Page 1: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th

r-------·--· ·-·-·'"" „ .• „ . ......... „·- ··--··-----

• •

' '


PART II.--Regula.tion 4 (2).

The ma.ximum wholesale an<l retail prices o( a.r ticles of the cla.sses or descriptions specified in this Part of this Schcdulc (other tha.n those !tpecified in Part I of the Schedule) when sold or offered for sa.le to retailers or to mcmhers of thc puhlic in the usual coursc of trade, shall he the actual cost to the whoiesaler or thc retaih~r. as the cas" may hc, of each such article togetht~r with an additiou ou sudt cosi of s11..:h percen tage as shall be s<mctioue<l l>y the Com11eton t Authority. Provided that, exccpt with tbt• approval of the Covernor, such pcrccntage shall not exceed the margin o f profit wbich was customary in respect of each such article at the prices which prevailed before the 1 st of September, 19:l9.

Foodstuffs. Drugs, chemicals anti medical supplie:;. Cloths including cotton, linen , woollen ancl si!k goods ; articlcs nf dothiog ancl

wearing apparel of every de~cription. Household goods. Agricultural Impkments. Articles and matcrials nsc<l in constrnction work anrl in tlw hu ilcling tradc~.

Hicycles and parls thcrP.of. Lubricating Oil. Sporting ammunition, including powder, shot and shell. Wrapping paper and paper l>ags. Motor vehicle parts, tyrcs and tubes .

Made by the Governor thc 22nd day of March, 194i.

Ry Command,

J. HlJGGINS, C olonial Sectelary .



'20Ttt :VfaRCH, H}41.

ArrangPnHmts hrwe heen 11iadt~ for special post illg buxeH to lw established at the Genf-' rn l PoRt Ottice, St. Vineent St,rPet, Port-of-Spain, fo~· returning to the Govern:::e11t :m y O.H. :\f.H. 1' mTlopes s.f'nt ont to tho t5enrral public so that they can lw u;-;ed a ,!..;tti11.

It would bo uppreci<tted if tb1· gewmd pnblil· \\"(;nld co-upvrnte with this measnre of eeonomy by npf'ning as (':-tl'cfn lly as possible any such envelop8s they receive arnl returning thH11t aft.<•n Y;i nl,; liy 11H•an:-; of Uw abm·e rect-> ptacle, in which case the envrlopes can c-0 11 t in11 e tc, lic· 11 sec1. t li PrPby saving u11 1wc·es~a,ry· of paper.

Simila r receptacles :tre ;d so lil'i n;.; pr11\· idt·cl 11 t t ht~ post, ofliees n.t San F<~rna.n<lo aud Scarborough. ·

.J. H UGGINS, Unlonia l 8ecretar !/.

Page 2: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th

---------------------------------------------····-- ------·-·

54~ [May J , 1041.] ·-··· ·-- ·-·· - .-.. . ..... ~ . .. „. „ .. -- .-1.-'


l'BT ); lD.H J .\~JJ TUHMIO.

HUJ:n<;R'r YOFN<i.

Order Under Section ~ of the Trading with the Enehiy Ordinance_ 1939, as amended by the Detence (Trading with the Enemy1 Regulations , 1940.

1, I-HJHERT WIN!'HRUP YOUNG, Gon·1wJt· of tli 1- Culonv of 'l'rinidad :ind Toba.g••_. rn l''Xl' l«:i ~ t-! ot dw p11wers conferred nn m~ by ::-\ec tioH :L of tlit~ 'frading· with tli1• .Enemv Ordinanee. IB3H, as nmended ll\- th1· Dele1m· (Tradin!! wit.h t.h r~ ß.nemy) Heguh1inns , HHO, fl „ hert'bY •>nlPr anci clir<:'d rha t rho 1-'l'"\'i s io n~ ''t thc Tr;td· with thC' Enr~m·y OrdinaucP, IH:fü. shail appl y in r ,•latio11 t•J .lngosia\·ia all th•' ~­apph- 111 1·1·la t ion t.•1 t! n c:my t:enit-or~-.

lhtc-d t h'. ,- ' day of .-\pril , 1!)1.1.

1No_ :~87. ;



.J. HUGGlNS, (,olonial Strrel-•1r_it.

Order made by the Governor under the authority of Regulation 6 i.1) a nd (2) of the Defence R 3gulations, 1939, for the Control of Communications.

1. This Order may be cited as the Control of Communications (Amendment) Order, i941 .

2. For paragraph (B) of Article 4 of the Control of Comrnunica­tions Order (No. 1 ), 1941, there shall br substituted- the following paragraph: -

' 'Any post card with address labe! or slip to fold back and adhere to th(; post card for a<ldress purposes, or any post card consisting of a fokled sheet of paper completely gummed togetht;r on 1he inner side, or any postal packet the envelope whereof has been adaptcd for re-use by means of a gummed slip or tape affixed thereto or has a gummed label (other than an Official Service label) affixec! thereto for any purpose other than that of an address label. "

\lade this 28th day of Apri l, 1941 , ancl published by Command.


(M.P. 50585.)- (No_ 389.) C olonial Secretary.

Page 3: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th



In the Supreme Court of Ttiuidad and Tobago





N,OTl~E _is hereby given that an applicat~ou for ?' Certific8:te of Title under the ~bovt,.named , Ordrnance has been made by James Huggrns on h1s behalf m respect of All and Singular that

ce,rtain piece or parcel of Ia.nd situate at Petit Bourg, San Juan, in the Ward of St. Ann's, in the Island of Trin"ldad comprising eight tbousrmd seven bundred and seventy (8,770) superfi cial feet and a hutting -0n the ~ortb upon Jands formerly of Daniel Rnymond but now of Lewis Williams, on the South upon l~n~·s •of Lazarus Durham, on t.he East upon B11she Street .and on the West upon lallds formerly of Jane M~L"'ntick hut •now of C. Rennes.

The Jurlge ol the tlupreme Court dealing w ith the sahl appl ication has ordered Public Notice to be given that if no Caveat be lodged at the office .of the undersigned within one month from the date of the publication of this notice in the Royal Gazette "f the Colony, it shall be lawful for the Registrar-General to bring the said parcel of bnd nnder tht• provisions of the above Ordinance .

Dated this 30th day of April, 1941.

" 1 • •

„ :.


:-:i A3'1UEL A. HUGGIN~. Actmg Registrar-G~.Z.

GJ<~~ ERA L POS T Ül>'FIC.t;,


2 ND MAY, 1941.

Postal Agency, Belle Garden, Tobago.

1'r is notified for general information that a Postal Agency (for the sale of stamps, (!Ollection and delivery of correspondence, registered packets and parcels), was opened at Belle Garden, 'Iohago, on the Ist M.ay, 1941.

J l . \ 1. FRASER, P ostmmdn ···Generol.

(M.P. :";:W:34)

, .

• ! ~-


A Rubble Bank will be tippetl from the Western end ot the Queen's Wharf running due South througb thc~ East and West arm of the Lighthouse Jetty.

Mariners 'lnd owners of craft are warned that the to the inside area of the l.,~ghthi;ms~ Jetty will beldangerous, and vessels approaching will do so f!n tirely at tbeir own risk .

29th A prii, 1941. . A. BKRTR~M SMITH,

Harbov.r MaJJtef".

Page 4: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th


[June 19, 1941.] 1rRIN!DAD ROYAL GAZE'r'rE. 853 ------~---· ·--··--~--------·-·


With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th June, 1941, it is notified for information that the undermentioned ships have been added to the Statutory and Discrimination Lists: -

(No. 4ß:-3 )

Nmae. Pescador Esmcralda Tropicus OmC'ga



Gross tonna9e. Unknown

4,328 3,609 ;{,638

Dist:RUllNATWN" LrsT. 3,300

By Comrnand,


l 1'lag. Portuguese. Panamanian.


J. HUGG1NS, Colonial Secr~lary.

N OTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 50 of tlie r„and Acquisition Ordinances, 192:)-HJ41, that the work of widening a corner on the Golden

Grove Road in the Ward of 'racarigua, County of St. George, through land declared by Notice in the Boyal Gazette of ':.Wth 1\fay, 1941, to have becn acquired from the Trinidad Sugar EstH.tes, Ltd., has hee11 completed.

CHAHLE E-5 J. SELLIEH, Im• Dfrector of Woi·lc.~ and T-1·ans1Jort.

7th June, 1H41.-(1\1.P. 53364.)


N oTICE is hereby gi ven in accordance with Section 50 of the Land Acqnisition . Ordinances, 1925-1941, that the work of draining the Eastern Main Boad,

in the \Vard of rracarigua, County of St. George, through lands cfoclared by Not ice in the 1-toyal Gazdte of 29th :\Iay, 1041, to have beeu iwqnircd from John R obert Adam now S. \V. & U. ~l. Adarn, has been

CHAHLE8 ,f. SELLIEH, /or Dfrector of lf"orh and Traw:poJ'l.

llth June, J941.-0\I.P. 47tU5'


is notified for gencral inforrnation tbat tbP Chaguarnnrns PoHtal Agency has been closed to the public as from the 13th June, HHL

L. vY. SNOvV, jol' l'ostmaster-Ge11eral.

l 7th ,J uue, 1U41. (118)

Page 5: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th

IJuly 3, 194l:J TRINIDAD ROYAL GAZETTE. 987. ----------- ··---· -·- ··-·- - ·--·· ·---- ---- --- -····-·

6. In thc applicationof scctionout·of thisActtoNorthernlrcla11d for s\pplication t(I thc rckrcuce to a c<munissioner for oath s app\)iit t (C c.\ ui1li<-r sectillll lmc of ~o)'thyu thc Comrniss ioncrs for Oaths Act , 1889 th«re s hall bc substit ut l·d a re am · rcfercncc to a commis:;ioner to adrninist t'T · '.·i:h~ appoiH tecl und<'r section 40 & n Yict.

scvcnty-four of the Suprcme Court of Ju diraturc Act (lrc]aud), 1877. c. i'>'i·.

"/ . Any Order in Council or order ma• [c uuder this Act may be Pi·oviaiou cvokl'd ur varicd by a subseq11t' l1 t Order i 1 ''uuncil or order made in like H to order•. mannc:r.

8.- (1) This Act ma.y lw citc<l as t !ic Evid~· lll:l: aud Powcrs of 8 ho1·t title Attorncy Act, 1940. a nd iu~r-

(2) I tl · A tl · " . 1 „ I prcta.t1on. n 11s · e t H' <.'Xprcss1on war penoc m eans t ic period during which the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act 1939, is in 2 & 3 Geo. ti. forcc. c. 62.


1940 No. 1192.




At th(' Court at Buckü1gha.m Palace, thl' 2nd day of July, 1940.


Thc King's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

WHEREAS by subsection (2) (c) of sectiou 2 of thc Evidcuce and Powcrs of Attorney Act, 1940, it is enacted that the expressiou " competent officer " in that sectiou means a p erson holding any such appointmcnt or office (whether within or without tlw Unitcd Kingdom) concerned with the cxam.ination o ( postal packets as may be specified in an Order of His .Majesty in Council :

K ow, THEREFORE, His Majt' s ty, in excrcise of tlw powt-r so confened upon Hirn and of all othPr powcrs f·nabling Hirn in that behalf, by and with the advicc of His Privy Council , is pkased to ordcr and it is hereby orclcred that any person holding a11y such appointmcnl or office as is specified in t lw schcdui<' to thi s Ord('r, lwing app<1in tmt'11b or offices conccrncd with tltc examination of postal packcts, sltall bc a compctent officcr 'for liH' purposcs o f section 2 of tlw Evidl·11cc a nd Powers uf Attorney Act, 1940.


SCHEDULE. Director or Senior Staff Officer in the lnvestigation Branch of the

Personne l Department of the Post Office . Deputy Assistant Censor or :;upcrior officc in the Postal am! Telegraph

Ccnsorsl1ip in the (;nitcd '(( ingdom. . i\ssisfa.nt Censor or s uper ior o rf ice in t he 1'osta l and Telegraph Ccn:-;orship

111 any Dominion as defined iu Sec tio11 1 •>f l he St<itutc o f \Vestminster, 1931, or iu ;i,n y tenitnry 111 resped of which a Mand;itt: h;is been accepted hy His :l\faj~ty and i :; being c~crcu.ed by .Hi:; Majesty ·~ Goveromcot in a Dominion.

Page 6: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th

GAZETTE EXTRAORDINAR~ [üct. 18, 1941.]


Hrn ExcE1.r,J:::-. n THJ:: .:\.t"J'J ~ü Govn::c;on hasdirected the pnbiiC<ltion of tJn! (lr;i ft of ;1, Bill inlitu lAd " An Ordiuauce to eonfcr ~t li111itcc1 ri.di t qf :~ndience in the CourLs of the Colony on L~ nited Statt~ .„ Coun,;cl" whiC'h it is proposed to introdncc into ilw l.egi ~·d at:iYI' Comw il. Tlie dra,ft of the Bill i::; published as : ~ Supplement to this Gazette Extraordinary ;tnd cop.i("" 111r1y bc pmdi:1c:ed frorn the Government Printer.

By Coru11rnnd,

.J. F. NICOLL, / fctrng Co/011iol ,C...'u ·J'l' lfny



lT i:; notified for gcueral infonnat ion tha.t t he following condi tious have been impust'<l in the Un ited Kingdom , with regard to Llift Parccls of Cluthing, Clot h and !limi larly rat.iun•:d goo<ls : - -

Parcels n llt cxcrecl ing .') lb~. in weig ht (gruss) will bc admitted freely.

lf parcels eXC\'ed tha t 1H:igl1 t, rccipiet1ts in thc ui.it1:<l Kingdom may eith cr :1 ct:cpt thc g ift vn surrendering 1he appropriate 11umLer <Jf' coupons, or allow th e gu1Jtls to bc <ldivered to the " British Red Cross " for ch:uitable distributi1in.

Cha ritablc Organisai i un~, ha ving a l1nited Kingdom Import Licence, may rect' i ve clot lws, on the undcrstanding that they collect coupons fr„m recipients, whcn cl0thi1Jg is distri liutec.I,

Codrol Board Otti ce, 01d P t>st Office .Huilcli11g .

St. Vi11rent Strect, Port-of-Spai 11.

l 7th Octo0er, HH l.

H. B. SKJNNEH, S ecretary , Controi Board .

Page 7: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th

[Oct. 30, 1941.] T.RI.NIDAD HOYAL GAZETrr:E. 1773 - - - -'-·-··- ----- -·--·· · ·~ ·· . -------- . .-„·- -·-·~····--------·----


J. HUGGINS, A~ting Covernot.


Payment of Foos order and Regulations.

IN exetcise of the powers vested in him by sections 2, 3 and 4 of the Stamp (Fces) Ordinance, Cap . 207, and of all other powers enabling him , the Governor hereby makes the following Order and Regula tions.-

. 1. All fees payable under Rule 12 of the Rent Restriction Rnlcs, J 941, shall be collected by means of adhesive postage stamps .

2. In the case of any Summons or any Notice under Rulc 6 or any notice under H.ule 8 or any subpoena for the attendance of a witness the stamps shall be afüxed to the original copy of the Summons; notice or subpoena deposited in thc office of the Board. In the case 0f an extra copy of a certificate the stamps shall be affixed to the application for snch extra copy filcd in the office of the Board.

3„ Stamps referred to in the preceding regula tions shall be cancelled by the Secretaries of the respective Rent Assessment Boards by perfora­tion and by having the name of the Board and the date on which the cancel!ation is effected legibly imprinted thercon by an inked dye.

4. Persons authorised under Regulation 3 to rnncel stamps or whose d uty it is to receive documents to which are affixed stamps to be cancelled shall initial the stamps as evidence tha t they have accepted such stamps as unuscd and genuine.

5 . This order and these Regula tions shall be deemed to have come into force on thc 9th <lay of October, 1941 .

Dated this 29th day of October, 1941.

By Command,

J. F. NICOLL, (No. ö94.) A cting Colonial Secretary .

Page 8: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th

1792 TRINIDAD ROYAL GAZETTE. [Nov. 6, 1941.]


J. HUGGINS, Acting Governor.

Order made by the Govemor under the authority of regulation 6 (1) and (2) of the Colonial Defence Regulations, 1939, for the Control of Communications.

I, JOHN HuGGINS, Acting Governor of thc Colony of Trinidad and Tobago, in exercise of the powers conferred on rne by regulations 6 (1) and (2) of the Colonial Defence Regulations, 1939, and of evcry other power hereunto enabling, do hereby order as follows :-

1. This Order may be cited as thc Control of Communicatious Order (No. 2) 1941.

2. In this Order-" posta1 packet " has the same meaning as in the Post Office

Ordinance, 1938; " photograph" includes any photographic plates, photographic

films, cinematograph films or other sensitised articles which have been cxposed or otherwise treated so as to record information, whether they have been developed or not;

"the appropriate officer" means any officer of Customs and Excise, any Immigration Officer, any member of the Police Force or any person authorised in that behalf by the Governor.

TRANSMISSION OTHERWISE THAN BY PosT. 3. No person shall send or convey otherwise than by post or consign

for the purpose of so sendi11g or conveying from the Colony to any destination out of the Colony and no person shall convey on bis person or in his baggage into the Colony from any place outside of the Colony any of the following" prohibitcd articles ", that is to say :-

(i) any newspaper, book or other docurnent whether printed , manuscript or typescript, or cuttings or portions from any of the above ;

(ii) any map, plan, skctch, drawing, print, photograph or other descriptive or pictorial representation, or literature for· the blind;

(iii) any postage or revenue stamps ; (iv) any impression of any die, sea.l or stamp of or belonging to,

or used, rnade or provided by any Governrnent Department or by any Diplomatie, Naval, Military or Air Force Authority appointed by or acting on behalf of His Majesty;

(v) any letters or memoranda; (vi) any gramophone records or sound tracks;

(vii) any other article whatsoever recording information by words, signs or othcrwise ;


Page 9: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th


[Nov. 6, 1941.J TRINIDAD ROYAL GAZ:ffi'rTE.

Provided that this prohibition shall not apply to-(a) any prohibite<l article in respect oi which the pt>rson sending

it or conveying it or consigning it for the purpose of so sending or conveying i t has previous1y obtained a permit for t hc purpose issued by or on behalf of the Censor of Postal Packets and has complied with the conditions (if any) subject to which the permit has been granted ;

(b) any prohibited article which has been produced for examination by thc Censor of Postal Packets, or by a person authorised to act on his behalf, and has been approved by him and is being sent or conveyed in accordance with any conditions subject to which such approval has bcen given;

(c) any prohibited article conveyed or sent or consigned for the purpose of being so conveyed or sent by an accredited represcntative of His Majesty's Service or on that of a Gove:rnment Department of the Colony or of a Tradc Commissioner for Great Britain or one of the British Dominions, or for India, Burma or Southern Rhodesia ;

(d) any prohibited articles conveyed or sent or consigned for the purpose of being so convcyed or sent by an accredited representative on the official service of the Chief Diplomatie Representative in the Colony of a foreign power;

(e) any prohibitcd article which is a document from a shipping or aircraft company or business firm addressed to the master or captain of an outgoing ship or aircraft or from a business firm or company addressed to thc consignec of goods carried in such ship or aircraft, provided that such document --

(1) rclates to thc cargo, chartcr or other business of the vessel or aircraft on which it is to be conveyed and is necessary for the proper conduct of such busincss ;

(2) is submittcd in an unsealed cover to the appropriatc officer for examination and approval at t he port or placc of departurc before deJivcry to the addresst"e;

(3) is deposited and retained by thc addressee in a safe or strong box on thc ship or aircraft ;

(f) any prohibited article or dass of articles for the time being exempted from the requirements of this order by a written authority issucd by or on behalf of the Governor, such authority a nd articles being submitted for inspection by the appropriate officer at the port or place of departure from, or arrival in, the Colony as thc case may be.

TRANSMISSIOJI< BY PosT. 4. No person shall despatch by post from the Colony t.o any person

in any foreign country-(A) any postal packet coutaining any of the following articles,

that is to say : -(i) a ny newspaper, book or other document whether

printed, manuscript or typescript , or cuttings or portions from any of the above ;


Page 10: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th

li94 TRINIDAD ROYAL GA~E'l."l'E. rNov. 6, J941.]

(ii) any 1mp, plan , sketch, dra\ving, print, photogr<.1ph or othcr descri pli vc or pidorial representa.tion, or literature for thc blind ;

(ii i) any postage or revcnuc stamps ; (iv) any impression of any die, seal or stamv of or hc-

1(\nging to , or u,:cd, made or provided by any Guvcrnment Dcpartmcut or by any Naval, :\lilitary or Air Force Anthority, appointetl by or acting on behalf of His Majesty;

(v) any gramophonc recürds or ~ouml t rac:k;: ; (vi) any goods or commodities;

Provicled that this proh ibition shall not apply t o t:hr~ clespatch of any such postal packet: -

(a) by a pcrson who has previously obtain<'d a pcrmit for thc purpose, issued by or on behalf of the Chid Ccmor and who has complied with the conditions (if any) suhject to which the p!'rmit has been granted ;

(b) on His ?llajesty's Service or by a Government Departmcnt of the Colony or by a Trade Commissioner for Great Britain or onc of the British Dominions ;

(c) on the official scrvice of the Chief Diplomatie Represmtativc in thc~ Colony of a foreign power.

(d) arldrcs~eil to and intenderl for members of His Majcf; ty's Forccs scn-ing in the Fick! or British or alliul subjects interned in a foreign country ;

(<') containing only letters, trade circular:;, catalogtH:~· , bi)J!' of account or lading, rcceipts, invoiccs and similar t rade documents, chcc111cs, bills of exchange qr othcr negotiable or Yaluable securities, provirled that the despatch, nature or contcnts of any s11d 1 article or valuable security does not contravcne any Defencc. Post Office, or othe r Regulation, or law, for thr time b(!ing in force, and provided that such postal packet is sent by a post othcr than parccl poo.t, or

(B) any post card with address lah.-1 of slip to fold back and adhere to the post card for adrlress purposef::, or any post card consisting of a folded shcet of paper completely gummecl togcther on the inner siele, or any postal packet the cnvdope whcrcof has bt:cn adaµtec1 for re-u;;c by rneans of a gummecl slip or tape affixed thercto or has a gummed label (nthcr than an Official Service lahel) affixccl thereto for any purposc othN than that of an acldrcss labeL

5. Thc " Control of Cornmunications Order (No. l) 1941 " an<l ti1.'" Co11 trol of Cmmunications (Amenclmcnt) Order, 1941 " arc hercby rcvoke<l. Such revocation shall not affect any permit or authority lter.::toforc granted 1mder thc " Control of Communications Order (No. 1 of 1939)" or the "Control of Cornnmnic:ations Order (No. 1) 1941 ", but any such pPnnit or authority shall remain in forcc a.s tho11gl1 g rantcd under this Order unless and 11nli l tne ~aml' cxpires or is exprcssly rcvoked by tlw person who granted the ~ame.

:\lade this 4th day of November, 1941. By Command,

(:\o. 705.) J F. ~H~OLL,

.lcling Co!o11ial Sccretary.

Page 11: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th

[Nov. 27, 1941.] TRINIDAD HUYAL GAZETTE. 1871 ·--------~~~· .. . ... - -------· - -~--


Gift Parcels. IT is nofrfie<l for gt>neral infonnat.iou that gift p trc. ls addressed t. , Colonial Units or m Pmbers

of such Uni ts will be admi tted with „ut restrictions i.H' necessity of obta: n: ng i. mport licences.

Gift. p1Lrcels may be sent from this l'olony to });.) l'S •ms sening with His :\hj~>ty's F 1rces without export licences provided the gn•ss wcight of the parc<>l do :.-s not cxceed l :i lhs., an.I the parcel is clearly addressed and markecl "G lF'J' ".

Ok! Post Office Buil<ling, St. Vincent Street,


!Hth November, 1941.-(2 ins.J

R. B. SKINNER, Secretary, Control BMrd.



f J"lHEIR .tlonour.~ The Chief Justice, an<l a Puisnc Judge appointed the following da.ys · · for the Sittings of the Supreme Court during the year 1942.

C. C. GERAHTY, Chief Juatice.

K. VINCENT BROWN, Puiane Judge.



Monday, Monday, Monda.y,

Monday, Monday, February 2nd.

April 20th.

. June 22nd.

September 7th. November 9th.

San Fernando. Monday, Mou<lay, Monday,

Monday, Monday,

.T anua.ry 5th. March 2nd. Ma.y llth. July 13th.

October 5th.

Toba.go. Wednesday, March 25th. Wednesday, August 12-th.

Wednesday, December 9µi.

San F ernando. M6nday, i\fonday,

Monday, Monda.y,

February 2nd.

April 20th. .Tune l5th . November 9th.


San Fernando. A judgc will sit in Cba.mbcr~ on thc sccond

n1:<l fourth \YeJn~~day~ in cach month when rcquircd.

T obago. Wednesday, March 25th.

Wednesday, August l 2th. \Vednesday, December 9th.

Page 12: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th

[Dec. 4, 1941.J 1897 ----· ·· ------ -- -----



IT is notified for general information that an Air Mail Service will be inaugurated from Port-of-Spain via Belem (Brazil), Natal (Brazil), Bathurst (Gambia), and Lagos (Nigeria), to Leopoldville (Belgian Congo). The first flight is expected to leave Port-of-Spain on thc 7th December, 1941, and mails will be closed at the General Post Office at 6 p.m. on Saturday, 6th December, 1941 .

2. The rates of postage will bc as follows: -Per half ounce.

Gambia, Liberia, Nigeria, French Equatorial Africa, Dahomey and Gold Coast 48 cents.

Belgian Congo 52 cents.

Kenya, Uganda, Tangany ika, Zanzibar, Northern and Southern Rhodesia 54 cents.

Nyasaland and Union of Sonth Africa 56 cents.

Angola 60 cents.

Sudan, Egypt and P alestine 80 cents.

3. First fiight Covers.

Senders may address first flight covers to themselves or to persons at addresses other than on the mute of ·füght so that they may be returned in the ordinary mails to the addressees after the first flight. The covers should be marked in the upper left hancl corner to show the dispatch desired ; that is, "Port-of-Spain to Bathurst, Lagos, or Leopoldvillc" as the case may be. In order that covers may not be withdrawn from the flight by Censor at points on the raute, no message shoulcl be contained in covers and they should not be sealed, the fia p to be folded inside.

A cachet will be applied to all covers posted in Trinidad.

General Post Office, Trinidad.

2nd December, 1941.

D. M. FRASER, Postmaster-General.

Page 13: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th


Gazette h<trurdinar7. BY . AUTHORITY.

VoL. 110.J PORT-OF-SPAIN, TRINIDA D, S .l TURD .-1 Y, DEOE.l/BER 6, 1941 [~o. 124


Ern EXcELLl·:~cr TB g Go\' t·: 1o;u1t lms hecn pleased to make t.he f.; Jt ,>wiug Onlet· :

Pensions f„r thc mnuth of Uecernbor, 1!.HI. will be paid a .s fro m 22nd Decembel'.

Gonn n1111:1ll. Con tract ur ,; a nd all otlicr p er.; o us lm dng :~t:con 11 ts ag-a ins t auy <1f the i'ublic Dep<trtm~·nts fvr ~ upplie:; bctween the I s t aml l.')t.h December , 1941, requeste<l to fübmit them to the HE:ads of thc sevcra l Departmuits in time to be fonrarded tu the Treasury ou ur bcfure t hc Hhh of Decemlh•r.

By C•Jmnrn.nd. J. HUGGlNS,

Coloniat Seci·ellH'f/. Culonial Secreta ry's Office,

-lth Deccmber, 194 1.- (N o i .)3. )


Gooos now 011 thc prohibitt!d !is t, which weru unh:n,11 prior to tlie ;jth Sep te mber, WH , which have been lost through Pne: my action, m:iy he rnp laccd, prnvidcd the importcr holds an Import J,i cence for such g•io<l~ .

Old Post Office Buikling , St. Vi l'Cen t Street,

Port-of-Spaiu . Hh December. 1941

H. B. SKINNER, Secnlary, Control Board.


Gift Parcels. 'l'tti.: PuLlic [3 athised that Gift P.1rcel.; . „tl ll' r t han tli 11 ;" :tddn ·.>~L'll tn nwrnbcrs of

Hili! Majesty's Forces, may not exceed i) llis. µ;rn os w•·i~ht. , a111l ma~· 11.i t e .1n ta.i11 more than 2 lbs. of any one foodstuff.

2 . Parcels not exci:c1liug .5 lh~ . g r• 1Ps 11·•„iglit :ire penuitted to l; e se11t wi tli•Jllt li cenee>

Old Post Office BnilJing, St . Vincent Strcet ,

Port-of-Spain. 4th Dec~~111her, l!H l .

R. B. SKlNNER, S"('n f•ll'!I, Co1tfro /. JJo·n·tl.

Page 14: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th

1 ! 1

, ~ ! ,



l 2TH DECEMBER1 1941. His ExcLd .. LE;\'CY !'HE GovER~~oH lrns dircctod the

publicatio11 of thc dr:tft of A Bill intit11led "An Ordinance relating t o thc i111positiou of Harho111· DHl~s and otlrnr dnes and providi11g for the c.ontrol and 111a.nagement of Govern­ment \Ylrn rn~s and goocls t.raftk in Port-of-Spain H arbonr," which it iH proposed to intr.:idnce iuto thc Legislative Council. 'J'he draft of the Bill is publishcd a,s a Supple­ment to tliü; Royal Gazette and c·opies may he purcbased from thc Gm·ernme11t Printer.

_\tteu t ion ];; i nvited particnlarly to Cla.trne 23 of the Bill, the effect of which will bt~ in substance that the new provisions as to .Dnes aud Charges will operate three months from thc clatc of publication of the Bill and that the remain­ing provisions wil l come into for<'.e as soon as the Bill bPcorne8 law.

An rxpr08i::ion of the views of pen;ons intNe8ted in the ohjed s of the Bill is he reby invited.

By Commancl,

.T HU(H"tINS, (XP. 7fi:~. ) ('11lonir1 1 8ef'1'f41u·.11.


Gift Parcels.


'THE Public i s advised that Gift. Parceh, not exceeding :5 lbs. i n wt>ight. o r $ l0 00 i11 rnhir• may b<! sent by post to the ßt·itish West Indian Islands and Canada, withont lieence.

'l'he pa.rcel must be clearly marked ·' Oift ".

L. SPENl'E, Ohl Po~t Office Building,

St . Vincent Mrcet, Po1t·

12th Decem her, J!l4 I . (2 irH . I

rrHE following h11.s been issued: -

,'Se1·,·etn r;i1, ('ontrol Bo•wd.

Priee - lf. c . .\ Ru.1. intitn le<l An Ordintrnce rebting to th ;o impositiou or Harbour Dum; an<l ollter duc·~ und

providing for the control and ma.nageruent of Government '\'lrnrno ancl goods tmflic in P o1·t ·of-Sprtin H1u·honr clfi



l'RJNTrm AND PU1ILISllEn BY A. L. RnonF.s, ~r.ll.E ., <lOVERNMli:NT PJuNTEII.

Page 15: GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. · With reference to the notice dated tlie 3lst Jfay and published in the Ro!jal Grttelte 011 tb .5th

' •




Stamp Duty Ordinance, Cap. 206.


, The Patents, Designs und Trade Marks-. Ordinance, Cap. 189.

(Laws of Trinida.d an d T obago, Vol. III.) No. 92 of 1941.

-- : WHERE~S an.application lrns been nrnde to m c f~r th~

N onclil is hereby given tbat a Licence to deal in : . ~egistra~1on of ~ ~rad~ Mar!>: (a repr~sentat10n of Stamps at the l.'efreshment bar situa.te at Pia.rco • wh1ch is pubhcly ex~1b1ted m this. office) m t he name

Airport, has ihis da.Y been issued to MR. ARTHUR of Chryslel' ?)rporation. a Corpo_ratwn of t !1e Sta~e of F.MLYN, Secreiary of Messrs. AngoRtura Biiiten, Ltd„ Dclaw~re, l mted States of Amcncri. ,mtd cl01ng bn~mess under Section B ~1) of Cap. 206. a~ No. <141 Mi:i:ssachusctts Avenu~ , H1ghla~1d Park, m the

City of Detroit, St ate of i\I1clngan, lJ nitecl St at es of . America, Manufacturers, who claim t o be the Proprie-

R- B. SKINNER, i tors tbereof, it is hereby notified that untess notice of Accounlant-Gmee1'al • . opposition to such registra tion be given to w e within

! three months from the datc of t hc first publication of '. this application such Trade Mark will be registeYed in 17th D~ember, 1941.

. _ . -··- -____ : Class 18 in rospect of "Air conditioning units fm: cooling, . heatiug, humidifying, dehmnidifying, circulating and i deodorfaing; radio.tors for heatinl( ; boilers ; humidi­; fiers ; condensing units (including compressors, motors, ) condensers, cooling coils) ; air rnoving equiprnent ; air , diffusing equipment ; fans ; blowers ; motors."

Post Office Notice.

I T is notified for gencral information tliat the Pasta' ! Dated at the Registra.r-General's Office, Port -of-Spain, Agency at Teteron B>ty has been closed as from &bis 16th day of Decembcr, 1941.

rnth Dccember, 1941. Corrcspondence addressed to SAMUEL A. H UGGINS, TetefOn Bay will bc forwai-dcd tu the Postal Agency a.t A.ct>ng Re,,i_.W!!!:


Postmaster-General. 1 Arima Borough Council.

General Post Office,

Port-of-SJJaill, Vlth Deecmhc1·, 1911.

i IN Acco&DANCE with t he provisions of Section 7 (3) of ! thc Arima Corporation Ordinance, No. ll of 1938, ! Public Notice is hcreby g iven that the Governor in '. Executivc Council has confirmcc[, u ndcr Section 7 (2) of : this Ordinance, thc z·eso lution passed by the Borough


Council of Arima on the 9 ~h of October, 1941, ext ending

1 the western houndary of the Borough of Arim a to

: include a portion of Industry E stat e comprising 44 acrcs, which was outside the boundary limit s of thc town.


The Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Ordinance, Cap. 189.

(Laws of Trinidad and Tobago, Vol. III.)

Ko. 91 of 1941.

W HKREAS a.n application has been made to me for the Registmtion of a Trade Mark (a representation of

'l'-hicn is publicly exhibited in this otlicc) in thc name of 1 l•'rcderick .Joseph Ayat of 10~ High ::itreet, Sa.n Fer- ! nando, and Hupert Chow, of lOi High Street, San ' l~ernando, tra-ding a.s Wing H ing Corupany, who claim to be the Proprietors thereof, it is he1·eby notified that unles~ notice of opposition to such registration bc given to im' within thrcc months from the date of the firsl, paLlic,>tion of this 3pplication such Trade Mark will Lc rcg-istereu in Clllss 42. in respcct of Condiments.

Town Hall, Arirna, mh December, 1941.

(2 ins.) SALAMAT ALi,

Tmon Olerk.


Tht: Motor Vehi<:les and R oad Tra:flic Ordinan ;es, J 9.~4-JrJ,']8 .

Lighti11g·-up hours for Vehic!P:-' ct.nd c,·cles for Ja.nuary, February an d M arch, 1942 .

L A1'JPS must be kept burn ing on all Vehicles while in use on all public roads throughout

thC' Colony hetween t.he followin µ- h ours :-Jan. 1942 from 6. 10 p.m. t o 6.00 a.lll. Feb. 194'l „ 6.20 p .rn. to ö.05 a.m. Mar. 194:./ 6.35 p.m . to 5.55 a.m.

PaLetl •~t the Registrar-Gcncral'~ Office, Port-of-Spain, ; this 13th clay of Dccember, 1941. ' W. A. MULLER, COLONEL,

1 Ccm1mis.•ioner of P otiee.

~AMUEL A. IIUGGIN8, Polle,• lieadquarters, Port-of-8r>ain,

.4.ctt~ Rtginmr. 1 lMll Decemller, 190.

'l'RHi'IDAD. ·-Printed ancl published by A. L. RHuDF-S, M.B.E„ Government Printer cvcry Thur~rl,'IY a t t tie (;0v~mment Printing Offl~e, No. •2, Victoria Avenue, Port-of-Spain. ' •
