(Crown Copyright !?eserved. [1ss~ued with Army OrdcrB for October, 1020. GUN DRILL ~- ‘FOR 9’2~inch B.L. Howitzer, Mark II, CARRIAGE, SIEGE, MARK II. ISSUED BY THE GENEDAL STAFF. OCTOBER, 1920. VW~tIsr1BDBY Itti XAJE~YT8STLTLONEftT OFFICE. Tobs p~rch~is~t throogh ~ B o~tist1er oa ~1recLI7 tram fl.M. $TATiONEJt~ UYI1C~. &t the feljoaln 1 dre.er~~ ROVIL ~tNO~WLT, L~JKDOw, W.O. 2. sod ~ ABibo I,O~4BTRFE~Lo~rT’oF, LW. 1. 31, JirIs 11111?, M~.NCUINTU’t 14?. A3005W1 CI4I~4cC31, dLROIV, ~3, FoOtit dTftg.ET, EDt450R0R; Or trow E. PON~ONB!,L~tn., 116, GIUFTOs 8T~XtT,DUSLIM. 192G. Price 9~1. net.

Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

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Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

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Page 1: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

(CrownCopyright!?eserved.• [1ss~uedwith ArmyOrdcrBfor October,1020.



9’2~inchB.L. Howitzer, Mark II,CARRIAGE, SIEGE, MARK II.


OCTOBER, 1920.


Tobsp~rch~is~tthroogh~ B o~tist1eroa~1recLI7tramfl.M. $TATiONEJt~ UYI1C~.&t the feljoaln


ROVIL ~tNO~WLT, L~JKDOw,W.O.2. sod~ ABibo I,O~4BTRFE~Lo~rT’oF,LW. 1.31, JirIs 11111?, M~.NCUINTU’t 14?. A3005W1 CI4I~4cC31,dLROIV,

~3, FoOtit dTftg.ET, EDt450R0R;Or trow E. PON~ONB!,L~tn.,116, GIUFTOs 8T~XtT,DUSLIM.


• Price9~1.net.

Page 2: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


~ ~iUtI~0flb,,~.


To bepor hue0dthroughany Bookaalleror dlrugtly fromIj.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addreose,


23, FORtO STREET, I.’piai~;’ow;or front N. I’ONSONBY, LTD.. 110, URAFT0N STREET; DUBLIN.

(The prices in brackets are those at which the books areobtainable, post free, by Officers, Non-CommissionedOfficers and Men, iii the manner prescribed by Appen-dix XX~III. of The King’s Regulations and Orders for theArmy, 1912. Applications should be made on ArmyForm L 1372, and addressedto the Secretary, War OfficeS.W.1.)

Abyasiflin. Expedition to. 2 vo1~.and maps. 1870. halt Morocco,£5 5,. (itotli, £4 4s.

Accounts. Army. SeeFINANCIAL INSTRUOTI0Ns.Africa. Continent of. Geology of. Noteson. 1906. Is. (Is.4d.)Aircraft with Artillery. Co-operationof. 1920. 15. (hid.)Allotments of Pay. See SEPARATION ALLOWANCE.Allowances. Army. Regulations. 1014. (Reprinicd 1018.) lid. (tld.)

Seealso FJICLI2 ALLOWANCE and SEPAIIATION ALLOWANCE.Amharlc Language. Short Manual of the. With Vocabulary,

1500, Is. (3.o. oW.)Ammunition for Q.P. 4~-inchHowitzer, Note,on the. 4thedition,

1020. ( ti’ilh Diagrams.) 13. (lOd.)Animal Management. 1908. (Reprinted1918.) 25. (Is. Cd.)Animal Management, &c. 1916. Catechismof. Id. (ld.)

Seealso hlonsEs.Arabic Grammar. Two parts. (Soldto Officei~sonly.) 1897. los. (lOs. 6d.)Armourars. Instruetto,i,for

Care,repair, browning &c., of Small Armt, Machine Gun,, “Parapet”Carriages,and for tho careof Bicycle,. 1912. (Reprinted,with Amend-menlo, 1916.) 2o.Gd. (2s. Id.)

Addendum. Jan. 1910. Careandrepairof Rifles,Magazines, •3~3,(In thepinto)

(ii 15204) WI. 1r3

012 500 11120 Ii & S Ltd.

Page 3: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

SIlL/TA 111’ IJOOL’S, publishedb~Aothorgfy—conthuied.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page2.)Army List. •The Monthly. Ofiicrru or; tire Active List. (I’vh/ication u-as

sonprndrd /a;,o~the ii Or) r~(let., 11711, And alter’. IDol, 1’. (In. I:!.)Qusrt;’rlv NuIrplenellt. lRflrer~tIn iron f;~or;i tin;’ Ant Ire list 1)r’is;ria

(h’,lere ni Kin ight),rrnnn.i; i2


g;; Urn ‘err; i$old irs’ II~in;;;c;’,tX;;niispnnsn’nI nit; ,tc., he. Jar;. 11)19aunt after. lintel, Is. (to.)

Army List. Ti,e Quarterly (inst unusedin; ()n,tot,er 11714). Jo;;., April, July,aunt (let. had, Sn. 1105. lId,)

• Do. FlueQuarterly. Jan.11720. i’n,rtO, WarScrvlce’runi Ott)errn~f theArn;y, he. (Gratis to parc/nasennnfl/neQuarter/p ~Ii’my Lint.)

Do. TheMonthly. Os.Army Orders. Monthly, Macli lit. (3d.)Army Orders. Covero for. 11:1. (9~1.)Army Review. ‘Quarterly. July 1911 to October11414. (l’ol. 1,, A’s.;. I unit 2,

out ofprint.) to. (Up to July 1914,In.; (let. 1914, lId.)(Su/nsequen;t;n;dnlienifion; aii~pcn;nten1)

Army Service Corps. .5cc Sr:nvlce.Artiftcers. Military. llatrnttnook. 1011, edition. 2915. Cd. ~9d.)

• - Artillery at the Picardy Manmuvres in 1010. Tra;,,Lted trO;,, tireFreu;ct;. 25.oW. (Os.)

Artillery. RoyalRangetakers. See that item.Standing Orders for Lie’utenant-Colonel’s Command, 11.0.0..

)Coftst a,;,i SIege), 11710. Id. (Id.)Training—

Coast. Vol. I. (1,; thepresclFielal. 1910..(Reprinted1918.) ho. (Is.)Do. tixanipleSof Itatugluig. Toouplrlementt);onnegive;; ii See.3;’?

In!. (2:1.)Garrison—

Vel. I lOl•i. it:!. (41:1.)Vol. II. (Siege). 1911. (hlepririted, with Alne;,rtt,,entn, 11)14), Sd, (7W.)Vol. 111. 1911. (Iteprinterl, will, Aunu’;;dnie;nto.1914), I~. (11:1.)

Artillery College. Reports upon tine HO; to 18th Su’,;ior Classes. hisu’l;Is. (tint,) Seealso ORDNANCE Cot,r,ioric.

Artillery Instruments 1—lianrilook of, 1014. Is. Cd, (1k, Oil.)

Do. Anrennl;ner,ta. (:1. (Id.)Do. Adnteu,rI ‘urn tO. 2d. (2n1.)Do. Appendix. Dee. 1976 (l’enlscojr;’s, A,’.) ; Olin Aiiiei,nl,tirlnte

top. III of tim linnnltsnnrk. 111th I’lateo, lit. (Id.)Artillery Museum I;, tine Itotinida, Woolwleh. Olilcial Catalogue. 190t1.

(Soldat theRotunda, Is. 3d.)Artillery and Rifle RangesAct, 1885,and Military Lands Acts,

1892 to 1903. Byelaws under,‘tl,Ieburgi,, 181741 ;, Ash (Alderotiot Camp), 1887 F’lnlnorougi;, 1901

Ilyibe, 1894 ; I nchkelth Iiattery, 1 81)7) ; X ingi;orir uris, 181741;L~ndg;;ard. 1887 ; Lydnt—Duu;geueos, 1510’, Mlntntle~Ick, 141501;Milllnrook, 1858 ; Orclnar,t l’ortn;a;i, 181741; Searborou;gI;, 1502 ScrapsGate.1886 ; Sl;oehurynesnt, 1805 ; SoutI;wold, 18941 StremisnIt, 10101Waoi,, 1851 ; WhttehavenBattery(Cu,ntnerlan,1),1886. lath ~:f, (W

Purtleet,1911. Is. (Cd.)Sa)lstnury~‘lain,11100. 4d. (I’Ll • • •

Page 4: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

MILITARY BOOA’S, publishedby Authority—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Artillery Storo Accounts and the Care and Preservation ofEquipment of Royal Artillery, Horse, Field, and HeavyBatteries. Noteson. Sept.11)14. lInt. (Id.)

Assistance of Officers and Men and their Dependants. i/units,Asonn~1atInnu;s,Socinrt.irs, &c., for tl,e. 1920. 2nl. (Id.)

Austria. Campaign of 1866 Against. Moltke’, Corresponclenci.during. l’r/ntis. .Sce GERMANY.

Barracks. Care of. Instruction ii,. 1901. lId. (I’d.)Baahforth Chronograph. ExperimentswIth, to determinetheresi,tauice

of tire air to thenanlionofprojectiles. Reporton. 1830. Is. (Sd.)Bermuda Militia. Artillery. Ilegrilations. 1914. Id. (I’d.)Bicycles. Military. handbookon. 1911. (ReprIntedwith Arnend;nents,

1914). lleprinled 19141. Id. (id.iB.L. 8-inch 28-cwt. Mark I Howitzer, on Mark I Travelling Carriage

(Land ServIce). 19)9. Is. (2s. 4n1.)Bounty to Soldiers. SeeFleto ALLOWANCE.’British Minor Expeditions, 1748 to 1814. 1884. 2~.itd. (is. lid,)

~ b~&5.}SeeTEI;nI1-0EIAL FORCE.Cape of Good Hope Reconnaissance Survey, 1903-1911. Report

on the. 1914. 15. lId. (10. Id.)Casualty Lists, Weekly, War Qffice and Air Ministry. No. I,

Aug.?, 1917, to No.773, Mar51; 4, 1919. Each ad. (3d.)0avalry. Teci,nical Operations; Cavalry in au Army; CavaIr~in Battle.

l’rnuu,siateni trom tire Freu,cl; of Capiain Loir, XX Army CorpsbIaS. Witha Prefaceby GeneralLanglois. 111thMaps. Is. tld. (2s.94.)

Cavalry of the Line. PeaceOrganization of the ; sOul Arrangement,for Molrilisation consequenton the establishmentof Cavalry l)ep~ts.

• (SpecialA.O., July19, 1909). id (Id.)Cavalry School, Netheravon. StandIngOrder,. 1911. Id. (24.)Cavalry TraIning. 1912. (Reprinted, witti Amendmei;te, 1915). is. (114.)

• See also iPAI,IAr( CAVALRY. -

Ceremonial. 1912. (lleprin;led 1919.) Gd. (1W.)Do. Provisional Amendme,ste,June,1914. (With Plates and Key,)

(lInprinted 19197. Id. (3d.)Chemistry. Practical. Quantitative and Qualitative. A Course of.

11114. Is. (In. Snt.)Chemists of the Research Department. Rules and llegulatlons

speciallyrelatingto. 1918. ld. (Id.)Chiropody. Manual of. 24. (2nd.)Clothing and Necessaries(including Alaterials). Priced Vocabulary

• of. 1920. l’ros’isional. Is. (lOd,)Do. Amendments. Jon., April. Aug., Nov. 1916~Feb., AprIl, Dec.

1917; March, Nov. 11118; Jan..Now, 1919;Jan. 1920. Each14.(In!.)

Clothing BegulationaPart I. RegularForces(excludingthe SpecialReserve). 1914, 64. (end.)

-• Part, II. Special Reserve. 1914. 3d. (3d.)Oolchestar Garrison. StandingOrders. 11113. 94. (74.)Commands,Military and Staff in the United Kingdom. Reorgauil~

ration of. (SpecialA.b., Jam;. 9, 1908, wIth alterationsto date. issuedwithSpecial A.O., Nov.11, 1907). 3d. (3d.)

(4) -

Page 5: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

,1!TLIT..4flY IIOOKS, prriilsf;e6t’y Aufhonti~—eonnti;;;;ed.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Company Training. Nnnteq or;. For tire riseci tIns Special Iieoerve; Tern-tori’s

1F’orce, ann) n;owiy rrs;oen’. CuPs ot tIn’ Itegn;iar Army. Sept. 1914.

lit. (in!.)‘Constitution. TheGerman. (I~Ilitinnnneil/writ Notes,) 1920. rd. (Gd,)Cooking and Dietary. Military. Miurr;n;l nY. Jlinnslnalenl. 1918, lId. (lid.)Cooking, ~tilitary. Mn;u;oal cit. lid. (5/.)Co.ordinatiOfl of Voluntary Effort resulting Iron;; tIre forn;ration; of tics

1). G.V.O. Departn;errt. A Natinuial Scheme01—~Appeur;Iii’es 111 aunt IV,—A 1)etaiie,I Recordoi’ thor Work of tirehiecognicod

A~oe,ciatiouro,17720. - in. (3n.7nt,)(~‘lppendiceSI. and I!., rent/n (ho Report of i/no I.’i;’ojton’. (en;eral nesspurl/in/red

iso (C;nd. 173jof S,ssinnn;11717).) 2nd. (21.)Cost Accounting schemefor 1019.20. l7rovioionrsl 1;;otructions no-

lint iu;g toPort 1. For tIre G;;ldanceof Staff, Regimental,r~o1l)epartn;e;;tal Ottieera

at Iliune St attrnns 3d. (3d.)Crews of War Department Vessels and Boats at Home

Stations. Jlegulnttiou;a for tins Appnniuutuneu;t, i’sy, annul i’romotlunu; ci.2911. Id. (In.)

Cyclist Training. lOll. l’rovmsinnnal. lint. (In).); Amonnlnnonts,Aug.1918.ld. (tnt.)

Demobilization. Army. Reg;;lnttnonsl’art 1. With h)iagrani; strowi;;g Jletiro1 of Iiispernnai auntMap of Dllcpereol

Station;sanit Areasin; tIne U;;it,eniKt;;gnlninu;. 1~.lid. (Is. Sn!.)

l’art It. Witl; l’lan of llut;uen;t Linen, showing sunggestc’nI Appropriationof Br;iidinrgs fnnr use as a DIspersal Stuntlinus ; nun Mop ofDlspersn;1Stationsann Areasin; tl;e United Ki;;gdonr;. Oil. (Gd.)

PartIII. (hi tire press)Do. Chap. XXIV. 7.nlnun;nrIJifits. In!. (2d,)Do. CI;r;p. XXV. l’art 1. Dispersalof Ollicem of tlto Army Chap.

lain’s Departn;en;t. Id. (Id.)• Do. Chap.XXV. l’n;rt II. OrdnanceServices. 24. (2).)

Do. ‘ Cl;ap.XXVI. Q.M.A.A.C. Id. (Id.)lb. Ci;;ip. N XVII. An;imrnls 3d, (I’t.)Do. Chap.XXXtI. Tire VoluniteerFor-ce. Id. (‘lit.)Do. Cirop. XXXH 1. British IVeot untiesCon;tingen;ts, 21. (‘l’f.)

Aildessniato Chap.V. SpecialItegistration. 14. (lit.)Annendn;ierrts

~ portal annul 11. Id. (Id.)Non. 3to 25. Each; lit. (lit.)

Despatches,Military. SeeWAR OF 1914-is.Disabled and Discharged Soldiers in France. The Treatmentan;d

Training of. Report liy Sir henryNorman;,Dart., rsI.t’.,Liaisons Otitcer ofth;o Ministry of M;nnltlon;s to the Frond; M1I;lstry of lnvenntionrs. 4d, (4r1.)

Diseases, Medical, in the Tropical and Sub-Tropical WarAreas. Meinmoranniaon;, 1919. (II ith Plates,Diny;’ai;ns, ‘Ib.rt-Jignures, annlJun/er.) Ia. lId. (‘2s,~

Drainage Manual. For tl;s use of Royal 1I;ngl;;eer Otiicerø, and otherporiou;s, cnnployeil on tl;e Constructionas;) Matn;tn’n;ni;rce of Drain;ageWorksin connectIonwith IVar I)epuirt;u;cn;tIluildiusgain; tI;e U;;ltssdKiiigilonn or Insimilar climates. IlevhsedEdItion. 1907. (hiep~intenI111111). 115. (4:. Id.)

(is 15204) (5)

Page 6: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

MILITARY BOQA’S, published5


(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page2.)

Drawing Plates. Military:—Attack of Dufor’s Countennniunesor Inn plate of Mines; Cannot’s FiraS

System; DetachedForts; Conurealeilflcfe;nceo,1,2,3,4; l’rinting Plate~A, B, C, Ac. ; Detail l’late, No. 1; Do. lb. 2; Neigirbourhocndof Wool—win ; Village annul Snrrusn;nlrhinnrsGround. EachId. (In!.)

• Attack of Fortreos—l’rehinninany operations ; 1)o., Diotan;t Attack ; Do.~CloseAttack ; Nelgi;liounhooulof Metz. Each 3d. (3d.)

Neighlrouirhooiiof Woinlwhcln. Southern;Side, Is. lid. (is. id.)Woodoannul Villages. Six plates. Each;lid. (54,)

Dynamics. Notcacnn. See Ounsrn’ANcaCOLL;GE.Education, Conference, Imperial. Convened,J;mn;e 11 acid 12, I9I9~

by tire Ct;ief 01 tueInurpenial(Jen;e;’alStaff, lid. (lid.)Educational Training. Part1. GeneralPrinciples. ([a thepress)Egypt. British Force in. StandingOruiero. 1012. is. (104.)Egypt. Campaign of 1882 in. Military History. With~Cane of Mops.

ConuienseniEijitinrn;. 11708. 30. tin!. (‘20. Sd.)Egyptian Expeditionary Force. A lirief recordof tineAdvanceof the.

July, 1917, to Oct., 17718. In. (So. lid.)Electrical Communications. Fixed. Instructions as to. 1912. (Re..

printed,with Anneunimelnts,19113). 44. (-Id.)Electricity. Noteson;, 1915. 1:. (lId.)Electric’Light Apparatus. Defence. Instructionsfor theworking of..

1915. Id. (14.)Electric Lighting. Military

Vol. 1. 117011. (Ilelrni;;ted, 1915.) 1~. (104.)Vol. 2. 1909. (Reprinted,witin Amendments, 11715.) 18.lId, (is. 24.)‘Vol. 3. (It~visenledition; in Iireparation.)

Electric Lighting and Power Work of the GermanA;’my. Notesoil..1920. ii. lint. (Is. 2nd.)

Encounter. The Battle of. By IIan;n vo;; Kiesiinig. l’art I. Practical.Translated. Is. 1W. (1:. ad.)

Energy Expenditure of the Inifan;try llecrinlti in Traini;;g. The. 1920.Is. )2n. 2n1.)

Engineer Services lfegulations. Peacel’artl. 1910. (ReprInted,with Ainenudnnentspublisher) up to May1, 1915).

Partur. 1911. TechnIcalTreatises. (Reprinted, wiLls Amendmentsto-May 3, 1915). Od. (Sd.)

EngineerTraining. 1912. (Reprinted,with Amendments, 1914). 64. (c34,),Engineering. Field. Manninlof. 1911. Oil. (Oil.)

•Engineering. Military:—Part I. Field Defences. 1908. Is. lid. (is. In).)PartII. Attackand 1)efeneeof Fortresses. 1910. 94. (8n


FartIlls. Military hhriulginng—.Gesnerai Principles and Materials. 19l3~1:. (lId.); In;ilex to. 14. (Ii).)

Part IllS. Do.—Bnidges. 1914, (Reprinited1918.) 2:. (is.84.)Part 1V Shiuniungmiii Demolitiona, 1910. (Reprinted, 1915,with Amenid~

unenutsto 1912inclusive.) 1:. (114.)Part V. Mlscellaueous, 1914. Is. (114.)PartVI. Military hallways. 1898. (Onif ofprint)


Page 7: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

Sect.I. Infantry (IlegularArmy), lOll.

(Repniniterl, with Aunnenud-snnennta published in ArnnyOn-ders;np to Dec. 31, 1915).lid. (Sd.)

Ia. Mo;nunted Infantry. 1912. lid.(Sd.)

II. Cavalry (hhegnilarArmy). 1914.’3d. (3d.)

III, Arnny ServiceCorps (RegularArmy). 1913. (liepnintenh,witin ,AunsenirlmentslO;hlislie;lhi;Army Onionsup to Dec.31,1915). • lid. (tin!.)

V. Royal Army Medical Corps• (~legu1arArmy). 1914.2d. (24.)

V1,~iX. 11.51. Acadenruy; 11.51.andStaff Colleges;GarrisonStat!an;;) Schoolsof Instninc’tion ; Military ?rison~,1)e-tention Barracks,~nnu1Mili-tary Provost Stat) Corps.(Regular Army.) 19)4. Id.(Id.)

Xa. Eungineer. General. Fortress,Survey,Railway, annul I)ep5tUnits. PeacecudWar. (llegu-

• Iar Annoy.) 1914. 24. (24.)

Sect,Xb. FIeld Troop (Regular Army).

• 11112. Id. (In).)Xc. Field Connpany (Regular

Army). 1914. hi!. (lit.’)Xd. Divisional SIgnal (Jompanv

(Regular Army), 1914. In.(24.)

Xe. Signal Compan;y (Wireless)(hhegnnlar Army). 1912. 24.(24.)

XI. Headquarters Slguuil Unite(RegularArnny). 1914. In).(Ii!.)

Xq. Slgmnal Company (Cable)(Regular Anin;y). 11112, 24.(In!.)

X1n. Slgnnah Squadron (RegularAnnoy). 1914. Ii!. (In).)

Xi. Signal Troop with CavalrBrigade (Regular Army1912. 24. (lit.) -

Xlm. Signal Troop with: a CavalryBrigade snot allotted to aCavalry DIvision (ftegularArmy). 1914. 24. (Ia.)

Xl. SlgnnalCompany(SointhAfrica)(Ifeguhar Arnn~n).1912. lii,

- (24.)

MILI24R1’ BOOS’S.pull/sn)en)by Author/ty—contInued.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Entrance. Army. Regulations:—B.M. Acadomy. Adtnlss)nin; to, a;;il for FirstA;ipolnntnnen;ta tinerefronu

to Rue hloyal Artillery uin;uI Royal hin;ginui’n’ro. lOIn). In!. (24.)B.M. Co)loge. Adnrtissio;uto, and for First Appoinutmen;tattren-cfromto• tluo Ilegular Arnuns’ 17720, 3d. (3d.)~1j1itary Forcesof the Self-governing Dominions and Crown;

Colrin;ies, Ollncn,raot tire. 11712. Id, (Id.)iililitia and Imperial ‘Yeomanry. Itegulation;n;nnnnlerwlnlclnComnnls.

sion;s inn tineltegi;lu;r Forcesnu;oybo,uhnlahnieulby Ofitcersof. 1907. Id. (14.)Special Reserveof Officers, Malta Militia, Bermuda Militia,

Channel Islands Militia, and Territorial Force, OhlIceneofthe, 1020. Id. (In).)

Ijniversity Candidates. 1920, Id. (Id.)Warrant Officers and N.O.Os. of the Regular Army. Corn.

batantComnnisotonsasSe~onndLlenttenianits.1914. Pnovisiou;ah. Id. (14,)See also MinuICAI. Connn’~.

• EquiPment. Infantry. Patter;;197)8Wet;. 1913. 24. (In!.)Seemba VALISelIQcnIpsrercr.

Equipment Regulations :-~l’art 1. 1912, (lheprlnteulwIth Annennlnnen;tspuhilishnecli~ArunyOrdersup

to Aug. 31,1914), Is. (lid.)Part 2. Details—


Page 8: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

M1UTAJI9’ BOOKS,pull/shed1

yAulhonity—oontinueuI,(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page2.)

Equipment Begulations.—sont/iuiued.Part 2, 1)etaila—coirtii;uned.

Sect.Xnn. llniilginng Tn-sin (Regular

Army). 17712. Id. (Ii).)Xe. Field Sqi;outronn (1(egular

Annoy). 1914. 24. (Id.)XIs, ltorse Artillery. Q.F. 13-pr.

(Iiegn;)rsr Army.) 1913. Id.(Sd.)

XII. Field Artillery. Q.In’. 18.pr. XIII.(IlegnalarArmy.) 1914. Id.(Sd.)

XIc. Field Artilleny. Q,F. 4~5-in,• howitzer. (RegrnlarArmy.)

1913. (Ifeprlnsted, ‘withAmen;ntmennts nip to Anng. 2.1914). ‘Id. (Sd.)

Xli!. ReserveBrigadeswith Q,F.IS-pr. EquIpment,ItorseandField Artillery, Staff andDepOts, RIding Eutalrliaia.meunt, School of (lunnnnery(Horse an;;) Field), andMonn;;ted Ban;d (itegunlarArmy) 19)4, 64. (lid.l

XIe. Mouuntai,; Artillery with;B,L. 2’75—innchn Iiq;nlpment.

Pant0. Terrltmiriutl Force. 11114. lid. (lid.)Do. Detailsn—

Sec.3X. ArtIllery. 1912. ((1sf sf pr/nt)Do. Anneunlnnents.April 17712; In-sb. 1914. Each;In!, (iii.)

Sec. X. linugin;eer. 1912, 3d, (3d,)Amendmentsto l’a;-t 1. Feb. 1916. April ann!Sept.1919. Bath lu!, (ii!.)Annennimentato l’art 2. Felu.,July(two issues),Aug. 11714, hIa~hId, (in).)Ameudnneunt,sto l’arts I, ‘4and 3. Nov. 1913. Id. (in).)Amendmentsto l’arts 1, 9 anid 3. March, July Iifl3; April, Aug. 1914.

EachIi!. (Id.)Amendmentsto l’arts 1, 2 aund3. Sept.1920. 2d. (21.)Amendmen;tato I’art 2, Sec.XVII, (Officers Trainulug Corps),Feb. 1920,

Id. (lit.)European War, 1914-18. (SeeWAn, 1914-18.)Examination Papers(all pulbtisheu! papersof which the datesareOnnhitCd

areoht of pm-/ui)),—Qualifying Certificates. Sept.1905; March;1906; Sept.1909; March,

• Sept.11710: March;,Sept.lOll; March 1912. Eachtin!. (bud.)Entrance: R.M. Academy, 11.1!, College,t~usl1iy1ngTest for Cornnnl,.

elaine. Nov,-Dec. 1913. Is. (114.)Entrance: R,M. Acaiiennny; It.M. College; Innliann Army College

‘Weihiuugton. SuhnpiemeintaryFirstAp~iolnntmentshatImeRoyal Marines,Appolnntmentsin tine Indian Police Force. A~poinstnnentsins jInePoliceForceof Ceylon. Cadetshnhpain the lhoyal Isavy(SpeciallIutFy)~June—July1915. Is. (lint.)


Sect.Mounn;taiu; Itattery an,!Atnsrnuunltion.CoIunun~,MuleTransport. (RegularArmy.)

- 1914. ProvIsional, tin). (lid.)Xlhnn, Iloyal Garrison; Jhrthller

(RegularArmy), 1914. Is. tin(Is. lld,)Royal Garrisons ArtillerySIege Artillery. MovableArmanuenit, an;d MaciulneG uns in; Aruniamenits, 1913.Is. (IOd.)

XV. Cannel Corps Scinool, Egypt(iiegn:Iar Army), 1914. 2d.(2nt.)

XVI. SpecIalReserve. 1913. 4d.(4d.)

XVII. Officers Training Corps.1920, Id. (Id.)

PracticeBatteriesan;;t Drill 1Innum~(Fixed Mou;;tings) of theRoyal Carricon ArtIllery,(Part 2, Sects. XhIa annulXVI, aund Part 3.) 1909,Is. lid. (Is. 2n1.)

Page 9: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

MI!.) TAR2’ BOOKS,publishedby Aiuthoi’ity—conitinuucul.

(As to prIces in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Examination Papers’_con;(ii;nied.Entrance: 11.141. Aeaulennyn Ill’!. College; lnnullan Army College.

WeIlin;gton. Nov.—1)ec. 11415. Is. (Ion).)Entrance : lIE. Acaule;ny; JIM. College; luidtann Aruny College.

Well lusgtonu. Siip~nlenunu’nitilry 1”lrst A ppotuntn;en;tainn I lie IIoyuul Marines.Cailrtsluipsin; tine lion-al Nau-y(SiieetuulEn;try). .lnmu;e—July 114171. ls. (Is.)

jIg, I nsnse1010. Ii. inn!. (Ii. In!.)Entrance: ii. 51.Acantn-nnny R.M. College InidIn;;; Arunny College,Quettsn.

• Ciuntetshipsin; thur lIon-al Navy (Special I~nutry). M~n-e1nlOIS, ml,!. (lid.)Entrance: 11.51. Acaniennyn 11.111. Cohn-ge; Royal Air Force, Nov. 11)177.

In-. (Is. ~ul.)Entrance: 11,51 Academy; lIE. College; Royal Air Force; Supple.

nun enutmnry First Appoln;nnn;eu;tainn tine IIo~’si Mitriunes. Cauletsldpsinn I heRoyalNavy (SpecialEnutry). JunselhnlU. Is. (ii. lint.)

FreehandDrawing at tIneArnuny linutrante lincann;tnnutionof Nov. 1913.Specimensripen tin Illustrate the lntnnni of qnnestionnsthatwill be setins,lId. (Sit,)

R.M. Academy, ln-o;;rttu Class; R.M. ColI.ege Fuuurth, Ti;Ird, auntSeconsntI)ivislouus, July, Dcc. 11)04 n Jnnn;e11)05. I~ntclnIs,

R.M. Academy, Fui;nrtiu Clnas; R.M. College SenIor Division.Dec. 11)05 ; J;nn;e,Dee. 190711 Jnsly, Dec. 1907, Jluuct;

Staff College, Admission. Junly 1911; June-Juty1912; Junne-J;sly11113. Each Is. (lid.) •

Militia, Imperial Yeomanry and University Candidates.Oct. 19071, is.

Special Reserve, Militia, Territorial Force, and UniversitCandidates. Oct. 1911; MarcIn, Oct. IllS; Starch, Oct. 1141.Eacln Is. (lint,)

Officers Training Corps :—Cadets of the Senior Division. Cnnrtiinnute A. fle~.I908. lid. (54.)Cadets of the Junior and Senior Divisions. CertihlcateaA

annul Ii. Spniung of 11)119; May, Nov. 1911; lmln;rctn, Nov. 1912; March1914. Eachmid. (lid.)

Foreign Languages. Modern. J;nn;e, 1919. Is, (lint.)Do. Jan. 1920. 30. (2s,In!.) -

Family Allowance.&c also Snnn’aRATION AL1,oi%’Apen.

Field Allowance to tineCornnnau;ulerof an;Arn;;y usuini to time Oounmn;ninderofaim Arnny Corps or Gronnp nit Divisininis; Promotion of Lieutenant~of the .Arnsy Veterlnni;ry Corps. Special hleserve, anuS Ternitonliul In-ores;

• Bounty to Soldiers. SpecialArmy Order, JinuneInn, 19171. 14, (lit.)Field AlmanaC. 1)418. Id. (Id,)Field Service Manuals

Ammunition Column, Divisional. New ArmIes. 11515. ad. (3d.)Artillery. Heayy. (IlL. 7171-pr.) llatteny anud AnumuunitlonCol;nmn.

ltxpc;llttonanyForce. 19171. 3d. (3d.)Artillery. Horse. Brigade, Il-pr. Q.ln’. 11108. 31, (lit.)Cavalry Regiment. EXIieilitlonany Force. 11)13. 3d. (lit.)

• Engineers. Bridging Train. JixpenhhtlousaryForce. 1915. 3d. (3d.)Do. Field Company. ExpeuhitiuiunaryFuu;’u~e. 1919. 3d. (3d.)

• Do. Field Squadron. Expn’dithiiniary In-uurce. 11)11. hf. (3d.)Do. Works Company.’ IixpeditlouuuryForce, 1910, 3d. (3d.)

• (9)

Page 10: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

MILiTARY BOOKS,p;nblis/nedbyAuihsrify—continuen!.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Field Service Manuals—continued.Headquarters Units. ExpeditIonaryForce. 1911, 3d. (3d.)

• Infantry Battalion. ExpeditlonnanyForce. 1914. 3d.(Sit.)Infantry(Mqunted)Battalion. IixpeditlomnaryForce, 11)14. 3d. (3d.)Medical Service. Army. ExpeditIonaryForce, 1914. 3d. (3d,)Signal Service. Signal Company (Air-line). Expeditionary

Force, 11)1:1, Snt. (On!.)Do. Signal Company (Cable). ExpeditionaryForce.

1913. On!, (:ld.)Do. Signal Company (Divisional). ExpeditIonary

Force, 1915. 3d. (3,!.)Field Service Pocket Book. 1)514. (Ileprlniteul, wltln Amendments,

1910). Is.II,!. (Is. In!,); AddennilounNo. I, Sh;ortenuedForm of ServicehertIne llsnlal of the Den;d. 1,!, (ld.)

Field ServiceRegulations:—Part I. Operations.190)5. (Ileprlnnteut,withs Aun,e,udnmnenmn-s,11)14), lid. (13,1.)Part II. Organsizattuini ansi! Aulnnhnlstration. 19011. (lieprhnteut, with

Amenuuln;nennt,t•oOct. 1914). Is. (lod.)• Do. Amendment, April 1915. Id. (Id,)

Do. Adden;ulunnss, Jaus,1917, for the G;;ldnunce of Troops operating inFraniceand Ilelgium, Duties noun! Iieopon;sttillitics of theQuanternnaster-flenieral,tl;afllrector-Genuenalof Tu’anss~uorIation

- annul the GeuneralOfficer Con;;mandln;gLinesof Connun;;nnuicatjonArea, Id. Gd.)

Do. Adilitionus u;nml Corrections, Marci;, 11117. DutIes a;;;! Ilespensi—bihitiesof tIme Enginmeer.in’Chmief,and of Chief Engineers,&o.Id. (lit.) - (hi timepress)

• Financial Instructions in relation to Army Accounts. 11)10.(Reprhnted,witi; A;nnenndmentstu; Oct. 1, 17)17). 6,1. (bit.)

Fire Manual. Army. 1910. Id. (3d.)Flying Corps. - Royal. ‘Irainiung Maununal -

Part 1. 1914, l’r,uvisiouial. is, (IOn!.) • •

Do. Ameimulnnnen;ts. Jan.1915. Id. (Id.)

Foreign Languages. Study of. Itegumlationme. 11120. 2d. (lit.)Foreign Press. S;spplennn-eentto the Dully Reviewof the :—

Ecou;onn;ic, i’ortn;ighntly, comunuencin;g with that of Aug. 20, 11518, to•- A;;g. 13, 1919. Each;19-1. (lint,)

Medical. (CompiledmytheMeulical I(esearel;Committee). Miinstluly, corn-menicingwill; that cut J;nnne1918, to April1911). Each;Is, (Sod.)

PolItical. Vol. Vii. Weekly, Aung. 9, 19114.SectionsI. Vol. VI!. No.1. Cen;tralEilnohse.. lId. (lid.) (Oint s/print)Sectlout tI. Do., do. Eastann) North-EastEurope. 64. (lint.)

• • (Ou;t efprlai)SectionsIV. Do., do. ~Vmistern;Europe. lid. (lint,) (Cud u/print)SectIonsV. Do.,do. America and the Pachilo. lint. (lid.) (Out 0/print)

)iecoustn-ucthon, Fcntnniglutly, on’mnu;ennciungwith; that of’ Aug. 13, 1918,— to Junly30, 191)). Each lid. (64.1

Techu;lcal. Fortuilglutly, commenucing wIth that of May 28, 1918, to• Aug. 19,1919. E;mchs lid. (mid.)

Index to the Ilconnonnic ansi! ReconstructIonSupplements. May to Nov.1918; Nov. 1910 to April 1919. is. (lid.)

• . (10)

Page 11: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

MILITAI! YBOOKS,pshlishedbyAuuthsuity—contlnued.

(As to prices iii braoket~,seetop of page2.)

Foreign Press—eniuntnumumtit.In;dex to theTIIe,lical Supplement.

VnuI, I,, Jan;, to Dec. 11)10, 10, (ion!.)‘Viii. I E, , Jan. inn April lI~i9. Is, (1(1,1.)

Indexto timeTeebnmlcsiSupplement. Vol. 11., July to Dee.1918. Cd. (3d.)

Fortification. Permanent. For tine Imperial Military TrainingEstablishments noun! for the Imsatnuet-icunof Ot!ieera of all Arias of theAustro.lIcsnRaniatcArnsy. 7th;Edition. Translated, 45. (25. lid.)

France. Disabled, and Discharged Soldiers in. See i)lsAijtni.

FrancO_GermO.fl War, 1870-71. Tranmslated from tine German OfficialAceunt;umt

FirstPart—historyof theWar totl;e Downfall of time Empire—• Vol. 1 (Scene.1 to 5). Outbreak of lLostil!tlea to Battle of Gravelottu’.(Ounfofprint)

Vol. 2(Secns.6 to Il). Battle oi Oravelotteto Downfall of tIne limpirs.• (Out ofprim!)

SecondPant—Iliatony of this War againusttheltepn;blic—Vol. 1 (Scene.10 to 13) Inveetunent of I’ania to lte-occupnution of

Orleansby theGermane. £1 Os. (180.Cud.) -‘

Vol. 2 (Secns.14 to IS). Events In Nortlnerun France from en,! of Nov.In North.’west irons beginsisinug of 1)ec, Siege oh Paris fromconsmennceunentof Dec. to tIne Arnni;thoe. Operatboums in tineSo;;tin-eastfrom niulduhie of Nov. to nniitulie of Jan;. £1 lie. (19s.)

Vol. 3 (Secnms.ill and 20). Eveusta ins Soutln-eastFrancefrom miululle ofJam,to Ternnhnathonof llu,uetlllthes. RearwardComniun;lcai,Iuu;a. The

• AnmiatIce. Ilomeward March and Occupation. Retrospect.LI us, lid. (iii Is. 3d,) -

Also sepinrately, Sectionsii; papercoven’s, mad 1’la~mmnm,smoiunmted

Section.1. liventaIn July. Plan. 3~. (Is, 3d.)2,~iiventStoEveotBattlesof WOrth sum’! SpIeiueren. 3rd en!, (Outefprint)o. Battlesof WOrthand Spieluereun. dcii entltious, (Outof pnini4. Advanceof Tlninul Army totine Meicelle, imO, Innil Silitions. (Oaf0/print

Operations near Metz ens Ibtin llithn, ann! 17th August. Battle ofVlonvllle—Mara laTossr. 2nd edition. (Onnfofprint

53. Battle of (lravelotte—St,Prima). (Ouf o~’fprint7. Advanceof Thirul Army and of Army uf tine MeuseagatnetArmy of

Chalons , • (Outof print)8. Battleof Sedan, (Outofprint)-9, l’roceedhigaon German Coast annul before t’ort-reoses In Al~ac~~Lorraine. Rattleof Nolosevihie, Gemnemalneview of War up to Sept.

4s. lid. (3,. 4,1.)uo. Investmentof Paris. Captureof Tuiul snni StCaoslu;nng. lis. (4s, lint.)

• II. Eveu;ts before l’arls, ann! at other polumts of Ti;eatrns of War insWesternFranceuntil end of October, bs. In!. (Is. lint,)

12. Last EngagementswitI; Frenoic Army of tineRi;hune. Occurrences• after fall of Strsusmbungand Metz to middle of November. 4s.Oil

• (Is, Sd.)(II)

Page 12: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

MILiTARY BOOKS,pulnlis/nent byAuutnloruty—co;;tin;;;oii.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page2.)

Franco-GermanWar—centiuunucn(.Section, - --

13. Occnnrreneeson; Theatreof War in; Ceuul’~,,~ransceup to lie-occupationsof Orleanstuy ttueGe;’umsanus, 13’ ,4s.lid.)

14. Measuresfor In;vestmenmtof l’ar; ou;pto u;niu!dle of Decennber, 45. (3s.)15. Measures for protecting the Iuuvestn;meu;t of I’aris and Occurrencea

• before Fri-md; Capital tus Connsn;;euncu-nn;enutof 1811. Is. lid. (is. lid.)16. I’roceedingsof Seciind Arussy fro,nm cuimun;euncen;;en;tof 1811 until the-

Armistice, Is, lint. (Is. 8nL)17. l’roceedirngs of First Army fronn cornmen;cernen;tof 1871 until the-

Armistice, Is. (25. 3d.)18. Occnsrrenuce,enSoustin.easternuTiseatroof War up to middleof Jan, 187L

En-emntetueforoI’arla fronuconnnnntumcenneuntof 1871to timeArnnlstice. Si.(lie.)

19. Occunrensceson So;nth;~eisstern;Timeatre of War freon middle of Jan;.1811. Pn’oreedhuugsIn; rear of German; Army amid in Coastl’rovincea, from Nov. 1870unuthitime Anurnistics. 130. lid, (Os. Sd.)

20. GeneralRetrnispectof IVan Irons iieghu;n;iu;g of Sept. 1870 to Cessationof Iiosthlitles. Armistice ansi! l’eace l’neilminuanles. Return ofGerman; Army, and l’eace of Frnumkfon’t, Ttne Occupation;. TineTelegraph;, Foot, Supply of Ansn;nnnuition,Commhssariat,HospitalService,D1m-inss Service,MilItary JustIce,Ilecruhtnnsent,and Home-

• Garrisons,, liesnilts. Is. (Is, lid.)Analytical Ifldex. Is. lid. (Is. lit.)Plane— -

4. Battle of Colonnbey.Nouhliy, 3d, (Sit.)ful. Battle of Vionvilie—Mana ha Tour. Position, of Contt’nsdhnngForces-

at Noon;. 74. (3d,)59. Battle of Vionvhlho—MaesIa Tour. l’oshtion of Con;tendingForce,

from 4 to 5 p.m. lit. (3d.)9A. Battleof Sedan.PosItionof Coentenn!hn;gForceetowardsNoon, 3d. (3d,)99. Battle of Senlan. Position of tise Germanssin; the aftennnoonehortly

beforeuseen;,! of the etrnsggle. In!. (In!.)Seealso Siege Operations,

• French Words and Phrases witl; Ihngllstn Prinn;unusciation. Simon) Vocatinn~laryof. Notes ons In’rensci; !lleasunres. Ablirevlatton;s a;sdTernsis usedoraFrensei;Maps,with; EusglishmEqinivnnlents. lit. (Id,)

German Army. Cavalry. Drill Ilegunlattons. 1909. Id. (3d.)Do. FootArtillery. Drill RegulatIons. PartIV, TUE Flour.

lIuO$l. 3d. (3d.)• Do. MasscouvresIlegulatione. 1908. 3d., (lit.) -

German Constitution. The. (finlitinum urithout Notes,) 1920. lid, (lid.)Germany. The Campaign of 1888 in:—

WIth ‘22 plane in; portfolio, 1872. (Ileprinntecl 1907). lie. (4s. lOd.)• moltke’s Projects for. is. (lod.)

Moltke’s Correspondenceduring. Précis. With 4 Plans, is (bit.)Guernsey and Alderney Itoyal Militia. Regulations. With the

Militia Lanerelatingto the lsi~nnde.Provisional. Ic. (Is 3d.) ‘n’- (12) ‘

Page 13: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

[Crown CopyrnglaReserved.[Isdtttd lcilh ArmyOrders fcur Oc(o~cr,1920.


92-inch B.L. Howitzer, Mark II,CARRIAGE, SIEGE, MARK II.


OCTOBER, 1920.

• ~ -

LON ONni’ninetIsInEl; mY IllS sn&JEs’rY-s STATIOIIEImY OnulelcE.

To be purchssed through a,n~’ Bookieller or ilnrectly froml1.lil. s’1A’I’1ONE1~~ ObFICIn. an mm,’ mouse-un


arannist.110000 KnNOn,WAY. 1I.niNnnoN,W.C. 2, hind50, Anmnsoninux$TnuEeT Loytnow, S,W, 1;37 pamenSTIISOT,‘2nxcnnnmsTann;jOe. AxDisZw’, Cnn~i,CKs’r,(jietnur,’

23, FninnTue STREET,EDnvmutn~u~or trom E. PONSONBY,LTD. • 110, Ge00000srasgT,Dusn4su~


Price Od. net.

Page 14: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II



PAGEGeneralInstructions ... ... ... ... ... 3

Chapter 1.—GeneralDuties ... ... ... ... 511.—GunDrill ... ... ... ... 18

- •, 111.—LayingandFuzeSettingTests... ... 41IV.—Sight Tests -... ... ... ... 46V.—Caro of Equipment ... ... .•. 49

Appendix—WeightsandDimensionsof Loads,.. ... 65

- , • u, u~hn~~n-

Page 15: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II



Practical instruCtioll in the equipmentshouldbe given toeach recruitbefore any attemptis madeto instructhim ingi~ndrill. ‘I’his instruction shouldtakethe form of demon.

t.~ strationsdealingwith thework of eachnumberin thu detach.~- lncnt; and all men under instruction should, in turn, carry

• out thework of eachparticularnumber.Instruction in gun drill should begin as soon as they are

!‘~ conversantwith all partsof theequipment,andcanhandlein~,. thebestanti quickestmannereachof theworking partsof the-, gun. Once the work of each number hasbeen thoroughly

mastered,it should not take long for tiso recruit to learn the~ actualdrill.: it is most important that a markeddistinction should be~‘ drawn betweeninstruction anti drill.

1)uningtheformer the languageusedshouldbeassimpleaspossible, and the meaning of all technical toims which arenecessarymustbecarefully explained. A conversationaltollosisoukibeadoptedandunderno circumstanceswhsatevershouldanything in thenatureof long quotationsfrom (irill books beallowed. Tlto men should be iscrnsitte(i to assume tun easyattitude and their interest should not be allowed to flag.They should ho encouragedto askquestions.

At drill, on the contrary, rigid discipline must be main.tamed,ordersnlust beclear anddecisiveandthedetachments

madeto worksteadily,smartlyandrapidly. At thesametime

(9 15204) lYt. 15042—4803/el itlE 11/20 II ,t S T~*d Gil 88

Page 16: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


theutmostaccuracyis essentialandanydeviationsfrom the

methodslaid down must at once be checked.

Nomenclature of loads.

Thegun andcarriagearcdivided into threeloadswhich arecalled by the following nannes:—

Load. Drill book name.

Carriagebed. Bed.

Carriagebody with cradle. Carriage.

Gun. - Gun.

Page 17: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

CHAPTER 1.—GENERAL DUTIES.This chapter summarizesthe duties of each individual

numberin thedetachment. It is only intendedasaguideto~hieinstructor,who should use his own wordsin explainingthevariousdutiesto themen.

The detachmentis composedof fourteen ruinibers. Theserviceof thegun is divided betweenthem asfollows

-1. ... in command.

I and3... ... ... ... thesights.2 and5.,. ... ... .,. thebreech.4 ... the quick clovating

gear.6 and14 ... ... ... thecartridges.

i.l 7and8... ... ... ... theloadingderrick.9,10,11,12 and13... ... theshell.

Thedutiesof cadsindividual numberaleasfollows

No. 1.j. Ho COMMANDS andis responsiblefor theentire service

of his gun.2. Ho givesthe WORDS OF COMMAND detailed for him

in ChapterII, andrepeatsall ORDERSaffectinghis detach-fllent whichhavenot beenheardby thenumbersconcerned.His ordersmustbegivenclearly, but no louderthan is neces-sary to dIlable his detachmentto hear,

(B 15204) A 3

Page 18: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


Ho assistsin passingordersdown thebatterywhen ncces~sary.

lie acknowledgesorders by saluting. Ho Inust salutecorrectly,andfaceso thathis salutecan beclearly seen.

3. Ho is responsible:—(1) That the BUFFER is properly filled, that thereis

no leakageat the stuffing box, that thebuffer isfirislly nuttedup to the lug of thegun, andthepiston rod to tile front of thecradle.

(ii) That the RECUPEItATOR is correctly chargedwith liquid andair, that thereis no leakageat thestuffing boxesand glands, andthat the tam issecuredto tile crossheadof the gun. Ho seesthat tho tail rod indicatorreadsbetween0 and8 pints.

(iii) That the ACTUATING GEAR of the piston rodis properly assembled,

(iv) That theSIGHTS aretested. This is done underthesupervisionof thesection commander.

4. At preparation for action ho places the WATKINCLINOMETER over isis right shoulder,and procurestimADAPTER, PRESSUREGAUGE, buffer and recuperatorSPANNERSandapieceof CHALK.

5. As soon as thegunis in actionhe ascertainsthelowestelevationat whichthetrajectorywill CLEAR THE CREST.Ho reportsthiselevationto thesectioncommander.

6. Heeclectstheauxiliaryaimingpointandrecordsin chalkon therearfaceof theearthbox theZERO LINE anglesfromtheauxiliaryaiming point andbatterypicket. Theauxiliaryaiming point and batterypicketmustnotbe on the right of

Page 19: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


the gulls; tluo bestposition is about60 degreesright or 120degreesleft of thezeroline.

7, lIe assists3 to layfor lineby looking alongtheFINDERof the DIAL SIGHT when time aiming point is to the rear.

8. (i) At INDIRECT LAYING with ELEVATIONINDICATOR, ho laysfor elevation. He setstheelevationindicator at theelevationorderedandlays by bringing the longitudinal bubbleto thocentre of its run.

(ii) At INDIREOT LAYING with WATKIN CLINO.METER, he appliesthe index correction (if any)of his clinometerto theelevationordered,setstheclinometer, anddirects 3 to elevateand depressuntil tue bubble of theWatkin clinoiuicter is inthe centreof its run.

(iii) At DIRECTLAYING ho setstheelevationindicatotat the elevationordered.

9. (i) \Vlicn SETTINGtheELEVATION INDICATOR heturnsthetop of theelevationindicatorhandwheeltowardshimself last, to takeup backlash.

(ii) When using theWATKIN CLINONETER lie seesthat the ohinometerplane and the baseof thecinometerarefreefrom grit or dirt, andthat theclinometeris placedexactly in thesamepositionon theplanefor eachlay.

(iii) WhenLAYING he depresseslast (top of thehand-wheel towards the muzzle) witb at least twocompleteturns of the handwhieel. If tiuo bubbleof the clinometerover-runsthe centrelie rapidlygives theelevatingwheel two completoturns of

Page 20: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


elevationfollowedby 1 ~ tus’iisof depressionbeforecompleting thelay.

10. He supervisestime preparationandsupplyof AI~IMUNI-TION. As time fuzesdeterioraterapidly when unprotectedfrom damp,only suchas al-c requiredfor iinnsediateusewillbe uncovered. When one group of ammunition is nearlyexpelldeci, ho reportsparticularsof the Isext group to beused.

11. He supervisesLOADING.The shell should be rammedhonsovigorously with a good

travel, The soundof tile driving bandengagingtheriflingshouldbo distinctly heau-d. Irregularity in rammingcausesirregular shooting, especially when time gun is woun. Asiinlproperly rammedshell nsayslip backwhenthe gun is ele-vated and causea premature.

I-Ic seesthatthe correctchargeis loaded.

12. He gives the order to FIRE. The gun will on noaccount be fired without his order. Before giving thisorderho seesthat timered lines on thobreechandbreechscrewcoincide,showing that tuebreechis properly closed,andthatthegun is in all respectsready.

13. Ho is responsiblethat the INTERVAL betweenroundsis properly kept as regardshis own gun. Whenasalvoor quickrate of batteryfire (lessthan5 secondsinterval)is ordered,heextendshis right arm abovehis headassoon ashis gunis readyto fire.

14. At intervals he checksthe LENGTH OF RECOIL.He comparestheelevationgivenby therecoil indicator withthe elevationon the elevation indicator.

Page 21: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


15. As soonashis gunhasfired hegivestheorderto LOADif the battery commander’sordersindicatethat this is hisintention.

16. When RAPID or PROLONGEDFIRING takesplaceho takesevery opportunity of attendingto his equipment.Time chamber,mushroomheadandbreechblock shouldcon-staiitly be spongedwith water. If the gunis hot, the boreshould be cooled with water when “Stand easy” isordered.

No. 2.1. lIe worksthio BREECh MEChANISM andFIRES the

gun. He is responsiblefor the breechandsiiuzzlo COVERS.With 5 ho testsand adjuststhe OBTURATING PAD. lIeassists5, 11. and12 to RAM.

2. At preparationfor action:—(i) lie straps the TUBE POCKET round his waist

andfills it with tubes.(ii) lie places the LANYARD round his neck and

tucksthe endsinto his belt.(iii) lie procures time VENT BIT, RIMER, OIL CAN

andbreechlmieclsanisinWRENChES..‘i. (i) To OPEN the BREECHI :—IJe takes hold of the

leverbreech nuechanisnnwith theleft hand,thumbuppermost,and slides the hand down so as topress downthe catchretaining, at time sametiisiopulling time lever to the rearanti then swingingit roundto time right as far asit will go.

(ii) To CLOSE time BREECH:—Thmo above procedureis reversed. The breechmust on no accountbeslammed.

Page 22: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


4. Ho assists5, 11 and12 to RAM. Theshell is rammedhomeasfollows :—

As soon as the shell hasbeenbroughtinto position by timederrick, 2 amid 5 stepon to the loading platform; 12 handstherammerto 2 and5; 5 steadiesthe headof the rammeragainstthe baseof the shell (at drill, againstthe faceof thebreech),and,attheorder“Half way,” 2 and5pushtheshellforwarduntil thebaseis 6 inclies insidethefaceof tile breech.

11 and12 stepon to theloadingplatformiii rearof 5 and2,andthefour numbersreachout andgraspthe rammerasfarto the rear as convenient,inner handsbackup and outerhands backdown, facing the rear. 1. orders“Home” andtheshell is rammed home with full force. -

5. At the order“READY,” hepassestheloop of time firingwedgeoverthe strikercap andpulls it towardshim until tImecap passestheprojectionson the wedge. He standson thefiring platform facing the front. He holds time toggle in hisright hand and graspsthe centre of the lanyard with hisleft hand.

6. At the order “FIRE,” he jerks time lanyard smartly.Thegunwill on no account befiredwithout theorderfrom 1.

7. Ho oils and cleanstheBREECH MEChANISM whennecessaryduringfiring.

No. 3.I. I-Ic LAYS and is responsiblefor theSIGHT COVER.

He directs 6 when planting AIMING POSTS. lie assistsIto test time SIGHTS.

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2. At preparationfor action imo placesthe No. 7 DIALSIGhT and carrier in its bracket, andprocuresa piece ofCHALK.

3. (i) He always LAYS for LINE. lie sets on time dialsight time aiming point angle and all deflectionsordered,andCROSSLEVELS thesight. He layson the left edgeof the aiming point unlessother-wiseordered.

~: (ii) At INDIRECT LAYING with WATKIN CLINO-METER ho sets the elevation indicator at theelevationorderedandelevatesanddepressesunderthoordersofi.

(iii) At DIRECT LAYING he lays bothfor line andforelevationover the open sights.

4. (i) Whensettingthedial sightby meansof the QUICKRELEASEhemovesthemicrometerheadthroughonecompleteturn to ensurethat the teethhavore-engagedcorrectly.

(ii) When SETTING aright deflectionon thedial sightlie turns the right micrometerheadawayfromilitlm with his right band ; wlmen setting a leftdeflection he turns time left micrometer headtowardshimself with his left hand.

(iii) WhenREADING a left angleon the dial plate hereadsthe minutes off the left nuicrometerscale;when readingaright angleho readstheminutesof! the right micrometerscale.

(iv) WhenLAYING for LINE lie turns the top of tinetraversingbandsvhcelto the left last.

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5. CROSSIIEADS are fitted to aiming posts to com-pensatefor lateral movementof the sight. Both cross-headshavesimilar mimarkings anti nuimibers. He noteswhelmcorrespondingpairof markingsarein line andusestheni tolay on. He directs6 to clamptheerossheadslow down, sothatthebottomof thefar oneis justvisibleovertime top of thenearone.

0. Herecordsin chalkon time buffercylinder thePRESENTTARGET angle from time auxiliary aiming point, batterypicket, or aiming posts.

7. Thefollowing arethe signalsused by 3 when directing6 to plant aiming posts:—

SIGNAL. MEANING.Right armextendedto theright or Movein thedirection

left arm extendedto the left. indicated.Arm dropped ... .. ... Halt.Both armsdroppedsharply from Plant.

abovetheImead,Upward or downward motion of Raise or lower tue

the arms with both arlns cx- crosshead,tendedlaterally.

Both arms extendedabove the Move heath of postheathandmovedlaterally in the in the directionrequireddirection, indicated.

Both arms extended sharply up- Pick up.wards.

Bothariasextendedto thefront.,. Move to plant thefar aiming post.

Bodyturnedaboutandboth arms ConIcin.extendedto the rear.

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No. 4.1. Ho workstheQUICK ELEVATING GEAR.

2. At preparationfor action lie procum-os a McMahiorispANNER, andplacestheRAMMER oneyard to time rightof time leadingplatform, headin line with time front edge.

3. (i) To bring the gun to theLOADING POSITIONhereleasesthe locking pin by depressingtile pedalwith his left foot, anddepressesthegunby meansof time quick elevatinghandwhecl.

(ii) To bring the gun to theFIRING POSITION lierenmoveshis foot from the1)edal andelevatesthegun by meansof time quick elevatinghandwlmeeluntil time nut of the actuatingrod clicks home,showingthat time locking pin hasengaged.

(iii) When elevating or depm-essingby means of theQUICK ELEVATING HANDWHEEL lie musttakecareto bringthegunto restgently.

4. While thegun is beingLOADED lie retainsthe gun intime loathing position by holding time quick elevatinghand-wheel.

No. 5.1. lIe is responsiblefor time BREECH anti ChAMBER,

and assists2 to test and amljunst time OBTURATING PAD.lie assists2, 11 and12 to RAM.

2. At preparationfor action lie places TALLOW andWASTE in aconvenientposition.

3. lIe receives CARTRIDGES from 6 and loads them.lie places time cartridgein time chamberso that time igniter

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facesthe vent andis just clear of time mushroomhead, Ifthe cartridgeis thrown to time front of the chamber,eitherby 6 or by the closing of time breecim screw,a missfire mayoccur.

No. 6.1. lie plants AIMING POSTS and preparesand carries

CARTRIDGES.2. At preparationfor actionlie placestheAIMING POSTS,

with crossimeadsclamped,on time right of thecarriage,oneyardclearmind headsto time front.

3. He assists14 to prepareCARTRIDGES and carriesthem to time gun. He holds time cartridgewith time cimargenumberupwardsfor I to check,but in wetweatherlie nnustkeeptime igniter dry. After I has checkedtime charge, liehandsthecartridgeto 5, igniter to time left.

No. 7.1. lie worksthe DERRICK.

2. At preparation for action ime places time WINChHANDLE in position anti examines anti limhmricates theDERRICK.

3. He assists8 to work theDERRICK,7 working in frontand 8 in rear of the handle. As soon as the loading trayis in position on the loading platforln, 7 anti 8 lower timederrickuntil theclips canbeengaged. At time order“Raise7and8raisetheshell into theloadingposition,workingslowlyfor thefirst two turnsof time winch imandlo. 7 hmolds time winchhandlewhile time slmóll is rammedimonme. After ramlning imelowers the derrick for time loading tray to be renmovedandthen raisesit throughan angleof .30 degrees.

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No. 8.~. lie assists7 to work theDERRICK.

No. 9.i. lie preparesSHELL, and with 10, II and 12 carries

timeni to thegun.2. At preparationfor actionlie putsaFUZEKEY into hi~

pocketandplacestime lanyardroundimis neck.3. Ho assists10 to removetime SHELL BEAJtEI~.

No. 10.1. lIe preparesSHELL andwith 9,II and12 carries them

to time gun.2. At preparationfor actionlmeplacestheShELLBEARER

with tine shell.3, lIe assistg9 to removetime SHELL BEARER.

No. II.1. He preparesSHELL andwith 9, 10 and12 carries them

to time gun. He assists2, 5 and12 to RAM.2. At preparationfor action lie putsa FIJZEKEY into his

pocket, placing the lanyard round his neck, and placesaLOADING TRAY witim tine such.

3. He UNCAPS FUZES. On removing time cap of mmNo. 106 fuze lie seestimat time tapeis edrrectlywound auththat theendsof time shearingwire arevisible.

4. After loathinghe removes tile LOADING TRAY.

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No. 12.1. He preparesSHELL anti with 9, 10 and II carries

themto the gun. lie assists2, 5 anti 11 to RAM.2. At preparationfor actionho placesaLOADING TRAY

ivitim thesimehl,3. Ho handstheRAMMER to 2 and5 andreplacesit after

rimmIning.No. 13.

1. lie is responsiblefor time preparationamid supply ofTUBES and ShELL.

2. At preparatmonfor action(i) He puts aFUZE KEY into his pocketanti places

thelanyardroundhmis neck.(ii) He procuresa BRUSH, ITAMNER andFILE.

3. Ho seesthatshell are(i) ScrupulouslyCLEAN, especiallythe driving bands.

Brushesandwatershmommldbe usedif necessary.(ii) SORTED into groupsby nature,driving bandand

weight.(iii) STORED standingup on cleanplanks.(iv) FUZED as orderedandprotectedfrom dalnp.(v) ISSUED from thegroupordered.

4. Whenusing No. 106 fuzes:—(i) lie BREAKS time wireandsealon issuingtime remind.(ii) lie I)JSCARDSany fuze of which time wire anti seal

arealreadybroken or the cap deficient,anti seestimat on no accountis it replacedin wagonor lorry.

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~, Whenonegroupofshellis nearlyexpended,110I4EPOP.TSto 1. time partietmiarsof thenextgroup. -


I. lie is SECOND IN COMMAND of time detacimnientand is responsiblefor the preparatiommand supply of CAR-TRIDGES.

2. At preparation for action ho procures a SCREWDRIVER.

3. He seesthatcartridgesare(I) SORTED by nature of propellantand “group”

number.(ii) STOREDin cylindersem- boxesandprotectedfroimm

extremesof temperatureandfronm damp.(iii) PREPAREDcorrectly; all sectionsbearingahigher

numbertiman thechargeorderedareremoved.(iv) ISSUEDfrom thegroupem-dered.

4. When one group of carti-idgesis nearly expendel,heREPORTSto I theparticularsof the nextgroup.

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CHAPTER II.----GUN DRILL.Artillery Training laysdowntheprinciplesof batterytactics,

whmichm vary little witim diffcremmt equipmnents. Tlmis Chapterdetails the orders given and the procedureby whiehi theseorders arecarried out in batteriesarmedwith time 9~2-inclmHowitzer.

The wording must be memorizedand strictly adimoredto,with theexceptionsof sections30 and31.

The executiveorder is shown thmroughoutas beinggivenby thesectioncommander,aswill ~ormahlybetime caseduringtraining. Whenorderscan be heardthroughouttime batterythey will beactedupon without repetition. Instructorswillinvariably employ the orders detailed for the section comn-mander,evenwhendrilling asingle detachment.


Thedetachment falls in two deep, one pacebetweenranks,I on theright and14 on theleft of the front rank. 1 and 14are not covered. -

Whenthegunis limberedup, the front rank is threepacesin rearof time carriage,I coveringtheoff wheel.

When thegun is in action,the front rank is omme pace inrearof the loadingplatform,I coveringtho right trunnion.

2. TO TELL OFF.Section commander. -

.sectzon—Teli off.”1. numbershimself 1, therigimt handman of time rearrank

2,imis frontrankman3, andso on.

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Sectionconmmander.- - section—Changeround.”

I takesapaceto time rearivith his might foot andmm pacetotimo left with his left. Time left imammil maim of the i-ear ranktakesapace to time left with ins Ic-ft foot anti a paceto timefi-onit witim his right. At time salnetime timo renmmaindc-rof timefm-oat ranktake a l)~C0to time right ammd the ream- ranka paceto time left. -

(Time detachmentis i-lien againtold off.)


‘l’iie platfornm is laid by two detac-imnn1euli~4under thic- simper.vision of the sectioneolmilnalndcr.

TIme platformis broughtup Oh lot-i-k-s amid hialtc-d iii rearofthe positiOmm.

The following storesarebroughtup :—

Director .,. ... 1 Picks . . - . -. ... 6Tape,100 feet ... ...

Field level ... ..

1 Shovels .,. ...

I Spades... ... ...


Aiming posts ... ...

Dragropes,heavy,paiL-sHandspikes ~.. ...

Planks,10 feet .-.

3 Rammers,earth ...

2 Maul ... ... ...

6 Hammer ... ...

2 Crowbars . - - ...



Rollers, 3-ft. by 6-in. .. -

Tarpaulin ... ...


2 Spanner,MacMaumon...1 Lashming, 1~inch.

Mineral jelly anti waste.


Tile tarpaulinis laid out clearof thepositionandstoresare

arrangedon it.(a 15204)

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Thesectiohlcomnnanderlaysomit time centreline of time pInt.fmirmmm and tracestIme tmcncimcs.

The trencimesaredug to time requireddoptim and levelledn all directions; they simould be kept as closelyas possibleto thedimensionstraced.

Time platformis unloadedfrommi the lorries. It consistsofthe following parts

2 diagonalbeams(right andleft). 15 planks.2 longitudimmal beams(right amid left). 8 pegs,seciml-ing beth.I crossbeam. 4 holdingdownbolts.1 skid, crossbeam. 2 wheel guides.2 tie rods (onelong andoneshort). 5 bolts, various.NoT~.—Thoholesin time longitudinalbeamsfor the imolding

downboltsmustbestoppedup with oily wasteto preventmmmdfrom getting in.

The bolts securingare put into position um time tliagommalbeams,and the beamsam-o loweredinto their trenchesandsecuremitogetherat thefnont,end.- Theskid, crossbeamis loweredinto its tremich.

Thediagonalbeamsandskidaretestedfor levelandpositionandadjustedif necessary. The t-imreo angloirons must beinalignment.

The ten lower planksareplacedin timeir trehmehuin front ofthe diagonalbeams.

Time crossbeamis louvered into position over the diagonalbeamsandskid, its rearfacebuttinugagainsttheanglo irons,andis nuttedup to theboltsof thediagonalbeams.

The longitudinal beamnsare lowered into timeir trenchesand pinned to the crossbeam; time tuvo tie rotis are con-nected.

Thelongitudinalbeamsandcrossbeam aretestedfor levelandadjustedif necessary.

Page 33: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

J’o thee page.20.


,o-.7- ‘1r-n —‘-‘I

~~42~~/5F- ,500. ~



Page 34: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


Time five upperplanksand time pegsSeethingbed am-C placedc-lean-mm time nightfront of time id~mtfom-nm.

Time c-art-li is l-ahmmnrmedwell rommnnd time t)mntsi(ie of the bemmlnms

thmnshn with their tops.Tine whit-el gnmides am-c llihiuic-d to time bed peg socketsand

two 10 feet planksare suunk imi thmc gm-ounmtl in remmr of time en-ossbeamnut1 in prolonigatiommof time wheelguides.


Time gumm is mountedby two detachmentsunderthe super.visiOfl of time sectioncommnander.

- - “ A “ detaeimmermtdoestime work of mountingandassennb--- ling time gun anti “ B “ detachmmemmttime moving of baths,

- tlh~ging,&e. Even nunmibers won-k on time right and oddmmunnbersOfl the left.

Time gunm and nnouhmtingon time threetn-ans~)ortingcarriages- - is halted mm rearof time platform, anti time enginedraugimt

connectorsareunpinned.Time following storesarebroughmt up :—

Picks ... ... 2 Levers,ratchet ,.. ... 3I - Shovels ... ... 4 Screws,raising ... .., :i

Scotches ... ... 8 Raisinmgjacks andtonmimies 2Tarpaulin ... 1 Wincim handles ... ...

Ranmmôrs,earthm 2 Bolts, securingcarriagehotlyCrowbars .. 2 to rearroller path ... 4Ilamidspikes ... 2 holdingciowim bolts ... -1Maul ... ... 1 Rampingpieces ... .,. 3hianunner,rawimide 1 Monkeysandbars .,, ... 2

claw, Broomn, bass . -, .. -

32-oz. 1 Oil eamm ... ... ...

Drimgropes,heavy, Spammners,vamioim~,l)airs 2 Mineral jelly aridwaste.

(a 15204) A 5

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Thetarpaulinis laid out on time right of time platform andthestolesare arrangedon it.

The bed.“ B “ dotaehhiientremovetine eat-tim box, platforms anti

derrick from time top of time bed mind place tlmcnm clear omm theright front of time platform.

A ‘‘ cietacimnmuentfix dragropesandimaul time bedinto posi.tion overtime platformim.

Whenit is in posmtionu time nunimbemstakepost asfollows :—I aniti 14 attemmdto time holding clown bolts.2 amid4 at time righmt fnontraising screw. -

3 anti 5 at theheft front maisimmg screw.6 amid 7 at time rearraisingscrew.8, 9, 10 amid 11 at time lock of theti-ansportinglimber.12 amid 13 apply two lmandspikesto the locking platefrom

thefrommt anti assistin holdingup time lock.1 amid 14 m-ennovo time waste from the holes iii time longi-

tudinal beamims.2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 fix time lifting screws and ratchet

levers,take time weight of time beti and remmmovetime lockingPills.

8 shifts time leversteemingpimm to time “ Rigid “ positiohm.

2,3,4,5,6amid7 louvertime bedevenlyonto time beams.I and14 screwup time hmokling (lOWhl bolts.2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 disconmmmect mind m-ennove time raising

screwsandratcimet levers.10 mmd 11 fold backtime wingsof timetraversingat-c.8 amid 9 rcmo~ethe travelling ciosshieadand replacethe

nut.“B” detachmentremovetime wimeels, odd numberstime

front whmeels,evennumberstherearwheels.

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~he carriage.

Both detachmentshaul the carriageinto positionover thebed.

“A” detacimmenttakepostasfollows1 supervisingtime jacks.2 and4 at time righmt jack.3 and 5 at the heft jack.6 anti 12 at theright raising screw.7 and13 at tine left raisingscrew.8, 9, 10 and 11 at time lock of tine transportinglimber.14 sumpervisingtime raising screws.

“B “ dctaclmmcntimaul time gun in rearof the carriage.2, 3, 4 and 5 placetime jacks under thefront end of the

carriageanti taketheweigimt.8 shiftstime leversteelingpin to tine “ Rigid “ position.6, 7, 12 and 13 fIx the ratchet levers,takethe weight

‘~ andremovethetravelling screws.m’s. I opens time axle bracketsanti renmovesthe plug, axietree

pivot; odd nmmnmmberst)f “ B “ detacimmentrennovethe wimeelsalit

1 axle. -

As moon as the whneel~anti axleareclear time earthbox iserectetiamid filled by “ B “ detachmmnemmt.

Tine carriageis loweredevenlyby meansof time jacks andlifting scnews.

I nutsup theboltssecuringcarriagehotly to pivot block.14 screws ump the bolts securing carriage body to rear

roller path.2 and 3 removethe jacks; 12 and13 remove tine ratchet

levers.4 connectsthepedalof thequickelevatinggearto thebed.

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5 umnloclis tine travelling lock of tine pivot block and fixestime rear laying platformn.

6 ummmpins tine link connectingcradle.7 engagestIne pimniomm of time I l-avel-sing i-ac-k.Evenm mnummnhens of ‘‘ B ‘‘ tletachnnnnenmt n-emmnove time rear

wimeels.The gun.

“ B “ detachmentdrive in tine pegssecuringbeth anti placein position the fmve upl)er planks. Thney continuefihhimng theearth box and pile filled sand bags on top of the upperplanks. -

4 arid 5 of “ A “ detachnnimentmenniovetime mopesecuringgunandreleasetime gunstops.

I renmovestime pin tn-avehhinglock.6 and7 housethebrakes.“A “ dctaehmnmmemmtimamils time gun to time frontuntil theguide

relict-s engagetime bottomof time carriageramps,3 traversingthecarriageand7 traversinmgtuegun asnecessary. -

“A “ detachmnnenttakespost as followsI supervising.2 under time trans~mortingwagon.3 on mis laying platform.4 and5 at theguidebrackets.6 and7 at the tie ropes.8 and10 at timewinding up gearon timeright side.9 and11 at thewinding up gearon theleft side.12 and 13 at thefront wineels.14 sitting astridetime buffer.

2 releasesthe strut.8, 9, 10 and11 fix time winch handlesto time louverspindle. -

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$,9,10 anti ~1 work tine winicim handlesso that time tie ropes

move forward; 6 and7 securetime tie relies to time carriagebo~Y~

910 and II work the winch handlesin time opposite

direction and movetine transportingwagonforward umutil timemiido rollers reachtime endsof time carriageramps,2 guiding~‘hestrtmt into time thnrustbar.

NoTn.—’f the grounti slopesmnpwardsfrom time rearof tinenlatforlni, 6 antI 7 must place rampingpiecesin tine carriageramp-sand2 a ranimpirngpiecetinder the thrust bar.

8,9, 10 and11 shift time winchhandlesto tineupperspindle.14 removestheimuffer imut.3 elevatestho cratilo until it IS in prolongation of the

gun.8, 9, 10 antI 11 work thewincim handlesuntil theguidesof

tine gunm areaboutto entertheguidewaysof the cradle.3 adjuststimecradleso that tineclearanceon topof theguides

is about twice that underneaththe gumides; 4 anti 5 oil timeguidesandremnovethe pins of theguidebrackets.

8, 9, 10 and 11 continueworking the winch handles;as

800n as time cradletakestime weightof time gun,4 and5 with-

draw the guidebracket-s.

When the gmmn is home14replacestime buffer nut, insertstime splitpin and removes

time buffer locking pin.I insertstherecuperatorcotteranti splitpin andscrewsup

thebeatingface.12 and 13 rennovethe apparatussecuringi-cooperatorrain.8,9, 10 and11 shift time wincim handlesto thelower spindlo.4 disconnectstime hauling cimain.8, 9~10 andII run back time wagon.

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6 and 7 disconnecttime tie ropes fromn the.carriago anticonnectthennto thewagon.

2 securesthestrut.

“B” detachmnontremovetile wagon.

The fittings.

I and3 fix l’s platform.2 and4 fix 2’s platform.5 fixes mis platform.7, 8 and9 mount theloadingderrick.10 andII swing thewingsof timetraversingmire into position

andbolt them. -

6, 12, 13 and14 fix time loathing platform anti securethethrustbar to it.


Preparationfor action will be carried out as soon as thegun hasbeen mounted. When in action, advantagesimouldbe takenof anyinterval to examnine,test and arrangeequip-ment.


..sect~on.—Preparefor action.”Eachnumberprocuresthestoresdetailed in ChapterI.

I tests the clinometer and time elevation indicator, andseesthat the bore is clear, the buffer full and the recuperatorcorrectly chargedboth with liquid and air; he satisfieshimself thatthe detaohmnentandequipmentarein all respectsreadyfor action.

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2 remmiovesthe breecinantl mnmmzzlecovers,amid oxamiminestinebreechmnceimammntn.

3 m-emOves time sight cover amid t-xnmmminmes amid tests time

sights witim tine assistanceof I. lie thmcn examines the~~evatingamid traversinggears.

4 examinesandteststine quick elevatinggear.~ examinestho chamberanti threadsof time bneech.7 and8 exannineand test time derrick.Tine rcmnainingnumbersexamineand prepanearnmnumnition.As soon as heha-scompletedhis duties,each mantakesup

id-s position in action. I collectsreports and reports to hissectioncommimander“ No. ..., readyfor actiomi” or otherwise.


-1 wherelie can bestsuperintendtine won-k of time detach-ment.

2 on time firinmg platform on time right of tine breech,facingtime front.

3 eu thne laying platform in rear of the dial sight, facingthefront.

4 attime quick elevatinghanduvheel,facingtheleft.5 on time platform on time left of time breech, facing the

right.6 anti 14 witim the cartridges.7 in front of thewinch handle,facingthe rear.8 in rear of time winch hmantlle, facing thefront-.9, 10, 11, 12 and13 with time such.

Page 41: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II




.scction—Detaclmmentsrear.” -

I doubles to his place (one yam-ti in I-ear of tine loadimigplatfon-mn mmmi coverimng thie riglnt trummnion) and gives tineorder ‘‘ No. ..., dommblemom-cu.”

At tine ontlem fiom I tine ieimmainclcr double to their placesand hiatt.


Sectionconimantler. -

- . .section—Ta~-cpost.”TIme tietachmnnemitdouble to their places by time shnon-test

way and malt. -


Time line of fire is obtainedby one of tue methodsdescribediii Artillery Training.


Sectioncommander. -

- . .~cction—Aimni-n1

jpoimnl degm. . -. ;nzn.. ri~iht (orleft).”

1. setsthe elevationindicatorat 20 degreesand bring-s thebubble to the centreof its run by theelevatinghandwhcel.

2 closestime breech.4 brings time gun to thefiring position.

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3 sets tine dint! sigint, brings the cross level bnmimbho approxi-mately to thecentreof its run and lays accuratelyfor line~ thetraversinghanduvlmccl.

3 m-eportsto I timereadingsof time dial sightfrom time batterypicket and auxiliary aiming point; I records tlmem on timerearface of thio earthbox.

4 brings timegun to time loathingposition.2 opensthe breech.Time section commandergoesto his guns and takesa note

of time anglesrecorded.


Whenthe crest is within 100 yards of the gun.‘line angle of sigint to time crestis time elevationrequired.

-J. lays time gumm jim-st c-lear of time et-estby lookimig along tine},ottomn of the bore aniti ortleming 3 to eievateor tlepn-etm asrecitnined. 11cm then brings time bubbleto time cc-mitt-c of it-mm runby turnimig time clevatioti imidicator Imandwhecl,anti i-eliCitsthe reading of tine elovationm indicator to time section corn-muantler.

When the crest is over 100 yards from the gun.

Tine procedureis the same,but an allowanceis madefortine elevation dnneto time rangeto tine ci-est.

I proceedsas before. The sectionm commander makes aliberalestimateof time rangeto tine crestandaddstine clevrm-tion for this rango(uvitlm fimst cimargounlessotherwiseordered)to time elevationreportedby 1.

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section—Aimnin~-,postsfront (or rear).”

2 closes time breech mind 4 linings time gun to time firingpositionm.

6 doublesto tine front (or roar)of hmi gunwith tuso ainningpostsanti piants them as tiireetetl by 3 in line witim time dialsight setat zero (or 180 degrees). lie plants tine near pestfirst at about50 yards from time gun. He thnert plant-s thefurther post as far frontu time gun as possibleup to aimout 100yards.

4 returnsthe guru to the ioa~iingposition.If thme order “Replant aiming posts” is given, 6 doubles

out and, at thesignal from 3, pulls up time posts,the furtherone first, andreplaimtsthem.



section(or No. . . .)—Parallei lines to No. ...“

3 of thenamedgun re-lays for line, all guns being roughlylaid at 20 degrees.

Zero line method.

I of the namedgun reportshis angle rigid or left of hiszero line. This angieis orderedto tue otherguns.

Page 44: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


Aiming point method.

The sectioncomnmnannlcrindicatesanaiming poimit.3 of time named gun swings his dial sight elm to the aiming

point and 1. reports time reading. This angie, corrected ifnecessaryfor parallelism,is orderedto tine otherguns.

Director method.

3 of thenalmmeci gmnxn swingsmis dial sighton to thn~directorand1 reportstime reanhinig. Time directoris setaccordinglyandindividual anglesat-c ordetedto the otherguns.

Time other gumms are timeni haitI in tine line of fire as alreadydetaihed. -


Section connmandcr.seciion—Checkparallel limnesto No. ...“

I set-sthe elevation indicator at 20 degreesand brings thebubble to the centreof its run.

2 closesthe breechand4 brings the gun to the firing posi-tion.- 3 holdsan aiming post over thedna! sight.

3 of time namedgun lays on the dial sight of eachgun inturn.

I reports time angles to his sectioncommmmantler,who passesthemn to the sectioncommanderscomncerned.

3 of eacim other gun lays en thm~dial siglmt of the namedgun. .

I reports time readingto hms sectmonconmmnammder,ivhio chocksit with the angle taken by thenamedgun. Time sum of thetwo anglesshould be 180 degrees. If necessarylie eorrcct~thezeroline angles.

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16. TO LOAD.


secUon—(shell)..., i’fuze) ..., (propellant) .., C/mar~e...I repeatsthis order and at the correct monment on-tiers

“Load.”13 issuesa shell; 9, 10, II and 12 carry time smell on tIme

loading tray to time gun, 12 and 10 on time right, II and9 onthe left, 12 andii in front, and slide thetray into its guideson theloading platform.

9 amid 10 remove the bearer; 11 mnncaps time ftmzo (ifnecessary).

7 antI 8 louver time derrick; II and12 engagetime clipswith time loading tray.

12 orders“ Raise” ; 7 amid 8 maisetine such into time loathing

position.12 snmpphicstime ramnnmer; 2 amnd5 takeposton tine ramnmncr

5 steadiestime hme-ad againisttine baseof tine shell ; 7 steadiesthewinch lmanndlc.

I orders ‘‘ T-Ialf way ‘‘ and time shell is pushmed forwarduntil time baseis U inchesinmside time face of time ineceln.

11 and 12 takepost on time ranmnlmer.I orders“ Home” anti time shell is rammnedhonne.12 replacestherammer; 7 louvers tino derrick II reminoves

time loading tray ; 7 raisestine derrick tlmrougim 30 degrees.14 issuesa cartridge to 6 ; 6 cart-ic-s it to time gun, simouvs it

to I, and hantisit to 5 ; 5 placesit mu time mjhannber amidreports“In.”

2 ciosostime breech,placesatube in thevent andclosestimelock.

4 bringsthegun to thefiring position.

Page 46: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

After tine fin--st round, if thereis noalterationin ammunitioni c,rdcrs “ Load,” rc-pt’at-imig alsoany cinangein ammummitionwiniein amity be ormk-reti. Tine cartrithge will not be hoadedso-minerthamm is mmdccssaryto maintain time rate of fire.

NoIE.—At drill only wooden shell arid mit-ill cam-tritigeswill be loathed.


Indirect laying with elevationindicator.

Sectioncommander.section—- -. degs. ... mains, nm-oreright (or left),”

“ (etevatiofl) .. degs.... mine.”3 putson the deflectionand I sets time elevationindicator.1. elevatesuntil time bubble runs to time front, depresses

until t-ite bubbleis nearly1mm tine centreof its run anti reports‘‘ On “ to 3.

3 crosslevels, laysfor line andstandsclear.1. completestime lay for elevation.

Indirect laying with Watkin clinometer.

Section commander.

sectiomm—Clinonnetermgi-mug,”degs.... nuns, more right (on- left),”

(elevation) ... degs....3 puts on the deflectionandsetstine elevationindicator.I applies the index correction (if any) to the elevation

orderedandsetsthe chinomoter.

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3 elevatesamid depressesummnltr tine ordersof I immilil timeblmi)bhc is mneanIv inn tine cc-mitre of its minmm. I nc-ports ‘‘ Onnto 3.

3 crosslevels, lays for line audi reports “ On “ to 1.3 Jeprcssessteadilyuntil I reports“ 0mm” a secondtime.

NOTE.__Wniiemm layinig indirect, the elevatiommon-them-edis the

nmctmmmml elevationat which each gun is to be laid.

Direct laying.Sectioncommander.

section—Referencepoint ..., Target ...,“

Opensights, ... degs.... mains,moreright (or left),”

(elevation)... degs. . - - mains.”

~ puits omm tine deflectionand1 sets time elevation-indicator.3 emosslevels amid lays direct over the opensightson the

groundhueof his pomtionmof thetarget.If “indirect hayimig “is ordered,3 swings mis dial sight on

to tine auxiliary ainmmimmg point; I brings tine longitudinalbubble to time centre-ofits run by meansof the elevationindicator handwimeeh, and reports time new reading of theelevationindicatorto his sectioncomnmaunder.

18. TO FIRE.No. I.“No. .. —Ready.”

No ... —Fire.”I orders “ Ready” whuenhe hassatisfiedhimself thathis

gun is readyandshortlybeforeit is histurn to fire. -

2 attachesthelanyarth.

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3,4, anti5 standto attenmtiommfacingtime front.\%

mhmemm imis turin arrives1 glancesat time breech amid orders

“ Fire.”2 flies tineguni andputs time lanyai-d romimuti hisneck.4 brings tinegun to time bailing position.2 openstime breech,ejects time tubeamid wipes tine imead of

time venmt axialwith a wetcloth.TIme gun is re-loadedand i-c-laid.Tine gun will on no accoumitbe fired withnoumt timeorderfroun



If tine gun fails to fire, 2 re-attaeinestine lanyardand pullsit. If time gmnn again-fails to fire, 2 allows ten secondstoelapse,ejectstine tubeamid examimmesit.

If the tube hasfailed to fire he examinestime cap. If notfainly struck tine lock is changed. If fairly strucka new tubeis inserted. This tube is alsotried twice; if it fails a secondtime, apauseof tensecondsis madeand the lock is cinanged.

if thetubehasfired a I)ausoof thireeminutesis mnade; 1. thendepressestime gun with time elevatnnmghandwheeluntil 2 caumopen the breech; after a furtimer pauseof one minute Iremnovesandexaminesthecartridge. If it is dry andservice-able,I i-c-adjustsit in timechamber. If it is damporsmnoulmler.ing, hue placesit clearand ordersanew cartridgeto be loaded.

Nonmo of tine detachmentnor any cartridgesshould be inrear of tine breechwhenit is opened.

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section—Changetarget,’’degs.... mains. -moreright (or left),”

ortlegs. . . - nun-s.right (or left) of zerolines.’’

If time ammgieis givenas “ moreright (or left),” 3 setstime dialsight at thno recordedpresent target anglo; if tine angle isgivenm fromnm zero iinues lie sets time dial sight at time recordedzero line angle. lie thmcn turns time micrometer head of thedial sight throughtime angle ordered.

I massestime readingto his sectioncommammderwho com-rectsit if necessary.

Thmo procedum-eis tinen mis in Section 11, “To lay thegun intine hinmo of fire.”


Section commander.

“ ... section—S’top.”The detachmentcontinuetheir duties but the gumi is not

fired umitil time order “Go on “is given.




All standfast wimatevertheyaredoing.At time order “ Goon “work iscontinued.

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Time tietaclmunentconmtinuo timeir duties. Aimy gum alreadyloaded is fired at its proper immterval, but no gun will beloatieti until theorder “ Go on“is given.



section—Emptyguns.” -

Amiy gumnloadiedis Intiti at tine lastekmvationuandline amid fired,If a safety pin or cap hasbc-c-mm removedbefore the order

isgiven~time loathingis commmpletedamid! time gun fired.


Sectioni conimmnuimnitlcr. - -

section(or No . . . )-—S(antleasy.’’This order is given to indicate timtnt Iirimng is temmmpom-arily

sunspenmdcml. -

Before openingfire again the order “‘l’ake post” will begiveni. -

26. TO CEASE FIRING,ileforo “ Ceasefiring “ is orderedguns mustbeempty.

Section commander.section—Emptyguns,Ceasefiring.”

Thegun is spongedout.I brings time gun horizontal andinserts the bmntler locking


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2 closesthe breech.3 sets time traversinggearatzero.4 disconnect-sthe pedal of the quick elevatinggear anti

commnect-sit to time carriage.6 bringsin time aimingpostsif ordered.The stores detailed in chapter I are replaced in their

boxes.The mletacinmcntform detacimmentrear.


Time procedmmreis tine reverseof that detailedin section5.The pegssecuringbed arewitimdrawmm fronmn thegroummd by

inserting first a crowbar and later a handspikeuummt!er the hpandusingit asaleverof time first orderwith asuitablefulcrum,


Time procedure is the reverseof that detailed in section4,theearthbeingfirst loosenedroundth~outsideof time beam-os.

29. CASUALTIES TO DETACHMENTS.Men sent imp to replace casualtiesreport th their section

oomunanderswho order sumchm changesof duties as they con-sidernecessary.

Casualtiesarereplacedasfollows :—

Section commander. . - By time senior No. I of thesection.

I By a namedsuccessor(usually14).

3 - . . - ... ... By a namncdsuccessor.With thirteenmen ... 12 performs the duties of 12


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~Vitimtwelve mmmcii ... 12 perfou-nnnsthednmtiesof12 anti13 ; 14 perfon-mnis tine dutiesof 14 amid 6.

\Vith elevenniern ... 12 performs them duties of 12and 13 ; 14 performs thedutiesof 14and6; 8 perfom-mstime dutiesof 8 and 5.

With tenm men ... 12 performsthe dutiesof 12anti13 ; 14 performns the duties

- of 14 amid 6; 8 peiforms thedutiomof 8 and5 ; 4 disappeau-sanc1 3 brings time gun to tinafiring and loathing positionswith time elevatinghammdwheel.


Time extent of disablemnemmtorderedwill dc-pc-mid on time timeavailableand time probability of recapture.

Todisablethegun so that it canbe broughtin to actionimmnedi-ately after recapture: Close time breech, renmovo the carrieriuinge bolt and leverbreechmnechanisni.

To disable the gun so that it can be brought into action afterrepair: Remove tine buffer nut and recuperator cottt-r; firemm roundwith full charge.

To destroy the gun: Place an I-LB. shell in tine immuzzle;loadwith H.E. and full charge; fire the gun by meansof along lanyardfrom undercover. A length of telephonecableattachedto thelanyarti is suitablefor thepurpose.

NGTi.—Th0 dial sight and clinomnetershould always beremovedand takenaway beforeabandoningagun.

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(i) No officer, non-commissionedofficer or gunnerwho hasnot becum trained anti passedin gun tin-ill is to comnunand asectiommor form partof agun detacinmne-ntfiring blankamnmuni-tion at salutesor at tm-miming.

(ii) When firinig B.L. blank cartridges, no gumm is to bereloaded withnin 30 secondsafter flrimmg. Eveni after thisimmterval no gun is to be reloadeduntil the chamberandborehave beenspongedout and examinedby I.

(iii) In the eventof a mnissfiro a further attempt should bemadeto fm-c thegun in its tint-nm. In no casemusttime breechibeopenmeci for at leastone mmminumto witin black powderamid tenmmmminmuntcswith smokelesschamges. No one must be in rear ofthe brcecim when it is opened. in firing salutes,an officeror senior non-conmumissionedollicer shnoumhtl Inc detailedfor timespecialduty of timing the interval after a mnissfirc- and infom-imm-inig I of that gun whentine breech maybe opened.

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1. 1mm every inattery there shmouidbe at leastsix qualifiedlayers per subsection, exclusive of serjeauits anti lamnee-

~- scrjeants. A list of layers should be kept. Ail iaycm-s,~ sectioncommanders,serjeantsand hanee-serjeantsshould be~ testedpeuiodicahly.~ 2. All officers and Nos. 1 mnust be thoroughihyconversant

-witlm :— -

(i) Time testsfor and careof sightinig gearamid sights.(ii) Timo methodsof obtaimmiimg panallellines of fire.

~ (iii) Tine applicationof guncorrections.

3. Layerswill be testedby meansof two tests: Test Awill consistof four lays indirect, test B of two lays tiircet.

~ 4. A maximum of 20 markswill be givenfor eachlay in-“ test A, and 10 nmarks for each lay in test B, In order to

qualify a layer mustobtain75 marks.5. Time examinershould be assistedby an officer cm- senior

nmon-comnnmissionedofficer with astop-watchandrecordbook,andby a penciller who will takedown all orders given, forreferencewhoim checkingthelay.

6. Whenlaying indirectthreeor moreaiming pointssimouldbeselectedto time rearandoncitimerflank, if possible,andmadeknown to all concerned.

7. Before beginningth,e tests at leastfive targetswill beselectedin theforegroundat varying rangesand angles ofsight, andcoveringa front of about25 degrees;exceptin

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the caseof targetsrepresentingguns tineseshould be mmatum-aifeaturesof tine ground. If it be necessary-tousedummiesthey should be placedin positionssuchas time troopswimichthey ic-present would naturally occupy omm service. Arefem-eneepoint, npproximnately in time centre of thetargetzone, will be poimmted out to time No. I and to time layertargetswill beimidicatedwith referenceto this poiumtby nmeansof theclock code.

8. Wheum laying direct on any target (otimer timan a guntarget) wimicim extends over a fairly wide frontage, greatexactitimdein direction will not be requiredas m-egardstimepoint originally selectetito lay upon,whicin maybeanywheremm that portion of time target oppositeto time gun being laid.Any subsequeumtlay on timesaunotargetmust, however,be ontime samepoint asthefirst.

9. Theordersfor time lay mustbegivenout by theexaminerclearly amud distinmctly, a short pause (about tivo or threesccommtis)being made after eachm separateorder, thus: “ Allguns,20 degs.ri~qht“—pause——” All guns, 15 mm-s.moreright”—pause—”20 degs. 20 minis.”

All orderswill be acknowledgedby tiio No. I mind actedonat once. Should time layer at any time be in doubt as to aparticularorder, ho will refer to theNo. 1, who may repeatto him any part of theorder received. The No. I may, inturn, refer to theexaminer.

10. After checkinga lay, tine j~xamninerwill elevatetine gunabout 15 miminutes.

11. Layers will be examninedin pairs (Nos. I and 3); foranyincorrectpart of a lay markswill bedeductedonly fromtime individual making theerror.

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12. The timesallowedfor each lay areasfollows

Test A. Test 13.

Lay 6.0’ 20”

Lay 1.1’ 00”

Lay 2.0’ 20”

Lay 3.0’ 50”

Lay 4.100”

Lay 5.0’ 30”

Time layer will call out “Ready “ as soonaslie manfinisinc-tilaying thegun. The time will be tnkenhem time conclusionof time ordersfor time lay umntil time won-mi “ Ready“ horn tinelayer.

13. One umiark will be deducted(i) For every five -sc-conchs or fraetiomi of five seconds

beyond tine time laid domvn for tine pnrticmmlarlay.(ii) For each mistakein f-hue manipulationof time sighting

gearor in tine drill of f-Inc layeraslaid down.

14. Ten nmarkswill be deduncteti:—If thmo aiming postsarenot plantedin line.

15. No markswill be given for the lay :— -

(i) If the sight is incorn-ectlyset.(ii) When laying indirect, if the gun is not correctly

laid for elevationand direction.(iii) Wiien laying direct, if tinegun is not laid for elevation

within 3 minutesor for directionwithin 5 minutes.(iv) If the bubble of the cross level is not wholly


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Lay 2. -

“ Charge two.”All guns,1deg. 10 minis,snoreright.”

“25 degs.40 minis.”Lay 3.“Change target.”“ Chargethree.”“All guns, 2 degs. 15 mins.

snore left.”“No. 3, 20 nmiims.more right.”“20 degs.20minis.”


Time procedurewill be aslaid down under “To laythe gun in the line of fire.”

Time battery picket andauxiliary ainmimmg point read-ings will be chalked up after3 hasreported“Ready.”

The imrocednmrewill be aslaid down under “To plantaimingposts.” Time for timispartof the lay isnot taken.

The procedurewill be aslaid downunder“To lay tuegun.”

Tine pmocetlure will be aslaid downunder “To changetarget” and “To lay thegum-n.”

Time targetauxiliary aimingpoint readingwill bechalkedup after I has reported“Ready.”



Laying tests.The examinersetsthe elevationindicatorat about20 degs.

and tho remnainingscalesat zero.

Test A (indirect).Orders.

Lay I.AimingpointAll guns, 90 degs. 10 minis.night.”

“ Aiming hiostsfront.”

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Test A (indirect)—cont.

Orders. Procedure.

Time procedurewill be aslaid down unden- “ To changetarget “ and “To lay timegun.

Time targetauxiliary aimnimmg- point readingwill becinallced

up after I Inns reported“Ready.”

Test B (direct).~ Tinereferencepoint isdescribedbeforeordersarcgiven.>-

Orders. Procedure.Lay 5.

RepresentNo. 3 gunin action.” Tine procedurewill be asu “Infantry lining hedgerow, laid down under “To lay time:i 4 o’clock, :i degs.to 5 degs.” gun.”

“ Opensights.”“ 15 degs.20 nuns.”

Theexaminerwill put on a deflectionandnotetime readinmg.

Lay 6.“ All guns,40minis.moreleft.” TIne grimm ~vih1be re-laid cmn“15 degs.50 nuns.” time saune point of time target

asin lay 5.

Puze ietting test.Orders. Procetlure.

‘‘ Fuze9~3,” The competitor ~vihlset thefuzesof six sinc-li atthegradmmnu.tion ordered.

Tinme, I muiiim.

Lay 4.“ Changetarget.”‘‘ All guns, I degs. 15 ?miiflS.

right ofzeroline-s.”“ Clinonneler lumping.”‘‘ IS deg.s. 10 wins.”


Page 59: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


OHAPTER IV.—SIGHT TESTS.‘[‘ho \Vatkimu elinonietermmmi elevation indicator should be

testeddaily anti after prolommgedfiring Tint’ aligmmmmmcmmttestssimoumld becarriedout as often aspossible.

Time rcnnairuinmgtest (cross lovelhimg gear) should be carriedomit wime-nu re~1uirc(iby a qmmahilicd artiticer. This test isgiven in time imandbook. -

Aumy adjustnaentto optical instrumentsmust be carriedout by a qualified aitificer.

Test 1.—To test the Watkin clinometer.Set time clinonmeterat zero,placeml oim time planeand elevate

or depresstime grimm mnmitii time buibble is in thecc-n,re of itsrun.Turn tine clinomnueteremul for end ; if t-im~bubbleis still in thecentreof its run, theclinometcris in adjustment.

If the bobbie is iiot mi time centre,bring it so by meansofthe drumn. One half time reading is the index error of theclinonncter. -

A correctionfor this indexerrormustalways beapplied.Test 2.—To test and adjust the elevation indicator.

With time longitumdinal bubble,in tine cc-mitre of its run, timeelevation indicator should read tine elevation at wlmieim thegun is laid.

Placea shellin tine chamberto take imp inlay in tineelevatinggear.

Lay tine gumm at 20 degreeselevationwith a Watkin clino.meter; bring time longitudinal bubble to time centre of itsrun by the elevation indicator imandwhmeel. Time elevationindicatorshould read20 degrees.

If time elevationindicator doesnot read20 degrees,slackenthe screwssecuring the retaining plate, revolve the skinuntil it reads20 degreesandre.clanip.

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Page 61: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


Alignment tests.

Before beginmmimmg these tests time following preparationssimoUldi be made

(i) Select a well-defined object at least 1,500 yardsdistant on which to lay.

(ii) If this distant object cammnotbe found, set imp thetarget testingsights (seediagramii) about50 yardsin front (or in rear) of tine gunmm at right anglestotheaxisof thebore.

(iii) If the carriageis not level tramisversely,tine top ofthe dial sight carrier amid the target testingsights simouid be slopedto the sameangle as t1m~carriage.

(iv) Fix crosswiresat the mnuzzlo of the gun.(v) Set time elevation indicator, tine cowl of the dial

sight, the dial plateand micrometerscalesof thedial sight, and the deflection scaleof the opensightsat zero.

NoTx.—In practice, tt’sts 3 and 4 ant’ carried outsiummul-taneously.

Test 3.—To test and adjust the dial sight and openeights for line. -

The lines of sigint timmeugh the dial sight amid open sightsshould beparallel to theaxis of theboneasregardsline.

Lay theboreott the distamitobject fom- line by thetraversinghandwheel,using time intersection of tIne cross wires as aforesightand theaxial vent as a lminmd sight. Tine lines ofsight through thedial sight amidtime Open sightsshouldbeonthe distant object. When using the target testimug sights,

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laytimeboreon pointB; tue dial sigint shmouldbe on point Dandtime opeum sightsem point 0.

11 time dial sigiit is miot inn alignmneimt, tom-n time mmiicm-eme[erhic-muls of tine dial sightuntil tine line of sight is correct, slackentime sc-newssecmnrinmgthereadciof tine dial plate amid time riotsof time mnnicrommeters,shift tine readerand muici-onuetcr scalesto zero amid re-clannip. If time opensigimts are not in align-innenit, turn time c-eec-nitric at time front vertical Imivot of tinerockingbar unmtil time line of sigimt is coirect. -

Test 4.—To test and adjust the dial sight and opensights for elevation.

The lines of sight tlnrougim tine dial sight amid opensightsslmouki be parallelto time axisof theboreasregardselevationwhiemi time c-levatiomm indicator is at zero.

Lay time home oim time distant object for elevationby tineelevating inandwlmeel. The lines of sight through the dialsight and’ opensightsshouldbe on thedistantobject. \Vimc-niusinmg tIme targettesting sights,lay thebore on point B ; tine

dial sight should be on poiumt 1) and the open sights onpoiumt 0.

If tine dial sight is not in alignment, revolve the imnillcdhmea~lat time toj) of time sigimt until theline of sight is correct,slackentine nut securingtime microunetercollar, revolve thelatter to zero anti re-clamp. If tluo open sights arenot inalignment, siaekentime claiimjminmg nut at tine bottonmof timeforesight, screw time foresight up or down until time line ofsight is correct andre-clamp.

NoTn.—After adjustingthemicrometercollar of time cowlof the dial sight time arrow on the view finder will not be

- olmpositozero ; if confusionis likely to arisethis arrowshouldbeerasedanti anew onescribedoppositetime zeroman-k.

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Limber gmunnerssimoulml be intelligent and reliablemmmcmi.Tineprojeetiomnson tineexteriorof time gumm, wlmichm founu guides

for the latter winerm sliding in thecradle,shmoulnibekept c-leumniandoiled andmaintainedin goodworking order; all workingsurfacessimonmld bewell lubricatedandkept free fromn imaint.

Tine boresinoulti be kept dc-atm-anti lightly greaseti. Afterfiring, it should bescrubbedwith causticsodaand hot water(erie pound to a gallomm), using tine piasababrush. Whcnmdry it shouldbe lightly greasedwith mineral jelly.

No gritty substance,such as sand paper or bath brick,simonmid be usedfor cleaningworking surfaces.

rrhe traversingare must bekept free from mnud and grit

anti constantlygreasedwitim numeral jelly.

Tine pivot of tine limber connectorand tine two dowelsat time front of the bed mustbe kept cleananti well greased,andl protected,while the gun is in action, by camivas wrap-pinmgs.

All sparepartsshould be usedperiodically to ensurethatthey arein working order.

Headsof lubricatorsshouldbekept free freon paint.

Page 64: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


List of lubricators.

Fitting to be lubricated. No. \Vhmero situatetl.

Pivot plug ... 1 Left side of upper pivotblock.

Roller ring ... ... 25 On circumnfc-remmccof upperpivot block.

Roller cage 6 0mm top of upper pivotblock.

Pivot of hinnberconnector 2 0mm top of tn-aveliingcross-head.

Cradle II I on top ofeacii capsquarefor roller bearings.

4 on eachside for guide.ways.

i on spring stOl) ofelevatingarc.

Cut-offgear 3 1 in tmmnnnioncollar.2 in bracket smnppon-ting


Traversinggear 5 2 on hantlwheel spindlegearcasing.

1 en wornn ivimeel gearcasing.

2 in bearings for wornmspindle.

Elevating gear 10 3 on upper gear casing,left side.

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List of lubricators—conj.

Fittings to belubricated. No. Wheresituated.

Elevating gear—coat. 2 enlower gearcasing,leftside.

I on gear casing, rightside.

4 in bearings for elevatingshaft inside carriagebrackets.

Quick elevating gear 8 8 on gear casing.2 in bearingstop of arm

for crossspindle.Sighting gear 7 1 in circular collar of arc

round trunnion.2 in supportingbracket.4 on spindle and cross.

- shaft of elevation indi-catorhandwheel.

Pummup 4 1 on top (automatic).1 in feedpipe.1 in eachouterbearingof

winch handleshaft.

Bearing,breechmnechanism -

hover. 1 On top of carrier.Safetyshutter ... ... 1 On top left sideof carrier.Carrier, hingejoint ... I On top of hinge pin.Breechscrewand pintle of

carrier. -_______________ 1 On top of breech screw.

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List of lubricators (transporting vehicles).

Vehicle. No. Where situated.

Wagon transportinggun ... 14 3 in gear casing of tra.Versimig gear.

1 in body for sliding sur-faceon nxletree.

2 in gearcasingof raisinggear.

2 in bearings for winchhandleshaft of hauhimmggear.

3 over pivot of fore -

carriage.1 in axis of hauling chain

wince-Isfromit end.1 in axis of each guide

roller. -

Limber transporting car-riage. 3 On top of lock.

Carriagetransportingcar- 1 on each side for brakeriage. 2 gear. -

Limber transportingbed 3 -On top of lock.

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(1.) The No. 7 dial sight.

Thedial sight,when issued,is in correctadjustment,water-tight, and with all the cells and joints securedwith fixinigscrews.

It is very unlikely that the interior will require cleaning,and the dial sight must on no accountbe taken to pieces,exceptby aperson in possessionof an OrdnanceCollegecer-

- tificato statingthat ho is competentto do so.The body of the dial sight shouldbe cleanedwith a clean

soft cloth anda little oil, whichmust berubbedoff afterwards,care being taken that theglass is not touched. No grittysubstanceshould be used.

‘rho exterior of eye ic-mis and window should be cleaned~ with achamoisleatherspeciallykept for thepurpose. Gm-eat

caremustbetakenthat no oil or greaseis alluwemi to toumc}m tine.1 glasses. Fingers, thougim apparcumtly cleamm amid dry, ic-ave~ markson thelenswinichwill imnmpair thic- definition of tine sight.~-‘ Wine-minot in usethedial sight in its carriershnould bekept

in its case. -

(ii.) The No. 4 carrier. -

If thesightis loosein thebracketit maybedue to :~

(a) The- clampingscrewInc-ad working out of its recess,ummakimmg it impossibleto dampup. Tine rennedyisto presstheheadinto therecessandclamp.

(b) Thebracketbeingworn em- strained,owing to workingtine sight aboutwhen taking it out of tine bracketor ovcr.straimmingthe clamimpinglever. Jim tinis easea elanni) to comnpressthe bracketshould befitted

Page 68: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


if available; if not, onesideof time bracketsimouldbe tappedlightly and evenly with a ina-mmmmner byan artihicer, with theclaniping screwloosened.


(i) General precautions.

Time- breech mechanismsimommid be dismantledperiodicallyin orderthat it maybethoroughlycleaned.

The tlureadsof the breechscrewshould befree from burrs.Simomuld tinescrewnot work easilywhentheobturatorhasbeendetached,thedefectmay often be remediedby careful filingby an artilicer, but no portion of the thread should bo cutawayto m-enmove a crack.

Tine brecclm should be kept covered up when possible topreventdust and grit getting into the- breechfittings. Acoveris provided for this purpose.

Time obturating pad should be examined to se-c that thecanvascoveringis intactandin workingorder. If thecanvascoveris found to belooseor to overlapcitimerof tineprotectingdiscs, the obtumratorshould be- changed. -

Time sparepadshouldbe ide-lit undercompressionin theboxobtmurator.

The protecting discs should be care-frilly examined andsimould be re-placedif time steel rings are eroded, burred orcracked.

When fitting the pad and discs en time axial vent, caremust be taken that they are assembledin tine correct order.The face of time pad marked “ front” shouldbe towardstimemuzzle. One or more steeladjustingdiscs may be re-qumiredbetweentheobturator andtime face-of the breech screwwhen

Page 69: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


time path is compressedby fmrinng, bunt time obturator sbmoumltlalways turn freely.

The obturating pa(i should be a close- fit in time conedseating of the chamber wimen the breech is closed. Toascertainthis, lightly cover time- seatingwitim a mixture- ofoil and tallow; closeandopenthe breech; time outerend oftine padsimouidbe coveredwithm gm-easefromn contact with tinegreasedseatingof time chamber. If it is found that the pad(lees not fit time scatimmg closely, atijusting discs sinould bemudded until the bmcc-cim closes with sommne difficulty. Timebreech shommld then be opened and closed until it workseasily. -Bc-fore misc, tine- pad mmd disc sinouid be well coveredwith tallow,

Every oppom-timnity shmommlti be take-mi to keep the obturatormind axial vent cool. This can be done- i)y pouring waterover it in position, or by sousingit tinorougimlywith a spongeclotlm duringor after firing.rrlle obturatorsinoulti neverbethismantledwhenhot.

Whena now pad is fitted it must be expandedivitim a fmullchuarge.

(ii.) To dismantle the breechmechanism.Beforeremovingtine nmmechammismtine breechmnustbeopened

andtime imne-echnmechnanisnnswunginto time loathing I)Ositiomm.Vent T axial anti obtmmrator:—Rcmnovo time keep pin from

time- pin retainingaxial vent nnmt anti witimdn-aw the latterclearof the recessesin tine axial vent nut. Unscrew the axialventnut andremoveit to tine re-ar. Removethe- spring ventaxial. Withdraw the axial vent and obturator froun timefm-omit enti of timebreech screw.

Breecim screw:—Tnsert mm screwdriverin tine slot of tine pinactuating retaining late, press in time pin and partially

Page 70: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


revolve it by meansof time- screwtlmiver until time immdicatimmgarrow otu time pin comLCspOiidis with time immitidlo of tine word

dismniantle“ omu time breech screw. Witimtiraw tine breechscrewfrom the- front endof time carrier.

Relic-i :—Reiiiove time ide-op pin and roller axis pin, amidwitindraw time roller.

Lever bre-ecimmnmeclmmmmmismn:—Remove-time- keep pin anti -nutfrom time crankshaft and witimdraw time breech mimc-cimanismnlever.

Lever breech mechanism bearing,cm-anksimaft and cross-head:—ltennovethe icc-c-p pin anti secmnringscm-owof time breechmecimanism lever bearing. Withdm-aw time bearing an(icrankshaft fronn the carrier. At time same t-imno remnove-tinecrossheadfrom time inner end of the crankshaftfronm insidethe carrier.

Carrier :—liemnove tine split pin froun tine hinge bolt antiwithdrawtuehingebolt from the top. Removetine carrierand bearingwasiner.

(iii.) To assemblethe breechmechanism.

The bmeechmmmeclnanismis assemnhnIcclmm time reverseom-dc-r.

(lv.) To dismantle tho lock P.H. and slide boz V.To removetine- lock anti slide imox :—Openm time lee-Ic. Re-

move time screw sccurinmgslide i)CX. Unscrew time lock andslide box from tine stem of timo axial vent.

To removetine lock from time slide box :—Remmnovetime axispin of time extractor. Pi-ess (lou-nm thne knob of time plun~~erretaining cap until it is yen-tic-al and remove the lock amidextractorfrom tine slitle box.

To dismantle or changethe striker :—Remove the lockfromim tine slide box. Unscrew tine leveractuating lock with

Page 71: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


sti-iker complete (left-handed thread). Remove the splitpin of thno striker cap andwithdraw tine cap. \Vithdmaw timestnikercompletefronn time leveractunmmtinglock. Unscrewtineunit stuiker. Withdraw time rebound collar, mmiainspringamidcollar lmmainsprimngfronn the striker.

To dismamftlethe actuatinglever:—Renmnovetime split pin.lie-move the pin guide retaining catch. Withdraw the-plunger and spu-ing.

(v.) To assemblethe lock P.H. andslide box V.

Time hoe-Ic and slide box are assembledimm time reverseorder.


General precautions.

(1.) Before tiring.Care should be taken to see tlnuit tIne recuperatom-amid

buffer arecorrectlycharge-ti, timat tine-u-c- is no leakageat tinestuffing boxes,that the buffer cylinder is firmly nuttedup totine lug of time gun and the- piston red to time front of thecradle, tinat time m-e-cuperatorcotter is inn position,that tine c-nit.off gearis in adjustmentand that rio split pins aremissing.

It is necessaryto strainthe oil beforechargingthe re-cu.peratoror buffer.

During severe- weather, re-cope-ratersand buffers shouldbeprotectedasnmucim aspossible-from time cold.

Recuperator amid buffer cylinders sinould be washedoutwith paraffin or hint water to remmnove grit as opportunitiesoffer. -

Page 72: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


(ii.) In action.

Fault. Cause. -- lie-me-dy.

Incorrectlength of Cut-off gearout of Adjust by therecoil. adjustmncumt. sleeve.

Gun fails to i-urn Loss of pressure ... Replenishliquid orout, air.

Gunrunsoutslug- Lossof pressure - -. Replenishliquid orgishly. air.

Excessivefriction Cleanandlubricate.in theguide-s.

Excessivefriction Repackthe- stuffingin the stuffing boxes.boxes.

Be-ntpistonrod or Replaceorstraightenre-cuperatorrain. the bentrod.

(iii,) When guns are resting in action.Cool the bore. Allow air to escapefrommm the buffer by the

air releasevalve. Replenishthebuffci- mf necessary. Tightenpackingsif necessary. Testtheair pressureaftertime gunhascooled.

5. THE RECUPERATOR.(1.) Generalprecautions. -

Before removing the re-cuperator cotter the apparatussecuringthe re-cuperatorrain must befixed.

The gun must never be fired if the anmount of leakageindicatedby thetail rod exceeds8 pints, or if theair pressureis below350 lbs. a sq. in.

Page 73: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


(ii.) To chargetherecuperatorwith liquid.

Se-cure the gun to time cradle by the buffer locking pinand elevate tine gun about 5 degree-s. Discharge any airpressurein time- air cylinder by renmoving the closing plugand openingthe by-passvalve-. Pushthe tail rod into tineair cylimmder as far as it will go. lie-move the filling andair holeplugs.

Pour oil timrougha funnel into tine- filling hole until it over-flows at timeair hole. Re-placetime plugs.

About 32 pints of oil are requiredto fill the recuperator.

(iii.) To chargethe recuperatorwith air.

Secumretime grin to time cradleby tine buffer locking pin andelevatethe gun about5 degrees. Removethe c-losing plugandconnectup time pressuregaugeandair pump.

Slackenthe lee-icing nmnt, openthe by-passvalve andpumpuntil time gaugeregisters500 lbs. per sq. in.

Slackenthe filling plug one- turn and allow liquid to escapeuntil time tail rod indicator i-cads zero. Screwup the fillingholeplug.

Close the by-pass valve, disconnectthe pipe- from theadapterand placethecap on time adapter. Let time pressuredownslowly to 475 lbs. per sq. in. by openingthe- by-passvalve slightly and slaclcnngback the cap on thme atlapter.

When the pressurereads475 lbs., closetheby-passvalve,tighten the locking nut, remnovethe adapterwith pressurogaugeandreplacetheclosingplug.

(iv.) To test the air pressure.

Re-movethe closing plug and attach the adapteranti pres-sure gauge. Blank the outer end of the adapterwith time

Page 74: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


cap. Slackentime locking nut, open time by-passvalve andtine gaugeshouldregisterbetween350 and 475 lbs. per sq. in.

If the pressureis correct, close time by-passvalve-, tiglmtenthe- lockinmg nut, renimove theadapterand gauge and me-placethe closinmgplug. If time pressureis below350 lbs., closetheby-passvalve, eonmmectup the air pumnp arid maico up thepressureto 475 lbs.(v.) To replenishair pressurelost by leakage.

Proceedas for charging time recuperatorwith air, but,beforeopeningtheby-passvalve to admit air to therecuper-ator,pump thepressurein time pipeup to 475 lbs. pci- sq. in.(vi.) To empty the recuperator.

Seemnrotine gumn to tineciadleand elevateabout5 (he-gre-es.Remunovetheair holeplug and time drain plug, and allow the

liquid to run out into a suitablevessel.Dischargethe air pressureby remnoving tho closing plug

andopeningtheby-passvalve.(vii.) To replacethe tail rod packing. -

Securetime gun to time cradle- amid empty the re-cope-rater.Unpin anti reimmove- tine indicator tube from the- crosshead,and rennovetime stop platefrom time front end of time tail roth.Unscrewtheglan(i andre-movetime pacicimigwitim itssupportingrings. Unscrewtine protectingring amidremovetheU washers-nyitin their supportungriimgs. Renewthe defective rubberorpacking and re-place the gland, packingsand rings, takingcare that thc- packingsare not damaged. Re-placethestopplateandindicator tube,andre--chargetherecuperator.(viii.) To replace the ram packing.

Se-curethe gum to tine cradloand e-nnptythe recuperator.Unpin and removethe indicator tumbe. Disconnecttine ramfromtimecrosshucadandforceit inmto time air cylinder. Remove

Page 75: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


timid reniew tine packingsas describedin sectioni5 (vii). Drui~ytime rummnm to tine front amid conmneetit to time c-r-ossiiead,i-c-placethe indicator tribe, amid re-changetine rccupc-n-aton-.(ix.) To renew therubber packings on the headof the

floating piston.Se-curetine gunm to the cradleand empty time re-cuperator.

Unpin and remove the indicator tribe antI eressimead,mmddismantle the tail rod gland and i-anm gland. iienmmove tinemmmii and floating piston to the front. Unscrew the collarssecurinmgtherubberson the floating piston andre-movethe-mnwitim theirsupportingrings. Renewtho defective rubberandre-place time rubbers, supportingrings amid screwed collars.lie-place thmo floating piston and ramn in the air cylinder.Replacethe ram gland and croashe-adand connie-ctthe ramto time crosshead. Re-placethc- tail rod gland and indicatortube-, andre-chargetherecuperator.

6. THE BUFFER.(1.) To fill thebutter.

Re-nimove the air and filling hole plugs in tine top of tinetank amid elevatethegun about5 degrees. Pressiii tine airre-leasevalve and pour oil imito the taimk until it oven-flowsat tine air releasevalve-, lie-leasethevalve, fill the tanic, andreplacetheair andfilling hole plugs.

About 12 gallons of oil are required to fill the buffer andtank.(ii.) To empty the buffer. -

Elevate- time guru about5 degrees. Removetime air mobplug of the tank andthedrain plug of the-buffer cylinder,andrun the-oil off.

If it is desired to ennpty tine buffer completely, tine- gunis depressedandthestuffing box removed.

Page 76: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


(iii.) To tighten the gland.Lay time gun hon-izontal. Disengagetime- locking plunger

amid tighmtonthe out-er gland by meansof the spannerpro-vide-cl. Re-engagetime ioclcingplunger.

The glandshould not be over-tightenedasthis mnaycauseseizure.

(iv.) To renew the packing in the buffer gland.Emnpty time buffer and elevatetime- gun about 5 degrees.

Disconnectthe- piston rod from the front bracket and the -

actuatingge-arfrom thepiston rod. Unbolt and re-movethefront bracketamid removethesecuringcollar from tine- pistonrod. Disengagethe be-icingplunger. Unscrewand re-movethe outer gland, supporting rings and packing. Unscrewand remove the inner gland and L rubber. Renew the-defective rubberor packingand replacetime glands,packingsand rings, taking care that the packings are not dimmumagcdin passing over the screw threads of tine piston rod. Re--assemblethesecuringcollar bracketand actuatinggear, and -

refill thebuffer.(V.) Torenewthe L washerin the stuffing box.

Proceedas in section 6 (iv); after re-moving the glands,remove time locking plate and unscrew the stuffing box,together with the defective packing and supporting ring.Renewthe packing. Replacethe supporting ring, packingand stuffing box. Re-assembleand refill the- buffer. -

7. THE AIR PUMP.A dust cover is provided with the pump. The cover

mustbekeptonwhenthepump is not in use.Time water jacket nmust be kept filled when the pump is

in action. In cold wcatime-r empty the jacket immediately


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~ ~-~ ‘I h~

U 0


Page 78: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


afteractionmamid closevalveA to preventdirt andgrit enteringtime cylinder wincmm standing. Open again wine-n punttingthepunmmp into action and set the sight feed lubricator to giveeig!mt drips per minute.

Before chargingtherecuperatorit is advisableto test thepump systenm as follows :—Close the air chmargimig valve ofthe re-cupe-rater. Work time- PUiiiP slowly until the gaugeregisters500 lbs. per sq.in. If tine systemis in good worlcingorderthe gaugehamid should remain stationary,or emily cmecpbacic very slowly. Should time inammd fall back quicicly thesystem shouldbe e-xauninedfor externalfaults. Faultsmaybe- located by smearing wimeel gm-easeover time joints ; airbubble-swill beobservedwheretimere is a leak. -

Greatcareshould be exercisedin usimig the gauge. Whentakimmg or releasingpressurethevalveshouldbeopenedgentlyin orderto preventdamageto the- gauge. -

If the pumponly give-s20 lbs. pressure,valvesB andC arefaulty. If the pump only gives 200 lbs. pressurevalve Dis faulty. If no air is delivered valve A is faulty. If the -

valve-sareprove-ti to be in order, look to thepackingrings of -

time piston. In thee-ventof valve P going out of order,andno spare-sbeinga~ailabbe,replaceit with valve B ; valve Cshouldnot be usedfor tlmis purpose. -

If neccssarythe- valves should be lightly ground in andcoatedwith thin oil.

Page 79: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II




tons. cwts. qrs. Ihs.lied 3 1 3 l~

Carriagetransporting 0 11 2 21I drainglntlink 0 0 2 ~2 lifting screws 0 0 3 2Limber transporting 0 17 3 221 lifting screw - .. 0 0 1 Ii

Total 4 13 0 ii

Earth box 0 19 0 3~, Derrick 0 2 0 16~‘ Platfomnis 0 2 0 27

Totnlweighnttravelling 3 16 2 7

Weightonfrontaxlo 2 13 3 7Weight on rearaxle 3 2 3 ~UMeasurenmemittonnage 23 10 0 0Total lengthwithoutconnt-ctor 20 ft. I) ins.Total lengthwith conm-ctor 23 ft. 1 in.Greatestheight(top of whet-Is) 6 ft.Greatestwidth (endsofnxlt-~) Oft. I in.‘iVlneel base 14 ft. 6 ins.Wheol traclc ... - ... - 8 ft.Anglo oflook, right 39 degrees.Angleof lock, left - - ... - ... 40 degrees.Torninmg circle(thiamoter) ... - -- ... 64 ft.

Page 80: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II


2. The carriage.tonns. cwts. qrs. lbs.

Carriage 4 19 3 14Carriagetransporting 0 15 1 14Limber transporting 0 16 0 82 lifting screws 0 0 2 13

Total woiglnt travelling ... 6 Il 3 21

Weighton front axle 2 8 3 14Weight on rearaxle 4 3 (1 7Mcasinrcmnenuttonnage 41 0 0 0

Totallength withonntconnector 19 ft. 8 ins.Total length with connector 21 ft. 11 ins.GreatestIncight (top of gravity tank) Oft. 3 ~Greatestwidth(endsof axles) 9 ft. tin.WIned base 10 ft. 0 ins.Wheel track 8 ft.Angloof lock,right 30 dt-g. 30 nun.Angleof lock, left g. 15 mnin.Turningcircle(diameter) 25 ft.

3. The gwi.tons. owts. qrs. lbs.

Gun with breechGttings 4 5 0 17Wagontransporting 2 6 0 17

Total weiglnt travelling ... 6 11 1 8

Weighnt on front axle 2 15 2 6Weight on rearaxle 3 15 3 0Measurementtonnage 26 12 0 0

Totallengthwithnommtconnector 16 ft. Gins.Totallength ivithi connector 19 ft. 3 ins.Greatestheight(top of gunlug) 7 ft. 2 ins.Greatestwidth(endsof axles) Oft. 1 in.Wheel base 8 ft.Wheeltrack 8 ft.Angle oflock 37 degrees.Tumnimngoirele(diameter) 36 ft.

TIne diameterof the turningcircleof tinethreevehiclesen trainis64 ft.

Page 81: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

2 disgonnalbeanus2 longitudinal bcannus1 crossbeamI skid,crossbeam2 diagonualstays15 planks2 wheelguides8 pegssecuringbedBolts, &c

Diagonalbeams,eachLongitudinal beams,eachCrossbeamSkid,cross beamPlanks,eachWheel guides

I4ft. x l2in. x I2

in.lOft.7in. x lOin. x Ilin.l4ft.Gin. x 16~in.x l0~ini.Sit. x 12 in. x 12 in.IOft.7in. x 10i~.X3in.II ft. lOin. x ll~in.x2~j~.


4. Theholdiast platform.tons. ewts. gm-s. lbs.

0 2 10 41 18 2 00 11 2 70 3 0 140 0 3 30 10 2 40 4 3 20 6 3 240 0 3 16

Total 4 1 2 18

PrIntedunderthe AuthorItyof lime ML~sTrs8r~riosrmn~OFFmcmmBy liarrison & Sons,Ltd., St. Martin’sLans,London, ~V.0.2.


Page 82: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

MJLJTAB 1’ 2100Kb’,pnnblisinedby Authority—oo,mtImmueel.

(As to prices In brackets,seetop of page2.)

GunDrill Handbooks18-pr.Q.F., Mark iF, Cnnn-rInnges,MarksIii and III’~~(Issuedwitln A,O, ~or

May, i020). Set. (-Pt.)60-pr. IlL., Mnnn-k I—I”’, Cnnrriugr-s,Marks I ‘Snnn) III (Issnnedwit-h A.O. for

May, 1020). Sd. (01.) -

Guns. Handbooksfor:—9-2-lncln ILL. Howitzer. ilnirks I acedII. 1920. 3n. (2s.2d.)8-inn-in B.L. Howitzer.- Mettles VI~1Ii. ((a thepn-cene-) -

6-Inch n.h. 2t3 ewt. Howitzer. Mark I. Is. (Is. 41.)2-75—itncln ii. L. Mule Eqnd niwit. ~tego-pr.IlL. Marksii and IF’. (In line ptrsn)iS-pr. Q.F- anti Carriages. Field. - (In thepress)18-pr.(IF, Mark IV. -- (Inn thepc-ess) -

Stokes:1-Inch Tre-nuclnMortar. ML. Land Servlce~-HOC, is, 61. (Is. let.) -

gistorical Recordsof the Britiah Army:—IforesGuarnln. Os. (Is. 7n1.)Jiragoo,nGuards,lcd, 4th,6th, anud7th, Each 4-s, (Is.)Dragoons,1st,3rd, 7th,i4tin, and lOOn. Each4s, - (is,)

Do. 12th, annd 13th. Raclu to. (Is. 3d.) -

Marine Corps. 3$. (2c.21.) -

Foot. Ott, 7t1n, StIn, moth, 11th, l3tln, 15th, 18th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 21st,l2znd, lOOn, 80th, 4titin, bird, 67th, 71st, 72nd, 73rd, 74th, 8Oth~87th, amid (Ond. Each 4-n. (is.) -

Do. 14th,bOth, Sint, ~0tin,amid 88th. Eanihi Is. (2c. RI.) -

Histories, Short, of the Territorial Regiments of the .BrjtfshArmy-. 67 nnnnubers,eachId. (it.) 1mm nunerolurnne, Os.(is. ild.~.

Do. Tine Scots(Innards. Id. (Id.) - -

Do. Tine Otln (lnnnniskillinng) Dragoonns. Id-. (18.) -

Do. RevIsedl(dItIOnn&. 11. Cd.)enclu ,— -

Alexandra,i’n-iincesnolWales’sOwn TIme NortlnnnmptennsmnmreJ(e~’lmsnt.(Yorkshirelleglonenmt). TIne Oxfordshironnneh 13uc)~Ingimam_.

Tinelledfordshirelhcglmennt. sinhro Liglnt Imufnnntry.- ThuelllnsckWatc-im(Itoya(Ihigmnlnmnders).I The I’m-Inca of Wales’s Lilnster -

Tho Canoeronmlmuns(ScottishRifles~. l(eglnmmenut(Uov~lOnnadhans).TheCheshireiteginmmennt. I The l’i-imnco of Wames’s Own (WestTine Duke of Cornwall’sLiglnt Inn- Yorlnchirclieglmemnt).

fanntry. line I’rlnuce of \Vales’eVolmmnnteersTine Dmnke of Welllngtonn’s Weat (Sonnili Lammcashnirelleglmnenmt).

lhInilnng Jieginmment. Tine PrincessCharlotte of Walem’e~TheDurhamLigint Infantry. I (Tine ifoyal BerkalnirelfegtmenQ.TheEastLanincasumirelteginnemnt. 1 The I’rlneessLouise’s Aegyhi aunt-TineThnstSmnrrey lleglnnennt. Snutherlamndhighlander,,TineItannupsinirellegimennt. Tine Queen’, (lioyal West Surrey-Thelllglnlnuid Light lnmfamntry. - Regtmenmt).TheKinug’s Ownu (ihoyal Lancanten I The Ileynni lnmuiskhlmingFuelliers.

1(egimnenmt). - TheRoyalSussexRegiment.TheXimng’s On-nSeotthshllordorers.I TheRoyalWelalnFusillere.TineLanmeanhireFusihiers. I TheSouthSta~ormtshmlroRegInneat.~TIne Leiecstenslnlre1(egimemnt. I Tine SnmtTolk Itegimennt. - -

The Loyal North LmmnueashlrcRegI- Tine Welsh ileginncmntnnennt, TheWorcestersimhreReginnenut.

(13) - -

Page 83: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

jIlL/TAllY BOOKS, pmnblishedbyAmnthordy—contlnued.

- (As to prices in brackets,seetop of page2.)

.~orses. Army. Noteson tIne Feenlinmg Mammagement,and Issnieof. March1910. it. (14.) Seealso ANiMIL MANAGEMeNT.

~HospitaIs. Military Families’. Nmnrsinmg Staff liegmnlatlone.Dec. 1909. Id.(it.) Seealso NumnsmnnSnmnvicmsannnl TmcmenmrronnrAaFORCE.

:Hostilities without Declaration of War from 1700 to 1870. Ic.(10. Id.)

Hygiene. Elementary Military. Manmialof. 1912. Gd, (Gel.)Sec nnlos l’mtYSIOLOoT and Scmroon.s. -

:indian Empire. The. A Sinort lies-hew amnd somehints for the useofSoldIersproceedingto Inniha. Gd. (Gel.)

infantry Training. (4-Company Organhhation.) 1914. (ltepthnted 1916.)

Do. Arnenidments,July, Ammg. 1916;Dec. 1918. Each it.

:injurles and Diseasesof War. Manual hnenscd omi experienceof tInepresentCannpnnhgmnmi k’monce. Jnn. 1918, Cd. (Sd.)

.Inetitutes. Garrison and Regimental. Rulesfor theMams~ngementof.1910. 1,1. (Id.)

itahian Cavalry Training Regulations. 1911, Trainingfor Marches,Tacticsof Mimnor Unmih-s, and Trahnninmgof Patrols. Translated. 4d, (3d.)

-Jamaica. StandingOrders. 1912. Is. (Cd.)Jersey. Royal Militia of the Islandof. RegulatIons. 1914. With

the JerseyMilitia Law, 1905. is.3d. (lid.)King’s Regulationsand Ordersfor the Army. 1912. (Iheprlnted

witlm Amenmdmenmtspnmichishenhinn Army Ordersnmpto Amng. I, 191-ti. (lleprinte~1018.) I~.St. (Is. 21.1; Ansendnnentepnmhnlhsined in Am-my OrdersbetweenSept. 1, 1914 mind Anig. 1, 1916. Id. (It.); Amnendmnentshnnlnlisined inArmy Orders between Sept-. 1, 1610 and March 1, 1918. 11. (11.) ; DIttoMarsh 1920. 3d. (3d.); Dltto~April 1920. it. (Id.) ; Ditto, May 1020.It. (it.)

~Ktt Plates:— - -

Artillery. Royal :—6. GarrIsomn. Kit laid out for Inspection. 1909. 2n1. -(Id.) -

10, 1)0. Kit inn Dam-rackIloom. 1909. Id. (2c1.)Cavalry. 1891. it. (it.) -

Engineers. Royal :— -1. Dismomnntenl. Detail of Smelt and Beddlnng, wltin Marclnlmng Order

readyto pnnt on. i)etail of Stnelf and Bemlnling, with Drill Orderreadyto pnmt on. 1914. Id. (11.)

2. Dlonmounted. Full ICIt laid emit for Inspection in Barrack Room1914. Id. (it.)

4. Mounted NO.0. or DrIver and Flelmi Troop Sapper. Full Kit laidomit for Inspect-ionin Barrackilonnm. 1910. Id. (It.)

S. Mounted. Detail of Shmelfand Beddinmg. 1910. It. (id.)- 6. hIm-leer, with pair of horses. Field Kit laid out for Inspectionson

Parade,includIngArticles carried in Valiseeni BaggageWagon.1899. Id. (It.) -

Infantry. highland. 1884. it. (It.) -

iniedical Corps. Royal Army. Kit in BarrackIioom. 1012. Id, (ad,)‘Ordnance Corps. Army. For GuIdanceat Marcinlnng OrderandKit

Inspections. 2t. (2d.) - -

- - - (14) -

Page 84: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

MiLITARY BOOK.i publislnet byAnslhsrilg_...cofltbntmed,

(As to pricesin bracl,iets,seetop of page2,)

~arge Formations. Tine Operationsof. (Condnnitemles GranniesUiihtrs.)Translated fnom thne Field ServiceIlegumah-loneof i-Ins FrenscinArmy, datedOct. 28, 1913. hid. (51.)

Law. Military. Mamnmialof. 1104. (Reprinmteef1017.) DOd. (2o, lot.)Do. Arrme-nninnennte,May 1919. Id. (let.)

%aohipe-GunCompanyTraining:— -

Immfamntr~. 1917. l’novislomnal. To ice reach inn conSminciiomm WIth ImifamitryTraining mmmd Mnnsketryhtegnilationms. 61.~(St.) -

machineGunsandSmall Arms, ‘303-inch. NomenclatureOf j’art~Strippimmg,Ammeembhimng,Actiofl, .Jamnis,Misehlres, Failures,amid lmmspectlo


Itevhsemllictitiomn. 1017. Onl~ (01.)magazines and Care of War Materiel. Regmilatmone fmmr. 1913.

(lieprhrntedwith Amendnnentnpnnblishncnl iii Army Orders nip to Mmirch 31,1917). Is.ut. (is. let.)

malaria. Observationson, by-Medical Otflcers of theArmy’ andOthers. (li~h/ni’lnetesacedDiaym-ams.) 11120, IJs. (4s.51.) -

rapping from Air Photographs. (1mm tInepm-coo) -

map Reading and Field Sketching. Mamn~ma1. 1912. (Itehnrintedwith Additions, 1914). is. (IIdj Seealso PnnuTmnAeTomt.

medicalCorps. Royal Army. See.-slssTnsmnnmsinennrALFORCEAdmissionto. Itegulatiomnefoc. Jam,.1012. it. (In


Standing Orders. 1914. is. (101.1- Do. SUpplement. 1920. 21. (2d.)

Do. Annenchnnent. July,1920. id. (it.) -

- TrainIng, 1911. 91. (ltd.)medical Department. Army, Index to Appemndlcesoh Ileports from

1859to 1896. 3d. (3d.)medicalDiseasesin this Tropieahamid Sub-TropicalWarAm-ens, SeeDLOEASE5.medicalServiSe. Army:—

Regulations.1906. (iheprinni-ed,si-ith Amsnendmmin-mnt~up to Sept.30,1914).4d. (Id.) -

Do. Amenidunemit,Dec. hillS, RevisedApporndiaNo.Oh. Scaleof iledIcal amid Snnrgical hiqmnlpnment for Umnit~in theField. Id. (Id.)

medical Service. Strategical and Tactical Employment of theas cam~-Iedout inn an Army Corps- with a seriesof l’rotclenis. Tranelate(~fromtheAustrian. 4:. Ba. (ho. 4e1.b -

medical Services. Arms’, Advisory Board for. TineTreatmentofVenerealDiseaseanaScabies. n

5iiet Report. 1904, is. tint, (1~.3nl.)’

SecondReport. 1905. ‘2.n. (is. lid.) n ‘ilnlrd Report. 1905. Is. (lOt.) Fin&1Report. lilOO(onmtofprimol). -

medical Services of Foreign Armies. hlnunnhh,sokof. i’Rrt I. Fmusecme.St. (Sd.) PartIi, 0 EmLinA18i’. 61. (3d.); Part ILL. AtrsmmnrA.UITOII5ARY.68. (Gd.); PartlY. IltJSIfA. Gd. (5d.) ; PartV. 1-rAty. Gd. (5d.); Part VI.TuE Nt-rnmmtANtmsANO BELGIuM. 1911. Sd. (St.) -

Mekometer Handbook. 1911. Gd. (lInt.) -

meaopotamia. Insipreselommsof. By SIr I. Hewett, G,d.S.i., r~.C.1I.1920,tInt. (Cd,) - -

Do. - Reporton. By SirS. hewett,O.C.S.1.,-14.C.B.(itoh Mnnp.)1919, 1*. Cd. (is. 3d.) -

- iIb)_

Page 85: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

31JLITARI’ BOOKS,pnnblishcdby Asf/nor~ty—comntImnuenl.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page2.)

Military and otherTerms. SeesScmroceLs.Military LandsActs, i8O2to 1903. Byelaws. .5cc AntTlLLienmy AleO Ilnmcta

lIMueasAcT, ‘nt.Mine RescueWork on theWesternFront. 5o. (a.. 71.)MountedTroops(Divisional)Training. J nmmne1915.I’roi-lsiomeal. It. (It.)-Musketry Regulations:—

l’art 1. 1009. (iteleminnhenl,whOm Amnnenneln,nemits,1914), Sd. (Tel.)Do. Annemnnlmnnecet-s, New. 1915. Id. (I 1.)Do. Annn~miehnnennts,July1016. iinnfmeiel iili4 Pattern,Rifle. lt. (ld.)Do. Adelemndcnnm,July 1916. Ilamnehhcmnok of tIne limnilelel 1914 Pattern

- ‘302-innebmMagenzinehub. let. (let.)Do. Addemedimnm No. 2, Dec. 1916. llotchkiss Qnmn anmd Lewis Gu~

- Cenurses. let. (Id.)Do. - AehdemedemnnNm.. 5, llayonnet TraIning. - (Zen flee press)-Do. AdchemneisnmnNec. 6, I’d,. 1920. Light (Jmnnns (Lewis and Ilotchkjss

(mmmi) mmcl TableL (I’rovisionenl), 1920, 21. (Id,)Do. Aeldemmeltnnn No. 7, Aleril I Ole) . Musketry Comnrses(Provisional),

1020. TablesA, B aneni C; Amnnemndmenntsto Clnenjn.VI. 21. (21.).Do. and Vielnem-s’ Iiaclmine-Gmin, ilammehi,ook. Anmemneimnent-s,Jmnne illS.

llammge Tables for Tickers’ Gumis for Man-k VII. Amnnuniitbon.Id. (Id.) -

- PartII. IiihIe Ramngesamid NmnsleetryApphismnces. 1910, (ileprinted, with,Amennmimnenitsto OCt. 31, 1914). 4el, (4e1.)

Do. Addm-mndumnNo.3,Dee.1918. InnshructhonneelCourseforWebleyPistol.W’itin A


1ee-nndix—-Noteson l’istol Shootimng. It. (21.)

Do. AddemnnlunmNec. 4, April 1917. Ammumnal (lenneralMusketryCourse,-anielMmishcetryCournofenrTmannsportV. orkens’flnmttalionis.Id. (11.3

- Sn-c emlsoMacmImi-:(bmsxCeesnm-~myTisAnanstes.Night Operations. lilemnenmtsmryTn-almnmnngin. ilthn, l~t. (Id.)Number of Troops to the Yard inn tIme Prlniclpah Battles sinnee 1850.

Menmo. on. WIth, opimmiecns of Moderin Amitinorities omi limits of extemneiomnat.- the presenmtclay. 1804. ltd. lTd.)

Nursing Service. Queeii Alexanndra’e Imperial Military. Ilegmnlations.for Admissloni to thee. 1910. Id. (Id.)

See also hiosr-n’vAs.saniel Tnert_mnI-romnnAn. Fomeemi.Officers Died in the Great,War, 1914-10. Reell of. - Part 1,-Oldand

New Armies. PartII, Territorial Force. 7s.Set. (Is. RI.)Officers Training Corps :— -

Regulations.11112. (ilelerinteni,with Annemndmmnentsto A1

eril 1916). 2.4. (2d.)Do. (minis of Commrt.)- let. (id.)

SpecialA.O. Marelm iS, 11108. (Oeef efjerint~-Junior Division. Innst,rmmctiommsfor time AnnmmnmtbCamps. 1913. - 2.1. (let.)Report on the Examination for Certificate“A” meld In Maceli,.

1020, for Cadets,e( tine Jnm,mi,nrandSenion-Division. is. (lid.)Optics. Noteson;. - (Ouf of ps-mb).

- Ogange FreeState TopographicalSurvey,1905-1911. Ihepom-tOIL— f-lie. LOs. (lee.) - -

Ordnance College. Pee miles AR-rnu,memevCOLLeGE:— . -

Advanced Classes. Reports mcmi n— -Up to time 33rd. EachIs. (9d.) -

8i~h. Cd. (3.1.) - - -

35th. Is. (lot.) - - -

- - (16)

Page 86: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

MJLJT.4flY .2300A’S,p,eb/ishedby~dsIhom-iby—-c.e~timsneeel.

(As to prices in brackets,seeto, of page 2.)

Ordnance College. -S’ C (n/so .Amu’nn.tEmly Ce,nm.n;un-:—--contimnmneet.Artificers. Mititary. - hlmueelleoenkfor. lOtIn Eejitjeeti. 11115. Id. (let.)Dynamics. NotesCenn. SeconndIiehitimnmn. 3m. (2s.3d.) -

OrdnanceCourses. lheportsonU

1e Rm tine lOtIn. Racin In. (lId.)

17th. ltd. - (Id.)it)ilm. is. lint. (Is. Id.)ltCthm. Is,4/ct. (Is. let.)

Regulations. 1007. let, (let.)‘OrdnanceCorps. Army. Staunllmng Orders. 11112. (ReprInted with

Amendmmiemmts,11117). (let, (Oct.) -

OrdnanceManual (War). 11411. 61. (RI.)‘Ordnance Service. Treatiseelm. Seve,nthnEdll.lomm. 111118. With volume of

plates. is. lid. (50. lid.); Amenmnimmienmi-s. Jmnnne 10011, Dec. 1910,Dee,1912.EachId. (hi.); Do., Dec.1000, Dec. 11)11. Ilaehn let. (2d.)

Ordnance Services. Army. JhegulatieensPart 1. 11412. (Jleprimnteel,with etnnemmdnnmenetsmnptoJuly 1,1013), Cd. (Tel,)

Do. Amendmcnnts,.Jani.1018. AppendixXI3. Ilitrset (rein the Regula.(ions for Magazimncs,Ac. 3d, (let.)

Do. -Amemmdmemits,Jan.1918. AppenidlxXX. let. (let.)l’art 11. 11414, Innstrm;ctlo;ns hoc Lalmecralecrlenamid Lea(eomnntory Operatlonma.

ieixmnnminnatlo,i of line pleneeives snmel Ornl,ie;nmee. 11414. (ihoprimitedwith Amnendnnentainubhimelneeh in; Arnmny- Orehers nIp to nmm,elinnclueiinng Dec. 1, 1016). Is.Set. (is. 1k?.)

Do. (sepam-esfely). Anmennimnenets,Dee. 1016. (lnnelnnehing AppendicesXI.XIV. and XV.. asamnctnm)ee’I Inn theeliegu(atisnns). 3d. (28.)

Do. Amendments,Aug., Oct. 1017. had, let. (leE.)Pathological Specimensin the M,iseum of tlme Army lmIedical Depart-

ment, Netley. DescriptiveCatalogueof. Tlnird lidlthon. Vol. I. By SirW. Altken, M.D. 1502. Is. (Is. Sd.)

Pay Appointment, Promotion and Non-EffectivePay of theArmy. itoimal ~Varram,t.11(14. ([frprcnctcd 11(18.) 1~.(Is.); Annmendrememets,Ac., IemnbhisinedIn Army Orders betweenDeC. 1, 2014, anmml Aug. 1, 11118.ltd. (Id.) - -

Pay Duties of Officers Cominanm4inmgSqmnmndrone,Batteries,Companies,&c.Lnstruothonns. (Revisedicr tine periodoftIme lVar). I. Jjecnnoainel Cobonnies.II. Inn (hno Field, Jmnno1118. 21. (Id.) See otis TnmitmIl-romnlAj, Fom;cis.

- Payfor Soldiers, Increaseof. RoyalWarrant,I)eo, 3, 11417. WIth lineArmy (Jomnucil’, Tni,trmmetim,mnec~tlmereone, am;nl witin Amendment, to tineSeparationAlIowam;c~Ileguhations—FamilyAllowammce. (SpecIal ArnmnyOrder, Dee, 4, 1017), Id. (11.1 -

Seealso FAM1LTAts.owAmcic ~mndSntrAn;kpnomALLOWM,-cme.Pay of Officers ammO AlIewaoe~for.Olhicers’ (lInIldn-emn. Royal Warrsnt

Jan.25, 1l418~with the Arnny Co;nncii’s Instructionsthereon,anndIhegenha—thons. (SpecialArmy On-dec.Jam.26.11118). Id. (it.)

Physical Training. Mannmial of. (Ifcprinit 11)08 witln AnnemmdmenmtjnpublIshedIn Army Ordersto Dec. 1, 1914). itt. (let,)

Physiology,Elementary,in, its relatiomi to hygienic. lOot,, 1019, Id, (2e1.)- Seealso liyormt’ew and ScneooL~.


Page 87: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

MILiTARY ROOKS,pmnielishedby llen(horify—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page2.)

Place-namesoccurring on ForeignMaps. JimmIes for the Transelitera..tionof. 11(10. 15. tic?. (Is. let.)

Portable Sub—target(Mark I), amid flow to UseIt. 1911. (Iteprinnteci,wlttiAmenndnienmts,11(14). he?. (Id.)

Postal Services. Army. Manmmal of. Wan’. 1913. (Ileprh,nted, withAmnennlmenmts,1915). In

t. (3d.)

ection, &c. Linmear Perspective. A Text Book for use of the 11.M_Proj, l’art 1.—Text. PartII.—Plates. 1904. So, (4:. let.)

- Promotion of Lieutenants of the Army Veterinary Corps5Special Reserve,and Territorial Force. SeeFIm-:I,n) A;.c.owAreca.

Protractor. Service. For mn-sehn Map Ilcamiinng Classes. 3d. (ld.)S.c also 3L~m’llexiuxcn.

Publications (Recent) of Military Interest, Lint of. Quarterly.Nos.1 to S(except1, 3, 5 annd 6, Cccl ofpriemf), let. (let.) each; Nos. Ito 17, 4d.(4d.)each. C’omntmenuedicy TineAuisyhlmevxmesy,

Railway Distances,Ireland. IIa,mdbookof. Third EdItion. 1884. 7:. Cd.(Is. 3d.)

Railway Manual (INar). lIti. (ltepcimnteel, with Amemndmenta, 1914),lid. (3d.)

Railways. MiUtar~-. Recomnnaissanceiand Smnrvey of. Notes on. ForOfficersof II.E. lieinlss-ayCononimannies. 1910. 2s. let,

Range-Finder Handbooks;—Infantry No. 1. (Marindln). 1913. at. (ad.)

Do. No. 2. (Pairannd Stroud). Ii’S-moinesbase. 1916. Cd. (5d.)Ranges. Miniature Cartridge. (Iteprtsniedfmom Tune Ainssv REvi~w

5- Janmiarv,1914). let. (let.)Rangetakers. Instructions for the Trammingof, with, the Artillery Range-.

tinder. ld. (ld.)Ranging. Examplesof. SeeAwi-ILLSnIY, TRAINING, FIELD.Rations. Army. Tineir Bearing onm the liilicienoy of the Subtler. By-

1). IOoSL PATois, M.D., F.11.S.,Professorof Physiology, tJnniwersltyofGlasgow. let, (-Id.)

Recruiting for the Regular Army and the Special Reserve.htegulmitious. 1912. (Reprinted,with Amendnnentsto Aug. Ii, 1914). let.(3d.) -

Do. 1020. - . (1mm thepies:)Recruits’ TableCard, (ProvisIonal.) Sept.1923. Cd. (~tjRemount Regulations. 1911. let. (3d.) - -

Reserve. See alsoSPECIAL Rnesnemwxanmd Tammnnml’onnmAn FORCE,—Army Reserve. ClassI. Reguhations.1011. let. (Id,)

Do. Amendments,June191,3. Id. (18,)National Reserve. Ilegulatlonns. 1913. Provisional, It. (it.)

Rifle. Enfleld 1014 Pattern. SeeMusmeme~mmrREOULATIONS, I’art I.Rifle. Eo~sMagazine ~3O3-imnch,Mark IlIn. Ilandleookof the. 1915.

(Reprinted, wlthnAnnemimiments.1917). ld. (let.)Rifles, &o. Cleaning of. Noteson, tIne. 1911. 25 for Cd, (Id.)Rifles, Short and Charger-loading, Magazine, Lee-Enfleld.

HandbOok(or Serjeant Inetcuetors of Special lteserve,Officers Tn-aIninCorps, aud Territorial ForceIn regardto time Care,Inspection,ete.,of.(3d) (18)

Page 88: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

AIILIT4 itF BOOKS, pmmtelishee(byAmnthor(Jy~eontIuu~i,

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2,)

Russo-JapaneseWar:— -Medical amid Samilinmey Iheports from Officers att-aeined to the Japanese-’-

~nd Russian,Forceshi, ilne Field. 11(08. Is. (3:. iOel.)Official HIstory. Part 1. Cnmmnsesof the War. Opennlnng events up to.

amnd imccludimig tine Battle of time Va-Ins. S’eoonmml llmlithon. 1909. Is. (Id.(Is. 3d.) ; l’art II. FrennntIne Battle of ti,

5Va-In, (ci Licmen-yang,exclusive.

1008. So. (as.Sd.); l’art III. This Siegeof I’ort Artbnm,r. 11(09, 45. Set.(Is. 4e1.); l’art IV. Lieno-yanmg. 1910. 4:. (Is.); l’art V. Sims-ho,lOll. 4:. Cd. (3s.Id.)

Official Ilistory (Nan-al an,1 Military’. Vol. I. Ten Aug. 24, 1504. Withcaseof Maps. 1910. 153. (lOs. 7g.) Vol. II. Liao-yang,This Sins-ho,PortArthur. With, caseof Maps. 1912. 15s. (10:, lad.)Vol. III. (icctinepress)-

Reports from -Britisin Officers attaclne,1 to tIne Japcnnmeselnnnml hiussimu,ForcesInn the Field. In, threevols., with two casesof Maps(not soldseparenlely). hIs. (15s.) -

Salisbury Plain. Southern Command. StandiingOrdetsapplicable-to all !J2roops enneampenion Saliolcury l’lahi Rind aPl~llealeICgenerallyte-TroopsQmnartereelat Pollen-minumi Tleiworthn. l~l3. (Reprinted,with Ansem,eh.men,ts,11115). 3d. (leE,)

Sanitation in its application to Military Life. Mannish of. 3d. (4d.)Scabies. SeeMEDICAL SanO’ICE.Schools. Army:— -

AnnualReportson. 1911-12; 1912-13. llaci, is. (9d,)Military and other Terms, anml Wordswhich Occur inn Oreler~.

Lists of, 11(14. (lleprtin(ed 1018.) let. (3d.)Physiology. Iilemeiitary. Hanndleook. 1901. Id. (it.)

Sec,mholtvulmcmea; U5IYsloi.oGY; and (leel~ne)S~,coor.1Irac~ieni.Regulations. 1911. 4d. (48.)SchoolHygiene. Ilammmlbeookof, ForTeaclners. lid. ((3d.)

See also liToineisme; I’IIYSIOLOOY; meet(enbOI-e)P5I~sxotoay.Singing in, hlegulatlonstoni Teaohimmg. 1911. Id. (It.)Standing Orders for Inspectors,llxmimim,ers, and Teachers. iojo. St.

(5d.i -

TypeExercisesof Extracts from RegimentalOrdersfo~’useot C~ndl(Iate~-for Tinirni-class Certificatesof hieiucation. 1912. 3d. (3d,)

Scouts. Training and Use of. Lecture Icy çol. F.C. Carter, 1905, he?.(3d.)

- Screws. Standard Leading. ProvIsion of, for Scesw.cutth,mg Lath,es.Reportof Comsnmittee. 1905. Is. (108.)

Separation Allowance, Allotments of Pay and Family Allow-ance. Army. flegu;atlonmsfor the loomisoh. 1919. hid, (Set,)

See 4/ss FAMInX ALI.QWAZeCE wed PAY i~O1lSOLDIERS.- Service Corps. Army:—

RegimentalStandingOrders. 1511. (Out ofpricnf 3-Do. Amemnd,,ients.let. (it.); A,S.C.l

tclennorandnitn,No.25. Id. (3d.)

Training. l’art I. 1009. (iieprhnted,uithmAmemndmnennts,19114), let. (ltd.)Do. l’smrt II. Supplies. 1909. (hteprientemi 1914, with new Ap—-

Imeiidix Xli.) is. 3d. (is.it.)(II) - -

Page 89: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II



(As to prices in brackets,seetop of page2.)

Service Corps. Army—ccenfcnnecei.Training. l’urt III. Transport. 1911. (lteprlmnt-eci, ~‘(tIn Aninenehunenits

to April 11)13). 93. (Oel.) -

Do. PartIV. Mechemnm,hencml Pranspccrt. (Oeetof print).-Sc-v-astopol. Siege of. 1551—55. 3 vole., with Case of Maps aunt P15mB.

halt inhmrne~ro,~5 4s. Cloth,,JO 4s.Or separately:—VoI. I. lirnglimeer Operations. £1 Ss. Vol. II. Do.

With, Case of Maps anml l’lanis £2 los. ; Vol. III. Artillery Opera—tlomms. IDe.

Sewage. Practical Treatment of. This latest developmentof. 1903, Set.(Oct.) -

.SlnoeburynessGarrison. StnmnelmmigOrders. 1013. ho.Set. (Is, let.)-SiegeOpe~atlonsin time Campaigmn againnnt France, 1870-72. (Von Tiede-

- mann.) Prsnioiat-enl. 4s. lid. (Is. let.) -

-Signal Service. The Army. Id. (let.)Do. Army. Mmnncnslmd—War. l’rovisionnah. 11(14. 2d. (let.)

Signal Training:—Part I. Visual Telegraplmy. 1910, 1~. (lId.)Pact VI. Procedmnre. lOIS, Is. (hoe?.)l’art VII. ShpealOrganication. (len tinepress)

.Small ‘Wars. Their l’rincipics and I’rscitice. Tlmhrel Edltiou. 1500,(ln’epri-smteel-, 1000). 4o. 35.

Soldiers,Disabledand Discharged,in France, S-c DISABLED.Somaliland:— -

Ahihltary Ilepnrtomn. 1907. Vol.1. Qeogrsplnleal. Descriptive, aunt HIstorIcal,25, (10.78.) -

Operationi inn 1901-04. Official History. Vol. I. as. (2:. 4d.); Vol. II.4:. (lo.)

.SouthAfrican War,1899-1902:—Medicnl Am-rammgm’;inc’sits. 7:. (Sd. (Is. Set.)

- Medical Ihhstmmry. An Jipldemimlological Esoay. (tfeprintet frsnn “TIneJournmal of time hiccyal Army MedIcal Corps.”) Is.Oct. (ho.3d.)

Railways. 4s. (Is.)Smirgheai CasesNmmted. 7°,Cc?. (Is. Set.)Tehegratehn Opecathomes. 103. ( 7:. Id.) -‘

Vohumntary Orgmmmmizatlomis In ahnl of iine SIck and Woumichml. Report of theCentral British, ItemS CrossCommittee en. 1902. 3:. (2:. Set.)

Special Reserve (seealssROTmANCne n ExAOIINA’rIoN; REsmintv~)Ilegmmlat-fomms for Officers of th,e Shecchmel Reserve of Officers, and to? the

Special Reseree. 1911. 4d. (Id.)Scimenue for thee Provision,, Organization, amid Trainning of the Special

- Reservereqmnired to smnlelmlen,ennt this Regular Army, and the Applica-tion of ‘Sine Scinemne to tue e’mhstuimg Militia. (Spe-chal A.O., Dee. 23,

- 11(01). 3d. (Id.) -

Staff Oohlege(Camberley) Regulations. 1920. it. (let.)Stations of Units of time Regular Forces, MilitIa, Special Reserve,ansi

TerrItorial Force. Quarterly mmp to So. 43, Jmniy 1911. Rachn 38. (Icf.)- (~5mdese5mnesmfpnmhmltcrmhisn smnspendeet)-

Statutes relating to the ¶Var Oillcs and to tIne Army. isso. Is. (Is, 9d.)


Page 90: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

IIILJTAUF nOOKS,pinbushedbyAuihority—conitjnu~.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Statutory Powers of the Secretaryof State,OrdInanceBranch, 1879. is.(3-?. Pd.)

Steam Engines and Boilers, and Gas and Oil Engines. Is~nn.agement of. Notes~inndMemoranda. 1911. 14. (14,)

Sudan Almanac. 1921. Conipilent in tile hmmtellhgermceDepartmemnt,Cairo.AstronnomicalCalculatIonsmadein tins (ionmpnitatinjnOffice Of theSurveyDepartment,R~yptlanSiimil~tryof Fimnasmce. (In One press)

Sudan. The British Force in the. StnnnnetimmgOrmters. 1914, 9d. (let.)Sudan. The Anglo-Egyptian. A compennmhiunnpreparedicy Officersof

theSuntanGovern,,nentn— -

Vel. I. Ueogrmnpinical, Descriptive, and hlistoricai (me’ith AIy/ety-fncoIllusirahisns.) 105. (7:. ad.)

Vol. II. Routes. Is. tint. (Is. It.) (Not csmmtaining Chapter i’ll.Ssm,rplcmsment(A).)

- Do. In SeparateChapters. 15, (lOn?.) eachI. and II,, Nil, III. North.h(asteri,Smndamn. IV. EasternSm,elam,V. Central Sudan. VI. South-EasternSnda~.VU. Bahir-el.~0hnazal. Vi hi. ICorntofsn. IX, Nortl,-Westeri,Suminfl.

Do, ChapterVII. Supplement(A). lSa)nr-eh-Ohazal. AmldlthonaiRoutes, Is. (Joe?.) -

SudanCampaign. 1(lstoryofthe.Twoparts,a,,dMaps.1890. 11:. (1(05.114.)tiupply manual (War). 1909. Cd. (Cd.)Supply, Re-organized System of, aind of ctsumuumuitiunmSnnpply of tine.

lmcxpenlhthonmtryForceIn War, coimseqsneimton time introciencilon nnf MechanicalTransport. MemorandmsniexplainningtIne. FeIm. 1912. in?. (14.1

Supply Transport, and BarraclcServices. Regulations. 1915, Cd. (64.)Surveying. Topographical and Geographical. Teit llools of.

SeconelFiditiom,. 1913. 75,Cd. (Is. lid.)Do. 1905. AppendixXI. TablesfortheProjectionof Oraticulesfor Sqmnaree

of 1’ sIdeon Scale of I 250,000,aunt for Squaresof 4°side 0mm Scaleof 1: 125.004);with otherTablesusediii ProjectIngMaps, 4c1. (4d.)

Do. 1905. Appesmdlx XII. Taimles for the Projectionof Graticuhes forMapson the Scaleof 1 i 1,000,000. 1910. 3d. (74,)

Tactical Rides and Tours on the Ground. This hnreparation and Con’duct of. Translatedfrom theGerman. Is. let. (Is, let.)

Tank Training. Vol. 1. - (In the press)Do. Vol. II. (In (hepress)

Telegraphyand Telephony. Army. Instructions ln~—.Vmml. I. inistrun,es,ts, 11(014. (Ileprinteml,with, CorrectIons,1914), is. (It.

(Is. (0l.(Vol. II. Lines. 1909. (lieprhntn’ni,with CorrectIons,1914). Is. - (hid.)

Do, RevisedClnapterI. Field Cables. ProvisIonal, Id. (1,1,)Do. Annenmdm~nt,April 1918. RevIsedparis. (17. 1sf. (It.)

Territorial Force. (SeesitesEQUIPMENTannd I(x.iMueA-i-Ios)Cadet Infantry Training. llfnnnnualof. (hi (hepress)CadetList. A List of CadetUnits wimich howereceivedOfficIal Re-ccsguu.

thuD uptoDec.35,1910, Cs (4uSd.)Cadet ‘Units in the British Isles. Regulationsgoverning the

FormatIon. Organization,and Administrationof. 1914. (Reprinted,with AnnendoneutsIns Army Ordersto M~rel,1, 1818.) in?. (In?.)


Page 91: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

.VILITAEF BOOKS, pmnbiisheetby Asmthsrity—conthnued.

(A~to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

Territorial Force—csn(~nee~t.Field Kits. Officersammd Men. let. (let.) -

Hospitals, General, of the. Ilegmilemticmnis for. 1012. On?. (3d.)medical Corps, Royal Army. Syhlaicnisof Trahmihmmg. 11(14. it. (Jet.)Mobilization of a Territorial Infantry ]lattalion. (Repr(snfeet

front Tue ARMY lIItVIKeV, July lOll), Ic?, (3d.)Nursing Service. StmnnehinmgOcders. 1912, (ReprInted,with Ameniel.

mernts, 1911). Ic?, (let.)See 0(50 IIosn’nTu.s ~cmetNmxmtstsnS~mnvscnt,

Pay Duties during Embodiment. lnatrenctionsIi,, Id. (24.)Regulations for the (including theTerritorial ForceReserve),

and for County Associations. 1912. (Iteprhnteci,with Amemnmi-memntslnmmhetlshmech inn Arnny Ordersto 11cc. I, 1914). tie?. (ml.)

Voluntary Aid:— -

Schemefor theOrganizatIonof, in Finglandand ~Vales. Peg.2910.- (Oenfofpr?nt)

Do. do., Amemmeimnents. in!. (let.)Do., in, Scotlanmmi. Oct.lOll. Oct. (3d,) -

Do, do., Aonenelmnnemnts. Id. (let.)Tractor Trials held by tinellxperinnentntlSuh-Oomnnnitteeof this Mechanical

TramnspecrtComnnnnnitheem.tn~le1emslnotSept. anneiOct. 1903. lteportoii. lie?, (Set.)TrainIng and Mannnuvre Regulations, 1913, Itt. (Set.)Transport, Mechanical:—

heavy lkcn,toomm lJrheige imcr moe by. 1914. Provisional. 3d. (24.)Itcgulatiozmsfor lime Ai’poirntmentollnsps-ctom’sof. let. (let.)

Transport. Pack. Noteeon. (Reprlntod,withnAnnenmimrments,1915). Id. (In!,)Troops. See Momjxpei, nine? Ntrstmnen,Trumpetand Bugle Soundsfor tine Army. Will, instrnnetlosnsfor the

Trauiiimng of TremmpetersamnelIluglers. 19)4. Id. (Sd.)Do. Amcnm’mnnimmments,Jmmly JOlT, ice?. (It!.)

TypeExercises. .8cc Sciioo~~.Typhoid (Anti—) Committee. Report. lOll. 2s.lid. (Is, lId.)Typhoid (Anti-) Inoculation Committee. Report on fllwmnh Olnsrnges

followimmg clypinoid Inoculailon. 11(05, Is.Cd. (Is.3d,)U’rdu.English Primer. Fortimeuseof ColonIalArtillery. 1899. iSs. (105,2d.)Valise Equipment. Instructionsfor Fitting, Banmdohiorpattern, 1003.

24. (24.) Seeaiss IinlUIPSrCNr,Valparaiso. TheCaptureof, in 1891, 15. (104.) -

- VenerealDisease.SeeMedIcal Services. -

VeterinaryCorps, Army. StandingOrders. 1906. 4d. (4d.)Veterinary Manual (War). 1915.- let (it.)Veterinary Services. Army. Itegsiiations. 1006. (Reprinted, with,

Amem,mlnneimt-a10Dec.11,1917). 3d. (let.)Voluntary Aid. SeeTeasuroanAn.PumicE.Volunteer Acts, 18e13, 18cM), 1895, 1897, and 1900, except where repealemi.

Reprintoft Extractsfrom liegmnientlos,of theForcesActs,187iaind1881,isneiReserveForcesAct, 1890; and Orshers in Couiichl of Feb. 5, i87~,let. (let.)

VolunteerLIst. Oct. lOll. it. del. (is. 3d,) I- (32)

Page 92: Gun Drill 9.2in BL Howitzer Mark II

MILITARY BOOKS. pinbhshidby Authsr(ty—conthinued.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 2.)

WarGra’5’°5Commission. Imperial

Graves of the FaUen. Descniletivo Acconnnt, lny Sir. hinmclSannlRhichimeg,of the Syork mci lime C’eennmnniisclonm; III mnstrat-ionms,icyMr. DouglasmJnncpber5em~~,slmowlmngtheeCemeteriesamnel Mvmmmonials astlney will alel,m’ar

wlmcmn conepletoci. (3d. ((Id.)-W’ar Graves. llow tIne CemeterIes Aicremad wIll teeDesigned. Report

inS’ Licnnt.UOlomnmel Sir Fxn�miericKonnyonm, K.C.1I., DIrector of theBritish?lnnsetmm. Nov. 14, 1918. 3d, - (3d.)

War of 1914.18:—~ etches(Naval 5Ui

1Military) relmithingto OperationsIn timeWarI. Sept..Oct., snd Nemv. 191-I. Withe List of hionours sine) Rewards

Conferred With SketclnMap. Id. (3d.)II. NoV. 11(14 to June1015. Witln Namesot Ohi’ncersi~cittionedcmind

Awards(ef tIneVictoriaCreess. Set. (ml.)III. July tenOct. 191.1 WIt-In Nanniesof Oiilcerm,ammei Sic,, mennthoneml,and

Awardsof theVictoriaCross. :0, (let.) -

~ Dec. II, 1915. Frmmm tienmershSir Imimn hlamnslltomn,(1.0,11.,descrileingtine OperationsIn tho Uallilcoli Pennlmnsnnha,innclumihimg the Lamnmilnigmit Snnvlaflay. 3d. (Oct.)

y, Jar’. to April 191)3. WhlIn Namesof Offl~ersannni Mennnenntloned,an,niAwardsof the Victmmnhmi Cross. lid. (met.)

Vi. May to Dcc. 1916. With Namesof Ofilcers annel Mon Awarnleni tIneVicte,nimo Cross. Is. (Is)

Vji. lice. 1916(0,Jmnly 11(17. WihIn Nannesof OilIcere anne) Men, awardedtine Victoria Cross. Jet. (3d.)

Till. Jnly 1911 to lumen, 1918. With’ Names mel Officers anne) Mein awmormlm,mitimo VictoriaCross. is. (Is.)

IX. J,nly tm Dcc. 1918. WItln Namnnesof Officerssnel Men AwardedtheVictoriaCross. Sd. (114.)

x. Jam,. 1911 to Jam,.1920. With Nmemesot Officers and Men awardee)the VictorIa Cross. Is. (is. 1(d)

pnuliament’tS Vote of Thanks to the Forces. Spoecinesdelivered Inn theIimcmnOesof Patliamnemit,Westminster.00 Oct. 20, 1017. let.~(lt.)

war omce List, and Administrative Directory for tinme liritisin~

0tdIcy Herr-irons4e Soinc,LId,, 41—47, St. ilar(ien’s Lnnne, I)’. C. :i.

Manual. le,Cd. (Is. 4d.)r Work In Mahinlahmnbngtine ln,clusinlcsandIn’xIeo,-t TradeofKingdom- Innfornnnation oiticlally cornlciled for tine use of

- Officers, Silhlbmnry llepreoentnntlvcs.arnel Tribunals. Sept. 1916.is. (is.)

(W’ar) 1913. l’ruvlslon,al. 4d. (let.); Appendix I.

-w’oun’às~f‘W’a~r. (ienernml l’rlnnciples guichlnngtine Treatnnentof, Co,,clu.5

ionsaduphenlicy the intcr’Allieml SurgicalConnierenicemeld in Paris,SIsrcha~dM”5’,l

917’ 3d. (Id.)

yeo1fl5~i”Vand Mounted Itille Training. PartsI andII. 1912. (Re~nfl eel,with Annenndment~,11(15). Cd. ((3d,)

Zulu War of 1879. Narrativeof time Field OperatlonmsoonI,ecteniwith the.j$81. IR,P7tst5d1907). Is. (2,. 44)

~iinndertheaUthnor1ty0fl1ns Mi..ncsrv’s Sr~t1onnlmrOh,stICE,harrIson,t Sons,Ltd., St.Martin’s Lane, London,W.C.2.