  • 7/28/2019 Generalized Coordinate and Force


    Generalized Coordinate and

    Generalized Force

  • 7/28/2019 Generalized Coordinate and Force


    Contoh :

    Sebuah partikel yang bergerak bebas didalam ruang.Sistem ini memerlukan 3 koordinat untuk mendeskribsikan ge-

    raknya (x, y, z). Maka derajat kebebasan sistem itu adalah 3

    Sebuah sistem yang mengandung N partikel yang bergerak bebas

    didalam ruang.

    Sistem ini memerlukan 3N koordinat untuk mendeskribsikan

    geraknya, karena masing-masing partikel membutuhkan 3

    koordinat sehingga totalnya adalah 3N. Maka derajat kebeba-

    san sistem itu adalah 3N

    Generalized Coordinate (n)

    A set of coordinates or parameters, which uniquely describes the

    geometric position and/or orientation of body, or system of bodies(2002. Volaeris Engineering, LLC)

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    Constraint (m)the limitation of the motion(Spiegel, MR. 1983. Theoritical Mechanics. Schaums Outline Series)

    Contoh :

    Gerak sebuah partikel yang yang terbatas pada suatu curva

    Gerak benda pejal akan sedemikian sehingga jarak antara 2

    partikel penyusun benda tsb selalu sama

  • 7/28/2019 Generalized Coordinate and Force


    Degrees of freedom of a body (DOF)

    The number of independent parameters that define the displacement of

    the body(Spiegel, MR. 1983. Theoritical Mechanics. Schaums Outline Series)

    The minimum number of independent generalized coordinates necessary

    to completely describe the geometry

    (2002. Volaeris Engineering, LLC)

  • 7/28/2019 Generalized Coordinate and Force


    Generalized Coordinate (n), Degrees of

    freedom (DOF) & Constraint (m)


    Critical point : the number of DOF is a characteristic of the system and does NOT

    depend on the particular set of coordinates used to describe the configuration

    (Lecture #7 .Aerospace Dynamics. Massachusetts Institute of Technology How, Deyst 2003 (Based on notes by Blair 2002))

  • 7/28/2019 Generalized Coordinate and Force


    Examples 1 : Freely motion of a particle in space

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    Examples 2 : Conical Pendulum

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    Examples 3 : Double Pendulum

    Generalized coordinates (x1, y1) dan (x2, y2)

    n = 4

    Constraint : constant length of rope (L1 and L2)

    m = 2

    So we can correlate betweenx1, y1 andx2, y2

    = +

    = +

    Degrees of freedom

    = = 2

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    Examples 4 : freely motion of a bar

    Generalized coordinates, n = 4

    Constraint : constant length of bar L, m = 1

    So we can correlate betweenx1, y1 andx2, y2

    Degrees of freedom

    = = 3

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    Examples 5 : freely motion of a bar which pinned at pont A

    Generalized coordinates, n = 4

    Constraint :

    constant length of bar L,

    Degrees of freedom

    = = 1

    Olnly depend on

    Pinned point A

    xA, yA tmust be 0,0

    m = 3

  • 7/28/2019 Generalized Coordinate and Force


    Pergeseran virtual

  • 7/28/2019 Generalized Coordinate and Force


  • 7/28/2019 Generalized Coordinate and Force


    Gaya Tergeneralisasi

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  • 7/28/2019 Generalized Coordinate and Force


  • 7/28/2019 Generalized Coordinate and Force


    Contoh 1

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    Contoh 2

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