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  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    2.  Presentation


    ivide the class into three groups. rovide each group with cut parts of the

    circulatory system and strip of papers with written function of each part of the

    system.3et the pupils do these:

    -. 4xamine the drawing"pictures.

    2. ut them together to form a body system.

    a. /hat body system was formed0

     b. /hat organs are found in the body system that you formed0

    5. 6ead the statements on the strips of paper and infer the function of each body

    organ by matching the strips with the drawing.

    /hat is the relationship of these organs to the body system0

    7. /rite answers on a sheet of paper.

    8. Check your inferences with answers found in the module.

    5. Concept Formation

    Class will come up with their definition or circulation. 1ive parts of the circulatory system

    1ive the function of the organs of the circulatory system

    IV. Evaluation:

    (atch the function with the part.

    -. heart a. carry oxygenated blood to the body tissues

    2. blood b. transport medium of the body

    5. blood vessels c. pumping organ

    7. lymphatic system d. responsible in introducing anti!bodies into the blood stream

    V. Assignment:

    /hat causes blood to circulate0

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Describe the structure and functions of the circulatory system

    Values: Appreciation of the works of the circulatory system.

    II. Subject Matter:

    ractice desirable habits to care and protect the heart

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    $he #eart is the pumping organ of the circulatory system.

    9t is about the sie of a man's fist.

    9t is located in the breastbone between the lungs with the lower and somewhat to the


    $he heart is a powerful and strongest muscle in the human body called cardiac


    B. Processes:

    %bserving and identifying

    C. Materials:

    rawings of treated blood samples


    $eacher's (oduleScience ) #ealth * by +essie A. illegas

    III. Procedure:

    A. Preparatory Activity:

    -. 6eview functions of the circulatory system.

    B. Presentation:

    -. Show an illustration of the human heart. 9dentify the parts.

    2.  Activity 1 

    /hat are the parts of the human heart0

    C. Concept ormation:

    Answer the observation part of the activity.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    IV. Evaluation:

    9dentify the parts of the heart.

    /rite the name of the part that is corresponding to each letter. A to +.

    V. Assignment:

    -. ;ame the four chambers of the human heart.

    2. /hat prevents the back flow of blood05.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Investigate the eect of exercise on the rate of heartbeat

    Values: articipate in worthwhile pro=ects

    II. Subject Matter:


    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    $he pumping action of the heart is known as the heartbeat.

    #eartbeat is due to the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the cardiac muscles.

    $he heart beats at an average of >? times per minute.

    #eartbeat between 8? and @? are within normal range.

    $he stethoscope is the doctor's instrument for listening to heartbeats.

    B. Processes:

    %bserving, communicating, inferring

    C. Materials:

    Stethoscope, watch


    $eacher's (odule, p. 2

    Science ) #ealth * by +essie A. illegas

    III. Procedure:

    A. Preparatory Activity:

    -. 6eview parts of the heart.

    B. Presentation:

    -. Show a red stethoscope.

    /here do you see this instrument0/hat is the use of the stethoscope0

    /hat is a heartbeat0

    2. 9llustrate how the heartbeat can be felt on the arteries of the temples, wrists or ankles.

    5. Activity: #ow does exercise affect the rate of heartbeat0

    C. Concept ormation:

    -. /hat is the number of heartbeats per minute while sitting down0

    2. /hat is your heartbeat per minute after an exercise0

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    IV. Evaluation:

    1ive measures to the observations and inferences of the activity.

    V. Assignment:

    Count the number of heartbeats per minute of:

    a. your mother b. younger brother or sister  

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Name and describe the dierent blood vessels

    Values: (aintaining physical fitness through health. #abits

    II. Subject Matter:

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    Activity ;o. 5 /hat is your SC90

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Identify and name arts of the blood

    Values: Appreciation of the importance of blood as transport medium of the body.

    II. Subject Matter:

    $he #uman

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    2. $eacher explains through an illustration the different blood cells and their functions.

    5. 6eading of the textbook for verification.

    IV. Evaluation:

    Activity 7 ! /hat is your SC90

    V. Assignment:$ive the function of each art of the blood.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Identify the dierent blood tyes

    Values: nowing one's blood type is important in cases of emergency

    II. Subject Matter:

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    Activity 8 ! #ow is blood type determined0

    IV. Evaluation:

    Answer observations and inferences of the activity.

    V. Assignment:

    1et information from your parents, brothers and sisters about their blood types. Ask someinformation about situations when knowing their blood type was very valuable"helpful.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Describe ho! blood substitution is made

    Values: #ave the proper attitude about blood donation

    II. Subject Matter:

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    #ave can you determine if you can receive or donate blood0

    Can a person receive blood from anybody0

    Can a person donate blood to anybody0

    7.  Activity 6  #ow is blood substitution made0

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    9llustrate the movements of blood throughout the body

    Values: (aintaining physical fitness through health habits

    II. Subject Matter:

    aths of blood

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    Flow of traffic especially during the rush hours

    B. Presentation:

    -. Show an illustration of the flow of blood through the body.

    2. $eacher explains through an illustration how blood circulates in the body.

    a. pulmonary circulation b. systematic circulation

    5.  Activity 7 

    #ow does blood flow throughout the body0 Artwork and proper coloring of the


    C. Concept ormation:

    $racing the pulmonary and systematic paths of blood on a diagram

    IV. Evaluation:

    escribing pulmonary circulation

    $he path of blood is from the -G HHHHH to the 2G HHHHH out through the pulmonaryartery into the lungs, then back to the 5G HHHHH through the 7G HHHHH . 9n the lungs, the red

    corpuscles take a new supply of oxygen and gives off 8 G HHHHH .

    V. Assignment:

    -. /hich chamber of the heart contains blood rice in oxygen0

    2. /hich chambers of the heart contain blood low in oxygen0

    5. /hich chamber of the heart exerts the greatest force0

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    efine blood pressure

    Values: Accuracy in recording blood pressure

    II. Subject Matter:

    ?diastoleG I -2?">?

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    5.  Activity 8 

    #ow is blood pressure measured0

    9nvite a resource person to help perform the activity. A resource person may be a

    school nurse or the clinic teacher.

    7. Concept Formation6eading of the sphygmomanometer

    /hich is the systolic pressure0

    /hich is the diastolic pressure0

    6ecording of the blood pressure systole over diastole.

    Check how pupils record the readings.

    IV. Evaluation:

    -. /hat causes the arteries to expand0

    2. /here is systolic pressure felt0

    5. /hen do the arteries experience the lowest level of pressure0

    7. /hat blood pressure is commonly used as the normal reference level0

    V. Assignment:

    $ive some variables that must be considered in determining !hether

    blood ressure is normal# high or lo!.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Identify the dangers of blood loss

    Values: evelop skills in controlling bleeding to save lives

    II. Subject Matter:

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    c. #emophilia is a disease of the blood if it fails to produce clot.

    d. anger of bleeding

    e. #ow can bleeding be controlled0

    2.  Activity3et us be first ciders and practice how we can control"stop bleeding.

    Activity @ ! #ow can bleeding be controlled0

    IV. Evaluation:

    -. ressure points are places where veins and arteries are near the skin and a bone. 1ive

    examples of pressure points in the body. at least 5G

    2. /hy must a tourniBuet be loosened from time to time0

    5. /hat blood cell helps in blood clotting0

    V. Assignment:

    Select a partner and bring a big handkerchief. 3et us continue our practice of applying

    finger pressure and the application of tourniBuet.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Name common ailments of the circulatory system

    Values: (aintaining physical fitness through health habits

    II. Subject Matter:

    Common Ailments of the Circulatory System

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    $he blood diseases are: anemia, leukemia, hemophilia and gangrene.

    $he diseases of the heart are: hypertension or high blood pressure, coronary

    thrombosis or heart attack, and stroke.

    B. Processes:

    %bserving, demonstrating, describing

    C. Materials:

    Chart of Circulatory Ailment


    $eacher's (odule

    Science ) #ealth *, p. * by +essie A. illegas

    III. Procedure:

    A. Preparatory Activity:

    -. 6eview:

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    D. Activity:

    /ith the use of the chart and a module from the heart and a module from the #eart

    Center and ep4d, pupils will prepare a chart.

    First 1roup J char for the disease of the heart

    Second 1roup J chart for the disease of the blood

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    /hy can you tell the color or shape of a certain ob=ect0

    2.  Presentation

     Activity 1

    1roup the pupils.1ive each group =igsaw pule of the nervous system with the parts.

    9n the form of a contest, let the pupils arrange the =igsaw pule of the nervoussystem.


    6ead the following.

    $he human body is made up of cells, tissues, and organs that perform numerous,

    complex, but well!coordinated tasks, such as voluntary and involuntary movements,

    thinking, memory and speech. 9t is obvious that the body must have some kind of 

    central communication network to control, regulate and coordinate all these


     Activity 3

    Answer the attached activity sheet

    5.   Concept Formation

    /hat is the communication network of our body0

    /hat are the three main parts of the nervous system0

    /here is the brain found0

    /hat is the function of the brain0

    IV. Evaluation:

    9dentify where each part of the nervous system is located.


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    9t is found in the skull.

    9t is protected by the spinal column. 9t is all over the body.

    (ake up the central nervous system. 9t is the main highway of all signals.

    9t is responsible for processing, sending, and receiving the signals that control the


    B. Developmental Activities:-.  Motivational Activity

    (emory 1ame

    Show some pictures posted on a cartolina to the class. $hen remove. 3et them

    name the pictures they remember.

    #ow many pictures did you remember0

    /hat makes you remember them0

    2.   Presentation

     Activity 1

    Show the illustration of the human grain.

    Show also the sample brain of a pig. 3et them describe the sample.

    a. #ow big is the brain0 b. /hat covers the brain0

    $ouch the surface of the brain. #o'.', does it feel0

    Cut the brain crosswise.

    Compare the brain with the illustration.

     Rea! t"e #ollowin$:

    (an is supreme over all living things primarily because of his brain. $he brain

    enables him to see, hear, smell, feel and taste. 9t is the seat of all thoughts, emotions,

    imaginations, and intelligence. 9t enables him to perform all conscious and

    subconscious tasks& to experience all unconscious acts, such as breathing, digesting

    food, perspiring, dreaming, etc. $he human brain has a very complex structure. 9ts

    three ma=or parts are: the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata.

    5. Concept Formation

    /hat are the parts of the brain0

    /here is the cerebrum found0

    /hat are the functions of the cerebrum0

    /hat is the cerebellum0

    7.  Application

    /hat makes you remember the names of people, events, and places0

    /hat gives you the ability to solve problems0

    /hat controls the vital functions of the heart, stomach, diaphragm andesophagus0

    IV. Evaluation:

    Craw the picture of the brain. Color the cerebrum red, the cerebellum green, and the

    medulla blue. /rite the functions of each part opposite label.

    V. Assignment:

    'o! is your brain dierent from the brain of an animal)

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    (ap the cerebral cortex of its various functions and infer what area of the cortex is used

    to perform a particular function

    Values: rotecting oneLs cerebral cortex& #onesty

    II. Subject Matter:

    $he Cerebral Cortex

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    $he cerebral cortex is that wrinkled and folded outer layer of the cerebrum that really

    makes man more superior in terms of brain functions and intelligence than all


    $he cerebral cortex is the clearinghouse of all signals being flashed by the nerves

    from the sensory organs and those signals that are being sent by the brain to the

    motor muscles and other operative parts of the body.

    B. Processes:(apping, inferring, communicating

    C. Materials:



    $eacher's (odule in Science and #ealth *

    Science ) #ealth * by +essie A. illegas pp. 2*!2>

    III. Procedure:

    A. Preparatory Activity:

    - Checking of Activities

    2.  Review:

    1ame a ;a

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. Objective:

    Describe the structure of a neuron and the function of its arts

    Values: Communication is important in -ife.

    II. Subject Matter:

     ;etwork of nerves

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

     ;erve cells are called neurons. $hey are the basic unit of the nervous system.

    $hey carry impulses, or signals, from every single part of the body to the brain and


     ;eurons come in various shapes and sies, but in general they consist of -G cell body

    2G an axon and 5G dendrites.

    $he cell body contains protoplasm and nucleus.

    Axons and dendrites are extensions of the cell body, and are called nerve fibers.

    $he axon is a long pro=ection that carries impulses away from the cell body.


    endrites are the fingerlike pro=ections that carry signals to the cell body.

    B. Processes:

    escribing, communicating

    C. Materials:

    rawing of the nerve cell and its parts


    $eacher's (odule in Science and #ealth *

    Science ) #ealth * by +essie A. illegas

    III. Procedure:

    A. Preparatory Activity:-. Checking of Assignment

    2. 6eview:

    Classify the activities into the regions or lobes ofthe cerebral cortex where they belong.

    6ecalling #earing

    Feeling Seeing

    4xplaining ancingainting Singing

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Describe ho! toe nervous system !orks

    Values: Cooperation, unity, teamwork 

    II. Subject Matter:

    #ow the nervous system works

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:


     ;erve impulse is actually a combination of chemical and electrical changes that start

    from a stimulus at the end of a nerve fiber.


    A stimulus can be a light, heat pressure, chemical substance or a sound that canbe

     perceived by any of the senses.


    $he nerves that carry nerve impulses from the organs of the body to the brain and

    spinal cord are called afferent or sensory nerves.


    $he nerves that carry messages from the brain back to the organs of the body via the

    spinal cord are called efferent of motor nerves.

    B. Processes:

    escribing, communicating

    C. Materials:



    $eacher's (odule in Science and #ealth * p, --!-7

    Science ) #ealth * by +essie A. illegas pp. 7?!7-

    III. Procedure:

    A. Preparatory Activity:-. Checking of Assignment

    2.  Review: 

    A group of five members dray the picture of a nerve cell by part. $he first to

    finish the game, wins.

    B. Developmental Activities:

    -. (otivational Activity

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    Ask pupils to get a partner. $hen let them pinch each other. $hen ask.

    /hat did you feel0 /hy did you feel it0 /here did the pain come from0

    2. resentation

     Activity 1

    6ead the following ;erve impulse is actually a combination of chemical and electrical changes that

    start from a stimulus at the end of a nerve fiber. A stimulus can be a light, heat pressure, chemical substance, or sound that can be perceived by any of the senses.

    $he impulse travels from one neuron to another over the length of the nerve fiber.

    /hen the dendrites are stimulated, the neuron becomes positively charged inside and

    negatively charged outside. $his difference in electrical charge causes a movement of 

    ions through the cell membrane and travels through the length of the nerve cell as a

    wave. As the signal reaches the end of an axon, it causes the axon to release the

    substance called neurotransmitters. $his substance diffuses through synapse to the

    dendrites of the next neuron and begins a new impulse through that neuron... and so

    on from one neuron to another.


    $hrough a game relayG show how the whole nervous system worksa. Sensory nerves receive impulses.

     b. Sensory nerves send the messages to the brain through the spinal cord.


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

     Tell !hat a re,ex is

    Values: Alertness

    II. Subject Matter:


    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    A reflex is a voluntary action that originates from the spinal cord and not from the



    A reflex is some kind of short!circuit by which the pain signal the stimulusG from a

     part of your body triggers motor nerves in the spinal cord to instantaneously =erk the

    responseG the part of the body that will free itself of the stimulus causing the pain.

    B. Processes:

    9dentifying, communicating

    C. Materials:

    A classmate, plastic sheet, piece of paper 


    $eacher's (odule in Science and #ealth *, pp. --!-7& Science and #eath *, pp. 57!58

    III. Procedure:

    A. Preparatory Activity:

    -. Checking of Assignment

    2.  Review:

    9f you like to pick up an ob=ect, what part or parts of the neuron carry the imageof the ob=ect from your eyes to the brain0 /hat part or parts of the neuron carry the

    message from the brain to the muscles of your hands and backbone0

    B. Developmental Activities:

    -.  Motivational Activity

    #ow does your body react, when you sniff a dust or anything alike0

    Are you conscious about it0

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

     Test one-s resonse time


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    2.  Presentation

     Activity 1

    6esponse time

    5. Concept Formation

    Can you catch the ruler at the first trial0

    After how many trials were you able to catch the ruler0 #ow far from the top of the ruler were you able top catch it0

    Compare your response time with those of your classmates.

    /hat can youinfer from these observations0

    IV. Evaluation:

    laying other games that will test one's response time.

    V. Assignment:

    Compare the response time of a child like you with an adult like your grandmother.

    +hat aects one-s resonse time)

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

     ;ame and describe some common disorders of the nervous system, their causes"effect

    and their prevention

    Values: Awareness, respect for others.

    II. Subject Matter:

    isorders of the ;ervous System

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    (ental depression, neurosis, psychosis, amnesia, mental retardation, and paranoia are

    some examples of mental diseases and disorders.

    /hile most mental disorders are hereditary or genetic in nature, others are acBuired

     personality disturbances related to emotional and psychosomatic problems, traumatic

    experiences, environmental influences, and improper training.

    #appiness, affection, sense of security, pleasant disposition, and personal discipline

    are very important aspects of the physical, mental, and emotionally well being of

    growing children.

    B. Processes:

    escribing, identifying, communicating

    C. Materials:



    $eacher's (odule in Science and #eath *, pp. --!-7& Science and #ealth *, p. 7?

    III. Procedure:

    A. Preparatory Activity:

    -. Checking of Assignment

    2.  Review:/hat are your physical needs to be healthy0 social needs0 (ental needs0

    emotional needs0

    B. Developmental Activities:

    -.  Motivational Activity

    o you know (yla of 9ingatan a0

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    /hatLs wrong with her0 /hy did that happen0 o you know other mental


    2.  Presentation


    a. Sharing the group some mental disorders.

     b. 6ead the following.(ental depression, neurosis, psychosis, amnesia, mental retardation, and

     paranoia are some of mental diseases and disorders. /hile most mental disorders

    are hereditary or genetic in nature meaning, involving the genes in the

    chromosomesG, others are acBuired personality disturbances related to

    emotional and psychosomatic problems ,traumatic experiences, environmental

    influences, and improper training.

    5. Concept Formation

    /hat are the examples of mental disorders0

    #ow are they acBuired0

    /hat are the effects of these disorders0

    #ow can these be avoided"prevented0

    7.  Application

    $here are Buite a number of people around with mental disorders. /hat can you

    do to help them0 /rite your answer in a paper bag.

    IV. Evaluation:

    Classify the following mental disorders into AcBuired and #ereditary.

    -. (ental depression

    2. ;eurosis

    5. sychosis

    7. Amnesia

    8. (ental retardation

    V. Assignment:

    Are there any mentally depressed people around your place0

    %bserve how they move, talk, or think.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    ractice desirable habits that hel revent and control commonailments of the nervous system

    Values: Cheerfulness, positive thinking

    II. Subject Matter:

    esirable habits to prevent ailments of the nervous system

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:


    $here are desirable habits that help prevent and control common ailments of the

    nervous system.

    $here are:

    $hink clearly and positively (ake wise decision

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


     Activity 1

    a. 3istening to the resource speaker who will talk about desirable habits to prevent

    ailments of the nervous system.

     b. %pen forum.

    5. Concept Formation

    /hat are the desirable habits to practice to prevent illness of the nervous system0 #ow will you help people suffering from mental illness0

    7.  Application

    6osita is depressed because of the sudden death of her mother. /hat will you do

    to help her so that she could overcome her depression0

    onna has a fear of the crowd. #ow can you help her overcome this fear0

    IV. Evaluation:

    3ist down the desirable habits you should practice to avoid mental illness.

    V. Assignment:

    ractice the desirable habits given the guest.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    /bserve and describe a healthy erson


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    9dentifying the healthy children in class. escribing the healthy children

     physically, emotionally, and mentally.

     Rea! t"e #ollowin$.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Identify some of the hysical# emotional needs of healthy erson.

    Values: #ealth is wealth

    II. Subject Matter:

     ;eeds of a healthy person

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    4very individual has physical, mental, emotional and social needs.

    For a person to be healthy, he or she should be physically, emotionally, and socially


    $he physical needs of a person are her basic needs like food, water, clean air,

    exercise, and sleep

    $he mental needs of a person are good books, good education, good school, and good

    teachers, and healthy mind.

    $he emotional needs of a person are love, care, attention, wholesome books,

    television shows, good friends, and supportive parents. $he social needs are good friends, supportive parents, and understanding teachers.

    B. Processes:

    9dentifying, describing, communicating

    C. Materials:

    ictures of healthy children


    $eachers' (odule in Science and #ealth * Science and #ealth * by +.A. illegas

    III. Procedure:A. Preparatory Activity:

    -. Checking of assignment:

    2.  Review:

    #ow do you describe a physically healthy person0

    An emotionally healthy person0 Socially healthy person0 (entally healthy


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    B. Developmental Activities:

    -.  Motivation:

    /hat do you need to be healthy0

    2.  Activities:a.  'n!ivi!ual wor( 

    3ist down reasons why you say you are healthy.

     b. )roup wor( (ake a summary of the listings for group report.

    c. )roup reportin$ 

    d. Summariing group reports to come up with a class report.

    5. Concept Formation:

    a. Classifying things into physical, mental, emotional needs by asking: /hich will

    make you bright0 /hich will make you friendly0 /hich will make you happy0

     b. /hat do we need to be healthy0c. /hat are your physical needs0 Social needs0 (ental needs0 4motional needs

    7.  Application:

    Are you a healthy person0 /hy0

    IV. Evaluation:

    9dentify whether the following are physical, mental, emotional, or social needs.

     HHHHH -. parent's love

     HHHHH 2. good books

     HHHHH 5. rest and exercise

     HHHHH 7. good friends

     HHHHH 8. good diet

    V. Assignment:

    (ake a list of your physical, mental, social, or emotional needs. 4valuate whether your 

     parents and other people have provided them for you.

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    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    escribe the effect of physical, mental, and emotional state on one's health

    Values: 6espect for others, recogniing others.

    II. Subject Matter:

    4ffect of physical, mental, and emotional state on oneLs health

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:


    A personLs physical, mental and emotional state can affect his overall health.

    B. Processes:

    escribing, inferring

    C. Materials:

    Chart, pictures


    9nto the Future: Science and #ealth *, pp. 5?!5-: $eacher's (odule in Science and #ealth


    Science and #ealth * by .+.A. illegas, p. 7?

    III. Procedure:

    A. Preparatory Activity:

    -. Checking of assignment:

    2.   Review:

    /hat desirable habits do you practice to be mentally healthy0

    B. Developmental Activities:-.  Motivation:

    /ho is a healthy person0 /hat are the signs of good health03et pupils complete the table on page 78 9nto the Future

    2.  Activity:

    o Activity -.-?, p. 78

    5. Concept Formation:

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    /hat are the effects of physical state or one's health0

    /hat are the effects of mental state on one's health0

    /hat are the effects of emotional state on one's health0

    7.  Application:9f you are physically healthy person, at can you0

    9f you are mentally healthy person, what can you do0 /hat do you0

    IV. Evaluation:

    Classify the following effects into physical health, mental health, and emotional health.

    -. Can play very well.

    2. Can move fast.

    5. Can solve problems easily.

    7. Can identify wrong and right.

    8. #as many friends.

    V. Assignment:Are you physically healthy0 /hy do you say so0

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    escribe the effect of relationship with family, friends, and society on mental, emotional,

    and physical well being.

    Values: /holesome relationship with family and friends

    II. Subject Matter:

    6elationships with family, friends, and society

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    A person's physical, mental, and emotional well being can affect his relationships

    with family, friends, and others.

    B. Processes:

    escribing, making inferences

    C. Materials:

    Chart, picture, checklist


    9nto the Future: Science and #ealth *, pp. 77!7>& $eacher's (odule in Science and #ealth


    Science and #ealth *, p. 7?

    III. Procedure:

    A. Preparatory Activity:

    -. Checking of assignment:

    2.  Review:

    /hat should you do in order to be physically healthy0/hat can people who are physically fit do0

    /hat about a mentally healthy person0

    B. Developmental Activities:

    -.  Motivation:

    9magine a sick person. Can he play with his"her friends0 Can he"she go with

    his"her family for pleasure0

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    2.  Activity:

    erforming Activity --.- p. 7> D 9nto the Future

    Copy the table on youO notebook. Answer the Buestions honestly by checking the

    appropriate column.

    $uestions Al%ays "ometimes


    'it! amily-. o you respect members of your family0 HHHHHH HHHHHHHH  


    2. o you help in household chores0 HHHHHH HHHHHHHH  


    'it! friends

    -. o you Buarrel with your friends0 HHHHHH HHHHHHHH  


    2. o you apologie with a wrong doing0 HHHHHH HHHHHHHH  


    'it! ot!ers in t!e Community

    -. o you listen well with others0 HHHHHH HHHHHHHH  

     HHHHHH 2. Are you shy and withdrawn0 HHHHHH HHHHHHHH  


    5. Concept Formation:

    #ow do you relate with your family0 /ith friends0 /ith other people in the


    Can you have a good relationship with others if you are not physically, mentally,

    and emotionally healthy0

    7.  Application

    #ow does health affect one's relationship with family, friends, and others0 /hat

    does a healthy person usually do at home0 9n school0 %utside0

    IV. Evaluation:

    (odified $rue of False

    9f the statement is correct, write $rue. 9f it is not, change the underlined word"s to make

    the statement correct.

     HHHHH -. A healthy person smiles at others.

     HHHHH 2. Avoiding people is a result of an emotional well being.

     HHHHH 5. 9f a person gets easily irritated: he is mentally healthy.

    V. Assignment:

    9nterview an outstanding pupil in the school. Ask him"her activities. Ask how he"she

    relates with his"her parents, brothers and sisters, teachers and classmates.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    numerate and ractice !ays of maintaining one-s health

    Values: %bedience, faithfulness, cleanliness

    II. Subject Matter:

    /ays of maintaining one's health

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    $here are many practices to stay healthy.

    $hese include eating a well balance diet, exercising regularly, getting enough rest and


    Avoid harmful substances such as drugs, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, and carbonated


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    a. Setting up standards to follow in the activity.

     b. 6eading guide Buestions.

    /hat are some ways of maintaining our health0

    #ow do we avoid getting sick0

    /ho are the people who can help us to be healthy0c. 9ntroducing the resource speaker.

    d. 3istening to the speaker.e. %pen forum with the resource speaker.

    5. Concept Formation:

    /hat are the good practices to maintain good health0 /hat is a balance diet0

    /hy do we need enough sleep, rest, and exercise0 /hat substances should you

    avoid0 /hy0 1ive some of the health habits.

    /hy are vaccinations important0

    /hen do we have physical and dental check ups0

    7.  Application:9f you lose your health, you lose everything. /hat will happen if you overeat and

    do not exercise0 /hy should you avoid self!medication0

    IV. Evaluation:

    Check the statements below that tell the proper way of maintaining one's health.

     HHHHH -. 1oing to the dentist only when tooth aches.

     HHHHH 2. 4ating =unk foods everyday.

     HHHHH 5. eeping the environment clean.

     HHHHH 7. Seeking the help"advice of a faith healer.

     HHHHH 8. 4ating a balance diet.

    V. Assignment:3ist down your health habits to maintain your good health.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    /erationally de2ne an ecosystem

    Values: Awareness of the importance of every living and non!living things in one's


    II. Subject Matter:


    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    An ecosystem is a distinct community in which different organisms interact with the

     biotic and abiotic components of their environment.

    An organism refers to any living thing.

    An environment refers to the living bioticG and nonliving abioticG things that surround

    an organism and effects its growth and development.

    B. Processes:

    %bserving, classifying, communicating

    C. Materials:

    Clean =ar with lid& ABuatic plants& Snails& Sand and gravel& /ater& Fish

    Smaller fishes as food for the big fish



  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    lace the gravel and sand in the =ar.

    ut the aBuatic plants into the =ar.

    rop the snails into the =ar.

    Fill the =ar with water.

    ut a big fish into the =ar and drop smaller fishes that serve as food to the big

    fish. Close the lid.

    3et the pupils observe.

    $ell the class that the aBuarium is an example of an ecosystem.

    Ask them to read the following.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    An ecosystem is a distinct community in which different organisms interact with

    the biotic and abiotic components of their environment. An organism refers to any

    living thing. ! An environment refers to the living bioticG and nonliving abioticG

    things that surround an organism and affect its growth and development. $hese things

    can influence an organism's habitat, ecological niche, breeding conditions, andfeeding relationships with other organisms.

    3et the pupils answer the following Buestions:

    -. /hat are the biotic components of the aBuarium0

    2. /hat are the abiotic components of the aBuarium0

    5. /hat is an ecosystem0

    7. #ow do the living things and nonliving things work together0

    5. Concept Formation:

    1uide the children to come up with their own definition of an ecosystem.

    Ask them to give other examples of ecosystem.

    $ake one sample and lead the children to tell how the components interact.

    7.  Application:raw a sample of a balanced ecosystem. 9dentify the biotic and abiotic


    IV. Evaluation:

    $he earth is the main ecosystem. /hat do you think will happen if there is no enough

    food on earth0 4xplain your answer in one to two paragraphs.

    V. Assignment:

    $ive at least 3 examles of ecosystem.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    9dentifythe producers, consumers and decomposers in an ecosystem

    Values: Care for the living organisms

    II. Subject Matter:

    Components of an 4cosystem

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    $he producers are the green plants. $hey are so called because they are the makers of

    food in the ecosystem by the process of photosynthesis.

    $he consumers are the animals. $hey cannot make their own food. $here are primary

    consumers& these are the animals that eat only plants, called herbivores. $here are also

    secondary consumers& these are the carnivores that eat the herbivores. $hen the tertiary

    consumers are carnivores that eat other carnivores. %mnivores are animals that eat both

     plants and animals.

    $he decomposers are the microorganisms that feed on dead plants and animals.

    B. Processes:%bserving, comparing, inferring

    C. Materials:

    ABuarium& $hree pieces of bond paper 



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  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Illustrate the feeding relationshis bet!een organisms through a foodchain

    Values: 4very creature, big or small, is important because each has a role to play in this


    II. Subject Matter:

    $he Food Chain

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    A food chain shows the relationship between organisms: the producer as food maker&

    the consumer as food user& and the decomposer, the one which helps in the

    continuous flow of the food cycle.

    $rophic level is every step of the way along food chain.

    B. Processes:

    %bservation, comparison, classification, making inferences

    C. Materials:

    Article on Food Chain -"7 sheet of cartolina& 1roup picture of animals ABuarium



  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    2.  Presentation:

    3et the children observe the living things in the garden.

    Ask the children to identify the living things.

    #ave them choose a group of living things in the garden that may show a food

    link or a food chain.


    3et the pupils identify each organism in the food chain like producer, consumer 

    and decomposer. 

    Follow up *uestions:

    /hy plants are called producers0 /hy animals are called consumers0

    /hat are decomposers and why are they part of the food chain0

    1ive more examples of food chain in the garden.

    5. Concept Formation:

    /hat is a food chain0 /hy should there be decomposers in the food chain0

    7.  Application:

    Ask the children to write two examples of a food chain in the sea ecosystem and

    let them identify the first order consumers to the fourth order and finally the


    IV. Evaluation:

    Construct a pictorial poster of a food chain on a -"7 sheet of cartolina, and explain the

    feeding relationships involved. Kse the following organisms:

    -. mosBuitoes, frog, men, snake, chicken

    2. mouse, bird, cat, big fish

    V. Assignment:

    repare a list of plants or plant parts, herbivores, carnivores that eat herbivores and

    carnivores that eat herbivores. /rite the names of the plants, herbivores and carnivores in

     pieces of paper. %ne name per piece of paper. 9f you wish, draw pictures. Arrange the pieces

    of paper showing Ewho's eating whom0PStart with a plant and end with a carnivore at the top.

    $his is a food chain. o as many food chains as you like. Cut pieces of yarn. 3ay a piece of 

    yarn between each part of the food chain. 1lue the yarn to the pieces of paper.

    ass your food chain mobiles after a day or two.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Construct a food web by =oining together several food chains

    Values: Awareness of the interdependence of living things

    II. Subject Matter:

    Food /eb

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:


    A food web is an overlapping food dependency among organisms in the


    B. Processes:

    %bservations, making inferences

    C. Materials:

    Cut!outs of animals



  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    3et the pupils summarie the overlapping of food chains using the constructed


    #ow many food chains are found in this system0

    5. Concept Formation: 

    /hat is a food web0

    7.  Application:

    9s man part of the food web0 9f so, how can he improve the food web in his


    IV. Evaluation:

    (ake a pictorial illustration of s food web using these organisms:

    Cat Chicken Spider  

    Corn (an Caterpillar  

    V. Assignment:

    /bserve the living things in your home and construct a food !eb.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    &onstruct a diagram for the nitrogen cycle

    Values: Awareness of the importance of decomposers in nitrogen cycle

    II. Subject Matter:

     ;itrogen Cycle

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

     ;itrogen!fixing bacteria are the process of converting nitrogen into a usable form.

    ecomposing bacteria break down the proteins to ammonia and nitrates.

    enitrifying bacteria release the nitrogen back to the atmosphere.

     ;itrogen fixation is the process of converting nitrogen to usable form.

    B. Processes:

    %bserving, inferring, constructing and interpreting a diagram

    C. Materials:

    3eguminous lant& Article on ;itrogen Cycle& A sheet of cartolinaFlowchart of the ;itrogen Cycle



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    /hat food is needed to build and repair muscles and bones of the body0 /hat

    food nutrient does it contain0 o you know where we get the protein in our foods0

    2.  Presentation:

    3et the pupils examine a mongo or bean plant. /hat food nutrient do we get

    from mongo or bean0 3et them observe the root structure of the leguminous plants. /hat do you think 

    is the reason why a legume has nodules in the roots0

    3et the children read article on nitrogen cycle.

    Show the flowchart of the ;itrogen Cycle unlabeled. $hen ask the following


    -. /here does nitrogen come from0

    2. /hat happens to nitrogen to become useful0

    5. /here will the nitrate go0

    7. /hat will happen to nitrate0

    8. /hat bacteria will act on it0


    3et the pupils trace the flow chart of the cycle again while asking the following


    -. /hat decomposers are needed to make the nitrogen cycle continue0

    2. /hat is the function of each bacteria05. #ow are living things able to get nitrogen from the air0

    5.   Concept Formation:

    After a thorough explanation of the flowchart on nitrogen cycle, ask the children

    to explain in their own words how nitrogen is cycled in nature. 3et them explain

    what decomposers do in the food nutrient cycle

    7.  Application:

    Are all bacteria harmful0 /hat should we do to keep the valance in our

    soil so that the necessary bacteria will thrive0

    IV. Evaluation:

    A. 4xplain the importance of each organism below:

    -. nitrogen!fixing bacteria2. decomposing bacteria

    5. denitrifying bacteria

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    9llustrate the interdependence of plants and animals for gasses through the oxygen!carbon

    dioxide cycle

    Values: Appreciation of the importance of give and take relationship

    II. Subject Matter:

    %xygen!Carbon ioxide Cycle

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    $he oxygen!carbon dioxide cycle refers to the manner by which these materials are

    used and reused in nature.

    lants give off oxygen taken in by man animals. 9n turn, man and animals give off

    carrion dioxide taken in by plants.

    B. Processes:

    Constructing and interpreting diagram

    C. Materials:Article on %xygen!Carbon ioxide Cycle 9llustration of oxygen!carbon dioxide cycle



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    Ask the children to answer the following Buestions:

    -. /hat makes the animals live in the aBuarium and terrarium02. /hy do plants live there, too0

    5. o these living things depend on each other0 #ow0

    Ask the pupils to go to the board and draw a representation of a group animals.

    #ave them draw arrows to trace the oxygen!carbon dioxide cycle, an arrow to

    represent where the carbon dioxide come from and where it will go and another arrow to represent where the oxygen will go and from where.

    /hat do we have now in our diagram0 #ow do we call it0

    5. Concept Formation:

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    escribe the effects of deforestation

    Values: rotect the Forests

    II. Subject Matter:

    4ffects of eforestation

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    $he hilippines is losing -7 hectares of forests per hour due to illegal logging, forest

    fires, slash and burn agriculture.

    Acid rain in one devastating effect of air pollution.

    4missions from coal!burning factories, electric plants, transport vehicles and volcanic

    eruptions contain sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.

    B. Processes:

    escribing, inferring, investigating, observing

    C. Materials:

    late of shallow basin& Soft drank crown& 1lass =ar& /ater&

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    $ell some causes of deforestation

     ;ame the gases emitted by coal!burning factories, electric plants, transport

    vehicles and volcanic eruptions.

    9nfer how acid rain works.

    6ead the following:

    $he hilippines is losing -7 hectares of forests per hour due to illegal logging,

    forests fires, slash and burn agriculture. $he threat of acid rains could completely

    obliterate forest ecosystems. Acid rain is one devastating effect of air pollution

    caused by coal!burning factories, electric plants, transport vehicles and volcanic

    eruptions. $heir emissions contain sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides forming

    sulfuric and nitric acids when they dissolve in water, thus acid rain seeps into the

    ground, leaches minerals from the soil, thus retarding the growth of trees.

    Answer the following Buestions.

    -. /hy are the hilippines losing -7 hectares per hours0

    2. #ow is acid rain formed0

    5. /hy is acid rain a threat to the forest ecosystem0

    5. Concept Formation:

    State conclusions regarding their activity.

    $ell how destructive acid rains are to the forests.

    7.  Application:#ow would you protect the forests0 ;ame some friendly activities to avoid


    IV. Evaluation:

    Choose the letter of the correct answer.

    -. All of the following may cause deforestation except

    a. illegal logging

     b. planting young trees

    c. forest fires

    d. acid rain2. /hat gases come from the emissions of coal!burning factories, electric plants, transport

    vehicles and volcanic eruption0

    a. carbon dioxide and nitrogen


     b. oxygen and sulfur dioxide

    c. nitrogen oxide ad oxygen

    d. sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide

    V. Assignment:

    (ake a slogan on a -"7 white cartolina giving emphasis on how to protect and save the


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    4xplain that some activities of people disrupt the cycles of an ecosystem

    Values: Care for the 4cosystem

    II. Subject Matter:

    isrupting the Cycles in an 4cosystem

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    4cosystemic pollution refers to an excess of materials in an ecosystem which changes

    its biological, chemical and physiological properties.

    4cosystemic pollution comes in many forms such as air, water, land and thermal

    heatG pollution.

    3ife in the biosphere depends upon a delicate balance.

    4very ecosystem is a life!support system!eBuipped with natural means of protecting

    itself from the ill!effects of natural and manmade disturbances.

    B. Processes:9dentifying, describing, observing, inferring

    C. Materials:

    ictures& aper and ball pen


    Science and #ealth 9, (odule and /ork text pp. **!*>

    III. Procedure:

    A. Preparatory Activity:

    Show the slogan they have made on how to save and protect the forest.

    B. Developmental Activities:

    -.  Motivational Activity:

    Ask how the cycles in an ecosystem are disrupted.

    2.  Presentation:

     Activity 1

    9dentify the people's activity in each of the picture shown to the class

    $ell the cycles in the ecosystem that are disrupted in every activity.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    1ive examples of pollutants found in the air.

    9nfer how these air pollutants affect us.

    6ead the following:

    Air is the primary source of life!supporting and life!protecting gases such asoxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and oone.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    V. Assignment:

    (ake a list of the materials you use at home that contain CFC.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    9nfer harmful effects of certain activities on a bigger or more complex ecosystem, such as the

    ocean, river or pond systems

    Values: Save and protect the bigger or more complex ecosystem

    II. Subject Matter:

    oisoning the Food Chain

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    $oxic substances from fertiliers, pesticides and plastic products contaminate the

    environment through food chain.

    Food chain is the pathway of nutrients and energy from organism to organism.

    4very link in a food chain is called a trophic level.


    An eater has to eat more food than its own weight, so the concentration of the toxic substance

     becomes greater and greater as it moves up the food chain.

    B. Processes:

    9nferring, investigating, observing, illustrating

    C. Materials:

    rawing paper& 6ed ball pen


    Science and #ealth 9, (odule and /ork text ! pp. >-!>2

    III. Procedure:

    A. Preparatory Activity:

    1ive examples of materials you use at home that contain CFCs.

    B. Developmental Activities:-.  Motivational Activity:

    Ask what a food chain is the organisms in a food chain.

    2.  Presentation:

       Activity 1

    Show an illustration of a food chain.

    9dentify the organisms in the food chain.

    $ell what every link is called"the diminishing energy.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    9nfer how a food chain is poisoned.

    6ead the following:

    %ne way in which the toxic substances contaminate the environment is through thefood chain, which is the pathway of nutrients and energy from organism. 4very link in

    the food chain is called a trophic level.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    9nfer that storage of food, water and space may occur due to a growing population

    Values: /ork harmoniously and cooperatively rotection on the basic needs of living things

    II. Subject Matter:

    +nit  ! Animals, lants and 4nvironment 9nterrelationship in the environmentG

    ,opic ! 4ffects of our opulation on a Community

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    opulation is the number of organism in a particular group living in a specific area or

     place. 6apid population of growth results in food, water and space storage.

    B. Processes:

    %bserving, escribing and 9nferring

    C. Materials:

    icture of thickly populated place

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    Answer the following Buestions:

    -. /hat was the worldLs population in -@>?0

    2. /hat was the increase from -@>? to -@@?0

    5. /hat was the worldLs population in the year 2???0

     b.   )roup wor(:

    ivide the class into three groups and give group a picture of the following:1roup 9 ! A thickly populated space with small houses.

    1roup 99 ! A big family where members are malnourish.

    1roup 999 ! A water faucet with file of cans waiting for the turn to get water.

    c. 3et each group describe the picture and answer the following Buestions:

    -. /hat problem arises when the population increases rapidly0

    2. 4xplain the effect of the problem.

    d. 3et the pupils read the textbook for verification on pages N@!@2 ! 9nto the Future Science

    and #ealth and pp. @@! -?? ! Science and #ealth 9.

    5. Concept Formation:/hat problems come up when the population of a certain place increases rapidly0

    7.  Application:

    Mou have noticed that many rice fields are now being converted into housing areas. $he

    increase in the number of families reBuires the increase of housing units. 9f more and more

    rice field were used for housing purposes, how would this affect the food production and


    IV. Evaluation:

    6ead the situation and identify the problem connected to it.

    -. A big family cannot provide enough food for all its members.

    2. $here is no enough sanitary source of water.5. $here are many sBuatters built along vacant lots.

    V. Assignment:

    /rite a short paragraph on about the disadvantages of over population in your locality.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Infer the land# !ater and air may become limited and eventually olluted dueto over oulation

    Values: 4nvironmental consciousness Cleanliness and ;eatness

    II. Subject Matter:

    +nit  ! Animals, lants and 4nvironment 9nterrelationship in the environmentG

    ,opic ! 4ffect of %ver opulation

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    3and, water and air may become polluted. 9ncreasing population means more users.

    $here are more wastes produced and released in the environment.

    B. Processes:

    %bserving, escribing and 9nferring

    C. Materials:

    aper, ball pen, library resources


    Science and #ealth 9 by: +essie A. illegas p. >2

    III. Procedure:

    A. Preparatory Activity:

    -.   Review:

    /hat problems occur due to a growing population0

    B. Developmental Activities:

    -.  Motivation:

    9s population a pollution issue0 Find out.

    2.  Presentation:

    a.  Activity:

    /rite a short essay on the topic: /hy is population a pollution issue0

     Points to pon!er:

    -. /hat are the effects of over population on air water and land pollution0

    2. /hat strategies are to be followed to control the harmful effect of human activities

    on land, air and water0

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    5. /hat is your roll as a pupil and as a member of your community in improving and

    helping fight pollution on land, air and water0

     b. 3et the pupils read their essays.

    c. oint out to the pupils the bad effects of pollution due to over population.

    d. iscuss with them their role in maintaining cleanliness, and neatness in their community.

    5. Concept Formation:/hat happens to land water and air due to rapid population growth0

    7.  Application:

    #ow can you prevent land, water and air pollution0

    IV. Evaluation:

    9s population a pollution issue0 /hy0 Support your answer.

    V. Assignment:

    raw a poster or cut out pictures depicting air and water pollution and people with infections

    diseases. $ell something about the drawing or picture.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Infer that over coulation aect one-s health and that of the community

    Values: #ealth consciousness, cleanliness and neatness& 4ating the right kind of food.

    II. Subject Matter:

    +nit J Animals, lants and 4nvironment 9nterrelationship in the environmentG

    ,opic J 4ffects of %ver opulated

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:


    oor health conditions such as poor diet, poor health habits and dirty surrounding are

    effects or results of over population.

    B. Processes:

    %bserving, escribing, 9nferring and Comparing

    C. Materials:

    ictures depicting poor diet, poor health habits, dirty surroundings, clean surroundings


    Science and #ealth 9 for

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    Ask: /hat picture shows the effect of rapid population growth0 $he healthier 

    community0 /hat is the effect of a clean community to the people0 what is the effect of a

    dirty community to the people0 why do people in a dirty community gets sick easily0

    iscuss the effect of dirty surroundings on health.

     b. Show a picture of an area where populated rivers and canals, waste and smoke belching

    vehicles are found.Ask: /hat are the sources of waste0 #ow do they cause pollution0 /hen do waste

     become pollutant0 iscuss the effect of these pollutants on health. /hat disease can man

    have due to pollutants0

    5. Concept Formation:

    /hat is the ill effect of over population on the health of the people0

    7.  Application:

    a. Show the pupils insects that bread on dirty places and discuss the diseases they cause.

     b. Ask the pupils to relate what factors contribute to the sad conditions of polluted rivers

    and dirty surrounding. 6elate this to the harmful effect on the health of people living in

    this area.c. 1ive some practices to prevent spread of diseases and prevent malnutrition in an over 

     population place.

    IV. Evaluation:

    (odified $rue or False: /rite $rue if the underlined word makes the statement correct and if 

    False change the underline word to make it true.

     HHHHH -. isease such as Cholera, spread fast in an over populated area.

     HHHHH 2. oor diets makes person healthy.

     HHHHH 5. ollutants in polluted rivers, canals, waste and smoke belching have bad effects on the

    health of the people.

    V. Assignment:(ake a list of the latest scientific research on health and nutrition. $he research should be

    applicable in crowded communities. repare a report from this selection to be read and explained in

    the class.

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    /hat are the conditions that upset ecological balance0

    5.  Application-

    ivide the class into four 7G groups. 3et them illustrate on a cardboard paper cartolinaG

    the activities that may create. An imbalance in nature. /rite five 8G to six *G sentences onhow as a pupil he or she can contribute to prevent the upsetting of the ecological balance.

    IV. Evaluation:

    ut a G if it upset the ecological balance and xG if not.

     HHHHH -. Spraying insecticide that destroys the oone layer.

     HHHHH 2. lanting of trees.

     HHHHH 5. Ksing dynamite in fishing.

    V. Assignment:

    /rite five 8G activities that upset the ecological balance. 4xplain your answers.

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    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Describe strategies for coing !ith ra increase in oulation

    Values: Appreciation of the importance of population control.

    II. Subject Matter:

    Coping with 6apid opulation 1rowth

    A. Science Concepts/Ideas:

    opulation control through responsible parenthood, awareness of importance of family

     planning and importance of community living by improving community resources and

    health services.

    B. Processes:

    escription, comparison, inference and hypothesis

    C. Materials:



    43C 99 * p. -5& $he Science Connection * pp. N*!NN

    III. Procedure:

    A. Preparatory Activity:

     ;ame the bad affects of over population.

    B. Developmental Activities:

    -.  Motivational Activity:

    Compare a family of four children to a family of twelve.

    o the four children get more than the twelve children0

    Are the four children sure of finishing school0

    2.   Presentation: 


    Study the diagram presented on the chart.

    Answer the following Buestions.

    -. /hat is the current population in each barangay0

    2. /hich among the 5 barangays on the chart is considered normal or already case of over population0 /hy0

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


     ote: $he discussion is started by presenting a concept which the pupils can interact with.

    For example, limiting the number of children in a family versus no limit. $he pupils can

    take note of the pros and cons.

    5. Concept Formation:opulation can be controlled through responsible parenthood, awareness of importance

    of family planning and importance of community living by improving community resourcesand health services.

    Community life can be improved through population control.

    7.  Application:

    /hat can you do to promote population control in your community0

    IV. Evaluation:

    4xplain in a few words the meaning and the advantages of population control.

    V. Assignment:

    4isit the nearest health center in your barangay. 5sk about the follo!ing*

    1. &urrent oulation of the eole in their area.6. &ommunity health services0other services being rovided.7. To 2ve health needs of the community8. (ources of food and !ater.3. 5vailable housing facilities.

    Based on the data you gathered# ho! can the community members# including

    you# hel in solving the roblems of the barangay) $ive at least 7 examles.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    emonstrate commitment and concern in preserving"conserving the balance of life in an


    Values: Appreciation of one environment and the importance to one's well!being

    II. Subject Matter:

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    #ow will tree planting help preserve t soil0 #ow will plants use as soil cover prevent

    erosion0 /hat is erosion0

    o you have rivers, streams, or similar water bodies in your community0

    /hy are other fishes dead0 9s it because of erosion, garbage, or pollution0

    #ow can wild life be protected, 4numerate ways that you can do tc preserve and conserve

    the environment.

    5. Concept Formation:

    $he class will come up to the conclusion that conservation of natural resources is very

    important because it is the way to restore and keep the balance in the ecosystem.

    7.  Application:

    9s conservation important0

    #ow is balance of life n the environmentpromotes sustained ecosystem0

    #ow will a sustained ecosystem benefit future generations0 #ow can you show your 

    concern in preserving the balance of life it the ecosystem0

    IV. Evaluation:

    9dentify the following practices as good or bad to the environment.-. lanting trees

    2. $hrowing garbage in canals


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science




    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    Identify common household materials

    Values*  Appreciation of household materials Draw neatly and accurately


    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    ;nit < :aterials

     Toic < 'ousehold :aterials

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    #ousehold materials found at home are pesticides, insecticides soap, paint, solvent, synthetic, plastic, food condiments, additives, etc.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    2.   Presentation:

    a. 5ctivities*

    1. (ho! dierent advertisements or actual commonly used at home.

    ictures# advertisements or actual materials commonly used at


    6. Identify and describe the icture# advertisements or actual


    7. &lassify the ictures# advertisements or actual materials into

    esticides# soa# additives# reservatives food condiment# aint#

    lastic synthetic# insecticides and solvent.

    8. %ead the examles under the dierent household materials.

    3. Dra! three =7> household materials

    ?. @et the uils dislay their dra!ings.

    A. 5llo! the uils to tell something about their dra!ings.

    5.   Concept Formation:

    /hat are the household materials commonly used at home0

    7.   Application:

    Mou have identified the household materials, would these materials allow you to en=oy a

    comfortable way of life0 #ow0

    9. 4valuation:

    /rite ten -?G common household materials used at home.

    . Assignment:

    Cut pictures or advertisement showing household materials used at home. Classify them as to

     pesticides, insecticides, soap, paint, additives, food condiment, plastic, synthetic, and solvent.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    escribe how insecticides and pesticides are used

    Values* Handling materials with care

    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    Insecticides and esticides

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    9nsecticide is a chemical poison used to kill harmful insects at home, such as cockroaches

    and mosBuitoes. 9t is applied with the use of spray guns and aerosol bombs.

    $here are three basic types of insecticides, namely: phosphates malathionG, carbomates, and

    $ dichlorodiphenyltrichlorothaneG esticide is a poison used in farms to effectively control pests such as stemborers. $he use of 

     pesticide improves the yield of crops such as rice, corn, and sugarcane.

    esticide is grouped into three, namely: herbicide, insecticide, and fungicide. #erbicide kills

    harmful weeds. 9nsecticides destroy harmful insects in plants. Fungicide destroys fungi.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    #ow do these materials affect us0

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    escribe how soap is used.

    Values* Cleanliness and sanitation

    II. (ub9ect :atter*


    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    Another familiar product commonly found in the kitchen and bathroom is soap.

    $oilet and laundry soaps are cleaning agents made of sodium salts, vegetable or animal fats,

    and other chemicals.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    /hy must pesticides be handled with care0 erform activity.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    escribe the paints and solvents are used

    Values* Care in handling materials

    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    aints and solvents

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    aints protect and decorate homes, buildings, and furnitureLs. $urpentine and thinner are

    solvents commonly used in paints. $hey make the paints less viscous 8? they are easy to


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    2.   Presentation:


    a. 6eading the components of paints from the labels of

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    escribe plastic and its uses

    Values*  Appreciating materials around

    II. (ub9ect :atter*


    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    lastics are comlex organic comounds that can be formed or molded byheat and ressure into a variety of shaes# colors# textures# hardness#durability# and elasticity.

     They are usually light!eight and resistant to environmental corrosion. They are good insulators for heat and electricity.

    lastics no! take the lace of !ood and metals in furniture making#building construction# and arts of aliances# cars# and other householditems. lastic is also an excellent substitute for aer and glass ascontainers and chassis.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    9dentify materials improved by technology

    Values* Observe silence when inside the library.

    Cooperate with the members of the group.

      Listen attentively to the reporter.

    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    ;nit < :aterials

     Toic < :aterials Imroved by Technology

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    (aterials improved by technology are soap, glass, detergent, food arid food condiments,

    pesticides, insecticidesG, synthetic, and fabrics.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    /hat are the warning signal"precautions in product levels0

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    escribe the improvement done by technology on the materials

    Values*  Appreciate of high technology materials around. Woring harmoniously 

    with the group.

    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    ;nit < :aterials

     Toic < :aterials Imroved by Technology

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    $echnology produces better and more useful materials for our homes.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    resent a heat resistant glass and an ordinary glass, a capsulated and a tablet formed drug,

    metal pan and $eflon pan.

    5.   Concept Formation:

    /hat does technology produces0 #ow did the improvement help people0

    7.   Application:

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    4xperiment how some harmful materials are used and handled at home.

    Values* !afety precautions in handling harmful materials

    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    ;nit < :aterials

     Toic < roer 'andling of 'armful :aterials

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    #armful materials should be handled with care. Safely precautions should be observed

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    999. rocedure:

    A. reparatory Activity:

    -.   Review:

    /hat are the conditions when the effect of materials are harmful0


    6. Distribute 5ctivity 1

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    9dentify the conditions when the effect of materials are harmful

    Values:   Be careful in handling materials !orking with the group harmoniousl"

     A void eating shellfish contaminated with red tide

    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    ;nit < :aterials

     Toic < &onditions !hen the ects of :aterials are 'armful

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    Air and water pollution can cause harm to man, plants, animals and other materials acid rain,

    global warming and destruction of the oone layer are results of air pollution, red tides,continued use of pesticides and dumping of garbage into the rivers and lakes all bring about

    water pollution.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    3et's find out how0

    2.   Presentation:

    a. 5ctivities*

    1. (ho! a diagram on about acid rain and ans!er the uestion on

    age. 16?

    6. @et the uils read orally textbook age 16A for veri2cation of their


    7. @et the uils read the text age 16A on about global !arming and

    ans!er the follo!ing uestions*

    a. +hat haens !hen forest 2res occur)

    b. +hat is these henomenon called)

    c. +hat is the result of greenhouse eect)

    c. +hy is global !arming dangerous)

    5.   Concept Formation:

    /hat are the conditions when the effects of materials are harmful0

    7.   Application:/hat advise will you give to a farmer if he uses chemical fertiliers, pesticides and weed


    9. 4valuation:

    (atch Column A with Column

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    9dentify the conditions when the effect of materials are beneficial.

    Values* Carefulness in performing the activities. Cleanliness and neatness of

    ones body.

    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    ;nit < :aterials

     Toic < Bene2cial ects of :aterials

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    (ome conditions that have bene2cial eects are fermentation# burningand heating.

    Fermentation is the chemical reaction of food cause by the action of yeastand bacteria.

    &ombustion is the burning of materials that occurs through thesimultaneous combination of fuel# heat and oxygen.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    999. rocedure:

    A. reparatory Activity:

    -.   Review:

    +hat are the imrovements roduce by technology on some of the

    materials use at home)

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


     """""" 8. &ooking food

     """""" 3. :aking hollo! blocks !ith !ater and cement

    . Assignment:

    1. 'o! can you reserve 2sh and meat)

    6. +hat are the materials to be use)

    7. +hat are the bene2cial eects of salt to 2sh and meat)

    8. &ite other bene2cial eects of materials.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    2.   Presentation:

    a. Activities

    -. 1roup the pupils and present a list on the proper storage of materials.

    2. 3et each group write short dialogue or skit on about proper storing of materials athome.

    5.   Concept Formation:

    /hat safety measures"precautions must be observed in storing materials0

    7.   Application:

    Mou saw that your little brother was playing with the bottle of pesticides. /hat will you do

    and say0

    9. 4valuation:

    Check Gif the practices or safety precautions is proper. Cross x G if the practices or safety

     precautions is improper.

     """"""" 1.ut all kinds of materials together in a lastic bag.

     """"""" 6.&over your nose !hen sraying insecticides.

     """"""" 7.5l!ays smell and taste materials before using them.

     """"""" 8.@abel containers to indicate !hat is inside.

     """"""" 3.+ash hands thoroughly after using insecticides.

    . Assignment:

    /rite five 8G safety precautions on storing materials at home.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    ractice proper disposal of materials

    Values* Observe proper disposal of materials

    "ecycling of discarded materials

    Cleanliness and neatness

    !how concerns to the environment.

    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    ;nit < :aterials

     Toic < roer Disosal of +aste

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    1arbage segregation schemes and recycling are some easy of disposing wastes properly.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science




    !euse !educe !ec"c#e

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    Forms of nergy

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    $here are different forms of energy. $hey are classified as mechanical, chemical, electrical,

    heat, light, and wind radiant, nuclear.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    escribe chemical energy and its uses

    Values* Change for the better# positive thining

    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    &hemical nergy and its uses*

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    Chemical energy is the energy of matter due to its chemical composition, 9t has many uses.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    7. +hat do these observations indicate)

    8. +hat changes occur in the milk)

    3. +hat does this observation indicate)

    ?. +hat changes in -matter is related to these activities)

    A. +hat form of energy do these activities sho!) +hat materials are


    5.   Concept Formation:

    /hat is chemical energy0 /hat things possess chemical energy0 /hat are the uses ofchemical energy0

    7.   Application:

    /ill you name things in the room that possess chemical energy0

    9. 4valuation:

    All of the following materials have a chemical energy except five. 1ive their uses.

    -. /ater  

    2. Air  

    5. /ood

    7. 6ock  

    8. Soil

    . Assignment:3ist down examples of materials at home that possess chemical energy.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    4xperiment how some harmful materials are used and handled at home.

    Values* !afety precautions in handling harmful materials

    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    ;nit < :aterials

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


     Toic < roer 'andling of 'armful :aterials

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    (echanical energy is the energy of a body in motion and a body capable of producingmotion. (echanical energy is used to produce motion.

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  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


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    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    escribe how electrical energy is formed and used

    Values* Handling materials with care

    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    lectrical nergyH Formation and ;ses

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    4lectrical energy is an energy derived from the flow of electrons from one body to another.

    4lectrical energy can run appliances and machines. 9t can also produce heat and light

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    Analysis and iscussion:

    a. #ow did you make the bulb light0

     b. /hat do you call the connection0

    c. /hat is an electric circuit0d. /hat energy is produced0

    5.   Concept Formation:

    /hat is an electrical energy0 #ow is it formed0 /hat are its uses0

    7.   Application:

    4lectrical energy is very useful. 9t is used at home, in school, in the offices, hospitals,

    factories and everywhere.

    9. 4valuation:

    -. #ow is electrical energy derived0 raw a complete circuit.

    2. 3ist down materials that make use of electrical energy.

    . Assignment:

    roduce a material that make use of electrical energy

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  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    escribes radiant energy and how it is used.

    Values* Carefulness# respect for others& cooperation

    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    6adiant 4nergy ! 9ts Form and Kses

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    %adiant energy is the energy that radiates through sace from a centralsource. The sun has a radiant energy. It gives us heat and light !hich areforms of energy. (ound is another from of radiant energy.

    xamles of materials that make use of radiant energy are radio#television# x

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    -.   Motivation:

    /hat does the !sun give us0 o you know how heat and light reach us0

    2.   Presentation:

    a. lace the Solar Collector Apparatus under the sunlight. %bserve results. b. $urn on the television and watch.

    Analysis " iscussion:

    a. #ow is the colored water in the manometer displaced0

     b. /hat does this indicate0

    c. #ow does the television and radio stations reach us0

    5.   Concept Formation:

    /hat is radiant energy0 /hat are the forms of radiant energy0 #ow is radiant energy used0

    7.   Application:

    6adiant energy is useful butE poses danger in some ways. #ow does the ultraviolet rays

    affect our health0 /hat are the advantages and ! disadvantages of television sets to young


    9. 4valuation:

    /hich of the following activities make use of radiant energy0

    -. 1etting pictures2. 1etting the x!ray of the lungs

    5. 6iding in a elevator

    7. Sun bathing

    8. Ksing the telephone

    *. /atching television

    >. 3ifting a box

    N. 3istening over the radio

    @. icture taking-?. riving a car 

    . Assignment:

    $ive all forms of radiant energy.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    escribe nuclear energy and its uses

    Values* 'uclear energy can be harmful and dangerous if not harnessed

    carefully. However# it can be bene(cial to man.

    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    Nuclear nergy H Formation and ;ses

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

     ;uclear energy comes from their splitting or combining particles found in the nucleus.

     ;uclear fission is the splitting apart of a nucleus.

     ;uclear fusion is the combination of light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus.

     ;uclear energy can be both helpful and harmful to man.

     ;uclear energy is used for generating electricity.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    2. /hen is radiant energy harmful0

    a. 9t is used to disinfect beddings

     b. 9t is used to diagnose disease.

    c. 9t is used to dry clothes.

    d. 9t causes sunburn.

    5. /hat is one way by which physicians determine a healthy pair of lungs0


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    . Assignment:

    $o to the library and 2nd our more on ho! nuclear energy is used in science

    and medicine.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science



    Date* """""""""""" 

    I. /b9ective*

    escribes sound energy and its uses

    Values* We should protect our ears from dangers brought about by loud and

    undesirable sounds.

    II. (ub9ect :atter*

    (ound nergy and its uses

    5. (cience &oncets0Ideas*

    Sound energy is produced by vibrating bodies"ob=ects.

    ibration is the back and forth movement of an ob=ect.

    Sound help us to communicate with others. Sound saves us from accidents while on the street.


    999. rocedure:

    A. reparatory Activity:

    -.   Checking of Assignment/Review:

    #ow is nuclear energy produced0 #ow is nuclear energy harnessed0 Are greenhouse

    gases produced when nuclear energy is used to generate electricity0 /hy0 /hat is produced


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6 Science


    -.   Motivation:

    #ow would you imagine this world without sound0

    2.   Presentation:

    Activity:a. /atching a video tape on Sound 4nergy.

    5.   Concept Formation:

    iscussion about sound energy

    Ask children how sound is produced.

    3et pupils read other information about sound energy and its uses.

    7.   Application:

    9f a newly born baby doesn't cry, what does it indicate0 #ow does sound save you from

    road accidents0

    9. 4valuation:

    (ultiple choice. Choose the correct answer.

    -. /hat do you call the sound waves produced by the vibration which makes air molecules comea. 6arefraction

     b. Compression

    c. itch

    d. ibration2. Sounds travels in the following medium except.

    a. Air c. 3iBuid

     b. Solid d. acuum

    5. /hich of the following cannot produce sound0

    a. A boy c. a caterpillar  

     b. A chick d. a leaf 

    . Assignment:1o to the library an
