Page 1: Gouvion St-Cyr defeats Wittgenstein Historical · 2018-08-25 · Smolensk. If these forces could overpower the Russian

Carnage&GloryII Napoleonic Battle Scenario

The First Battle of Polotsk – The Second Day – August 18, 1812

The First Battle of Polotsk, Second Day – August 18, 1812 Gouvion St-Cyr defeats Wittgenstein Historical Perspective:

The First battle of Polotsk was fought between the recently combined Franco-Bavarian forces of Marshal Oudinot and General de Division St-Cyr and the reinforced Russian I Corps of General Wittgenstein. The Franco-Bavarian strategic objectives were essentially to protect the exposed flank of Napoleon’s central thrust through Belo-Russia towards Smolensk. If these forces could overpower the Russian resistance it would have practically opened the road to St. Petersburg. Wittgenstein, with limited resources had been given the task of holding open the road to St. Petersburg, and shielding the French forces or eliminating them as circumstances dictated. The battle was fought over two days in mid August 1812. Marshal Oudinot commanding the French II Corps was over

awed by the Russian forces, and had repeatedly asked Napoleon for additional resources. Napoleon relented and in early August dispatched St-Cyr’s Bavarian VI Corps to reinforce Oudinot. The Franco-Bavarians had pushed the Russians over the River Duna at Polotsk. Polotsk was a provincial Russian city lying on the banks of the Duna, and was a relatively unhealthy region with many mosquito-ridden marshes in proximity to the river and it’s tributaries, but it was an important road junction, with roads leading to Vitebsk, Drissa and St. Petersburg. On August 17, Wittgenstein launched a limited attack on the Bavarian positions immediately to the north of the city in the vicinity of Spas. The Bavarians held there own and there was tremendous fighting in and around the village and convent or Spas, the village being reduced to ashes during the combat. Oudinot neglected to use his overwhelming strength of numbers and only committed two of his five divisions, which gave the Russians the opportunity to achieve a tactical victory on the first day. Towards the end of the first days fighting Marshal Oudinot suffered a serious wound, which effectively removed him from the combat, and ultimately from command of II Corps until early November. This gave St-Cyr effective command of both corps, and an opportunity to show his mettle, and perhaps earn a Marshal’s baton. St-Cyr was a cerebral warrior who treated war akin to a chess match. On the following morning he attempted to deceive the Russians by moving transport along the Duna in an apparent retrograde movement away from Polotsk. In the meantime St-Cyr relocated various divisions from Polotsk and south of the Duna, including Verdier, Merle, Doumerc and Corbineau to the direct support of those divisions immediately facing Wittgenstein. Following the previous days fighting Wittgenstein was content to hold his present positions, neither weakening nor consolidating them, and as the day progressed he was more and more convinced that the Franco-Bavarians would show no offensive action on the 18th. This assumption was abruptly changed at 1700 hours as the last of S-Cyr’s reserves finally took up their positions, and a tremendous cannonade opened which lasted for an hour. St-Cyr planned that the infantry attack would proceed in echelon led from the right by Deroy. The expectation was that the Russians would be wholly demoralized by the previous heavy artillery bombardment. St-Cyr, however, had underestimated the resilience of the Russian infantry in defense, but the inexorable pressure was ultimately too much for the Russian infantry who were steadily forced back

Gouvion St-Cyr

Petr Wittgenstein

Page 2: Gouvion St-Cyr defeats Wittgenstein Historical · 2018-08-25 · Smolensk. If these forces could overpower the Russian

Carnage&GloryII Napoleonic Battle Scenario

The First Battle of Polotsk – The Second Day – August 18, 1812

into the wood lines to their immediate rear. Wittgenstein responded by launching his cavalry in repeated counter attacks, demoralizing the French light cavalry brigade of Corbineau and almost reaching the walls of Polotsk themselves, before they were themselves over thrown by a countercharge from Doumerc’s Cuirassier. The battle ended with a clear victory for St-Cyr, and Wittgenstein retreated, unmolested to the north. St-Cyr could be criticized for having not followed up the enemy in a vigorous pursuit, but his light cavalry were simply not up to the task. The strategic significance for Napoleon was immense with pressure clearly being relieved from his exposed north flank, and a grateful emperor rewarded St-Cyr with his much-deserved Marshal’s baton. Franco-Bavarian losses for the two days of battle were in the region of 4,700 men or 13% from both II and VI corps, and the Russian losses were similar in number at about 5,000 men but greater in percentage at 20% of those engaged. At least ten Franco-Bavarian generals were killed or wounded, honorably exemplifying their courageous and commitment to lead from the front. Both Oudinot and St-Cyr were wounded whilst Deroy was mortally wounded and von Siebein killed outright. Both these generals were veterans of the Bavarian service and were greatly mourned by VI Corps. The Russians suffered three generals wounded including Berg, Kozakovski and Gamen. After Action Report: This report will deal more specifically with the actions on the frontage of the Bavarian VI Corps and their Russian opponents. The two Bavarian divisions of Wrede and Deroy were echeloned with the right hand division leading. Between these divisions were deployed the five batteries of 20th Division. The lone French Brigade of Moreau from Legrand’s division was posted to the left rear of the left-hand Bavarian brigade. The Russian defense [Vlastov and Berg] was anchored on the village of Prismenitza, which was occupied by two battalions; a further two battalions of jaegers were deployed in open order to the right of the village, with the remaining battalions to the left. A sole Russian battery of medium six pounder’s was deployed ahead of the village. It was clear to all that the Russians were heavily outnumbered, perhaps in the order of two to one, and this was consistent across the entire length of the field of battle. Both sides had large numbers of reserve troops available, but as the action developed these troops, initially positioned in rear of the village would be pulled away to the Russian right flank, away from the Bavarian sector. As soon as the engagement opened, with the thunder of the Bavarian grand battery, the Russians called for reinforcements. Wittgenstein immediately ordered forward the three heavy position batteries from the reserve to support the single Russian battery facing the Bavarians. The Bavarian brigades on the right, being most forward, came quickly into contact with the defending Russian units. The Russians quickly withdraw into the wood line, immediately followed by the Bavarians, and this combat swung between fire fight and bayonet charge as first one side and then the other sought and fought for dominance. By this stage the left-hand Bavarian division was also closing towards the Russian positions. In the center the accumulated fire of three Russian batteries was taking it’s steady toll on the courageous Bavarians that advanced into the storm of lead. First one, then a second, then another of these battalions gave way and broke for the rear, only to be replaced by new fresh battalions, finally even the French Brigade of Moreau found themselves coming into the front lines. On the extreme left of the Bavarian line, the Russian Jaegers were pushed back into the wood lines, chased by Bavarians. Other Bavarian units

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Carnage&GloryII Napoleonic Battle Scenario

The First Battle of Polotsk – The Second Day – August 18, 1812

charged towards the right-hand Russian battery, only to be thrown back. On the other flank, Bavarians threw themselves against the deploying Russian battery on the extreme left of the Russian gun line, several guns were abandoned as the battery reeled backwards to face the oncoming threat, but the gun line didn’t break, then the next battery in line was hit by Bavarian infantry. A similar story as guns were abandoned but the remainder were prolonged backwards to form a new gun line. The Bavarian grand battery was targeting the other Russian battery, and any infantry that dared to be exposed to the fire. Several shells eventually fell amidst the village quickly igniting the thatched wooden buildings, causing the evacuation of the defenders. The Bavarian commander though stalled in the center, was making headway on both flanks, and called for cavalry reinforcements, which arrived in the form of GdB Corbineau’s Light Cavalry. At the same time Wittgenstein called upon his last remaining infantry reserves, two battalions of combined Grenadier. Up to this point the action had been largely inconclusive, although the Russians were being forced back, they were inflicting crushing losses on the Bavarian and French infantry to their front, and the effort was proving too taxing for them, as fatigued and battered Bavarian units all along the line started to break for the rear. It was clear that there was no more steam in the Franco-Bavarian assault, and the Russian line was flexing but not broken. Corbineau could clearly see strong reserves of Russian cavalry and determined not to break himself on the infantry and artillery. St.Cyr still had the infantry division of Merle and the heavy cavalry division of Doumerc waiting in reserve and their commitment to the battle would have undoubtedly swung the battle on this sector in his favor, but the result on the left of the Bavarian line was dramatically different. Here the Russian losses were perhaps five to one compared to French losses, and even bolstered by all the available Russian infantry reserves, nothing could alter the result. The following is a brief report returned by one of the Russian generals [Todd Kauderer] on the Russian right flank. The Russians deployed with the cavalry and jaegers (Four Battalions) on the right (with our Commander-in-Chief), an infantry brigade (Four Battalions) in the center, commanded by myself, and another infantry brigade (Four Battalions) on the left. One of our two six pounder foot batteries was with the jaegers on the right and the other was with the brigade on the left. The field was basically open with no terrain to anchor a defense upon. Immediately we could see that we did not have enough troops to have a chance to defend across our whole front. With all infantry in line we still had gaps and both flank edges exposed. The cavalry brigade was placed to cover the gap on the right. The French seemed to greatly outnumber the Russians although they had no cavalry on the opening move but with major advantages in artillery. They set up a grand-battery (Thirty plus guns) with a French infantry brigade in support on their left - in front of our jaegers and cavalry. In the center they appeared to have at least an infantry division and on the right they appeared to have both a French brigade and a Portuguese brigade [Editor – Regiment] with sixteen additional cannon. Most of the French battalions also appeared to have battalion guns, which greatly improved their firepower. It was obvious that the French were making their major attack on their right so we decided to refuse our left flank and threaten them in the center and right while urgently requesting reinforcements. The grand battery opened up and had started to cause serious casualties to the cavalry and had a jaeger battalion flee within thirty minutes of action. On our left the French

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Carnage&GloryII Napoleonic Battle Scenario

The First Battle of Polotsk – The Second Day – August 18, 1812

moved up quickly with the two batteries and a large amount of infantry. The Russian Commander-in-Chief charged one cavalry regiment across the field against the brigade supporting the grand battery trying to get them to form square and slow their advance but the unit was shot to pieces and had no support. After perhaps thirty minutes another Russian infantry brigade arrived as reinforcements directly behind our left flank in a futile attempt the stem the collapse. Unfortunately they were of poorer quality than the troops already present and immediately started losing their cohesion simply as a result of artillery ricochet fire. At the same time a large French cavalry force arrived with most advancing to support the grand battery and confront the Russian cavalry while the remainder was sent to reinforce the French main attack. Out of desperation the Russian Commander-in-Chief ordered another cavalry unit to charge the French center and ordered the Russian center infantry brigade to charge in support. Of the six attempted charges, none of them made it to actual contact due to French firepower. With that, the entire Russian front collapsed with futile attempts to slow the French cavalry on the right and infantry across the rest. Even the arrival of a Converged Grenadier brigade and a small contingent of Russian Guard Cavalry could not stop the disaster, as there was no room left to deploy on. The only consolation for the Russians was the valiant defense from the cavalry regiment that charged in the center. Despite being surrounded and pounded so often by the French battalion guns that the French started doing bounce-through damage on themselves, they never failed morale and died to a man slowing the French center attack. The road to St. Petersburg was now in French hands.

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Carnage&GloryII Napoleonic Battle Scenario

The First Battle of Polotsk – The Second Day – August 18, 1812

Map [Taken from Foord’s Napoleon’s Russian Campaign of 1812]:

Page 6: Gouvion St-Cyr defeats Wittgenstein Historical · 2018-08-25 · Smolensk. If these forces could overpower the Russian

Carnage&GloryII Napoleonic Battle Scenario

The First Battle of Polotsk – The Second Day – August 18, 1812

Legend: Units and Officers that are grayed out indicate that they are off table in reserve Units and Officers that are in red indicate that they have a compulsory movement restriction, or in the case of an officer, wounded or otherwise incapacitated [captured]. [W] denotes No Advance [R] denotes Halt or Retire [Y] denoted Routing [D] denoted Dispersed or removed form the field Corps Gouvion St. Cyr [ 101] General de Division Gouvion St. Cyr - Active B+ [1400 paces] Staff Guillaume De Lorencez [ 102] General de Brigade Guillaume De Lorencez - Active B- [800 paces] Brigade Pierre Léon Levavasseur [ 103] Colonel Pierre Léon Levavasseur - Active B [450 paces] [ 101] 21/9eme Artillerie a Pied 0/ 200 [ 8] C [ 102] 22/9eme Artillerie a Pied 0/ 200 [ 8] C Division Claude Juste Alexandre Legrand [ 104] General de Division Claude Juste Alexandre Legrand - Active B+ [950 pace] Battalion Jean-François Boulart [ 105] Chef de Battalion Jean-François Boulart - Active B+ [250 paces] [ 103] 11/5eme Artillerie a Pied 9/ 191 [ 8] C+ [ 104] 6/3eme Artillerie a Cheval 1/ 149 [ 6] B- Brigade Joseph Jean-Baptiste Albert [ 106] General de Brigade Joseph Jean-Baptiste Albert - Active B+ [500 paces] [ 105] 1/26eme Regt Legere 25/ 337 [ 1] B [ 106] 2/26eme Regt Legere 0/ 372 [ 1] B- [Y] [ 107] 3/26eme Regt Legere 94/ 265 C [ 108] 4/26eme Regt Legere 1/ 360 C- Brigade Nicolas Joseph Maison [ 107] General de Brigade Nicolas Joseph Maison - Active B+ [500 paces] [ 109] 1/19eme Regt de Ligne 7/ 404 [ 1] C [Y] [ 110] 2/19eme Regt de Ligne 118/ 289 C [1 gun lost] [ 111] 3/19eme Regt de Ligne 32/ 415 C- [ 112] 4/19eme Regt de Ligne 0/ 443 D+ Brigade Jean Claude Moreau [ 108] General de Brigade Jean Claude Moreau - Active B+ [500 paces] [ 113] 1/56eme Regt de Ligne 42/ 410 [ 1] C [ 114] 2/56eme Regt de Ligne 0/ 435 [ 1] C [ 115] 3/56eme Regt de Ligne 17/ 419 C- [W] [ 116] 4/56eme Regt de Ligne 32/ 385 D+ Brigade Emmanuel Ignace Pamplona [ 109] General de Brigade Emmanuel Ignace Pamplona - Active B+ [500 paces] [ 117] 1/128eme Regt de Ligne 0/ 400 [ 1] C- [ 118] 2/128eme Regt de Ligne 36/ 384 [ 1] C- [R] [ 119] 1/3rd Portuguese Infantry Regt 109/ 382 C- [ 120] 2/3rd Portuguese Infantry Regt 0/ 482 C- Division François Valentin [ 110] General de Brigade François Valentin - Active B+ [950 paces] Battalion Levis [ 111] Chef de Battalion Levis - Active B+ [250 paces] [ 121] 15/5eme Artillerie a Pied 0/ 200 [ 8] C+ [ 122] 1/3eme Artillerie a Cheval 0/ 150 [ 6] B- Brigade Guillaume Raymond Amant Vivies [ 112] General de Brigade Guillaume Raymond Amant Vivies - Active B+ [500] [ 123] 1/11eme Regt de Legere 0/ 327 [ 1] C+ [ 124] 2/11eme Regt de Legere 1/ 322 [ 1] C+ [ 125] 3/11eme Regt de Legere 0/ 334 [ 1] C [ 126] 4/11eme Regt de Legere 1/ 319 [ 1] C- [ 127] 1/2eme Regt de Ligne 0/ 466 [ 1] C [ 128] 2/2eme Regt de Ligne 4/ 435 [ 1] C [ 129] 3/2eme Regt de Ligne 4/ 462 [ 1] C- [ 130] 4/2eme Regt de Ligne 0/ 451 [ 1] D+

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Carnage&GloryII Napoleonic Battle Scenario

The First Battle of Polotsk – The Second Day – August 18, 1812

[ 131] 6/2eme Regt de Ligne 0/ 373 D+ Brigade François René Cailloux Pouget [ 113] General de Brigade François René Cailloux Pouget - Active B+ [500 pace] [ 132] 1/37eme Regt de Ligne 149/ 314 C [1 gun lost] [ 133] 2/37eme Regt de Ligne 27/ 462 [ 1] C [ 134] 3/37eme Regt de Ligne 0/ 466 [ 1] C [ 135] 4/37eme Regt de Ligne 0/ 473 [ 1] C [ 136] 124eme Regt de Ligne 20/ 559 [ 2] D+ Division Pierre Hugues Victor Merle [ 114] General de Division Pierre Hugues Victor Merle - Active B+ [950 paces] Battalion Webre [ 115] Chef de Battalion Webre - Active B- [200 paces] [ 139] 4/7eme Artillerie a Pied 0/ 200 [ 8] C+ [ 140] 5/2eme Artillerie a Cheval 0/ 150 [ 6] B- Brigade Jacques Lazare Candras [ 116] General de Brigade Jacques Lazare Candras - Active B+ [500 paces] [ 141] 1 Regt d'Infanterie Suisse 0/ 399 [ 2] B+ [ 143] 1/2 Regt d'Infanterie Suisse 0/ 320 [ 1] B+ [ 144] 2/2 Regt d'Infanterie Suisse 0/ 345 [ 1] B+ [ 145] 3/2 Regt d'Infanterie Suisse 0/ 340 [ 1] B+ Brigade François-Pierre Joseph Amey [ 117] General de Brigade François-Pierre Joseph Amey - Active B+ [500 paces] [ 146] 1/4 Regt d'Infanterie Suisse 0/ 299 [ 1] B+ [ 147] 2/4 Regt d’Infanterie Suisse 0/ 287 [ 1] B+ [ 148] 3/4 Regt d’Infanterie Suisse 0/ 302 B+ [ 149] 1/3eme Regt Provisional Croat 0/ 726 [ 1] C [ 150] 2/3eme Regt Provisional Croat 0/ 757 [ 1] C Brigade Louis François Coutard [ 118] General de Brigade Louis François Coutard - Active B- [450 paces] [ 151] 1/3 Regt d’Infanterie Suisse 0/ 329 [ 1] B+ [ 152] 2/3 Regt d’Infanterie Suisse 0/ 336 [ 1] B+ [ 154] 123eme Regt d’Ligne 0/ 686 [ 1] C- Brigade Jean-Baptiste Corbineau [ 119] General de Brigade Jean-Baptiste Corbineau - Active B [450 paces] [ 157] 1&2/7eme Chasseurs a Cheval 0/ 295 C [ 158] 1&2/20eme Chasseurs a Cheval 0/ 195 C [ 159] 1&2/8eme Chevau-Legers Lancers 0/ 201 C+ [ 160] 3&4/8eme Chevau-Legers Lancers 0/ 194 C Brigade Bertrand Pierre Castex [ 120] General de Brigade Bertrand Pierre Castex - Active B [450 paces] [ 161] 1/23eme Chasseurs a Cheval 5/ 331 C [ 162] 2/23eme Chasseurs a Cheval 0/ 359 C [ 163] 1/24eme Chasseurs a Cheval 0/ 224 C [ 164] 2/24eme Chasseurs a Cheval 0/ 220 C [ 165] 3/24eme Chasseurs a Cheval 0/ 215 C Staff Louis Alexandre D'Albignac [ 121] Colonel Louis Alexandre D'Albignac - Active B [875 paces] Division Deroy [ 122] Generalleutnant Deroy - Active B [875 paces] Brigade von Siebein [ 123] Generalmajor von Siebein - Active B [450 paces] [ 166] 1st Bavarian Light Infantry 2/ 342 C- [ 167] 1/1st Bavarian Line Infantry 32/ 419 C- [Honors] [ 168] 2/1st Bavarian Line Infantry 50/ 418 C- [ 169] 1/9th Bavarian Line Infantry 11/ 414 C- [ 170] 2/9th Bavarian Line Infantry 7/ 425 C- Brigade von Raglovich [ 124] Generalmajor von Raglovich - Captured B [450 paces] [ 171] 3rd Bavarian Light Infantry 54/ 487 C- [ 172] 1/4th Bavarian Line Infantry 67/ 475 C- [D] [ 173] 2/4th Bavarian Line Infantry 175/ 353 C- [R] [ 174] 1/10th Bavarian Line Infantry 58/ 391 C [R] [ 175] 2/10th Bavarian Line Infantry 60/ 387 C Brigade Count Rechberg [ 125] Generalmajor Count Rechberg - Active B [450 paces] [ 176] 6th Bavarian Light Infantry 56/ 400 C- [ 177] 1/8th Bavarian Line Infantry 0/ 528 C- [ 178] 2/8th Bavarian Line Infantry 0/ 522 C-

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Carnage&GloryII Napoleonic Battle Scenario

The First Battle of Polotsk – The Second Day – August 18, 1812

Battalion Lamey [ 126] Major Lamey - Active B [225 paces] [R] [ 179] 11th Battery "Brack" 41/ 109 [ 6] C [ 180] 6th Battery "Rois" 4/ 146 [ 6] C Division Carl Philipp von Wrede [ 127] Generalleutnant Carl Philipp von Wrede - Active B [950 paces] Brigade Minucci [ 128] Generalmajor Minucci - Severely wounded B [450 paces] [ 181] 2nd Bavarian Light Infantry 45/ 282 C- [D] [ 182] 1/2nd Bavarian Line Infantry 191/ 215 C- [ 183] 2/2nd Bavarian Line Infantry 105/ 320 C- [D] [ 184] 1/6th Bavarian Line Infantry 201/ 278 C- [W] [ 185] 2/6th Bavarian Line Infantry 26/ 441 C- Brigade Count Beckers [ 129] Generalmajor Count Beckers - Mortally wounded B [450 paces] [D] [ 186] 4th Bavarian Light Infantry 146/ 246 C- [Y] [ 187] 1/3rd Bavarian Line Infantry 86/ 225 C- [R] [ 188] 2/3rd Bavarian Line Infantry 19/ 290 C- [ 189] 1/7th Bavarian Line Infantry 12/ 361 C- [ 190] 2/7th Bavarian Line Infantry 0/ 383 C- Brigade Dalwigk [ 130] Oberst Dalwigk - Active B [450 paces] [ 191] 5th Bavarian Light Infantry 28/ 502 C- [ 192] 1/5th Bavarian Line Infantry 25/ 405 C [ 193] 2/5th Bavarian Line Infantry 7/ 401 C [ 194] 1/11th Bavarian Line Infantry 0/ 490 C- [ 195] 2/11th Bavarian Line Infantry 0/ 477 C- Battalion von Zoller [ 131] Oberst-Leutnant von Zoller - Active B [225 paces] [ 196] 2nd Light Battery "Gotthard" 0/ 150 [ 6] C [ 197] 4th Light Battery Gravenreuth 0/ 150 [ 6] C [ 198] 5th Battery "Hoffstetten" 0/ 150 [ 6] C [ 199] 8th Battery "Ulmer" 0/ 150 [ 6] C [ 200] 4th Battery "Berchem" 0/ 150 [ 6] C Division Jean-Pierre Doumerc [ 132] General de Division Jean-Pierre Doumerc - Active B+ [950 paces] Battalion Theiry Henry [ 133] Chef de Battalion Theiry Henry - Active B [225 paces] [ 201] 1/6eme Artillerie a Cheval 0/ 150 [ 6] B- [ 202] 3/6eme Artillerie a Cheval 0/ 150 [ 6] B- Brigade Sigismond-Frédéric deBerckheim [ 134] General de Brigade Sigismond-Frédéric deBerckheim - Active B [450 paces] [ 203] 1&2/4th Cuirassier Regt 0/ 365 C [ 204] 3&4/4th Cuirassier Regt 0/ 353 C Brigade Samuel François L'Heritier [ 135] General de Brigade Samuel François L'Heritier - Active B [450 paces] [ 205] 1&2/7th Cuirassier Regt 0/ 360 C [ 206] 3&4/7th Cuirassier Regt 0/ 380 C Strengths: losses/active 2182/ 27948 Bayonets 5/ 3692 Sabres 55/ 2745 Artillerists 2/ 144 Cannon 2242/ 34385 Total of all arms 80 Standards present

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Carnage&GloryII Napoleonic Battle Scenario

The First Battle of Polotsk – The Second Day – August 18, 1812

Corps Peter Wittgenstein [ 501] Generalleutnant Peter Wittgenstein - Active B [1400 paces] Staff Fedor Filippovich d'Auvray [ 502] Generalmajor Fedor Filippovich d'Auvray - Active B- [875 paces] Brigade Prince Jachwill [ 503] Generalmajor Prince Jachwill - Active B- [450 paces] [D] [ 501] Position Battery #5 291/ 9 [ 1] C+ [R] [ 502] Postion Battery #14 42/ 258 [ 8] C+ [ 503] Position Battery #28 45/ 255 [12] C+ Division Bogdan Borisovich Helfreich [ 504] Generalmajor Bogdan Borisovich Helfreich - Active B [950 paces] [ 504] Light Battery #26 28/ 272 [12] C+ [R] [ 505] 1/Jager Regt #25 72/ 323 C [ 506] 3/Jager Regt #25 0/ 407 C [ 507] 1/Jager Regt #26 28/ 364 C [ 508] 3/Jager Regt #26 35/ 369 C Brigade Fedor Vasilivich Ridiger [ 505] Generalmajor Fedor Vasilivich Ridiger - Dressing wound B [500 paces] [R] [ 509] A/Grodno HR 60/ 94 B- [D] [ 510] B/Grodno HR 161/ 0 B- [R] [ 511] A/Pulk Platov #4 15/ 84 C- [R] [ 557] C/Grodno HR 56/ 137 B- [D] [ 558] D/Grodno HR 168/ 25 B- Division Grigory Maximovich Berg [ 506] Generalmajor Grigory Maximovich Berg - Active B [950 paces] [R] [ 512] Light Battery #9 29/ 271 [ 4] C+ [R] [ 513] 1/Jager Regt #23 139/ 474 C [R] [ 514] 3/Jager Regt #23 52/ 544 C Brigade Cyril Fedorovich Kazachkofsky [ 507] Generalmajor Cyril Fedorovich Kazachkofsky - Active B [500 paces] [ 524] 1/Sevsk IR 81/ 371 C- [W] [ 525] 3/Sevsk IR 30/ 401 C [R] [ 526] 1/Kalouga IR 56/ 334 C [Honors] [ 527] 3/Kalouga IR 27/ 378 C Brigade Prince Alexander Sibirsky [ 508] Generalmajor Prince Alexander Sibirsky - Active B [500 paces] [ 520] 1/Perm IR 24/ 457 C [ 521] 3/Perm IR 0/ 460 C [ 522] 1/Mohilev IR 1/ 486 C [W] [ 523] 3/Mohilev IR 22/ 450 C Division Peter Demyanovich Kakhovsky [ 509] Generalleutnant Peter Demyanovich Kakhovsky - Active B [950 paces] [ 541] Horse Battery #1 0/ 300 [12] C+ [ 542] Horse Battery #3 0/ 300 [12] C+ Brigade Aleksey Yurievich Gamen [ 510] Generalmajor Aleksey Yurievich Gamen - Active B [500 paces] [ 545] 1/Converged Grenadiers 14th 0/ 387 C+ [ 546] 2/Converged Grenadiers 14th 0/ 408 C+ Brigade Ivan Evstafievich Baumgarten [ 511] Colonel Ivan Evstafievich Baumgarten - Active B [500 paces] [ 547] Leib GR Reserve 0/ 251 C [ 548] Tauride GR Reserve 0/ 256 C [ 549] Ekaterinoslav GR Reserve 0/ 238 C [ 550] Pavlov GR Reserve 0/ 244 C [ 551] Arakcheyev GR Reserve 0/ 246 C [ 552] St. Petersburg GR Reserve 0/ 243 C Brigade Loggin Osipovich Roth [ 512] Colonel Loggin Osipovich Roth - Active B [500 paces] [ 553] 1/1st Converged IR 0/ 426 C- [ 554] 2/1st Converged IR 14/ 385 C- [ 555] 1/2nd Converged IR 10/ 386 C- [ 556] 2/2nd Converged IR 19/ 383 C- Brigade PrinceNikolay Repnin-Volkonsky [ 513] Generalmajor PrinceNikolay Repnin-Volkonsky - Active B [500 paces] [ 515] A/Converged Cuirassier Regt 0/ 259 C [ 516] B/Converged Cuirassier Regt 0/ 240 C Brigade Mikhail Dmitryevich Balk

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The First Battle of Polotsk – The Second Day – August 18, 1812

[ 514] Generalmajor Mikhail Dmitryevich Balk - Active B [500 paces] [ 529] A/Riga DR 0/ 249 C [ 530] B/Riga DR 0/ 239 C [ 543] 1&2/Iambourg DR 0/ 190 C [ 544] 3&4/Iambourg DR 0/ 199 C Regiment Aleksander Ivanovich Albrecht [ 515] Colonel Aleksander Ivanovich Albrecht - Active B [250 paces] [ 517] Guard Hussar Depot Squadron 0/ 120 B- [ 518] Guard Dragoon Depot Squadron 0/ 118 B- [ 519] Guard Uhlan Depot Squadron 0/ 121 B- Division Ivan Terentievich Sazonov [ 516] Generalmajor Ivan Terentievich Sazonov - Active B [950 paces] [ 528] Light Battery #27 16/ 284 [12] C [R] [ 531] Reserve Battalion JR #11 32/ 182 C- [R] [ 532] Reserve Battalion JR #36 28/ 184 C- [Y] [ 537] 1/Toula IR 126/ 280 C [Y] [ 538] 3/Toula IR 117/ 300 C [D] [ 539] 1/Navajinsk IR 214/ 218 C [Y] [ 540] 3/Navajinsk IR 173/ 252 C Brigade Dimitri Vasilievich Lyalin [ 517] Colonel Dimitri Vasilievich Lyalin - Active B [500 paces] [D] [ 533] 1/Tenguinsk IR 198/ 274 C [R] [ 534] 3/Tenguinsk IR 122/ 376 C [Y] [ 535] 1/Estonia IR 149/ 330 C [D] [ 536] 3/Estonia IR 243/ 239 C Brigade Vasily Ivanovich Harpe [ 518] Colonel Vasily Ivanovich Harpe - Severely wounded B [500 paces] Brigade Egor Ivanovich Vlastov [ 519] Colonel Egor Ivanovich Vlastov - Active B [500 paces] [ 559] B/Pulk Platov #4 0/ 209 C- [ 560] 1/Jager Regt #24 34/ 509 C [ 561] 3/Jager Regt #24 0/ 544 C [R] [ 562] 1/Converged Grenadiers 5th 199/ 225 B- [D] [ 563] 2/Converged Grenadiers 5th 206/ 239 B- Strengths: losses/active 2451/ 13823 Bayonets 460/ 2284 Sabres 451/ 1949 Artillerists 23/ 73 Cannon 3362/ 18056 Total of all arms

70 Standards present

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Carnage&GloryII Napoleonic Battle Scenario

The First Battle of Polotsk – The Second Day – August 18, 1812

The immediate post battle losses including dead, wounded and missing were:

Major victory for the Franco-Bavarian Army The Franco-Bavarian Army has suffered losses of: [ 11%] 4113 men of all arms incl.[ 1%] 415 prisoners of all arms [ 13%] 4053 bayonets [ 0%] 5 sabres [ 1%] 55 artillerists 2 cannon[s] lost Honors: [ 167] 1/1st Bavarian Line Infantry Losses include 3 General[s]: [ 124] von Raglovich - Captured [ 128] Minucci - Severely wounded [ 129] Count Beckers - Mortally wounded The Russian Army has suffered losses of: [ 25%] 5528 men of all arms incl.[ 3%] 765 prisoners of all arms [ 28%] 4583 bayonets [ 17%] 485 sabres [ 19%] 460 artillerists 23 cannon[s] lost Honors: [ 526] 1/Kalouga IR Losses include 2 General[s]: [ 505] Fedor Vasilivich Ridiger - Dressing wound [ 518] Vasily Ivanovich Harpe - Severely wounded
