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Page 1: Group presentation

Jess Bird, Charlie Farnham & Meg Oakley

Page 2: Group presentation

We decided to make an indie romantic comedy as we felt these were aimed at our age range.

We researched different genres and decided that we would work well on an Indie genre film.

We also wanted the chance to challenge the usual image of a

male protagonist.

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We watched films of the same genre such as; Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Knocked up and Love Actually to get a feel for the characters and storylines

We then watched the movies trailers; teasers and full length versions so that we could get a better understanding of the content that was included. We realised that it was important not to include the entire story line as this takes away the desire to watch the film.

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This is our favourite trailer that we looked at. Forgetting Sarah Marshall was one of our main films that we focused on, as it is the swapped roles of men and women that we wanted to challenge.

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We have used different locations around the Chew Valley area including the local bowling club that we transformed into a restaurant ; to avoid back ground noise and interruptions from real dinners, for the dating scene.

We then used the outside of a cafe to show the two main characters on a date as we are putting music of the clip we did not have to worry about back ground noise from cars and passers by. This shot helps to create a sense of reality.

We also used Megs front room for Jem house, so we have the sequences in different places. I feel that these locations would fit in well with our film.

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The mis-en-scene in our film is important, as our film is naturalistic so we needed to create a believable atmosphere. We did this through everyday locations and clothing.

The music we used is non diegetic but in fitting with the genre of the film i.e

live lounge versions of songs, as we felt that these versions of the songs were more indie.

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We have used music effectively to cover a scene in the movie that previously had been a trouble due to background noise.

We have used music to enhance emotions.

We had to film the date scene at night in a restaurant meaning we had to contend with lighting issues. We solved this by adding candle light to the tables and using all the house lights.

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We have planned on using a over the shoulder, mid shot on the break up scene to create the impression that someone is listening into the conversation.

We have used a pan during the date scene to create the scene.

We are planning on using a three way spilt screen that focuses on three actors walking towards the camera as the camera eventually merges into one in an extreme close up. This is to show the characters united descions.

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It has helped create a coherent film with an understandable narrative.

It has helped us to develop our ideas by giving us the chance to create non-naturalistic. We have also attempted some hard edits to show

Our range of talents, this Should come across in The trailer.

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Our target audience is mixed, we have mainly targeted at females as we feel that they will relate to break-ups in the emotional way, where as men don’t have the emotional side. Although our main character is male we feel that we will attract the male audience, as they will find the humour funny. We feel that our age range is from 15-25 year olds as they will be able to related to the matters more than older or younger years.