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Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association Policies and Rules


Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules for

Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association Estes Park, Colorado

Updated to 02/08/2008


Name of Policy, Rule, Governance Standard _ Page Introduction to Policies, Rules, Governance Standards 03 GOVERNANCE STANDARDS OF THE ASSOCIATION (GS) GS1.06: Communicating With Owners About Special, Annual and Board Meetings 04 GS2.06: Conduct of Association and Board Meetings 05 GS3.06: Insurance Coverage for Personal Belongings and Other Insurance Needs 07 GS4.06: Insurance: Definition of the Association Master Insurance Policy 07 GS5.06: Insurance: What Is Covered by the Master Policy? 07 GS6.06: Managers, Agents and Employees of the Association Subject to CCIOA 07 GS7.06: Membership in the Association 08 GS8.06: Owner Education 08 GS9.06: Proxy Voting by Owners 08 GS10.06: Sale of Condo Including Procedure and Documents Needed 08 GS11.06: Voting Rights of Association Members 09 POLICIES OF THE ASSOCIATION (P) P1.06: Amending the Bylaws 09 P2.06: Amending the Declaration 09 P3.06: Amending the Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules of the Assn. 10 P3A.06: Architectural Review Committee Guidelines, General Information 10 P4.06: Association Records, Inspection and Copying of 17 P5.06: Attorney-Client Privilege Preservation After Board Consultation 20 P6.06: Attorneys’ Fees and Cost Incurred in Collecting Past Due Accounts 20 P7.06: Claim Filing Against the Assn. Master Insurance Policy, Normal Process 21 P8.06: Conflict of Interest of Board Members and Board Member Education 21 P9.06: Declaration, Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules Enforcement, Including Notice and Hearing Procedures and Schedule of Fines 22 P10.06: Disclosures to Owners Required on an Annual Basis 24 P11.06: Emergency Vehicle Parking for Owners and Renters in Ranch Meadow 24 P12.06: Fire Mitigation 24 P12A.06: Disposal of Hazardous Materials 24 P13.06: Landscape Change Requests 25 P14.06: Maintenance, Reporting Problems to Management Company 25 P15.06: Maintenance Responsibilities of the Association 25 P16.06: Maintenance Responsibilities of the Unit Owner 27 P16A.07: Monthly Assessments, Due Date, and Late Fees 28 P17.06: Owner Filing of Claims Against the Association Master Insurance Policy 28

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Name of Policy, Rule, Governance Standard ________ Page POLICIES OF THE ASSOCIATION (P) (continued) P18.06: Reserve Funds Investments 28 P19.06: Unpaid Assessments, Collection of 29 P20.06: Xeriscaping as a Part of Landscaping 30 RULES OF THE ASSOCIATION (R) R1.06: Air Conditioning, Installation in Condo Unit 30 R2.06: Deck Awning Installation 31 R3.06: Deck Floor Maintenance 31 R4.06: Fence and Barrier Installation 31 R5.06: Flags at Condo Units 31 R6.06: Gable and Deck Modification 31 R7.06: Garages May Not Be Converted Into Living Space 32 R8.06: Garage Sales in Ranch Meadow 31 R9.06: Gate Addition to Unit Decks 31 R10.06: Holiday Decorations 32 R11.06: Hot Tubs 32 R12.06: Landscape Solar Light Installation Along Front Walk of Condo Unit 32 R13.06: Lighting, Exterior 32 R14.06: Noise, Offensive and Loud 32 R15.06: Occupancy Type in Ranch Meadow 33 R16.06: Owner May Not Engage in Activities That May Negative Affect Association Master Insurance Policy 33 R17.06: Parking Exceptions for 1442 Raven Circle, Units A and I 33 R18.06: Pet Feces, Owner Must Clean Up 33 R19.06: Pets in Ranch Meadow 33 R20.06: Pets to be Kept on Leash Outside Unit 33 R21.06: Playground Equipment, Playhouses and Greenhouses 33 R22.06: Porch and Other Exterior Lights at Night 34 R23.06: Renting of Ranch Meadow Condo Units 34 R24.06: Satellite Dish and Antennae Installation 34 R25.06: Signs at Individual Units 34 R26.06: Storage of Items Outside Condo Units 34 R27.06: Storm/Screen Door Installation 35 R28.06: Trailer, Boat and RV Parking Limitations 35 R29.06: Unoccupied Units, Recommended Precautions 35 R30.06: Vehicle Parking in Ranch Meadow 35 R31.06: Vehicle Parking on Unit Driveways 35 R32.06: Wind Chimes Outside Condo Units 36 R33.06: Window Coverings, Exterior 36 R34.06: Window Coverings, Interior 36

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Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association Policies and Rules


Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association Estes Park, Colorado

Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules

Adopted by the Board of Directors

(Revisions completed March 2006 to Reflect Changes for CCIOA Non-Profit Corporations under Senate Bill 100, Passed by Legislature in 2005; updated 7/6/06,

9/14/06, 12/7/06, 2/1/07, 5/2/07).

1. Introduction. The Board of Directors (the Board) of the Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association, a Colorado non-profit corporation (the Association), acting pursuant to the powers set forth in the Association’s Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, the Declaration, Conditions and Restrictions for Ranch Meadow Condominiums (a Common Interest Community) (the Declaration) (such documents being collectively referred to as the Association Documents), and the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA), has enacted new documents and systemized all previously adopted rules and regulations, titled Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules with an effective of April 1, 2006, all of which shall be enforceable on all Owners in the Association. The Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules adopted on March 30, 2006, with an April 1, 2006, effective date supersede any previously adopted Rules and Regulations or Policies on the same subject matter and revisions and additions adopted on July 6, 2006, September 14, 2006, February 1, 2007, and May 2, 2007. 2. Policies and Rules Purposes. The Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules adopted by the Board serve as guidelines for the effective and efficient management of the resources of the Association. Senate Bill 100 passed by the Colorado Legislature in 2005 and 2006 amended the State Statutes on governance of CCIOA communities. The Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules adopted by the Board were designed to bring the Association into compliance with the revised statutes. 3. Scope of Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules for the Association. Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules for the Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association can be viewed as documents designed to clarify the Declaration and Bylaws of the Association. They cover financial, governance, insurance, landscape, maintenance, parking and restrictive covenants as they relate to the Association management. The document presented here incorporates Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules adopted and/or revised by the Board in 2002, 2004 and 2006 and 2007 into a systematized listing. 4. Variance. The Board may from time to time vary from the requirements set forth in the Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules if the Board determines in its sole discretion that such variance is reasonable under the circumstances.

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5. Amendment. The Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules may be amended from time to time by the Board. 6. Effective Date for the Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules. The effective date for Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules presented in this document is April 1, 2006; updates approved by the Board at its December 7, 2006, meeting to conform with Senate Bill 89, 2006, is December 8, 2006. Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules as adopted by the Board of Directors March 30, 2006, and updated on December 7, 2006, February 1, 2007, and May 2, 2007 supersede all other earlier published Policies and Rules variously named as Rules and Regulations, Often Asked Questions, and any other name attached to such Association governing documents. 7. Certification. The undersigned, being the duly elected and acting Secretary of the Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association (the Association) certifies that the foregoing Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules adopted by the Board in 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2007were approved by the vote of a majority of the Association’s Directors at a meeting of the Association’s Board of Directors held on March 30, 2006, in the meeting room of the Estes Park Volunteer Fire Department, 901 N. St. Vrain, Estes Park, Colorado; updates as recorded approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on December 7, 2006, in the meeting room of the Estes Park Volunteer Fire Department, 901 N. St. Vrain, Estes Park, Colorado; updates were also approved on February 7, 2007, and May 2, 2007, at meetings of the Board held in the meeting room of the US Bank in Estes Park, CO. Dated March 30, 2006; Updates certification dated December 7, 2006, February 1, 2007, and May 2, 2007, November 1, 2007. RANCH MEADOW CONDOMINIUMS ASSOCIATION By: MARLAN NELSON (printed name) /s/_____________________________________ (Signature of Secretary)

* * * * * * * *

GOVERNANCE STANDARDS (GS) FOR THE ASSOCIATION The Governance Standards for the Association describe the method or methods by which the Board governs the Association. GS1.2006: Communicating With Owners About Special, Annual and Board Meetings. (Senate Bill 100.3.2).* In attempts to keep Members informed about the operations of the Association, the Board will use the following tools to communicate with the Members: (a) Periodic Newsletters sent by electronic or U.S. Post Office mail, or by hand-delivery; (b) Posting of information in the Notice Box located at the corner of Raven Avenue and Raven Court; (c) Posting of information on the Association website at (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) *The citation in parentheses after the Title of each section is the source documentation for the regulation.

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GS2.2006: Schedule of Meetings and Conduct of Association and Board Meetings. (Senate Bill 100.3.0; updated to conform with Senate Bill 89 [2006].)* (1). Meetings. Meetings of the Unit Owners, as members of the RMCA, shall be held at least once each year. Special meetings of the Unit Owners may be called by the president, by a majority of the Board of Directors, or by Unit Owners having twenty percent of the votes in the RMCA. Not less than ten nor more than fifty days in advance of any meeting of the Owners, the secretary shall hand-deliver, send by prepaid U.S. mail, or electronic mail an official notice of the Member meeting. Additionally, notice of any meeting of the Owners shall be posted in the Notice Box located near the mail boxes at the corner of Raven Avenue and Raven Circle. The notice shall state the time and place of the meeting and the items on the agenda, including the general nature of any proposed amendment to the Declaration or Bylaws, any budget changes, and any proposal to remove an officer or member of the Board of Directors. Association Meeting refers to any meeting at which all Members participate, as differentiated from meetings called by the Board of Directors as part of the Association Management. All meetings of the RMCA and of the Board of Directors are open to every Unit Owner of the RMCA, or to any person designated by a Unit Owner in writing as the Unit Owner’s representative. (2). Notification to Owners by Board. Within 90 days after adoption of any proposed budget for the common interest community, the board of directors shall mail, by ordinary first-class mail, or otherwise deliver a summary of the budget to all the Unit Owners and shall set a date for a meeting of the Unit Owners to consider the budget. Such meeting shall occur within a reasonable time after mailing or other delivery of the summary, or as allowed for in the Bylaws. Unless the Declaration requires otherwise, the budget proposed by the Board of Directors does not require approval from the Unit Owners and it will be deemed approved by the Unit Owners in the absence of a veto at the Annual Meeting by a majority of all Unit Owners. In the event that the proposed budget is vetoed, the periodic budget last proposed by the Board of Directors and not vetoed by the Unit Owners must be continued until a subsequent budget proposed by the Board of Directors is not vetoed by the Unit Owners. (3). Conduct of Meetings: Unless otherwise provided in the Association Documents, and except as set forth in the code of conduct below, meetings of the Members shall be conducted in accordance with (a) Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, or (b) such other generally recognized rules of parliamentary procedure as may be adopted by resolution of the Board. Member meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the following code of conduct: (a) Anyone wishing to speak must first be recognized by the meeting chair; (b) Members shall not interrupt anyone who validly has the floor; (c) When speaking, Members shall abide by any time limits set by the meeting chair for comments; (d) Members shall at all times speak and otherwise behave with common courtesy and civility. In particular Members shall refrain from personal attack, and from using profane, rude or threatening language; (e) Any comments should be relevant to the agenda item being discussed; (f) No member may speak for a second time on an issue until everyone who wants to speak about that issue has been given the chance to speak once; (g) Members may not speak more than twice on any one issue, subject to the discretion of the meeting chair; and (h) Members shall obey all orders made by the meeting chair, including an order to step down (i.e., an order to stop speaking and yield the floor). Unless otherwise provided in the Association Documents, or unless a different order of business is set forth in any meeting agenda established by the Board, the order of business at meetings of the Members will include (a) Establish Quorum; (b) Call Meeting to Order; (c) Approval of Minutes of Prior Meeting; (d) Reports of Committees/Officers; (e) Election of Directors (if annual meeting); (f) Old Business; (g) New Business; and (h) Adjournment.

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Minutes of Member meetings will be taken by (a) the Association Secretary, (b) in the absence of the Secretary, any other officer designated by the President, or (c) a representative of the Association’s management company, provided that the Secretary must review and sign the minutes prepared by such representative, and further provided that the Secretary is ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the minutes. The minutes will be maintained in the Association’s permanent records. Because minutes of Member meetings will be taken, and in order to encourage full discussion by the Members, no Member meeting may be recorded by audio or video means unless otherwise allowed by the Board in its sole discretion. Meetings of the Association’s Board shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Association Documents (especially the Bylaws), CCIOA and the Nonprofit Act, to the extent applicable. Unless otherwise provided in the Association Documents, and except as set forth in the code of conduct below, meetings of the Board shall be conducted in accordance with (a) Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised or (b) such other generally recognized rules of parliamentary procedure as may be adopted by resolution of the Board. At an appropriate time determined by the Board, but before the Board votes on an issue under discussion, Unit Owners or their designated representatives shall be permitted to speak regarding that issue. The Board may place reasonable time restrictions on persons speaking during the meeting. If more than one person desires to address an issue and there are opposing views, the Board shall provide for a reasonable number of persons to speak on each side of the issue. Participants in Board meetings shall abide by a code of conduct that observes the following principles (a) Board members shall conduct themselves in a professional and businesslike manner; (b) No personal attacks may be made against other Board members, Association Members, residents or managing agents; (c) Board members shall at all times speak and otherwise behave with common courtesy and civility. In particular refraining from personal attack, and from using profane, rude or threatening language; (d) Though differences of opinion are inevitable, they must be expressed in a professional and businesslike manner. Unless otherwise provided in the Association Documents, or unless a different order of business is set forth in any meeting agenda established by the Board, the order of business at meetings of the Board will be the following: (a) Establish Quorum; (b) Call Meeting to Order; (c) Approval of Minutes of Prior Meeting; (d) Reports of Committees/Officers; (d) Election of Officers (at meeting immediately after Annual Meeting); (e) Old Business; (f) New Business; (g) Executive or closed-door sessions of the Board may be called to discuss matters which would be defined as an invasion of privacy for individuals if conducted in public; (h) Adjournment. Minutes of Board meetings will be taken by (a) the Board Secretary, (b) in the absence of the Secretary, any other officer designated by the President, or (c) a representative of the Association’s management company, provided that the Secretary must review and sign the minutes prepared by such representative, and further provided that the Secretary is ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the minutes. The minutes will be maintained in the Association’s permanent records. (4.) Audit and/or Review: An audit or review of RMCA financial records shall be conducted at the discretion of the Board of Directors or, when both of the following conditions are met: (a) The RMCA has annual revenues or expenditures of at least two-hundred-fifty- thousand dollars; and (b) An audit is requested by the owners of at least one-third of the Units in the RMCA. A Review shall be required only when requested by the owners of at least one-third of the Units represented by the RMCA . When an audit is called for by the Board of Directors or by the two conditions listed above, the records of the RMCA shall be audited, using generally accepted auditing standards, or a review, using statements on standards for accounting and review services by an independent and qualified person selected by the Board. Such person need not be a certified public accountant

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except in the case of an audit. A person selected to conduct a review shall have at least a basic understanding of the principles of accounting as a result of prior business experience, education above the high school level, or bona fide home study. The audit or review report shall cover the RMCA’s financial statements, which shall be prepared using generally accepted accounting principles or the cash or tax basis in accounting. Copies of an audit or review, when required, shall be made available upon request to any Unit Owner beginning no later than thirty days after its completion. (Adopted by the Board December 7, 2006).* (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006, updated to conform with Senate Bill 89 [2006]; update approved by the Board, December 7, 2006.) GS3.2006: Insurance Coverage for Personal Belongings and Other Insurance Needs to be Provided Through Owner’s Insurance Policy. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* Individual Condo Owners should consult with their choice of insurance agents to determine the type and amount of coverage they need to cover their personal belongings as well as coverage of other aspects of their privately held property. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) GS4.2006: Insurance: Definition of the Association Master Policy. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* The Association Master Insurance Policy is the Policy covering the Association’s Common and Limited Elements, General Liability and Liability for Volunteer Board of Directors Members. The policy is negotiated by the Board of Directors, and under the Declaration for the Association, the Board is designated to act as the agent for each Owner as well as for the Association totally. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) GS5.2006: Insurance: What Is Covered by the Master Policy. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* The Association Master Insurance Policy covers all buildings and other General Common Elements, which includes building structural elements, roofing and roof decking, siding, decks, pavement, unit floors, appliances that were provided by the builder when the unit was sold for the first time, windows, hot water heaters, and insulation. The Master policy does not cover repair of any of the appliances, and it covers only the original appliances provided by the builder; all appliances that were or have been upgraded are not included in the coverage. The insurance coverage is complex and Owners are advised that if they have a specific question, the insurance agent may have to be contacted to accurately answer the question. If an Owner makes improvement to a Unit after taking possession, the Owner is responsible for increasing his/her individual casualty insurance coverage. An Owner’s personal possessions and personal liability are not covered by the Master Policy. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) GS6.2006: Managers, Agents and Employees of the Association Subject to the Mandates of CCIOA. (Senate Bill 100.5.3).* The Board hereby approves the extension of all provisions of the CCIOA to managing agents, employees, independent contractors or any other person acting on behalf of the Association. Even though the Association’s governing documents may already do so, this extension reiterates the right of an Association to terminate a contract with a management company for

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cause without penalty to the Association, and further allows for re-negotiation of any such contract. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) GS7.2006: Membership in the Association. (Bylaws, Article III.1).* All Owners of property in the Ranch Meadow Subdivision, Estes Park, Colorado, are members of the Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association. (Please see Article III, Section 1, Bylaws of the Association for complete details on definition of Membership. Adopted 1997). GS8.2006: Owner Education. (Senate Bill 100.4.2)* The Board or its designated agent shall conduct an annual program to acquaint Owners with the operation of the Association, the Board, and the rights and responsibilities of Owners at Ranch Meadow Subdivision. The program date will be announced during the first two months of each year in a story in the Association’s Newsletter, in a posting on the Ranch Meadow web site, and in e-mail messages to all Owners for whom the Association has addresses. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) GS9.2006: Proxy Voting by Owners. (Association Bylaws, II.2; Senate Bill 100.3.3).* Procedure for filing a Proxy for voting at Association Meetings is covered in Article III, Section 2, the Bylaws of the Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association, adopted 1997, amended February 2, 2006). GS10.2006: Sale of Condo, Including Procedure and Documents Needed. (Senate Bill 100 [2005], updated by Senate Bill 89 [2006], 28-35.7-102 of CCIO Act.)* On or after January 1, 2007, every contract for the purchase and sale of residential real property in the Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association shall contain the following disclosure statement in bold-faced type: Ranch Meadow Condominiums are located within a common- interest-ownership community and are subject to the Declaration of the Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association (RMCA). The owner of a condominium Unit in the Ranch Meadow Condominiums community will be required to be a member of the RMCA and will be subject to the Declaration, Bylaws, Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules of the RMCA. The Declaration, Bylaws, Govern- ance Standards, Policies and Rules will impose financial obliga- tions upon the owner of a Unit or Units, including an obligation to pay assessments of the RMCA. If the Owner does not pay these assessments, the RMCA could place a lien on the property and possibly sell it to pay the debt. The Declaration, Bylaws, Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules of the RMCA prohibit an owner from making changes to the property without an architectural review by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC), and approval of the Board of Directors of the RMCA. Purchasers of property within the RMCA should investigate the financial obligations of members of the RMCA. Purchasers should carefully read the Declaration, Bylaws, Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules of the RMCA. The seller of a condominium Unit in the RMCA shall be responsible for providing the

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disclosure statement printed in this policy. If the Unit Owner who is offering a Unit for sale does not provide the disclosure statement printed above, the purchaser shall have a claim of relief against the seller for actual damages directly and proximately caused by such failure, plus court costs. It shall be an affirmative defense to any claim for damages brought under this section of the RMCA Governance Standards that the purchaser had actual or constructive knowledge of the facts and information required to be disclosed. Upon request of the buyer, the seller shall either provide to the buyer or authorize the RMCA to provide to the buyer, upon payment of the RMCA’s usual fee pursuant to all of the RMCA’s governing documents and financial documents as listed in the most recent available version of the contract to buy and sell real estate as established by the Real Estate Commission as of the date of the contract to purchase the Unit. (updated and approved by the Board on December 7, 2006, as mandated by Senate Bill 89 [2006].* GS.11.2006: Voting Rights of Association Members. (Senate Bill 100.3.3; Association Bylaws, III.2).* Voting Rights of Association Members are contained in Article III, Section 2, Bylaws of the Association, adopted 1997, amended February 2, 2006).

* * * * * * * * * * POLICIES (P) OF THE ASSOCIATION Policies are defined as the procedures adopted by the Association Board to describe processes used in carrying out its assigned or legally mandated responsibilities in the governance of the Association. P1.2006: Amending Association Bylaws. (Association Bylaws.VIII).* (For procedures to be followed for Amending the Bylaws of the Association, please see “Association Bylaws,” Article VIII (adopted 1997, amended February 2006). P2.2006: Amending the Declaration. (Association Declaration 35; Senate Bill 100.3.6)* Section 35 of the Declaration establishes the process for Amending the Declaration as follows: Proposed Amendments must include the signatures of all of the Owners of at least sixty-seven (67) percent of the units completed and for which a Map or Supplemental Map has been recorded, together with the signatures of holders of any recorded first deed of trust or first mortgage which is on a unit the Owners of which signed such amendment. Holders of deeds of trust or first mortgages on Association units shall be given opportunity to vote on Proposed Amendments to the Declaration. The Association must (1) send a dated written notice and a copy of the Proposed Amendment(s) by certified mail to the most recent address of the first mortgagee contained on the applicable deed of trust or assignment of deed of trust in the public record; (Statute does not specify a form of notice for the first mortgages, however, due process considerations suggest that any such notice: (a.) Specify the statutory section under which the notice is issued; (b.) Provide appropriate contact information for the Association; and (c.) Specify clearly and unambiguously the consequences of failing to provide the Association with a negative response and the 60-day time frame within which this must occur; and (2) The Association must publish a notice, at least two times (and at least a week apart), in a newspaper of general circulation in Larimer County, State

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of Colorado. The notice must be dated and contain information relative to how to obtain a copy of the Proposed Amendment. Any first mortgagee that does not deliver a “negative response” to the Association within 60 days after the date of the notice is “deemed to have approved” the Proposed Amendment. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) P3.2006: Amending Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules. (Senate Bill 100.3.5).* Except as otherwise required by the Association Documents, prior to the adoption or amendment of the Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, the Board shall provide notice of the proposed adoption or amendment to all Owners by including the items on the Agenda for the Board meeting. Owners may provide written comments or attend the meeting and provide comments prior to the Board’s vote. The Board may consider Owner comments, but is not bound to act on those comments. The Board shall have the discretion and final authority to adopt or amend Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules in accordance with the Association Documents and Colorado law. A copy of all Policies adopted or amended by the Board shall be mailed to all Owners. (Adopted by the Board March 30, 2006.) P3A.2006: Architectural Review Committee Guidelines, General Information. Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association is a covenant-controlled community designed to maintain neighborhood integrity and high property values. All exterior changes must be approved in advance by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and the Board of Directors. This document is intended to be a guideline for use with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association. Review and Approval Procedures; Timelines. 1. The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) shall consist of 3 or more members with staggered 2-year terms. 2. Condominium owner submits a request for review application with a description of the change(s) and diagram(s) for exterior changes. Requests must be received by the ARC no later than the 10th of the month to be approved at the next Board meeting. Requests are to be mailed to: Association Management of Estes Valley, P.O. Box 315, Estes Park, CO 80517. Association Management of Estes Valley will then forward the requests to the ARC. 3. The ARC will review the plans, inspect the site, and make a recommendation to the Board for approval if the exterior change(s) comply(ies) with covenants. If the ARC determines that the changes do not comply with the covenants, the request will be returned to the owner noting non-compliance issues and the owners will have to modify the plans and re-submit. 4. The Board meets on an as-needed basis and will review and approve recommendations from the ARC. In all cases, the Board shall render a decision within 90 days from the date on which the ARC receives the application materials. Owners may appeal denial of their project to the Board of Directors. The Board shall appoint two additional owners who together with the Board will review the appeal and render a decision by the next scheduled Board meeting. If the item is not taken up at the next Board meeting, the owner’s appeal will be considered approved. The decision of this body shall be final. 5. Once the plan is approved, an owner must complete the project within 90 days of Board approval. If this is not enough time to complete the project, the owner must request an extension from the ARC in writing. 6. Upon completion of the project, the owner must notify the ARC of completion. The ARC will then inspect the completed work within 30 days of notification. The ARC reserves the right to disapprove the complete project if it differs from the original specifications. If disapproved, the owner must comply with the original specifications within 30 days or return the property to its original condition.

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7. If a project has been initiated with six months of approval, the approval shall be considered null and void. 8. If an ARC or Board member requests Architectural Review for any personal project, he/she shall abstain from any participation in the discussion or vote on that project. (Adopted by the Board, December 7, 2006.) --Chuck Coffey, 1437-I Raven Circle, 635-0814, Chair. --Marcia Logan, 1360-C Raven Circle, 586-9194, member. --Bob Nagle, 1519-G Raven Circle, 586-9422, member. --Susan Harris, 1520-H Raven Court, 586-2815, member.


ITEM GUIDELINE ___________________________________________________________________________________________ The first 13 ARC Guidelines presented below refer to Rules of the Association adopted by the Board or itemized in the Declaration of the Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association. The Rules referred to indicate that requests for approval of these architectural modifications are to be presented to the Board of Directors. With the creation of the ARC, requests for these items are to be presented to the ARC, not the Board, for review. 1. Air Conditioner -- Air Conditioners are allowed with prior approval in writing from the ARC. They must be located in an inconspicuous location close to an owner’s unit and installed to minimize disturbance to neighboring unit owners. Please see Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, R4.2006. 2. Fencing -- Fencing is not allowed. Please see Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, R4.2006. 3. Display of Flags -- Owners or occupants may display the flag of the United States in the inside of a window(s), door(s), or balcony of a condo unit. The U.S. flag may also be displayed on a flag pole below the eaves line. The flag pole may not exceed five feet in length. U.S. flag dimensions can be no greater than 28 Inches by 41 inches. Unit owners or occupants may Display one Military Service Flag when a unit Owner has a family member serving on active duty or in the reserves during a time of war or armed conflict. The size of the flag is limited to 28 inches by 41 inches. Unit owners or occupants may display one seasonal flag at each unit provided it does not exceed 28 inches by 41 inches. No flags of any type may be displayed on the General Common Elements. Please see Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, R5.2006. 4. Decks/Stairs -- Deck expansions are not allowed. Please see Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, R6.2006. Owners are required to paint and maintain

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Their decks/stairs as Limited Common Elements at Their expense. Written approval must first be Obtained from the ARC. Paint color for the vertical Deck rails and fascia boards are to be submitted to the ARC for approval. Owners should submit paint color samples, manufacturer’s literature and/or material samples with their requests. A Deck gate may be added with written approval of the ARC. An approved deck gate design specification is available from the ARC. A deck awning is allowed with written approval of the ARC. The frame must be white and the material must be of a solid color that closely matches the building color. All decks must remain “open-aired” with no walls, permanent overhangs or partitions. 5, Roof Gables -- Roof Gables are not allowed. Please see Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, R6.2006. 6. Holiday Lighting and Decorations -- Holiday lighting and decorations are permitted thirty days prior to the holidays and must be removed thirty days after. Please see Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, R11.2006. 7. Hot Tubs -- Hot tubs are not allowed. Some original owners were allowed to keep their hot tubs as they conveyed with the property. Please see Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, R11.2006. 8. Landscape Solar Light -- Landscape Solar Lights may be installed on the front walk at ground level. Please see Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, R12.2006. 9. Replacement Doors, Windows, Garage Doors and Exterior Lighting -- Replacement Doors, windows, garage doors and Exterior lighting fixtures are Limited Common Elements and are to be replaced at owner’s expense. Prior approval in writing from the ARC is required. Replacement items should match as possible in Design and color to the existing items. Exterior light fixtures should be the Dark-Sky design. Submit manufacturer’s literature and samples to the ARC with the request. Please see Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, P16.2006. Please contact a member of the ARC if you need Assistance. 10. Satellite Dish -- Satellite Dishes are allowed. The dish should be placed in an inconspicuous location. The top deck rail does not have enough structural integrity to support a dish. The corner posts of the deck make a better mounting point. Dishes cannot be mounted on roofs. Please see Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, R24.2006.

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11. Signs at Individual Units -- Unit owners and occupants may display one For Rent or For Sale sign, provided it does not exceed 6 square feet in size and 6 feet in height and placed at least 8 feet from the street. It shall not interfere with irrigation systems or obstruct driveway entrances or be attached to the building structure. Signs may not be displayed in the General Common Elements. Signs must be placed on standards driven into the ground. Unit owners or occupants may also place political signs if (a) not earlier than 45 days before an election, and removed within 20 days after the election; (b) signs may be placed in the ground immediately adjacent to the Unit; (c) one sign per candidate office and one sign per ballot issue; (d) signs cannot exceed 4 square feet and must be at least 8 feet from the street and no higher than 6 feet tall from the ground; (e) no political signs can be placed in General Common Elements or obstruct intersections or driveways. Please see Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, R25.2006. 12. Storm Doors/Screen -- Storm doors and/or screens are allowed and the color should match existing window trim color. The door should have plain glass with no decorative grids or grills. If your main door has a full glass, the storm door must also have a full glass. If your main door is half glass, you may use either a full or half-glass storm door. Please see Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, R27.2006. 13. Interior Window Coverings -- Interior Window Coverings must be white or off-white as viewed from the outside. Please see Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, R34.2006. 14. Additions & Structural Changes -- No changes of this nature are permitted. 15. Paint Colors -- Responsibility of the Association at present; the colors are on file at the offices of Association Management of Estes Valley. 16. Other Antennae -- Permission to mount antennae other than Satellite Dish Antennae is withheld and must be requested from the ARC. Granting of permission and determination of suitable place- ment will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. 17. Exterior Window Coverings -- Exterior Window Coverings are allowed with prior written approval of the ARC. The frame must be white and the covering color must be white or off-white. Submit color samples and manufacturer’s literature with request. 18. Patios -- Open Air Patios (other than original builder construction) adjacent to or connecting with the decks are not allowed.

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19. Other -- No wind generators, clothes lines or dog runs are allowed.

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NOTE: Project must be completed within 90 days of Board approval. Upon completion, the condominium owner must notify the Architectural Review Committee of completion. A Committee member will inspect the project, and the Committee will approve or disapprove the work within 45 days and notify the condominium owner of the Committee’s acceptance or rejection of the work. Date of Application_______________________________ Condominium Owner’s Name__________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________ Mailing address (if different from Condo address)__________________________________________________ 1. Brief project description____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ (Attach extra sheet if necessary, or use back of this page) 2. Does your project require a municipal building permit: YES NO 3. Does your project require a change in zoning? YES NO NOTE: It is the condominium owner’s responsibility to ensure that the project meets local building and zoning codes. Architectural Review Committee approval does not indicate compliance with local building and zoning codes. 4. Neighbors need to be informed. Notify three (3) neighboring property owners that may be affected by your requested project. Have each acknowledge notification by signing below. 5. Exception: Neighbors do not have to be notified if Unit owner is replacing existing doors, exterior lighting fixtures, garage door, or windows. (1). Name_____________________________Address__________________________Phone_________________ I have been notified of this project. My signature does not indicate my approval or disapproval. I understand that if I object, I should contact the Architectural Review Committee in writing with the specific reason(s) for my objection. ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Signature Date (2). Name_____________________________Address__________________________Phone_________________ I have been notified of this project. My signature does not indicate my approval or disapproval. I understand that if I object, I should contact the Architectural Review Committee in writing with the specific reason(s) for my objection. ____________________________________________ _____________________________________ Signature Date (3). Name_____________________________Address__________________________Phone_________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________ Signature Date I have been notified of this project. My signature does not indicate my approval or disapproval. I understand that if I object, I should contact the Architectural Review Committee in writing with the specific reason(s) for my objection.

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6. Attach sample material to fully describe your project; for example: drawings, photos, plans, survey map, material, color samples, etc. Date Received by Architectural Review Committee______________________________________ I hereby certify that I have read and understand the Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association Architectural Review Process document and the Guidelines for Architectural Review document. No work on my proposed project will be allowed prior to approval. Condominium Owner’s signature_______________________________________________Date_____________________ Address___________________________________________________________________ Your project request for_________________________________________________________________________has been APPROVED. _________________________________________________________________ Architectural Review Chair Date _________________________________________________________________ Board Officer (if ARC Chair is not Board Officer) Date DISAPPROVED/ Returned for the following reason(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notify the Architectural review Committee once you have made the necessary remedies. SECOND REVIEW APPROVED _________________________________________________________________ Architectural Review Chair Date _______________________________________________________________________ Board Officer (if Chair is not Board Officer) Date DISAPPROVED/ Returned for the following reason(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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P4.2006: Association Records, Copying and Inspection of (Senate Bill 100.3.10; updated by Senate Bill 89 [2006].)* All financial and other records of RMCA shall be made reasonably available for examination and copying by any Unit Owner and such owner’s authorized agents, excepting that (a) a membership list or any part thereof may not be obtained or used by any person for any purpose unrelated to a Unit Owner’s interest as a Unit Owner without consent of the Board of Directors; (b) Without the consent of the Board of Directors, a membership list or any part of it may not be (1) Used to solicit money or property unless such money or property will be used solely to solicit the votes of the Unit Owners in an election to be held by the RMCA; (2) Used for any commercial purpose; or (3) Sold or purchased by any person. Owners wishing to inspect or copy Association Records shall submit a request to the Management Company. Records of the Association are the historical Archives of the Association and to protect these records, and yet make them available to Members, it is the policy of the Association to maintain the Archive records in written or electronic form, with a preference given to electronic storage so long as such documents can be easily converted to written form within a reasonable time. For purposes of this section, “reasonably available” means available during normal business hours, upon notice of five business days, or at the next regularly scheduled Member meeting if such meeting occurs within thirty days after the request. “Reasonable time” shall mean a time period sufficient to allow conversion of documents to written form within five business days following a proper request for review and copying as provided below or at the next regularly scheduled Member meeting if such meeting occurs within thirty days after the request. It is also the policy of the Association that “original” records of the Association shall be appropriately protected from damage, loss or spoliation. As such, “original” documents shall not be subject to unsupervised inspection and review, and the Association will either provide for supervised review of original materials or the provision of photocopies of the requested materials with the requesting Owner responsible for reimbursement of the Association’s actual cost for duplication expenses. Document Inspection/Copying Request Form. An Owner seeking to inspect or copy Association records shall submit a copy of the attached “Request for Inspection/Copying of Association Records” (the Request) to the Association through its managing agent, if applicable, or if the Association has no acting managing agent, then through the Association’s Secretary. The date on which a written request is received by the responsible Association representative shall be deemed the Date of the Request. The Request form is available from the Management Company. Review of Request. Upon receipt of a written Request, the Association’s managing agent, if applicable, or else the Association’s Secretary shall review the Request and determine in good faith whether the purpose of the Request is proper; whether the Request describes the records with reasonable particularity; and whether the records sought are relevant to the purpose of the Request. In making such determination, consideration shall be given to the following: (a) Purpose of the Request. The reason stated by the requesting Owner must be such that the Request can be considered to be made in good faith and for a proper purpose. For purposes of this section, any Request which, on its face, appears to be made for purposes of commercial marketing, for direct sales campaigns, to financially benefit the Owner or which is made to annoy, harass, or oppress the Association or any Owner or Owners shall not be considered to be made for a “proper purpose.” Likewise, a Request seeking information, the disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy (such as, for example, Owners’ or Board members’ Social Security numbers, their vital statistics, their bank account numbers, or other sensitive financial or personal date) shall not be considered made for a proper purpose; (b) Description of Materials Sought. A Request shall state with reasonable particularity the records sought and their connection with the purpose identified as the reason for the Request. For purposes of this section, for example, a Request seeking “all Association documents” would not be a Request made with reasonable particularity. However, a Request identifying specific

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classifications of documents (such as minutes, decision, contracts, or policies) that is appropriately limited in time and scope (i.e., seeking records for a specific and pertinent time frame) shall be considered to have the required reasonable particularity; (c) Relevance. Finally, a Request shall seek only documents that are relevant to the stated purpose of the Request. In determining whether the materials sought are relevant to the purposes identified in the Request, the Association’s managing agent, if applicable, or else the Association Secretary shall consider the nexus or link between the materials and the Owner’s stated purpose, as well as any further explanation provided by the requesting Owner. Production of Records. The Association shall make the requested records available for inspection or copying within five business days of the Date of Request. In the event that the Association determines some part of the Request is improper, it shall nevertheless produce such records as are responsive to the Request to the extent such Request is proper. The Association shall generally identify any records it has elected to withhold in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege as contemplated by CCIOA, and in addition, it shall advise the requesting Owner if any part of the Request is rejected because the Association believes it seeks records for an improper purpose, or does not identify the records sought with reasonable particularity, or if the records sought are not deemed by the Association as relevant to the stated purpose. Where Copies are Requested. Where an Owner requests photocopies of all records requested, the Association's managing agent, if applicable, or otherwise the Association’s Secretary shall provide the requesting Owner with a good faith estimate of the approximate number of pages subject to the Request and shall identify the expected actual copying cost per page for which the Owner will be responsible. Prior to any copies being made, the Association may at its election require the requesting Owner to prepay the estimated per page copying expense. Once copies are made and the actual cost per page copying charges are ascertained, the Association shall credit any such prepayment toward the actual costs, and either collect any shortfall or refund any overage. All copying shall be performed within five business days of the Date of Request. Policies Related to Inspection. Inspection of Association records may be accomplished by providing either “original” records or photocopies of such records. Where “original” records are to be inspected, this process shall be supervised by any designee of the Association’s managing agent, if applicable, or otherwise by any designee of the Association’s Secretary. No Owner shall remove any “original” record from the place of inspection, nor shall any Owner cause marks, notes, deletions or any other modification of “original” documents to be made during any inspection. All inspections shall be scheduled to commence within five business days of the Date of Request. Inspections shall occur during business hours and at the time and place designated by the Association. Supervised inspections of “original” Association documents shall not exceed two hours in any single session. Where the Association elects to make photocopies of documents available for inspection instead of originals, an Owner may inspect the same for up to five hours per business day. During records inspections, an Owner may designate certain portions of the records for copying, in which case the policies related to copying specified above shall apply from the time such records are designated. This Policy shall not impact, affect, or limit any Owner’s rights relative to access to, or inspection and copying of Association records as may exist under Colorado corporate status, in litigation proceedings involving the Association and an Owner, or the power of a Court of appropriate jurisdiction to compel production of records on proof by an Owner of a proper purpose. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006; updated to conform with Senate Bill 89 [2006]; update approved by the Board, December 7, 2006.)

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======================================================================== Request for Inspection / Copying of Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association Records ======================================================================== Association Member Name:_________________________________________ Date__________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone No._____________________________________________________ I hereby request that the Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association provide access to the books and records of the Association. I. State the Purpose of the Request. ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ II. Describe with Reasonable Particularity the Books and Records Sought: ________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ III. Type of Review: (choose one) [ ] I wish to review records at the Association’s location. [ ] I wish to pay the Association’s actual cost for copies of the records I have requested. IV. Certification and Acknowledgement of Association Records Policies: I certify that my request to review the books and records of the Association is for a proper purpose related to my membership in the Association, and that this request is not for a commercial purpose or my personal financial gain. I acknowledge and accept the Association’s Policy Regarding Inspection and Copying of Association Records, and agree that I have been provided with an opportunity to review that Policy. I acknowledge and agree that the books and records will be made available to me in accordance with the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act and only at such time and place as provided by the Association’s Policy. I agree that I will be responsible for paying the Association’s actual cost per page for any records I wish to have copied, and that I may be required to prepay these costs before copies are provided. Member Signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________________

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P5.2006: Attorney-Client Privilege Preservation After Board Consultation. (Senate Bill 100.5.7).* After final resolution of any matter for which the Board received legal advice or that concerned pending or contemplated litigation, the Board reserves the right at its discretion to preserve the attorney-client privilege in any appropriate manner or to disclose the information. The decision of the Board in this matter shall be final. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) P6.2006: Attorneys’ Fees and Cost Incurred in Collecting Past-Due Accounts. (Senate Bill 100.5.2).* In the event the Association files suit against an Owner to Collect Past Due Accounts, it can take necessary steps to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in collecting past due Assessments or other money whether or not a lawsuit is commenced. The Association or any Owner adversely affected by failure to comply with the provisions of CCIOA or an Association governing document, other than the payment of Assessments or other money due, may seek to recover reasonable attorney fees and costs whether or not a lawsuit is commenced. If a lawsuit is commenced, the court must award the prevailing party reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred in asserting or defending a claim. If a lawsuit is commenced claiming that an Owner violated a provision of the CCIOA or an Association’s governing document, and the court finds that the Owner did not commit the alleged violation, the court must award the Owner reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred in defending the claim and cannot award fees and costs to the Association. The Association cannot add any fees and costs to an Owner’s account where the Owner is a prevailing party. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) P7.2006: Claim Filing Against the Association Master Insurance Policy, Normal Procedure. (Senate Bill 100.5.1; Amended by Board vote, February 7,2008).* The Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association is the named insured on the policy for the Association, and the Board is charged with the duty to decide if and when an insurance claim should be made, The Association has established the following policy and procedure to identify, submit, and oversee an insurance claim:

1. Any substantial damage to a property must be reported to the management agent within 24 hours of discovering the damage. Substantial damage shall mean any damage with a repair cost expected to exceed $300.

2. The management company property manager will investigate the damage, secure the property from further damage, and document the peril. Condominium owners shall provide immediate access to the manager or Board member. The property manager will notify the Board president or in his/her absence a member of the Board as he/she begins the investigation.

3. The property manager will confer with the Board to determine if an insurance claim should be submitted. The Board reserves the right to decline submitting a claim. The Board may also decline submitting a claim if the damage is caused by personal property or if there has been a previous claim for the same failure.

4. The condominium owner shall provide access and work with the property manager in obtaining repair bids for the repair work. All repairs must be made to the level of present building codes, and licensed contractors must be used for all electrical and plumbing work. Licensed contractors must submit to propety manager proof of liability and workers compensation coverage naming Ranch Meadow as an additional insured.

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5. Payments from the insurance company for repairs shall be made to the Association and held in the association’s operating account until the damage is repaired and the claim settled.

6. An owner may file an insurance claim directly against the Association’s policy as if the owner were a named insured, if the following conditions are met: 1) The owner has contacted the Board or property manager in writing regarding the subject-matter of the claim; 2) The owner has given the Association at least fifteen days to respond in writing and, if so requested, has given the Association’s property manager a reasonable time to inspect the damage and; 3) the subject matter of the claim falls within the Association’s insurance responsibilities. However, the Association encourages an owner to follow the policy established by the board that provides for insurance claims to filed through channels by notifying property manager FIRST which will then handle the process.

(P7.2006: Claim Filing Against the Association Master Insurance Policy, Normal Procedure, approved by the Board, March 30, 2006; P17.2006: Owner Filing of Claims Against the Association Master Insurance Policy, updated to conform to Senate Bill 89 (2006) and Adopted by the Board, December 7, 2006; P.7.2006 and P17.2006, revised and combined as P7.2006, and Adopted by the Board February 7, 2008).* P8.2006: Conflict of Interest of Board Members, and Board Member Education. (Senate Bill 100.3.1); updated by Senate Bill 89 [2006], and updated adopted by the Board, December 7, 2006.)* Section 7-128-501, Colorado Revised Statutes, shall apply to members of the Board of Directors, except that as used in that section: (a) Corporation or Nonprofit Corporation means Association; (b) Director means a member of the RMCA Board of Directors; (c) Officer means any person designated as an officer of the RMCA and any person to whom the Board delegates responsibilities under this article, including, without limitation, a managing agent, attorney, or accountant employed by the Board. (Section 7-128-501, CRS reads as follows: 7-128-501. Conflicting interest transaction. No conflicting interest transaction shall be void or voidable or be enjoined, set aside, or give rise to an award of damages or other sanctions in a proceeding by a member or by or in the right of the nonprofit corporation, solely because the conflicting interest transaction involves a director of the nonprofit corporation or a party related to a director or an entity in which a director of the nonprofit corporation is a director or officer or has a financial interest or solely because the director is present at or participates in a meeting of the nonprofit corporation’s board of directors or of the committee of the board of directors that authorizes, approves, or ratifies the conflicting interest transaction or solely because the director’s vote is counted for such purpose if: The material facts as to the director’s relationship or interest and as to the conflicting interest transaction are disclosed or are known to the members entitled to vote thereon, and the conflicting interest transaction is specifically authorized, approved, or ratified in good faith by a vote of the member ENTITLED TO VOTE THEREON. Board Members shall identify any conflict of interest that may exist in their participation in business conducted by the Board. A “conflict of interest” exists where a contract, decision or other action being considered by the Board would financially benefit: any Board member; or, any person who is a Board member’s parent, grandparent, spouse, child, sibling; or, who is the parent or spouse of one of these persons. Board Member Education: At least annually, the Board of Directors shall be oriented into the role of the Board in the management of the Association, and all other information deemed necessary for the Board members to carry out the business of the Association. (updated to conform to the provisions of Senate Bill 89 [2006]; update approved by the Board, December 7, 2006.)

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P9.2006: Declaration, Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules Enforcement, including Notice of Hearing, Hearing Procedures, Fines, and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). (Senate Bill 100 [2005]; updated to conform with Senate Bill 89 [2006.]* The Association may levy fines for violations of the Association Documents (Declaration, Governance Standards, Policies, Rules, and Bylaws) in accordance with a stated policy on notice of violations, hearing procedures if desired, and schedule of fines. Notice of Violation of Association Documents and Scheduling Hearing If Requested by the Owner. 1. The Association, any member of the Association’s management company may note a violation. 2. All notices of violation must be in writing. If an Owner notes the violation, the written notice must be sent to the Association’s management company. 3. The Management Company will verify the violation and issue a written notice to the Owner describing the violation, attaching a copy of the Association Document violated, the time frame for correcting it, and notification that the Owner can request a hearing on the matter if he/she believes the notice was sent in error, or that there are mitigating circumstances in the case. 4. Procedure for requesting a hearing: the Owner must contact the Association Management Company in writing within seven days after the date of the notice. If a fine has been imposed in the Notice and the hearing cannot be set before the final date for paying the fine, the date the fine begins shall be changed to the day after the hearing. 5. The purpose of a hearing is to determine if there was a mistake made in issue of the notice; determine if there are mitigating circumstances, and to make arrangements for bringing the violation into compliance over a period of time if warranted. The hearing process will not and cannot be used to determine if a particular provision of the Association Documents is desirable or undesirable. 6. Procedure for the Hearing: (a) The Board president shall establish that a quorum is present, explain the Fine Policy and procedures, and describe the nature of the violation as presented in the Notice. (b) The Owner may then provide rebuttal to the notice using witnesses or any other information deemed relevant and necessary. (c) After all testimony and other evidence has been presented, the Board shall decide whether the notice was justified, or whether there were mitigating circumstances. If the Board finds the notice was justified, a fine shall then be assessed by the Board or mutually agreeable arrangements made with the Owner to ensure correction of the violation and compliance in the future. If the Board finds the notice was not justified, no fine shall be assessed. Fine Policy for Ranch Meadow Association for Violation of Documents. 1. First Notice of Violation. The first notice shall be a Courtesy Notice delivered by U.S. mail or hand-delivered to the violating Owner stating the alleged violation or violations. The Owner may be able immediately to correct the violation or violations by taking care of the problem or problems within ten (10) days from the date of delivery of the Courtesy Notice to the Owner. 2. Second Notice of Violation. A Second Notice of Violation is delivered by U.S. mail or hand-delivered to the violating Owner stating the alleged violation and the fine that is to be imposed if it is not corrected within ten (10) days of the Second Notice. If the Owner feels that the alleged violation represents an invalid accusation, he/she must appeal the alleged violation, using the process described above, within ten (10) days of receiving the Second Notice. If an appeal request is made, the Board will follow the procedure presented above. 3. Third Notice: $25.00 Fine. The Owner is advised by letter delivered by the U.S. mail or hand-delivered that continued non-compliance with Association Documents as presented in the Notices served the Owner, will result in an additional $50.00 fine if the alleged violation is not

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corrected within ten (10) days of receipt of the Third Notice.. 4. Fourth Notice: $50.00 Fine. The Owner is advised that non-compliance with the requests presented in the previous three Notices will result in an additional $100.00 fine. 5. Subsequent Notices: $100.00 Fine. The Owner is advised that having failed to comply with the Association Documents after having been given four Notices of alleged violations of the Association Documents he/she is assessed an additional fine of $100.00, and that the Association may take whatever action it deems necessary, including lawsuit to reach compliance. If a lawsuit is filed in connection with the violation of Association Documents, the Owner will be responsible for any attorneys’ fees and court costs. If the Owner is still not in compliance within ten (10) days subsequent to this notice, additional fines will accrue at the rate of $100.00 a month until final resolution is reached. It is the general policy of the RMCA to encourage the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to resolve disputes between the RMCA and an Owner. ADR is defined as a procedure for settling disputes by means other than litigation, such as mediation, non-binding arbitration, or binding arbitration. ADR, in the form of Mediation, Non-Binding Arbitration, or Binding Arbitration may be pursued by the RMCA before any lawsuit is filed, except in the cases of the collection of assessments, or the enforcement of the Declaration and Covenants, Bylaws, Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules of the RMCA, subject to the following: (a) ADR shall not be required if time constraints prevent accomplishing ADR; (b) ADR will not be pursued by the RMCA if an Owner refuses to participate in the process. (c) At the time the parties agree to use ADR, the parties shall also agree on the form of ADR to be used. If the parties cannot agree on the form of ADR to be used, ADR shall be in the form of mediation. (d) Any ADR pursued must use a trained mediator, arbitrator, or facilitator who has familiarity with the governance of the Common-Interest-Ownership communities. (e) Any ADR must be conducted in compliance with the Uniform Arbitration Act and/or the Dispute Resolution Act, as applicable. (f) If ADR is to be used, the Owner shall execute an agreement with the RMCA prior to the commencement of the ADR process which suspends applicable statute of limitations while the parties are attempting to resolve the dispute through ADR. Selection of Mediator/Arbitrator. If the parties to the ADR cannot agree, within 30 days of the request for ADR, on the facilitator, mediator, arbitrator, or other qualified person to conduct the ADR, then, within 10 days, (a) Each party shall choose a qualified person as defined in this policy statement, and those selected by the RMCA and the Owner shall then appoint a third qualified person to be determined in their sole discretion. (b) In the event a party fails to select a qualified person as provided in (a) above, the person selected by the other party shall be deemed acceptable to both parties and shall act as the facilitator, arbitrator, or mediator. Costs for ADR. The costs of the ADR shall be split equally among the parties involved in the ADR. In the event an Owner fails to pay the Owner’s share of the cost of the ADR, his/her share shall be considered an Assessment against his/her Unit and may be collected by the RMCA as an assessment as provided in the Declaration and in Colorado Law. RMCA’s policy for ADR as stated here shall be in addition to and in supplement of the terms and provisions of the Declaration of the RMCA and of the law of the State of Colorado governing Common-Interest-Ownership communities. (Approved by Board, March 30, 2006; updated to conform with Senate Bill 89 [2006]; update approved by the Board, December 7, 2006.)

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P10.2006: Disclosures to Owners Required on an Annual Basis. (Senate Bill 100.3.10; updated as mandated by Senate Bill 89 [2006]. * If the RMCA address changes, the designated agent, or management company changes, the RMCA shall update information and make it available to owners within 90 days after the change. Information that must be communicated to the owners is: (a) The name of the Association; (b) The name of the RMCA’s designated agent or management company; (c) A valid physical address and telephone number for both the RMCA and the designated agent or management company; (d) The name of the common interest community; (e) The initial date of recording of the Declaration; and (f) The reception number or book and page for the main document that constitutes the Declaration. Also, within 90 days after the end of each fiscal year, the RMCA shall make the above information available to Unit Owners and upon reasonable notice the results of its most recent available financial audit or review. (Adopted by the Board March 30, 2006; updated to conform with Senate Bill 89 [2006]; update approved by the Board December 7, 2006). P11.2006: Emergency Vehicle Parking for Occupants of Condominium Units in Ranch Meadow. (Senate Bill 100.1.4 [2005]; updated to conform with Senate Bill 89 {2006].* An occupant of a Ranch Meadow condominium Unit may park an emergency vehicle on a street, driveway, or guest parking area in the Ranch Meadow community, provided the following criteria are met: (a) the occupant is a bona fide member of a volunteer fire department; OR (b) he/she is employed by a primary provider of emergency fire fighting, law enforcement, ambulance, or other medical services; (c) the vehicle can be parked without obstructing emergency access or interfering with the reasonable needs of other Unit Owners or occupants to use the streets, driveway, and guest parking spaces within the Ranch Meadow community. (P11.2006 adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006, and updated to conform with Senate Bill 89 [2006]; update approved by Board, December 7, 2006). P12.2006: Fire Mitigation. (Senate Bill 100.1.5).* As part of the Landscape (mowing) contract which the Association makes each year for the care of the total landscaping on the General Common Elements, a clause provides that the contractor shall make certain that tall, dry grasses are kept mowed within a specified distance (to be determined by the Landscape Committee) from any of the Units. Owners are encouraged to contact the management company if they have concern about any type of fire hazard posed by the landscape elements or any other force. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) P12.A.2006: Disposal of Hazardous Materials. (Adopted by Board. February 1, 2007).* Owners and Tenants at Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association are responsible for following county and state requirements for disposal of hazardous materials (used batteries, chemicals, insecticides, etc.). These items may not be store outside a unit at any time (and for safety’s sake they should not be store inside garages or other parts of a Unit). Owners and Tenants who store such items outside their Units and who have been notified of the hazardous materials not being disposed of correctly will be subject to having the Association’s management agent arrange with a reliable source to dispose of the materials with all costs of the disposal being charged to the owner’s account (in the case of tenants, it will be charged to the owner from which the tenant has a lease). Because of the nature of the problem, only one notice will be given to the Owner or Tenant with the statement that the items must be disposed of within 24 hours or the Association will

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remove them at the Owner’s (or in case of a tenant, the landlord’s) expense. (Approved by the Board, February 1, 2007). P13.2006: Landscape Change Requests by a Unit Owner. (Senate Bill 100.3.8; Policy and Procedure on Landscaping, 2002).* Owners wishing to make changes in the Landscape around their units shall present a plan together with a drawn-to-scale layout showing where the landscape changes are to be located and naming any tree or shrub that will be planted. The Plan shall be submitted to the management company which will examine the application for adherence to the format and advise the Owner of any changes, if any, that should be made. When the Plan is complete, the management company shall send the Plan together with the application fee of $25 submitted by the Owner to the Chair of the Landscape Committee where the Plan will be reviewed to ensure that it conforms to the requirements stated in the Association Policy and Procedure on Landscape. After the Committee has completed its review, the Plan will be brought to the Board and if approved by a simple majority of the Board members present at the meeting, the Owner will be notified, and the Committee will forward the completed application to the management company. The management company will file the Plan in the Office of Recorder, Larimer County, Fort Collins, Colorado, and a copy of the approved filing will be sent to the Owner so he/she can proceed with implementing the plan. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) P14.2006: Maintenance, Reporting Problems of. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* The management company representative will make twice-a-month visits to the Ranch Meadow Community to check on the community and may make a list of maintenance problems seen; the individual Owner of a Condo Unit is expected to report maintenance problems to the Management Company as well. After the management company receives the call about a problem, the representative who works with Ranch Meadow will evaluate the problem and if he/she deems it necessary confer with the Association Board about the problem. But in the end, the management company shall make all negotiations with service companies for the repairs. If an Owner arranges for repairs without going through the management company, he/she may be required to pay for the repairs. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) P15.2006: Maintenance Responsibilities of the Association. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004); Declaration.18).* Maintenance and repair of the General Common Elements (the buildings, the paved driveways, Raven Court street) is the responsibility of the Association. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006; updated and specified by Board, February 1, 2007.) Maintenance Policy With Listing of Responsibilities Assigned to the Association and those Assigned to the Unit Owner. (Updating and defining P15 and P16, Approved for inclusion in the annotation of Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules of the Association by the Association Board of Directors on March 30, 2006). The purpose of this Maintenance Policy is to clearly delineate those items that are the responsibility of the individual owners and those items that are the responsibility of the Association. For the most part, the Association is responsible for those items designated as General Common Elements (GCE), and the individual owners are responsible for the Limited Common Elements (LCE). This policy defines the responsibility on an item-by-item basis.

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P15.2006: Maintenance Responsibilities Assigned to the Ranch Meadow Association. Owners are assessed a monthly fee to cover maintenance of the General Common Elements, for Reserve Funds for future maintenance of those elements, and for other expenses that may be approved in the annual budget. The Declaration of the Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association assigns the following Maintenance Responsibilities to the Association as general common element expenses: 1. Replacement and maintenance of the General Common Elements; 2. Snow removal from the General Common Elements except garage aprons; 3. Water and Sewer Mains; 4. Raven Court maintenance and replacement; 5. Landscaping of the General Common Elements; 6. Electricity for entry signs; 7. Maintenance of main entry sign and plantings; 8. Drainage facilities; 9. Outside water faucets; 10. Maintenance of the Association drip and underground irrigation systems; 11. Maintenance of black-topped driveways and aprons. (excluding the ashalted areas in front of garages that are marked on the official plats as LCE (Limited Common Elements). (The Association will seal-coat the black-topped LCE areas in front of the garages). 12. Unit structure (framing and foundation, excluding deck footings); 13. Exterior siding and paint; 14. Roofs, including skylights; 15. Gutters and Downspouts. 16. The Association is not responsible for any real or perceived deficiencies, construction errors or omissions by the builder. These items should have been taken up with the builder during the one-year warranty period. 17. Exterior entry stairs; the Association will paint the exterior stairways on standard painting schedule;** 18. Sidewalks leading to the individual units.**


February 1, 2007

RESOLUTION 1.2007: Policy of the Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association (RMCA) with respect to maintenance of sidewalks leading up to an individual unit, and maintenance of exterior stairs at 1555 Raven Circle. WHEREAS the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA) states in Section 38-33.3-202 that Unit boundaries, except as provided by the Declaration: (d) any shutters, awnings, window boxes, doorsteps, stoops, porches, balconies, and patios and all exterior doors and windows or other fixtures designed to serve a single unit but located outside the unit’s boundaries, are limited common elements allocated exclusive to that unit; WHEREAS, the Condominium Declaration for Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association recorded under Reception Number 97033093 in the office of the Larimer County Clerk and Recorder defines both “General Common Elements” and “Limited Common Elements” as items identified by the Condominium Map; WHEREAS, the Condominium Maps inconsistently label or fail to label sidewalks to an owner’s condominium unit either General Common Element or Limited Common Element;

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WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has solicited attorney informal advice and an opinion of these inconsistencies and has received two different interpretations; AND WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors of the RMCA to carry out its maintenance responsibilities in the best interest of the community, its owners, and in conformity with state law, and the RMCA Declaration; BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLVED that the Board of Directors interprets sidewalks leading up to an individual unit and the exterior stairs of the units at 1555 Raven Circle to be Limited Common Elements and the snow removal the responsibility of the unit owner per Section 18 of the same Condominium Declaration for Ranch Meadow Condominiums; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Directors recognizes the economies of scale of long-term repair and maintenance on sidewalks leading up to an individual unit and the exterior stairs of the units at 1555 Raven Circle and hereby accepts responsibility for the long-term repair and replacement of such. Adopted this 1st day of February, 2007, by the Board of Directors of Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association, Estes Park, Colorado. SIGNED:_______________________________________ President of the RMCA

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P16.2006: Maintenance Responsibilities of the Unit Owner. (Frequently Asked Question, 2002/Rev. 2004; Declaration.18).* Maintenance and repair of the Limited Common Elements (deck floors, garage doors, garage door openers, entrance doors, windows, window screens,) is the responsibility of the Unit Owner. Maintenance and repairs required because of damage to the Limited Common Elements or to the General Common Elements caused by the Owner, Renter or visitors of the Owner or Renters are the responsibility of the Unit Owner. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) P16:2006: Maintenance Responsibilities Assigned to the Condominium Unit Owner. (Adopted by the Board, March 2006; updated and specified by the Board, February 1, 2007.) As stated in the Declaration, Section 18 reproduced above, Unit owners are responsible for maintenance of items, including, but not limited to the following Limited Common Elements: 1. Decks and balconies, including rails, fascia boards, and supports, subject to approval of the Architectural Review Committee; 2. Patios; 3. Utilities in unit after branch from the main utility supplies; 4. Hot water heater; 5. Furnaces; 6. Air Conditioners; 7. Unit windows, including glass; *** 8. Unit doors; *** 9. Unit sub-floors, floors, and floor coverings; 10. Interior partition walls; 11. Insulation; 12. Interior sheetrock; 13. Unit wall coverings; 14. Window coverings, subject to covenant restrictions; 15. Garage door, including door mechanism and opener. *** 16. Flower beds and landscaping in the Limited Common Elements; 17. Plants bought and added by the owner;

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18. Refrigerator, freezer, microwave, kitchen range, dishwasher, etc.; 19. Fireplace and flue; 20. Indoor light fixtures; 21. Outdoor light fixtures. *** 22. Sewer lines down to the connection with the main sewer line; 23. Bath tubs and showers and other interior plumbing; 24. Ceiling fans; 25. Inside telephone lines and connections; 26. Other inside telecommunication lines and hookups; 27. Electrical wiring servicing the unit from the meter in to the unit; 28. Dryer vent and crawlspace vents. 29. Ductwork for heating and cooling systems; 30. Interior stairways. 31. Asphalted LCE parking areas directly in front of garages. Seal coating will be done by the Association. -------------------- ***Item includes the notation, “Subject to the approval of the Architectural Review Committee.” P16A.2007: Monthly Assessments, Due Date, and Late Fees. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/2004).* Monthly assessments established by the Board of Directors to fund the maintenance and replacement of properties, and day-to-day operating expenses are due on the First Day of the month. Assessments will be considered late after the tenth of the month, with a late fee of $25 plus 1.5% interest per month on the outstanding balance being assessed after the account is 45 days late. P17.2006: Owner Filing of Claims Against the Association Master Insurance Policy. (Updated to conform to Senate Bill 89 [2006] and adopted by the Board, December 7, 2006.)* NOTE: This policy was combined with P7.2006, through an amendment to P7.2006 passed by the Board on February 7, 2008). P18.2006: Reserve Funds Investment. (Senate Bill 100.2.1; updated to conform with Senate Bill 89 [2006]).* All liquid and non-liquid Reserve Fund investments shall be maintained in an account or accounts separate from the Association’s operating account or accounts. The Reserve Funds will be invested in the following types of accounts: 1. Insured interest-bearing liquid bank accounts, Certificates of Deposit. 2. Treasury Bills, Notes or Bonds backed by the U.S. Treasury. 3. Insured AAA- or AA-rated State or Municipal Bonds. 4. Any other type of insured investment appropriate for non-profit entities. 5. No more than $100,000 shall be invested in any one financial institution. The Association’s non-liquid investments should be structured with laddered maturity dates so that the investments mature during successive time periods. The length of maturities should be based on market conditions and the Association's anticipated repair and replacement needs. This laddering strategy is intended to provide the Association with the benefit of longer term interest rates, which are customarily higher than short-term rates, while maintaining sufficient liquidity from time to time to meet the Association’s repair and replacement schedule. The Board shall maintain a sufficient portion of its reserve funds in one or more liquid accounts to meet required expenditures for repairs or replacement that the Association will incur before its non-liquid assets mature. All reserve fund investments will be made in the name of the Association. Any withdrawal or transfer of reserve funds requires the signature of at least two Association officers or Board members. The Board will review the periodic account statements sent to the Association for the Reserve Fund investments at the next Board meeting following the Association’s receipt of the

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statement. Based on this review, the Board may make any adjustments to the investments as necessary to maintain competitive yields. As investors of Reserve Funds of the RMCA, the officers and members of the Board of Directors shall be subject to the standards set forth in Section 7-128-401, Colorado Revised Statutes, except that, as used in that section: (a) Corporation or nonprofit corporation means the RMCA; (b) Director means a member of the RMCA Board of Director; (c) Officer means any person designated as an officer of the RMCA and any person to whom the Board of Directors delegates responsibilities under this article, including, without limitation, a managing agent, attorney, or accountant employed by the Board of Directors. Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act, Section 7-128-401: General standards of conduct for directors and officers. (1) Each director shall discharge the director’s duties as a director, including the director’s duties as a member of a committee of the board, and each officer with discretionary authority shall discharge the officer’s duties under that authority: (a) In good faith; (b) With the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances; and (c) In a manner the director or officer reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the nonprofit corporation. (2) In discharging duties, a director or officer is entitled to rely on information, opinions, reports, or statements, including financial statements and other financial data, if prepared or presented by: (a) One or more officers or employees of the nonprofit corporation whom the director or officer reasonably believes to be reliable and competent in the matters presented; (b) Legal counsel, a public accountant, or another person as to matters the director or officer reasonably believes are within such person’s professional or expert competence; (c) Religious authorities or ministers, priests, rabbis, or other persons whose position or duties in the nonprofit corporation is affiliated, the director or officer believes to justify reliance and confidence and who the director or officer believes to be reliable and competent in the matters presented; or (d) In the case of a director, a committee of the board of directors of which the director is not a member if the director reasonably believes the committee merits confidence. (3) A director or officer is not acting in good faith if the director or officer has knowledge concerning the matter in question that makes reliance otherwise permitted by subsection (2) of this section unwarranted. (4) A director or officer is not liable as such to the nonprofit corporation or its members for any action taken or omitted to be taken as a director or officer, as the case may be, if, in connection with such action or omission, the director or officer performed the duties of the position in compliance with this section. (5) A director, regardless of title, shall not be deemed to be a trustee with respect to the nonprofit corporation or with respect to any property held or administered by the nonprofit corporation, including without limitation, property that may be subject to restrictions imposed by a donor or transferor of such property. Reserve Studies. To determine the appropriate level of the Association’s Reserve Funds, the Board may commission from time to time Reserve Studies evaluating the life expectancy of those areas of the community maintained by the Association, and the anticipated cost of maintaining, repairing, and replacing those areas. (Adopted by Board, March 30, 2006; updated to conform with Senate Bill 89 [2006]; update approved by the Board, December 7, 2006; Amended by Board 11/1/07.) P19.2006: Unpaid Assessments, Collection of. (Senate Bill 100.2.1).* To assist with the collection of unpaid Assessments in a timely and efficient manner, the Association shall abide by the procedures listed below: Assessments are payable monthly, and the Association shall send a letter demanding payment to any delinquent Owner owing two months of past due Assessments. The demand letter shall be mailed by regular United States mail within 30 days of the delinquent Owner’s becoming

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two months delinquent in the payment of Assessments. A late fee of $25 plus 1.5% interest per month on the outstanding balance being assessed after the account is 45 days late . In the event payment is not received from a delinquent Owner within 30 days after the date of the demand letter referenced above, the Association may pursue any one or all of the following collection remedies: (a) File an Assessment lien against the delinquent Owner property; (b) Commence and maintain legal proceedings (lawsuit seeking personal judgments and foreclosure actions) for the recovery of delinquent Assessment, late fees, interest, attorney fees and costs allowed by the Association Documents or CCIOA; (c) Pursue collection of judgments obtained against Owners; and (d) Take all other lawful action necessary to collect delinquent Assessments in accordance with the Association Documents and Colorado law. If the Association fails to follow the procedures set forth above it shall not be construed as any waiver or release of a delinquent Owner’s obligation to pay Assessments or the Association’s right to collect the Assessments in accordance with the Association Documents and CCIOA. Any delinquent Owner shall be responsible for attorney fees and costs incurred by the Association in the collection of past due Assessments, whether or not a lawsuit is commenced, in accordance with the Association Documents and CCIOA. If the Association receives any bankruptcy or foreclosure notice regarding an Owner with unpaid Assessments, the Association may seek advice from its attorney regarding the appropriate action to be taken. If the Association, through its attorney, has sent a demand letter, filed a lien or commenced legal proceedings against an Owner to collect unpaid Assessments, the Association shall forward any bankruptcy or foreclosure notice received to the attorney. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) P20.2006: Xeriscaping as a Part of Landscaping. (Senate Bill 100.1.1).* Proposals submitted to the Landscape Committee for use of Xeriscaping at a Condominium Unit shall not be denied provided the request meets the general requirements of the Association’s Landscape Policies and Procedures. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.)

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Rules are restrictions developed by the Association Board that are designed to specify certain types of activities that are forbidden in the Ranch Meadow Community. The restrictions were developed as Clarifications of provisions contained in the Association Declaration. Rules are designed to ensure maintenance of the highest aesthetic standards in the community and thus to contribute to maintaining the highest possible value for property in the community. R1.2006: Air Conditioning Installation in Condo Unit. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* Air conditioning units may be installed by Unit Owners. The air conditioning outside condensing unit must be located in an inconspicuous place close to the Owner’s Condo and placed to minimize disturbance to neighbors. A request to install an air conditioning unit must be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) for approval. The Owner must present a signed statement from Owners on each side of his/her unit indicating the neighbors’ approval of the location of the condensing unit. The Unit Owner is fully responsible for all maintenance and repairs and any damage the air conditioning unit may cause to the general common elements. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006; updated through editing to be consistent with ARC Guidelines, approved September 14, 2006.)

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R2.2006: Deck Awning Installation. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* Deck awnings may be installed by a Condo Owner, provided the framing is white and the material is a solid color that closely matches the building color. Owners wishing to install deck awnings must submit the request to the ARC for approval. The Unit Owner is fully responsible for all maintenance and repairs and for any damage caused to the general common elements by the awning. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006; updated through editing to be consistent with ARC Guidelines, approved September 14, 2006.)) R3.2006: Deck Floor Maintenance. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev.2004).* Maintenance of a Condo Unit deck floor is the responsibility of the Condo Owner. Once a year the Association will solicit estimates and select a contractor to paint deck floors. Any Unit Owner who wishes to have his/her deck floor re-painted can notify the Management Company to arrange to have the painting included in the overall contract. When the painting is completed, the Association will assess individual Unit Owners for the cost. The estimate will be given at a per square foot cost, and the cost may be higher or lower depending on the condition of the deck floor, the time, and materials required. If the actual cost will exceed the general estimate by 10% or more, the contractor will be requested to contact the Unit Owner for approval before continuing. The Unit Owner can assume responsibility for maintaining the deck floor. He/she can repaint the existing floor or replace the wood planks with a more durable material such as Trex that does not require painting. In either case, written approval must first be obtained from the ARC and the Association guidelines must be followed. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R4.2006: Fence and Barrier Installation. (Declaration 26.K).* No fences of any type are permitted to be installed in any area of the Ranch Meadow Community. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R5.2006: Flags at Condo Units. (Senate Bill 100.1.2; updated under provisions of Senate Bill 89 2006].)* The American flag may be displayed on a Unit Owner’s property in a window or a door of the Unit, or on the balcony adjoining the Unit if the American flag is displayed in a manner consistent with the Federal Flag Code. The U.S. flag may also be displayed on a flag pole attached to the condominium Unit below the eave line; the pole may not exceed 5 feet in length. The dimension s of the flag can be no greater than 28 inches by 41 inches. Unit Owners or occupants may display one Military Service Flag bearing a star denoting the service of the owner or occupant of the Unit, or of a member of the Owner’s or occupant’s immediate family, in the active or reserve military service of the United States during a time of war or armed conflict, on the inside of a window or door of the Unit, or on a pole no greater than 5 feet long attached to the Unit under the eave line. The size of this flag is limited to 28 inches by 41 inches. Unit Owners or occupants may display one Seasonal Celebration flag at each Unit provided the Seasonal Celebration Flag is no larger than 28 by 41 inches. Seasonal Celebration flags shall be displayed on poles no greater than 5 feet long and attached to the Unit below the eave line. No flags of any type may be displayed on General Common Elements. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006; updated to conform with Senate Bill 89 [2006]; update approved by Board, December 7, 2006.) R6.2006: Gable and Deck Modification. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* No structural changes to a Condo Unit are permitted in the Ranch Meadow Community. No enlargement of decks is permitted. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.)

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R7.2006: Garages May Not Be Converted into Living Space. (Declaration.27.F).* Condo Unit Garages may not be converted into living areas; and garages shall be kept available for the parking of at least one vehicle at all times. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R8.2006: Garage Sales in Ranch Meadow. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* Garage sales may be conducted by Unit Owners. Signs advertising the Garage Sale must be removed as soon as the sale is completed. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R9.2006: Gate Addition to Unit Decks. (Board Adopted 2005).* A Unit Owner may add a gate to the deck provided the gate that is created matches the original materials, is painted the same color as the deck, and that the hinges are hidden or at least painted the same color as the material they are attached to. Any steps leading to the gate must also be painted the same color as the deck. Unit Owners must submit the request for adding the gate to the ARC for approval. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R10.2006: Holiday Decorations. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* Holiday decorations may be placed on the outside of a Unit with the only restrictions that they cannot be placed earlier than 30 days before a holiday, and that they must be removed from outside the Unit within 30 days after the holiday. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R11.2006: Hot Tubs. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* No hot tubs may be installed at a Ranch Meadow Condo Unit. The decision to prohibit hot tubs was made because of the close proximity of neighbors and concern about structural integrity of deck framing. Unit Owners who already had hot tubs when the original ruling was made by the Board (2002) are allowed to keep the hot tubs as long as they own the Unit. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R12.2006: Landscape Solar Light Installation Along Front Walk of Condo Unit. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* Solar Landscape Lights may be installed along the front walk of a Condo Unit provided they are kept at ground level. The lights are not permitted to be attached to the Condo Unit. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R13.2006: Lighting, Exterior. (Declaration.26.L).* No exterior lighting, including methods of illumination and type and design of light poles or standards, shall be permitted unless approved, in advance, by the ARC, except low illumination porch and door lights. Special season lights and decorations shall be removed within thirty days after the holiday. (See P2.2006). (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R14.2006: Noise, Offensive or Loud. (Declaration.26.I).* Offensive or loud noises and uses considered to be a nuisance shall not be permitted within any Unit or upon the condominium property, and for the purpose of this restriction, a noise or use shall be considered offensive and a nuisance if it is so determined by a majority of the Unit Owners. This restriction shall also apply to the use of motor bikes and motorcycles and similar vehicles. Use of “ham” radios or similar types of transmissions which interfere with normal radio and television signals within the condominium development shall be prohibited. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.)

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Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association Policies and Rules


R15.2006: Occupancy Type in Ranch Meadow. (Declaration.26.A).* The Declaration for Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association specifies that all Units are single-family dwellings. Multiple-family occupancy is prohibited in Ranch Meadow. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R16.2006: Owner May Not Engage in Activities That May Negatively Affect the Association Master Insurance Policy Coverage. (Declaration.26.G).* No Unit Owner shall permit any use of his/her Unit or make use of the Common Elements that will increase the cost of or invalidate the Association’s insurance on the Condominium property. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R17.2006: Parking Exceptions for 1442 Raven Circle, Units A and I. (New introduced, 2006).* The design for Building 36 (1442 Raven Circle) is different from other buildings in the Ranch Meadow community, and, as a result, no “driveway” parking is available for Units A and I as these Unit driveways are used by the Owners in Units B and H as the “in” and “out” routes from their garages. To accommodate Owners of Units A and I with space for parking outside the garages, the apron spaces immediately to the left of the garage of Unit A and immediately to the right of Unit I are reserved as outside-of-garage parking for these units. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R18.2006: Pet Feces, Owner Must Clean Up. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004; Town of Estes Park Animal Control Ordinance).* Pet Owners are required to pick up all pet feces at the time it is deposited; the pet feces must be disposed of through sanitary methods to protect the health and safety of residents. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R19.2006: Pets in Ranch Meadow. (Declaration.26.B).* No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept in the general common elements or any unit, except two household pets per unit; provided, however, such household pets shall not be raised, bred, or kept for any commercial purposes, and shall be kept within the unit or on a leash outside the unit. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R20.2006: Pets to be Kept on Leash Outside Unit. (Declaration.26.B; Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004; Town of Estes Park Animal Control Ordinance).* All pets are to be on a leash when outside an Owner’s Unit. Town of Estes Park Ordinances require that dogs be kept on a leash not over 6 feet in length when on a Unit deck, on the ground around a Unit and anywhere the pet is walked in the town limits. Pets must be under an Owner’s supervision at all times. Dog runs are not permitted in Ranch Meadow. Cats are not permitted to roam free in the Town of Estes Park. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006; Estes Park Town Ordinance, May 2007.) R21.2006: Playground Equipment, Playhouses, and Greenhouses. (Declaration.26.N).* No playground equipment is permitted to be installed in Ranch Meadow. Playground equipment such as a basketball hoop may be used but must be stored in the garage after each use. No play equipment shall be allowed to be outside the unit when not in use. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.)

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Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association Policies and Rules


R22.2006: Porch and Other Exterior Lights at Night. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* Because of the close proximity of units in Ranch Meadow exterior lights often shine directly into the bedrooms of nearby Units. As a courtesy to neighbors, Owners are asked to turn off exterior lights by 10:30 p.m. Low wattage bulbs (7.5 or 15 watt clear utility) can be used for the exterior lighting with limited problem for neighboring Units. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R23.2006: Renting of Ranch Meadow Condo Units. (Declaration.26.A).* Owners of Units in Ranch Meadow may rent their units provided that the whole unit is rented for a minimum of 6 months to a single family unit. The Unit Owner is responsible for ensuring that the renters abide by all Association Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules, Declaration, and Bylaws. Unit Owners are required to submit the names of tenants and to file a copy of the rental or lease agreement with the Association Management Company. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R.24.2006: Satellite Dish and Antennae Installation. (Declaration.26.E).* Satellite dishes may be placed at a Condo Unit, provided the dish is placed in an inconspicuous location, that it is not attached to the deck railing or to the roof shingles. Recommended placement is on the deck corner post. The Unit Owner is fully responsible for any damage to the General Common Elements by the satellite dish. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R25.2006: Signs At Individual Units. (Declaration 26.J; Senate Bill 100.1.3; updated to conform to mandates of Senate Bill 89 [2006].)* Unit Owners may display one For Rent or For Sale sign at Condo Units, provided the sign does not exceed 6 square feet in size and 6 feet in height and placed at least 8 feet from the street, is not placed so as to obstruct intersections or driveways or cause damage to drip and sprinkler irrigation systems, not attached to the building structures, and not in the General Common Elements. The signs must be placed on standards that are driven into the ground. The display of a political sign for candidates or for ballot issues by the owner or occupant of a Unit on property within the boundaries of the Unit or in a window of the Unit is permitted, except that: (a) Political signs may not be displayed earlier than forty-five days before the day of an election and not later than seven days after an election day; and (b) Political signs may be placed in the ground immediately adjacent to an Owner’s Unit; (c.) one sign per candidate office and one sign per ballot issue may be displayed; (d.) signs cannot exceed 4 square feet and must be placed at least 8 feet from the street and be no greater than 6 feet tall from the ground; (e) political candidate and ballot issue signs cannot be placed in the General Common Elements; those placed in the Common Elements will be removed and discarded without notice; (f) political candidate and ballot issue signs shall not be placed in areas that will obstruct intersections or driveways. Political Candidate and Ballot Issue Signs are defined by state statute as signs that carry a message intended to influence the outcome of an election, including supporting or opposing the election of a candidate, the recall of a public official, or the passage of a ballot issue. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006; updated to conform with Senate Bill 89 [2006]; update approved by the Board, December 7, 2006.) R26.2006: Storage of Items Outside Condo Units. (Declaration.26.C).* No items may be stored or left outside a Condo Unit on general common elements, or stored under the Unit deck. This includes BBQs, picnic tables, chairs, benches, play equipment, bicycles,

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Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association Policies and Rules


lawnmowers, etc. Items such as BBQs, tables, chairs, etc., may be kept on Unit Decks. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R27.2006: Storm/Screen Door Installation. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* Exterior Storm/Screen Doors may be added to Unit entrances, provided the framing trim is white, and that it has plain glass with no decorative grids or grills. If the main door to a Unit is full glass, the storm door must have a full glass storm door; if the main door is half glass, either full or half glass storm door may be used. The Unit Owner is fully responsible for all maintenance and repairs and for any damage caused to the general common elements. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R28.2006: Trailer, Boat and RV Parking Limitations. (Declaration.26.D).* Parking of trailers, boats or RVs is permitted in the Ranch Meadow community ONLY if the vehicles are kept inside a Unit garage and is not visible to other residents. A trailer, boat or RV can be kept at your Unit for a short period of time not to exceed 72 hours, provided that the vehicle does not obstruct the entrance and exit for other vehicles in the area. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R29.2006: Unoccupied Units, Recommended Precautions. (Declaration.26.H; Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* Any time an Owner or Renter leaves a Unit unoccupied, the thermostat is to be set at 50 degrees or higher to prevent water lines from freezing. It is also recommended that Owners who leave their Units unoccupied, turn off the water in the Unit, and arrange for someone to check the Unit periodically to ensure the furnace is functioning properly. Owners should understand that if damage occurs in a Unit and precautions have not been taken, they may be responsible for Association deductibles and damages caused by freezing pipes. Owners are urged to investigate installation of a monitored alarm system with standard sensors for entry, smoke/fire, and temperatures that would send an alarm if the temperature in the Unit drops below a certain point. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R30.2006: Vehicle Parking in Ranch Meadow. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* Parking of automobiles is permitted in the Ranch Meadow community only on the spaces in front of the garages, except for 1442 Units A and I, where parking for one automobile is provided on the paved areas immediately adjacent to the garages. Visitor parking is provided on the streets adjacent to the buildings. The paved areas leading up to the entrances to the garages at all Units are reserved strictly for entrance, exit and turn-around space for automobiles. Parking is not permitted at any time on the grassy areas in the Ranch Meadow community. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R31.2006: Vehicle Parking on Unit Driveways. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* Governance Standards, Policies, and Rules of the Association specify that a Unit Owner or Renter is limited as to the number of automobiles that may be parked at any Unit. If a Unit is a two-car garage Unit, the limit is a total of three vehicles; if the Unit is a one-car garage Unit, the limit is a total of two vehicles. In all cases, no more than two vehicles may be parked on the driveway in front of the garage at two-car garage Units, and no more than one vehicle is permitted to be parked on the driveway in front of the garage at one-car garage Units. Garages must be maintained with space for at least one automobile to be parked inside. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006; amended at Board meeting 7/06/06 with changes underscored).

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Ranch Meadow Condominiums Association Policies and Rules


R32.2006: Wind Chimes Outside Condo Units. (Frequently Asked Questions, 2002/Rev. 2004).* Wind chimes should be placed only near Unit front doors or on Unit decks. The strong winds here can create excessive noise, and out of consideration to neighbors, a Unit Owner should use discretion in hanging of the chimes. During strong winds and when a Unit Owner is away for extended periods, the wind chimes should be taken down. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.) R33.2006: Window Coverings, Exterior. (Revision and Restatement of Policies Adopted by the Association 1999-2006).* Exterior window coverings are permitted provided the framing is white and the covering is white or off white. The Unit Owner must submit a request to install exterior window coverings to the ARC for approval. Owners who install exterior window coverings are fully responsible for all maintenance and repair and for any damage the coverings or the framing may cause to the general common elements. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006; updated through editing to be consistent with ARC Guidelines, approved September 14, 2006.) R34.2006: Window Coverings, Interior. (Declaration.26.O).Window coverings for Condo Units must have a white or off-white color when viewed from the outside. (Adopted by the Board, March 30, 2006.)
