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Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Weapons

Copyright © 2011 Adonai Training LLP. All rights reserved.

Presented by:Rebekah Seragih

Adonai Training LLP

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What we will be Talking about…

Effective social media marketing weapons

What are they

How to use them

When to use them

Putting it Together

Case studies

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Social Media Weapons

There are many social media marketing weapons out there.

As with any profession, guerrillas need tools to perform their trade. The same goes for a social media guerrilla.

You must select and master a set of guerrilla social media weapons that will help you to achieve your business and social media goals.

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Guerrilla Social Media Weapons

Hardware Tools

Software Tools

Social Networking

3rd Party Social Networking Application

Nano-Blogging Weapons

White Labeled Networks

Photo Sharing

Document Sharing

Audio & Video

Video SharingReal-Time

Social Media

Website & Blog Tools

WordPress & Weapons


Light Blogging Tools

Social Bookmarking

Digg Tribes & stumbleUpon


Mobile & Location Based


Intelligence Tools

Search & Engagement


Global Marketing


Google Weapons


Weapons of Very Near


25 Categories of Social Media Marketing Weapons & more than 100 weapons

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Use What You Have & Good In

Most guerrillas will use 10 or 15 of the weapons in their ongoing marketing campaigns.

It is not necessary to have all the tools or use all of them. Most importantly is to use what you have within your set budget and build up your tools as your marketing campaigns grow.

The success to all your marketing campaigns is to use the right combination of weapons and there is no one set of weapons that are good or right for all purposes.

Try different combinations to find what works best for you, your company and your customers.

Let us demonstrate…

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Basic Tools


•Notebook computer

•Digital Camera

•Video Camera

•Smartphone with a Data Plan


•Graphic & Photo Editing Software

•Microsoft Office

•Contact/Customer Relationship Management Software

•eDM software

Social Networking

•Facebook Profile

•Facebook Page

•LinkedIn Profile

Video Sharing


Nano-Blogging Weapons

•Twitter Profile

•Twitter Lists

•URL Shorteners

Website & Blog Tools



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Integrate them together….

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Putting Them Together






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Putting Them Together

Website – is the central hub of information containing all your customers need to know about you.

Blog – is your brand story headquarters. It is the best place to have conversations with the community. You update your blog weekly or daily with your personal brand story.

Facebook – is your engagement ground. Include photos, videos, personal and business information and anything that will help you establish trust and credibility. Give your fans a reason to talk to you or talk about you.

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Putting Them Together

Twitter – sets the tone for how status updates and nano-blogging are done. This is where you tell a story within 140 characters. People love stories so you tell the world about your brand, your passions, your community, what you love, and what you stand for. Use it for broadcasting stories.

LinkedIn – is a destination for professionals to meet and share trusted connections. This is the oldest & most respected social networking sites. Many senior executives, future employers and potential fusion partners will check you out in LinkedIn before doing business with you. This is where you build your professional networks.

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Putting It Together

YouTube – we market where your customers are. YouTube has several hundred million video views per day, your customers are most likely there. Many go to YouTube to search for information. Use it as a channel for teaching, training or simply sharing a knowledge about your company, products and services.

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Example – New Product Launch Workflow

Product Info

• Product Write-up

• Photographs of the various features

• Video on how to use the product

• Articles written about how to use the product


• Website – put all the product info into the website

• Post your articles in the blog

• Post the product video in YouTube


• Let your customers know through email (eDM system) or newsletter

• Tweet about the new product launch in Twitter & point the customers back to the website/blog

• Tweet about the video in YouTube on how to use it


• Run online campaigns to tell your customers about the new product in Facebook.

• Design activities that tell a story… E.g. a daily quiz on how to use it by pointing back to the features.

• Upload photos & design a tagging competition

• Share a Creative use Story contest on how to use the features & liking it

Form a Storyboard about the Product

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Putting it Together


INTEGRATIONOffline and Online marketingAppropriate online channels

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How It Is Done

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Success Stories

The Creme Brulee Man (Twitter)Food from street carts have become a foodie favorite for San Franciscans. Food carts travel from neighborhood to neighborhood, offering their delicacies to a range of local foodies. But without a set location, how do these carts let consumers know where they will be? Well, through Twitter of course. Curtis Kimball, the man behind the enormously popular CremeBrulee Cart in San Francisco, has quickly amassed over12,000 followers in a little over a year. He knows that most of his business comes from people who follow him on Twitter because Twitter is the only way you can find the cart’s location for the day, says Kimball, a former construction worker turned creme brulee expert. “It gives people a valid reason to follow me,” he says.The other use of Twitter for Kimball is to tell people what flavor of cremebrulee he is serving in a given day. And Kimball says that Twitter gives him the ability to develop a personal relationship with his followers and others. He says he tries to engage his followers by asking for suggestions of what type of custard to serve or where he should park his cart, and he always tries to keep things humorous.

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Success Stories

Joie De Vivre (Twitter, Facebook, Location Media, Deal Marketing)Joie De Vivre, a company that operates 33 luxury hotels in California is using a variety of social media platforms to drive sales and marketing for its properties. Central to the hotel group’s strategy is disseminating deals and coupons to followers and fans on Facebook and Twitter. Every Tuesday, Joie De Vivre’s Twitter account will Tweet an exclusive deal to its nearly 10,000 followers. Followers have only hours to book the steeply discounted room rate. For example, this past Tuesday, it offered $79 rooms at the group’s Galleria Park Hotel in San Francisco in November and December. The company also operates similar deals for its 5,000-plus Facebook fans on Fridays.

In less than a year, Joie De Vivre has booked over 1,000 room nights through these types of deals—rooms that otherwise would have stayed empty. The company has also started a partnership with coupons site Mobile Spinach to offer coupons for the group’s restaurants. And the company has partnered with Foursquare to offer deals for check-ins at its various restaurants. In terms of flash sales, Joir De Vivre has done a number of deals with travel sites like Gilt’s Jetsetter as well as RueLaLa, and Nadeau says these deals have done moderately well.

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About The Author

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Rebekah Seragih

A Business and Marketing Strategist in her own rights, Rebekah has beenoffering consultancy advices on business strategy, marketing, training,operations, crisis management and change management to MNCs,governments and businesses for more than 15 years. She has beeninvolved in major international projects amounting more than US$30million. As the pioneer Strategists in Asia in her field, one of herachievements is the design and engineering the first touch screen ATMmachine in Asia and implementing it throughout Asia and Europe with oneof the international bank. She has also strategized and designed the world’scredit card merchant tracking system that resulted in merchant credit cardfraud management.

Rebekah has conducted seminars, workshops and trainings to audience allover the world which includes corporations, business owners,governments, and financial institutions. For the past 8 years, she has herpassion in building schools in developing countries for the poor makingeducation available to the needy and orphans. She is also involved inselective charity programs round the globe.

Looking to do much more, she has engineered her own holding companywith a special focus on being a social entrepreneur in all the niche businessstart--ups under the holding group to make a difference in the lives ofothers.

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About Adonai Training

Adonai is a leading training and online media consultancy company in Asia. Led by amateurprofessionals, our corporate and public training arm you with the latest knowledge, toolsand skills to make you a success. Our training includes online marketing media, socialmedia, branding, management, training, professional certification, entrepreneur start-upprograms, and etc.

Our foremost consulting authority on business strategy, social media, digital media, onlinespace, creative marketing and branding helps Brands & Organizations create customizedand unique social media and business solutions. Our clients range from major brands,government agencies, business owners, small-to-medium size companies to financialinstitutions. Our consulting services include:

Social Media Strategy & PlanningSocial Media Marketing & EngagementSocial Media MonitoringContents Generation & Article WritingOnline Campaign Creation & ManagementOnline analyticsWebsite and Micro-site development such as corporate blogMobile ApplicationSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) & SEO Copywriting

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Connect with Us….

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Rebekah Seragih[E]: [email protected][W]:[FB]:[TW]:

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