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Page 1: Gardening Tips for April

April Tips

Page 2: Gardening Tips for April

April is an exciting time of the year with spring finally in full flow. After a cold and wet winter many of us welcome the

growth in our gardens with welcome arms and look forward to the longer and lighter evenings spent relaxing in a fresh and colourful garden. This is a very important time of year

for your garden and to make the most of this tranquil setting it is important that you act carefully on the advice

given in this presentation.

Page 3: Gardening Tips for April


• Start feeding the lawn

• Prune back any dogwoods and roses leaving them to blossom throughout the summer.

• Begin planning the design; select a beautiful colour scheme and stunning layout.

• Become aware of which flowers prefer sun or shade, acidic or alkali soil and wet or well-drained spots; locate appropriately.

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• Use a half moon edging iron to redefine lawn edges then put any off-cuts onto a compost heap.

• Prepare soil a month before you sow or turf new lawns.

• When laying the new turf stager the joints and brush a peat or sand mixture between the cracks.

• Keep newly laid turf moist until the new roots grow into the soil this can be done using a sprinkler.

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•A curtain net, garden fleece or polythene may need to be thrown on early flowering shrubs for protection.

• Gladioli corms should be planted six inches deep on a handful of sand or garden grit.

• Sow seeds of hardy annuals in their flowering position e.g. nasturtium, calendula, lavatera and cornflowers .

• Vegetables can be sown outdoors, e.g. Peas, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, onions, spinach, turnips and parsnips.

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• Use well-rotted manure on rose beds as a food and also as a mulch.

•Abundant flowers will also be provided using an ounce of sulphate of potash, this will also help to build ripe wood.

• The woody stems of hardy fuchsias should be cut down.

• To avoid aphids and scab disease spray fruit trees as necessary.

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Here at Gardeneer we understand that not everyone has the time to create their perfect garden themselves and

therefore we offer a ‘one-stop service’ where we will design and create the garden of your dreams. We will work with you all the way to ensure that you are delighted with the

final result. Not only will we plant any lawns, shrubs, trees or flowers that you may desire, at Gardeneer we also

provide fences, patios and driveways.

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