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A book by George Marshall called Get Out While You Can - Escape the Rat Race has just changed my life a little bit.

Well, let me correct that statement. Whether it has changed my life is yet to be proven, but it has certainly

changed my perspective. A lot.

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Who's the book for?

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First of all, the book is not necessarily for people who are loving their job right now and who are in the throws of

taking on more and more responsibility or working longer hours to impress senior management in a bid to fulfill their

ambition of getting further up the corporate ladder.

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In fact, if I had to pin point an 'optimum' target audience for the book (my opinion only), I'd say it's for people who

are pretty jaded from having worked for companies for many years and are looking for something different.

Perhaps people looking for a way to gain greater control over their own destiny and who are prepared to grab the opportunities currently offered by the 'information age'

that abound currently.

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A way to make a living without fear of being sacked/made redundant or bullied at work. It's perhaps for people who have always wanted to go self employed or run their own business but don't have a lot of time or money but think

that there must be an alternative working hard for someone else (what George refers to as 'Plan A'). And in

this book George then goes on to prove that there is another way. There is a 'Plan B'.

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Plan B

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Plan B is a way of generating income which can afford you a lifestyle that probably seems pretty impossible to

achieve for most right now; work less hours, work the hours you choose and earn money while doing whatever it is you want to do with your time - all from the comfort of

your own home. Compelling isn't it?

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An easy to follow step-by-step approach

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The reason this book stands out as different, and why I am fired up to implement it's strategies is that George breaks

down the whole thing into baby steps, so anyone can follow it. In fact, I've read a lot recently about the principle

of generating 'passive income' i.e. not trading your time for money but setting up systems that then generate

money for you on autopilot.

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There are lots of interesting theories that can whip you up into an over-enthused state but that's where it ends. Theories. This book is different because it breaks the

theory down into easy to follow practical 'how to' steps to achieving it.

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The experiment

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So intrigued by George's simple-to-follow formula that I am currently carrying out my own experiment. I'm in the throws of following George's suggestions in the book and

I'm going to see for myself if I can make it work.

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So if you're looking for a change of direction and want to escape the rat race and start generating some passive

income, buy George's book and be prepared to put some theory into practice!

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