  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Group One Presents:

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System



    y Contributes to homeostasis by providing for theexchange of gases oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmospheric air, blood, and tissue

    cells.y It also helps adjust the pH of body fluids.

    y Produces sounds


    Moves air over the sensory receptors that detectsmell

    y Protects against some microorganism

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    y refers to the overall exchange of gasesbetween the atmosphere, blood & cells

    y Respiration involves 3 processes:

    Pulmonary ventilation

    Gas exchange

    External respiration

    Internal respiration

    Gas transport

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Anatomy Overview

    y According to Structure:

    (1) Upper respiratory system nose, pharnyx, associatedstructures

    (2) Lower respiratory system larynx, trachea, bronchi,lungs

    y According to Function:

    (1) Conducting Zone interconnecting cavities and tubes

    both outside & within the lungs that filter, warm, andmoisten air and conduct it into the lungs

    (2) Respiratory Zone tissues within the lungs where gasexchange occurs

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    Anatomy Overview

    Nasal cavity









    Alveolar duct


    The respiratory tract includes:Nose (nasal cavity) Pharynx(nasopharynx, oropharynx,laryngopharynx) Larynx TracheaBronchi (primary, secondary (lobar),tertiary (segmental) BronchiolesTerminal bronchioles RespiratorybronchiolesAlveolar ductsAlveoli

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    y ExternalNose supporting framework of bone &hyaline cartilage covered with muscle & skin and linedby a mucous membrane.

    y Bony Framework frontal bone, nasal bone, maxillaey Cartilaginous Framework septal cartilage, lateral nasal

    cartilage, alar cartilage

    y Two openings external nares or nostrils

    y 3 Functions: (1) warming, moistening, & filtering air; (2)detecting olfactory stimuli; (3) modifying speechvibrations

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    InternalNose is lined with muscle and mucousmembrane

    y Anteriorly, it merges with external nose & posteriorly itcommunicates with pharynx through two openingscalled internal nares or choanae

    y Ducts from paranasal sinuses and the nasolacrimalducts also open into the internal nose.

    y The space within the internal nose is called the nasalcavity.

    y Vestibule is the anterior part of the nasal cavity justinside the nostril is surrounded by cartilage

    y Nasal septum divides nasal cavity into right & left side

    y Conchae increases the surface area of nasal cavity

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    Pharnyxy Or throat, is a funnel-shaped tube about 13 cm (5 in)

    long that starts at the internal nares and extends to the

    level of cricoid cartilagey Functions as passageway for air and food, provides a

    resonating chamber for speech sound, and houses thetonsils

    y3 region: (1) nasopharnyx, (2) oropharynx, and(laryngopharnyx)

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    y Nasopharynx has 5 openings it its wall. The posteriorwall also contains the pharyngeal tonsil. It is lined withpseudo ciliated columnar epithelium.

    y Oropharynx has only 1 opening (fauces). It has bothrespiratory and digestive functions. It is lined w/ non

    keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. 2 pairs oftonsils (palatine & lingual) are found in oropharynx.

    y Laryngopharynx (hypopharynx) opens into theesophagus (food tube) posteriorly and the larynx

    anteriorly. It is also both a respiratory and digestivepathway and is line by nonkeratized stratifiedsquamous epithelium.

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    Larynxy Or voice box, is a short passageway that connects the

    laryngopharynx with the trachea.

    y Located just below the pharynx and is composed of 9pieces of cartilage.

    y Vocal cords 2 short elastic tissue bands, covered withmucous membrane, that stretch across the interior of thelarynx.

    y Muscles that attach to the larynx cartilages can pull onthese cords and increase the tension higher pitchedsound. When they relax less tension and a lower pitchedsound.

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    LarynxAir passageway made of 9 pieces of cartilage (1) Thyroid cartilage, (1) Epiglottis, (1)Cricoid cartilage, (2) Arytenoid, (2) Corniculate, (2) Cuneiform

    A.K.Ayour voicebox because it contains the vocal cords

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    Arytenoid, corniculate &cuneiform cartilages attach to upper (false)vocal folds & lower (true)

    vocal cords

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    Tracheay or windpipe, is a tubular passageway for air that is

    about 12 cm (5 in) long and 2.5 cm (1 in) in diameter.

    y located anterior to the esophagus and extends fromlarynx to the superior border of the fifth thoracic

    vertebra(T5), where it divides into right and leftprimary bronchi

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    Tracheay Layers of Trachealwall

    y Mucosa

    y Consists of an epithelial layer of pseudostratified ciliatedcolumnar epithelium and an underlying layer of laminapropria that contains elastic and reticular fibers.

    y It provides the same protection against dust as the membranelining the nasal cavity and larynx.

    y Submucosa

    y Consists of areolar connective tissue that contains seromucous

    glands and their ductsy The seromucous gland secretes a combination of water and

    mucus to the luminar surface of the trachea through narrowducts. The mucus adds to that secreted by the goblet cells.

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    Trach ay Hyaline cartilage

    y C-shaped cartilages

    y the trachealis muscle, a transverse smooth muscle fibers stabilizethe open ends of the cartilage rings.

    y The solid C-shaped cartilage rings provide a semirigid supportso that the tracheal wall does not collapse inward (especially

    during inhalation)y Adventitia

    y Consists of areolar connective tissue that joins the trachea tosurrounding tissues.

    y Tracheotomy- an operation to make an opening intothe trachea

    y Intubation- a tube is inserted into the mouth or noseand passed inferiorly through the larynx and trachea.

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    Tough but flexible windpipe, anteriorto esophagus

    attached to cricoid cartilage (at aboutC6vertebral level) & ends withinmediastinum by branching into left &right primary bronchi (at T5 vertebrallevel)

    End of trachea known as Carina


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    Bronchiy Trachea divides into right and left primary

    (extrapulmonary) bronchi.

    y On entering the lungs the bronchi becomethe intrapulmonarybronchi.

    y The left bronchus divides into two lobar bronchialbranches, the right - into three lobar bronchialbranches.

    y The lobar bronchi of the left lung give rise toeight segmental bronchi, in right lung - toten segmental bronchi.

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    Trachea splits into a left & right

    primary bronchuswhich enters intothe hilus of each lung

    Within the lung, the primarybronchi branch into secondary(lobar) bronchi (3 in right lung/2 in

    left lung) Secondary bronchi then branchinto 10 tertiary (segmental) bronchi

    Tertiary bronchi then continue tobranch into smaller & smaller

    bronchi & then into very narrowbronchioles

    This branching patterns createsthe bronchial tree

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Bronchiy Changes in Airway:y As you go further down into the bronchial tree of each

    lung, changes in the airway occur:

    increased number of airways (1 primary; 2 or 3 secondary;

    10 tertiary bronchi;6

    000 terminal bronchioles; millions ofalveolar ducts)

    decreased diameter of each airway

    decreased amount of cartilage in the airways (no cartilageat all by terminal bronchioles)

    increased amount of smooth muscle (relative to diameter)

    lining epithelium changes from PSCC simple squamousepithelium (in alveoli)

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Lungsy are paired cone-shaped organs in the thoracic cavity. They

    are separated from each other by the heart and thestructure mediastinum.

    y It consist of airways (trachea and bronchi)that divide into smaller and smaller branches untilthey reach the air sacs, called alveoli. The airwaysconduct air down to the alveoli where gas exchangetakes place.

    y The main function of the lungs is to provide continuous gasexchange between inspired air and the blood in thepulmonary circulation, supplying oxygen and removingcarbon dioxide, which is then cleared from the lungs bysubsequent expiration.

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    Lungsy Secondary (lobar) bronchi and the left primary

    bronchus give rise to superior and inferior secondary(lobar) bronchi. Within the lung the secondarybronchi give rise to the tertiary (segmental) bronchi,

    which is constant in both origin and distribution.y Alveoli is a cup-shaped out pouching lined by simple

    squamous ephithelium and supported by a thin elasticbasement membrane an alveolar sac consist of two ormore alveoli consist of two types of alveolar epithelialcells. The more numerous type I alveolar cells thatform a nearly continuous lining of the alveolar wall.Type II alveolar cells are called septal cells.

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    Lungs- Anatomical Features

    Apex extends 1 above clavicle

    Base rests on diaphragm

    Rightlung Left



    Middle lobe





    Superior lobe

    Inferior lobe

    Oblique fissure

    Cardiac notch

    Hilus atmedial surface;where primary bronchus,pulmonary artery & veinsenter/exit lung

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    Each lung has a primarybronchus entering at the hilus

    Each lobe of a lung has asecondary(a.k.a. lobar)bronchus

    Lobes are functionally dividedinto bronchopulmonarysegments & each segment has atertiary(segmental) bronchus

    Segments are functionallydivided into manylobules &each lobule receives a terminalbronchiole

    Airways within Lungs

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System



    Alveoli are expandedchambers of epithelial tissuethat are the exchangesurfaces of the lungs

    There are about 150 million

    alveoli in each lung

    Multiple alveoli usuallyshare a common alveolarduct, creating alveolar sacs

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    There are three types of cells foundwithin alveoli:

    Alveolar Squamous epithelial(aka type I) cells primary cellsmaking up the wall of the alveoli

    Septal (aka type II) cells sectrete surfactant to reducesurface tension which preventsalveoli from sticking together &allows for easier gas exchange

    Alveolar macrophages (aka dustcells) phagocytic cells thatremove dust, debris & pathogens

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    ul ary V tilati

    y Is the exchange (movement) of gases betweenthe atmosphere & lungs; movement of gases

    occurs because of pressure differences between theatmosphere (atmospheric pressure (Po)) & lungs(intrapulmonic pressure (Pi))

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Pulmonary entilation

    y Two phases of ventilation:


    active process involving contraction of diaphragm &external intercostal muscles


    normally passive due to relaxation of above muscles

    can be made active (forced expiration) due tocontraction of abdominals & internal intercostalmuscles

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    Pulmonary entilation

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Lung V lume and Capacitiesy Tidal volume- the volume of one breathy Minute ventilation- the total volume of inhaled and

    exhaled each minute- is respiratory rate multiplied bytidal volume:

    y MV=

    12 breaths/min x 5000 mL/breath=6 liters/min

    y Alower than normal minute ventilation usually is asign of pulmonary malfunction

    y Spirometer/respirpmeter- apparatus commonly

    used to measure the volume of air exchanged duringbreathing and the respiratory rate. The record is calledthe spinogram.y Inhalation is recorded as an upward deflection, and

    exhalation is recorded as a downward deflection.

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Lung olume and a acitiesyAnatomic (respiratory) dead space- conducting

    airways with air that does not undergo respiratoryexchange

    yAlveolar ventilation rate- is the volume of air per

    minute that actually reaches the respiratory zone.y Inspiratory reserve volume- additional inhaled air

    y About 3100 mL in an average adult male and 1900 mL in anaverage adult female

    y Expiratory reserve volume- additional exhaled air.

    y Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV ), thevolume of air that can be exhaled from the lungs in 1second with maximal effort following a maximalinhalation.

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    Lung olume and a acities

    y Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV ), thevolume of air that can be exhaled from the lungs in 1second with maximal effort following a maximalinhalation.

    y Residual volume-volume which cannot be measuredby spirometry. This amounts to about 1200 mL inmales and 1100 mL in females.

    y Minimal volume- provides a medical and legal toolfor determining wheter a baby is born dead(stillborn)or died after birth.

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    Lung olume and a actiesy Lung capacities are combinations of specific lung


    y Inspiratory capacity- is the sum of tidal volume andinspiratory reserve volume

    y Functional residual capacity- is the sum of residualvolume and expiratory reserve volume

    y Vital capacity- is the sum of inspiratory reservevolume, tidal volume and expiratory reserve volume

    y Totallung capacity- is the sum of vital capacity andresidual volume

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Gas Exchange

    y The exchange of gases (O2 & CO2) between the alveoli& the blood occurs by simple diffusion: O2 diffusingfrom the alveoli into the blood & CO2 from the blood

    into the alveoli.D

    iffusion requires a concentrationgradient. So, the concentration (or pressure) of O2 inthe alveoli must be kept at a higher level than in theblood & the concentration (or pressure) ofCO2 in thealveoli must be kept at a lower lever than in the blood.

    We do this, of course, by breathing - continuouslybringing fresh air (with lots of O2 & little CO2) intothe lungs & the alveoli.

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Gas Exchangey Breathing is an active process - requiring the

    contraction of skeletal muscles. The primary musclesof respiration include the external intercostal muscles(located between the ribs) and the diaphragm (a sheetof muscle located between the thoracic & abdominalcavities).

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Gas Exchange External respiration - the diffusion of O2 & CO2 between the alveoli &blood across the respiratory membrane

    occurs because of pressure differences of each gas within alveolar air &pulmonary (deoxygenated) blood

    results in creation of oxygenated blood

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Gas Exchange Internal respiration the diffusion of O2 & CO2 between the blood &

    interstitial fluid across the endothelium of systemic capillaries occurs because of pressure differences of each gas between systemic(oxygenated) blood & interstitial fluid

    results in creation of deoxygenated blood

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Gas Trans ort - O2y The process by which oxygen is absorbed in the lungs

    by the hemoglobin in circulating deoxygenated redcells and carried to the peripheral tissues. The processis made possible because hemoglobin has the ability to

    combine with oxygen present at a high concentration,such as in the lungs, and to release this oxygen whenthe concentration is low, such as in the peripheraltissues.

    y Oxygen does not dissolve easily in water so only about1.5% of inhaled 02 is dissolved in blood plasma whichis mostly water. About 98.5% of blood 02 is bound tohemoglobin in red blood cell.

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Gas Trans ort - O2y The important principle to remember is that oxygen is

    needed by the cell and that carbon dioxide is producedas a waste product of the cell. Carbon dioxide must be

    expelled from the cells and the body.y The lungs serve to exchange the two gases in the

    blood. Oxygen enters the blood from the lungs andcarbon dioxide is expelled out of the blood into the


    he blood serves to transport both gases.Oxygen is carried to the cells. Carbon dioxide is carriedaway from the cells.

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Gas Trans ort - O2 During external respiration O2 diffuses across respiratory membrane into

    blood plasma

    The majority of O2 (98.5%) then immediately diffuses into RBCs & binds(loosely) to the iron (Fe+3) in hemoglobin for transport

    only 1.5% is transported freely dissolved within plasma

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Gas Trans ort O2 During internal respiration CO2 diffuses from interstitial fluid into plasma

    Only 7% ofCO2

    remains in plasma for transport, the rest diffuses into RBCs

    Within RBCs 23% binds to the globin proteins of hemoglobin (Hb)(carbaminohemoglobin)

    Most (70%) ofCO2 gets converted within RBCs to bicarbonate ions (HCO3-)

    CO2 + H2O H2CO3 (carbonic acid) HCO3- + H+

    HCO3- diffuses out to plasma (as Cl- diffuses in); the H+ attach to Hb tomaintain normal plasma pH (so plasma does not become too acidic)

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Control of Res irationy The 2 most important control centers are in the

    medulla and are called the inspiratory and expiratorycenters.

    y Breathing can be voluntary to a point, howeverCO2levels are much more powerful in controlling

    respiration than conscious control. Ex. breath holdingand hyperventilation.

    y Activities of respiratory centers modified by sensoryinformation from mechanoreceptorsy Stretch receptors

    y Pressure (baro)receptors

    y Chemoreceptors

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Control of Res irationUnconscious control of breathing occurs through the activity of therespiratory centers of the brain

    Medulla oblongata Rhythmicity center controls basic pattern ofbreathing; inhale 2 seconds, exhale 3 seconds

    Pons has 2 centers (apneustic & pneumotaxic centers) that canunconsciously modify the rate & depth of respiration

    Respiratory centers can be influenced bymechanoreceptors (i.e. stretch receptors inlungs) & chemoreceptors (sensitive toarterial pH, CO2 & O2 levels) in the body,

    as well as by higher brain centers

  • 8/4/2019 Group 1: Respiratory System


    Leader: Arroyo,Alyssa Marie

    Members: DelaCruz, Sherlyn

    Flores, Jonah Liza

    Bercero, Bernardino

    De Ocampo, Myra

    Grou I
