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Chapter 2

Global Climatic Changes, a Possible Cause of the RecentIncreasing Trend of Earthquakes Since the 90’s andSubsequent Lessons Learnt

Septimius Mara and Serban-Nicolae Vlad

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Over 1 million earthquakes a year can be felt by people on Earth. Large earthquakes andrelated effects rank among most catastrophic environmental events. Both tectonically activeareas of lithospheric plates interactions along their boundaries and intra-plate faultdisplacements are responsible for rupture yielding seismic waves that shake the ground.Devastating effects of the earthquakes that occurred during the last decades underlines thenecessity of a multi-hazard approach regarding the subsequent effect of the tremor waves,such as tsunami waves (Sumatra – Andaman Islands, 2004, NE Japan 2011), soil subsi‐dence and major accidents at nearby chemical facilities (Turkye, Kocaeli, 1999), explosionsat petrochemical and nuclear plant, after failure of the cooling system due to power failure,following the 10 meters tsunami wave (NE Japan 2011), submarine landslides (northern coastof Papua New Guinea, 1998), or landslides and soil liquefaction (“earthquake lake” atSichuan, China, 2008, Christchurch, New Zeeland, 2011). The multi-hazard conceptrepresents a new direction of research in an integrated manner, with applied globalimplications. The frequency of the disasters appears to increase in the last decades (Fig. 1,2),and the communities became more vulnerable to the natural hazards, generally due to thecomplex aspects generated by increased urbanization, land planning and environmentalchanges. The uncertainties involving the relations between different components of thesurrounding environment made more difficult the investigation of each category of naturalhazards [1]. Consequently it is necessary to study groups of hazards, not just a single case,and the interaction among them in order to have a clear view of the internal processes andcausative factors of the disasters. From this point of view, the disaster seems to be more

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internationalized, due to global factors which interact and affect the population and theenvironmental factors.

2. Problem statement

Recently it became relevant that, despite frequent large earthquakes, several countries locatedin prone areas didn’t have strong building codes and many houses are built out of mud bricksand un-reinforced masonry, which do not stand up well to earthquakes. Mud brick didn’tresist to the earthquake stress and too heavy tile and cement roofs generally collapsed intomany houses. Other factors contribute to the severity of a quake, but earthquake resistantbuildings can make a huge difference in the number of damages [2]. As a result, casualties anddamage are much higher than similar earthquakes elsewhere in the world. Therefore recentmajor earthquakes such as Guarajat, India (2001), Bam-Iran (2003), Sumatra – Andaman Islands(2004), Kashmir-Pakistan (2005), South of Java – Indonesia (2006) or Sichuan, China (2008) ledto heavy human casualties, compared with other similar earthquakes all over the world. Thesame magnitude earthquakes, for example the Northridge quake in Los Angeles in 1994 killedonly 57 people and in Kobe Japan in 1995 a similar quake killed about 5,000. Another examplecould be the earthquake –magnitude 7 - from Haiti, at Port-au-Prince in January 2010, withalmost 220,000 casualties compared with a similar earthquake in the next month, in Chile,magnitude 8.8, 500 times higher than the previous one in Haiti, resulted in less than 600casualties. In case of major tsunamis, which cross an entire Ocean, or so called "tele-tsunamis",i.e the greater earthquake ever recorded by instruments, with a 9.5 magnitude, in Valvidia,Chile (1960), which produced damage in Hawaii and alarm in Japan, it became obviously the“globalisation“ of the subsequent effects of the tremors. They can reach any coastal areas allover the world, not necessarily earthquake prone areas, and request dedicated building codes.A similar effect took place following the recent great earthquakes at Sumatra – AndamanIslands (2004), 9.1 magnitude, with damages 1 mile inside the affected coastal areas, with amaximum height of the tsunami wave up to 30m, or the recent NE of Japan (2011), magnitude9, where tsunami waves inflicted severe damages 9 miles inside the coast areas. The recentcatastrophe in Japan exceeds the worst case scenarios previously estimated in preventionmeasures, especially at the nuclear plants. The maximum possible height of a tsunami wavewas estimated at 6 meters high, whereas the height of the wave reached 10 m (the maximumrecorded height was 23m for the NE of Japan).

3. Application area

The present analysis is based on data regarding the earthquake frequency and magnitude theworld over, (Fig. 2), i.e. USGS (United States Geological Service) data base during the last 30years [4]. It has to be specified that the earthquake monitoring activity network was usedduring the cold war [3], since 50’s, to identify and localise nuclear tests all over the world,taking into account that a nuclear detonation is detected generally less than a 6 magnitude

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earthquake on Richter scale, where is produced, depending of the distance from the source.Therefore the data taken into consideration in the present earthquake evaluation includes justimportant earthquakes, which can produce significant damage (above level of strongerearthquakes, with the magnitude over 6 on Richter scale). As a conclusion, the thesis stipulatingthat just in the recent year the global network of seismographs was completed and that’s whywe have the “felling” of an increased trend of the earthquakes, and therefore the study of thepast earthquake data didn’t reflect complete the reality, because of “missing” earthquake, isfalls. According with this theory, the same increasing pattern of the earthquakes should beobserved since 80’s, but as observed in the evolution trend of the similar earthquake magni‐tudes over each separate decade (in 80’s and 90’s), are significantly different, in both ofmagnitudes range and increasing trend from one year to another (please see below Fig.1.a-d,of evolution including subsequent linear trends). Should be noticed that only for the decade1980-1990, the trend line is decreasing, compared with the period intervals of 1990-2000 and2000-2010, when the evolution trend of earthquake frequency and magnitude, in visibleincreasing.




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Figure 1. a. The strong earthquake type of 6 - 6.9 magnitude on Richter scale:b. The major earthquake type with themagnitude of 7 - 7.9 magnitude on Richter scale:c. The great earthquake type, with the magnitude over 8 magnitudeon Richter scale:d. The great, major and strong earthquakes types, with the relative magnitude of 6-6.9 magnitude onRichter scale (combined).

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Figure 2. Earthquake trend evolution since 80’s (blue thick line represents the increased linear trend and the col‐oured lines the frequency evolution for each type of earthquake category, strong, major or great):

4. Research course

The paper evaluate records of seismographs belonging to the international survey networkover the last 30 years, assessing earthquakes frequency in order to detect evolution tendenciesto be drawn. A simple linear correlation was used to categorize the trend of the seismic activityall over the world. Commonly the Earth seismic activity is almost constant in terms offrequency of earthquakes [3]. A possible increased tendency of earthquake activity wasrevealed studying the frequency of the principal earthquake types (such as: great, with themagnitude over 8, major with the magnitude of 7 - 7.9, and strong earthquake type of 6 - 6.9magnitude on Richter scale), taking into consideration that an earthquake measuring 8 on theRichter scale is 10 times larger in term of ground motion than a 7 magnitude tremor, or 100times larger than an earthquake measuring 6 magnitude, and so on. The results indicated an

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unusual increased seismic activity since the 90’s, which is in contradiction with the generallyconstant trend of the previous decade. Based on lessons-learning approach, the activity ofimplementation of an earthquake resilient activity worldwide at local, regional or nationallevel in the areas prone to earthquakes have to be assured by taking into account valuablerecommendations of the risk managers involved into decisional planning, as indicated in theresearch paper.

5. Method used

Decision makers begin to understand that to save lives, they have to adopt an integrated,comprehensive and multi-hazard strategy for disaster risk reduction, regardless the type ofthe disaster management procedure. This strategy includes prevention, mitigation, prepared‐ness, response, recovery and rehabilitation, therefore the following lessons learnt can bedrawn:

5.1. Prevention measures

The latest tragedies highlighted the importance of the addressing of public buildings (such as:hospitals, schools, fire-fighter units, etc.) in the national earthquake protection policies;

A multi-hazard approach (earthquake plus tsunami) should be envisaged when responseactions are planned. For example, access routes could have survived the earthquake but notthe impact of the tsunami or some areas may remain flooded and therefore not able for rescueoperations;

The constructions located in earthquake prone areas, erected before the last buildingregulation was put into force, have to be inspected in case of not complying with the norms,then have to be retrofitted or rebuild. A special attention should be done for retrofitting theconstruction for the most vulnerable socio-economical activities, which in case of earth‐quake could lead to severe loss of life, due to increased damages to the most vulnerablepublic areas (such as schools, fire-fighters units, hospitals, etc.), and interruption of publicservices (transportation, gas, electricity, water supply) by damaging the bridges, fall of powerlines, pipelines rupture, etc;

The retrofitting works for all old buildings should take into account the new changing in thebuilding resilience due to earthquake activity, taking into account the building codes for thespecific earthquake area wherein the construction is located (for example, in Europe, thegeneral rules for the assessment and strengthening of structures are available in the EuropeanStandard, Part 1-4 of Euro code 8, prEN 1998-3, and for other countries, the available guidelinesin force). The designers and the constructors of the public units should pay more attention tostructural issues;

As a result of the recent earthquakes, new building codes for earthquakes have to be introducedin the affected countries, including new seismic zoning of the whole country, with the purposeto improve the standards of building execution and maintenance. In addition, any dangerous

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structural changes implemented over the lifecycles of schools or other public buildings whichcan weaken the building strength have to be avoided. Therefore an increased activity ofinspection should be undertaken regularly, according with the building code in force, in orderto interdict any possibility for improvisation or structural changes, mainly for the publicbuildings. In areas prone to natural hazards, including earthquakes and tsunamis, it isnecessary to constantly review and implement the proper building codes for constructions. Inparticular, the presence of adobe-built houses or improvised makeshift shelters can becomedisastrous;

In the coastal areas prone to tsunamis, it is necessary to implement prevention measures suchas structural ones: tsunamis walls, sea walls, beach-long protection wall, automatic andmanual closing water gates, evacuation routes and signing, establishing safer distancesbetween different land use categories and the coastal line, depending to their economicalactivity, for minimizing the impact of possible tsunamis, or inexpensive protective lines oftrees and dense vegetation, by planting local resistant trees species (for example mangrovesin the tropical regions, coconut trees, etc.);

In addition, non-structural measures involve elaboration of tsunami vulnerability and riskmaps, implementation of building codes and land use planning in order to define safe areas,education of the population regarding the behaviour in case of a tsunami wave, implementa‐tion of a seismic observation network system in relation to the possible detection of the tsunamigenerated by earthquakes, coupled with installation of alarming systems for the early warningof the population, studies for mapping the hazard vulnerability in the coastal areas character‐ized by intense socio-economical activity;

Early disaster events could be further analysed having a look at underwater sedimentarydeposits in order to get a full picture of the vulnerability (including the case of marine deltaswhere new settled sediments once loosing stability can trigger tsunamis waves on the nearbycoastal areas);

Although relatively reduced vulnerability of Stromboli type island (prone to undergroundlandslides due to volcano material flow during eruptions) could be high due to holiday seekersand volcano tourists. Therefore the continuous activities of the volcano should seriously bewatched and appropriate vulnerability analyses be performed. The focus should be put onlandslides and/or lava flows due to volcanic activities; in addition, a multi-hazard approachcould be useful as small earthquakes and/or tremors together with landslides trigger localtsunamis whose potential of destruction should not be underestimated. In the case of Strombolione could promote structural actions (enforcing parts of the shoreline) and non-structuralactions (educating the local population and especially instructing non-residents like touristsof potential signs of tsunamis). In the particular case of Stromboli volcano, which is of smallsize and not flat, it would be more efficient to manage an easy but effective concept of early-warning system (for ex., the use of loudspeakers, sirens) together with an evacuation systemthat allows moving the local population towards safer places in extremely short time;

The recurrence maximum time period, taken into consideration by nuclear engineers for atremor in relation with a nuclear facility, that is the 10,000 years quake event, does not

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necessarily takes place after such a long period of time, and can occur anytime, even today ortomorrow, in the most earthquake prone areas all over the world, represented especially bythe Pacific ring of fire, where the recent great earthquakes occurred;

The usual location for nuclear power plants are nearby large water available resources,sufficiently enough for assuring the cooling of water generated by the reactors, includingtsunami prone areas nearby oceanic coastal shores. Consequently a higher location have to beselected for the backup power sources, and other electrical equipment for water pumps usedto cool down the nuclear reactors following the automatic shut down due to largest possibletremor event ever recorded in the region, that means generally above 8 or 9 magnitude.Therefore every nuclear plant designs should take into account the resulting effects of this kindof event, including larger tsunamis than before experienced on a specific location chosen fornuclear development;

Periodical reevaluation of the nuclear power plant safety standards, depending of constructionprinciple type e.g. light water cooled reactor (LWR), graphite-moderated, water-cooled reactor(RBMK), known as the Chernobyl type, heavy water moderated reactor (CANDU or AHWR),advanced gas cooled reactor (AGCR), liquid metal cooled reactor (LMF) or type of the nuclearfuel (uranium 253 and 258 or the most risky plutonium 239); NATECH scenarios (NaturalAccidents that might trigger technical disasters) are to be considered, depending of naturalhazards in the earthquake prone areas (e.g. landslides which may affect the land stability,storms or tsunamis which can flood the power generators, associated severe draught whichmay result in a water shortage in case of a water pipelines damage leading to nuclear fueloverheating), in order to avoid the worst case scenarios at a nuclear power plant, a nuclearleak due to melting down of the nuclear core, following failing of the cooling down of theexposed nuclear fuel rods.

5.2. Preparedness measures

The continuously monitoring of the areas prone to natural hazards, including earthquakescould lead to a better knowledge of the risk evolution of facing a possible disaster, also takinginto account other vulnerability factors which can increase the probability of a disasteroccurrence. Being known that many inhabited clusters could be closely located to an activetectonic area, and before some incipient earthquake activity will began, a detailed seismicanalysis is necessary in order to detect the possible underground discontinuities. Generallyspeaking, even without having a historical evidence of earthquakes, worries can be raisedregarding the overall seismic activity of a vulnerable area. In term of exposed population orindustrial facilities, if an underneath fault is discovered, subsequent measures can be takenleading to a better preparedness activity for a possible earthquake;

The proper training of the personnel involved in emergency response and relief during naturaldisaster is essential for a better management of the emergency situations generated by anearthquake. Therefore constant simulation and drill exercises should be performed by thespecialized personnel in order to be prepared in case of a major earthquake or for the possibleforwarding aftershocks. An intense training program for the emergency personnel in theexposed areas should be performed using special trained sniff dogs and adequate equipment

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for increasing the preparedness capacity. Population should be also involved in the trainingdrills, in order to become aware of the basic rules of survival and for recovery actions, to assurea better cooperation with the local authorities involved in the disaster mitigation activities;

The damage assessment scenarios for inhabited areas located in tsunami prone areas, on thecoastal lines, will re-evaluate the mitigation capabilities in case of a real disaster and lead to abetter response of the emergency services;

Countries located in tsunamis vulnerable areas should set their own national tsunami warningsystem, capable to watch and warn in due time the local inhabitants about any danger ofproducing a catastrophic event occurring nearby the inhabited area. For maintaining theawareness and the response capability of an already implemented tsunami warning system,simulation exercises should be periodically organized. Different responsibilities and tasks ofthe emergency personal involved in monitoring activities are reviewed, assuring the commu‐nication in real time of the emergency relief cruses about the probabilities of producing thedisasters and assurance of warning the population;

The existence of the emergency stock of materials and means of interventions, located in thevicinity of the prone areas of natural hazards, including tsunamis, allows an optimized reliefactivity after a disaster in the region, assuring a successful intervention activity and minimi‐zation of loss of lives and damages to the properties. It is crucial to have sufficient stock(including tents, blankets, medicine) available in order to support people that have fled fromthe tsunami;

An efficient preparedness measure depends of timely early warnings issued by the authoritiesfollowing an earthquake with high magnitude, which often constitute the triggering factor forthe tsunami;

Area that had been affected by similar events in the past should create a disaster preventionplatform; it could help in better identifying vulnerable areas and/or weaknesses in prepared‐ness activities;

Evacuation routes should be generated on the basis of flood maps and availability of shelters.If no natural shelters (hills, mounds, berms) are available it is advisable to construct verticalshelters.

It should be clear that living in houses which are built 1 - 3m above sea levels, a high level ofpreparedness is required in the case a tsunami hit;

Already established safety zones, implemented in the planning of the coastal areas, will lowerthe risk of the highly vulnerable areas, both by earthquakes tremors and tsunami waves,therefore a multi-hazard approach in emergency planning would be advantageous. Precedingdisasters, like a heavy earthquake, could (partly) destroy evacuation routes and assemblyplaces; therefore a multi-hazard approach (earthquake plus tsunami) should put particularemphasis on having such routes and places secured. Moreover, the emergency planningshould take into account that subsequent disasters or inconveniences may happen and requestalteration of early plans, i.e. heavy rainfalls which, in turn, produce landslides and mudflows.

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Subsequently, people in emergency shelters had again to be redistributed in (different) safelocations;

In the particular case of Stromboli type volcanic island, due to the continuous activities of thevolcano, constant preparedness is absolutely required, that is availability of responsiblepersons issuing the alarms, instruction non-residents, keeping free the evacuation routes;

On small islands telecommunication back-up system should be kept operating in order to startrescue operations;

The nuclear facilities located in the earthquake prone areas should have drilled in advanceholes for vent up hydrogen released from the water cooling down reactor. The holes shouldbe positioned at the top of the main building covering the nuclear reactor and containmentvessel. This means preventing the hydrogen build up and risk of deflagration which mightcause radioactive emissions, in case of core overheating due to breakdown of the coolingsystem. These hydrogen releases due to radiolysis may take place also because of the nuclearrods exposure in case of lowering down the water level in the cooling water pools with nucleardepleted material found inside the main buildings of the nuclear power plant;

Every nuclear power plant should take into consideration the availability of a pool of humanresources to be used as a supplementary intervention in catastrophic event. In addition, a clean-up facility building located a few kilometers away from the main reactor facilities, includingshelters large enough to host the emergency shifts for extended intervention in case of a nuclearincident. Such an action is recommended when the number of the normal available workingshift personnel can not assure a proper emergency intervention in case of power failure andreestablishing the cooling down capabilities of a possible crippled nuclear reactor due to thetwin action of a large scale tremor and subsequent tsunami event.

5.3. Response measures

The endowment of the rescue teams with special equipments and means of intervention incase of emergency situations is essential for an efficient response, increasing the chance forsaving lives and reducing the economical impact of the natural disasters, including earth‐quakes. In the aftermath of the disaster, many persons can be rescued beneath the rubble thanksto the sniffer dogs and hi-tech ultrasound equipment both from the national level or foreignemergency teams;

The existence of the communication routes through all remote communities within a pronearea for natural disaster, including tsunami, is an essential factor for undertaken an efficientresponse activity in case of a disaster event;

For minimizing the pressure of the local community in case of disasters, the existence of aninsurance system for the houses and goods against the natural disasters, including earthquakesis very efficient. This is due to the indemnity of the affected people, automatically covered bythe insurance companies. The financial coverage of the response action will not be affected, incase of producing some damages. Commonly, in the aftermath of an earthquake, the onlycompensation of the homeless people in the affected areas are the subvention from the state

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and foreign aid organizations, in order to assure the economical income for a normal sociallife. Anyway it couldn’t cover always integrally the loss, in the absence of a national-wideefficient insurance system;

In the hazard prone areas where a certain disaster is present, the recovery activities are difficultto undertake, for example in arid regions there is the possibility that water tubes are brokentriggering major damages. Response teams must be ready to get water lines repaired in shorttime;

In the rehabilitation phase the focus should be put on economical recovery and social sustain‐ability within the affected communities. Therefore long-term intervention developmentprograms have to be set up in the affected areas, for the benefit of the most vulnerablecommunities, mainly focusing on income generating projects;

The multi-hazard feature of the inhabited areas and population vulnerability, as a result of theeconomical developing, could worsen the condition of the affected population in case of anatural disaster, superposing the effect of more hazards. A prime task of the internationalassistance in the affected regions is the strengthening of the capacity to respond to futuredisasters in the area, because some regions could have been already suffering from the effectsof other hazards before the earthquake, or to withstand to the associated hazards of the mainevent (such as aftershocks, tsunamis, fires due to broken gas pipelines or from the damagedreservoirs of the affected boats or cars carried by the waves into the houses walls, liquefactionand landslides, mudflows, etc.);

A prompt response activity in case of a natural disaster, including tsunami, is related to theexistence of an already implemented, “Plan of emergency and intervention”, at the level oflocal and central public authorities. It clearly stipulates the competencies and the activitiesduring each phase of the emergency intervention for rehabilitation and clearance of the disastereffect. The plan should be constantly revised in order to assure the updating of the informationwith the changes in land planning activities at the level of the community, or modificationsintervened in the structure of the emergency staff personal in charge with the responseactivities;

Rescue operators have to count with a lot of destruction and uninhabitable houses thus havingto maintain a huge number of refugees over a long period;

The response capability in coastal areas, in the case of a tsunami event, should rely on theeffectiveness of the early warning system for tsunami, which allows an efficient preparednessmeasure. In some vulnerable coastal areas the travel time for tsunami to reach the coastal areais very short (for example the Mediterranean region), generally in less than 10 min after start,due to relatively shallow and low step offshore bottom morphology. Consequently the periodof time until the tsunami alert is initiated should be very short, in relation to an existing efficientalarm capability of the population and the emergency relief crews;

Automatic unmanned (anti-radiation proof for humans) crane coupled with long rangepowerful water pumps near a water source for spraying at distance large volume of waters,should be available for all nuclear facilities located in the earthquake prone areas, including

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tsunamis. These special intervention equipments, including remote surveying robots withdosimeters, should be used in the event of a nuclear cooling down operation failure, followinglarger tsunamis that might drawdown the back up pumps used for emergency intervention.In addition, a longer enough power cable to be switched on at an existing nuclear facility froman outside existing power source, generally a mile longer, should be available to connect byemergency the main nuclear unit of reactors in case of power failure due to earthquake tremoror subsequent tsunamis. Large barge should be available nearby for transporting freshwaterin case of a nuclear accident at a plant located at the sea shore, in order to cool down the reactors,because the marine salt water damages irrevocably the nuclear facility.

6. Information to the public

In the areas prone to natural disasters, including earthquakes, at the level of the regional orlocal administration, hazard vulnerability and risk maps should be available for all decisionalfactors involved in the management of this type of disaster but also for dissemination to thegeneral public in order to be informed about the dangers nearby the inhabited areas;

The proper information of the population from the vulnerable areas to the earthquakes aboutthe risk reduction issues and the possibility to reduce the vulnerability of their houses byapplying correct building codes, is highly necessary. The using of the new building materials,such as iron or iron coated concrete beams, together with the traditional ones such as claybricks, without respect to any elementary building code, sometimes worsened the strength ofa construction, and put an increased risk of the inhabitants. For example, the use of the ironbeam for strengthening and to allow the extra-store constructions, together with traditionalmaterials (clay bricks), could increase the vulnerability in case of a possible earthquake, as wellas in the case of recently affected areas by earthquakes, where multi-store buildings collapsedand produced more casualties than in a possible destruction of a one store house;

It is necessary to create a knowledge platform to disseminate information at the local level, toeducate people about the risk reduction issues in case of an earthquake. For example, theexistence of some water and food supplies, also some vital medicines in case of chronicdiseases, available in case of trapping inside a house can increase the life expectancy in caseof earthquake, which could produce the collapse of the inhabited house;

The adequate information regarding the situation nearby an affected area by a recent earth‐quake lead to a more donor support from the surrounding communities and countries. Aninformation booklet and a Website describing the earthquake effects during the relief opera‐tions can bring more donor support and can contribute together with the information pressfor a humanitarian appeal from the international community;

The ongoing information of the public regarding the actions to avoid a tsunami wave (suchas: the clear indication of the escape routes, the avoidance of the exposed coastal areas duringthe tsunami, urgent deployment to higher places, etc.) will lead to an adequate behaviour ofthe population in case of a real disaster, limiting the number of affected individuals;

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The information of the public about subsequent effects of a technological disaster (oil terminalsand refineries, mostly located in the tsunamis prone coastal areas) or natural hazards in travelor inhabited area, including tsunamis, and about the presence of other possible accompaniedtriggered disasters, following an earthquake, such as landslides or rock falls, by all availablemeans (police agents, local broadcasting, tv news, papers, warning panels, etc.), lead to avoidthe risk and limits the consequences in the aftermath of a natural disaster;

The case of Stromboli type islands, visited by numerous foreign tourists, requires permanent,effective and multi-lingual instruction of residents and non-residents, i.e. leaflets let to thosearriving, pictograms let in hotel rooms, warning signs put on beaches and nearby paths;

Populations should be kept informed by local authorities on the possible restriction zone,generally following an accident at a nuclear reactor due to the impact of a twin event of tremorand the subsequent tsunami wave. The restriction zone is declared generally as an exclusionzone for population, excepting the nuclear plant emergency personnel and fire fighter units,and is particularly coffined at a specific distance radius to the crippled nuclear reactor,commonly of value of tens of miles around the radiation source;

Radiation self-detection equipment (dosimeters) for personal use should be available for thepopulation individuals located nearby nuclear facilities, or the persons travelling nearby, forauto monitoring of the radiation doses (e.g. the hourly radiation dose is 0.1 micro Sievers -µSv/hour). In case of exceeding the normal dose, depending on instructions from the emer‐gency supervising personnel, a decontamination procedure is required (e.g. shower with waterand soap washing); Food (milk and fresh harvested vegetables) and water nearby a cripplednuclear facility can be immediately affected by a nuclear leakage due to a catastrophic failureof the cooling down the nuclear reactor, or incidents at the nuclear rods being exposed, due tothe wind dispersion (e.g. as far as 100 km radius far to the radioactive source);

Main radioactive isotopes (e.g. Iodine 131, Xenon-133, Krypton-85 and Caesium 137), pro‐duced during a nuclear accident due to subsequent tsunami of an earthquake event, canimmediately affect the health on long term, due to the carcinogenic effect. Special medicationfor radiation prevention should be used only on the certified medical surveillance, because themain antidote, for Iodine 131, the iodine salts (e.g. potassium iodine) is available just for a timewindow of 4 days, when the results are affective (e.g. for avoiding the accumulation in thyroidgland by aerial way), and the self medication with other similar inhibitors (for example iodinesalt), can shift the effective period before the radioactive cloud is atmospherically drifting ona certain vulnerable inhabited zone.

7. Status

Contemporaneous seismic activity as well as complementary volcanicity are genetically linkedto Cenozoic plate kinematics, involving interacting plates and/or intra-plate rifting steamingfrom triple junctions. Upper mantle heterogenic seismic structures are intimately related toplate breaking and motion.

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A series of natural facts are to be taken into consideration in order to approach the causes ofsuch unusual trend of increasing major earthquake frequency after 1990 which led to destruc‐tive earthquakes in “classic” areas but also in areas not specifically known as prone area.

A cause of increasing trend of seismic activity may be induced by internal factors related toglobal tectonics. It is marked by intracrustal-subcrustal structural, sedimentologic andmagmatic processes creating shallow or deep areas for large magnitude earthquakes., e.g.coupling convergence rate, age of subduction, lithosphere type, trench sediment thickness andso on.

Reality or mere coincidence, concurrent supracrustal processes at global scale may affect theEarth’s structure and related sensitive tectono-seismic spots. Of them the global warming isconsidered by a large part of the academic world as major process with implications atatmospheric, hydrospheric, biospheric and lithospheric levels that represents the so-calledCritical Zone of the Earth. So far Cenozoic eco-climate change was taken into consideration inorder to explain seismic differences of orogenic regions based on sediment thickness, i.e. effectof coupling between tectonic and erosion.

The need for detailed analyses of the effects of the global warming and the assessment of allthe aspects of the environmental factors, are due to the necessity to control the natural hazardsat the level of the planet Earth, involving the approach of a global analysis. Therefore, to studythe interrelation between global warming and the earthquakes can be made just analysing theinvolved phenomena (earthquakes, global warming, tectonic evolution) at the world scalelevel, taking into account all relevant aspects of the involved hazards, making reference to thehistorical evidence and data records.

Useful information can be provided by conclusions of the experts involved in the analyses ofthe core samples from the ice drillings 3000 m deep in Greenland, performed in early ‘90s. Theunusual enriched content of sulphate found in the ice cores at a certain depth proved an episodeof unusual intense volcanic activity, which took place at 7000 BC, induced by the tectonicinstability due to the rapid defrosting of the continental ice sheet, because of a warmer climaticepisode. The paleo-environmental reconstruction of the last major volcano activity occurredon earth, at 7000 BC, was a result of the analyses conducted on the ice drilling samples fromglaciers by a research program performed in Greenland, through the European ScienceFoundation [6].

8. Results

The analyses of the earthquakes frequency trend all over the globe, in the recent years,correlated with the actual tendency of defrosting the ice from the polar regions [7], allow thestudy of presumable recurrences in future, of a similar event of volcano increasing activity andsubsequently tectonic disturbance, as a result of the defrosting evolution of the actual glaciersdue to global warming. The possible correlation between the analysed earthquake data andthe actual ice sheet evolution, which covers actually 10% of the total crust (where the conti‐

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nental area covered by the ice is reducing due to the increased global temperature), can induceserious consequences over the tectonic stability of the earth, respectively the frequency andmagnitude of the related phenomena, such as subsequent volcanoes activity which can beinduced by the plates movements and evolution, and generating earthquakes.

According to specific environmental evaluations that claim that the actual trend of globalwarming is continuing, in the next hundreds of years the continental ice will disappear. Therapid defrosting of the continental ice could lead also to some secondary tectonic effects dueto the release of the equivalent pressure of the ice load. If the assumption of the paleo-climatologists is correct, a similar phenomenon, an increased warming episode, like the actualglobal trend, could lead to an unexpected increased tectonic activity, with unpredicted impactover the humans and surrounding environment. Therefore the actual increased trend of theearthquakes frequency could be a global indicator of the tectonic stress due to rapid defrostingof the continental ice sheet.

9. Further research

Furthermore the general lessons have to be implemented urgently by the risk managersinvolved in the activities of updating and implementing the building codes, seismic risk zoningand regulation, in order to avoid in the future any other misjudges of the earthquakes hazard,for minimizing the loss of human lives and material damages.

10. Conclusions

Analysing the possible increased tendency of earthquake activity (Table no. 1), in order toclarify the cause of the unusual increased trend of the earthquakes frequency in certain periodsof times after the 90's, a common fact was that all these recently past events surprised the localpopulation as well as local and national level risk managers, because the hit areas were notconsidered before specific historically earthquake prone zone, so the building codes were notupdated for a real seismic zone (including major cities as Kobe or Islamabad). The paradoxicalissue of increased trend of earthquakes just after ’90 was never been tackled seriously before.Generally it is considered that just 10% of the total energy from tectonic plates movement aretransformed in earthquakes, and remain 90% converted in other forms of energy due to rockdisplacement and heating up processes [5]. A constant increasing trend of the Earth’s earth‐quake energy, revealed by our analysis over the last 30 years seismic records worldwide, couldindicate a shifting of the remain 90% of the tectonic energy, normally dissipated in platesinteractions, towards earthquakes. For the the first time in modern history, were recorded inthe same day two great earthquakes more than magnitude 8 on Richter Scale, in the same area(off the west coast of Northern Sumatra, during 2012), instead of a smaller aftershock of thesame tremor, usually not exceeding a lower range magnitude (the aftershock shouldn’t exceeda magnitude 7 on the Richter scale). That’s mean we will witness a future increasing in the

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earthquake pattern trend, which may have profound implications at a global scale, in ourunderstanding of Earth dynamics.


year1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

8.0 to 8.9 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0

7.0 to 7.9 13 13 10 14 8 13 5 11 8 6 18

6.0 to 6.9 105 90 85 126 91 110 89 112 93 79 109

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

0 0 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 1

16 13 12 11 18 14 16 11 18 14

96 166 137 146 183 149 120 117 116 158

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

1 0 1 2 1 1 4 0 1 1 1 2

15 13 14 14 10 10 14 12 16 21 15 12

126 130 140 141 148 148 178 168 144 151 134 108

Table 1. Evolution of the Earthquakes frequency (no/magnitude/year) during 1980-2012

All around the globe, in the earthquake prone areas, scientists monitor carefully earthquakeactivity, because many agglomeration centres, including large areas like Tokyo and Bucharest(later the capital of Romania, considered the most prone capital with a similar earthquakeactivity as Mexico City, in the opinion of the most celebre seismologist, Charles F. Richter) areexpecting a devastating event, according to the statistics (Tokyo is expecting “the big one”earthquake following the last major event in 1923, so called “Kanto earthquake”, and inRomania the same Vrancea source earthquake, with the last major event in 1977, with morethan 2 billion US dollars in damage and 1500 fatalities).

Another explanation is that, following the global climatic changes, a large part of ice Polls sheetstarted melting (unprecedently during the summer of 2012, for the first time the Greenland icesheet was partially melted at the surface, far exceeding with 100 years the climatologistsprevisions), so large volume of water were released into the ocean triggering potential changesin the global plate tectonic equilibrium. Taking into account that Antarctica (Southern Polecontinent) is covered with snow and ice of almost 2000 m height, equivalent in weight of a realcontinent, whose melting can destabilise the established continental plates equilibrium. Thesesudden melting (which in terms of geological ages has never been experienced so fast untilnow in the whole Earth’s geological history), might influence the global earthquake trend, apossible precursor of changes in the pattern of global plate tectonic movement. What ishowever certain is the fact that earthquakes are geological hazards of endogenous origin, andwhat is uncertain is the global warming itself and the potential influence of exogenous factors

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over crustal/sub-crustal settings. Consequently, discerning mere speculation from evidence isstill a priority.

The needs for increasing the resilience of the communities all over the world lead to moredetailed studies on both small and large scale in order to try to explain the connection amongfactors which interact naturally on the Earth. The lessons learning activity based on the analysisof the recent tremors data all over the world can improve the preventive, preparedness andintervention means of the earthquake vulnerable areas.

Author details

Septimius Mara1* and Serban-Nicolae Vlad2

*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]

1 Ministry of Environment and Forests, Romania, Bucharest, Romania

2 Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection, The Ecological University, Romania


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[3] Lazarescu, V. (1980). Physical Geology (in Romanian), Technical publisher, Bucharest

[4] Peter, M. Shearer, “Introduction To Seismology”, Cambridge University Press,1999,accessed 24 March (2012).

[5] U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center- Earthquake list, updated on2012 (accessed 03 March 2012)

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[7] Zielinski, G. A, Mayewski, P. A, Meeker, L. D, Whitlow, S, Twickler, M. S, Morrison,M, Meese, D. A, Gow, A. J, & Alley, R. B. US Global Change Research Information Office-Increased Volcanism Linked To Climatic Cooling During The Period From 5000 To 7000B.C. reference: Record of Volcanism Since 7000 B.C. from the GISP2 Greenland Ice

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Core and Implications for the Volcano-Climate System, Science,‐,accessed 2 May (2012). , 264, 948-952.

[8] National snow and ice data center (NSIDC) Sea Ice Decline Intensifies- (report on 28September 2005);‐fies.html,accessed 15 June (2012).

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