Page 1: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

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Fellowship course Week 8 – Exam


Time: 36 min

Page 2: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

Candidate name

Question 1 (12 marks) 6 minute

A 70-year-old woman presents with two days of increasing abdominal pain and vomiting.

An abdominal x-ray is taken - refer to the props booklet page 5.

i) List three (3) abnormal findings shown in her x-ray. (3 marks)

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

ii) List six (6) possible causes for this xray appearance. (6 marks)

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________________

Page 3: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

Candidate name

Question 1 (continued)

iii) List three (3) key treatment tasks in the first 1 hour of your care. (3 marks)

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

Page 4: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

Candidate name

Question 1

Page 5: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

Candidate name

Question 2 (20 marks) 9 minutes

With respect to the cervical spine:

i) List the two (2) components of the anterior column. (2 marks)

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

ii) List the two (2) components of the middle column. (2 marks)

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

iii) List the six (6) components of the posterior column. (6 marks)

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________________

Page 6: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

Candidate name

Question 2 (continued)

iv) What is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) points to your answer. (4 marks)

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

A 47 year old man is brought into your emergency department with fever, throat pain and difficulty swallowing.

A lateral C spine x-rays is taken - refer to the props booklet page 2.

v) State two (2) abnormalities shown in this x-ray. (2 marks)

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

Page 7: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

Candidate name

Question 2 (continued)

vi) List four (4) key management steps that you would institute for this patient in the next 30 minutes. (4 marks)

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

Page 8: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

Candidate name

Question 2

Page 9: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

Candidate name

Question 3 (20 marks) 9 minutes

i) Complete the table to distinguish between the historical features of Guillain-Barré Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis. (5 marks)

Historical feature Guillain-Barré Syndrome Multiple sclerosis

2.(1 mark)

4.(1 mark)

5.(1 mark)

Page 10: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

Candidate name

Question 3 (continued)

ii) List the two (2) investigations of choice to assist with the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. State two (2) diagnostic findings that are supportive of Multiple Sclerosis for each investigation. (6 marks)

Investigation of choice 1:_______________________________________________________Supportive findings:

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

Investigation of choice 2:_______________________________________________________Supportive findings:

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________

iii) Assuming the diagnosis of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, which drug must not be given if intubation is required? State the reason why. (2 marks)


Reason: __________________________________________________________________


iv) List the two (2) options for specific treatment of Guillain-Barré Syndrome. (2 marks)

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

Page 11: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

Candidate name

Question 4 (10 marks) 6 minutesAn 87 year old man from a nursing home presents following a generalised seizure.

His observations are:

BP 120/70 mmHg

HR 100 bpm

Temperature 36.8 °C

Oxygen saturation 97% room air

GCS 12 E4, V3, M5

Initial blood results are taken.

Page 12: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

Candidate name

Question 4 (continued)

i) Provide two (2) calculations to help you to interpret these results. (2 marks)

Derived value 1: _____________________________________________________________


Derived value 2: _____________________________________________________________


ii) What is the likely cause for this clinical picture? (2 marks)




Page 13: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

Candidate name

Question 4 (continued)

iii) Complete the following table demonstrating three (3) key treatment tasks and state how you would achieve each of these. (6 marks)

Key treatment task(3 marks)

How will you achieve the task?(3 marks)




Page 14: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

Candidate name

Question 5 (12 marks) 6 minutesA 6 year old presents with a left supracondylar humeral fracture.

i) State two (2) types of pain scoring systems that you could apply to this child. (2 marks)

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

ii) List two (2) reasons why a pain score is used. (2 marks)

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

iii) List four (4) indications for general anaesthetic, manipulation and plaster for this patient. (4 marks)

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

Page 15: GCS 16€¦ · Web viewWhat is the role of flexion/ extension x-rays in the initial Emergency Department investigation of traumatic cervical spine injury? State four (4) …

Candidate name

Question 5 (continued)

iv) List four (4) pieces of advice that you would give to a parent if the patient is able to be discharged from the emergency department. (4 marks)

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________