

Grade 1 celebrated Healthy week from 8th Oct 2017 - 12th Oct 2017.

During this week Power point presentations were shown to the students in which

they were explained about the benefits of healthy food and drawbacks of junk


The highlight of the week was the Fruit Salad Day. The students enjoyed making and

eating healthy fruit salad with different types of fruits and honey. This activity helped in

demonstrating the core value of fostering a collaborative learning environment.


Healthy Week-2017-2018

• On the 10th of Oct 2017, a workshop was conducted in the school auditorium

on KIWI fruits.

Healthy Week-2017-2018

On the 12th of Oct 2017, a talk on regular use of Dettol hand wash and healthy

eating was conducted in the school auditorium.

Assembly on Healthy habits for a healthy lifestyle.

An assembly was conducted on ‘’Healthy Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle’’

in the auditorium on the 12th of Oct 2107. The messages given during

the assembly made the students realise that a healthy and active

lifestyle can help maintain weight and prevent health issues and that it

is very important to inculcate healthy habits in their life.

Healthy Week-2017-2018

• On the 18th of Oct 2017 a workshop was conducted in the school auditorium

on Weetabix wholegrain breakfast cereal.

Math made interesting

using the various items

from the resource box.

Classroom activities

The students mastered their skills in

counting and addition with the help of

different objects and activities

Classroom Activities

Students were engaged in

activities using flashcards,

games, role-play and



Classroom Stem Activity

The students made a paper chain to

show different things made from


Learning Centre

The students are engaged in hands-on activities relevant to different

subjects in the learning centre.

The core value of these activities is to enable students become global

citizens and face the challenges of the 21st century.

Education City

The students are engaged in activities relevant to different subjects in

the Computer Lab during their Education City Class .

Health Tips for Parents

• Make dinner time a family time - When everyone sits down together to eat, there is

a lesser chance of children eating the wrong foods or snacking too much. Get your

kids involved in cooking and planning meals. Everyone develops good eating habits

together and the quality time with the family will be an added bonus.

• Get the whole family moving - Plan time for everyone to get moving together. Take

walks, ride bikes, go swimming, do gardening or just play hide-and-seek outside.

Everyone will benefit from the exercise and the time spent together.

• Encourage healthy eating habits –

Provide plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole-grain products.

Encourage your family to drink lots of water.

Limit sugar-sweetened beverages.

Serve reasonably-sized portions.

Ask them to read aloud. This helps the children to go slower, which gives them more time to

process what they read. This improves reading comprehension. They are not only seeing the

words, but hearing them, too. You can also take turns reading aloud.

Read to build fluency. To gain meaning from text and encourage reading comprehension, your

child needs to read quickly and smoothly. Reading familiar and simple books gives your child


Talk about what they are reading. This "verbal processing" helps him remember and think

through the themes of the book. Ask questions before, during, and after a session to encourage

reading comprehension.

Reading Tips for Parents

We would like to thank the parents for all their support and contribution

towards various activities and assemblies conducted in the school..
