Page 1: Get base for your frameless assignment

Get base for your frameless assignment

Easels take a stand for artwork

Easels are the tools through which artwork can display. Multiple designs and sizes are

manufactured for different use. Different material used it for construction. Some people get

confused between what to choose and what not to. Choosing the right easel can add feather to

the work otherwise it will only ruin the efforts. Now, wondering how to choose an easel? Here

are some factors which you need to consider while going to shop.

Work medium

If you are into media artwork, have to work all around with watercolors, fluid acrylics at a low

angle, you need an adjustable easel to work horizontally. Advantage of this is that you can

adjust angle of easel according to your work. For other media, easel has advantage to make you

work on a plane. A frame design easels are suited for life drawing, if work is with high phase,

you can use tripod easel with adjustable legs. These are easy to fold and walk around with.

Paper has needed to carry separately.

Studio painting or outdoor painting

If you are indulging in studio work, where you don’t have to go outside, choose an easel heavier

and bigger. If you have plans to go outside for painting portraits, use light weighted portable

easel for easy carrying. Tripod easel with easy adjustable legs can also suit for this medium of


Table top easel can also be used because it can foldable easily and covers less space. Another

option is sketch box easel if you have plans for painting outside. It will help you to store your

material into box safely.

Space constrains

If you have limited space and have no big assignments to draw, choose tabletop easel for work,

as floor standing easel will require more space. And for big assignments, an H-frame easel

isvery steady, can hold big canvases, and won't move even if you are painting vigorously.

Painting style

Page 2: Get base for your frameless assignment

Choose easel depending on your work style instead of choice, if you have vigorous work to

perform in a day, you might need a strong and sturdy easel. Floor standing easel and H frame

easel is useful in this situation. Easel will get expensive depending upon the size & feature.

If your painting style is delicate, not that harsh way of performing the assignments, then a

frame and tabletop easel can do wonder easily. Display easels are used to display the artwork

which you have designed not used for sturdy work to perform.

Browse easel in our product section on wild orchid quilts.
