Download pdf - Gps Program Brochure


Ken Blanchard�Renowned Leadership Expert�

The P&L Solutions GPS Program will help you generate�profit from shrink. Our revolutionary approach to loss�

prevention that utilizes the latest technology and�innovative strategies that offer the quickest shrink�

reduction in the industry is available in one�comprehensive package.�

Only P&L Solutions provides a complete 21st�century loss prevention program. We have�

discovered the keys to low shrink and we use�the latest technology available to drive your�

shrink to lows you never thought possible.�


P&L Solutions is different because we� reduce shrink,�increase sales and generate profits for our clients! The results�speak for themselves. Retail industry shrink results have historically�remained constant, but our clients see major profit enhancement�through reduction of shrink to levels well below the industry norm.�

“I used another loss�prevention�

outsourcing service�before finding out�

about P&L Solutions.�The difference was�

tremendous. We saw�results immediately.”�

- CFO�Specialty Retail Chain�







P&L Clients�

Industry Avg.�

P&L Clients� 2.37%� 1.70%� 1.63%� 1.21% �

Indus try Avg.� 1.59%� 1.59%� 1.57%� 1.60% �

2004� 2005� 2006� 2007�

The difference is clear.�

- We reduce shrink more consistently and effectively than any�other LP program.�- We focus on Performance Excellence and not accepting�excuses.�- We teach every employee in your organization how to help�reduce shrink.�- We guide their performance to ensure they are implementing�the strategies they learn.�- We don’t hold use investigations and audits to measure our�results.�- Shrink reduction and profit building is all that matters.�

Elements of GPS�

The Early Response Program (ERP) is the heart of�preventing shrinkage in retail stores. The ERP is�designed to monitor the performance of all of the�

stores in an organization to identify locations that are�showing indicators of signs that are consistent with�

stores that have high shrink and to ensure that steps�are taken to reverse the negative trend.�

The Measured Response Program (MRP) is designed to�implement a consistent process in high shrink stores�that ensures that managers are following the basic�strategies for low shrink. The program partners�management at all levels to work together to help�

these stores reduce their shrink.�

The Shrink Aware Program is designed to engage,�educate and empower employees to drive down�company shrink. By heightening awareness and�

educating employees, the program will spur�employees to act in a way that is in the best interest of�

building profitability in the organization and will�promote a culture of honesty.�

The STEPS program is P&L Solutions’ management�training and certification program. The objective of the�training is to ensure that all levels of management have�been thoroughly trained to battle shrink in their stores on�a daily basis. This 10-module program will provide�management with a solid foundation for building up a�successful store team that is focused on reducing losses�and increasing sales.�

The Forensics Investigations (FI) program is designed to�provide a comprehensive investigative program to help�root out and resolve suspected internal theft issues, along�with other serious violations of company policy and other�types of business abuse.�

The Remote Audit program is designed to monitor�compliance to company policy, identify customer service�issues, and review employee integrity. The audit program�will provide corporate with a snapshot of the performance�of the store and effectiveness of the store management so�they can respond by taking appropriate disciplinary action�or rewarding excellent performance.�

Albert Einstein�Legendary Genius�

The Loss Prevention Audit program is designed to monitor�compliance to company policy. The audit program will�

provide corporate with a snapshot of the performance of the�store and effectiveness of the store management so they can�

respond by taking appropriate disciplinary action or�rewarding excellent performance.�

The Integrity Shopping Program is designed to measure the�integrity of your employees. Our highly trained shoppers�

will conduct tests on the employees to ensure they make the�right decisions while working. Our shoppers will help you�

identify employees deserving of recognition for good�performance and help you weed out the problems.�

The Mystery Shop Program will ensure that you can measure�the execution of your customer service standards at store�

level. Our Mystery Shop Program features online reporting�through the 4-KAST database, customized reporting, and�double verification for accuracy on all reports. When you�

match your mystery shop program with an incentive program�you can receive maximum benefit and ensure quality�

customer service for all of your customers at all times!�

P&L Solutions builds deep partnerships with our�clients to effectively reduce shrink. We believe in�working together to change past trends. The�partnerships lead to long-lasting, consistent results.�

With the use of our 4-KAST online database we have�the ability to share information and track the history�of results from regions, districts and stores. This�allows for better strategic planning to address�consistently poor performers, as well as acknowledge�the top performers.�

P&L Solutions offers everything you need in a world�class LP program, and a lot more! The best part is that�we can offer our services at a substantially lower price�than in-house programs because we leverage our�costs. That allows us to do more for less!�

Why wait another moment to call and schedule your�Free ROI Analysis of your current LP program? Let us�evaluate your current program to determine how much�your program is bringing to the bottom line. We will�also let you know what additional steps you can take to�reduce shrink in your company.�

7151 Oak Tree Place, Fontana, CA 92336�CA PI License #12516 -- Phone: (951) 675-3846�

7151 Oak Tree Place, Fontana, CA 92336�Phone: (951) 675-3846�