Download pptx - Gfrsh right this time


Gfrsh- Right This Time


In a group discussion (via what’s app) my group and I was discussing on ideas on special effects and how we should make our video. Kadija showed us a song by Gfrsh called Right this time, the video was made by SB.TV. I was really intrigued in the way it was made and done some research into how it was made.

After finding out how it was made, I found out it’s a stop motion video which is a video make up of still images that has a delay of 0.1 seconds. To get the movement you simply walk around whilst holding the shutter button, around the main subject of the image.


Practice makes perfect

I wanted to try this out for myself to see how it would look. So while I was in Brighton with my friend Misti, I asked if she could walk around part of an wrecked boat which was by the beach. I made sure I had the camera on the continuous shot setting and gave it a go.


Next I upload the images onto photoshop and created a timeline with the shots in order. Once I done that I selected all the images and changed the speed of all them to 0.1 seconds so that there wasn’t a long delay between each image. After that I put the images into black and white, I done this by putting an black and white layer on top of the images.
