Page 1: GARUDA INDONESIA’S LOGO THROUGH THE AGES · PDF fileGARUDA INDONESIA’S LOGO THROUGH THE AGES Being a well-established brand has played ... logo transformation through revision

184 History of Garuda Indonesia

Classic Garuda 1949–1969 Orange Logotype 1970–March 29, 1985


Being a well-established brand has played a big role in Garuda Indonesia’s success and evolution in the increasingly competitive commercial aviation industry. Its logo as an element of the brand has undergone a transformation to adapt to external changes and reflect the times. The result of this logo transformation through revision and rejuvenation has been applied to aircraft exteriors, advertisements, webpages, business cards, and other mediums, raising brand recognition across the board.

The Classic Garuda logo, which was used from 1949 to 1969, consists of the image of an eagle in black with the Indonesian flag on its wing, and ‘Garuda’ in red and ‘Indonesian Airways’ in black next to it. This logo was applied to aircraft exteriors, which were painted white on the top half with a red bar along the windows, giving the appearance of the Indonesian flag.

In 1970, Garuda Indonesia introduced a new logo, the Orange Logotype. The logo consists simply of ‘Garuda’ and ‘Indonesian Airways’ in a red and orange (tangerine) font. The application to aircraft exteriors took the form of red and orange lines along the windows and doors. This era marked a golden age of modernisation, fleet expansion and flight network expansion (domestically and internationally) for Garuda Indonesia.

Anticipating the open competition era of the aviation industry, in 1985 Garuda Indonesia changed its identity with the Modern Bird symbol. The logo features a modern image of the bird above or beside the company name used to

this day, ‘Garuda Indonesia’. Blue and green dominate the logo and represent the colours of Indonesia’s nature. The tagline ‘The Airline of Indonesia’ was also introduced in this period.

Entering a phase of sustainable growth and in line with the Quantum Leap strategy, Garuda Indonesia again conducted a corporate identity rejuvenation through the Corporate Identity (Brand) Refresh programme in 2009. The image of the bird remains, but the text ‘Garuda Indonesia’ is written in a new font that gives the overall logo a cleaner, more modern and integrated look.

In the era of this new logo, a new colour palette was also introduced, mixing the ‘cool’ colours of blue, green and tosca previously used with ‘warm’ colours such as orange. The warm colour is a reflection of Garuda Indonesia’s aviation business. Meanwhile, the neutral grey of the new font is more flexible so that it blends naturally with the new colour palette. The graphic element, ‘Nature’s Wing’, is featured on the tails of aircraft. The tagline ‘The Airline of Indonesia’ was reintroduced in 2012, primarily for international publications, to mark its role as a pioneer and its identity as the national flag carrier.

Kemampuan Garuda Indonesia untuk terus bertahan dan berkembang di tengah persaingan

industri penerbangan tidak lepas dari kekuatan brand yang dimilikinya. Agar dapat beradaptasi terhadap kondisi yang ada, logo sebagai bagian dari brand juga perlu bertransformasi. Hasil transformasi logo melalui perubahan dan penyegaran kemudian diaplikasikan seperti pada eksterior pesawat, iklan, website, kartu nama, dan sebagainya.

Classic Garuda sebagai logo pertama yang digunakan pada 1949-1969 terdiri dari gambar garuda klasik hitam dan bendera Indonesia di sayapnya, disertai tulisan “Garuda” berwarna merah dan “Indonesian Airways” berwarna hitam. Aplikasinya pada eksterior pesawat berupa warna putih di bagian atas dan garis merah memanjang di deretan jendela, melambangkan warna bendera Indonesia merah putih.

Pada 1970, Garuda Indonesia memperbarui logonya menjadi Orange Logotype. Logo ini terdiri dari tulisan “Garuda” dan “Indonesian Airways” berwarna merah dan oranye (tangerine). Aplikasi pada eksterior pesawat disertai garis merah dan oranye di sepanjang jendela dan pintu. Pada era ini, Garuda Indonesia mengalami salah satu masa kejayaannya melalui modernisasi dan penambahan armada serta ekspansi destinasi dan rute hingga internasional.

Guna mengantisipasi era persaingan terbuka industri penerbangan, maka pada 1985 Garuda Indonesia mengubah identitasnya menggunakan Modern Bird Symbol. Logo ini terdiri dari gambar burung yang modern dan tulisan “Garuda Indonesia”


Page 2: GARUDA INDONESIA’S LOGO THROUGH THE AGES · PDF fileGARUDA INDONESIA’S LOGO THROUGH THE AGES Being a well-established brand has played ... logo transformation through revision

185History of Garuda Indonesia

Modern Bird Symbol March 30, 1985–July 22, 2009 Brand Refresh July 23, 2009–present

(nama perusahaan yang dipakai sampai saat ini). Warna biru dan hijau yang dominan pada logo ini diambil dari warna alam Indonesia. Pada periode ini diperkenalkan tagline “The Airline of Indonesia”.

Memasuki fase pertumbuhan berkelanjutan serta strategi Quantum Leap, Garuda Indonesia melaksanakan peremajaan identitas perusahaan melalui program Corporate Identity (Brand) Refresh pada 2009. Gambar burung tetap digunakan, sedangkan tulisan “Garuda Indonesia” menggunakan font baru sehingga terlihat lebih clean, modern, dan sinergi dengan logo keseluruhan.

Pada era logo terbaru ini turut diperkenalkan pula new color palette, hasil dari perpaduan warna “dingin” seperti biru, hijau, dan toska yang telah ada sebelumnya dan warna “hangat” seperti oranye. Warna yang menunjukkan kesan hangat ini sejalan dengan bisnis Garuda Indonesia di bidang pelayanan. Sedangkan, warna netral abu-abu pada font baru membuatnya terlihat fleksibel sehingga dapat menyatu dengan warna pada new color palette. Elemen grafis “Nature’s Wing” turut ditampilkan pada ekor pesawat. Tagline “The Airline of Indonesia” kembali digunakan pada 2012 khususnya untuk publikasi di forum internasional sebagai penanda kepeloporan dan identitas maskapai pembawa bendera bangsa.
