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I want to tell you all of the pieces of the puzzle that fell into place for me...

But first let me explain a little about me, so you know where I'm coming from with all

this....I am NOT a writer, in my 'past life' I was an accountant and I got into that profession mainly

because I thought I was no good at English or writing and numbers came to me so much more

easily, but I was never passionate about my job, I was bored, super stressed, burnt out and after

ignoring all the big signs like panic attacks, adrenal fatigue, my hair falling out-twice, crying at work

and my crazy weight fluctuations I finally had a massive wakeup call from the Universe that

stopped me in my sad tracks, I was in an accident. I was out in one of the rescue boats (I volunteer

as a Surf Lifesaver on weekends), we crashed over a huge wave and I got a lower back compression

injury, and the result was that I could hardly get out of bed, never mind sit at my desk for 12 hours

a day I physically couldn't do my job....I had time to rethink my life....and what felt

like the worst thing in the world actually turned out to be the best thing ever...I got excited...I

started studying and here I am 2 years later writing about how wrote 18 kick-ass sales emails in

one day!

But just one wasn't like boom it just happened, when I first started to write

newsletters and solomailers, they would each take the best part of a day, if I got one email out, I

would hi-five the Mailchimp monkey and feel pretty chuffed with myself (those were the days!)!!

And if I sent one every few weeks I thought that was regular! :)

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Remember turning up to one of my high-level courses in Paris last year, and my

Mastermind buddy announced she had pre-written and scheduled 14 emails for while she was on

her break so she could really relax and enjoy herself- I was like 'I might send one in the 3 weeks

while I'm here if I get a chance!' (I was partly impressed-ok, totally in awe/part jealous and part

feeling totally inadequate!) I thought I'd never be able to do that and I marvelled at her

productivity, but since about October last year that's been me! I've been smashing content out like

a crazy woman! But there were still a few things that seemed to just keep getting pushed to the

back of the list...Ahem yeah the Sales page for my new entrepreneurial immersion program and

the sales funnel emails that go with it....the word sales funnel used to send shivers down my spine

and not in a good way, more of a ahh that's way too complicated and scary to do, and it would

always be a late rushed I didn't really want to invite people to the party! What was this

resistance?? It was driving me -and my launch manager- cray cray!! I thought if I hired a launch

manager she would make it happen resistance or not, but turns out she can't manage ....nothing!


So one other thing, I'm a massive fan of delegating and outsourcing as much as possible in

my biz, but I remember my mentor saying the LAST thing you should delegate is your

copywriting.....grr... so there goes that plan...back to figuring out flow...

Ok so here goes with what changed or shifted to finally get me in the flow..oh and I've

hardly even been working today and already churned out 5 days of emails for my challenge next

week! What??? :)

The good news.....procrastination is NOT your fault! Let me are the things I

changed to Get in neatly turned out to be 18 too, how cool is that!?

Got coached on my Money blocks to let go of the resistance

This is number one for a reason as it’s the most important! Ironically I help clients clear money

blocks, using a combo of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).

Unfortunately it’s very difficult to practice on yourself and much more effective with a coach. Although I

have consistently worked on mine and had great success, when I have, they [very annoyingly] tend to pop

up when you hit your next income threshold, be it your first $10 or $20k months, or an -ahem- launch!

These big stretches make new issues and beliefs come up, sometimes that we didn't even know we had,

and as you clear them you take away the resistance to getting the work done!!

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If you aren’t familiar with money blocks, they are basically anything stopping you making

the money you desire. They are the subconscious limiting beliefs you have around money, yourself

and business. They cause self-sabotaging behaviors and create a vicious circle of negative patterns

or ‘The Holding Pattern’ as I have called it. For example: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of

judgment, worrying you aren’t enough, doubting that people will pay for your services, and

believing making money is hard. All these negative thoughts will keep you procrastinating, blocking

money and avoiding your business (and in our case writing copy!) until they are properly cleared!

The good news is with the right help you can shift them fast, let go of the fear- get into alignment

with what you're actually trying to achieve and get back to writing that awesome copy!! Phew!

Without this alignment everything feels difficult, or a struggle, by allowing yourself to fully

integrate your conscious desires and your subconscious beliefs, magic can happen!

Meditated and asked for divine downloads

This is one of the ways I’ve tapped into inspired action. Every morning I have taken 15

minutes to ‘prime’ as Tony Robbins calls it; 3 minutes of gratitude, 3 minutes sending love to

everyone you can think of, and 3 minutes of active visualization. Or I do a guided meditation or

visualization track. During this time I ask for what I need for the day (I have no idea who I’m asking,

I guess it’s the Universe), whether it’s inspiration to help guide my clients, something specific like

writing a newsletter or a sales page, sometimes it’s more general, and sometimes I get the most

incredible divine downloads. Divine downloads are when ideas and inspiration are flowing out of

me so fast I barely have time to write them down, they keep on coming, sometimes for hours and

it’s the strangest thing, but one of these moments told me to write this document so I’m going

with it. I can’t say 100% where they come from, perhaps source but I know if I don’t ask for them I

don’t get them! And I know if I act on them then they will get the most results- easily.

When you allow your work, to originally come from this inspired place and then go full

force into making it happen, it's soo much easier and can save you a whole lot of time.

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For me it's been about trusting my intuition, tuning into my gut and knowing what's right for me,

not what anyone else 'wants' me to do or what I think I 'should' do! We know what's right for us, don't let

anyone tell you otherwise. Our intuition is also the base of our creativity. By tapping into our feminine and

reconnecting with our bodies we get to access it all, I used to be so in my masculine and in my head, over

thinking everything, I forget to feel anything. Tap into that infinite wisdom.

Got complete clarity on my next steps and how to do them

We all have clarity within in us, by letting go of the fear of the unknown or next step, which clarity

tends to emerge, allow it and trust it. Our subconscious is just blocking it in an attempt to protect us from

the fear and perceived pain, unfortunately it is causing us more pain without knowing. This comes back to

alignment again.

Keep my vibration high

It's no secret that we magnetize things that operate at the same frequency as we do,

money, love and even health. I've had Adele on repeat on Spotify for the last 3 days, I'm singing

along and having a great time, I lit a candle, I got excited, I danced, I got a massage!


This is something I've been hearing about and known I'm 'supposed' to do more for years,

but I have rarely sat down and given it a chance, I knew in my launch I needed to support myself as

much as I could, so I added it in, there's something about putting pen to paper that I'd

underestimated, but this process unlocked something about a month ago when i was reviewing

2015, there was some 'stuff' I had to say goodbye to and so far 2016 is shaping up pretty nicely! :)

Wealth consciousness work

As my mentor says it's like going to the gym it works if you do it but you have to be consistent or it

doesn't work! You can't go to the gym one time and expect to be fit! As part of the January Abundance

Challenge I ran, we had a mini book club and all read Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (a classic wealth

consciousness book, published in 1937) and I did a Mindset Masterclass on the key learnings from it.

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By reading the book again and reviewing it in detail for the masterclass, it sunk in even more and

the more you do it, the more it becomes engrained in you, meaning your language and thoughts change as

well. The crux of all wealth consciousness is your thoughts become things, so this is why ensuring they are

not a constant negative record of old limiting beliefs is so important! (Join my Facebook group The

Entrepreneur Edge to receive free copies of some of the best wealth consciousness books!)

Clear written goals

Did you know Harvard Business School MBA program did a study on the power of goal

setting, in the study only 3% had clear, written goals and when interviewed years later they were

earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97 percent put together!? If that isn't enough

of an incentive for you, I'm not sure what is!! :) But I had my goal to write my sales funnel last

week and it was written in my diary, with the time blocked out (although I thought I'd still be doing

it this week too!).

Turned off distractions my single pointed focus was key

I shut down everything, and set a clear intention about what I was going to achieve next,

granted I thought it might be 3 or 4 emails if I was lucky!

Visualising completion

This is something I once heard from Mike Dooley, when he needed to write his Notes from

the Universe, he said he visualized how he'd feel when he'd written a great one, he'd feel the

satisfaction before he even started. I love that he also used to be a Chartered Accountant! :)

Stay hydrated

Stress can lead to dehydration and lowers brain function, it's been stinking hot in Sydney

this week so I've been drinking at least 4 litres a day, my friend ended up in hospital during her first

big launch she was burnt out and massively dehydrated (she's super health conscious and she was

drinking lots, but you can get dehydrated due to the massive stress weakening your adrenals and

even leading to CFS!)

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Find a space where the energy flows and you feel inspired

The last 2 weeks I've had a beautiful spot by a window, I'm a digital nomad with no fixed

abode (aka homeless by choice-due to the amount of travel i have planned this year!), so I find that

I'm changing around my location often. For 9 months I had my own office space and while it was

great, I literally found it had no creative energy for me, and as soon as I gave myself 'permission' to

leave it and either venture downstairs to the dining room table or even the local coffee shop the

words started to flow. A change of scenery does wonders, just try it.

And if you are heading to the coffee shop, go with a clear intention, 'I will write one

newsletter and a webinar while I'm there' for example, it gives you a focus. I find it harder to waste

time when I'm out too as I feel like someone will look over my shoulder and see i'm just checking FB-

again! :)

Didn’t want to tell people what I did or invite them to the party

Ok this is a weird one, maybe you can relate? But I've always found it hard to invite people

to my parties, whether it's a housewarming or birthday, I always hated it as I worried no one would

show up, I felt like I was somehow putting them out! What? I go to birthday parties all the time

and it never feels like a chore! I realized I had some real low self-worth stuff to work through, I

thought I'd overcome it, but hey there it was again! But once I'd acknowledged it and looked it

squarely in the face it seemed to dissipate, and then I decided to do a Big Birthday giveaway and

invite everyone to a virtual party, block gone! Boom!

I didn’t want to sell

I would write an email or webinar FULL of great content and then at the end be like 'I have

this awesome thing to sell, but I'm sure you don't want to buy it so I'll skip this bit and talk fast and

hope you enjoyed all my free content!' That was until I went to my Master NLP Practitioner training

and volunteered to get on stage for a demo, (good visibility practice too!) She asked if there was

something I was great at selling, it wasn't hard to think of something, sure I said; 'Surf Lifesaving, I

can bang on about how amazing it is, all the benefits of doing the 6 week course, how it will

change your life and that you'd be mad not to do it and how fulfilling it is etc, etc'...I'd tell strangers

in the pub and pretty much anyone who'd listen....and even convinced two guys on the NLP course

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that they should sign up, haha, so why the heck couldn't I back my own stuff like that? Luckily, we

mapped across how I sell Lifesaving to my own work, and hey presto my next webinar I happily

talked about my great entrepreneurial immersion program...The Entrepreneur Edge

Don’t judge it or over correct

Let it come out naturally the way you speak, being excellent at English and grammar can

actually be a bad thing for Entrepreneurs (yay!) they would hate that I stuck yay in a sentence for

example!, plus they come across stiff and boring and waste lots of time trying to make it perfect,

being yourself will make your audience connect with you way we all make mistakes,

I'm sure there are some in here, but that's ok!

Write drunk . . . edit sober. . .

I'm kidding...sort of...whatever it takes right!? Did you know Robert Burns the famous

Scottish poet wrote all his stuff drunk (yes I'm Scottish!) and most of the influential writers of the

past were off their heads on absinthe!

Letting go of the past and story I’m not a writer

As I mentioned above, I had this story that I couldn't write, despite getting an A grade in

English at school and a 1st in my Honours dissertation, but it never came easily, my dissertation

nearly killed me! And I hear this from my clients ALL the time too, and often it was a comment

made by a teacher in primary school, that gave them some BS belief about their skills, as always

your clients are a mirror of yourself and I needed to get over this too! I love getting emails about

the book chapters that are being written after our calls! And I once got a beautiful email from

someone on my list, saying she thought I wrote like Elizabeth Gilbert, and loved to hear the stories

of my adventures! I nearly fell over, but hey I'll take that as a huge compliment!

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Got super clear and locked into something I desire

One of the cornerstones of wealth consciousness, and from one of my favourite books

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill he says that Desire can be transmuted into wealth. Desire is

not a hope or a wish, it is definite and it transcends all else! What do YOU really want? If that

desire isn't strong enough it won't happen. In the few days before I wrote those 18 killer sales

funnel emails in one day, I was invited to a high level Mastermind (another recommendation by

Hill!) and it involved flying all over the world this year, I got chills, I got butterflies, I got excited and

I made a decision I was going to be on it, and the item at the end of those sales emails was my

golden ticket! I wanna go to the Chocolate Factory really bad!!

So that's it, you know just a couple things that helped me get in flow, I know it's possible for

you too, can you imagine just how much you'd achieve if you didn't procrastinate and the ideas

flowed all the time? Holy shiz balls it's a lot! And you attract even more amazing things too!

Please let me know how you get on and what works for you?

Big love,

Jo x

P.S. If you need any support in any of the above, Money blocks busting, getting in flow, or letting

go of any BS beliefs then I would love you to check out The Entrepreneur Edge, I am beyond proud

of what I've created and can't wait to share it with you I might

be a little biased but I think my page is beautiful too, thanks to my designer, I also wrote the whole

dang thing myself and am very proud!

I am also available for 1:1 support; you can book in a free discovery call with me. x

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About Me

Originally from Scotland, now living in Sydney, Australia, when she's not off exploring the

world on her next adventure (and working at the same time!). Joanna is a leading Wealth &

Success Coach, Advanced EFT & Master NLP Practitioner (and former Chartered

Accountant!) Joanna is a mentor to smart women entrepreneurs and has coached many women all

over the world to gain momentum in their business by helping them create a winning mindset,

earn desired income, gain confidence and have the freedom to travel.

Joanna helps women overcome money blocks, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, procrastination,

emotional eating and fear of judgement, failure & success (yes they're all linked!). She coaches her

clients to make the money they desire and live the life they deserve.

She is the founder of The Entrepreneur Edge, a 6 month entrepreneurship immersion

program and also runs group intensives, online courses, is an author and motivational speaker.