Page 1: Getting It Done; Having Fun


Getting it done 

Having Fun 

Scripture Thought for the Day: ”   Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” 

Philippians 4:4 (ESV) 

Growing up in a conservative Southern Baptist church with like-minded adult role models,

having fun and being an exemplary Christian didn't quite mesh. At least that was my

impression from a very young age. Attending church and listening to the pastor was serious

business. There wasn't to be talking, whispering, or noise of any kind. The songs were out

of the Baptist hymnal and accompanied solely by the organist.

Although I enjoyed the music and choir anthems, church was a little boring to the average

elementary child. However, in the 21st century adults have realized that children can

learn about Jesus through messages and lessons geared to their ability levels. Now

children's churches offer songs, activities, crafts and Bible studies with their age in mind.The result has yielded children that understand God's Word and are building foundations

upon which they will continue to grow spiritually.

Another step taken by churches is the opening of doors to Christian bands, soloists, andcomedians that bring a message of God's grace, mercy, love and salvation. Christ desires

that we laugh and enjoy our faith with our brothers and sisters. Other examples might


1. Adult fellowship times which will lend itself to getting to know church members

on a personal level. Individuals will be encouraged to openly discuss questions they

might have regarding their faith and/or salvation.

2. Retreats are another opportunity for having fun and building relationships.

These retreats can include a single day, a weekend or even an entire week!

3. Mission trips not only benefit those to whom help is given, but also to those who

focus on helping. This is another outlet for building relationships and fellowship

within the church…and opportunities for having fun! 

Page 2: Getting It Done; Having Fun



4. Vacation Bible School is a summer church program for children. For one week

after the end of the school year children are taught from a pre-chosen theme

centering around Jesus. They enjoy stories from the Bible, activities, crafts and

snacks! They are able to bring neighbors, school friends or cousins to share in the

fun. And when fun is being experienced the field is ripe for harvest!

There are many ways to have fun in Christ. In fact, Jesus enjoys our laughter, our

smiles and bringing joy to our lives. Having fun….yes, what a wonderful way to “Get

it Done”!

Thank you, Lord, for caring so much for us that you desire that we laugh and 

have fun! As we serve you may we realize that we don’t need to be quiet,

stiff and boring to worship our Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ name, Amen!