandthat the isolating valveis open.  

ii. That the I4ECUPERATOR is correctly charged withliquid and air. Ho sees that the tail rod is flush

with therear end of theslot in theprojection of thecradle cap.


RODS, andCUT-OFF GEAR are correct,iv. That the PROTUSION of the STRIKER is correct.v, That the SIGHTS are tested; this is done under tho

supervision of the That theMUZZLE VELOCITYof thegun is correctly

set on the range gear and fuze indicators.

4. He selects the GUN PLATFORM. A good platform isone that provides firm and level ground for the wheels and asufficiency of firm ground into which the spadeswill bed andhold. If a level platform cannot be found and time permits,

thehigher wheel is dug in.5. On coming into action ho mans the RIGHT GUN

WHEEL. When manning wheels , the spokes should begrasped as near the felloes as possible.6 . He attends to the CRADLE CLAMPING GEAR, opens


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• 7 . lIe ascertains, when ordered, the CREST ANGLE andreports it to the S.C.

8 . He selects the auxiliary aiming point and enters on the

recording plate tho ZERO LINE RECORDS.9. When the LIN’E OF FIRE to a NEW TARGET is

ordered, he gauges the new line so that when thegun is layedhe can be certain that it is pointing in the DIRECTiON

ORDERED.If the line ordered is outside t i m e LIMIT OF TRAVERSE,

he superintends themovement of thetrails.In traversing the gun by means of the trails, a movement

of both trails of one yard in t i m e same directioncorresponds to10 degrees of traverse, e.g. :—for a movementof 20 degrees tothe right, the right trail is moved inwards two yards, thelefttrail is carried outwards and thewheels manned until furthermovement is stopped by t i m e right trail.

10.Ti. Ho applies


required, is ordered in the form“POSITION CORRECTION No.... plus or

• minus ... (yards),” and is applied to allelevations ordered, but is cancelled by afresh target beingordered.

 b) Corrections during fire for effect, which areordered in the form

“No.... add  or drop ... (yards).” These arecancelled by a fresh elevation being


ii. When laying by field -chinomctcr, ho applies theINDEX CORRECTION  if any) of his elinometer,and passes corrected elevationsto 2.

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iii. \Vhen time fuzes are issued for which there is nofuze indicator, 1 . will be provided with a fuzocorrectionboard on whichwill be shown correctionsto fuzo lengths required for gain or loss of t i m e

muzzle velocity of thegun.

11. When an anglo of sight is ordered, he examines timsettings of the SIGHT CLINOMETER. lie occasionallyexamines the settings of t i m e RANGE GEAR and FUZE

~ INDICATORS, and DIAL SIGHT.~‘ 12. Ho supervises the preparation and suppiy of AMNUNI-~ ‘ TION. As time fuzes deteriorate rapidly if unprotected from

~ damp, only s u c i m as arc required for immediate use will be0 uncovered. When one group of ammunition is nearly cx-~ pondcd, ho reports particulars of time next group to be used.~ 13. lIe supervises LOADING.~ lie sees that t i m e , caps of No. 106 fuzes havebeen removed

~ and occasionallyexamines thesetting of time fuzes.~ 14. He gives t i m e order to FIRE. The gun will on no~ account be fired witimout his order, Before giving this order

I m e sees that time gun is in all respects ready, and that tliedetachment is clear of therecoil.

‘15. lie is responsible that t i m e INTERVAL between roundsis properly kept as regards i m i s own gun. When a salvo orquick rate of battery fire (less than 5 seconds interval) isordered, im e extends his right arm above i m i s head as soon asi m i s gun is ready to fire.

16 . If the firing lever on the carriage hasbeen damaged,

im efires

timegun by meansof t i m e LANYARD attached to thetrigger. At “OPEN SIGHTS” or “INDIRECT BY

TRAVERSE,” he fires t i m e gun by means of the lanyardwimich will be attached to t i m e lmandlo of the firing lever bya clove hitch; he gives t i m e order to FIRE as awarning to thedetachment.

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17 . At intervals im e checks t i m e LENG’I’H OF RECOIL.He coimmpares time elevation given by time recoil indicator withthe elevation on the olevation aresituated below the sights.

18 . If t i m e run-out duringthelast low inches is ei t imer sluggish

or violent, li e adjusts t i m e VALVE, ADJUSTING RUN-OUT.19. lie watches the action of t i m e SPADES on recoil, afl(l,

wlmcn necessary, to increase th~steadiness of time carriage,

im e adjusts their supportsor, assisted by 4,drives in t i m e remov-able spades. Tho best results areusually obtained when tIme

removable spades arc driveim in after time pcrmaimcnt spadeshave been bedded. Before driving in time removable spades

im e must remove the securing key. When withdrawing timo

removable ~i~ades, im e depresses the catclm retaimmimig withlus foot and pulls time spade t- imrough time trail into the tra-velling position and secures it by inserting the securing key.

20. Wheim firing at high angles of elevation, ho sees thatTHE BREECH will not foul the ground on recoil, orderinga hole to be dug if necessary. Jf timis is not done, serious

damage may result.


place, ho takes every opportumiity of attendingto his

equip-m e m m t . If t i m e g m m n is imot, the bore should ho cooled witim

water wheim “ Stand easy” is ordered.

DUTIES OF 2.I. He LIMBERS UP and UNLIMBERS in conjunction

with 3 and attends to the SHIELD, BRAKE, RANGEGEAR INDICATOR, BREECH MECHANiSM and breecimamid

muzzle COVERS.2. He attends to the BRAKE during travelling. Ho

puts on the brake in actioim. \Vheim in actionor on time road, im omust be careful not to apply the brake too hard.

3. J im aetion im o mans the right GUN-WHEEL, if ordered.

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1 5

4. Wiien t i m e trails are being moved in action and theainming point is to t i m e leftor rear, lie assists I to traverse thegun into t i m e direction ordered by laying on t-o the aiimiing

point over the FLNI)ER of tue i)IAL SIGHT and mhrectmng5 and 6 to move the trails by signalling with the paint bft i m e hand.

I S . lie set-s the RANGE GEAR INDICATOR at the ele-vation ordered by I, depressing last, closes the breech, removes

his imand from t i m e elevating hand-whee l , and reports “ Setl e m m d enough for I and 3 to hear.

6. Wlmen laying by FIELD CLINOMETER lie sets it at

time elevation ordered by I, and lays for elevation by elevatingthe gun until the bubble of time field clinometer runs to the

front and then depressing until the bubble is in the centreof it-s run. He sees that the c l i m m o n m e t e r plane and the baseof time elitmometer are free from grit or dirt, a i m c i that time

clinomet-er is piaced o m m the positioning marks of the planefor eacim lay.

7 . TO OPEN THE BREECH.—He seizes t i m e breecimmechanism lever with time right hand as time gun runs out

and draws it towards him, thus opening the breech andejecting the cartridge case. Ho tlmen holds the lever atright angles to t i m e gun with his left hand, so that neitherthe breech block nor time extractor will interfere with loading.

If the gun hasnot been fired he pushes the imang-fire latchforward to unlock t i m e breech before opening it.

8. TO CLOSE THE BREECH.—--l-Ie closes the breechwith his left imand. He must not slam the breech, and lie

should keep his imand on the lever throughout its wholemovement. If thmcre is difficulty in closing the breccim,I m o will emideavour to press the round home by grasping t i m e

lever with botim imaiids and exciting time whole weight of hisbody upon it. Ho must on no account use the breech screw

as a hamnuer to drive time cartridge home.

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A dented cartridge caso or a burred driving band maycause difficulty in closing the breecim. It is generally quicker

to make every effort to get the round loaded timan to attempt

to remove it. If the breech is nearly closed, ho will place apick helve against the inside of the cradle and outside t i m e

lever breech mechanism and use it as~a lever to close thebreech; time lever breech mechanism cami then be locked by

two or more men pushiing on t - h m o imelve placed hmorizqntallyacross t i m e lever.

If the breech mechanism caimimot lie closed sufficiently to

allow of the use of time pick helve, lie will attach a drag rope

to t i m e leverbreechmechanism; t i m e breech can then be closedby three or four men pulling on the rope from the left of the is import-ant to see that the cartridge case is in alignment

with time shell before attempting to force time round home .

9. If at any time when ordered to unloa 1 ho cannot removethe round by meamms of the extractor, lie unscrews the primer


He t imen screws time plug end of the key into t i m e primeri m o l e and uses it to withthaw the cartridge. If time cartridge

is tightly jammed, it may be hauled o m i t by meamis of alanyard attached to t i m e eye of thekey.

10. He oils and cleans t i m e BREECH MECHANISM whennecessary during firing.

11. Ho reports the reading of t i m e RECOIL INDICATOR

to I when ordered.12. Ho assists I to engage the CRADLE CLAMPING

GEAR at cease firing by turning time elevating imand-wheei.

13 . ‘Wh en ordered to travel wit-li a round in the bore, hoturns the safety catch t- o SAFE.

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LAYS a m i d is responsiblefor t i m e SIGHT COVER, lie FIRESt i m e gun except when “ OPEN SIGhTS” or “INDiRECTBY TRAVERSE” has b e e m m ordered. Ho directs 4 whenplantingAIMING I’OSTS. lIe assists I to test theSIGHTS.

2.—i. lie LAYS FOR LINE and with 2 lays for ELEVA-TION. He lays for line 0 m m f-lie left edge of the

aiming poit unless otherwise ordered.


METER, lie sot-s the dial sight and sight clino-met-er at time angles ordered. He elevates time

gun until the bubble of the s i g i m t clinon’mctcrruns to the front and depresses until t i m e bubble

  is nearly central. lie lays roughly for line.


imcn 2 has reported “Set” lie cross-levels

the sight amid laysaccurately for line. Ho depresses

the gun until the bubble of time sigimt chinometer

is central and report -s “ Ready.”iii. At INDIRECT LAYING wit-hi FIELD CLINO.

METER, he sets time dial sight and sight chino-meter at t i m e angles ordered. Ho elevates andthen depresses the g u m m until the bubble of thesight clinometer is in time centre of its roil, lielays roughly for line. Wheim 2 imas reported” Set,”

ho cross-levels t i m e sight, lays accurately forline a m m d reports “Ready.”  

iv. At DIRECT LAYING, lie sets t h m e open sight atthe deflection ordered. He lays for line and

elevation. After 2 has reported “ Set “ he cross-levels, chocks his lay and reports “ Ready.”

If ordered to take the anglo of sighit, lie cheekshis lay and levels the sight climmometer by the

micrometer head.

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v. At INDIRECTBY TRAVERSE, im e lays INDIRECTby SIGHT CLINOMETER, but after tue firstround is fired lie takes up all orders for LINE


on t i m e traversing W l m c m i LAYING for ELEVATION ho depresses

last  top of t i m e imand-wheel to the front) with at

least o m m o comnpictc turn of t i m e hand-whee l .vii. T i m e normalposition of his HANDS is as follows

Right l i a m m d cii time traversing imand-wlmeelheft hand on t i m e elevating hand-whee l .  

4. To use the TRAVERSING GEAR to time best advantage

the ZERO line should be layed out with ZERO traverse.When time doesnot p e r i m m i t - of this thesetting of the traversing

gear shonid he as near ZERO as possible. After the spadesare embedded , the trails will m m o t be moved so long as the

line is w i t h m i i m the scope of the traversimmg gear.

5. CROSSHEADS are fit-ted t-o a i m n i m m g posts to compensatefor laterah movenment of time sight-. Ilotim crossheads haves i m n i h n m r markings amid numbers. I-fe notes wimicim corres-pond’mng pair of markings are in line and uses them to lay

on. lie direet~4 to clamp crossheads low do*n, so that t i m e

bottom of time far one is just visible over the top of t i m e nearone.

6. At a CHANGE OF TARGET if time angie is given asnmore right  or left ,” I m o turns t i m e micrometer iieads of t h m o

dial sight thmrough t i m e angle ordered. If t i m e angle is giveimfrom zero line, im e sets tlmo dial sight at time recorded zero

line angle and then turns the micronmeter heads of tine dial

siglmt through time angle ordered.7. I-fe fires thegun. As s O O i m astine gum is layed lie removes

his left Imand from time ‘elevating imanid-wheci , places his r igimthand on time firing lever and reports “ Ready.” At time

0 1 1 C m “ Fire“ lie pulls t i m e lever smartly, releases it at once

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and replaces Ins i m a - m m d s in their m m o r m n a l positiomms. Time gull

will 0 m m no account be fired withommt time order from I.

S.. Ho elevates time gun to stops and assists I to emmgage

time CRADLE CLAMPING GEAR at “Cease Firing” im ytraversing time g m u m as directed.

9. Thefollowing arcthe signais used by 3

SIGNAL. MEANING.i. When directing time movement of time trails

Palm of tho hand in time Trails (right) (or left).

required direction.

Fist eieimcimed ... ... Stop traversing.

ii. When directing4 to plant- niH ing postsRight m m c m extended to Move in t i m e direction

the right, or left arm indicated.

extended to tue left.Arm dropped ... ... liaR.

I3otharias dropped sharp- Plant.

lyfrom above the head.

Upward or downward Raise or lower the cross-

motion of the arms head.w i t - h m both arms ex-tended laterally.

Both armsextended above Move head of post iii t ime

time imead and moved direction indicated.

laterally in time required


Botim arias extended Piels up.

sharply upwards.Both arms extended to Move to plant t i m e fartime front (or rear). aiming post.

Body turned about and Come i - irma extended to  

the rear  or hot-li arms

extcnmded to time frommt).

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DUTIES OF 4.1. He assists 5 and 6 to unlimber time WAGON, and attends

to time wagon brake. On comimmg into action lie opens the


the LEFT GUN WHEEL, and drives in the LEFT REMOV-ABLE SPADE when ordered in action.

Before driving in the removable spade, lie must remnovotime securing key. W h e m i withmdrawing f-he removable spade,

im e depresses tho catcim retaining with his foot and pulls the

spade tlmrouglm time trail imito the travelling position a-ndsecures it by inserting time securing key.

2. W T h m e r m planting aiming posts lie holds time post withtime arm bent and elbow against time side at a convenient

height, so that it hangs vertically with the point just clear  

of the ground. He movesto time right or left as directed by 3

until signalled to “plant” when lie allows the post to slip

through time fimmgers until time point t rnmehes time groumnd.  

lIe then completes time planting.3. He LOADS. He placestime head of the shell in the bore

iii line witim the gun axis, being careful riot to strike thebreech.He supports time remind in time left hand and pusimes it homo

with the right (fist clenched, back of the hand to time rear,

knuckles ( lowmlward) wit-h a fellow through action; taking

can-c to load cleanly and not burr time driving band by scraping

it against the breech or edge of time chamber.

lie mustS not use violence in loading or time round will be

liable to rebound and prevent the breech from being closed.

Should he fail to load a remind cleanly or should it rebound

lie must not make a second attempt to push it home ‘by imandor his fingers may be trapped by 2 when closing the breech.

Should, however, time round prevent the breech from closing

lie will put his left hand on time carrier and keep the breech

open while lie pushes the round home with the right hand.

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Ho receives another round from 5, fuzo leading between‘ t ime right arm and body and holds it ready to load. If there

is any delay in supply of ammunition ho will obtain it


If a cimange of ammunition or fuzo setting is ordered, lielays his round down and obtaimis another round from 5. Ho

should be prepared to re-set the fuze of time former round if

necessary. lie should be prepared to break time wire and

uncap No. 100 fuzcs.

D U T I E S OF 5 AND 6.

1. They hOOK IN and UNHOOK the wagon team.


prepare and supply ammunition. In action atRUNUP they

man the trails, 5 tIme left -trail and 6 tIme right. 6 works the


2.—i. ToUNHOOK time wagon team, 5 detaches the off, and

6 time near wheel traces fni- m time swingiotrees,

  the inner traces first. 6 orders “Drive on” and

steadies time pole   5 guides the bar supporting

off the pole; 6 lowers the pole.

ii. To 1100K IN, 6 hmolds up time pole near time foot-

board on the near side and 5 guides the ring oftime bar supporting on to the pole. They thenattach the wheel traces to tho swingletrces,

attaching the outer traces first so as to keep time

horses in position w)mio they are handling the

inner traces.

3. TI-icy see that ammunition

i Has the primers tightly screwed Imonic.ii. Isscrupulously CLEAN, especially thedriving bands.,

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iii. They will put on one side shell witim BURRED

I)RIVING BANDS, reporting particulars to I

wimen opportunity offers, time burrswill he reniovedummdcr instructiomms from I.

iv. Timey will put on o m i e side all cracked or dented

cartridge cases and rounds witim time wire or seal

of No. 106 fuze broken, reporting particulars

to I to enable him to return the rounds.v. Is SORTEI) into groups by nature amid fuze.

vi. Is i’ROTECTEI) fronm extrenmes of temperature rind

from damp.

vii. Is ISSUED from time group ordered.

4. W i m e m m preparing ammurmit - ion with No. 106 FIJZE t imeyremove time cartridge clips. No safety cap is to ho removed

from a No. 100 fuze, or time wire orseal broken tint-il time roummd

is about to ho loaded. On removing time cap they exanmilme

each f m u z e to see that time tape is corm’ectiy wound amid that time

ends of time shearing wire are visible. If a No. 106 fuzo has

become rmmmcapped or time wire amid seal is fouumd to be brokeim,time fuse is to be regarded as dammgerous and treated accord-ingly. A No. 106 fuse wit-hi wire or seal broken is on be replaced in a l inmber or wagon.

5. W im e im preparimgShRAPNEL tbmey remove time cartridge

chps and fuse covers. 6 follows up all orders for corrector

am-id elevation on time FUZE 1N1 ICATOR, a m i d calls out f-hefuse sett i img loud enough for his section comnmaumder to hear.

lie always uses time reader for followimmg up the elevation, aimd

calls omit time highest fuse setting visible to time left of time edge

of the reader.6. 5 sets fuzes with a fuze key to the settings called by 6.

He follows up time set-flings as they are called, so that lie hasaiwaysaroummid ready to be fired. 6 assists 5 when he is not

using the fuze indicator. They re-set mcii fuse accuratelyat safety before replacinig the round in time wagomi.

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7. 5 supplies amnmnunitiomi to 4 passimmg time round between

4’s right a n - m u m amid body, with time fuze kadimmg.

S. Iii action, except wheum using frise 106, t imey always have

six ROUNDS REAI)Y for loadimug. If firing is likely to becontimmumons this number should be increased. Extra rounds

nmay be withmdrawmm from time wagomm amid placed on time groummd.If timo ground is wet or muddy ammunition s i m o u m i d be lulaced

o m m a sheet.

Wimen using fuse No. 106, 5 will break time wime a u m n l uncap

time fuse just before supplying each r o u m m m l to 4 up to time

imumnbcr of rounds specified. In thus way there should m m e v e r

be more than tuvo reminds with broke-rn wires at the gnu—the

round “LOADED “ and tine remind “READY.”

U . When one group of ammumminition is nearly t ’xpeumdcd,

6 REI’ORTS to I the particulars of f - h u e next group.


I. In ACTION tlmey r e i n a i m m at the wagon h i - m e .

2. Timey assist in t i m e SUPPLY of AMMUNiTION a m i d are

available to replace CASUALTIES.

  DUTIES OP 1 01. lie is t i m e COVERER and SECOND ]N COMMANI) of

t i m e sub-section and is in charge of t i m e firing batterywagon.

2. IN ACTION he remains at tho mu’agon line in charge oftime teams amid wagons of his sub-seetiomm.

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Artillery Training lays do-mvn time principles of batterytactics, which vary little with differemmt equipments. This

chapter details time orders given and time procedure by w h m i c I m

these ordersarecarried out in batteries armedwith the 18-pdr.

Q.F. Gum, Mark IV on the Mark V carriage.

Time procedure must ho memorised and strictly adimered to.

The executive order is shown throughout as being given-i by

time section commander, as will normally be time case during

training. V7Imen orders can-i ho heard throughout time battery,

they will be acted upon without repetition. Instructors will

invariably employ time orders detailed for time S.C., even

when drilling a single detachment.  


Time detaehmmmient falls i m m two deep, one pace between ranks,I on time righmt of time from-it rank. 1 . is not covered.

When time gun is limbered up, time front rank is t imreo paces

in rear of time muzzle, I covering the off gun wheel.

When time g r i m m is in action, the front rank is three paces in

rear of the gun wheel, I covering the rigimt whieei.


Section commammder .

‘‘ Tell off.’’

‘ 1 numrmbers himself 1, time r ight—mind. nman of time rear m’ank

2, i m i s front u’ank man 3, and so on.

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Section commander,


I takes a pace to time ream’ witim his riglmt foot and a paceto t i m e left w i t i m iris heft foot. The left-hand man of t i m e rear

r a m m k takes,a pace to t i m e front. At the samnc timiie time n-c-mainider of t i m e f r o m - i t rank take a pace to t i m e rigimt and t i m erear rank a pace to t i m e left.

(Time detacimment is thmen again told off.)


1 . and the coverer on their horses on the left of thu leaders of

time gun and firing battery wagon respectively; 2 and 3 ciithe gun limber; 5 and 6 on time wagon limber; 4 on t i m e

wagon of time firing battery; 7 and 8 on t i m e limber, 9 on the

wagon of time first hue; ], 4, 6 and 8 Oh t i m e near side, 3, 5, 7and 9 on time off.


Sect-ion commammder .

“ Detachments, prepare to amount.”

Themen double to thicir places at the carriages and lay i m o l dof t i m e guard irons; 2, 6, 8 and9 with t i m e left hand,3, 4, 5 and7 with t i m e right i m a m i d , each placing a foot on the trail, perchor spoke.

Section commander.


Thewholespring into t imeir places. The menu on the limbersturn round to time front, lifting their feet close togctimer, amid

throwinmg thorn over t i m e guard irons. They sit upright,

holding time haumdstraps with the inner and the guarni iron with

the outer hand. Thus is time position of attention.

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When t r m m v e h h i m m g over rougim groummcl they should raise t imemn-selves to avoid being joited.


Section c o m m i u m m a n d e r .

Sitat ease,”

Time n m e m m o m - i time carriages place time muter upon time inner

hand amid sit well back.


S e - e t ’ i o m m commnandeu’ .

Detachments, prepare t o m / i s n m o u m m m t . ”

The inca o r - i the limbers t u u r m u t- o ibm rear, throwing their legs

over time guard irons; 4 and 9 stand up.

Scctiomm eommmmnander.

“ D i - m n m o m m m m . ’ ’

Time wimohe jump clear of time carriages amid fornm detacimment




Section coumuunanden-.  

“ With drag-ropes, prepare to advammee.”

I takes post two yards in f r o m m t of I m i s sub-section.

2 and 3 hook tire drag-ropes to tine drag washers on their

own side, time backs of time hooks downwaruhs ; S and 9 go to

time poie ; the remainder man the ropes ; 2, 4 a m m d 6 e m - i the

m m e a r sidle1

3, 5, and 7 o n m time off.

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Section commander.  

‘‘ lValIc macrein.’’

The carriage is move-il to the front.

Section commammuier.

“ halt.”

Time carriage is imalted amid time detachmmucnt r e m m u u i m at their


Section comnnumundcr.

‘‘ Det-acimnueuuts rear.”

2 and 3 replace time drag-ropes 0 m m time shi~id the d e t - m m e h m m e m m tdouble to their place-s amid ha-it.



Sect-ion commander.

IVII/uoutdrag-ropes, prepare

t o edt-once.”

I takes post two yards in front of his sub-section.

2 and 3 pusim iii rear of time shield ; 4 and 5 nman the g n uwlmecis; 8 and 9 go to time pole, and time remainder assist-, 6on time lie-ar side, 7 on the off.

Section commmmander.

“ JValk nmarch.”

Time carriage is nmoved to time f r o m m t - .  

Section comnmaumder .

“ Hall.”

Time carriage is halted a m i u l the detaeimmneumt renmain at their


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Section commander.

“Detachnuents rear.”

The detachment double to their places amid halt.


Examninatiomm of equipment will be carriedi out before leavitmgthe g r i m m park. Wcbmen iii action this luroceddmre should be

carried out at least once in every 24 huours , nail advantage

should be taken of a m m y interval to examine a m - i d test equip.


Section commander.

‘‘Examine e~-aipment.’’

The S.C. supervises timo tcstiumg of sights and grouping ofammunition.

I sees that the gun, buffer a m - i d recuperator are properly

connected up and tho cut off gear in adjustment. lIe sees

t imat tire buffer and recuperator are correctly charged and that

there is no leakage fronm time giands.lie tests and adjusts time sigh-its and sees that the range

gear and fuzo indicators are set at time M.V. of tho gun.

He tests protusion of the striker, and generally supervises

the work of the remainder of the detachmmmment, satisfying

himseil that spare parts are intereimangeabic, small stores

complete and the equipment in all respects ready for action.

2 removes and replaces breech auud muzzle covers and

examines the hreceh mecimanism, elevatimmg gear, slmield andbrake.

He assists I to test and adjust tine r u m m m g e gear indicator.

3 examuines t i m e sights, apparatus illuminating sights, eheva-ting, traversing amid firing gears. He assists I to test and

adjust the sights.

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4 examines the trail champ, removable spades and aiming

posts. 6 examines t i m e fun-c indicator.4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 examine the limbers and wagons a m m d see

that the small storesare coniplete; they examine the amnnini.tion, and group it in the vehmicles as ordered.

As s o o m i as the examination is completed, t i m e detacimmentform detnuchument rear.

I collects reports, and reports to t i m e S.C. “No.... readyfor action” or otherwise ,


T Preparation for action will be carrie-il out before moving

~ into action.

-~ Section commander.

~ “Prepare for action.”

Time detachnment, if moummted, dismount.

1 . sees t imat ti-ic bore is clear, examines the claniping gear,

and sati sfi e s h imse lf timat t i m e detaeimment and equipmeumt are

in all respects ready for action.2 removes the breecim and muzzle covers, receives sight cover

from 3, and straps t i m e m n t- o t I m e traii. He examinest i m e breechmneehaumism, extractor, elevating gear and range gear imidicator,

shield and brake. He replaces the breech. and muzzle coversif ordered.

3 reunoves t i m e siglmt cover, and I m m m n d s it to 2; e x a m m m i m m e s thesights, elevating, traversing amid firing gears. He replaces time

sigimt cover if ordered.4 examines time gun limber and aiuning pests.

5 examines the limber and 6 time body of time f i r i m m g battery


7 and 8 examine the limber and 9 the w a g o m m body of time.fir st- limo wagon.

  m m 27—83)’r A5

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- 30

The men who exanhine thie l imnbers a m - i d wagons uumcovertino fun-es as ordered, seeing that ti-icy are set at safety.

As soon as lie has comnpieted hi-s duties, eaciu n-ian reports toI amid resumes his place. I then reports to his S.C.

No... .ready for act-ion “ or otherwise.


Action front.

Section comnmander.  

“ Actionfront.’’

I places himself, dismount-ed, so that he can see when his

gun is in the required position. He t i m e u m orders “ Halt—

Action-i front,’’  

The detachment dismount I goes to the near a m - i d 4 to theoff gun-wheel; 2 and 3 go to the trail. 3 releases the-limber

hook catch and with 2 lifts the trail clear of the hook. 3

orders “Limnber drive en.” Time limber advances 1 yard,

wheels right-about at a trot and proceeds to the wagon lineunder t i m e direction of t i m e battery serjeant-mnajor.

3 moves round time trail eye noel with 2 carries the trail

through a imaif-circic to time right and lowers it to the grout-id;

I and 4 man time wheels. (On aside slope time t-raii is carried

round downhill.)

As soon as the trail is on the ground and the gun limber

clear, 1 signals to the wagon to “Advance” ; tho wagomm

drives up and halts on time left of time gun with time axle of timelimber one foot in rear of and one feet clear of time gun axle

(dust cap to dust cap).  

S and 6 unimook; 6 orders “Drive on.” The team advances1 yard, wheels left-about ata trot and proceeds to the wagon

line under the direction of the battery serjeant-major.

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I releases time clamping gear.  

4 unkeys and Separates the trails.1 a u - i d 4 o p e u m t i m e trails.2 lowers the

shield, raisest i m e upper

shield,opeius the

breech, puts on thebrake and pushes the slipper of t i m e recoilindicatoras far forward as possible.

3 fixes the sight chinonmetcramid dial sight, a m - i d unchanmps the

oscillating bracket of the sight.5 and 6 go to the p c r c h m and 4 to t i m e rigimt wagon wheel.

5 releases time limber hiook catcim and with 6 lifts the perch

clear of the hook .4, 5 and 6 man-imaumdlo the wagon body timrouglm a quarter

circle to the left, 5 and 6 lower the perch to the greumid. 4puts o m m time brake if necessary.

S and 6 lower the shields of time limber and wagon and

prepare ammunition.

6 fixes t i m e fun - c indicator.The detachment take up their position-s in action.

Action right, Action left, Action rear.

At “Action right” the trail is carried round timreugim aquarter of a circle to the left, 2 moving round the trail eye.

At “Action left” the trail   is carried round through a

quarter of a circle to t i m e r ig imt , 3 moving round the trail

eye.At “Action Rear” the trail is immediately lowered to the


W h c m m training detachments in these movements, thedetail given under “Action Front” must be modif iedaccordingly with regard to movement of teams, trail and

t i m e work of 2 and 3.

No ’ rmm.— When coming into action in the open :—~The wagonlimber will normally be sent to the wagon line and the wagon

 B 27—83)v A 6

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body placed in t i m e position usually occupied by t i m e wagonlimber.

If the order “ Wagons Right “ is given, time wagon drives

up o n the right of time g u m n , time gun and wagomm teauums wheel

to the left and right about respectively wheum ordered to

“ I)rive en.”

The wagon is unhimbered amid time perch carried roumidthrough a quarter circle to the right.

0 m m (hiSlnoUuitedi parades, 6, 7, 8 and 9 man the g u m - i hiunber

6 and7 in rear, 8 a m i d 9 at the pole.


I kumeels between the trails, clear of the recoil in a positionconvemmient for command of time gun.

2 a im the right of the breech, sitting if possible.

3 sits astride tine seat o u time left side.  

4 o m m the left of tim breech, kneeling when possible.

5 m m m m d 6 i n n eonvezmient positions for supplying m m n m n i u u m i t i o i m ,

5 imearer time grin, both kneehiumg if possible.7, 8 and 9 remaium w itim the first hue wagons. At drill,

when no first line wagons arepresent they take post 6 yards

in rear of time gun.


Section commanmiher. -‘‘ Delachnnemmts rear.’’

I doubles to his place  3 yards i m m rear of a m i d covering the

right gun wheel) and gives time order “ No... .douhlc march.”

At tIme order from I the remainder double to their places

amid halt.’’


Section cemmimander ,

Take 110-il.”

Time detacimmnent double to their positions in action.

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Time line of fire is obtained by one of t i m e methods described

in Artillery Trainimmg.


Section conimammder.

Aiming point... .degs. . . .min.. . .riglut  or left .”

I gauges time line a n m d directs the movement of tine ginai m m t - o t i m e required direction, ordering “ Bun im p “ if neces~arv

3 sets ti-ic dial sight at the angie ordered. He sets timesigimt chinometer at zero and brings the bubble to the centre

of its ruin by time elevating imandwimeei , cross levels and lays

for line.


Instruction: On coming into action t i m e initial h i m m e of fire

ordered is t i m e ZERO LINE aud must be recorded as such.Thme line of eacim gun will be recorded from at least two

of t i m e following, but t h u e opening of fire must not be delayed

to oiutain the second record. This must be made as soon

as opportunity offers.

i. An auxiliary aiming point which 1 seiccts and po in t -Sout to t i m e layer ; t i m e original a l u m m i n g poimit may

be suitable.

ii. A battery picket which the G.P.O. selects or plantsand indicates to the battery t-hroughm the S.Cs.

iii. Aimniimg pests w i m i e h m are planted at tie order fromn

time G.P.O.iv. Paralleloseopes which are set im p at t i m e order from

tIme G.P.O.

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Time records made will stand u u u m t i l deflumitely cancelledby a subsequent order to “Record Zero Lines.”

Laying from round to round simeuld, wimeneve r possible,

be from an auxiliary aiming poiumt.

Section eemmander.

“ Record Zero Lines.”

If a battery picket has been set up or selected the section

commander points it out to t i m e Nos. 1 .

I erases nilprevious zero line records, if any, and instructs 3to measure the nngies to be recorded.

3 turns t i m e dial sight on to the point or points indicated.I records the dial sight readings on the recording plate.

The S.C. nmakes a note of the nnghes and points recorded

at eachm of his gimus.




Section comumander.

Report crest angle.” -

2 sets the degreo sealoof the~raogegear indicator atzero.I lays the gun just clear of time crest by lookiumg along time

bo t t omn of the bore and ordering 3 to eicvato or depress as


3 br immgs time bubble of the sight ei iuuometer central by thomicrometer head.

1 applies the correction for droop and jump for hisparticular

g u u m to t i m e anglo recorded on the sight chinometer and reports

the result’ to the SC., who passes it to the gun position


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Angle on sight clinornete.r (say) ... •..  2° 28’

Correction for droop and jump (say) ... — 24’

Anglo to report to S.C. ... ... ... 2° 4’

The G.P.O. adds to the angle reported the elevation duoto range to the crest, pies the allowance for safety  see

Sec. 17, Artillery Training, Vol. II, 1923), and reportsthe resultant quadrant angle to the battery commander.

N0TL—Tho S.C. should order the correct angle of sight

for the gun after the crest angle has been taken.


Section commander.

“ Aiming po.its front  r rear).

4 doubles out in front (or rear) of his gun with two aiming

posts and plants them as directed by 3 in line with the dial

sight set at zero or (180 degrees). Re plants the near postfirst at about 50 yards from tJm gun. He then plants thefurther post as far from the gun as possible up to about 100yards.

If the order “Replant aiming posts “ is given, 4 doublesout, and, at tho signal from 3, pulls up the posts, the further

one first, and replants them.


Section commander.

“ Parallel lines to No... Zero tine method.”

3 of the named gun relays for line.

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Time S.C. ascertains the angle right or left of time zero

iine and orders it to the ot imer guns.

“ All guns... .degs.. . .mins rig/mt (or left) of zero lines)”

Aiming Point Method.

Section commander.

Parallel lines to No....Aiming pointmethod.”

The S.C. iimdicates an aiming poiumt to all gumis.

3 of time named gun relays for line, swimmgs his dial sight o m i

to t i m e a imiumg point. The S.C. ascertains time angie fromtime ainming point shown on time dial sigiut of time umamed gun

and orders it, together with a u m y cerrect ioum for parallelism,

to tuie other guns.

“ All guns.. .degs....mins.. . .riglmt  r left) concentrate or dis-

tribmmtc)...on  or from No.... ”

Director Method.

Seetioms eomnmander.  

“Parallel lines to No... .Directo’r Met/mod.”

3 of the named gun relays for line and swings his dial

sigimt on to the director. Time S.C ascertains the a m m g i e fromthe director shown on the dial siglut of time named gun a m m d

reports it to t i m o G.P.O.

“ No... .degs.. . .mins. right  or left .”

Thme director is set accordingly by time G.P.O. amid iuidividual

angles ordered to the other g u m m s .

“ Aiming point director. No... .degs....nmimms.... rig/mt  or left .”

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Dial Sight Method.

Section commander.

Parallel lines toNo... .Dial sight nmelhod.”

3 of time nanmed gun relays for h i u m e . He then swings I m i s

dial sight em s to t i m e dial sight of each g m u m 1 m m turn,

Time S.C. ascertains the angle fronm e m m c i m of time dial

sights of time other guns as shown on time dial sight of t h m o

uiamed glmn. 1-Ic t h m e m m orders “ Aiming poiumt dial sight of

No....” and orders to eacim gun time supplement of the angle

nmeasured Irons its dial sight.3 of eacim other gun sets his dial sight at time angle ordered

for his gun a m i d lays on the dial sight of time named gun.


h e m m time guns have beers layed the S.C. will have

time am-igles measured again and order any correction thatmay be necessary on accosmnt of movememit during time

process of laying.

22. TO LOAD.

- Percuss i on Shrapnel.

Section c o n m m n a r m d e r .

“ Shrapnel...Ranging  or mel/mod of/ire), percussion.”

I repeats time ammunition order, and attime correct momentorders “Load.”

5 supplies a round to 4.

4 sees timat t-he fuze is set at safety, loads curl receives

anot-imer round f r o m i m 5.

2 closes the breech.

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Time Shrapnel.

Section eonsmammder.

“Shrapnel.. .1?anging or met/mod offire) Corrector... Eleva tion)

I repeats the ammunition order, and at time correct moment

orders “Load.”6 sets the fuze indicator and calls o m u t time fuze setting.5 sets t i m e fuze and supplies the rotmncl to 4.

4 loads and receives anotimer round from 5.

2 closes time breech.

High Explosive.

Section eommnander.

“ HE.  j’uze Ranging ormethod c/fire .”

I repeats the ammunition order, and at time correct

moment orders Lead.”

5 uncaps the fuze  if necessary) and supplies time round

to 4.

4 loads and receives another round fronm 5.

2 closes the breech. -

After a specified number of rounds have been fired, thewire

or seal of thus round will not be broken.

During ranging (except with “time set luzes “ , the gun

will be reloaded as soon as it has beers fired.

I uring ranging  with “time set fuzes “ the gun will be

reloaded a-s seen as the fuze setting has been ordered.At amethod of fire the gun will net be loaded sooner than

is necessary to maintain time rate of fire.

After the first round :—

If there is no alteration in ammunition ordered, I only orders

“Load.” If there is an alteration iii ammunition ordered, Irepeats time ammunition order for t i m e next round only.

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No. I.

“No.... Unload.”

2 opens time breech slowly.

4 withdraws time round and places it on time grouimd.

NOTL—Thmo ummloaded round can be re-set or rctimrumed tothe wagon, but roumuds with time rings re.set should be firedas soon m is possible.


Indirect laying with mght clinometer,

Section commander.

.d~gs.. . .-mnins. more right   r le ft) .”

Angle of sig/mt...dmigs. ...mins. elevation or depressiomm).”

 Elevation ...’’

I applies t i m e position correction if any) arid passes time

corrected elevation to 2.  sets time range gear indicator and reports “Set.”

3 puts eu the deflection and angle of sight, I checks thesetting of the sight clinouneter, 3 lays and r epor t - s “Ready.”

If “Indirect by Traverse” is ordered, I fixes the firiumg

lanyard to t i m e firing lever of the carriage and 3 lays for line

by the traversing gear after the first round has been fired.

Indirect laying with flehd clinomneter.

Section commander.  

“ Clinometer laying.. .degs. . . .mins. more right   r left).”

Angle o/~ight..degs. . . .nmins. elevation or depression .”

Elevation ...degs. ...mins’’

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I applies time imidex correction (if any) to time elevation

ordered cuid passes time corrected clevatioum to 2.2 sets the field clinometer. lays for elevatioum mmd reports

“ Set.”

3 puts e m s time deflection, sets and levels the sigimt elinomneter,

lays for line and reports “ Ready.”

I removes time field elinomctcr.

NoT~.—-Whmen laying by field clinomneter, time eievatiommordered is the actual elevation at whelm eachm g u m s is to he


Direct laying.

Seetiomm c o m i m m l l a m m d c r .

‘‘ Target... Reference point o’cloch. . .degrees~”

Open sights...degs....mins. more rig/mt  r left).”

‘‘  L ’lem,ution).. .‘‘

I directs time movement of the gun into time required Jim,,

order iumg “Run up “ if necessary. He fixes time flriumg lanyardto the firing lever of time carriage.

2 sets the range gear indicator mmd reports “ Set-.”3 puts the deflection eu time opeum sights. Ho cross levels,

lays direct timrough time telescope on the ground hue of hisportion of time target, and reports “Ready.”

If “ Indirect “is ordered I selects c m i auxiliary aimingpoint

and peiumts it out to 3, and removes the firing lammyard.

3 turnstime dial

sight on to thisaiming

poiumt, hesets time

sightelinometerat time angleof sight ordered, and lays imiclirectby sight cliumometer .  

If “ Iumdirect by Traverse “ is ordered, 3 sets t ime siglmt ciino~

meter attime amigie of sight ordered, lays for line by the travers-ing gear amid for elevation by the sight chimmometer.

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25. TO FIRE.

No. I.

No....—Fire.”I orders “ Fire “ as soon as h m c Imas satisfied i m i u u m s e l f that his

gun is ready, the detacimment clear, a m - i d his turn to fire lies


3 fires time gun and re-icys.

2 opens time breeeim,

Time g u m - i will out no account be fired witimout the order Irons

IIf the gun fails to run out completely, it is p m m s i m e d l m o m m m e by

l m a m m d . -If “ Open siglmts” or “ Indirect by Traverse “ imave been

  ordered, I at the correct moment orders “FIRE “ m m m d firesthe gun by means of the flting lanyard.


If the gun fails to fire, 3 gives the firing levera second pull.

If time gun again fails to fire, I reports No.... mnissfured,l o u m d eumough i for the S.C. to hear, he allows one minute to

elapse, orders “Unload,” and e x a n m i m m e s t im e priumier.

If the prinser is not fairly struck the striker is chmaimged.

If theprinser is fairly struck it is removed and exanmiuued.

if t i m e primer has/a-i/ed to/ire a new primer is inserted.

If the primer ha~ired, a new primer is fltt~dprovided tlmattime round can he fired atonce. Otherwise the charge is with.

drawn, a m i d destroyed. S u c h m a round must o u m no a c e o t m u m t - bereplaced in a wagon or limber.

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Section commander.

Spades clear.”

I orders “Run up.”3 stands clear of time left trail.

2 takes off time brake; 2 and 4 man t i m e wimeehs ; 5 and6

maui the trails.

At the order from I the spades are cleared. mmd time guns

moved to the front (or rear) until tho phatformn is satisfactory.I orders “ Take Post.”

3 briumgs time traversing gear to zero, 2 puts e m - i the brake.

Tuie gun is relayed. If necessary I orders time removablespades to be withdrawn.

If necessary on account of imeavy ground, I orders “ W itim

dragropes, ron up.”2 takes off the brake.

2 and 4 make fast wheel purchases just above where time

trails touch time wheels, 2 and 6 maim time right drag-rope, 4 mind

5 the left, I and 3 mnan the trails if necessary.

At t i m e order from I the spades are cleared and the gun

moved to time front f or rear) until the platfornm is satisfactory.

I orders “Take Post” ; 2 and 4 replace drag.ropes, 3brings t ime traversing gear to zero, 2 puts e u - i t ime brake. Time

g u m s is relayed. If necessary I orders the removable spades

to be withmdrawn.


 Indirect by Sight Clinonseter.

Section commander.  


 Ammunition “  

...deg... .min-s.,- rig/it  or left) of zero lines  or ...degs.. . . m n i n s .

more nqht  or lard”)

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I repeats the ammunition order, clears the spade ifnecessary,

gauges the line and sees that the gun is traversed into thedirection ordered.

3 sets the dial sight

5 and 6 prepare ammunition.

Section commander.Angle q f 8igl~t..dcg . . .min , elevation  or de~pressioa).”3 sets the sight clinoineter.

I checks the setting.

Section commander.

Ranging  or method offire .”

 Interval)  if re7uireci).”

Percussion  or corrector)  ~fecessary .”I at the correct moment orders “ Load.”

5 supplies ammunition to 4.

4 loads and receives another round from 5.

2 closes the breech.

Section commander.

 Elevation)  or Elevations).”

I passes the elevation to 2.2 sets the range gear indicator and reports “Set.”

3 Jays andreports “Ready.”


Section commander.

Record as target...”

I reports the ammunition, switch from zero line, corrector

(or iur~oength), ifnecessary, reading on the sight chinometer,

range gear indicator, and the M . V . of the gun to the section


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Time S.C. makes a not-c of this information and reports it

to t i m e G.P.O. wimen opportunity offers.

30. TO STOP FIRING.-Sectioum commander.

Stop ”  

Time de tac immeus t continue tlmcir duties but time gun is

not fired uumtil the order “Go on “ is given.


Section commander.‘~Staimulast.”

All stand fast whatever they are doing.

At the order “Co e m i “ work i~continued.


Section commander.

Stop totaling.” -The preparation of ammunition is suspended.

Time detachment continue their duties. Any gun already

loaded is fired at it -s proper interval,but no gun willbe loaded

until the order “ Go on “is given.


Sectioum ,conmmausder .

~‘ S amut easy.”

This order is given to indicate that firing is temnporarily


Before opening fire again the order “ Take Post “ swill begiveum.

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Section commander.

“Emptyguns.”Anygun loaded is layed at the last elevation and line, and

fired. .  

If a cap i m a s been removed from a No. 100 Fuze before t i m e

order is given, t i m e loading is completed a m i d t i m e gull fired.


The section commander informs the Nos. I of the method

of evacuatingthe position and whethera position of a-ssenmblyis to be used.

Section commander.

Prepare to mome.”

Amminsunition and stores as ordered by the section com-mander are re-packed. Unlimbered wagons may be l i nmbe r ed

up.Preparation for limbering up vihl be made as far as

possible, but guns will remaium in action until time order “ Cease

firing” is given.


Section commander.

“ Ceasefiring.”

If the gun is loaded, I orders “ tJimloa~.”Time spades are cleared. If necessary I and 4 withmfiraw time

removable spades and s e c m m r e them in the travetling position.

I a u - i d 4 close the trails and 4 keys them up.

I fixes t i m e cradle clamping gear across the trails.2 closes the breech, takes off the brake.

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3 sets time traversing gear at zero, replaces time dial siglmt,

and sight clinonmeter, and clanmps time oscillating bracket of

time sight.

4 brings in a x m d replaces time aiming posts unless otherwiseordered.

5 and 6 re-set time fu~esat safety, replace clips and amunu-

nition aimd close a~lids.6 replaces time fuzo indicator.  

3 elevates time gun to stops ; 2 britmgs time guim to time travel-ling position.

I secures t i m e eradlo clamping geitr .

2 with 3 raises and secures the lower shield.2 lowers the upper shield.

4, 5 and 6 litnijer up time wagon, 5 and 6)ift time perch m u m d

carry it tlmrougim a quarter circle to time right and placo itel- i the hook ; 4 mans time left wheel.


R e a r limberup.

Section eommaumde r .

“ Rear limber up.”

The detachment take post as follows

2 and 3 between breecim and wimecis, I i u m front of 2, 4 infront of 3, kneelingwitim their backs to time axletrce; 5 and 6ready to hook in the wagon team.

The limber approaches from the right; I orders “Hail”

early enough to ensure timat, wimcn imalted, t i m e ofi wheelwill be opp32ito the trail eye ; the limber is halted and


1 . orders “ Limber up “ ; 2 and 3 lift the trail and piace

it on time hook; I and 4 man time wheels.

5 and 6 hook in the wagon team.

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Tlmç detacimnicrmt mount without further orders.

On disnmountecl parades they f O r n m detacimmeimt rear.

Front limber up.

Section commander.

“Front limber up.”  

2 and 3 lift the trail ; 4 mans the left armd 5 time right guru.wimeel ; time gun is run clear of the wagon a m m d time trail iscarried timrough a half circle to the right  2 moving round

the trail) and low-cued to the grommnd. Time detachment take


The limber drives up on time right aimd one yard clear of

the gun. Wiien clear of time gun-wheel, it inclimmes to timeleft until the near wheel of time limber has just passed t i m e

trail eye.

I orders “ Halt,” ; time linmber is halted and squared.

I orders “Limber up” ; 2 and 3 lift the trail at-id placeit on t i m e hook; I and4 m m m i i the wheels.

5 a m - i d 6 imoek i u time wagon team.

The d e t a c i m m e n t m o m u t m t without further orders.

On dismounted parades timey form detachment rear.

Right limber up.

Section commander.

Right limber up.”  

Time trail is carried round through a quarter of a circle

to the r igimt. ~T1meprocedure is then as in front l iumther up. *

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Left limber up. -Section commander.

“Left limber up.”

The trail is carried round t i m r o u g i m a quart -er of a circleto time left and t i m e limber drives up 0 m m tIme left. (Time pro-cedure is then as in front limber up. *

* Wimen detailing “Right (orLeft) limberup” t i m e instructor

will modify time detail of “Front limber up “ as imecessauy.


Men sent to replace casualties report to their section coin-

m m m a u m d e r s who order such clmangcs of duties as they coumsidertmcccsstmry.  

Casualties are replaced as follows :—

Section commander ... By the setmior No. I of the


By a tmanmcd successor.

5 perfornms time duties of 5 mmd 6.

I performu-is the duties of I and 2.

2 perforumis the druties of 5and 6.

I performs t i m e duties of I a m m d 2,

and calls out -the leumgth of

fuze from time fuze itmdicater

on time slmield. 2 performs

time duties of 4, 5 and 6.

39. CASUALTIES TO EQUIPMENT.i. Breech mechanism.

If t i m e breech will not open, see that—(a) Time Imang-fi re hat-oh is forward.

 b) The trigger has resumed its norumal position.

 c) Tue guide Ior mainspring is flush with time lace of

the breech.

IWith five m e u m

\Vitim four men

\Vitim three men

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Time imang-fi re latch a u m d trigger c a l m be pressed into position

by hand. If t i m e guide for mainspring is not iluslu, remove

the luring mechanism. If time breech ~tihl cannot be opened,

remove the p i m m securing block, lever witim t i m e crank-shaft,

and block coummplete. Timen tap time barrel projection to the


ii. Sight clinometor.

Lay by means of the field chinonueter placed on the sight

eiinoummeter bracket.

iii. Range Gear indicator.

Lay by means of the field cjinomcter.

iv. Dial Sight.

Lay on aiming posts over time open sight. To obtain time

line before planting aiming posts, lay   time guim by means of adial sight borrowed from another g u m - i .

v. Wheels.

If agun wlmeel is damaged, turn itatonce sothat time soumidestportioum bears time wciglmt of time gun. Procure a wheel from

a hinmber and replaco the damaged wheel as follows

Raise time carriage by lifting o n the damaged wheel (or by

n m m e a n s of a jack if available . Support t i m e axle by means of

the bar supporting pole, placing the lower each o u m a simovel toprevemmt it sinking into the ground. Time d a m m m a g c d whee l can

then be removed a m i d replaced.If the damage is such-i that time axle Imas fallen to time ground

it may be raisedby m e a u m s of a limber as followsPlace t i m e limber so that the umber hook is over the point

of time axle of the gun, Seotch the limberwheels to prevent

thenm r u u m u u i u m g forward. Raise the pole tlmuough a im anglo of

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about 80 degrees, imaving first secured a dragrope witlm whichto ha’alit down. Secure time axle to t i m e limber imoek by meansof a drag-rope and then haul down time pole.


Time extent of disablemermt ordered will depend on time time

available at-id the probability of recapture.

To d i m e blethe gun sot/mat it canbe broug/mt into ac-tionimnrediatelyafter recapture :—Removo the breech block.

To disable the gunso that

itcern be brought into action after

repair ~—Disconnect time recoil unit and fire time gun.

To destroy the gun :—Place a m - i II.E. shell, ftmzed 101 E or1 01 B in time muzzle, load with H.E., fuzed 1 01 B or 1 01 B.Fire time gun by means of a ioung lanyard from mmndcr cover.

A length-i of telepimone wire attached to time lanyard is suitable

for time purpose.

NoTu.—Tho dial sight and chinonmet-ers s imouid always be

removed and taken away before a gun is abandommed.


i. No officer, N.C.O. or gunner u v i m o has not been trained

a n m d passed in gun drill is to command a section or fornspart of a gun detachment firing blank ammunition at salutes

or at training.ii. When firing Q.F. blank cartridges no gun-i is to be re-

loadedwithin 15 seconds alter firing. Even after timis interval,

no gut-i is to bere-loaded until I hasexamined the chamber and

bore and removed any debris remaining Irons the previous


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iii. In t i m e event of a missfiro, a furtimcr attempt s imouid be

made to fire the gun in its turn. In no case must time breech

bo opeimcd for at least one minute with black powder, mind ten

minutes with smokeless charges. No o n - i c must be in rear oftime breech when it is opened. In firing salutes, a im officer or

senior N.C.O. simould be detailed for time special dirty oftinning the interval after a miasfire and i n m l o r n m i m m g I oftimat gun when the breech may ho opened.

iv. As a further safeguard, I is responsible for seeIng

that time charge is properly home in f - l i e case before the round

is loaded.

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1. In every battery there should be at least six qualifiedlayers and nine qualified fuzo setters toa sub-sectioum, exclusive

of serjeant-s at-id iance-serjcarmts. A list of layers should bekept. All layers, fuze setters, section commanders, scrjeants

~tmdlance-serjeants should be tested periodically.2. All officers and Nos. I must be thoroughly conversant


i. TI-ic tests for and care of sigimtiumg gear at-id sights.

ii. The nmethods of obtaining parallel lines of fire.

iii. M.V. correeters and corrections Ior jump and droop.

3. Layerswill be tested by means of two tests: TestA willconsist of four lays indirect, test B of two lays direct,

4. A maximum of 20 marks will be given for each- i lay intest A, at-id 10 marks for each lay in test B . In order toqualify, a layer must obtain 81 marks.

The duties of 2 will be considered as part of each test.5. Tie examiner should be assisted by an officer or senior

N.C.O. w i t h m a stop watch and record book, and by a penciller

who will tale down all orders given for reference whenchecking time hay.

6. When laying indirect, three or nmor e aiming posts ~imormbe selected to the rear and on either flank, if possible, andmade known to all concerned.

‘ 7 . Before beginning the tests at least five targets will be

selected in the foreground at varying ranges a m m d angles of

sight and covering a front ofabout 25 degrees; except j im the

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ease of targets representing guns, these should be naturalfeatures of time ground. If it is necessary touse dummies, thmese

should be placed i u m positious s u c h - i as the troops w h i c h m timeyrepresent would naturally occupy on service. A reference

poinmt, approximately in ti-ic centre of the target zone, will

bepointed out to the No. I at-id to the layers; targets will be-indicated witim reference to this point by nmeaims of time chockcode.

8. Wimen l a y i u m g direct on any target (other thman a g m m u s

target which extends over a fairly wide frontage, great

exactitude in direction will not be reqtmircd as regards tha

point originally selected to lay upon, which may be anywhere’i tm that portion-i of the target opposite time grin being layed.

Any subsequent lay on the same target must, however, be on

time sat-i-ic point as time first.

Ii. The orders for the hay nmust be given out bythe examiner

clearly and distitmctiy, a short pause (about two or three

se coumds being made after each separate order, timus : “ AU

g e r m s 20 degrees rig/mt of zero lines “.. .pause...” ~1ll guns 15minutes more right “...pause...”Angle of siqlu 1 degree 2 1

minutes elem’ation “...pause...” 4200.”

All orders will be ackimowiedged by the No. I and acted on

at ounce. Should the layer at a u m y time be it-i doubt as to any

particular order, Im e will refer to t i m e No. I, wh-io nnay repeat

to bin-i any part of time order received, Time No. I nnay m m turnsrefer to the examiner. -

1 0. After c h m e c k i u m g a lay, t i m e examiner will elevate ti-ic g u t - ia b o m m t 15 minutes.

  11. Layers will be examiumed i u m pairs (Nos. 2 and 3 ; for

any inmcorreet portion of a lay, marks will be deducted onlyfrom time individual making the error.

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12. TIme times allowed for e a c i m hay are

Test A. Tnt B .

L a y 1 .0’ 45 ”

La0’y 2.35~

Lay 3.0 ’ 40

Lay 4~*1’ O0~

Lay 5.  

0’ 2L

0’ay  1

The layer will call out “Ready” as soon as he has funisimed

haying time gun. Time time will be taken Iron-i time conclusion

of time orders for time lay until the word “ Ready” from time

layer.* If t i m e line ordered does not entail movement oft-h-ic trails,

time theme allowed will be reduced to 40 seconds.

13. On-ic nnark will be deducted :—

i. For every five seconds or fractious of five seconds

beyond time time laid down for the particular lay.

ii. For eacim nmis t ako in t i m e manipulation of time siglmting

gear or in time drill of the layer as laid down.

14. Tenmarks will be deducted :—~

If the aiming post-s arenot planted in line.

15. No imsarks will be given for t i m e lay :—

i. If t i m e sight, chinemeter or range gear i tmdieator is

incorrectly set.

ii. Whmen laying itmdirect, if the gun is not correctly layedfor elevation and direction.

iii. Wimen baying direct if t i m e gun is not layed forelevation

wit -hum 3 minutes, or for direction, within 5 minutes.

iv. If the bubble of the cross-level is not central.

10. Fuze setters will be tested by three contiumuous tests.

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17 . A nnaxinmum of30 marks, 10 for each-i test, wiil be givenfor time three tests ; its order to qualify, 25 marks m n m u s t be


1 8 . Tinmo allowed for each test will be o t m e muimmte.19. No marks will begiven for t h m c test :—

i. If the fuze indicator is wrongly set

ii. If any foxes are incorrectly set.

20. O m m o markwill bededucted for every S sccoumds ever the

tinmo allowed.


Laying tests.

The gun is placed o m m   f i r m i m platfornmu. The examiner setsthe elevatiout indicator at about 3,000yards a m - i d the remaining

scales at zero.

Test A (indirect).

Om’ders. Proccdmure.Layl.  

Aiming point...” TIme procedure will be as laid

“ All guns 90 degrees 1 0 down mnnder “ To lay t i m e

minutes right.” gun in ti-ic line of fire.”“ Record zero lines.” Time procedure will be as laid

down undet “To recordzero l i m m c s . ”

Time for thuis part of time lay

is not takenm.Aiming posts froni.” Time procedure will be as laid

  down unmder “To plant

aiming -posts.”Time for this part of the lay

is u m o t takenm.

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5 3

Lay 2.

Orders. Procedure. -

“ Represent No. 2 gun. in


“ All guns 2 degrees 1 5minutes more left.’’

Concentrate 20 sninmmtes on-

No. 1.”

Angie of sight 10 minutesdepression.”  


The procedure will be as laid

down under “A change oftarget “ and “ To lay the

g n u

T h m o procedure will be as laiddown utmder “A change of

target “ and “ To lay time


All guns, 1 degree 10minutesmore rig/mt.”

“ Angle of sight 1 degree 20minutes’ elevation.


Lay 3.

Time procedure will be as laid

dowum unrher “ To lay t ime


Lay 4.


“ All guns, 31 degrees rightof zero line.”

“ Clinomneter laying.”

“ Angle of sight, 1 degree

elevation.’’“ 10 clef/Tees 30 rain vies.”

N0TE.—In lays 2, 3 and 4, layers should be exercised and

tested i n laying froum auxiliary aimning points or aining pests

at t ime discretion of the examiner.

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Test B (direct).

The reference point is described before t i m e orders aregiven.

Orders. Procedmure .Lay 5.

“ Represent No. 3 gun in Time procedure will be as laid

action.” dowtm urmder ‘‘ To lay t - i m c

“Infantry lining l m e d g e r o n c ’ : gunm.”

4 o’clock, 3 degree-s to -

5 degrees.”

Open sights.”


The examiner will put on a deflection amd note time reading.

Lay 6.  

,41l guns, 40 minutes snore Tine g u m m will be re-hayed ensleft.” tine same poimmt of ti-ic target

“1500.” as i n - i Lay 5.Time deflection ordered willbe

such aswill e m m a b l e thelayerto lay by meat-is of the

traversing gear.

Fuze setting test.

  “ Corrector 152, 4700.” The competitor will set the

fuze indicator at time correc-tor and elevationm ordered,

and will set six fuzes at

the graduation shown en

ti-ic fuse indicator.

Tin-ic 1 minute.

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Time field chnonncter, sigh-it chinornetcr amid range gearnmdicator should be tested daily and after prolonged firing.The alignment tests simould be carried out as often as possible.

At drill timeso tests should ho carried out frequently to giveofficers and N.C.Os. practice i n - i doing t i m e n e m accurately.

Time remaining test (cross levellit-ig gear) sinouid be carried

out occasionally, but adjust-metsts must only be made by an

artificer qualified to adjust the instrumnents. Timis test is

given-i in time Handbook.Atmy adjustment to optical inmstrurnenmts rn-inst be carried

out by an artificer qualified to adjust time inmstrnumncnts.

Sight cl iumometers s i m o m u l d be test-i’d periodically to determine

the error d i m e to backlasim, etc. Any adjustnment found to

be necessary must be carrie-il osmt by an artifieer qualified to

adjimst the instrtunmments.  

Test I .——To test and adjust the held clinonneter.

To ascertain the index error.

1. Set time chinemetcr to read zero (degrees and minutes),

place the instrument on the elinometer plane of the gun, and

by meansof the elcvatimmg gear,bring the bubble to the centre

of its run. Turum time chinomnetcr e n m d for end. If the bubbledoesm m o t remain in the centre of its r i m u m , bringit thereby movingtime arm and sl imIer. Note the nmett reading. Half timis

reading is ti-ic INDEX ERROR of the clinornetcr.2. An alternative method may be employed. Procure a

clinonseter known to be in adjustment-, set at zero and place

it on ti-ic chinonseter piano an-id- by means of time elevatinggear bring the bmmbble central. Rennovo the eh inomete r .‘ r b - i c clinomcter to be tested is n m o w placedl on the clinometer

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plane and the bubble brought cemmtral by moving time art-is

and slider. Time actual reading of this i tmstrurnetmt is theINDEX ERROR. A n m m n n m b e r of clinomneters can be quickly

and uniformly tested in this manner.

NOT~.—Aclinonieter when set to read its INDEX ERRORand bubble brouglmt central will hay t i m e climmometer planehorizontal.

Time chinometer should be adjmmsted to have no INDEX

ERROR, or if timis is innpract-icabhe, the INDEX ERROR

must be applied to all angles to be set o n - i ti-ic instrumnetst.

Themethod of eliminatingor adjusting for iNDEX ERROR

is shiown in the imancibook.  

Test 2.—To test and. ad~ust the sight clinometer.

With time sight clinonimeter bracket imorizontal and time sightclinometer r e m m d i n m g zero, the bubble of ti-ic siglmt chnometer

should be in t i m e centre of i t - s r u m m m .

Place the si~1mtchinomoter, set at zero, in its bracket-, a n m d

bring time bubble to time centre of its run by time left elevating

imandwheel. Reverse t i m e sight clinmomet-er end for e m - i d

the bubble should still be in the centre of its r u m s .

If the bubble is not in the centre,bring it so by turnming timemicrometer head. Note time reading are set the micrometer

scales to half this reading. Bring the bubble to the centre

of its runt by ti-ic left elevating handwineei. Slacken tinenuts securing the nmieronmeter scales and time screws securing

the degree scale; sinift time micrometer scales an-il reader to

zero and re.clarnp.

Sight chinomet-ers will be tested periodically for error due


backlash or other causes ; tine test is as follows

 a) Place time sight cliumonnetem’ set atzero, in its bracket

and brinmg the bubble central by tine left elevatiumgimand.wimeel.

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 b) Turn-i time unicrometer head clockwise for two or three

complete t u r m - i s , then carefully turn back anti.

clockwise until time bubble is central, and nota

the reading.II the bubble overruns during the turnming

back to time centre, the complete operation  b)must be’ repeat-cd.

 c) Turn anti-clockwise for two or three complete turns

of the micrometer imead, then carefully turn back

clockwise until the bubble is again central and

note the reading.

If the bubble overruns during the turning

back to the centre, the complete operation  c)must be repeated.

 d) Any ditTercmmce between the two readings is errordue to

i. insensitiveness of the bubble, or

ii. backlash, or both.

 e Repeat at angles other than zero.

 f) If time instrument cannot be adjusted by tIme artificer

so as to reduce all errors to two minutes or less,t i m e clinometer must be exchanged. (A.C.I. 6 00of 1922.)

Test 3.—To test and adjust the range gear indicator.

With the sight clinometer reading zero, at-id time bubble

us the cemmtrc of its run, a m - i d with time axis of time gun-i inch inted

at the necessary angle to the line of sigiut t comnmpeumsatc forjump and droop, t i m e degree scale of t i m e range gear indicator

should read zero. If time jump of any particular eqimipment

has not been-i determined, it will be taken as + 21 minutes.

Place a rout-id in tie chansmber and take up play in theelevating gear.  

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Set time sight chinomoter at zero, a m m d bring the bubble

to the centre of its run by time left elevating hand-wheel;

place the field clinometer set at t i m e correction for jump

on the clinOmeterpiano at time muzzle, arc to the front. Bringtime bubble of the field ciim-ionneter to ti-ic centre of its rutsby the r igimt elevating handwheel. Time degree scale of the

range gear inmdicator should read zero.

If the degree scale of f-ho range gear indicator does u m o t

read zero, slacken time nut, revolve timc indicator until it

~ reads zero a m - i d re-clamp.

Remove t i m e round frona the chamber.

Alignment tests.

Before beginniumg these tests time followinmg preparations

should be made

i. Place t i m e carriage on a firmu pIatfornn.

ii. Select a weli -delhmed object at least 1,500 yardsdistant on which to lay.

iii. If this distant object cannot be found, level thecarriage transversely, set up the target testing

sigh-its  see diagram)about 50 yards in frontof thegun at rigimt angles to the axis of the bore.

iv. If the carriage is not level t ranmsverschy, tho top of

the dial sigimt carrier and ti-ic target testing sights

should be sloped to ti-ic same angleas the carriage.

v. Remove the striker and fixcross-wires at tine muzzle

of the gun.*vi. Set time range gearindicator, ti-ic cowl of the dial sigh-it,the dial plate and micrometer scales of time dial

sight and time deflection scale of the open sight

at zero.

 Th e cross-wirer must be r emoved on comnplction of test.

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Test 4.—To test and adjust the dial sight and open

sight for line.

Time lines of sight through time dial sight and open sigh-i tsshould he parallel to ti-ic axisof time bore asregards lit-ic.

i Lay the bore on the distant object for line by the lefteievatinmg hand-wimeel and the traversing gear, using time

intcrsectioui of time cross-wires as a foresight and time hole i n - i

the firinghole buslm asa hit-id siglmt. Time lines ofsiglmt through-itime dial sigimt and open sights simould beon the distant object.

ii. When using ti-ic target testing sigh-its lay time bore o m s

point B; time dial sigh-it should be o m s line D, and time opems

sights on lit-ic 0.

1 ~ I .If the dial sight is not in alignmcnt, slacken the lockimmgnuts of time adjusting screws ; turn time latter u n m t - i l , time h i u n e

of si~imtis c’ori~ctand re-clamp. If tIme open sigh-its are tmot

its alignment, slacken time n m u t ummder time Imind sig}mt, move time

i -mid sight until the line of sight is correct a r m - i l re-clan-isp.

Test 5.—To test and adjust the open sights for


Time line of sigh-it over time open sights should be parallel

to the axis of ti-ic bore as regards elevation.i Set the siglmt chinonnmcter at zero nnd bring the bubble

central by the left elevating hand-wheel.

ii. Set time field chinometer at zero, place it on the muzzle

plane mmd bringthe bubblecentral by thee right-hand elcvat inmgimand-wimeel.

iii. Lay tins bore for elevation on time distant object  orpoint B on ti-ic target testing sigh-its) by time left-hand elevating

Imand-wheel, using the intersection or cross-wires as a foresigimtand the hole i n - i the firing hole bush as ahind sight.

iv. Adjust the open sight for elevation on the distant object

(or poitmt 0 if using the target testing sights) by slackening

time flxitsg screws and screwing the foresight   i m p or down.

Rc-clannp the fixing screws.

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Test6.—Test for c r o ss— l eve l l in g gear.

Set time elevation indicator at zero, and lay time g u u m


Fix the plaume testing in time carrier No. 7 dial sigh-it ; placea field chinomet-er ~et at zero along time t ranmsverse positioning

m m m a r k s . Bring ti-ic bubble of tins field chinmometer ccutral by

ti-ic cross- levelhumg gear. TI-ic bubble of time cross-level simouldnow be cctmtral, if not, it needs adjustment. Tluis simotuld

be done by an artificer qualified to adjust ti-ic instuunmcnt.

N0TE.—Until time “ plane, testing, carrier, No. 7 dial sigint

is in possession-i ofbatteries, time field chimsomnctcr will he placeul on

ti-ic top bearimmg surface of timn carrier when testing cross-level.


18 pdr. Q.F. Mark IV. on Carriage Mark V.

0  5 5 

~ ______ ______


S Sore   mo O~i~ iiS~t

0 Dial

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NOTE.—The N o . 7 dial sight cannot be accurately testedfor elevation on t imis target owing to the fact that it is

adjustable for height.

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EQUIPMENT. Provisional.


Limber gunners should be intelligent and reliable amen.

Time bearing strips on the exterior of the gun, by means ofwhicim t i m e gun slides in the cradle of the carriage, should be

kept clean and oiled and mnaintained in good working order;

all workingsurfaces should be well lubricated and kept freefrom paint.

The g u m n should be pulled back in the cradleat least oncea week by a tackle or drag-ropes; t1ui~lubricates the guides

and operates the packitgs. The gun slide lubricators onlyoperate during recoil and run out; these lubricators must be

kept filled with oil dag.

The bore should be kept clean and lightly greased.

After firing it should be scrubbed out with caustic sodaand hot water (1 lb. to a gallon), using the piasaba brush.

When dry it should be lightly greased with mineral jelly.Nogritty substance, s u c h - i as sandpaperorbathbrick, should

be used for cleaning working surfaces.All spare parts should be used periodically to ensure that

they are in working order.The axictreesshould be greased frequently, the old grease,

particularly from the channelsof the pipe box, beingremovedbefore new grease is applied. If there is side play between

thewheeland the carriage, the linch-pin should be withdrawn

and the adjusting collar revolved to a suitable position to

take up the play.Heads of lubricatoms shommid be heist free from paint.

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Fitting to be lubricated. No. W l m c r e situated.

Over buffer piston rod.

O met spindle cut-off gearsegtncnt.Over left trunnion.Over right trUnniofl.

in epiuudle traversing isa ring,In pimijan bearing traversingbracket.

In hearing spindle elevatinghand-wheel.

52 on the wormy.~ 1 on the spindle.

1 over the pinomi.2 over the shaft.

On bearing ranging Landwhcol

5pindle. -

On pinion bearing.

On trail eye spindle bearing.I on each bracket bidl leg.

Ins body.In plate cross-levelling, innerPart It for pivot pin.

In plate cross-levelling inner  Part II for bingo p l u m .

In plate cross-levellingouter PartI I .

In plate eross-lomcllinig outerPart 1.

1 m m plato cross-levelling outer  sleeve.In Buds Square.

Also I lubricating recess in platecross-levelling inner Pert I.

On top of breech screw.On top ofcarrier. -

Cradle f r o m m t cap

Trutmnions ‘~ ~

Traversing gear { ~Left-hand elevating gear   -.~ 2




Cradle clanmp 1Trail eye 2Trail 2




Sight bracket - 2

Breech screw and pintlo ofcarrier ILever breech mechanism   . 1

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The dial sight wi- ion issued is in correct adjustment, watet-t iglmt, and with all time cells and joints secured by screws.

It is very unlikely t imat time interior will be required to be

cleaned, and the dial sigh-it must on no account be taketm to

piecesexcept by persons in possession ofa certificate from time

Artillery Collegestating they arequalified to do such won-k,~ TI-ic body of the dial siglmt mitst be cleaned with a clean-i

e z soft cloth and a little oil, w i m i c i m must be rubbed oil after-

~ wards, care being taken that the glass is not touched. Timec~ exterior of eye.lens a m - i d window should be cleaned witimm u soft cloth or chamois leather, wimich must be kept perfectly

~ dry anti clean and be used for tlmis purpose only.

~ Der-matincor rubber eye-guards should notbe unnecessarily

~ exposed to extremes of temperature, to the sun’s rays, or toE~bright light.

Oil and grease will inevitably destroy rubber or dermatine,

~ and prolonged contact w i t i m benzol, petrol and chemicalsin is undesirable. If, however , oil or grease gets on the eye-~ guard, it should be immediately removed, either :—

(i ) By wiping with a clean rag soaked in bcnzol orpetrol.

 ii By washing in water to which a little soap and sodaimave been added.

(iii) By wiping off with a clean dry rag.

The No. 7 dial sigh-it s l m o s m l d be removed from the bracketbefore travelling army distamico and when not in use must bekept in the ease piovitled for the purpose.

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 i General precautions.

The breech mechanism should be dismantled periodically

in order that it may be thoroughly cleaned.Time threadsof t i m e breech screw should be free fmoni burrs;

these may be removed by careful filing by an artifseer-, but

no p e r t i o m m of the timread should be cut away to ronuovo acrack.

Time breecim should ho kept covered up, w i s e - i - i possible, toprevent dust and grit getting into the breech fittings. Acover is pnovidcd for this vurvose.

(ii) To dismantle the breech mechanism.

With the breech closed remove the securing bolt of thestriker guideblock, set thesafety catch at“safe “ andremovethe firing mechanism in ono piece. Renmove pin securing

block, the breechmechanism lever, block, a m i d retaining catch.Open the breech by turning the barrel-shaped p i m m to tholeft. Remove the plate l~ctainingbreech screw and then

the breech screw from the pintie of the carrier. With.draw the cylindrical sliding croeshead from the grooved pro.jection in the breech screw. Take out the i m i n g o pin andremove the carrier, then withdraw the extractor, slide thelatch from t i m e groove in theretaining catchand take out the

plunger and spring.

 iii To assemble the breech mechanism.

The breech mechanism is assembled in the reverse order,care beingtaken to see that the breeds screw is in the lockedposition before replacing the firing mechanism, and that thecylindrical sliding croashead is in t i m e correct position, viz.,to therear of theslide as far as it will go and the flat-bearing

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surface flush with t i m e edges. T l m i s is very important, asunless in tho position stated, the crankpin will not engagetim crosshead. After time brecclm mechanism lever, block and

retaining catch have been inserted in the slot on t i m e rightof t i m e carrier, t i m e retaining catch-i must be moved to the front

to d i sengage t i m e l a t c h - i f r om t i m e pro j ec t i on o n the carrier

before the whole can be pushed right home .

NoTn.—In order to prevent frncturo of tine stud o n tiner igimt side of t i m e carrier,a feeler gauge 0(5-ineimes ti~de sliounid

pass between time latch catch or tIme st-intl stop and tine gun.

 A .C.I . 482/1923).

- iv> To dismantle the firing mechanism.

Close the breeclm, withdraw the securing bolt from the

carrier and remove the striker guide block, striker and firinglever. If it is desired to remove these parts as a unit, thesafety catch s imould be set at “safe” before the securing

bolt is removed.

When removing time striker from, or inserting it into, tlue

guide block, the safety catch of the latter must always bein the firing position.

To d i sman t l e the st r i k e r .— Pres s on t i m e top of the gu id efor mainspring so as to compress t i m e spring lightly, and atthe same time tilt the upper end of time guide from the

striker, and withdraw the guide a n d m a in spr in g . Removetime firing pin and the pin securing rebound block and witim-draw thelatter. Place the safety catch-i in the firing position,

force it out of its recess in the guide block towards the centreof t i m e b l o ck , a n d w i t h d r a w it.

 v To assemble the firing mechanism.

Time firing mechanism is assembled in the r ev e r s e o rd e r .

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 vi To test the protrusion of the striker.

Close the breechand remove the breech umechanism leverwith block and retainingcatch. O p e m m tine breech-i by turniu-ig

the barrel-shaped projection to the left. Turn the breechscrew to time loclced position and remove time striker. Remove

time mainspring and guide for mainspring and replace the

striker, pressing it imome so tiurmi tine firing pin protrudes

througim the face of time breech screw. Apply the gauge anti

if time protrusion is not within the limits, change tho firing



General Precautions.

 1) Before firing.

Care should be taken to see that t i m e recuperator andbuffer are correctly clmarged, that there is no leakage at

the stuffing-boxes, that the isolating valve is open, that

the cylinder block is firmly nutted up to t i m e lug of the gum,and the piston rods to the frenmt cap, aumd that time cut-off

gear is in adjtnstmnent.It is necessary to strain-i the oil before charging the recu~

perator or huller.

Purling severe weather, recuperators and buffers shouldbe protected as much as possible from the cold.

Any operations for the replacement of worn or defective

parts which necessitate emptying the recoil system shouldbe car r i ed out only und e r qua l i f i ed supervision.

(ii) in action

During action the functionuinmg of the system should be

carefully watched and steps taken at once to remedy defects.

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Th e f o l l ow i n g a r e the m o r e c o m m o n f au l t s

For any givenfault the causes and remedies arc set out intine sequence, which should be followed to ascertain the

particular cause and remedy, so timat t i m e simplest and mostreadily removed causes may be eliminated before proceedingto tie more difficult.

Fault. Cause. Remedy.

Recoil violent Air in buffer cylinder ... Operate snifting valve.

Insufficient liquid in Fill buffer and tank.boiler system.

Reduced air pressure In Test and re-chat-go re~renuperator . cuperator.

Recoil excessive- ... Woarof j,iston and valve Adjust by cut-oil gear,

Buffer nearly empty ... Fill buffer and tank.

Rcoil short Damagedslides ... Examine and repair.Excessiveair pressure- -  . Test and expel surplus.

Wrongly set cut-off gear Test and adjust gear.Recess

ofliquid in re- Test and recharge re-

cope-rater. cupcrat-or.Packings too fight ... Repack.

Ruin out slow Valveadjusting run out Open valve.incorrect-.

Burrsorgrit -on slides ... R e m o v e obstruction.Reduced air pressure ... Test and adjust pressure- .I’aekinge tootight ... Repack.

Run out violouul .. Valve adjusting run-out Close valve further.incorrect.

Exceesivo air pressure ... Test and expel surplus.  Retarding valve fast in If this is suspected ansi a

open position, few rounds failato moveIt, then strip recuper.

atorarid replace valve.

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 ii In a c tio n — c o n tin u e d .

Fault. Cause. Remedy.

Failure to run-out Too n m u c l m liquid in buffer Operate snifting valve.Air in buffer Operate sniftimug valve.Valve adjusting run-out Open valve.

closed.Bur r s orgrit on slides ..   Rotmiove obstructions.Reduced air pressure- in Test amid adjust pressure.

reeuperator.Paekings tootight ... Repack.

Nora.—lteduccd air pressure noisy ho duo to air alone-, or umlay becaused by le-alsagu of liquid from reeuperator ; the- precise- cause should be

ascertained, At high angles of elevation,’ the naIve adjusting run-out,may requiro adjustment.

 iii When guns are resting in action.

Cool the bore. Allow air to escape from the buffer by

nneans of the snifting valve. Replenish the buffer. Tigimtenpackings if necessary. Replenish recuperator with liquid, if

necessary, after the gun has cooled.


 1 ) To charge the recuperator with liquid.

Lash the gun to the cradle, level the cradle longitudinally

and transversely with a clinometer, remove plugs N and L,and attacim the pump connection and adapter. Open valveM at-id pump in oil until it overflows at N. Replace plug

N and pump in oil until the tail red is flush witim the rear

end of the slot in the cradle cap. Close valveM, disconnect

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the pump connection and adapter, and replace plug L.Care should be taken to see that the recuperator is correctly

charged as too much oil will cause serious damage and put

the gun out of action. When correctly charged it shouldcontain 0~pints of bufferoil.

 ii To charge the recuperator with air.  

Before charging witlm air it is important to see that the

securing collar is on therecupcratorpiston, in order to prevent

t i m e piston from being forced out to the rear when under

pressure, and timat the correct quantity of liquid is in therecuperator. Time-n proceed as follows: Attaeim the

air pump to the bracket on the trail, remove plug H and

attach the adapter and pressure gauge; connect the pumppipe to the adapter, open at valve K and pump until thogauge registers 6 30 lbs. a sq. in. Close valve K, discotmnecttine pipe from time adapter, and place time cap e m time adapter.

Open valve K, slack back the cap o n - i the adapter and release

pressuro until tine garugo sinews 600 lbs. a sq. in. Close

valveK, remove t i m e adapter w i t i m pressuregauge, and replaceplug H. The lashing may now be removed.

When charging by air bottle, care must be taken to openthe cock gradually to avoid damaging the gauge.

 iii To test the air pressure.

See that the tail rod of tho floatingpiston is in t i m e cOrrect

position. Remove plug Hand screw in thu adapter, blankingthe outer e n d with the cap . Scr ew t i m e g a u g e into the adap t e r .

Open valve K when the gauge should register 600 lbs. a

sq. in. If correct, close valve K, reumiove the adapter and

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gauge and replace plug U. If the pressure is not correct,

inrocced as in (vi).

 iv To test and adjust for liquid in air cylinder.Secure t i m e gun to thecradleandelevate to about25 degrees,

~remove “plug adapter” (II) and open “air valve”  Kone turn. If air alone escapes there is no leakage; close t i m e

valve. Simould liquid show allow it all to escape before

closing time valve.  

Re-charge with air in the usual way, up to the correct


If leakage of oil into the air cylinder continues the packingsof the floating piston must be examined, and r e p l a c e d ifnecessary.

 v To test and adjust for aeration of liquid in r e cupe—rator.

Place the gun horizontal, remove “plug, reeuperator,

filling”  L and open the“

oil filling valve” (M) veryslightly.If liquid flows, close t i m e valve, but, if froth appears, air hasleaked into the liquid. Allow time frotim to blow out until

liquid flows, timen close the valve and make up less of oil in

the u s u a l m a n n e r .Should the amount of froth be excessive, it will benecessary

to strip the recuperater and to examine t i m e paekings, re~

placing any that may be defective.

(vi) To replenish air pressure lost by lealeage.

Proceed as for elmarging time recupcrator witim air, but

before opening valve K to admit air, pump pressure in pipe

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to 6 00 lbs. a sq. in., and see that t i m e correct anmount of liquid

is in t i m e recuperator.

 vii Toreplenish liquid lost by leakage without releas-ing the air pressure.

Leakage from the rccuperator, if not excessive, can bemade up by means of tie screw putnp. It is not necessary

to release theair pressure for this purpose. Proceedas follows:The pump

should be filled,turned

nozzleupwards, and

afew turns given to t i m e screw in order to remove any air.Remove plug L anti screw the pump into place in the filling

hole. Open valve M and operate the pump by means ofthe handle, If necessary t i m e operation should be repeated;valve Id must be closed on e a c i m occasion before t i m e operationcan be repeated, and must aLso be closed on each occasionbefore removing the pump. Oil should be pumped in untiltho tail rod of the floatingpiston is flush with the rear endof the slot in the cradle cap. Close valve Id, remove pumpand replace plug L.  

The capacity of the pump is about one-fifth of a pint.

Then test for oil leakage into air cylinder. Disregard ofthis may lead to dangerouspressures in the air cylinderand consequent damage to the equipment.

NoTE.—Air cannotescapeunless thereis afault in valve K.

Taking air pressure too often is to be deprecated, as somepressure is invariably lost on each occasion. The correctposition of the tail rod simould be taken to mean that therecuperator is in serviceable working order, and if the tailrod is not in the correct position it . is probably due to liquidleakage from the recuperator cylinder.

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7 6 -


 i To fill tho buffer.  

Level the gun longitudinally and transversely. Removethe fill ing-hole plug from the tank. See that the isolatingvalve is open. Open the snifting valve to allow any air inthe buffer cylinder to escape and pour in oil until abouthalf-way up the inspection glass. Replace t i m e filling plug.About 6~it-its of oil are required to charge the buficr andtank.

Leakage from the buffer is automatically made up from

the oil reservoir when the isolating valve is open.Should the oil reservoir or the pipe connection of the oilreservoir be damaged, thebuffer can bo cimarged by removing

the isolating valve and using a funnel. Caro should betaken to see that the isolating valve is replaced before firing.

 ii Cut-oft gear.

The cut-off gear is correctly adjusted if, at 30 degreeselevation as indicated on the elevation are, the hole in thosmall lever on the front end of the piston rod is directly overthe hole in the front cradle cap.If the rod of the cut-off gear be damaged, t i m e position of

the piston may be set for a constant recoil. To do this takeout t i m e pin from the front end of tho rod, turn the smalllever on the piston rod until the hole agrees with t h m e holein the front cradle cap and insert the pin in this hole. In

this position the cut-off gear gives the shortest recoil.  

iii Glands.

Glands should be tightened when necessary. It is betterto do this when the cradle is warm, as the packings then

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seat better. They should not be over.tightened, as this maydistort the floating rings and also cause seizure.

To tighten up theglands :—Open the door provided in the

underside of the front cradle cap and tighten up the glandby means of a tommy. If a gland has been over-tightened

and it is desired to slacken it, thespringpawl must be pushed

up and twisted to lock it before t i m e gland can be turned.If a leakage occurs at the glands and tiglmtening up does

not prevent it, a supplementary packing ring should be usedor if a supplementary packing is already in use, the defective

-j packing should be renewed.



Be f o r e starting w o r k , an external e x a m i n a t i o n s h o u l d be~ made to see that the pump is clean and serviceable.~ When assembling care must be taken to see that all parts

~ are clean and well lubricated. Working parts will requirefurther lubrication duringpumping.To obtain the best results it is essentini to employ a full

stroke in working the pump, i.e., from stop to stop.

When charging a system it is best to continue without astop until the desired pressure is reached, changing the menif fatigued. If a stop is unavoidable, note the pressure and

close valve K. Before continuing, pump the pressure in the

pipe up to the pressure noted before opening valve K.Ifthere is any falling off in the working pressure, examinethe valves. If gritty, the valves and springs should beremoved and cleaned. Ifnecessary, valves should be lightly

ground in and coated with thin oil. Ifthis does not improvethe efficiency of thepump, the piston should be removed and

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the r i n g s examined and t r i ed in the cy l i nders . If the spr ingof these rings has been destroyed, they must be changed.

Th e p u m p must be r e p l a c e d in its box im m e d i a t e l y after

use.Th o p u m p s h o u l d be w o r k e d a few s t r ok e s daily to e n s u r ethat the pack i ngs are kep t u n d e r pr e s su r e .

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1. Stores carried on carriage :—

Brush, breech screwBush, firing haloCan, lubricating, No. 0Cap, sponge- , No. 6Carrier, dial sight, No. 10 or 1 1 - .

Caac, sparepartsCase, tools

C a s e - , key fume, sottingCasememo ofexamination . -  

Casekey adjusting valveCase No. 7 dial sight and carrierCleaner, plasaba,No. 18Cle-aner, wool, No. 1C h i n o n m m o t e - r , field, Mark III .  .

Clinometer. BightClinomuoter, sight (spare)Covers, muzzle, breech and sight

Drift, No. 1 2Gauge, striker protrusion, No. 1llaznnmcr, claw,   4 e z

Indicator, fume

W here carried.

Right aide ofshield.Outside left trail, curved, side

of head down, on bottomweb of trail; he-lye headtowards gun handle behindr e a r l o c k i n g p l a t e

In “case, tools.”In “case, spare parts.”

In bloek on right trail.Inrear of shield.

In “ c m m s o , No. 7, dial sight.”Outhido r i g h t t r a i l

Outside- h e - f t trail.

Outside- riglmt trail.On shield beneathgun.On right side of cradle.On l e f t r o a r o f shield.  r e a r o f s l n i e l d

O n r e a r o f s h i e l d

In case, riglnt shield stay.Incase, left shield stay.Incase, left shield stay front.On f r o n t o f cage for cleaners.

In “cano apare parts.”

  n “case, tools.”Inside upper flap of shield,right.

Article. No.

Apparatus,illuminating sightsNo.6Axe, pick 1





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i. Stores carried on c a r r ia g e — - co a t .

Article. No. ‘W h er e carried.

Keys, teas setting, No. 18Key, r emov ing jammed cartridgesLanyard, firing, No. 32

Lever, firingLever, c a t c h retaining B.M. l e v e r

Mallets, raw bidePins, firingPins, kecin, split,

5’,-in.X l f . i n .  

Pins, keep, split, I-in.x lf-in.  

Pliers, flatnose pairsPosts, aiming, crossheadRopes, dreg, light pairScrewdriver, OS., 4-InchShovcl, G.SSight, dial, No. 7

Spades, removable-Spanner, No. 244Spanner, adjustable, il-in.  

Spanner, adjustable-, 15-inch   .

Spanner, No. 330Spanner, No. 331

Spanner, No. 333 .  . ‘ ISpanner, No. 334 1

Spanner, No. 335 1S p r i n g s , main 2

S p r i n g s , c a t c h r e t a i n i n g B . T d . l o v e r 2

S p r i n g s , s a f e t y c a t c h 2

S p r i n g s , safety valvo 2Springs, tr igger 4

Springs, tripping piece 1Striker 1Tommy No 4 4 1T o o l , adjusting run-out 1

T r i g g e r , complete 1


2 30




I n c a s e .

} n “ c a s e , tools.”

} in “case spareparts.”

One on topofeach trail leg.

j In “case, spare parts.”

Ire “ease, tools.”One inside each trail leg.On r e a r of shiekI.In ease,spare parts.

Outside right trail. -

I n c a n e , f r o n t o f s h i e l d , r e a r

s i d e .

I n t h e i r respective slides.

“ease-, tools.”

“ease, tools.”In en-se on cradle.Ire case,spareparts.

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2. Stores carried on limber  Mark III :—

A r t i c l e . No. W hore c a r r i e d .

Axe, felling, curved he- lye IBar, supporting draught p o i o , No 3 1 ~ On platform board.B r e a s t p h e c e , s a d d l e r y , universal .... I JBox,grease, 3-lb I Under platform, in front.Brush, water, earriago I Under, in front, ne-ar side.Buckets, water, U.S. 6 Under, in rear, near side.

6 Under, in rear, o f T side.Blankets, U.S 2 On top of limber box.

~ Bubble, spirit, glass “P” . . 1 Intray, small stores.

~ Can, lubricating, No. 3—Mineral oil

2 Rangoon oil ~Under platform.Cap, dust, No. 4 1 Incent-re compartment. Carrier, ammunition, Q,F, 13 and I On top of limber box.

1 8 - p r .

Cartridges, Q.F. 18-pr JO Left compartment10 Right compartment.

Cloths,sponge — In centre compartment.~ Collar, adjusting, 2nd class “C” 1 In tray, small stores.

~ cappedwheels.0 Crowbar, 4-ft. 1 On platform.

2 1Handle f i l e small 1 jIO t r a y , small stores.

~ Hook b i l l 1 Under in front, off side.Implements , ammunition—-

Key No 1 7 , f i x i n g f a z e s ... 1 In t r a y , small stores.Key, No. 18, setting fumes ... 1~ Near

8ide of limber box

Key, No. 18, setting fumes ... in Off side of limber box.

~ : : : 2~   In tray, small stores.

Key spring lock I In pocket rearef limber l’ox.Line-, Iiambro’ 1 In centre compartment.

(a) When guns are parked, fuze keys should be placed in tray, smallstores,

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2. Stores carried on limber (Mark 111 —cone

Article. No. Where carried.

Nut, actuating screw   b r a k e g e a r ) 1

Pad, beatingfaco IPin, draught, No. 3 1Pin, linch, 2nd class “C” capped 1

w h e e l s .Pin, lever 1

P i n , h i n g e , capsquare “A” ...

Pins, keep, split,assorted sizes, set 1 Intray, small stores.

Plug,air, recuperator IPlug,adapter, hole, rocuperator ...

Plo5,filling, oil reservoir I

Plug, filling, recupereetor 1

Plunger, traversing leverIling, leather, dust excluder , 2nd 2

class a x l e - t r e e .

Ropes, drag, heavy pairs I On platform b o a r d .

Screw, adjusting, d i a l sight holder 2  with n u t . ~In t r a y , small stores

Screw,catchplate, pinion nut ... 1Spade, Mark III 1 On platform boardSpring, deflectionnut 1 ~Spring, head, actuating rod .. 1Spring, plunger traversing lever ... 1Spring, pinion clamp 1  Spring, ranging gear ISpring, relief v a l v e 1 In t r a y , sma ll sto re s.Spring, f i r i n g goar 2  Spring, disc,No.62 4 ISpring, catch, limber and perch 1  

hooks , JStraps, trace, universal saddlery .  . 2  

S t r a p s , s u p p o r t i n g , r e a r ~ad~erj ~ On platform boardS t r a p s , s u p p o r t i n g , f r o n t s a d d l e r

S w i n g l e t r e e s , Nos 1 O . or 1 1 ... I JT o o l s , threading ~ in. nnti•friction 1 Ire tray, small stores.

b a l l

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2, Stores carried on Umber  Mark 1II)—coni.

A r t i c l e . No Whe r e c a r r i e d .

Traces, saddlerv pair I ‘~

Tugs, trace, sarldlery, universal ... 210n platform board.

Washer jamming plateWasher packing adapterplug ... 4W ashe r , pack ing rear plug .  . 2Wtesher,paeking adapterpumppipe 4

Washer, packing airplugand sniff- 4tog valve.

Washer, packing filling plug  re. 2  

eupcrator . Intray, small stores.Washer, packing pipe connections 2  Washer, packingsafety valve ... 4

W ashe r s, packing filling plug   o i l 2

reservoir) .Washers packinginspectionwindow 3

Washers, spring, dial sight holder. 1

Washers, drag, 2nd class “C” I In c e n t r e compartment

capped wheels.

W indow, inspection, oil reservOir... 1 Intray, small stores.

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Axe, pickBar s u pp or t ing d r au g ht p o l e ,

No 3Box No 1 percussion primers   .

Box, grease, 3-lbBreast piece, saddleryBrush, water, carriage

Buckets, water, U.S.  

Oans, lubricating, f Mineral oilNo. 3. 1 Rangoon oil

Cartridges, Q.F. 18-pr. ...  Cloths, sponge

Collar, adjusting, ‘2nd Class “0”capped wheels.

holder, cartridge, Q.F. 18-pr .Hook, billImplements. ammunition—

Key, N o . 18—Setting fuzo  

Key, No. 18—   ..  

Key, No. 17—Fixing fumeKey, No. 27—Primers

Key, spring lockKey, split, fiat, 1-inch x 4-inclnP i n s , draught No 3

Pins, linch, 2nd Class “0”capped wheels .

Primers, percussion, Q.F. cart-

ridges, No. 1 .

Under, in re-ar.On platform board.

In tray, small stores.Under platform, ne-ar side.On platform board.

-Under, in front.Under, in rear, near sideS

Under, ir e rear, off side.tinder platform, oIl side.

Under platform, near side.Left compartment.Right comnpartneent.Centre compartment.

In tray, small stores,

Centre compartment.Under, in front.

Near sideOff side.In tray, small stores.

3. Stores carried on limber, wagon, amrnunition*

Articles. No. W ise - r e carried.












  The allocation of these stores are nd yet definitely settled, thistable being for general purposes only.

n When guns are parked, fuze keys should be placed ir a tray, smallstores.

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3. Stores carried on limber, wagon~ ammunition*~


Articles. No. Where carried.

Ropes, drag, light laIm’Screwdriver, G.SShovels, G.S.Straps, trace, saddle-my, inniversal

Straps, supporting   { frout : : :Swingle-tre-e, No. 1 1I’races, saldlorv lairI ’ m m g s , traeo, sadll~ry






On liatformn board.In tray, small stores.

On llatfor mm bard,  ~: 



Se Note * OI S ~ 81.

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4. Stores carried on wagon, anlmunitlon*

Blankets, U.S

Box, grease, 3-lb  Fuels, testing sighting

Cartridges, Q.F. 18-pr. ...  Catch, limber and pereln hooksIlanfispikes, common, 6.ft.Indicator, miceIterplennetits, ammunition—

Key No. 18,—Setting fucoKey- No. 1 8 .— —

Key No. 18.—   ...

Larrips, siege (in box)Lashings

Pole, jointed, No. 18Rope,piclcotiug, 66—ftSaw, hand (in case-Sparser, No. 93

Spimndle,catch, l i m n m b e r looksS~ring,catch, limberand perch

looks.Shoes, horse

(Saddlers, No 1

Tools   ShoeingI Fitters orWheelers, No.1

On top of ammunition box.Under, off side.Under, ne-ar side.Intray, entailstores.left c o m m s p a r t m n e r r t .

Bight compartment.In tray, small stores.Undes’ pei’ch.

On top of Blankets, 0.8.

Near side.Off silt’.Irs tray, entail stores.On top of perch.Violet-pet-eli.

On top of perch.Inrear of atntnttmiitittn boa.

Near side.

I t s tray, snsahl atores.

Articles. No. Where carried.










 a) b) c) d~



 a‘ -


In valise, tool.

W I r e - m n gums are parked, fuze keys should be carried in tray, sisalston,s.


to F.subsections let

and2nl litre.

 b) A.  3 1 1 ,, let hue.

(c~A.C.D. F. ,,

(if) lb,D.F. ,, ‘2nd line

U Ire allocirtion of these stores is rot yet leti m m lily settle , this

tattle being fur general guidance oily.

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i’rhrrtcrl railer the authority of lire Msstisry’s SD.srreeeaay OFeacni,f l y   ettiriso~i551 t~ON5,LTO., 44—17, St. Mart Imt’~ L o s e , London \V.O.2,

I’clnters i r s Ordinary t o I l l s M a j e s t Y .

 It 2 7 / 8 3 ) v Wt 26S07/5127—1658 Itt 5/2-1 1 1   S Ltd. Cp 27
