  • 8/13/2019 Glossary 002 - General Legal 111.doc


    General Glossary - Trminos Jurdicos

    La lista est ordenada alfabticamente. Si deseas buscar y encontrar una palabra

    concreta, usa el buscador en tu prorama !"# o $ord.

    a branch = una sucursal

    a brand-name = una marca

    a company governed by German Law = sociedad regida por el Derecho alemn

    a competent divorce court = tribunal competente para dictar el divorcio

    a couple that want to divorce = una pareja que quiere divorciarse

    a deed of covenant = documento de compromiso

    a divorce judgment issued by the court = sentencia de divorcio dictada por el


    a divorce proceeding = un proceso de divorcioadvocate (that! = defender" abogar

    a live-in partner = pareja no casada

    a London-based company = una empresa con sede en Londres

    a new study by #rof $ayme = un nuevo estudio del #rof $ayme

    a police inquiry = investigaci%n policial

    a written underta&ing = un compromiso formal por escrito

    acceptance = aceptaci%n

    access to the courts = tutela judicial efectiva - libre acceso a la


    adjudicator = el ju'gador

    adjudicator = ju'gador

    admissible evidence = prueba admisible

    alibi = coartada

    alimony arrangements = pactos sobre alimentos

    allegations of the father = las alegaciones del padre

    alleged wrongful removal = el supuesto o presunto traslado ilcito

    an )nglish institution = una instituci%n inglesa

    and admissibility = comprobaci%n de la competencia

    annulment of marriage = anulaci%n del matrimonio

    application = solicitud

    approval = aprobaci%narbitral awards = laudos arbitrales

    arbitrator = rbitro

    are you allowed to vote* = +se te permite votar*

    arising out of the contract = que se derivan del contrato

    arms trade = trfico de armas

    arrangements = preparativos

    assertion of the jurisdiction = afirmaci%n de la compet judicial


    assertive = firme

    assessment of damages = valoraci%n de da,os

    assets = bienes (activos!assigment of contracts = cesi%n de contratos - subrogaci%n

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    assignment of debts = cesi%n de crditos

    at the time of ma&ing the contract = en el momento de la celebraci%n del


    authori'ed = autori'ado . permitido

    ban = prohibici%n

    ban& account = cuenta corrientebattered wife = mujer maltratada

    benefit assistance = subsidios

    bilateral = bilateral

    binding contract = contrato solemne

    branch of Law = rama del Derecho

    breach of contract = incumplimiento de contrato

    broad conception = concepci%n amplia

    /usiness 0orporation 1ct = Ley de sociedades an%nimas

    businessman = empresario

    /ylaws of the companies = estatutos de la sociedad

    cases with cross-border implications = casos con efectos internacionalescertificate = certificado

    citi'enship = ciudadana

    civil partnership = uni%n civil

    civil servant = funcionario

    closer relatives = parientes cercanos

    cohabiting = cohabitaci%n

    commitment = compromiso (en poltica o en negocios!

    compensation . recovery = indemni'aci%n

    condemned to indemnify = condenado a indenmi'ar

    consent = consentimiento

    contested divorce = divorcio contencioso

    contractual party . contracting party = contratante - parte contratante

    cross-border cases = casos 2internacionales3

    child custody = custodia de los hijos

    child-focused = enfocado al menor

    children born in wedloc& = hijos matrimoniales

    children born outside the wedloc& = hijos e4tramatrimoniales

    damages suffered = da,os sufridos

    de facto relationship = pareja de hecho

    de facto separation = separaci%n de hecho

    decide = resolver defamation of the employer by his employee = difamaci%n del empresario por el


    defamation = difamaci%n

    default of appearance of the defendant = falta de comparecencia del demandado

    defendant = demandado

    denial of $ustice = denegaci%n de $usticia

    deposit = suma" primer pla'o" ingreso" fian'a

    devastating effect upon the minor = efecto devastador sobre el menor

    diploma - degree = ttulo universitario

    Directive = Directiva comunitaria

    disputes relating to children = litigios sobre menoresdissolution of a marriage = disoluci%n del matrmionio

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    distant situations = situaciones lejanas

    distributive application of local laws = aplicaci%n distributiva de las Leyes


    divorce 5 separation 5 nullity = separaci%n nulidad divorcio

    divorce application = demanda de divorcio

    divorce by mutual consent = divorcio por mutuo acuerdodivorce is high among inmigrants = el divorcio es frecuente entre inmigrantes

    domicile (domisail! = domicilio

    draw - drew - drawn up = redactar el contrato

    drug traffic&ing = trfico de drogas

    duty to return = deber de restituir

    editing = contratos de edici%n

    employer = patrono

    enacted = promulgada

    enforcement haven = refugio de ejecuci%n (pases donde no se

    ejecutan sentencias!

    equivalent measures = medidas equivalentesestate agent = agencia inmobiliaria

    estate = propiedad inmobiliaria

    )uropean 6rder for #ayment #rocedure = procedimiento monitorio europeo

    evasion clause = clusula de escape

    e4amination as to jurisdiction = e4amen de la competencia judicial


    e4clusive $urisdiction = competencias e4clusivas

    e4traterritorial effects of foreign judgements = valide' e4traterritorial de decisiones

    factual allegations = alegaciones de hecho

    factual situations = situaciones de hecho

    favourable to the plaintiff = favorable al demandante

    favouritism = trfico de influencias

    fines = multas

    first come first served = prior tempore potior jure

    foreigner = e4tranjero

    foreigners = e4tranjeros

    form . model = formulario

    formal requirements = e4igencias formales

    7orum 8election 0lauses = clusulas de sumisi%n de las partes a un


    fraud = fraudefree establishment of firms = libertad de establecimiento de personas


    free movement of capitals = libre circulaci%n de capitales

    free movement of goods = libre circulaci%n de mercancas

    freedom to provide services = libre prestaci%n de servicios

    grounds of jurisdiction = foros de competencia

    grounds of non-recognition = motivos de no reconocimiento

    harmonisation = armoni'aci%n

    he as&s for e4ecution = l solicita la ejecuci%n

    he becomes an adult at the age of 9: = l alcan'a la mayor edad

    he has been fined for speeding = le pusieron una multa por ir rpidoheir = heredero

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    how long does it ta&e to enforce a judgment* = +cunto se tarda en ejecutar una sentencia*

    ; approve of the 0ourt

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    recognition and enforcement = reconocimiento y ejecuci%n

    regarding the @) = a prop%sito de la @)

    related actions = acciones cone4as

    relatives = parientes

    remember that Law is important = recuerden que el Derecho es importante

    renvoi at first degree . devolution = reenvo de primer gradorenvoi at second degree . transmision = reenvo de segundo grado

    representatives of Aussia = representantes de Ausia

    requirement = requisito

    requisit = requisito

    reservation of title = reserva de dominio

    respondent = demandado

    responsible for = responsable de

    result = resultado

    revenue matters = materias fiscales

    right of reply = derecho de rplica

    rightful termination - cancellation (of the contract! = e4tinci%n - resoluci%n legtima delcontrato

    rights of access to the child = derechos de visita

    rights of defense = derechos de defensa

    rights of reply = derecho de rectificaci%n

    rights relating to the personality = derechos de la personalidad

    rigth to move and reside freely = derecho a circular y residir libremente

    rush to court = carrera hacia el tribunal

    safeguards = cautelas

    sale by auction = venta en subasta

    sanctioned = recogidos" contemplados

    securities (mar&et! = valores (que se negocian en un mercado!

    seller . buyer = vendedor . comprador

    senate = senado

    senator = senador

    separation by mutual agreement = separaci%n consensual

    separation of siblings from their primary carer = separaci%n de hermanos de su

    cuidador principal

    8eptember sitting = convocatoria de septiembre

    se4ual harassment = acoso se4ual

    shall we tal& about Law* = +qu tal si hablamos de Derecho*

    share-holders = socios accionistasshares = acciones (de una sociedad!

    she comes into her inheritance = ella hereda

    she renounced an inheritance = ella renunci% a la herencia

    she was obliged to accept that = ella se vio obligada a aceptar eso


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    specific = concreto" determinado

    sphere of application of the rule = campo de aplicaci%n la norma

    spousal support = pensi%n compensatoria

    spouse = c%nyuge

    8tatement of 0laim (claim 5 claim form! = demanda

    statute = Leysteady job = trabajo fijo

    stepfather = padrastro

    stoc&s = valores (que coti'an en bolsa!

    subsidiaries = filiales

    subsidiary = filial

    substitute = suplente

    8upreme 0ourt = Bribunal 8upremo

    surrogate mothers = madre de alquiler

    tas& of the judge = tarea del jue'

    tenances of immovable property = contratos de arrendamiento de inmuebles

    tenant = inquilinothe bringing of a lawsuit = la interposici%n de una demanda

    the businessman too& a employee on = el empresario contrat% a un trabajador

    the company carries on business = la sociedad desarrolla actividades


    the competent court = el tribunal competente

    the complaint is pending in C = la demanda est pendiente en C

    the complaints are rejected . dismissed = quejas recha'adas

    the concerned parties = las partes interesadas

    the conclusion of the contract = la celebraci%n del contrato

    the country where the marriage too& place = el pas donde se celebr% el matrimonio

    the court dismissed the action = el tribunal desestim% la pretensi%n

    the court endorsed a strict interpretation = el tribunal adopt% una interpretaci%n


    the court has a discretion = el tribunal go'a de discreclidad

    the court has committed - made several errors = el tribunal ha cometido varios errores

    the court upheld that (to uphold! = el tribunal sostuvo que

    the court will stay its proceedings = el tribunal suspender el procedimiento

    the deadline = el pla'o final

    the divorces pronunced in Germany = los divorcios dictados en 1lemania

    the estate was divided between his children = la herencia se dividi% entre sus hijos

    the e4ecution can be frustrated = la ejecuci%n puede frustrarsethe fact of legal &idnapping = el fen%meno del legal &idnapping

    the firm was sued = la empresa fue demandada

    the forhtcoming Aegulation = el futuro Aeglamento

    the foundation = el fundamento

    the free movement of capital is ensured = la libre circulaci%n de capitales est


    the Gibraltar strait = estrecho de Gibraltar

    the harm must be of a weighty character = el da,o debe tenerse de carcter notable

    the income = ingresos

    the interpreter = el intrprete

    the invoice = la facturathe judge hearing the case = el jue' que conoce del caso

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    the jurisdiction is denied = se niega la competencia judicial


    the jurisdiction is sustained = se mantiene la competencia judicial


    the &ing reigns but doesn

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    thousands of children are abducted = miles de ni,os son secuestrados

    threat = amena'a

    threaten = amena'ar

    through the conflict rule = a travs de la norma de conflicto

    time is of the essence = el tiempo es esencial

    time-table = horarioto abide the Law = respetar la Ley

    to ac&nowledge = reconocer . dar la ra'%n

    to actuali'e . to update = actuali'ar

    to adjudicate = ju'gar

    to adjudicate = ju'gar - decidir

    to alter . to modify . to change = alterar . modificar . cambiar

    to ascertain the content of the 7oreign Law = determinar el contenido de la Ley


    to ascertain = determinar (es una e4presi%n muy formal!

    to assert = afirmar

    to assign = otorgar . conceder to attend a conference = participar en una 0onferencia (de e4pertos!

    to award damages suffered in )ngland = conceder da,os sufridos en ;nglaterra

    to be construed autonomously = a interpretar aut%nomamente

    to be entitled to sue = tener derecho a demandar

    to be reviewed as to its substance = revisar el fondo

    to bear out a theory = confirmar una teora

    to bring an action against sbdy = ejercitar una acci%n judicial contra alguien

    to capture the mar&et = conquistar el mercado

    to carry out research = llevar a cabo una investigaci%n

    to cohabit = vivir juntos sin estar casados

    to compensate = compensar

    to complete = completar

    to comply with the regulations = cumplir con el reglamento

    to comply = cumplir" obedecer

    to construe = interpretar

    to contest = rebatir - impugar

    to declare enforceable = declarar 2ejecutiva3 (e4equatur!

    to designate = designar

    to deter a parent from abducting the child = disuadir al progenitor de secuestrar al


    to die without offspring = morir sin descendencia (hijos comunes!to dissolve a marriage = disolver el matrimonio

    to drop out = desistir" retractarse

    to enter into an agreement = entablar un acuerdo

    to enure (an agreement! = entrar en vigor

    to file a lawsuit against sbdy = presentar una demanda contra

    to file a petition for divorce = presentar demanda de divorcio

    to finance = financiar

    to found . founded = fundar - basar - basado

    to fulfil the obligation = cumplir la obligaci%n

    to fulfill the formal requirements = cumplir con las e4igencias formales

    to fullfil an obligation = cumplir una obligaci%nto give a lecture on contracts = dar una conferencia sobre contratos

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    to give up = desistir

    to grant a divorce = conceder el divorcio

    to hold liable = considerar responsable

    to introduce some changes in the Aegulation = introducir algunos cambios en el


    to issue a certificate = e4pedir un certificadoto legali'e = legali'ar

    to lend = prestar

    to live apart = vivir separados

    to logde a formal complaint against = presentar una demanda formal contra

    to ma&e a deal = cerrar un trato

    to object = oponerse

    to obtain a divorce = obtener el divorcio

    to offer some underta&ings = ofrecer garantas - compromisos

    to pass by inheritance = heredar

    to prejudice = perjudicar

    to prescribe . to state = establece (artculo!to present a complaint = presentar una demanda

    to provide (services! = proporcionar . prestar servicios

    to provide evidence = proporcionar pruebas

    to provo&e = provocar - causar

    to publish = publicar

    to reach an agreement = llegar a un acuerdo

    to remove the child to another country = trasladar al menor a otro pas

    to render judgment . decision = dictar sentencia

    to resolve . decide . settle = decidir - resolver

    to safeguard legal certainty = para proteger la seguridad jurdica

    to see& legal advise = buscar consejo legal

    to set up a company = constituir una sociedad

    to split up = divorciarse

    to start judicial proceedings = iniciar procedimientos juridiciales

    to submit (further! evidence = presentar (ms! pruebas

    to suesbdyfor divorce = demandar a alguien por divorcio

    to summon = empla'ar" notificar

    to supply (goods! = suministrar mercancas

    to sustain = defender

    to swear . to plegde = prometer - jurar

    to ta&e a stand on some questions = adoptar una postura" pronunciarse sobrealgo

    to ta&e advantage = beneficiarse

    to ta&e legal action against = emprender acciones legales contra

    traditions = costumbres

    tug of love = disputa legal por la custodia de un hijo

    uncontested divorce = divorcio de mutuo acuerdo

    uncontested small claims = peque,os crditos no contestados

    under . according to - 1rt? = segEn el artculo ?

    underlying causes = causas subyacentes

    usufruct = usufructo

    very solid and consistent theory = tesis muy s%lida y consistentevessels = buques (en general!

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    vested rights = derechos adquiridos

    waiver = renuncia" dispensa

    wellbeing of the family = bienestar de la familia

    well-founded = bien fundamentado

    when the children were located = cuando los menores fueron locali'ados

    whereas = considerando que (en prembulos decontratos!

    with limited territorial validity = situaci%n claudicante

    witness = testigo

    wording of the contract = formulaci%n" redacci%n del contrato

    would you li&e wor&ing as a lawyer* = +te gustara trabajar de abogado*

    wounded persons = heridos (pelea!

    written consent = consentimiento por escrito

    written = escritos

    wrongful cancellation - termination (of the contract! = e4tinci%n 5resoluci%n

    ilegtima del contrato

    you have to compromise = tienes que ceder . transigir

    J J J J
