
PowerPoint Presentation

Good Food, Bad FoodBy Mrs. Aarons First Grade Class

This is Mrs. Aarons class. One day they were really hungry.

At eight oclock they ate donuts from Dunkin Donuts.

At ten oclock they had Oreos and Nerds for snack.

At twelve oclock they had greasy french fries, fried chicken, and apple pie for lunch.

At one oclock Mrs. Aarons class went outside for recess.

They all sat around and didnt play.

At two oclock they had cupcakes and banana milkshakes.

At three oclock everyone went home and felt horrible.

At five oclock some of the children rested.

Some of them took yucky medicine, and

some even threw up!

All the students had a hard time sleeping.

At eight oclock the next morning, Mrs. Aaron gave each student a banana split.

They all hollered, No way Hosea!

At ten oclock they had a snack of apples and carrots.

At twelve oclock they had vegetable soup, milk, and yogurt for lunch.

At one oclock, they had recess.

They ran, played on the swings,

went down the slides, and played tag.

At two oclock it was snack time. They had strawberries and oranges.

At three oclock they went home. They all had tons of energy.

Some of them jumped on trampolines.

Some of them ran on treadmills.

And some went to Golds Gym!

All of them were glad that they ate healthy food.

