
G5AIAIIntroduction to Artificial Intelligence

Graham Kendall

Course Introduction

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

• You are a caveman (or woman)

• I travel back in time and bring you a Pentium IV PC and show you some of the things it is capable of doing.

• Question : Would you, as a caveman, consider the computer to be intelligent?

• Hands up if you think the computer is intelligent?

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

• Now we are in the present day

• I show you the same Pentium III PC and show you some of the things it is capable of doing.

• Question : Would you, as a computer science student, consider the computer to be intelligent?

• Hands up if you now think the computer is intelligent?

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

• We are still in the present day, but we are at the end of this lecture course.

• Just before I leave the final lecture, I peel away my face and reveal I am an android. As an android I have just delivered a 24 hour lecture course and answered all your questions.

• Question : Would you, as a computer science student, consider me to be intelligent?

• Hands up if you think I am intelligent?

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Course Introduction

• Course– Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

• Lecturer– Graham Kendall

[email protected]

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Course Introduction

• Web Page–


• Second / Third Year Projects

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Course Context

G5AIAIIntroduction to AI


Intelligence Methods

G5BAIP Artificial Intelligence


D53DIA Designing Intelligent Agents

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Who Can Attend? (This year)

• Introduction to AI– First/Second Year Option

• Artificial Intelligence Methods– Second/Third Year Option

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Course Introduction

• Last Years Course– Good Points

• Handouts/Notes

• Summary of Each Lecture

• Willingness to Answer Questions

– Bad Points• Speak Properly (Louder, Clearer, Faster, Slower)

• Did Not Summarise Lectures

• More Coursework Needed

• Feedback on Coursework Needed

• Course content was too much / too little

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Course Introduction

• Lectures– 15 (ish)

• Lecture Times and Locations– Monday 13:00 (CTF-LT2)

– Friday 11:00 (CTF-LT3)

• Assessment– 25% Coursework

– 75% examination (2 hours)

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Aims of the Course

• Define what we mean by AI (or at least give us a working definition for this course)

• Write “AI” programs that– Explore search spaces using both blind and heuristic

search techniques

– Implement Neural Networks (perceptron)

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Aims of the Course

• This is very much a practical course. Although we will touch upon the philosophical issues we will not dwell on this area of AI.

• This course is more concerned with writing useful AI programs than discussing if a computer is intelligent or not.

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction


• Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach (AIMA) (Russell/Norvig)

Much of the material for this course is from this book. If you are going to buy a

book, then get this one.

(Web site has an amazon link)

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction


• Artificial Intelligence (Rich/Knight)– This used to be the “standard” AI text book but AIMA

is now taking its place – in my view

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction


• Artificial Intelligence (Winston)– As for Rich/Knight

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction


• Artificial intelligence : Structure and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving (Luger/Stubblefield)

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction


• Computational Intelligence (Poole/Mackworth/Goebel)– As good as AIMA but came out later

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Useful Reading

• The Essence of Artificial Intelligence (Cawsey)

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Useful Reading

• Seven Methods for Transforming Corporate Data into Business Intelligence (Dahr/Stein)

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Useful Reading

• Artificial Intelligence and Computer Games (Richard Bartle)

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Useful Reading

• Computer Gamesmanship (David Levy)

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Neural Networks

• The Essence of Neural Networks (Callan)

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Neural Networks

• Neural Network (Davalo)

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Neural Networks

• Fundamentals of Neural networks (Fausett)

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Proposed Lecture Schedule

• See Web Site

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Coursework Schedule

• Coursework– Is already available

– It does involve programming

– Closing date is 4th December, but with an automatic weeks extension!

– No further extensions

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction


• Examination Rubric– You are expected to answer one of the

two questions from section A and three of the five questions from section B.

G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Are these AI??



G5AIAI Course IntroductionG5AIAI Course Introduction

Course Introduction FinishedNow the hard work starts
