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The research field of sonification, asubset of the topic of auditory dis-play, has developed rapidly in recentdecades. It brings together interests

from the areas of data mining, exploratory dataanalysis, human–computer interfaces, and com-puter music. Sonification presents informationby using sound (particularly nonspeech), so thatthe user of an auditory display obtains a deeperunderstanding of the data or processes underinvestigation by listening.1

We define interactive sonification as the use ofsound within a tightly closed human–computerinterface where the auditory signal providesinformation about data under analysis, or aboutthe interaction itself, which is useful for refiningthe activity.

Here we review the evolution of auditory dis-plays and sonification in the context of comput-er science, history, and human interaction withphysical objects. We also extrapolate the trendsof the field into future developments of real-time,multimodal interactive systems.

Multimodal data analysisAs computers become increasingly prevalent

in society, more data sets are being collected andstored digitally, and we need to process these inan intelligent way. Data processing applicationsrange from analyzing gigabytes of medical datato ranking insurance customers, from analyzingcredit card transactions to the problem of moni-toring complex systems such as city traffic or net-

work processes. For the newer applications, thedata often have a high dimensionality. This hasled to two trends:

❚ the development of techniques to achievedimensionality reduction without losing theavailable information in the data, and

❚ the search for techniques to represent moredimensions at the same time.

Regarding the latter point, auditory displays offeran interesting complement to visual displays. Forexample, an acoustic event (the audio counter-part of the graphical symbol) can show variationin a multitude of attributes such as pitch, modu-lations, amplitude envelope over time, spatiallocation, timbre, and brightness simultaneously.

Human perception, though, is tuned toprocess a combined audiovisual (and often alsotactile and olfactory) experience that changesinstantaneously as we perform actions. Thus wecan increase the dimensionality further by usingdifferent modalities for data representation. Themore we understand the interaction of these dif-ferent modalities in the context of human activ-ity in the real world, the more we learn whatconditions are best for using them to present andinteract with high-dimensional data.

Interacting with musical interfacesThroughout history humankind has devel-

oped tools that help us shape and understand theworld. We use these in a close action-perceptionloop, where physical interaction yields continu-ous visual, tactile, and sonic feedback. Musicalinstruments are particularly good examples of sys-tems where the acoustic feedback plays an impor-tant role in coordinating the user’s activities.

The development of electronic musical instru-ments can shed light on the design process forhuman–machine interfaces. Producing an elec-tronic instrument requires designing both theinterface and its relationship to the sound source.This input-to-output mapping is a key attributein determining the success of the interaction. Infact, Hunt, Paradis, and Wanderley2 have shownthat the form of this mapping determineswhether the users consider their machine to bean instrument. Furthermore, it can allow (or not)the user to experience the flow3 of continuousand complex interaction, where the consciousmind is free to concentrate on higher goals andfeelings rather than the stream of low-level con-

20 1070-986X/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society

An Introductionto InteractiveSonification

Thomas HermannBielefeld University, Germany

Andy HuntUniversity of York, UK

Guest Editors’ Introduction

Page 2: Guest Editors' Introduction: An Introduction to Interactive Sonification

trol actions needed to operate the machine.Acoustic instruments require a continuous

energy input to drive the sound source. This neces-sity for physical actions from the human playerhas two important side effects: it helps to contin-uously engage the player in the feedback loop, andit causes continuous modulation of all the avail-able sound parameters because of the complexcross-couplings that occur in physical instruments.We can speculate whether this theory can beextrapolated to the operation of all computer sys-tems. Maybe because these are so often driven bychoice-based inputs (menus, icons, and so on) thatrely on language or symbolic processing ratherthan physical interaction, we have a world of com-puters that often fails to engage users in the sameway as musical instruments.

Another important aspect to consider is natu-ralness. In any interaction with the physicalworld, the resulting sound fed back to the user isnatural in the sense that it reflects a coherentimage of the temporal evolution of the physicalsystem. The harder a piano key is hit, the louderthe note (and its timbre changes also in a knownway). Such relations are consistent with everydayexperience, which means that people everywherewill inherently understand the reaction of a sys-tem that behaves in this way.

We argue that an interactive sonification sys-tem is a special kind of virtual musical instru-ment. It’s unusual in that its acoustic propertiesand behavior depend on the data under investi-gation. Also, it’s played primarily to learn moreabout the data, rather than for musical expres-sion. Yet it’s one that will benefit from the knowl-edge and interaction currency that humans havebuilt up over thousands of years of developingand performing with musical instruments.

Interactive sonification techniquesThe simplest auditory display conceptually is

the auditory event marker, a sound that’s playedto signal something (akin to a telephone ring).Researchers have developed the techniques ofauditory icons and earcons for this purpose,1 yetthey’re rarely used to display larger or completedata sets. Auditory icons and earcons are fre-quently used as direct feedback to an activity,such as for touching a number on an ATM key-pad or the sound widgets in computer interfaces.The feedback usually isn’t continuous but con-sists of discrete events.

Another common sonification technique isaudification, where a data series is converted to

samples of a sound signal. Many of the resultingsounds are played back without interruption,rather like listening to a CD track, and there’s nointeraction with the sound. We can, however,turn audification into an interactive sonificationtechnique by letting the user move freely back andforth in the sound file. This gives a user-controlledinstantaneous and accurate portrayal of the signalcharacteristics at any desired point in the data set.

A central sonification technique is parametermapping, where data (or data-driven) features aremapped to acoustic attributes such as pitch, tim-bre, brilliance, and so on. The high number ofacoustic attributes makes sonification a high-dimensional data display. In almost every sonifi-cation, some mapping occurs.

Concerning parameter mapping, interactivecontrol can play several roles: navigating throughthe data, adjusting the mapping on prerecorded



ril–June 2005

The Emergence of Interactive AuditoryDisplays

In recent years the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD)has been a forum for the exchange of ideas in auditory display research,and several papers have addressed the issue of interaction.1-4

In January 2004, we organized the first International Workshop onInteractive Sonification (ISon) at Bielefeld University. The workshop aimedat defining the factors that contribute to understanding the peculiaritiesand benefits of the interactive use of auditory display. The breadth ofresearch areas addressed by the participants, and the lively exchanges anddebates provided the encouragement for this special issue on interactivesonification. Some of the authors in this issue presented their work at theISon workshop, yet this issue also contains independently submitted arti-cles. More information about the workshop, and additional proceedings,are available at

References1. B. Zehner and S. Barrass, “Responsive Sonification of Well Logs,” Proc. Int’l

Conf. Auditory Display (ICAD 2000), ICAD, 2000;


2. M. Fernström and C. McNamara, “After Direct Manipulation—Direct

Sonification,” Proc. Int’l Conf. Auditory Display (ICAD 98), British Computer

Society, 1998;


3. E. Brazil et al., “Enhancing Sonic Browsing Using Audio Information

Retrieval,” Proc. Int’l Conf. Auditory Display (ICAD 2002), 2002, pp. 113-118;


4. D. DiFilippo and D.K. Pai, “Contact Interaction with Integrated Audio and

Haptics,” Proc. Int’l Conf. Auditory Display (ICAD 2000), Int’l Community for

Auditory Display, 2000, pp. 22-27;


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data, or molding the sonification of data in realtime. We can increase the interactivity in sonifi-cation techniques by including interactive con-trols and input devices to continuously movethrough the data set and control its transforma-tion into sound.

A relatively new framework for examining datausing sound is model-based sonification (MBS).4

Whereas in other techniques data attributes relateto sound parameters, in this framework, the dataare used for a dynamic system setup, which wecall a virtual data-driven object, or sonificationmodel. Think, for instance, of data-driven pointsforming a solid capable of vibration. Excitation,achieved by the user interacting with the model,is required to move the system from its state ofequilibrium. Damping and other energy lossmechanisms naturally cause the sonification tobecome silent without continuing interaction.Thus, interacting with sonification models hassimilar characteristics to interacting with physicalobjects such as musical instruments, and thushopefully inherits their advantageous properties.

In MBS, well-known, real-world acousticresponses (such as excitation strength scalingwith sound level) are automatically generated.This helps users intuitively understand how themodel is (and thus the data are) structured. MBSfurthermore integrates interaction—in the formof excitation—as a central constituent of the soni-fication model definition, and may be suitable forconstructing a large class of interactive sonifica-tions.5 The extension of MBS to other modalitiessuch as visual and haptic media may be coinedmodel-based exploration, and is a promising can-didate for multimodal data exploration.

In this issueThis special issue gives a taste of some of the

topics of interest in this emerging field, and willhopefully be an inspiration for cross-disciplinarytransfer.

Zhao et al. report on “Interactive Sonificationof Choropleth Maps.” The extension of visualmaps is not only interesting for blind people, italso inspires us to consider the extension of othervisual techniques into the auditory domain.

Fernström, Brazil, and Bannon present in theirarticle, “HCI Design and Interactive Sonificationfor Fingers and Ears,” an investigation of anaudio-haptic interface for ubiquitous computing.This highlights how human beings can use thesynergies between data presented in differentmodalities (touch, sound, and visual displays).

In their article, “Sonification of User Feedbackthrough Granular Synthesis,” Williamson andMurray-Smith report on the progress in thedomain of high-dimensional data distributions,one of the most appropriate applications of soni-fication. The concept of display quickening ishighly relevant for decreasing system latency andincreasing the display’s efficiency.

From a completely different angle, Effenbergdiscusses in his article, “Movement Sonification:Effects on Perception and Action,” the enhancedmotor perception in sports by using an auditorydisplay. Effects on perception and action arereported from a psychophysical study.

In “Continuous Sonic Feedback from a RollingBall,” Rath and Rocchesso demonstrate the use ofan interface bar called the Ballancer. Although thisinterface is not yet used to explore independentdata, it is an ideal platform for studying the inter-action at the heart of an auditory interaction loop.

Hinterberger and Baier present the Poser sys-tem in “Parametric Orchestral Sonification ofEEG in Real Time.” The electroencephalogram isan interesting type of signal for sonificationbecause it involves temporal, spectral, and spa-tial organization of the data.

Finally, in “Navigation with Auditory Cues ina Virtual Environment,” Lokki and Gröhn showhow sonification can enhance navigation andoperation in spaces that so far have only beenexplored visually.

Future research agendaInteractive perception implies that perceptu-

al functions depend on context, goals, and theuser’s interaction. While much research exists onhow auditory perception works,6 little is knownabout how humans integrate different modali-ties. Specifically, how does the user’s activityinfluence what is perceived? What requirementscan be stated generally to obtain optimal dis-plays, and how does this affect system design?

Multimodal interaction deals with how infor-mation should be distributed to different modal-ities to obtain the best usability. If there areseveral modalities in a system (such as control-ling a tactile display, seeing a visual display, andlistening to interactive sonification), which syn-chronizations are most important?

In addition, we need studies on the process-ing of interactive multimodal stimuli. We wouldexpect that the human brain and sensory systemare optimized to cope with a certain mixture ofredundant or disjointed information and that






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information displays are most effective whenthey follow this natural distribution. Model-based approaches might offer the chance to com-bine different modalities into a useful whole,both for display and interaction purposes, butthis needs further investigation.

We could also profit from a focus on userlearning in interaction. All aspects of learning aresubject to systematic analysis: the time involved,the maximum obtainable level, the engagementan interface is able to evoke, the effect of the sys-tem mapping, the effect of multimodal feedback,and so on. Interactive sonification faces the prob-lem that certain interfaces perform poorly at theoutset and may just need a longer learning peri-od, by which time they might outperform otherinterfaces that are easier to learn. User engage-ment is required to make it worthwhile for a userto continue practicing, and thus master the sys-tem to become an expert user. How can we con-trol and evaluate engagement in interactivedisplays?

Evaluating interactive sonification systems, ingeneral, is difficult. There are countless possibili-ties of realizing interactive auditory displays, soit’s difficult to argue why a specific display choicewas made. Some possible questions to beaddressed include

❚ How does a user’s performance compare to avisual-only solution?

❚ How does a user’s performance compare to anoninteractive solution?

❚ How rapidly is the solution (for example, pat-tern detection in data) achieved?

Currently, researchers of auditory displays oftenhave a battle on their hands to prove to theworld that audio needs to be used in interfaces inthe first place. This suggests the need for morecomparisons of interactive visual versus interac-tive auditory displays. Possibly, the better way ofthinking is to ask whether the addition of inter-active sound can improve a user’s performancein a combined audiovisual display.

A final research dimension concerns applica-tions. Interactive sonification will change theway that computers are used. Before GUIs andthe mouse were introduced, nobody would haveforeseen the great variety of graphical interac-tion techniques that exist today. Similarly,interactive sonification has the potential to

bring computing to a new level of naturalnessand depth of experience for the user.

ConclusionsThe more we study the ways that humans

interact with the everyday world, the more itbecomes obvious how our current computingtechnology uses an unbalanced subset of possi-ble interaction techniques. This article calls foran improved and more natural balance of real-time physical interactions and sonic feedback, inconjunction with other, more widely used, dis-play modalities. This will undoubtedly take manyyears of development, but will result in anenriched range of computing interaction modal-ities that more naturally reflect the use of oursenses in everyday life. As a result, humans willgain a much greater depth of understanding andexperience of the data being studied. MM

AcknowledgmentsMany individuals and institutions have con-

tributed to the creation of this special issue.We’re thankful for the support of the BielefeldUniversity (including the Neuroinformaticsresearch group) and all participants in theInteractive Sonification workshop for their fruit-ful contributions. We would like to express oursincere thanks to the reviewers for their goodwork. Finally, we thank everybody who support-ed this special issue, and in particular MagazineAssistant Alkenia Winston and Editor-in-ChiefForouzan Golshani.

References1. G. Kramer, ed., Auditory Display—Sonification,

Audification, and Auditory Interfaces, Addison-

Wesley, 1994.

2. A.D. Hunt, M. Paradis, and M. Wanderley, “The

Importance of Parameter Mapping in Electronic

Instrument Design,” J. New Music Research, vol. 32,

no. 4, 2003, pp. 429-440.



ril–June 2005

We call for an improved and

more natural balance of real-

time physical interactions and

sonic feedback.

Page 5: Guest Editors' Introduction: An Introduction to Interactive Sonification

3. M. Csikszentmihalyi, Beyond Boredom and Anxiety:

Experiencing Flow in Work and Play, Jossey Bass

Wiley, 2000.

4. T. Hermann, Sonification for Exploratory Data

Analysis, PhD thesis, Faculty of Technology,

Bielefeld Univ., Bielefeld, Feb. 2002.

5. T. Hermann, J. Krause, and H. Ritter, “Real-Time

Control of Sonification Models with an Audio-

Haptic Interface,” Proc. Int’l Conf. Auditory Display

(ICAD 2002), Int’l Community for Auditory Display,

2002, pp. 82-86.

6. A. Bregman, Auditory Scene Analysis: The Perceptual

Organization of Sound, MIT Press, 1990.

Thomas Hermann is a research

assistant in the Neuroinformatics

Group of the Faculty of

Technology, Bielefeld University.

His research interests focus on

interactive multimodal human–

computer interfaces and tech-

niques for sonification and multimodal data explo-

ration. Hermann has a Diplom in physics and a PhD in

computer science from Bielefeld University. He is a

member of the International Conference on Auditory

Display Board of Directors and is a delegate of the

European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and

Technical Research (COST 287) action on the control of

gestural audio systems (ConGAS).

Andy Hunt is a member of the

Media Engineering Research

Group in the Department of

Electronics at the University of

York. His research interests

include human–computer inter-

action, interactive sonification

systems, multimodal mapping techniques, and new

computer-based musical instruments (especially for

people with disabilities). Hunt has a BSc in electronics

and a PhD in music technology from the University of

York. He is chair of the working group on interactive

multimedia systems as part of the European

Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical

Research (COST 287) action on the control of gestural

audio systems (ConGAS).

Readers may contact Thomas Hermann at thermann@ and Andy Hunt at adh@ohm.

For further information on this or any other computing

topic, please visit our Digital Library at http://www.


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