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Where the Great Jobs Are OCTOBER 2015

Global Report

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What the whole world wants is a good job.

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WHAT THE WHOLE WORLD WANTS is a good job. That was the breakthrough finding from Gallup’s first World Poll survey 10 years ago, and it continues to be true.

However, there is a problem with how the world defines and measures what a good job is. “Unemployment” — the most quoted jobs metric in the world — is misleading, as it grossly underestimates the global jobs problem.

Gallup defines a real job or a good job — the type of job the whole world wants — as 30+ hours per week of consistent work with a paycheck from an employer. Based on this definition, Gallup projects that 1.3 billion out of the world’s roughly 5 billion adults have a good job.

So who are the other 3.7 billion? About 1 billion people are self-employed, about 400 million work part time and do not want full-time work, about 300 million work part time but want full-time work, 250 million are unemployed and the rest are out of the workforce. Not all of the self-employed are hopelessly unemployed, but we can conservatively estimate that at least half of them are. Those 500 million added to the 300 million part-time workers who want full-time work and the unemployed total roughly 1 billion people who are truly unemployed. That figure of about 1 billion, which is just shy of one-third of the entire world’s adult workforce of 3.2 billion, would put global unemployment closer to 32% than to the 5.9% that the International Labour Organization estimates.

There is also another problem with current jobs metrics: There is no figure that measures the quality of people’s jobs.

I recently spoke with a global economist about measuring the quality of jobs. She told me her organization was hoping to accomplish this using two metrics: pay and benefits. The problem is that neither metric measures whether people love or hate their job. This is important because people who have a full-time job spend most of their waking hours there. When people have a job they hate, they are more likely to rate their lives worse than people who do not work at all.

One way to help quantify those intangibles is through a metric known as employee engagement. This is calculated based on the question items Gallup discovered that categorize workers into engaged, not engaged or — worst of all — actively disengaged. People who are engaged at work use their strengths, know what’s expected of them and believe their job matters.

G A L L U P G L O B A L R E P O R T : W H E R E T H E G R E AT J O B S A R E

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Gallup asks our engagement questions worldwide and found that between 2012 and 2015, only 12% of people with good jobs are also engaged. They have great jobs. But these figures vary substantially by country. In the U.S., for example, 29% of those with good jobs have great jobs, and in China, 5% do.

Out of 5 billion adults on this planet, 1.3 billion have a good job. Of these 1.3 billion, roughly 12% are engaged. Out of a global workforce of an estimated 3.2 billion adults who are working or looking for work, then, only 5% or 161 million people have a great job. This means about 3 billion people who want a great job don’t have one.

The dream of men and women around the world is to have a good job and, ultimately, a great job. Yet only 161 million people are realizing this dream. Global leaders need to make “great job” creation a top priority. Using better metrics to understand the real jobs situation is a start. This report — Gallup Global Report: Where the Great Jobs Are — offers a first look at the real jobs situation in 138 countries, revealing where the good — and great — jobs are, and where the greatest deficits remain.

Managing Director, Global Analytics, Gallup

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About This Report

THE FINDINGS IN THIS REPORT are based on the employment and employee engagement data Gallup has amassed through its World Poll surveys between 2012 and 2015. Gallup aggregated the country-level results across years to ensure sufficient sample sizes for analysis, reporting employee engagement results at the country level when the sample size is at least 300 — which was the case in 138 countries. The global figures presented in this report are based on data from 158 countries.

Gallup measures engagement among employees at all levels (including managers and leaders) using a series of question items rooted in more than 30 years of workplace research with proven links to performance outcomes. Based on people’s responses to these questions, Gallup categorizes them as engaged, not engaged or actively disengaged.

People who are engaged at work are more involved in and enthusiastic about their work. They are loyal and productive. Those who are not engaged may be productive and satisfied with their workplace, but they are not intellectually and emotionally connected to it. Workers who are actively disengaged are physically present but intellectually and emotionally disconnected. They are unhappy with their work, share their unhappiness with their colleagues and are likely to jeopardize the performance of their team.

About the Gallup World Poll

GALLUP CONDUCTS SURVEYS IN MORE than 160 countries, providing a scientific window into the well-being, attitudes and behaviors of most of the world’s residents through randomly selected, nationally representative samples. Gallup annually conducts interviews with approximately 1,000 adults aged 15 and older in approximately 140 countries. Since 2005, Gallup has completed more than 1.5 million interviews worldwide.

Gallup research shows that factors beyond classical economic measures affect people’s attitudes and behaviors. The World Poll was created with input from renowned economists, psychologists, sociologists and political scientists and provides leaders with better tools to examine the future of economies, government performance and the overall momentum of the world’s population.

Gallup is entirely responsible for the management, design and control of the World Poll. Identities of all surveyed respondents are confidential. Gallup is not associated with any political orientation, party or advocacy group and does not accept partisan groups as clients.

G A L L U P G L O B A L R E P O R T : W H E R E T H E G R E AT J O B S A R E

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Page 6: Global Report Where the Great Jobs Are - · PDF fileCantril Self-Anchoring Striving Scale. People are considered thriving if they rate their current lives a 7 or higher and their lives

A Macroeconomic Path for Successful Societies

THE GALLUP MACROECONOMIC PATH PROVIDES the framework Gallup researchers believe societies must follow to thrive. The model highlights the link between every resident’s individual contribution and the overall success of a community or country. Gallup’s global network of researchers and analysts apply their knowledge of this path to construct surveys, collect data and provide strategic advice based on the results.

“Good jobs” is a key component on this path because people’s careers shape not only their identity but also their well-being.

G A L L U P G L O B A L R E P O R T : W H E R E T H E G R E AT J O B S A R E

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Where the Good Jobs Are

TWENTY-SIX PERCENT — OR ABOUT 1.3 billion adults worldwide — work full time for an employer.

Worldwide, the percentage of adults who have “good jobs” varies a lot. Percentages range from as low as 5% in countries such as Burkina Faso that have large informal economies and high self-employment, to as high as 58% in wealthier countries such as the United Arab Emirates, which — along with others in the Persian Gulf region — have large percentages of expatriates who live in the country just to work.

Good Jobs Percentage of total population employed full time for an employer



Good Jobs by Major Region% of the population who work full time for an employer

Good jobs

Northern America 43%

Former Soviet states 40%

Europe 34%

Latin America and the Caribbean 28%

Asia 25%

Middle East and North Africa 19%

Sub-Saharan Africa 11%

Based on aggregated data from 2012-2015

G A L L U P G L O B A L R E P O R T : W H E R E T H E G R E AT J O B S A R E

Copyright © 2015 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


Page 8: Global Report Where the Great Jobs Are - · PDF fileCantril Self-Anchoring Striving Scale. People are considered thriving if they rate their current lives a 7 or higher and their lives

Where the Great Jobs Are

THE QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF available jobs are essential to a community’s capacity to meet its residents’ needs, and the prevalence of “good jobs” is a major component of economic productivity in most countries. However, the percentage of a country’s population that has a good job and is engaged at work is an important number for businesses, communities and countries to watch because engaged workplaces are most likely to be the engines of job creation worldwide.

Across most of the world, the percentage of adults with “great jobs” does not top 10%. Worldwide, the percentages of “great jobs” range from 13% in the U.S. and Panama to less than 1% in Bhutan and Syria. Good jobs significantly outnumber great jobs in every country, including large deficits in countries such as the United Arab Emirates, where larger portions of the population are employed in good jobs (58%) and far fewer are in great jobs (10%).



Great Jobs Percentage of total population with good jobs and engaged at work

Great Jobs by Major Region% of those in the population who work full time for an employer and are engaged at work

Great jobs

Northern America 11%

Former Soviet states 8%

Latin America and the Caribbean 7%

Europe 4%

Middle East and North Africa 2%

Asia 2%

Sub-Saharan Africa 2%

Based on aggregated data from 2012-2015

G A L L U P G L O B A L R E P O R T : W H E R E T H E G R E AT J O B S A R E

Copyright © 2015 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Great Jobs, Better Lives

PEOPLE’S CAREERS HELP SHAPE THEIR identity and well-being, so it makes sense that Gallup’s global surveys reveal that people with “good jobs” tend to rate their present and future lives more positively than those who don’t have good jobs. But across the world, Gallup also finds people with “great jobs” are even more likely than those with “good jobs” to rate their lives positively enough to be considered thriving.

Gallup classifies people as “thriving,” “struggling” or “suffering,” according to how they rate their current and future lives on a ladder scale with steps numbered from 0 to 10 based on the Cantril Self-Anchoring Striving Scale. People are considered thriving if they rate their current lives a 7 or higher and their lives in five years an 8 or higher.

The wide deficits between “good jobs” and “great jobs” in every country mean there are vast numbers of employees who are emotionally disconnected from their workplaces and are less likely to be productive — even if they have “good jobs.” These deficits represent potential barriers to job growth and economic and personal prosperity, and it is in a country’s best interest to try to overcome them.

Life Ratings by Major Region

% Thriving Good jobs Great jobsGreat jobs


Northern America 60% 79% 19

Former Soviet states 23% 37% 14

Asia 19% 33% 14

Europe 44% 57% 13

Latin America and the Caribbean 54% 65% 11

Sub-Saharan Africa 14% 25% 11

Middle East and North Africa 22% 32% 10

G A L L U P G L O B A L R E P O R T : W H E R E T H E G R E AT J O B S A R E

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RESULTS FOR SURVEYS IN 2012-2015 are based on telephone and face-to-face interviews with approximately 1,000 adults, aged 15 and older, conducted in 158 countries. For results based on the sample of national adults at the region level, the margin of sampling error ranged from ±0.6 percentage points to ±1.9 percentage points at the 95% confidence level. For results based on the sample of national adults at the country level within a given year, the margin of sampling error ranged from ±1.5 percentage points to ±5.8 percentage points at the 95% confidence level. All reported margins of sampling error include computed design effects for weighting.

For more complete methodology and specific survey dates, please review Gallup’s Country Data Set details.

G A L L U P G L O B A L R E P O R T : W H E R E T H E G R E AT J O B S A R E

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Former Soviet States % Good jobs % Great jobs

Russia 47% 10%Nagorno-Karabakh region

34% 8%

Estonia 44% 7%Belarus 49% 6%Kazakhstan 31% 6%Latvia 44% 6%Moldova 31% 6%Ukraine 39% 5%Armenia 17% 3%Georgia 13% 3%Lithuania 43% 3%Azerbaijan 25% 2%Kyrgyzstan 16% 2%Tajikistan 13% 2%

Middle East and North Africa

% Good jobs % Great jobs

United Arab Emirates 58% 10%Kuwait 50% 9%Bahrain 44% 8%Qatar 52% 7%Lebanon 29% 5%Libya 25% 5%Israel 45% 4%Egypt 22% 3%Saudi Arabia 28% 3%Turkey 20% 3%Jordan 23% 2%Morocco 13% 2%Palestinian Territories 14% 2%Iran 12% 1%Iraq 14% 1%Tunisia 18% 1%Yemen 11% 1%Syria 18% *

Europe % Good jobs % Great jobs

Iceland 57% 8%Cyprus 35% 7%Denmark 41% 7%Norway 43% 7%Sweden 50% 7%Bulgaria 35% 6%Malta 32% 6%Poland 35% 6%Portugal 36% 6%Austria 38% 5%Macedonia 27% 5%Serbia 30% 5%Slovakia 41% 5%Slovenia 41% 5%Spain 29% 5%Switzerland 38% 5%United Kingdom 39% 5%Finland 39% 4%France 37% 4%Germany 35% 4%Hungary 37% 4%Ireland 30% 4%Kosovo 16% 4%Montenegro 35% 4%Netherlands 35% 4%Romania 27% 4%Albania 21% 3%Belgium 31% 3%Bosnia and Herzegovina 24% 3%Czech Republic 43% 3%Italy 26% 3%Luxembourg 36% 3%Croatia 40% 2%Greece 22% 2%Northern Cyprus 12% 2%

Good Jobs and Great Jobs Worldwide

* Less than 1%

G A L L U P G L O B A L R E P O R T : W H E R E T H E G R E AT J O B S A R E

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Sub-Saharan Africa % Good jobs % Great jobs

Mauritius 33% 4%Congo Brazzaville 11% 3%Sudan 15% 3%Zambia 14% 3%Botswana 16% 2%Gabon 17% 2%Guinea 7% 2%Ivory Coast 13% 2%Kenya 20% 2%Madagascar 11% 2%Malawi 7% 2%Mauritania 10% 2%Nigeria 10% 2%Rwanda 13% 2%South Africa 15% 2%Uganda 14% 2%Zimbabwe 15% 2%Benin 10% 1%Burkina Faso 5% 1%Cameroon 10% 1%Chad 7% 1%Congo Kinshasa 10% 1%Ethiopia 9% 1%Ghana 10% 1%Mali 6% 1%Niger 7% 1%Senegal 11% 1%Tanzania 8% 1%

Asia % Good jobs % Great jobs

Mongolia 28% 9%Philippines 23% 8%New Zealand 40% 7%Malaysia 35% 5%Singapore 47% 4%Sri Lanka 20% 4%Thailand 24% 4%Australia 22% 3%Taiwan 37% 3%Afghanistan 13% 2%Bangladesh 9% 2%Cambodia 15% 2%India 25% 2%Indonesia 21% 2%Japan 32% 2%Pakistan 22% 2%South Korea 28% 2%China 28% 1%Hong Kong 38% 1%Myanmar 16% 1%Nepal 8% 1%Vietnam 16% 1%Bhutan 10% *

Latin America and the Caribbean

% Good jobs % Great jobs

Panama 31% 13%Chile 37% 11%Costa Rica 32% 11%Uruguay 33% 9%Brazil 32% 8%Colombia 25% 8%Dominican Republic 26% 8%El Salvador 23% 7%Venezuela 31% 7%Guatemala 20% 6%Mexico 27% 6%Nicaragua 23% 6%Argentina 26% 5%Bolivia 22% 5%Paraguay 30% 5%Ecuador 21% 4%Honduras 18% 4%Peru 25% 4%

Northern America % Good jobs % Great jobs

United States 44% 13%Canada 42% 8%

* Less than 1%

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