


Reddam House Constantia

2015 Prelim Exam Time Table

Subject Start End

Day 0 Thursday 13-Aug-15

IEB Dance Pracs 09:00 14:00

Day 1 Saturday 15-Aug-15

Design 09:00 12:00

Day 2 Monday 17-Aug-15

Music PI 09:00 12:00

Inf Technology PII (Practical) 09:00 12:00

CAT PII (Practical) 09:00 12:00

Music PII 14:00 15:30

Day 3 Tuesday 18-Aug-15

History PII 09:00 11:00

Day 4 Wednesday 19-Aug-15

Mathematical Literacy PII 09:00 12:00

AP Mathematics PI 09:00 11:00

AP Mathematics PII 12:00 13:00

Day 5 Thursday 20-Aug-15

Afrikaans PI (Reading) 09:00 11:30

Day 6 Friday 21-Aug-15

English PI (Reading) 09:00 12:00

Day 7 Saturday 22-Aug-15

AP English 09:00 12:00

Dance Studies 09:00 12:00

Day 8 Monday 24-Aug-15

Physical Science P1 09:00 12:00


Day 9 Tuesday 25-Aug-15

Dramatic Arts PI 09:00 12:00

French PI 09:00 11:00

Day 10 Wednesday 26-Aug-15

Mathematics PI 09:00 12:00

Day 11 Thursday 27-Aug-15

Geography PI 09:00 12:00

French PII 09:00 11:00

Inf Technology PI (Theory) 09:00 12:00

Geography PII 14:00 15:30

Day 12 Friday 28-Aug-15

English PII (Writing) 09:00 12:00

Day 13 Saturday 29-Aug-15

Accounting PI 08:00 10:00

Visual Arts 08:00 11:00

Accounting PII 11:00 13:00

Day 14 Monday 31-Aug-15

Life Sciences PI 09:00 12:00

CAT PI (Theory) 09:00 12:00

IEB German Oral at Abbotts 12:45 14:45

Day 15 Tuesday 01-Sep-15

Mathematics PII 09:00 12:00

Day 16 Wednesday 02-Sep-15

Afrikaans PII (Writing) 09:00 11:30

Day 17 Thursday 03-Sep-15

Physical Science PII 09:00 12:00


Day 18 Friday 04-Sep-15

Economics 09:00 12:00

German PI and PII 09:00 14:00

Day 19 Saturday 05-Sep-15

Life Sciences PII 09:00 11:00

Day 20 Monday 07-Sep-15

Business Studies PI 09:00 11:00

Business Studies PII 14:00 16:00

Day 21 Tuesday 08-Sep-15

History PI 08:00 11:00

Music IEB Final Prac 08:00 17:00

Ben Botha 14:10 Music Prac

Conradie 15:30

James 16:10

Day 22 Wednesday 09-Sep-15

Mathematical Literacy PI 09:00 12:00

IEB Final Wednesday 16-Sep-15

IEB English Oral 13:00 15:00

IEB Final Thursday 17-Sep-15

IEB Life Sciences PIII Final 12:30 14:30

IEB Final Friday 18-Sep-15

IEB Afrikaans Oral 09:00 12:00



Do not miss ANY days of school. If you are unwell, come to school to write your exam and then go home. Then you will be able to see how well you know your work and teachers can help you, before the exams, in areas where you are not sure.

Make sure that you have all the notes given in class and that all your assignments are completed. Class work is always added to the exam mark to make your term mark – and it is usually worth as much, if not more, than the exam mark.

At the College you only need to come to school on the days that you have an exam. You must make sure that you use your time at home well:

study at set times of the day- ask people to test you, make notes, summarise, practise labelling diagrams and maps – be active in your learning - don’t just read over your work

eat healthy snacks.

exercise every day.

go to bed at a sensible time


You need to arrive for exams at 08h20 latest. You will normally be asked to enter the exam venue at 08h30. There is also 10 minutes of reading time before the exam begins.

If you are not being collected immediately after the exam, then study in the library. For security reasons you are not allowed to walk to the shops.

Bring a book to read. Exams involve a lot of waiting around. Dress in FULL school uniform. Bring all the required stationery and a spare pen. CHECK if you need calculators

or glue etc Wear a watch – you are NOT allowed to have a cell phone on your desk to check

the time.


Use the 10 minute reading time at the start to read through all the exam questions. Be sure to follow the instructions given for each question. Note how many marks a question is worth so that you know what depth of

answer (how many points) to give. Number your questions EXACTLY as they are numbered on the exam paper. Do NOT use Tippex Simply cross out neatly and rewrite. Don’t sit gloomily on one question which you can’t do - leave a space and move on

– come back to it at the end. If you have time, review and check ALL your answers.

Subject IEB Dance Prac

Date Thursday 13 Aug 2015

Length of paper 5 hours Time 09h00 – 14h00


Content to be learnt for the exam

Refer to your teacher for instructions

Types of questions

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Subject Design

Date Saturday 15 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00 – 12h00

Marks 100

Content to be learnt for the exam

Section A: Design Literacy: 30 marks

The Design Process

Design Communication

Analysis of designs - elements and principles

Terminology related to the CAT theme Section B Design in an Historical context: 30 marks One compulsory essay topic, covering:

Era 1 - 1960’s - Popluxe and Googie 1970’s - Hi-Tech design Anti-Design I & II

Era 2 – Memphis, Postmodernism, Deconstructivism Question will be broad-based, students will be expected to track developments between movements, compare, contrast , essay writing skills stressed:

Section C Design in a Contemporary context: 40 – choose 2 contextual questions Questions will be based on the content outlined in the CAT in each of the design contexts and will cover the key concepts, terms and one well known international and one local designer/design company/ project per context. You need to know ALL the terms and concepts of all four contexts and be able to substantiate them with reference to actual designs by well-known designers.

Design in an Environmental context

Design in a Cultural context

Design in a Social context

Design in a Business context

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Study from your notes in E-Books, My Homework AND your CAT tasks.

You will need to apply the information to general questions.

Know the names of specific designers and their works.

Subject Music: History and Harmony - Paper 1 & Paper 2

Date Monday 17 August 2015

Length of paper Paper 1: 3 hours

Paper 2: 1.5 hours

Time Paper 1: 09h00-12h00

Paper 2: 14h00-15h30

Marks Paper 1: 100

Paper 2: 50

Content to be learnt for the exam

Harmony: Intervals All scales and modes Chords and the inversions (including dominant 7ths and diminished 7ths) Transposition Rewriting from simple to compound time and compound to simple time Identification of keys Cadences Enharmonic notes Form (e.g. Minuet and Trio) History: Opera and Musicals (Don Giovanni and West Side Story) Jazz (C-Jam Blues, Ko-Ko and Take Five) Symphony (Beethoven: 5th Symphony, 4th Movement) Lieder (Erlkönig) South African Urban Music (Meadowlands)

Types of questions

The papers will have the same format as the June exams.

Paper One: Analysis, listening and short questions. Essay (20 marks)

Paper Two: Scales, harmonic analysis and form.

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Go through past papers and cycle tests. The June exam is the same format as

the Prelim.

Do lots of listening.

bring your headphones

Subject Information Technology – Paper 2 (Practical)

Date Monday 17 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00-12h00

Marks Paper II Prac 120

Content to be learnt for the exam

Refer to the detailed revision sheets issued in class and available on the RESOURCES drive on the network

Types of questions

SQL SELECT *, WHERE AND OR NOT Nested SELECT with max or min or average DATE functions INSERT VALUES DELETE UPDATE SET INNER JOIN LEFT JOIN with NULL GROUP BY with aggregation (SUM or COUNT) JAVA Standard object class with awkward toString \n \t Blank constructor (often needed when a sort occurs later in the program) and parameterised constructor Read from text file into array of objects Making methods Use of % involved in checking if something is divisible e.g. if(n % 2 == 0) Sorting objects (bubble) TWO D array of simple types e.g. String or int - populate and display

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Go over past papers and submit questions for marking

Subject Computer Applications Technology – Practical

Date Monday 17 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 9h00 – 12h00

Marks 180

Content to be learnt for the exam

System Technologies (Computer Management) (20 ±5) Word Processing (50 ±5) Spreadsheets (50 ±5) Database (40 ±5) Integration between programs (~5) HTML Web Development (20 ±5)

Types of questions

All questions are practical and answered on a PC

using the relevant software.

Some answers may require written answers

which must be typed in the file provided.

All files/folders must be named as instructed.

Screenshots should be taken when asked and

pasted into the relevant file. They MUST be


Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Practice doing the last activity in each module of your text book

Modules 7.2 and 7.3 are an excellent place to start (all required data is in Google

Drive as are exemplars, videos and presentations.

Subject History – Paper 2

Date Tuesday 18 August 2015

Length of paper 2 hours Time 09h00 – 11h00

Marks 100

Content to be learnt for the exam


1. The US Civil Rights Movement

2. The Black Power Movement

3. Other Forms of Civil Society Protests in the USA: Women’s liberation and

feminist movements in the 1960s and 1970s; the peace movements:

disarmament; students and anti-war movements; and hippie movement


1. The challenge of Black Consciousness to the Apartheid state

2. Internal and external pressures on the South African Government in the


Types of questions


Two questions will be set, one on each of the two prescribed themes. Candidates

will be required to answer ONE question.

The discursive essay should be approximately 800-900 words in length.

The discursive essay question targets higher order cognitive skills.


Two questions will be set, one on each of the two prescribed themes. Candidates

will be required to answer any ONE question. The extended writing should be

approximately 350-400 words in length.

A source will be given in each question as a stimulus to direct the student’s

response but it will not require analysis. The question will be sub-divided to

provide further clarity to guide the student’s response.

This task will require lower order cognitive skills, such as factual recall,

knowledge and comprehension.

Tips for students in preparation for the exam

Prepare BOTH the sections thoroughly.

Consolidate all the details.

Pay attention to contexts, concepts and the key debates.

Work closely with typed notes, text books and study notes.

Develop a chronological and thematic understanding of the key themes.

Prepare over a long period of time and avoid cram learning.

Work through all class tasks as well as tests and exams.

Build up a fluent understanding of the skill requirements for both questions

and familiarize yourself with the demands of the criteria presented in the

rubrics used for assessment..

Prepare a careful strategy relating to time management and strictly adhere

to this in the exam.

Practice reading questions, highlighting key words and developing

appropriate essay plans.

Work at building up your confidence through thorough preparation.

Remain motivated and determined to achieve your goals.

Subject Mathematical Literacy – Paper 2

Date Wednesday 19 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00-12h00

Marks 150

Content to be learnt for both Paper 1 and Paper 2



Ratios, Rate & Proportion





Simple and Compound Interest.

Hire Purchase

Bank Statements

Loan Tables



Profit Margins

Types of Data

Collecting, organizing, displaying and analyzing Data





Compass Directions & Bearing

Grid References

Scale Drawing: Plans

Different Types of Scale

Types of questions

Paper 1 covers all LO’s up to Thinking Level 3. Paper 2 covers all LO’s mainly on Thinking Levels 2-4 i.e. more cross referencing and interpretation will be required

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

PRACTISE, PRACTISE, PRACTISE with a PEN in your hand and PAPER underneath it.

You must study your notes.

You cannot rely on having understood the work during the year. There is too much new work you have studied. You MUST do a few examples of each type of question – either from the booklet, or from old tests, or from past papers.

You must mark the questions you try – it is no good doing them if you get them all wrong – all your work and tests should have the correct answers on if you marked efficiently in class.

DO NOT LEAVE YOUR STUDYING UNTIL THE NIGHT BEFORE!!!!!! There is too much to do. GOOD LUCK. If you work hard, you will reap the rewards

Subject Advanced Programme Mathematics - Paper 1 and 2

Date Wednesday 19 August 2015

Length of paper 2 hours

1 hour

Time 09h00 – 11h00

12h00 – 13h00


Content to be learnt for the exam

Refer to your teacher for instructions

Types of questions

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Subject Afrikaans First Additional Language - Paper 1

Date Thursday 20 August 2015

Length of paper 2½ hours Time 09h00-11h30

Marks 100

Content to be learnt for the exam

Format of Comprehensions: Visual Literacy, Cartoons, Advertisement, vocabulary of comprehension; Format of Summary; 10 Poems; Format of Unseen Poetry; All the Grammar constructions; Bracket questions; Communication in Afrikaans. Comprehension: 30 marks; Summary: 10 marks; Poetry: 30 marks; Sentence Structures: 12 marks; Brackets: (16 x ½ = 8 marks); Communication: 10 marks.

Types of questions

All questions are short questions.

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Study your grammar notes and the rules in Beryl Lutrin’s book/blue and yellow

book. Study poetry notes, questions and answers in the purple Seiklo book. Work

through previous IEB papers. Ensure that you know vocabulary of 10 poems!

Subject English – Paper 1: Reading

Date Friday 21 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00 – 12h00

Marks 100

Content to be learnt for the exam

Learn notes and relevant sections from the English Handbook p 4 - 67 (Red & Yellow book). Go over all seen poems (Poetry booklet) and unseen poetry (R&Y book p 98 - 103). All work covered is assessed.

Types of questions

Comprehension 25 Summary 10 Unseen Poetry 15 Seen Poetry 15 Visual and Critical Literacy 15 Language 20 TOTAL 100

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Comprehension Summary Visual Literacy (Adverts, Cartoons, Zapiro, etc) Grammar (Figures of Speech, Punctuation, Parts of Speech, Sentences (loose, periodic, simple, complex, compound, phrases, clauses), Register, Editing (errors in sentences – ambiguity, tautology, split infinitives, comma splicing, Spoonerism, Malapropism, double negatives, adverbs/adjectives, Americanisms, etc), Dictionary skills, etc Poetry (Unseen) Grade 12 Poetry booklet – from Term 3 2013 to Term 3 2014 poems (17 poems) Read over notes in English Handbook (Red & Yellow book)

Subject Advanced Programme English

Date Saturday 22 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00 – 12h00

Marks 300

Content to be learnt for the exam

Students are required to study two films from prescribed works studied in Grade 11 and 12 well as 2 novels studied over the same time period. for the first essay based on the Theme of Revolution and Rebellion. You will lose 10% of the overall mark gained per work which is not referenced. Question 2 is based on poetry studied of which students need to choose 2 genres. Remember that 3 poems from each genre must be referenced in your essay and insight into the genres must be shown. You will lose 5% per poem omitted. The question will be based on an unseen poem and stimuli, all of which need to be responded to in the essay. Question 3 will be based solely on novels that the students have read in their own time. – not on the prescribed list for AP English. These novels will have to be of a suitable standard and students need to display an in-depth knowledge of the motifs plot and characters in said novels.

Types of questions

All essays

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Select works which resonate with you.

Learn quotes from these works.

Make sure that the extra reading is of the required standard.

Do not use too many sources as you cannot produce the necessary depth of

analysis if too many are dealt with.

Subject Dance Studies

Date Saturday 22 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00-12h00

Marks 150

Content to be learnt for the exam

HISTORY Marks: 60 2 x long essays on choreographers 20 marks each 2 x shorter essays on Principles, choreography, careers and unseen topics. MUSIC Marks: 30 Listening to tracks as per cycle test Essay on music from one piece of choreography. Classification of instruments. Italian terms ANATOMY AND HEALTHCARE Marks: 60 Muscles – labeling and describing action. Anatomical actions as per a picture Body conditioning Injuries Eating disorders and nutrition

Subject Physical Sciences - Paper 1

Date Monday 24 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00 – 12h00

Marks 200

Content to be learnt for the exam

All of work covered for Physics in Grades 11 and 12 (same as for June exam)

Types of questions

Multiple Choice: 10 questions x 2marks each

Nine long questions

Mechanics: ±110 marks

Gravitational and Electrical Fields: ± 20 marks

Electricity: ±54 marks

Photons and electrons: ± 16 marks

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Learn notes Look at past tests Go through all old exercises Look at resources in Box especially past papers

Subject Dramatic Arts

Date Tuesday 25 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00-12h00

Marks 150

Content to be learnt for the exam

- All work pertaining to Beckett and Waiting for Godot (notes, play,

movements which influenced Theatre of the Absurd,Existentialism, et al)

- All work pertaining to Fugard and People Are Living There (notes, play

movement, Fugard as playwright, et al)

- Read through technical notes

Types of questions

Section A: Waiting for Godot (55 marks)

- shorter questions

- one 15 mark mini-essay

- source-based questions or technical application questions

People Are Living There (55 marks)

- shorter questions

- one 15 mark mini-essay

- source-based questions or technical application questions

Section B: Comparative essay (40 marks)

Compare and contrast WFG and PALT

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

You need a very solid factual foundation

You MUST be able to apply knowledge and select facts relevant to the

specific question.

Writing style and structure are assessed in every answer.

Subject-specific terminology essential.

Statement, Example, Explanation.


Subject French - Paper 1

Date Tuesday 25 August 2015

Length of paper 2 hours Time 09h00 – 11h00

Marks 100

Content to be learnt for the exam

Literature – Concerto and poetry Body parts for visual literacy Vocabulary – themes studied

Types of questions

Comprehension of unseen texts


Multiple choice



Literature questions

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Regular and irregular verb conjugation – particularly present tense – vital!

Subject Mathematics Core – Paper 1

Date Wednesday 26 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00 – 12h00

Marks 150

Content to be learnt for the exam


Patterns and Sequences Annuities, Finance, Growth and Decay Functions and Graphs Algebra and Equations Calculus Probability TOTAL

25 ± 3 15 ± 3 35 ± 3 25 ± 3 35 ± 3

15 ± 3 150

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam


Subject Geography - Paper 1

Date Thursday 27 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00-12h00

Marks 300

Content to be learnt for the exam

1) All of Climate: Secondary circulation (MLC’s and Tropical Cyclones.) Tertiary circulation (Berg Winds, Valley Climate and Urban Climates.) South African Weather maps. 2) All of Geomorphology: Fluvial processes. Landform features associated with erosion, transportation and deposition. 3) All of Settlement: Rural and Urban 4) Economic Geography: All notes

Types of questions

1) Objective eg Multiple Choice

2) Short eg describe and explain

3) Draw and sketch

4) Long eg paragraph and essay

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

1) Work through past exams, tests and worksheets.

2) Be aware of the changes to the format of the examination paper when

compared with previous years. There are 3 sections only and all 3 are

compulsory. There are no choices!!!!

Subject French - Paper 2

Date Thursday 27 August 2015

Length of paper 2 hours Time 09h00 – 11h00

Marks 100

Content to be learnt for the exam

Notes on creative and functional writing

Types of questions

Discursive essay

Short messages


Text from notes

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Tenses, tenses, tenses!


Indirect speech

Subject Information Technology - Paper 1 (Theory)

Date Thursday 27 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00-12h00

Marks 180

Content to be learnt for the exam

Refer to the detailed revision sheets issued in class and available on the RESOURCES drive on the network

Types of questions

Identical to 2014 past paper

Q1 Muliple choice and definitions Motherboard and ports , Semantic Web, HDD, SSD, RAID, virtualisation. ethernet switches, LANs, VPN, cabling, Servers (Proxy), s tandard configurations (RAM, OS, storage, etc), viruses, Trojans, spamming, phishing(etc) ,RSS, encryption, errors (overflow), database stuff Section b system technologies Hardware and software Q3 Memory (DDR), Cahce, Virtual memory, overclocking (FE cycle relevance), Turbo boost (multi-procssing/ multicore), Q4 Cloud stuff (lots), servers, LAN setups & management, wireless Section C Communication & internet technologies Q5 IP and MAC addresses, TCPIP, switches, routers, cabling, WAPs, RAID & NAS & Backups, intra /extranets /VPN Section D Social implications Q6 – could be anything but crime and commerce is a good bet Section E Data and information management & solution Development Q7 Database stuff usual: 1-3NF, Anomalies, Primary/Foreign keys, atomic data ANY TWO Anomalies - UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT The database should have been normalised to 3 NF or it has to be re-designed to 3NF, some practical type stuff e.g. GROUP BY, HAVING, aggregation functions, different types of query( edit, delete etc) Q8 Algorithm in pseudocode Q9 arrays, sets and gets, classes and objects, encapsulation and privacy, methods (typed, void, parameters)

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Go over past papers and submit questions for marking

Subject Geography - Paper 2

Date Thursday 27 August 2015

Length of paper 1½ hours Time 14h00 – 15h30

Marks 100

Content to be learnt for the exam

1) All mapwork skills and calculations 2) GIS 3) Interpretation and Analysis (see mapwork notes for grades 10-12)

Types of questions

1) Objective eg Multiple Choice

2) Short eg describe and explain

3) Draw and sketch

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

1) Work through past tests and worksheets

Subject English – Paper 2: Writing

Date Friday 28 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00 – 12h00

Content to be learnt for the exam

Hamlet (quotes, notes and 400 – 450 word mini-essay writing format) = /30 Absolution (quotes, notes, themes and 500 – 600 word long literature essay writing) = /30 2 X 250 – 300 word Transactional Writing pieces (e.g. Letters (formal, editor, application), Editorial, Blog, Obituary, Newspaper article, Newspaper column, Emails, Speeches, Proposals formats in English Handbook) = 2X /20 = /40

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Revise all notes, formats, powerpoints and practise writing

Subject Accounting - Paper 1 & Paper 2

Date Saturday 29 August 2015

Length of paper Paper 1 2hrs Time 08h00 – 10h00

Marks 200

Length of paper Paper 2 2hrs Time 11h00 – 13h00

Marks 100

Content to be learnt for the exam

Paper 1 – 200 marks:

Practical application, theory and interpretation

Financial information (Financial statements of companies, including cash flow statements and analysis and interpretation, VAT, Analysis of Published Financial statements, Reconciliations, Interpreting debtors and creditors)

Managerial accounting (Manufacturing and Budgeting)

Managing resources (Asset Management, Inventories, Auditing)

Paper 2 – 100 marks: Practical application, theory and interpretation Financial information (Financial statements of companies, including cash flow statements and analysis and interpretation, VAT, Analysis of Published Financial statements,Reconciliations, Interpreting debtors and creditors) Managerial Accounting (Manufacturing and Budgeting) Managing resources (Asset Management, Inventoris, Auditing)

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Go over tests and tutorials and June exam Use past paper book to do as many examples as possible Work through Question times at the back of textbook

Subject Visual Art

Date Saturday 29 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 08h00-11h00

Marks 100

Content to be learnt for the exam

Elements of Art (for Visual Analysis) International Conceptual Art (Essay) Dada, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop (Short Paragraphs) Resistance Art (Short Paragraphs) Contemporary South African Art (Short Paragraphs)

Types of questions

Short Questions

Visual Analysis Table


Short Paragraph Questions

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Study ALL of the works on the list you have been given.

Subject Life Sciences - Paper 1

Date Monday 31 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00 to 12h00

Marks 200

Content to be learnt for the exam


Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

The format for the paper is: Question 1: 80 marks – short answers written on the paper Question 2 to 4: 40 marks x 3: Longer questions

Look over Skills Toolkit booklet on Resources in My Homework: How to write a successful Life Sciences paper

Bring all required stationery: pen, pencil, eraser, ruler and calculator

Learn ALL theory: there are no choices

Go over tests

Go over the last four FINAL IEB paper on My Homework Resources

Subject Computer Applications Technology – Theory

Date Monday 31 August 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00 – 12h00

Marks 150

Content to be learnt for the exam

Solution Development (Practical)

Systems Technologies (Hardware & Software & Emerging Technology)

Internet Technologies

Network Technologies

Information Management (Research, Analysis & Presentation of Information)

Social Implications

Types of questions

Section A

Short Questions (~25)

Section B

System Technologies (~25)

Internet & Network Technologies (~15)

Information Management (~10)

Social Implications (~10)

Solution Development (~15)

Section C

Integrated scenario; a single scenario aligned to all learning areas.

Levels (see Blooms.pdf in Google Drive)

Lower Order: 30%

Middle Order 40%

Higher Order 30%

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Make use of Terminology lists and CAPS document if you are not sure what to learn. Both are available on the Google Drive See QR Code above. See Computer Applications Technology – Practical for the contents of the CAT Share and 12CAT folders.

Subject Mathematics Core – Paper 2

Date Tuesday 1 September 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00 – 12h00

Marks 150

Content to be learnt for the exam


Bookwork Euclidean Geometry and Measurement Trigonometry Analytical Geometry Statistics TOTAL

6 maximum 50 ± 3

40 ± 3 40 ± 3 20 ± 3


Tips for learners in preparation for the exam


Subject Afrikaans First Additional Language – Paper 2

Date Wednesday 2 September 2015

Length of paper 2½ hours Time 09h00-11h30

Marks 100

Content to be learnt for the exam

Literature: Willem Poprok 60 marks and Functional Writing 40 marks. Study all the notes on Willem Poprok: end of chapter 38. Study notes, questions and answers in purple book/Seiklo book. Study the format of dialogue, letters, sms, email, diary entry etc.

Types of questions

Short contextual questions on Willem Poprok, Writing paragraphs on characters,

situations, themes, etc. 30 marks. Essay question 20 marks on main character

development and themes in novel. Dialogue question 10 marks.

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Study from the purple/Seiklo book. Ensure that you know vocabulary on Willem

Poprok. Ensure that you know the format of Functional Writing.

Subject Physical Sciences - Paper II (Chemistry)

Date Thursday 3 September 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00 – 12h00

Marks 200

Content to be learnt for the exam

The following chapters: Grade 11 Chemistry book: 1 – 8 Grade 12 Chemistry book: 1 – 4 Topics (see SAGS) and approximate mark allocation Quantitative Chemistry ±20 marks Chemical bonding ±20 marks Energy change & Rates of reactions ±20 marks Chemical Equilibrium ±30 marks Acids and Bases ±30 marks Electrochemistry ±40 marks Organic Chemistry ±40 marks

Types of questions

Multiple choice (10 questions, 2 marks each)

Long questions

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Learn notes Look at past tests Go through all old exercises Look at resources in Box especially past papers

Subject Economics

Date Friday 4 September 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00–12h00

Marks 300

Content to be learnt for the exam

The following chapters will be covered in the exam

Macro economics

Circular flow model

National accounting aggregates


Business cycle The role of the public sector The foreign exchange market and the balance of payments

Micro economics

Perfect markets Imperfect markets

Causes of market failure

Demand and supply

Production cost theory

Price elasticity of demand and supply

Economics pursuits

Economic growth and development in South Africa

Protectionism and Free trade

Economic and social performance indicators and their uses.

Contemporary economic issues


Labour economics

Types of questions

SECTION A Multiple choice questions SECTION B Essay type questions Calculations Graph analysis and interpretation Defining economic concepts SECTION C Data response Graph analysis and interpretation Application of theory

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Go through Power point notes in conjunction with textbook and additional


Learn diagrams thoroughly with all labels and headings.

Show all your workings for calculations.

Keep up with all relevant data on the South African economy.

Use subheadings when you respond to long questions.

Use relevant examples to substantiate your answers.

Subject German - Paper 1 & Paper 2

Date Friday 4 September 2015

Length of paper 2 hours Time 09h00 – 14h00


Content to be learnt for the exam

Refer to your teacher for instructions

Types of questions

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Subject Life Sciences - Paper 2

Date Saturday 5 September 2015

Length of paper 2 hours Time 09h00 - 11h00

Marks 100

Content to be learnt for the exam


Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

The format for the paper is: Question 1 and 2: Long questions: Objective and Case studies Question 3: Source based essay

Look over how to write a Paper II essay in Skills Toolkit Resources My Homework: Need to include plan and own information

Look over Skills Toolkit booklet in My Homework resources: How to write a successful Life Sciences paper

Bring all required stationery: pen, pencil, eraser, ruler and calculator

Learn ALL theory: there are no choices

Go over tests

Go over the last four Final IEB papers in My Homework Resources

Subject Business Studies - Paper 1

Date Monday 7 September 2015

Length of paper 2 hours Time 09h00-11h00

Marks 200

Content to be learnt for the exam

Chapter 1 Insurance Chapter 2 Investments Chapter 3 Human Resources Chapter 4 legislation Chapter 5 Conflict Chapter 6 Business Environments Chapter 7 Performance of the business Chapter 8 General Management Chapter 9 Ethics Chapter 10 Marketing and Branding

Types of questions

Section A multiple choice, matching columns, True and False 50 marks Section B Short questions 150 marks

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Students need to watch their time during the exam Exam case study is on Steers and Famous Brands. Important students relate

examples to the industry.

Subject Business Studies - Paper 2

Date Monday 7 September 2015

Length of paper 2 hours Time 14h00-16h00

Marks 100

Content to be learnt for the exam

Chapter 1 Insurance Chapter 2 Investments Chapter 3 Human Resources Chapter 4 legislation Chapter 5 Conflict Chapter 6 Business Environments Chapter 7 Performance of the business Chapter 8 General Management Chapter 9 Ethics Chapter 10 Marketing and Branding

Types of questions

Business Report x 2

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Exam case study is on Steers and Famous Brands. Important students relate

examples to the industry.

Important students go through the different formats of a business report.

Subject History – Paper 1

Date Tuesday 8 September 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 08h00 – 11h00

Marks 200

Content to be learnt for the exam


1. How did the Cold War period shape international relations after the

Second World War?

Refer to: the origins of the Cold War; End of World War Two; Creation of spheres of influence; containment- Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan and Soviet reaction; Berlin Crisis 1948 and 1961; opposing military alliances – NATO and Warsaw Pact; containment and brinkmanship – the Cuban Missile Crisis; who was to blame for the Cold War?- interpretation and differing points of view. 2. How did China rise as a world power after 1949? TOPIC 5: THE COMING OF DEMOCRACY IN SOUTH AFRICA AND COMING TO TERMS WITH THE PAST. The negotiated settlement and the Government of National Unity

1. Background

2. 1990-1991

3. Breakdown of negotiations

4. Multi-party negotiations process resumes

5. Ongoing violence

6. Final road to democracy in 1994

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission TOPIC 6 : THE END OF THE COLD WAR AND A NEW WORLD ORDER: 1989 TO THE PRESENT

1. The end of the Cold War: The events of 1989

2. A new world order

Types of questions


Three questions will be set across at least two of the set themes. Each question

will focus on an analysis of a single source.

The format of these three questions will take the following form:

1x visual analysis

1x textual analysis

1x media analysis

The questions require a broad historical understanding, but will also focus on

specific historical skills, such as analysis, evaluation of written and visual

sources, as well as engaging with issues of reliability and usefulness.

ALL three questions must be answered.


One set of questions based on a range of different sources from one or more of

the three prescribed themes. Most of the questions will require lower order

cognitive skills, such as knowledge and comprehension.


The source-based essay will develop from the source-based questions

in Section B.

Tips for students in preparation for the exam

Pay close attention to the consolidation of the contexts, the concepts and

the content.

Create timelines in order to identify the interconnectedness between the


Create a glossary of terms and continue to build on this as you study each


Work closely with all sources in the typed notes and text book and

complete all activities in the text book.

Pay attention to skill applications, especially with reference to analysis,

interpretation and construction of arguments and counter- arguments

Consolidate the skills required for the evaluation of sources with reference

to origin, purpose, value and limitations.

Work through past tests and exams, pay attention to memos.

Give careful consideration to time management on this paper. Ensure you

have a clearly defined strategy in order to complete Section B within the

specified time.

Remember to start with Section B, move on to Section C and then

complete Section A.

Pay attention to the criteria presented in the rubric for the source-based

essay and remember to develop an argument and counter-argument.

Even though this is a source-based, skills focused exam, it is essential

that all content is consolidated.

Subject Mathematical Literacy – Paper 1

Date Wednesday 9 September 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00-12h00

Marks 150

Content to be learnt for both Paper 1 and Paper 2



Ratios, Rate & Proportion





Simple and Compound Interest.

Hire Purchase

Bank Statements

Loan Tables



Profit Margins

Types of Data

Collecting, organizing, displaying and analyzing Data





Compass Directions & Bearing

Grid References

Scale Drawing: Plans

Different Types of Scale

Types of questions

Paper 1 covers all LO’s up to Thinking Level 3. Paper 2 covers all LO’s mainly on Thinking Levels 2-4 i.e. more cross referencing and interpretation will be required

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

PRACTISE, PRACTISE, PRACTISE with a PEN in your hand and PAPER underneath it.

You must study your notes.

You cannot rely on having understood the work during the year. There is too much new work you have studied. You MUST do a few examples of each type of question – either from the booklet, or from old tests, or from past papers.

You must mark the questions you try – it is no good doing them if you get them all wrong – all your work and tests should have the correct answers on if you marked efficiently in class.

DO NOT LEAVE YOUR STUDYING UNTIL THE NIGHT BEFORE!!!!!! There is too much to do. GOOD LUCK. If you work hard, you will reap the rewards

Subject IEB English Oral Moderation

Date Wednesday 16 September 2015

Length of paper 2 hours Time 13h00 – 15h00


Content to be learnt for the exam

Prepare formal speeches – Defending the Indefensible and CAT oral

Prepare passage for prepared reading

Familiarize yourself with current affairs

Types of questions

Formal Oral


Listening Comprehension

Prepared reading

Unprepared reading

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Collect any preparation material stored with your English teacher for revision purposes. Check through presentations carefully and edit any errors Bring photocopy and original of prepared reading passage to the exam venue. Bring cue cards and flash drive (or other storage source of presentation) to the exam venue

Subject IEB Life Sciences PIII FINAL

Date Thursday 17 September 2015

Length of paper 1 ½ hours Time 12h30 – 14h30

Marks 50

Content to be learnt for the exam

Learn Prac skills from Skills Toolkit in My Homework Resources

Types of questions

See Prac skills booklet in Skills Toolkit

Go over past papers

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam

Make sure you bring: a permanent marker a timing device/ watch. Normal stationery: pencil, eraser, pen, ruler and calculator.

Subject IEB Afrikaans Oral Moderation

Date Friday 18 September 2015

Length of paper 3 hours Time 09h00 – 12h00


Content to be learnt for the exam

Refer to your teacher for instructions

Types of questions

Tips for learners in preparation for the exam